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LilFox06 05-12-2020 06:18 AM

Tex was both shocked and in shock as she held a hand to what was once an ear. She wasn't the best at any sort of healing magic, nor was this the time of the place to perform such a thing.

Instead, the goblin seized an opening and hurried off the stool. She quickly shoved a bag of galleons in the compartment under her counter, magically sealing it with her touch after.

She then peered around the corner toward the customers, waving them over. It was best to be out of the way of the trouble -- whether that be the cleaner option of trapped down in the vaults or a full duel here by the service counter. If it was the latter, she was prepared to throw up a shield spell if needed.

Neo-Alliance Followers 05-13-2020 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12454794)
SPOILER!!: Jolie and escapee

She wasn't going to panic here. This place had a reputation. Surely at any moment help was going to arrive. She just had to keep her head on straight and someone would come. "Security must've been aler-" An unladylike word escaped her, the punch she'd witnessed causing her to recoil. Her gaze followed the escapee's to the deposit bag and her stomach sunk. There would be no leaving unnoticed now.

Her shield charm went up within seconds, a gut reaction and one she was thankful for. She just hoped it was strong enough to deflect the spells back at the crazed man coming towards them. Her heart thundered in her chest and she glanced at Jolie briefly, unsure of what to do, where to go. Were there more escapees around the bank? Where was the security team? How were they getting out of this?

She didn't know.


Originally Posted by Tegz (Post 12454799)
Jolie Chosen was incredibly thankful for her friend - had Kenz not been quick with shielding they would have been hit with all sorts of spells. Maybe they still would be if the barrage continued. She wrenched her wand out of her handbag (sending an Ellsberry lipgloss clattering across the marble floor), and immediately sent a leglocker curse, followed by the knockback jinx, far more inclined towards an offensive approach than her friend.

Um... not to be too much the former Slytherin or anything but....

"Let's run!"

With a wild swat of his wand he almost seemed to whack one of the incoming spells away as though he were a beater and it a bludger. A bludger than then struck one of the goblins off to the side flying backwards against the wall and then fell with a thud to the ground, seemingly lifeless.

Not that this maniac was concerned. All he saw was TWO bags full of loot that he needed and absolutely no one else coming to their rescue. Tumbling out of the way of the next spell, his wand was thrust to the floor beneath the girls where he send a Glisseo spell to knock them off their feet and hopefully on to their back so he could relieve them of their belongings and make a break for it through the doors.


Originally Posted by Sturnik (Post 12454867)
Sturnik was furious. HOW DARE THERE BE SO MUCH DESTRUCTION. Of course, the head goblin has his priorities. He had to make sure a certain lady goblin was safely locked in an office the mint was on lockdown and secure. He then circled around and posted some security outside the entrance hall. Effectively trapping everyone in this room with the intent to funnel the intruders toward the vaults.

"That is ENOUGH." he bellowed as he entered into the Main Hall. He had worked far too hard and far too long on improving the goblin reputation and especially Gringotts reputation after unfortunate events in recent decades.

He passed two humans as he walked by. He sideways glanced toward the back offices hoping to convey that if they wanted to run, that was the direction to go.

"The vaults are down to your left." He assumed anyone foolish enough to try and hold a goblin hostage is also stupid enough to try and rob the vaults.


Originally Posted by Sagni (Post 12454888)
What was all the noise? She had been down in a vault and was just making her way back up when he saw what was going on. This wasn't good, it wasn't good at all. She glanced towards Sturnik assuming he hit an alarm and just as he was going to slip around he noticed two witches in the mix and caught the glance of the Sturnik.

She pointed as the escapees were bullying their way around in front of hr. The girls could see before they all turned and saw her. "Yes, this way to the vaults. I will take you to which ever one you are wanting to go to."

Foolish is as foolish does with this lot. Impatient too.

"HURRY UP AND TAKE US!" spat one who then threw a Blasting Curse at the toes of the female goblin who had just arrived.

