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If sitting inside just isn't your thing, Floreans offers you an alternative option to wandering the streets of Diagon with your tasty confection. Outside of the shop doors, in a small, well-kept courtyard out of the way of the hustle and bustle of the rest of Diagon Alley, there can be found small, colourful tables with a handful of equally colourful chairs scattered about. While our ice cream is charmed to be slow-melting, our customers, we assume, are not, and thus each table is equipped with an umbrella that can be opened or closed at your discretion. These tables, like the ones inside, can be pushed together or pulled apart to accommodate any size party, but please do take care to think of others who might be sitting around you!
A napkin dispenser can be found at every table, along with a small wooden stand bearing spare plastic spoons and a bunch of small, prepackaged wet-wipes to help clean up those sticky hands.
And please don't try to remove any of the tables or chairs from the courtyard. The seating, while not fixed down, is charmed to be unable to leave the small space. So don't get any ideas! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy your ice cream.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Josephina had her work cut out for her in the coming months. It wasn't as if she wasn't "known", but rather that she'd been out of public eye for some time as she raised her son and kept abrept on the news. But now that Septimus was in public muggle school in the mornings and a supplemental wizarding program for an hour after school, the former Hogwarts professor found herself with time and desire to make change. She knew she was an educator, so going from that to government might be a stretch but she was determined to give this a real shot. She knew she could be a great leader, but she just had to prove to the public that she was the best ...
First things first - she needed to finalize a list of contacts as well as a list of places to go and talk to, in terms of outreach. In terms of finding out what the public wanted and what she needed to best appeal to the masses. Ice cream go the side, Josephina took a spoonful and set to writing ...
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Milton was rarely in London. So rarely that when he did visit, he insisted on going to Diagon if only to experience Florean's ice cream. His partner was at Hogwarts and would be for a few more months. Maybe he'd pop in to Hogsmeade and tell Pauly-boy to meet him out there. He missed his white-haired man, okay?
He got his ice cream. Something simple, he didn't even really know what the person had given him. He had said, 'surprise me,' and thus far, he wished he would have picked on his own.
Because the flavor he was licking at tasted like a dog's foot after bath time. AKA, gross.
And then he remembered how much he hated being inside on nice days like today, so he stepped into the courtyard and squinted around, taking in the fresh air. The grapes were thriving back at home, at the Myers-Willingston Vineyard. Yeah, he thought he'd make his way over to Hogsmeade at some point. Sounded good.
He saw the woman nearby and gave her a quick wave before licking his ice cream with extreme concentration. Seriously, WAS this wet-dog-foot flavored?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Milton was rarely in London. So rarely that when he did visit, he insisted on going to Diagon if only to experience Florean's ice cream. His partner was at Hogwarts and would be for a few more months. Maybe he'd pop in to Hogsmeade and tell Pauly-boy to meet him out there. He missed his white-haired man, okay?
He got his ice cream. Something simple, he didn't even really know what the person had given him. He had said, 'surprise me,' and thus far, he wished he would have picked on his own.
Because the flavor he was licking at tasted like a dog's foot after bath time. AKA, gross.
And then he remembered how much he hated being inside on nice days like today, so he stepped into the courtyard and squinted around, taking in the fresh air. The grapes were thriving back at home, at the Myers-Willingston Vineyard. Yeah, he thought he'd make his way over to Hogsmeade at some point. Sounded good.
He saw the woman nearby and gave her a quick wave before licking his ice cream with extreme concentration. Seriously, WAS this wet-dog-foot flavored?
Glancing up, Josephina chewed lightly on the end of her quill contemplating more of her goals and what she might want to accomplish. That was when she noticed a man standing there licking at his ice cream. How long had he been staring there and she did not know? Was he watching her? She supposed she ought to get used to paparazzi but still; she wasn't even minister and the campaign had barely begun.
