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Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height and the reach of your arm to help the wandmakers find the best fitting wand. Whether you'll be receiving your first wand or are in need of a new one, step on over to be fitted and measured!
⌦ In order to receive a wand, please take the WAND QUIZ ONCE for each character you wish to receive a wand. Then, post your character being measured by the "hovering measuring tape" ONCE in this thread. See the example post below.
⌦ You may role play the Magical measuring tape, but you may not role play for the shopkeepers.
⌦ After submitting the wand quiz and posting in this thread, please wait for your post to be edited with a link to the 'Counter and Wand Fittings' thread where a shop worker will assist you and your character in finding their perfect wand match. You must RP to get your wand.
⌦ If you have any questions, feel free to PM either Rose (Roselyn) or Tegan (Tegz) and we'll try to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as we can.
SPOILER!!: example post
Jessica went into Ollivanders with more than her share of nerves, it was time for her first wand! The eleven year old made her way over to the measuring area and waited for her turn. Soon enough the measuring tape reached her and began zipping about, straightening with a snap and measuring out her height and, when she held her arms out, she watched it take a measurement of how long they were too. Fun! Did that mean her wand would be as big as her whole arm?
The girl stepped away from the measuring area and she eagerly headed to the front for the shopkeeper to find her wand.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Dash was excited. He really was. Not for himself, but for his son. Hands pushed in his pocket, Dash looked over at Althea a slight smile already on his lips. Kyroh had been talking about getting a wand since he was two years old. No really. Of course he had to distract the boys attention and attempt to make him forget about the word, for the simple reason that having a two year old yelling about wands in Muggle presence was not that smart, but still.
Kyroh was shaking. Just a bit. Just a little bit. He couldn't believe it. He really couldn't. Wand time. Wand. His own. Wand. Olivanders. Wand. "What if someone else already got the wand that wanted to choose me? What if now a wand doesn't chose me?" He didn't know who he was asking. He was just asking. And holding onto Althea's hand tight, tugging at it frequently. Tug. Tug. " What happens if you lose a wand? What if I break it?"
"It's pretty hard to break a wand." Dash answered chuckling. Maybe the all the syrup on the pancakes this morning was a bad idea.
"You broke your wand! Your old one!" That was a fact. He had told him so himself."Mum, can I change my wand if it doesn't do what I want it to? I mean I know I'm the one who controls it but if some are good at like Transfiguration and I want it to be good at Charms can I change it? " Kyroh asked looking at Althea this time. Huh? Hmmmm!?? The eleven year old didn't wait for an answer though. As soon as the words came out of his mouth a group of people moved to the side to reveal an area where measuring tape hovered in mid air. So of course seeing that, Kyroh was gone.
Running over the boy began to giggle, his eyes lighting up with excitement as the tape began to travel up his right arm but quickly left it for his left one, and even around his stomach. "How does this-" The tape went limp measuring his height for a few seconds before it rushed up, turning itself into a rather uncomfortable headband as it began to measure Kyroh's skull."I don'tt-" The tape travelled down to his leg and then the length of his left arm once more before it returned to its normal hovering position.
"I...don't even know what just happened....but can I do it again?!"
After struggling through the throngs of people outside, up the street and then back down it when he realized he must have passed it, Ezra made it to Ollivander's. It would have been so much easier if his mom or dad had came with him but that wasn't the point. Ez wanted to do things on his own now. He was going to be away from them for nearly a year (apart from breaks) and would basically have to fend for himself, unless he could trick a House Elf to come work for him.
But all thoughts of commandeering a worker elf poofed from the boy's head as he pushed open the door to the wand shop. It was crowded too but for some reason it was much quieter--like some ancient magic was at work, that or everyone else was as mesmerized as Ezra was. Another boy and his mom and dad (Kyroh) were in line in front of him and seemed to be getting him his first wand. His parents looked proud, but Ezra was more excited to see what the hovering measuring tape would do.
Oh and now it was his turn, his turn to get HIS OWN WAND! He marched up to the floating tool and stood waiting for it to move. It quickly wrapped itself around his scrawny torso like a serpent, sped down his leg, measured the length of his left arm from wrist to armpit, and then proceeded to squeeze his brains from his cranium. "Urgh." The thing then floated back to its resting place but not before Ezra performed a half-hearted karate chop in its general direction.