Sagni 05-14-2020 12:49 AM

She looked between all of them and hoped the aurors would be here sooner rather than later, but for now the goblin stepped closer to the prisoner. She waved her finger to send a protection against the spells being sent, "Follow me" Turning she headed back down the corridor towards the vaults.

TakemetotheBurrow 05-14-2020 12:59 AM

Mackenzie didn't need to be told twice and she turned to run, only taking a few steps before losing traction. She slid, a gasp escaping her as she went down on her hands and knees hard. Her wand slipped from her grasp and she scrambled for it, her fingers closing around it tightly as she righted herself. It felt like forever before she regained control of it, but it had only been a few terrifying seconds and they had company by then. The arrival of the goblin, who'd blocked their escape route out of the hall and seemed to have authority over the situation, gave her the time she needed to get to her feet and look for Jolie. Was she okay?

The offices. They needed to get to those offices. The goblins had it from here.

Sturnik 05-15-2020 04:26 AM

Sturnik narrowed his already small beady eyes. Nothing irritated him more than impatience. If he wasn't so concerned about the appearance of the entrance hall, he'd want to duel them right here. But moving to the vaults was still the safest option.

Speaking in Gobbledegook, the Security Goblin addressed Sagni, saying, if at all possible, just shove them in a cart and push it off. The ministry could fetch them when they arrived. If they arrived. If not, the thieves would probably be found during the next round of vault checks, which was quickly approaching and only a year away.

Neo-Alliance Followers 05-22-2020 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sagni (Post 12455313)
She looked between all of them and hoped the aurors would be here sooner rather than later, but for now the goblin stepped closer to the prisoner. She waved her finger to send a protection against the spells being sent, "Follow me" Turning she headed back down the corridor towards the vaults.


Originally Posted by Sturnik (Post 12455498)
Sturnik narrowed his already small beady eyes. Nothing irritated him more than impatience. If he wasn't so concerned about the appearance of the entrance hall, he'd want to duel them right here. But moving to the vaults was still the safest option.

Speaking in Gobbledegook, the Security Goblin addressed Sagni, saying, if at all possible, just shove them in a cart and push it off. The ministry could fetch them when they arrived. If they arrived. If not, the thieves would probably be found during the next round of vault checks, which was quickly approaching and only a year away.

They were growing impatient and did not know that goblins were capable of moving at such a snail's pace. Agitation brewing and bubbling over, two of the escapees sent more spells in haphazard directions towards other goblins and blasted them against the walls behind their stalls where they fell like lifeless sacks of rocks to the ground.

"Do you goblins speak English? What part of hurry is difficult to grasp?! TAKE US NOW OR IT WILL BE YOU NEXT!"


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12455316)
Mackenzie didn't need to be told twice and she turned to run, only taking a few steps before losing traction. She slid, a gasp escaping her as she went down on her hands and knees hard. Her wand slipped from her grasp and she scrambled for it, her fingers closing around it tightly as she righted herself. It felt like forever before she regained control of it, but it had only been a few terrifying seconds and they had company by then. The arrival of the goblin, who'd blocked their escape route out of the hall and seemed to have authority over the situation, gave her the time she needed to get to her feet and look for Jolie. Was she okay?

The offices. They needed to get to those offices. The goblins had it from here.

Like taking candy from babies. And he would be taking more if the setting were different, but for now just the deposite bags would do. He could get his other fix elsewhere once he made off with the galleons.

Kicking hands out of the way, the man nabbed both deposite bags away from the ladies and then blasted his way (literally with Bombarda Maxima) through whatever stood between himself and the chaos ridden streets of Diagon Alley. And then, while hidden beneath the veil of smoke and dust he disappeared.

TeafortheSoul 05-22-2020 01:47 PM

Jolie skidded too, her shoes were cute but no match for a glisseoed surface. Landing on her bum, she was still clinging to the deposit bag when the kicks came at her. Jolie shrieked a bit at the pain and then catching sight of some goblins being MURDERED, she outright screamed. The deposit bag was snatched away in the same moment and the next thing she knew, a violent explosion with dust and debris everywhere. She covered her mouth and eyes and curled into a ball as the dust settled around her.