Setting down her quill she waved back, deciding to not worry about stalkers. She was a Hufflepuff to the core, which meant friendliness for one. And loyalty. Not bravery, but she needed to brave now in approaching strange men... Because they might be her key to success. "Hi there... Do you have a moment for me to ask you some questions?" because they didn't really know one another and nonjudgmental feedback was key, as well.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Glancing up, Josephina chewed lightly on the end of her quill contemplating more of her goals and what she might want to accomplish. That was when she noticed a man standing there licking at his ice cream. How long had he been staring there and she did not know? Was he watching her? She supposed she ought to get used to paparazzi but still; she wasn't even minister and the campaign had barely begun.
Setting down her quill she waved back, deciding to not worry about stalkers. She was a Hufflepuff to the core, which meant friendliness for one. And loyalty. Not bravery, but she needed to brave now in approaching strange men... Because they might be her key to success. "Hi there... Do you have a moment for me to ask you some questions?" because they didn't really know one another and nonjudgmental feedback was key, as well.
You could never enjoy a moment of peace, it seemed, when at Florean's. People always wanted to bloody talk. Milton was content to people watch in silence and PEACEFULLY enjoy his ice cream.
However, the woman seemed nice enough. In fact, she looked downright familiar. Before answering, Milton visibly looked her up and down. "Did you go to Hogwarts?" he asked simply. "Because your face--" he gestured at it, "Looks quite familiar." And then back to licking his ice cream. "And what kind of questions? I didn't come here to think. I came to relax...eat ice cream...." he sighed.
He was being a little rude, he knew it. To make up for it, he smiled. His shiny whites beaming over at her. Whoever this....lady was.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Married life couldn't have suited him better. Jory was happier than he had ever been; being with Gwen had done that. He was missing her right now but he knew that she was most likely busy patching up someone at St Mungo's so he resisted the urge to Disapparte off to see her. Instead, he stepped into Florean's to get some ice cream to take home for her.
Ice cream vanished from his mind though because he had just spotted Josephina Hadley. Well, she would always be Hadley to him though Jory knew very well she was married. He had some idea what she was doing there and finally pleased at having the chance to talk to her, he headed in her direction. "Professor Hadley. How are you?'' Um... old habits die hard? The Auror was still used to calling her 'Professor'. "Hello,'' he added politely to her other company.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Ah well of course he would answer a question with a question... Asking if she went to Hogwarts? "I did... Graduated almost three decades ago now, Josephina Hadley, though it's Nairne now" and if that didn't make her feel old when she said it like that then what would? And yes she needed to add her name because getting her name out there was crucial to success. "Hufflepuff.... And you were?" Because she presumed he also went to Hogwarts or why would he ask, so knowing his house was the next logical question! "Don't worry, they're not hard questions... Hopefully."
But before she could begin interrogation, she heard a name she hadn't heard in years. Professor Hadley. Glancing up, the brunette beamed at sight of one Hufflepuff she'd never forget (okay, that was a lie cause she didn't forget any of her babies). "Jory Stonewall! Wow! How you been?" Yes she realized she hadn't answered his question, but ugh, professors wanting to make sure their students were successful when they left her presence was like one of her biggest pride moments. "I've been good... I was just about to ask ... This gentleman here some questions, but you could help too."
Now addressing them both, "so in case you haven't read yet, I doubt there had been images of us printed yet, but I'm a candidate for Minister of Magic, and I'm trying to decipher what is the general people want for their world." Josephina Hadley-Nairne. The people's candidate. She could see it now.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
This was quickly turning into something Milton didn't feel like dealing with.
"Yeah, I don't remember the name but....I graduated around there too. Slytherin," he added quickly, because he wouldn't be mistaken here; he was no Hufflepuff. No wonder he didn't know her name, pfft. Milton was pretty housist. And it killed him that Paul was slowly morphing into a Hufflepuff over the years, even if the man had been a Ravenclaw back at school.
Oh look, company.
Professor? had the woman taught somewhere? Hogwarts? Milton didn't feel like asking; he just licked his ice cream and waited for her...so called questions.
Oh Merlin.
It was a pitch. She was running for Minister, and she wanted their votes. That's all Milton got from this: a pitch for votes. But he cleared his throat "There are many things I want for our world..." he started, almost giving a very sarcastic answer here. "Too many poor witches and wizards in the world who can't afford good wands, good education. Leads to ignorance and foul-magic," he said softly. "Prejudice is still alive, I must add, as well." His parents and muggle-borns...did not mix well. "But you won't get the old vote if you openly say anything too crazy. So." That was something to think about as well.