Walking hand and hand with her father, Nola wasn't really looking forward to getting her wand. For some reason she just didn't want one. It's not like she didn't want to learn how to do magic, because she DEFINITELY wanted to learn how to do magic. Nola just didn't want a wand. It was one more thing for her to keep track of.
Nola tried acting as if she were glued to her father's side but eventually he lightly pushed her towards the growing group of students. As annoyed as she was for him throwing out to the wolves, Nola found interest in the tape measure that moved on it's own and ignored her father's laughing when she jumped as the tape measure began her measurements.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-15-2014 at 12:47 AM.
Coriana was so nervous as she gingerly stepped into the shop. She immediately headed for the measuring area. This is so awesome! Finally get to have my own wand! She smiled as the measuring tape headed her way and immediately held her arms out to be measured. The tape swirled, snapped, and wizzed around her before stopping a moment and then heading off to the next person. Coriana grinned and quickly headed towards the front to find out what her wand would be while her parents watched from the door.
People. There were people EVERYWHERE. Luckily for her, she managed to move pass the crowds and made it to Ollivander's, even though she lost her brother around Flourish and Blotts. Beside she didn't her brother to hold her hand all the time. She's eleven and she's getting her first wand, that mean she's WAY too old for holding your brother's hand thing.
Candice went straight to the Measuring Area. She can't wait to get her hand on her wand. HER FIRTS WAND! She didn't need to steal her father's anymore. She was going to do great things with her wand. When its her turn to be measured, she stood still while the measuring tape measured the length of her arms, her legs and her head before it went back to where it came from. Does the measuring tape need to measured her brain too? She hoped not.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Sophia's lips were a thin line and as usual she looked like she'd hex you into oblivion if you so much as brushed against her too hard for her liking, which of course normally kept wizards from doing so when she walked through crowded areas. She hadn't been in a wand with a child in so long that it made her a little uncomfortable. All the parents around were...younger, though looking at her now, you couldn't tell that she was a decrepit near death thing only a few weeks ago. She sighed and looked down at her daughter who didn't sport such a severe expression.
In contrast Ariana was wearing a bright smile and everyone who passed her got it. She was so excited about getting her first real wand. Sparkler wands didn't count right? Of course she could have gotten with her dad but she'd gotten everything with him and her mum had promised to take her to achieve this very special mile stone.
She entered the shop before her mother and looked around. Wow lots of people. Maybe her mother could do something. She looked up at her expectantly.
Paige paced nervously outside before being pushed inside by the crowd of students and shoppers. It was unexpectedly quiet, though the term was right around the corner, and Paige's heart was in her throat. The shelves were dusty, looking like they hadn't been touched in decades, in a million years actually. She made her way to the counter nervously and softly rested her hand on the bell. The loud ding that seemed to reverberate off the walls made her want to scurry away, but she remained diligent, trying to harvest her courage.
Oswin walked in to the shop very nervous and shaking a bit. A tape measurer floated in the middle of the room. Oswin walked over to it curious. Then it started measuring every part of her body. "what is going on?" Oswin asked as the tape measurer went still again. She looked around slightly puzzled but put on a brave face and continued.
Abel was excited, MORE than excited! Though it would have been nice to have some help from his mom sometimes, as he was still a little confused on what he should be buying. Well, the list says wand, the store says wands. How hard could this be? Abel started to make his way to the front, all the while feeling that tight knot in his chest, he had never been around so many people in this small of a space. Finally reaching the counter Abel looked around, still unsure, started talking "Yeah uh.. I'm here to buy a wand." He called out like he was talking to air. Abel realized how dumb he sounded, everyone was here for a wand!
Tommy skipped into the wand shop eagerly. He wasn't very sure if he should be scared or excited about getting his wand. He looked around the crowded space until he found the measuring area. All the kids around him seemed to be taller than him.