There was a HOLE in the BANK.

Sagni 05-25-2020 03:09 AM

These prisoners were not going to enjoy where they were being led, but that wasn't Sagni's problem. She nodded to Sturnik showing that she understood and turned to head back down to the vaults. Not even looking back over her shoulder she just waved them to come along.

Sturnik 05-26-2020 05:02 AM

Sturnik coughed through the dust. Once that settled, he eyed the destruction in a state of complete disbelief. His fellow goblins everywhere. A HOLE in the wall.

Hoping that Sagni was locking the other escapees in the vaults, Sturnik rushed over to check on his employees.

Gringotts Goblins 08-12-2020 04:40 AM

The goblins had been hard at work since the chaos caused months ago by the escaped wandwaver criminals. Today the bank was officially entering the busy season with Hogwarts being out for the summer.

Several goblins scrambled around last minute while consulting clipboards filled of checklists. They were double checking structural integrity of repairs as well as rechecking all the security improvements that had been made.

astrocat 08-13-2020 04:10 PM

Ashley walked into gringotts, and walked up to the thing desk or whatever, bewildered. She wondered how to set up her vault and stuff. "Excuse me," she said to a goblin, "can I like set up a vault or something? And then can I withdraw from my account? Sorry I don't really understand how this works." She hoped to get this over with so that she could start doing stuff in Diagon Alley. Why was she so nervous today? She needed to look like she belonged so that she would fit in better with all the wizards who actually knew what they were doing and had known what hogwarts was before they got their letter. She hoped nobody noticed how nervous she was.

LilFox06 08-14-2020 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12465265)
Ashley walked into gringotts, and walked up to the thing desk or whatever, bewildered. She wondered how to set up her vault and stuff. "Excuse me," she said to a goblin, "can I like set up a vault or something? And then can I withdraw from my account? Sorry I don't really understand how this works." She hoped to get this over with so that she could start doing stuff in Diagon Alley. Why was she so nervous today? She needed to look like she belonged so that she would fit in better with all the wizards who actually knew what they were doing and had known what hogwarts was before they got their letter. She hoped nobody noticed how nervous she was.

Tex was a little anxious as she sat behind her counter. Her legs fidgeting slightly as she watched the entrance. Her eyes were peeled for any suspicious activity. She had a bit of a scare a few months earlier and now busy times triggered the same feelings.

She attempted a warm look at the approaching human child.

"I can help you with that. If you have a family vault, a guardian would have to grant you access. If you are what they call a 'muggleborn' we can convert money for you to deposit." the counter goblin explained.

astrocat 08-14-2020 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12465310)
Tex was a little anxious as she sat behind her counter. Her legs fidgeting slightly as she watched the entrance. Her eyes were peeled for any suspicious activity. She had a bit of a scare a few months earlier and now busy times triggered the same feelings.

She attempted a warm look at the approaching human child.

"I can help you with that. If you have a family vault, a guardian would have to grant you access. If you are what they call a 'muggleborn' we can convert money for you to deposit." the counter goblin explained.

"Oh um ok" she said. "well I guess I'm a 'muggleborn', so I'm gonna need to change money and make a vault." She noticed that the goblin looked nervous too but in a different way. Not the kind that Ashley was feeling. It was a more serious nervousness than "I don't know what I'm doing" nervousness. "okay, back to pretending I know what I'm doing", she thought, smiling back at the goblin

LilFox06 08-15-2020 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12465407)
"Oh um ok" she said. "well I guess I'm a 'muggleborn', so I'm gonna need to change money and make a vault." She noticed that the goblin looked nervous too but in a different way. Not the kind that Ashley was feeling. It was a more serious nervousness than "I don't know what I'm doing" nervousness. "okay, back to pretending I know what I'm doing", she thought, smiling back at the goblin

Tex nodded slowly. The small wandwaver child seemed to be really confused. Poor dear. They really needed to assign these human children magical escorts and not just shove them into strange situations.