The young man had given Milton a 'hello," which Milton had ignored until now. "I'm Milton Willingston, by the way," for both the kid and for Josephina.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory just smiled broadly. He knew Hadley would never for get him. Instinct told him that she was not one to forget her students. Could he hug her? He figured even a quick one might be inappropriate at present. He realised right now that he looked up to her as much as he did while he had been her student.
"I've been good. What about yourself?'' When she spoke of the other man there in her company, Jory looked back at him. He barely registered that his greeting was ignored briefly. The Auror cared more about seeing his Professor again. "Hi, Mr Willinston. Jory Stonewall.
"I'd love to help you in anyway I can, Professor.'' He had heard all about her running for Minister and couldn't think of a more worthier candidate. "I would want more equality in the way of the rich and poor,'' he said, looking at Milton and agreeing with a nod. "If we can get down to the nitty gritty Economics of the wizarding world and see what causes the income gap, lots of wizarding families will be better off.''
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Ah Slytherin. Well that would explain why Josephina didn't really recognize the name, although he did look vaguely familiar. She hadn't known all too many Slytherins while at school. Ravenclaws, yes. Gryffindors, yes. Of course Hufflepuffs, but that was about it.
Instead of taking notes, Josephina just listened as this Milton guy went off on what he wanted. She didn't need to take notes; she was here to listen to those she knew and didn't know. Years of research and education taught her the importance of listening before speaking, which was exactly what she was doing. Money, alright. That was a big one.
And when Jory basically said something similar, Josephina sensed that something was definitely awry in terms of inequality among finances. Once she heard him out as well, she spoke up.
"Ah yes, money. Equality and fair opportunity. That all makes good sense and worthy of putting in effort to improve the situation. I'd definitely like to work more closely in terms of increasing opportunities for our young people to get more hands-on work experiences in various fields."
Now to address Jory's more personal question. "I've been well, thank you, Jory." And to Milton, "Nice to meet you, Mr Milton Willingston. Can I ask what you two do for a living? Do you find yourselves able to make ends meet?" She was just curious as to the socioeconomic status of her company. Just since they both mentioned finances, she figured it'd be nice to know where they fell on the spectrum. She was pretty sure that Jory was in the training program for auror as she recalled writing him his recommendation letter for that; though little did she realize he'd already graduated from the training program.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
It had been a few hours since their more of a snack lunch at the Leaky and Callie had successfully talked Xiomara into checking out a shop or two on her own. Now it was time for the blonde to take a rest and get some ice cream. She walked into the familiar parlor and ordered a cup of treacle fudge and made her way to sit outside so she could be visible to her daughter should she come walking by.
Assuming they know each other because of Divination stuff xD
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
It had been a few hours since their more of a snack lunch at the Leaky and Callie had successfully talked Xiomara into checking out a shop or two on her own. Now it was time for the blonde to take a rest and get some ice cream. She walked into the familiar parlor and ordered a cup of treacle fudge and made her way to sit outside so she could be visible to her daughter should she come walking by.
Nolan had decided he was going to take a long lunch today and pop by the old shop and see how things were going - now that he didn't own the place and everything. He was pretty positive the place would be in shambles now that he wasn't managing and he was curious to see if his hunch was correct.
First stop - ice cream! It was treat yo'self day. Which was pretty much every day for Nolan on his lunch break, since Ginger had been on this whole healthy food kick for like...a YEAR now.
As he took a spoonful of his chocolate frog ice cream, he scanned the outdoor seating to see if there was a table where he could sit and read over his latest manuscript - and then did a double take when he noticed a blonde woman sitting nearby. Was that...yeah, it was!
"Callie?! Fancy seeing you here!" he called out with a grin as he approached the table. Very rarely did he ever find fellow Divination people around - and when he did it was VERY EXCITING.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Nolan had decided he was going to take a long lunch today and pop by the old shop and see how things were going - now that he didn't own the place and everything. He was pretty positive the place would be in shambles now that he wasn't managing and he was curious to see if his hunch was correct.
