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Magical Measuring Area [Term 34-38] Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height and the reach of your arm to help the wandmakers find the best fitting wand. Whether you'll be receiving your first wand or are in need of a new one, step on over to be fitted and measured! |
Bart flew into the wand shop way ahead of his mother. He had broke away from her. This was going to be so AWESOME and he just couldn't wait for her slow walking to get here. Finally he didn't have to keep borrowing his grandfathers wand as he napped. He was going to have his very own.. His very own wand. This was the coolest day ever. Now he could really make his frogs do different things, well once he fully learned the spells, but Bart would never admit he didn't really learn them yet. Looking around the shop Bart he looked behind him to see his mother enter. He hoped she wouldn't embarrass him. Why couldn't his dad have taken him back home. There was a wand shop in Sydney. Why did his mom have to move to London. Oh well Bart was just happy that friend of hers wasn't with them. Seeing his mother point towards an ares Bart bounded over. Stepping into the measuring area, Bart's smile grew as the measuring tape zoomed over. He held out his arms and watched as it moved around him. Getting every inch of measurement it needed. Laughing and jumping back a bit.. It tickled okay. He was allowed to be ticklish. Bart stepped back into place for the measuring tape again. Once it was finished he stepped away and looked eagerly at the shelves and at his mother. "Do I get my wand now.. How long is this gong to take.. The measuring is done... " He couldn't even control his excitement. Tegz: Ira has responded here for you |
Yaaay a wand. Charlie was happy. He was beaming. This would mean he was a real wizard now. Well once the measuring tape thingy had done its job. He just stood there letting it do it. He hoped it would hurry up, he was getting hungry. All that ice cream wasn't going to eat itself in the ice cream shop. Mmmmm ice cream. He began to drool slightly dreaming about the ice cream. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
This was the day Lewis was going to get his first wand.He was so excited!! He opened the door and walked into the shop. He looked around and then walked over to the measuring area. The measuring tape started flying around him , getting all types of measurements such as his height , or the length of his arms. It was kinda awkward for him , as the measuring tape hit him in the face more than once. He wanted to get his wand as quickly as possible , but the measuring tape was surely taking its time. Lewis thought of all the things he will be able to do with his new wand! He surely was excited! He made sure to stand straight , in case the measuring tape made some mistakes. But after a few minutes , to Lewis's relief , the tape stopped flying around him. The measurements were made. Tegz: Ira has responded to you here |
"Come ON Mum!" Benzi leaned all his weight against his mum, trying to get her to move FASTER. Time wasn't standing still and HE NEEDED A WAND. How did she not understand this? HE NEEDED IT. Giving up, he ran ahead and reached up to pull open the door, his jaw slacking at the sudden silence of the wand shop. Whoaaaaaaaa..... His legs lead him towards where all the other children were, and he JUMPED when a THING started flitting around him. "MERLIN'S UNDIEPANTS," he startled, staring at the little measuring thingy as it.. well, measured him. COOOOOOOOL. Tegz: Ira has responded to you hereeeee, and welcome back! |
Adeline entered the wand shop tentatively with her father trailing not far behind. The two looked like polar opposites standing in the ancient shop - Adeline wearing black capris and a zebra printed top with a light lilac robe around her...and her father in a dark grey suit. Adeline grinned at the people and just the general atmosphere of the shop and skipped over to where others were awaiting their turn to be measured. Her father sat down on a chair by the door, looking around a bit bored. When Addy stepped up to be measured, she pushed her long blondish hair behind her shoulders and held out her arms as the somewhat-grimy yellow tape measure went to work on her arms, legs, head, nostrils - you name it! She bit her lip a bit with excitement. This was it!! Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
we might do this twice with an 11-year-old in my head *twitches* Josephina felt WEIRD being here. She hadn't stepped foot into Ollivander's in over twenty years. Not like she needed a wand in that time, because she had her unicorn hair wand and it served her quite well. But as with all things overtime, they wear out. Things happen. Dementors happen. She should have been more vigilant, but how could she have predicted such events to have taken place? The numbers didn't show anything of such magnitude. Well, if she were being perfectly honest, she didn't check. She failed!! Her students, her colleagues, herself mostly! What kind of numbers person WAS she, that didn't check the numbers?! Her thoughts astray to what could have been, she completely ignored the magical measuring tape as it bent and turned and rotated all around her. It was doing its job; unlike what she FAILED to do. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. "Am I done yet?" the woman spoke, as she finally took note of the shopkeeper, who probably thought she was MAD. Perhaps she was mad, but the worst part is that she was an educator ... Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