"Very well. We'll change your money and set up your vault." she said motioning to the table for the girl to set down her muggle world money.

astrocat 08-15-2020 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12465502)
Tex nodded slowly. The small wandwaver child seemed to be really confused. Poor dear. They really needed to assign these human children magical escorts and not just shove them into strange situations.

"Very well. We'll change your money and set up your vault." she said motioning to the table for the girl to set down her muggle world money.

Ashley set down her money on the counter quickly, hoping that nobody else was watching. According to her dad, it was not good to show how much money you have or take out a lot of money in public. But this was a bank, and apparently this was how you set up a vault. She shifted uneasily from foot to foot, hoping that setting up a vault wouldn't be too hard.

LilFox06 08-17-2020 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12465520)
Ashley set down her money on the counter quickly, hoping that nobody else was watching. According to her dad, it was not good to show how much money you have or take out a lot of money in public. But this was a bank, and apparently this was how you set up a vault. She shifted uneasily from foot to foot, hoping that setting up a vault wouldn't be too hard.

Tex accepted the money and began counting. Without looking up she asked, "Have you got a wand yet? We prefer to register them at the time of vault opening, but you can come back later to do that." She explained. "Would you also want to go down to your vault or should we take care of things for you?" They could just as easily make the deposit for her. The human could just take her key and be on her way. Tex thought she might prefer that seeing as how anxious the child looked.

astrocat 08-17-2020 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12465787)
Tex accepted the money and began counting. Without looking up she asked, "Have you got a wand yet? We prefer to register them at the time of vault opening, but you can come back later to do that." She explained. "Would you also want to go down to your vault or should we take care of things for you?" They could just as easily make the deposit for her. The human could just take her key and be on her way. Tex thought she might prefer that seeing as how anxious the child looked.

"Yeah I do have a wand now", Ashley said. She presented her wand which she was very proud of. She thought it was very cool that it was made of vine."And yeah, after I make a deposit then I can be on my way. So I don't really have to see it." She was anxious to start getting school stuff.

lemondrop13 08-25-2020 01:03 AM

When a member of the school staff hand delivered her Hogwarts letter, Sloane acknowledged that all sorts of mystical beings she'd always thought imaginary might actually be real. But never once had goblins crossed her mind. Now faced with a bankful of them, she wasn't sure how she felt or what she thought about them... Were they as individualized and varied as human beings in both their countenance and disposition? Or were they all as grumpy and serious as they appeared? Was that just bank goblins that looked that way? Or were there goblins who worked outside the bank who were downright cheerful?

As her mother nudged her forward, Sloane's mental image of goblins happily eating a picnic by Loch Shiel was broken. Frowning slightly for the interruption, she stepped into line behind a witch opening a vault and waited to be helped.

LilFox06 08-26-2020 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12465788)
"Yeah I do have a wand now", Ashley said. She presented her wand which she was very proud of. She thought it was very cool that it was made of vine."And yeah, after I make a deposit then I can be on my way. So I don't really have to see it." She was anxious to start getting school stuff.

Tex carefully studied the wand. Vine. Unicorn hair core. Bendy. She handed the wand back and set a small bronze key with a moon symbol on the counter. "Here is your vault key. Your vault number is 516. You'll need both your wand and key to access your vault." the goblin explained.

"We will go ahead and convert your money and make your initial deposit for you. Anything else you need today?"


Originally Posted by lemondrop13 (Post 12466561)
When a member of the school staff hand delivered her Hogwarts letter, Sloane acknowledged that all sorts of mystical beings she'd always thought imaginary might actually be real. But never once had goblins crossed her mind. Now faced with a bankful of them, she wasn't sure how she felt or what she thought about them... Were they as individualized and varied as human beings in both their countenance and disposition? Or were they all as grumpy and serious as they appeared? Was that just bank goblins that looked that way? Or were there goblins who worked outside the bank who were downright cheerful?