First stop - ice cream! It was treat yo'self day. Which was pretty much every day for Nolan on his lunch break, since Ginger had been on this whole healthy food kick for like...a YEAR now.
As he took a spoonful of his chocolate frog ice cream, he scanned the outdoor seating to see if there was a table where he could sit and read over his latest manuscript - and then did a double take when he noticed a blonde woman sitting nearby. Was that...yeah, it was!
"Callie?! Fancy seeing you here!" he called out with a grin as he approached the table. Very rarely did he ever find fellow Divination people around - and when he did it was VERY EXCITING.
Calista had forgotten how amazing Florean's ice cream was. She'd had some really good local stuff in Brazil but this still takes the cake. She looked lazily up and down the Alley at the slow steam of shoppers through her sunglasses wondering if she'd see Xo in the bookshop or maybe the menagerie.
What she didn't expect to see was a former colleague, an Arithmancy guru at that. She really wanted to go over and say hello but Fina was busy with two other people at the moment. She'd wait until they left or catch her as she left and plan another time to meet up. The blonde settled for a grin and a wave in her direction for now.
Just as she had lowered her hand and had returned to picking pieces of treacle away from the ice cream with her spoon, a man had approached and called her by name. She looked up, sucked the rest of the bite she'd harvested from the spoon and broke into a wide grin. "Nolan Reynolds. Well I didn't know this place was just for those running for Minister of Magic." She teased him as she stood up for a hug.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
It was funny how used to a place you could get in such a short space of time. Like Diagon Alley; she never used to come here, except on the odd occasions her father had business at the bank when she was allowed to visit him but now...now it was like.....where ice-cream was and candy and toys and books and absolutely EVERYTHING the 11 year old needed to get herself as acquainted as possible with magic before she took the big leap.
Hogwarts was three months away. By now it was so close she could almost feel the cold cobbled floors Lexa told her about. Even better, she could almost SEE the magic before her.
Jessa sat outside, happy enough to observe everything around her in this magical place while her father went to...to...uh....she would have to ask him the name of the bank when he got back. For now, she had a double scoop of strawberry ice-cream to tide her over and her feet kicking restlessly under the table.
No matter how many times she saw it all, everything looked so fascinating--like the umbrellas just down the street that she could see changing every few minutes.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Romanian Longhorn
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 39,826
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
It was funny how used to a place you could get in such a short space of time. Like Diagon Alley; she never used to come here, except on the odd occasions her father had business at the bank when she was allowed to visit him but now...now it was like.....where ice-cream was and candy and toys and books and absolutely EVERYTHING the 11 year old needed to get herself as acquainted as possible with magic before she took the big leap.
Hogwarts was three months away. By now it was so close she could almost feel the cold cobbled floors Lexa told her about. Even better, she could almost SEE the magic before her.
Jessa sat outside, happy enough to observe everything around her in this magical place while her father went to...to...uh....she would have to ask him the name of the bank when he got back. For now, she had a double scoop of strawberry ice-cream to tide her over and her feet kicking restlessly under the table.
No matter how many times she saw it all, everything looked so fascinating--like the umbrellas just down the street that she could see changing every few minutes.
While his parents went into the death trap - also known as a store where plants were out and about - Derfael had been given a small bag of coins to keep himself busy in the Alley. Which naturally meant that he was going to spend all his time in Magical Menagerie, but the 10-year-old became instantly distracted with the promise of ice cream. Only concern wearing on the blonde's wrinkled forehead was whether or not the cows used to produce the milk to make said ice cream had been treated right in the process. He had been trying to put his foot down on being vegan...but maybe just ONE more day of the real thing?
It couldn't hurt, right?
Stepping out into the courtyard with his double scoop chocolate bowl in hand - banana pudding and chocolate chip cookie dough, for the record - he looked around for a vacant table when he instead spotted a familiar face.
"JESSA! JEEEEEEEEESSAAAAAAAAA!" he called with a wild wave of his non-ice cream bearing hand. WAS MISS ALEXA HERE TOO?!