Faylinn quietly crept into the old and dusty wand store. A bell above her chimed as the door opened, announcing her presence, not that anybody would have noticed her in the light periwinkle dress and the casual black robe she wore that day. Despite coming to Diagon Alley early in the day, it was already full of students new and old purchasing supplies for Hogwarts. Standing in front of the entry way, Faylinn looked longingly over her shoulder and down the street that led to Gringotts. Her and her father parted there only moments ago. He had to attend to some business and even though Faylinn was only eleven, he thought she was old enough to do her school shopping on her lonesome. She contemplated exiting the shop and finding her father and beg him to accompany her, but quickly got over the thought and turned back around to face the inside of the shop. She walked slowly around the place, watching the floating measuring tapes zip this way and that. She came to an abrupt stop when one of them flew up to her and started measuring her arm! And fingers! And leg? And so forth until it stopped and zoomed off to find it's next victim. "Strange little things..." Faylinn whispered to herself with admiration. They were fascinating in a strange and unusual sort of way. "Now to find a shopkeeper..." Tegz: Ira has replied here |
Petra opened the door to the rickety old shop and rolled her eyes as she heard the bell atop of the door chime. "Figures.." Petra whispered to herself. She walked around the store looking at the various decorations the store had hanging up. She manuvered her way around several people so as to not bump into anybody. Just th en Petra saw something zooming around the store. It must be that tape measure mother told me about. So Petra stood stopped in her tracks to observe a picture but no sooner than she could take a step.. Whoosh..Whoosh the tape measure was whizzing around her taking measurements of her arms.. fingers.... head... on and on it went until at last the tape got to her feet and almost as if the tape measure was looking up at Petra it zoomed off to another person. "Well I guess that's it I will just wait for the shopkeeper.." Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
Helena walked curiously into the wand shop. She had just found out she was a witch and was very excited about getting her wand! Her parents chose to wait outside and allow her to take the first steps toward being a witch by herself. Above her, a small bell tinkered, echoing through the shop. There was no one there but herself. Directly in front of her was a tape measure suspended in midair. She walked up to it and noticed that it was quivering slightly. Then, without warning, it show straight at her face. Helena leaned backward quickly and the tape measure started measuring her arm length. She watched it go about its business. "Curious... how very curious!" she said as the tape wound about her ankles. It finished its job and became suspended in the air once more. Tegz: Ira has responded here |
Adi practically ran into Ollivander's. He was so excited about getting his wand! So after he collected some money from his Mom, who was going to catch up with him in a while as he was in too much of a hurry to wait as she chatted with a friend, he made his way to the wand shop as fast as his legs would carry him. "Wooow!'' the soon to be first year exclaimed, staring at the measuring tape, which had been the first thing to catch his eyes. Sure he had seen magic before but never a measuring tape flitting around. As Adi stood staring, the tape came zooming up to him and began measuring his height. He began to laugh and held out his left hand. "I'm a leftie!'' The tape seemed to have realised what he was saying (because really, a tape can't hear, can it?), for it began to measure his arm. Now it was measuring around his head, neck and feet. Still laughing in total awe of the tape, Adi watched as it zoomed off. Tegz: Ira has responded here |
Fern stood stiffly in the measuring area, keeping her spine straight and shoulders back as the measuring tape did its job. She tried not to glance out the window looking onto the alley, where her Uncle Carl was giving her a double thumbs up and grinning broadly. He had shouted, "GOOD LUCK FERN!" when she had entered the shop, even though she'd begged him to go get Jelly Slugs or Fizzing Whizzbees or whatever at Sugarplum's Sweet Shop because she was 11-years-old and a grown up now. Her ears were pierced and everything. It was obvious. The measuring tape zipped back into its case, and floated off. Not letting her posture droop, Fern readjusted the hem on her T-shirt. It was her favorite one, with The Hexy Boyz written in sparkly hot pink lettering; she'd used the very last of her allowance to buy it at the end of their May concert in London. Seeing the band on stage was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Tegz: Ira has responded here |
