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Located on the south side of Diagon Alley, sandwiched in between Sugarplum's Sweets Shop and Janus Galloglass, is Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop. The outside of this shop is nothing spectacular. A cardboard box labelled 'FREE STUFF' (containing bits of parchment that have already been doodled on and various items broken well beyond repair) rests on the cobbled street, serving an indicator of what kind of establishment this is.
Just beyond the door lays a maze of numerous bins, shelves, and racks holding various items with price tags tied onto them. To the left of the shop is where all second-hand clothing can be found for those who don't feel the need to purchase the pricey fabrics and accessories being sold at Madam Malkin's or Twilfitt and Tattings. The back is reserved for all kinds of books and reading material. Of course, they aren't nearly as top-quality as the ones Flourish and Blotts and other bookshops, but the amount you'll be paying for them is quite a bargain. Lastly, the right side of the shop is where you will find a large variety of miscellaneous items. Take your time browsing through these items as not even the shopkeeper remembers what all is here.
When you are ready to pay for your newfound treasures, make your way to the counter in the middle of the shop. On the counter itself, you will find a till and, oddly enough, a rubber chicken substituting as a bell. Typically the rubber chicken doesn't need to be squeezed as the shopkeeper is usually sleeping at the counter. But, in the event that the shopkeeper isn't around, give the chicken a good squeeze and he will be right over.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Waddles
Honora Svensson liked to come to this Junk Shop for the used books. Sure, it was frustrating to get to the twist in a plot and have to draw conclusions about what had happened on the missing page, but it kept her sharp. Plus, once she finished, the books went straight onto the shelf in the sitting room of the family Bed and Breakfast.
Usually there weren't many people in the junk shop, but today as she walked in there was someone over looking at the sneakoscopes. That was weird. Why would anybody want a sneakoscope that wouldn't turn off? She gave the fellow some side-eye while she made her way past, until she realized...wait, she recognized this person. He'd been in her year at Hogwarts! She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she continued toward the books, trying to remember what his name was. Joseph? Or Jake? He wasn't a Slytherin, for sure, but he seemed really familiar.
Honora had almost made it to the books without incident when she tripped over a bird cage that was definitely protruding into the walkway, somehow knocking over several additional precariously stacked cages with a clatter.
Merlin, that was embarrassing. She brushed some blond hair out of her face and started attempting to re-stack the cages, now studiously ignoring her fellow Hogwarts graduate in an attempt to maintain dignity.
On second thought, it was probably preeeeetty unlikely that he had come to Diagon Alley for this shop in particular. It was true what they said, one man's junk being another's treasure, but uhhh. He wasn't really sure that busted sneakoscopes would ever come in handy, so, uh, Jack(son) was just going to head for the--
But as he looked up from the display, he caught sight of a former classmate. Hey! She was dormmates with Jorgie, Babs, Holly, and ... Alis. It was strange how close he was (or had been, in some cases) to so many of the Slytherin girls in his year. Real odd. Even odder that he had formerly dated one, just to be currently dating another. Huh. He hadn't ever given it much thought before now, but... Where was he going with this? Oh, right. Honora! Jackson waved her way, but paused upon realizing she was no longer looking over anymore. Just as he was about to wonder why, he registered the clatter and clash of several bird cages. Oh, yikes.
And despite her efforts to ignore, Jackson hurried over to offer her a helping hand. "Weird place to put so many cages, huh? They've really got stuff all over the place." He smiled, laughing lightly in attempt to dissipate any embarrassment, should she be feeling it. "I just walked into the sneakoscope display. Ooft, amiright!?" She did recognize him, didn't she? Otherwise, this might be weird.
He wasn't terribly concerned either way, instead reaching for another one of the fallen cages.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
On second thought, it was probably preeeeetty unlikely that he had come to Diagon Alley for this shop in particular. It was true what they said, one man's junk being another's treasure, but uhhh. He wasn't really sure that busted sneakoscopes would ever come in handy, so, uh, Jack(son) was just going to head for the--
But as he looked up from the display, he caught sight of a former classmate. Hey! She was dormmates with Jorgie, Babs, Holly, and ... Alis. It was strange how close he was (or had been, in some cases) to so many of the Slytherin girls in his year. Real odd. Even odder that he had formerly dated one, just to be currently dating another. Huh. He hadn't ever given it much thought before now, but... Where was he going with this? Oh, right. Honora! Jackson waved her way, but paused upon realizing she was no longer looking over anymore. Just as he was about to wonder why, he registered the clatter and clash of several bird cages. Oh, yikes.
And despite her efforts to ignore, Jackson hurried over to offer her a helping hand. "Weird place to put so many cages, huh? They've really got stuff all over the place." He smiled, laughing lightly in attempt to dissipate any embarrassment, should she be feeling it. "I just walked into the sneakoscope display. Ooft, amiright!?" She did recognize him, didn't she? Otherwise, this might be weird.
He wasn't terribly concerned either way, instead reaching for another one of the fallen cages.
Ohhh no. Honora flushed as she realized her former classmate had seen that graceful move and was coming over to help, too. Just her luck, too, that she'd knocked over something loud like these bird cages. His admission that he had just ran into the sneakoscopes only mildly lessened her embarrassment. It did not help that she couldn't remember his name, either.
She forced a smile as she stacked one of the smaller, more dented bird cages. "Yes," she agreed quietly. "It's a hazard, especially when clumsiness runs in the family."