When you’re stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: This presh one
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
While his parents went into the death trap - also known as a store where plants were out and about - Derfael had been given a small bag of coins to keep himself busy in the Alley. Which naturally meant that he was going to spend all his time in Magical Menagerie, but the 10-year-old became instantly distracted with the promise of ice cream. Only concern wearing on the blonde's wrinkled forehead was whether or not the cows used to produce the milk to make said ice cream had been treated right in the process. He had been trying to put his foot down on being vegan...but maybe just ONE more day of the real thing?
It couldn't hurt, right?
Stepping out into the courtyard with his double scoop chocolate bowl in hand - banana pudding and chocolate chip cookie dough, for the record - he looked around for a vacant table when he instead spotted a familiar face.
"JESSA! JEEEEEEEEESSAAAAAAAAA!" he called with a wild wave of his non-ice cream bearing hand. WAS MISS ALEXA HERE TOO?!
She hadn't seen Derf enter the courtyard, mostly because the girl was almost out of her seat, craning her neck to get a better look at the woman who had this magnificent bird in a relatively large cage. She was fascinated by the way its mouth opened but no noises ever came out. The second time it did however, there came a very LOUD Jessa that had the girls eyes widening immensely.
It knew her name! But...but how? Was it magic? Could magic do that? What an amazing thing! It took a few seconds for logic to sink in and her to realize the voice was coming from another direction completely and it was calling again.
"Derf, c'mere quick!?' The little girl insisted rather enthusiastically before leaning out of her seat once more. "You have to see this! It's sooo pretty!" If only she knew what it was.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Romanian Longhorn
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 39,826
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
She hadn't seen Derf enter the courtyard, mostly because the girl was almost out of her seat, craning her neck to get a better look at the woman who had this magnificent bird in a relatively large cage. She was fascinated by the way its mouth opened but no noises ever came out. The second time it did however, there came a very LOUD Jessa that had the girls eyes widening immensely.
It knew her name! But...but how? Was it magic? Could magic do that? What an amazing thing! It took a few seconds for logic to sink in and her to realize the voice was coming from another direction completely and it was calling again.
"Derf, c'mere quick!?' The little girl insisted rather enthusiastically before leaning out of her seat once more. "You have to see this! It's sooo pretty!" If only she knew what it was.
He certainly did not need to be invited twice, especially since he had been looking for a seat anyway and sitting with a friend while having ice cream was a win-win no matter how you looked at it. Which is why he eagerly bounded over to his friend and flopped into the seat beside her with a grin on his face.
"Scamander i-s-s-s here too," he announced as he pulled the warty newt from his pocket and let him crawl on to the table. "But he does-s-sn't like ice cream much." Or maybe he would have if he had elected to buy one of the savory options of ice cream...but he had a BONE to pick with the shopkeeper later about the DRAGON BLOOD ice cream.
Only he wasn't going to think about that NOW because it would make him nauseous and he wouldn't be able to enjoy his ice cream. At least not for long as it would come right back up pretty quickly.
"What are we looking at?" he asked, peering over Jessa's shoulder. Where was the pretty? WAS IT MISS ALEXA?!
When you’re stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
He certainly did not need to be invited twice, especially since he had been looking for a seat anyway and sitting with a friend while having ice cream was a win-win no matter how you looked at it. Which is why he eagerly bounded over to his friend and flopped into the seat beside her with a grin on his face.
"Scamander i-s-s-s here too," he announced as he pulled the warty newt from his pocket and let him crawl on to the table. "But he does-s-sn't like ice cream much." Or maybe he would have if he had elected to buy one of the savory options of ice cream...but he had a BONE to pick with the shopkeeper later about the DRAGON BLOOD ice cream.
Only he wasn't going to think about that NOW because it would make him nauseous and he wouldn't be able to enjoy his ice cream. At least not for long as it would come right back up pretty quickly.
"What are we looking at?" he asked, peering over Jessa's shoulder. Where was the pretty? WAS IT MISS ALEXA?!
Alas, despite the boy's warning of the less than.........appreciated newt, the girl was still none the wiser. All her attention was on the magnificent bird locked in its cage that didn't seem to make sounds. It was rather curious. Sure enough, if she HAD heard, Derfael and HAD seen Scamander, she might have unceremoniously fallen backwards and made a mad crawl for dear life.