As her mother nudged her forward, Sloane's mental image of goblins happily eating a picnic by Loch Shiel was broken. Frowning slightly for the interruption, she stepped into line behind a witch opening a vault and waited to be helped.

Tex motioned a pair of humans forward. It looked like a mother daughter pair. "Welcome to Gringotts. What do you need today?"

lemondrop13 08-26-2020 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12466622)

Tex motioned a pair of humans forward. It looked like a mother daughter pair. "Welcome to Gringotts. What do you need today?"

Sloane stepped forward somewhat timidly. "Um, I think we need to change our pounds sterling for, um, more appropriate money here?"With no idea what the magic money was called, Sloane felt uncomfortably foreign and out of place. "And, um, do you have any suggestions for how much might be needed to get everything on a firs' year student's Hogwarts list?"

astrocat 08-26-2020 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12466622)
Tex carefully studied the wand. Vine. Unicorn hair core. Bendy. She handed the wand back and set a small bronze key with a moon symbol on the counter. "Here is your vault key. Your vault number is 516. You'll need both your wand and key to access your vault." the goblin explained.

"We will go ahead and convert your money and make your initial deposit for you. Anything else you need today?"

Ashley put her key away. "No thank you," she said politely. "I have what I need." She thanked the goblin and left, smiling at the family behind her. She suspected that the kid was probably a muggle born too, just like her.

LilFox06 08-28-2020 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by lemondrop13 (Post 12466623)
Sloane stepped forward somewhat timidly. "Um, I think we need to change our pounds sterling for, um, more appropriate money here?"With no idea what the magic money was called, Sloane felt uncomfortably foreign and out of place. "And, um, do you have any suggestions for how much might be needed to get everything on a firs' year student's Hogwarts list?"

Tex nodded. Yes, it was the season for what the wandwavers called "Muggleborns." Which meant they had an influx of non magical money.

"It depends on if you want new or second hand items. 50 Galleons should buy all new items for you." Probably. She honestly hadn't checked to see what the going rate was for wands these days. "If you're on a budget, you ought to get your wand first. That's the thing you'll want to spend money on and get new."

lemondrop13 08-28-2020 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12466776)
Tex nodded. Yes, it was the season for what the wandwavers called "Muggleborns." Which meant they had an influx of non magical money.

"It depends on if you want new or second hand items. 50 Galleons should buy all new items for you." Probably. She honestly hadn't checked to see what the going rate was for wands these days. "If you're on a budget, you ought to get your wand first. That's the thing you'll want to spend money on and get new."

Sloane nodded as she listened, absorbing the goblin's words and advice. "Thank you, sir." She conferred quickly and quietly with her mother and then returned her attention back, "Can we get 60 galleons please? Me mum is allowing me some emergency money to start the year, just in case. How many pounds sterling does that convert to?" Sloane had no clue the conversion rate, but vowed to commit that to memory for future use.

LilFox06 08-31-2020 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by lemondrop13 (Post 12466802)
Sloane nodded as she listened, absorbing the goblin's words and advice. "Thank you, sir." She conferred quickly and quietly with her mother and then returned her attention back, "Can we get 60 galleons please? Me mum is allowing me some emergency money to start the year, just in case. How many pounds sterling does that convert to?" Sloane had no clue the conversion rate, but vowed to commit that to memory for future use.

Tex nodded. 60 was quite doable. "With today's exchange rate..." she begas as she grabbed a piece of parchment off to the side to check the day's exchange rate, "That would be 301 pounds." she concluded.

MadAlice 10-19-2020 06:35 PM

Miss Jane Howard, lately a governess to an old Pureblood family but now a new Ministry employee, paused in the entrance foyer to Gringotts and looked at the rows of counters on either side of the room. She located the counter for new vaults and walked over to wait.

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