She straightened a few more cages, glancing at him from behind her blonde hair. She definitely knew him. He had dated one of her friends or dormmates or something, the kind of knowing someone where they were introduced once early on, she hadn't been paying enough attention, and by the time she realized she should learn his name, it was too late to ask. She knew it wasn't Jake. Jack? Maybe?? Considering how mortified she already was, she supposed it was worth asking now. "It's...Jack? Right?" she asked. "What brings you to the junk shop?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Waddles
Ohhh no. Honora flushed as she realized her former classmate had seen that graceful move and was coming over to help, too. Just her luck, too, that she'd knocked over something loud like these bird cages. His admission that he had just ran into the sneakoscopes only mildly lessened her embarrassment. It did not help that she couldn't remember his name, either.
She forced a smile as she stacked one of the smaller, more dented bird cages. "Yes," she agreed quietly. "It's a hazard, especially when clumsiness runs in the family."
She straightened a few more cages, glancing at him from behind her blonde hair. She definitely knew him. He had dated one of her friends or dormmates or something, the kind of knowing someone where they were introduced once early on, she hadn't been paying enough attention, and by the time she realized she should learn his name, it was too late to ask. She knew it wasn't Jake. Jack? Maybe?? Considering how mortified she already was, she supposed it was worth asking now. "It's...Jack? Right?" she asked. "What brings you to the junk shop?"
If he noticed the color making its way onto her face, he didn't draw any attention to it. It wasn't a nice feeling, embarrassing oneself like that in front of someone you knew. Jack(son) had enough experience with it to be certain of this. "Those darn genetics," he laughed softly, hoping that his smile might help lessen some of her unease. Her smile, however, was not as unconvincing.
"Yeah," he nodded, his grin widening. With the way he kept switching back from Jackson to Jack to Jackson to Jack again, people had so much trouble knowing which it was from day to day that Jackson had grown quite accustomed to addressing the confusion early on in any conversation. It was for that reason alone that he didn't think much of her uncertainty. "It's good to see you, Honora." He wasn't great with a lot of things, but people? Names? Those were his strong suit. Especially when it came to the Slytherin girls in his year, he had quite intimate connections with most of them. Alis, Holly, Babs, and Jorgie. They were a special bunch - though it must have been chaos in that dormitory of theirs with all that personality bunched up together. Maybe he'd ask Honora about it if it ever came up - Babs and Jorgie certainly did not remember it fondly.
"Just browsing really," he answered in reply to her question, looking back around at the shop. "Actually, I don't think I meant to come in here at all. I, uh, I was trying to buy a gift for my girlfriend, but the display caught my eye. They really shouldn't be allowed to use so many colors, it's totally unfair." Again, he laughed as he reached to muss his hair. "Are you looking for something in particular? Anything I can help with?" Hopefully she wasn't here for bird cages, most of these were dented.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
If he noticed the color making its way onto her face, he didn't draw any attention to it. It wasn't a nice feeling, embarrassing oneself like that in front of someone you knew. Jack(son) had enough experience with it to be certain of this. "Those darn genetics," he laughed softly, hoping that his smile might help lessen some of her unease. Her smile, however, was not as unconvincing.
"Yeah," he nodded, his grin widening. With the way he kept switching back from Jackson to Jack to Jackson to Jack again, people had so much trouble knowing which it was from day to day that Jackson had grown quite accustomed to addressing the confusion early on in any conversation. It was for that reason alone that he didn't think much of her uncertainty. "It's good to see you, Honora." He wasn't great with a lot of things, but people? Names? Those were his strong suit. Especially when it came to the Slytherin girls in his year, he had quite intimate connections with most of them. Alis, Holly, Babs, and Jorgie. They were a special bunch - though it must have been chaos in that dormitory of theirs with all that personality bunched up together. Maybe he'd ask Honora about it if it ever came up - Babs and Jorgie certainly did not remember it fondly.
"Just browsing really," he answered in reply to her question, looking back around at the shop. "Actually, I don't think I meant to come in here at all. I, uh, I was trying to buy a gift for my girlfriend, but the display caught my eye. They really shouldn't be allowed to use so many colors, it's totally unfair." Again, he laughed as he reached to muss his hair. "Are you looking for something in particular? Anything I can help with?" Hopefully she wasn't here for bird cages, most of these were dented.
Still slightly pink and infuriated at her genetic predisposition both to clumsiness and to blushing, Honora was relieved that she'd remembered his name correctly. Even if her name apparently came much more easily to him. "Yes...good to see you, too." she said awkwardly.
She raised her eyebrows at his browsing and girlfriend comments. Who bought their girlfriend a gift at a junk shop? At that point, she thought it'd be better to have something homemade. "You should check out Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes," she suggested, as an alternative. It was a good bet--either he could get her something entertaining, or something useful from one of their...less joking sections.
"Me?" she put the last bird cage back, finally feeling some of the heat leave her face. "I'm here for books. A lot of them have pages missing, but...well, there's usually enough context to guess." Sometimes. If the plot was simple enough. And if it wasn't, she got some added joy from theorizing about what had been on those missing pages. Plus, if they had any children's books, she could grab some for Sophie, and Amelia, when she finally got home.
As for if he could help... "I mean, if you have some unexpected familiarity with the books they have here, I'm open to recommendations..." she said, with a more natural smile than her previous one as she attempted a joke.