Nothing yet. Still unseen.
"We're looking at thaaaat!" She enthused, pointing to what had unshakably held her attention for the last few minutes. "Have you ever seen one like it before? What'd you think it is?" Her father had loads and loads of magical books in his study that she tried reading but she hadn't gotten around to all of them. Consequently, there was still much she did not know.
"One of those would look so nice in my room and maybe if I train it like Lexa trained Felix, it won't fly away when it's outside its cage and I can fly around with it." With the broom her sister got her for her birthday. HAD SHE SHOWN IT TO DERF YET????
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Romanian Longhorn
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 39,826
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Alas, despite the boy's warning of the less than.........appreciated newt, the girl was still none the wiser. All her attention was on the magnificent bird locked in its cage that didn't seem to make sounds. It was rather curious. Sure enough, if she HAD heard, Derfael and HAD seen Scamander, she might have unceremoniously fallen backwards and made a mad crawl for dear life.
Nothing yet. Still unseen.
"We're looking at thaaaat!" She enthused, pointing to what had unshakably held her attention for the last few minutes. "Have you ever seen one like it before? What'd you think it is?" Her father had loads and loads of magical books in his study that she tried reading but she hadn't gotten around to all of them. Consequently, there was still much she did not know.
"One of those would look so nice in my room and maybe if I train it like Lexa trained Felix, it won't fly away when it's outside its cage and I can fly around with it." With the broom her sister got her for her birthday. HAD SHE SHOWN IT TO DERF YET????
Checking to make sure his elbow wouldn't squish nor knock Scamanber off the table, Derf leaned forward a bit more and propped himself up so his eyes could adjust and scan to whatever it was Jessa was pointing to. In all honesty...nothing was especially standing out to him. There was no Miss Alexa. No famous quidditch player. No basilisk...
Oh? OH!
"You mean fat fwooper over fere?" he boasted with a grin, already pleased as peach that he had been able to identify a creature in the wild. "Fere magical African bird. Fey may look fancy, but feir s-s-song can make a pers-s-son go ins-s-sane. Fey all have to have a S-S-Silencing Charm on them and you need a s-s-special paper fingy singed by the Ministry to own one. You can have a fwooper feafer quill fough. Fose are safe."
And also pretty. But he personally had his eye on a phoenix feather quill because who WOULDN'T want one of those?!
"S-S-Speaking of Mis-s-s-ss Alexa..." he trailed off while giving the courtyard another look over. "S-S-She here wif you?"
And nope. No broom showing had been done yet!
When you’re stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Checking to make sure his elbow wouldn't squish nor knock Scamanber off the table, Derf leaned forward a bit more and propped himself up so his eyes could adjust and scan to whatever it was Jessa was pointing to. In all honesty...nothing was especially standing out to him. There was no Miss Alexa. No famous quidditch player. No basilisk...
Oh? OH!
"You mean fat fwooper over fere?" he boasted with a grin, already pleased as peach that he had been able to identify a creature in the wild. "Fere magical African bird. Fey may look fancy, but feir s-s-song can make a pers-s-son go ins-s-sane. Fey all have to have a S-S-Silencing Charm on them and you need a s-s-special paper fingy singed by the Ministry to own one. You can have a fwooper feafer quill fough. Fose are safe."
And also pretty. But he personally had his eye on a phoenix feather quill because who WOULDN'T want one of those?!
"S-S-Speaking of Mis-s-s-ss Alexa..." he trailed off while giving the courtyard another look over. "S-S-She here wif you?"
And nope. No broom showing had been done yet!
....Fwooper? Was that what it was...?
Jessa continued staring, absolutely mesmerized by the brightly coloured creature. It was lovely, even if what Derf was saying was true and it'd never really be able to sing for her. Looking at it was just as nice. "How do I get a paper thingy?" She asked, not daring to take her eyes off it, in case it disappeared into the crowded street. "And how will I get a silencing charm on it? Are those hard? D'you think I could learn at Hogwarts and keep it there?" All the questions ever from this 11 year old.