And just as he was worrying about height, a measuring tape wiggled its way over to him. He watched it curiously as it started measuring his height and the length of his arms. He managed to get a quick look at the numbers. Grr, he hadn't grown at all in the last two days.
When it was done it seemed to nod at him before buzzing off. He then went off to find the shopkeeper and his new wand.
Lucy arrived determined and excited in the store wand. She was very excited about getting his wand! His parents chose to wait outside to let her quiet in a moment so exciting. Rang a small bell in front of her ..There was no one there but herself. An old wizard came suddenly, his face stern but nice ..the meter was suspended next to him ..
The meter started to measure the length of the arm. She watched silently
"great ... really great!" she thought as the tape was wrapped around his arm and his ankle..
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Stupid freakin' brother.
He was still grumbling as he made his way down the crowded street, peering at each shop as he passed them. Because of that boy's RECKLESS behaviour, he needed another wand??? Grayson couldn't believe he was related to someone so STUPID. On top of that, his mum had flat out refused to get him that new, trendy leather jacket that he wanted so badly. All the cool kids in Beauxbatons were wearing them but did his mum understand? NooooOOOoooo.
The boy was glad to be rid of the crowd in the street as he stepped into the wand shop. The street wasn't good for people-watching but this shop definitely was. N'awww, look at all these little gremlins getting their wands. Titchy, they were. And full of all these hopes and dreams that the boy could crush later.
Making his way forward, Grayson smirked when the measuring tape floated out towards him and started measuring him up. His eyes shifted to look up and around the store instead. Uh huh. Boxes. Wands. And one of them was GOING to be HIS. One that was saying as far away from his brother as possible; Merlin knows, he couldn't afford to have another wand broken.
Er. Was the measuring tape done yet? He wanted a WAND.
Angel couldn't believe it, she was going to get her very first wand, this was awesome she would be like those people on t.v she watched all the time, she knew it was going to be amazing.
*bounce* *bounce* *bounce*
Angel couldn't hid her excitement as she walked into the shop and then waited as it seemed a measuring tap was measuring her..
Was the measuring tape actually moving on it's own, because she thought it was and was a bit scared by that, when she had got measure her parents had to hold the tape and do it themselves this tape seemed to be having fun all on it's own and it was scaring Angel a bit, she was hoping it would finish soon.
Selena walked into the shop quite nervous and excited but tried not to let it show on her face.
Before she had time to do or say anything a measuring tape made its way over to her. At first she was shocked and a bit scared. As anyone would be if a flying measuring tape made its way over to you and measured you on its own!
Then she remembered her older sister telling her about it so she calmed down a bit.
Sofia rushed straight through the door and nearly into a couple of people just inside "OHNO I'm sorry" she flustered in their general direction before making her way towards the magical tape measure. She tried her best to stand still while it went about its work but she was sure it gave her a few tapes on the wrist every time she jiffled too much. Being still never was a strong point of hers, she would have to work on that before it got her into trouble at school.
Coral-Bay slipped into the shop and took her place at the back of the measurements line with shaky, fidgety hands. She broke her wand. Well.. she didn't break it. Something else did. But she didn't want to think about that now. She didn't want to cry. Especially when Hallie wasn't here for her to hide her face in.
Was the wand maker going to yell at her? It wasn't her fault!
She sighed and stepped up to the magical measuring tape, keeping perfectly still as it zoomed around her and took her measurements.
He or she or.. whoever. They were going to yell. She was convinced of it. Mummy and daddy already did. And so did Cristo. But Hallie didn't. She supposed this was sort of a punishment in a way. But it wasn't her fault. She could yell back if they weren't older. But they were.
So she fidgeted more, this time focusing on her little dragon claw rings, and waited for the measuring tape to finish up it's job.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Holy kneazle! Perhaps she should come back when things were not so busy...all the loud chitter chatter and overly enthusiastic youths were overwhelming. Suffocating even. Kiera's brow knotted and her fingers wove themselves together with one another as she stood there in the doorway for several long moments before her feet moved on their own accord towards the magical measuring tape. Truth be told, while she wanted to just turn and go, she really could not afford another day at the sanctuary without a proper wand.
"Oh...um...hello...there...hello," she gasped as the measuring tape began to weave its way around her. It tickled a little, all this zigging and zagging, which made her giggle and squirm a bit in place until it was finally done and then she could breathe again.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Jess walked through the door and nearly jumped back as the tape came zooming by and began measuring her. She decided to remain still after noticing the odd looks she was receiving. Eyes glaring at the tape for invading her personal space
Tegz: waiting for character name in profile/postbit before responding
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-22-2014 at 10:29 PM.
Arielle was finally a first year. She had been waiting for this moment for FOREVER, because her parents would not shut up about it since she could understand what they were saying. The first place she ran to when she got to Diagon Alley was Ollivander's. When she opened the shop door and heard the bell ring, she let the door shut behind her and bounced right over to the measuring tape. She stared in awe as the tape measured her in every which way, on every part of her body. She couldn't wait til she got her first wand!
Florence strolled into the shop, eyes flitting about, trying to take in every detail. Soon after walking in, she was greeted by a flying measuring tape. She did her best to comply with the tape's wishes, holding out this and stretching out that. All she could do was wonder about what kind of wand she'd get.
Noel walked into the wand shop, a little less excited than the last time he was here. After all you know, the first time was the FIRST. This was the second time.
"But your mum said, you stay with your wand for life, how did you break yours, Noel," Noel's rather muggle dad asked, a frown in place.
"I sat on it, dad," the twelve year old said casually - moving to stand in line to the measuring area. Of course he sat on it so he could get a new one, but he was just going to omit this information. When his turn came, the boy stood in place and let the measuring tape do his thing.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Alice practically tore the door to Ollivander's off its hinges she opened it so quickly. Stepping inside her smile fell, there were a lot of people waiting to get wands. This could take a while.
Suddenly, Alice noticed something flying around in the air. It looked like a measuring tape. Curious, she reached out to touch it. The measuring tape zoomed in her direction. The tape coiled itself around Alice's body, taking in every measurement it could.
Once finished, the measuring tape disappeared into the back of the shop.
Alice sat in a chair happily and waited, having a feeling that the tape was going to get her wand right then.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Arista bounced into Ollivanders she had heard stories about the magic that happens in here!!! And now look she was here!!! To get her wand, her very own, very first wand! She was so excited! This was her first stop too! Well second her mum made her go get the books first, but that didn't count it was forced.
Ariel couldn't help but have a grin plastered on her face as she walked her daughter up to the door of Ollivanders, she hadn't been here since the summer before her first year it was strange. Very strange! "Arista, don't just stand there walk a bit forward, you have to be measured." She called over at her daughter who decided she would stop in the door frame.
Arista shot a glance back at her mother before nodding and walking forward. Suddenly the measuring tape appeared, it started measuring her. As it did its work, Arista couldn't help but let out several giggles as it went around every inch of her body. So now that she had been measured, it was wand time!!? Tegz: Ira has replied to your charrie here
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-25-2014 at 03:25 AM.
Agatha walked into the shop and was pleased to go straight to the measuring area. No waiting and she liked that. Besides, she wanted a NEW wand already. A good, proper wand. FINALLY. Because that old, rubbish one she had was rubbish. An Ollivanders one was all she needed and wanted.
Once she got to the right place, the measuring tape started doing its job by itself and Agatha simply stood there, stretching her arms when necessary and stuff. She had a smug and superior look on her face because she was feeling awesome and would finally get the best wand ever!
Though this tape was being a bit silly in her opinion. Why did it need her nose measure anyway? Frown.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-25-2014 at 03:25 AM.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Aubrey was here for her magical stick and she was pretty much jumping up and down in excitement. She was still in shock that this was all real and that it was actually happening to her. She noticed that there were a few people in front of her and normally that wouldn't really bother her, but she was SO anxious to get her very own magic stick. She started humming loudly and tapping her foot, not in a rude way, but rather in an excited way.
All of a sudden this measuring tape came out of nowhere and started to measure her. "Cool." Life was going to be so much easier in this new world. "That tickles." She wondered if she was actually going to be able to talk to a person. "Hello there measuring tape... I need a magic stick." Aubrey gave it a knowing wink.