Sophie grinned and rocked backward on her heels one good time before pacing the floor again. She was way too excited about her first wand. Oh, what great things she was going to do with this wand! Her mind filled with all the magic she'd create with just the whip of her wand. She was just about to look back at her mom and ask once again when it'd be her turn, when...well, it finally was. She dashed forward and waited for that measuring tape to do its magic. It whipped around her, and she wanted to follow it by turning around and around, but it was just too fast. Once she thought she might turn around, the tape had whipped back around. Maybe she shouldn't move. What if the tape thought she was shorter? Or taller? That could make magical messes for years to come! So with that, she stood perfectly still and waited for the tape to hurry it up. Tegz: Ira has responded here |
After popping by Gringotts, Ollivander's was the absolute first place she had to visit. She needed a WAND. Her OWN wand. A wand that would pick HER and be attuned to HER and DO EVERYTHING SHE WANTED IT TO DO. It was going to be her first of many friends she'd have at Hogwarts. It was the beginning of everything and she couldn't WAIT much longer than she already had since she was born so Sophie Mae Brown shoved through the crowds and rushed into the shop so hurriedly that someone might've thought she had just robbed the bank she had come from. And Sophie knew the drill. She made a beeline for the measuring area, stuck her arms out to the sides purposefully, then tilted her head back to face the ceiling and closed her eyes, a content smile on her face as she basked in the glory of the moment as the measuring tape measured her from head to toe. "I'm right-handed," she supplied helpfully to the magical tape, eyes still closed, to clarify since both arms were extended. The other one was just there for balance. And the theatrics of the moment. SHE WAS GOING TO GET HER WAND. HER OWN WAND. SOON. REALLY SOON. Sophie began to bounce on the spot. Tegz: Ira has responded here |
Caleb had been doing some random shopping with his dad, stopping at the candy store and whatnot, but now was the IMPORTANT part - getting his wand! THIS is what made him a real wizard. THIS was the important part! He practically bounded into the shop and quickly read the signs before heading over to the measuring area as instructed. He spotted his sister and gave her a quick, excited wave as one of the measuring tapes floated over to him. He held out his arms, just as his dad had shown him how to do, and watched as the measuring tape measured his arms, then his legs, and then his head and stuff. Why did his head need to be measured? Caleb could hardly contain his excitement. OK SHOPKEEPER WHERE WAS HIS WAND??? Tegz: Ira has responded here |
Marigold was a bit grumpy now that she was in Ollivander's looking for her second wand. Not that she didn't like getting a wand and such, but she wished her old wand lasted for more than a year. Oh, well, what else could be expected with a new kitten. She skipped over to the measuring area and noticed where the tape measured. Arms, legs, nose, head, et cetera. Well, she knew this procedure. Urgh, why was she being so awful in her thoughts? This was FUN. Smile. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
The blasted tape measure would be more annoying if Matt wasn't already so excited to get her wand. It's the first step to total world domination, right here. A real milestone. The tape measure looped around her jutted hips, her knobby knees, and Mathilde got peeved off for a moment when it measured around her neck. Were they planing to cut her head off or something? She totally glared at the object when it was done, feeling thoroughly violated. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
Cutty was small, very small for his age. He almost didn't look like a firstie. So when he entered the shop he found incredible flexibility in is neck as he observed the mostly vertical arrangement of the tiny-from-the-outside looking shop. An eager grin was plastered across his monkey-like face which stretched from very large ear to very large ear as he hopped over to the fitting area. He stood up straight and held his arms out feeling that they would need to be measured. It was then that the tape flittered about him taking measurements of his fingers, shoulders and knees so quickly that Cutty had shut his eyes for part of it fearing that they may be injured during. He did open them in time to see the tape press itself upon the middle of his brow and shoot out to take a measurement of his nose. Was this normal? When it was all over, Cutty straightened up in a manner which suggested he was gathering his dignity from a minutes worth of flinching entirely too much for his taste. ooc: I realize the shop is very busy atm, so ladies please take your time in responding to this post. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
So, this was it. Here, in this musty old shop full of dog-eared boxes and looming cobwebs and people that smelt weird, was where it all went down. She'd been here before, of course. A couple of times, whenever her mother had needed her wand repaired or replaced. But this was her first time on her own. And it all seemed a little bigger somehow, like the air was heavier and smelt a little sweeter. Cause this was her time. This was where she'd get her first wand. No one else's. Hers. Although she probably could've done without the tape. It kept pulling too tight and poking her in the armpit. She kept her eyes trained forwards as it measured her, regardless, trying her very best to look like this wasn't the least bit exciting, like she'd been here a thousand times before. But even her best efforts at a poker face could not prevent the tiniest of grins from tugging at her lips. She'd gone over it a thousand times in her head, what you had to do. How 'the wand chooses the wizard'. Even so her mind was in overdrive, running through the so-called 'Wand-Choosing Mental Exercises' her brother had taught her that summer when he was visiting from Sweden. She eyed the room, somewhat desperately, seeking out a shopkeeper that could get her the one material thing she truly wanted. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
It was finally time to get measured and get his first and only wand ever. Dylan's heart was racing wildly as he entered the shop, his palms a bit sweaty. Quickly wiping his hands on his pants, he glanced around at all the boxes and boxes of wands upon the shelves. Wow, how many were there?! This place was filled with them. He stood in line along with the other first years, waiting his turn to be measured. Once the last one was measured, he stepped up and watched in awe as the magical measuring tape zipped all around him, measuring everything. His heart continued to beat at hyper speed and once he was done being measured, he turned and made his way slowly over to the counter. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
Hazel took a cautious step into the shop as excitement and nervousness filled her up. She looked around and couldn't help but gasp. There were more wands than she'd ever seen before. One of those will be mine, she thought to herself. She had been raised knowing this day would come, but she was still amazed. A tape measure zipped around her and she giggled. After the tape measure had done its job, she confidently stepped towards the counter and wondered what happened next. Rose: Bryce has responded for you here. |
Ronja went in. The shop was not exactly big, but maybe it seemed smaller because of the box towers, that were like walls. There smelled weird, and dusty. Magic was in the air. In the shop was only one other customer. A small boy, probably also a first year. The boy was measured and then was her turn. She stepped up and watched with big eyes as the magical measuring tape zipped all around her, measuring her height and hands and it seemed like everything. Ronja didnt exactly understand why it all necessary was, but she was only a young first year, so what did she know.The tape was quick and she was amazed how it did it all all by itself. Now the measuring was done and magical tape went on to measure next customer. "Now what?" asked Ronja from herself. Tegz:Ira has responded to you here |
Marissa walked into the wand shop and looked around. She spotted a measuring tape floating and waving around, she walked over to and with shaking hands held her arm up to touch the measuring tape. It startled her when it started measuring her on its own. As she was measured she looked at the rows of wand boxes wondering which one would be hers. Tegz:Ira has responded to you here |
Desiree walked quickly and confidently into Olivanders. She'd made her mother take her here first, of course. What use was buying all of that other stuff if she didn't have a wand? Mother had been happy to take Desiree here first as well. Desiree got in the back of the line and begun her waiting. Mother sat down on a chair to her left, looking quite excited as well. After all, Desiree was her first child, so she made sure that Desiree was always happy. The morning had slowly dragged on. Desiree waited and waited for what seemed like hours. She couldn't stand still, not with everything going on! Wand boxes lined every wall in sight. One was hers. But which one? Next, the magical tape measurer came up to her. It measured about every inch of her, and Desiree stood wondering about her new wand. She could hardly wait! Tegz:Ira has responded to you here |
Red came in to Ollivanders, she wasn't too sure what would happen, but if it was anything like the rest of Diagon Alley, it would be...magical. She was about to get her first wand! Her parents, as usual, were not here, instead they were off getting ice cream or something for themselves, leaving her on her own. As she waited there, a measuring tape came out of nowhere, taking measurements of her arms and height, she wondered how that had anything to do with getting a wand. She knew she was small, and didn't really need reminding of it. She found herself looking at the boxes that lined the walls, one would be hers! Then, her mind began to wander to questions, what if I don't get a wand? what if the shopkeeper is male? That was her biggest worry, she had terrible trouble speaking to men and boys! Tegz:Ira has responded to you here |
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