"Maybe I'll ask Daddy to get me one of those quills. We're gonna be school shopping soon." AND SHE WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED!! Especially to be getting a wand! Eeep!
Oh? Lexa? The blonde spared him a look--a risk truly, in case she lost the...the...f...woo..per... "Nah, she has work today I think. Either that or she's half way across the world." It was hard to tell anymore until Lexa got home and she asked.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Romanian Longhorn
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 39,826
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: ^________^
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
....Fwooper? Was that what it was...?
Jessa continued staring, absolutely mesmerized by the brightly coloured creature. It was lovely, even if what Derf was saying was true and it'd never really be able to sing for her. Looking at it was just as nice. "How do I get a paper thingy?" She asked, not daring to take her eyes off it, in case it disappeared into the crowded street. "And how will I get a silencing charm on it? Are those hard? D'you think I could learn at Hogwarts and keep it there?" All the questions ever from this 11 year old.
"Maybe I'll ask Daddy to get me one of those quills. We're gonna be school shopping soon." AND SHE WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED!! Especially to be getting a wand! Eeep!
Oh? Lexa? The blonde spared him a look--a risk truly, in case she lost the...the...f...woo..per... "Nah, she has work today I think. Either that or she's half way across the world." It was hard to tell anymore until Lexa got home and she asked.
The blonde boy couldn't help but puff out his chest proudly when Jessa continued to ask questions. Questions that he could answer and answer with complete confidence! It was an entirely different matter when mum tried to get him to help her in the garden. Except for when they were talking about dung. He knew all about dung. Dung and all sorts of secretions!
"From the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creature-s-s-s," he nodded. "Bet I could get my dad to help speed up the proces-s-s s-s-seeing as he is a Department Head." He would ask when he got home. "Fey all come with a S-S-Silencing Charm on fem. Oferwis-s-se fey would drive everyone mad in pet s-s-shops-s." He considered magic for a moment and, never having performed any of it himself...he couldn't come to a proper conclusion. "Not s-s-sure," he admitted. "Dad's department deals wif s-s-spells that make trouble...but you're wicked s-s-smart. Bet you could manage eas-s-sily."
Derf couldn't help but sigh. HE wanted to go to Hogwarts NOW and having to wait an entire year longer was way too long. But at the same time...he was scared to go to Hogwarts...because of an ancient artifact that he would wear on his head. "I'm aiming for a phoenix quill," he chirped to distract himself.
"Oh," he said, face a bit crestfallen at this.
When you’re stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Oliver was standing in front of the ice cream shop, he was wondering if he should get a ice cream cone before he goes home after a busy day at the ministry.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Oliver
Oliver was standing in front of the ice cream shop, he was wondering if he should get a ice cream cone before he goes home after a busy day at the ministry.
So apparently throwing a massive tantrum after being assigned as an understudy, was frowned upon. So here Gen was, looking her damn best, at an ice-cream shop, trying to drown out the sorrow of being fired from the play in a pint of super-fattening, sugared and processed baby-cow food.
She still couldn't understand how they had turned down HER in favour of some acne-faced amateur. Clearly that casting-agent was an absolute idiot and Gen was obviously too good for that stupid role anyways.
Waltzing towards the afore-mentioned Florean's, Gen spotted something that looked insanely good, and it wasn't ice-cream at all. Well hello there, handsome man. . .
Oliver decided that a butter beer ice cream would be nice right now when he notices a girl staring at him. She looks like she needs cheering up, maybe he should buy her a ice cream so he walks towards her and says " hey, you look like you need some company!"
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle had a date.
An icecream date.
A friend ice cream date.
Noelle was meeting the energetic Liv, but wasnt quite sure where. So she headed for the courtyard and grabbed a table out there. She was old enough now that her mum didnt accompany her to DA. Though, it did take some time to convince her mum to let her go alone since.... her second year.
But, with the help of her father, and a screaming little sister, Noelle was free to go to DA by herself. With.... agreements though.
Licking her chocolate frog ice cream, Noelle kept an eye out for Liv. She would be here soon wouldnt she?
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff