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Just beyond where the prize tables are set out, the bowling lanes are lit up and ready. This is where the main action is going to be placed for the night’s competition. The lanes and pins themselves are set up as they normally are during regular business hours, but everything seems to have an attractive gleam to it (the obvious signs that they've been waxed and polished for party reasons!). Even the shrunken heads are done-up for the occasion, many sporting face glitter and hair sparkles! Speaking of lanes, though, you'll notice that only six are actually accessible for game-play. They will accommodate the six mix-and-match bowling teams that have been formed by your shopkeepers!
To those that signed up prior to the event, you'll have been owl'd your team name before arriving. Simply look for the lane place-marked with that name and get ready to greet your teammates...because each group has their own lane for the duration of the party!
Don’t have a team, but want to play? Find your friendly Bowling Alley Shopkeeper (Govoni) walking around mingling and she will get you all set up. It's never too late to join the fun!
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Bowling! was he not excited for this?! Yes, he was. What a better way to celebrate his first NYE back in England after a while than in Diagon Alley. He was so glad he had bought the shop over the summer and moved business here. Working in the alley proved to be a great way of investment.
And fun apparently.
Silas showed up early all ready to start this thing and win and meet his fellow shopkeepers properly. As well as the other participants. And just as he walked up to the lane where his team was assigned, he tried to remember when was the last time he bowled. Eeeh. A while ago. But he would be fine, he thought. He wasn't a pro but not horrible. hopefully one didn't simply forget how to bowl, right? Right. It was like swimming. Or he hoped it was.
It looked like he was the first one to show up. Even better. Would give him time to get used to the place and ready himself.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oh BOoooOOOOoooo!
Eb was willing to try Bowling, but did he have to do so on a Team with Red in it's name? Did Ebenezer even look like a guy who would wear red? NEVER! He sat down a chair nearest his Lane and switched around his shoes to some Bowling Ones he had borrowed from the Alley. Once he finished swapping them around and tightening the laces. The scruffy man scratched his chin, sighed, and leaned back into the seat looking up at the ceiling.
He could either take a nap or...Oh!?
There was someone already over on the other Lane beside his. Still leaning in his chair legs strechted out and arms now folded across his chest. Eb starred directly at the other guy... Not blinking.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Now that she was full, Charlie had a team to meet and intimidating looks to give. The blonde wandered over to her assigned lane, sporting her team's color. And look, she wasn't the first one. How nice.
"Hello, gentlemen." Smirk. "Ready for the heads to roll?"
She was. Charlie loved competition. She also loved sizing up her fellow Diagon Alley workers. Maybe she could convince a few to come into the shop for a new tat? Maybe. Look at her, working on a holiday. Due for another raise, she was.
He thought he was going to be late. Parties did that, y'know? Fortunately his bro had reminded him of the Bowling Ball, and being Kennedy, he wasn't going to be late. He'd had enough of missions and...stuff for a while, so this was his night to let loose and have some fun. He almost forgot what that felt like.
Arriving just as two others did on the lanes he was designated, Kennedy threw them a grin.
"Sure am," he said, answering the woman's question. How long has it been since he's bowled? Meh. It didn't matter. He just wanted to have fun.
Jessa was pumped to say the least. She'd taken off her coat on her way to the assigned lane, thrown it and the yellow bag on the seats where Cassie should be somewhere, and marched off to where a man stood.
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oh BOoooOOOOoooo!
Eb was willing to try Bowling, but did he have to do so on a Team with Red in it's name? Did Ebenezer even look like a guy who would wear red? NEVER! He sat down a chair nearest his Lane and switched around his shoes to some Bowling Ones he had borrowed from the Alley. Once he finished swapping them around and tightening the laces. The scruffy man scratched his chin, sighed, and leaned back into the seat looking up at the ceiling.
He could either take a nap or...Oh!?
There was someone already over on the other Lane beside his. Still leaning in his chair legs strechted out and arms now folded across his chest. Eb starred directly at the other guy... Not blinking.
"Hi!" It was a little too excitedly to greet a stranger with such high=pitched tone but he was most likely in her team. They were a pact now, they were together in this, they were going to kick some butts tonight, so practically they were inseparable. "I'm Jessa, you can call me Jessa, I don't like Jess. I've never bowled before but I would like my first time to be when I win a match." Did they call them matches? No matter.
The twenty five (and a half) years old gave the people standing near the next lane a look that was meant to be warning but it came out as cautious. And gentle. The cute young man (Deezerz) got a slightly longer look, thanks to that leather jacket he wore. Fashionable enemies were cool. She liked that.
Now. She was going to get ready. Jessa stood up straight and started doing some breathing, in and out, in and out, just like in Pilates class. And because this was mainly an exercise for your back and arms, there was no harm inw arming those up. She assumed the position, and started doing quick punches in the air, with a tiny 'ho!' for dramatics' sake.
Lane two, lane two... Vincent found his lane and nodded to his team mates, "Hello..." He gave a small nod, "Vincent... call me Vince though." Yeah... don't expect much out of him for right now... it was hard to though knowing he was just left to fix a nearly burnt down house because she knocked over a candle... So in addition to shattering his heart, Rachel destroyed his house... He shook his head though and sighed, At least try to act happy... He reminded himself and looked up again, "So all of you care to introduce yourself?" He looked between the others who were there.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
With his hands tucked into his pockets, Silas marched back and forth keeping an eye out of his surroundings. Where were his teammates? They better show up fast so they could plot against the ENEMY! He hadn't felt that competitive since like .... his brother-in-law challenged him that last time. He SO did not lose balance, he just sort of slipped. Which wasn't much better.
Someone came!
A silent staring someone, though. Silas stared right back at the man. A staring competition? The man was ON! Except he really needed to blink now after a minute of not blinking. He didn't want his eyes to tear up. How would that look?! Weak in the other team's eye. Merlin forbid that.
PHEW! An excuse to blink. The blond man smiled at his fellow shopkeeper and a young man who were on HIS team. "Couldn't get any readier," He answered confidently that he hoped wasn't a false hope.
And another one came! He did a fast counting to see that four of his team were here while only three of the other team. HA! "Nice to meet you, Vince," he greeted the man. "I'm Silas Calverley," he introduced himself to the lot. And more were coming, yeah?
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Jessa was pumped to say the least. She'd taken off her coat on her way to the assigned lane, thrown it and the yellow bag on the seats where Cassie should be somewhere, and marched off to where a man stood.
"Hi!" It was a little too excitedly to greet a stranger with such high=pitched tone but he was most likely in her team. They were a pact now, they were together in this, they were going to kick some butts tonight, so practically they were inseparable. "I'm Jessa, you can call me Jessa, I don't like Jess. I've never bowled before but I would like my first time to be when I win a match." Did they call them matches? No matter.
The twenty five (and a half) years old gave the people standing near the next lane a look that was meant to be warning but it came out as cautious. And gentle. The cute young man (Deezerz) got a slightly longer look, thanks to that leather jacket he wore. Fashionable enemies were cool. She liked that.
Now. She was going to get ready. Jessa stood up straight and started doing some breathing, in and out, in and out, just like in Pilates class. And because this was mainly an exercise for your back and arms, there was no harm inw arming those up. She assumed the position, and started doing quick punches in the air, with a tiny 'ho!' for dramatics' sake.
Not even this...Ummmm... Jessa not Jess Girl was breaking his creepy. He had to prove a silent point that he meant business to this other team. This Orange Team, a Color that was slightly better than his Team Color, but still just as bad. His eyes were not on her, but her antics did not fall on deaf ears. Was he being paired up with crazies? "Call me, Eb, Ebie, E.J, Ebe, Eben, or Ebenezer. Doesn't really matter." She wasn't a bowler? This may not end well...He made a bet with Val. He can't afford inexperienced people. Never mind that he has also never bowled before. His eyes still not blinking while staring at the other man, who as it seemed was finally beginning to crack.
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
With his hands tucked into his pockets, Silas marched back and forth keeping an eye out of his surroundings. Where were his teammates? They better show up fast so they could plot against the ENEMY! He hadn't felt that competitive since like .... his brother-in-law challenged him that last time. He SO did not lose balance, he just sort of slipped. Which wasn't much better.
Someone came!
A silent staring someone, though. Silas stared right back at the man. A staring competition? The man was ON! Except he really needed to blink now after a minute of not blinking. He didn't want his eyes to tear up. How would that look?! Weak in the other team's eye. Merlin forbid that.
PHEW! An excuse to blink. The blond man smiled at his fellow shopkeeper and a young man who were on HIS team. "Couldn't get any readier," He answered confidently that he hoped wasn't a false hope.
And another one came! He did a fast counting to see that four of his team were here while only three of the other team. HA! "Nice to meet you, Vince," he greeted the man. "I'm Silas Calverley," he introduced himself to the lot. And more were coming, yeah?
AHA! He looked away! WINNER WINNER! He had creeped his opponent out! Now he just needs to get the rest of that team on edge!
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Jack made it to his alley and saw 2 of his teammates already there, "Hey guys, I'm Jack Berusen. Are you guys ready to pulverise the competition".
Using his arms to push himself up. Ebenezer slammed a balled fist into a palmed one. "Right, I'm ready, and I'm pumped." Where was the rest of the Team though?
Entering the bowling area, Kat headed for her lane, and saw a few people there already. A smile on her face she waved as she approached, "Hi there." she said brightly. Hopefully they didn't expect her to be all that great at bowling right? She had gone a few times with Luke but never had done all that well. This was more for fun though wasn't it?
[COLOR="Green"][FONT="Arial"] Not even this...Ummmm... Jessa not Jess Girl was breaking his creepy. He had to prove a silent point that he meant business to this other team. This Orange Team, a Color that was slightly better than his Team Color, but still just as bad. His eyes were not on her, but her antics did not fall on deaf ears. Was he being paired up with crazies? "Call me, Eb, Ebie, E.J, Ebe, Eben, or Ebenezer. Doesn't really matter." She wasn't a bowler? This may not end well...He made a bet with Val. He can't afford inexperienced people. Never mind that he has also never bowled before. His eyes still not blinking while staring at the other man, who as it seemed was finally beginning to crack.
That was awfully a lot of nicknames to remember. "Okya, Eb." She might've blacked out on what he said after that. He didn't say much anyway, he didn't even look at her.
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa
Jack made it to his alley and saw 2 of his teammates already there, "Hey guys, I'm Jack Berusen. Are you guys ready to pulverise the competition".
Jessa took a break from her warming up, after a while, to smile over at the other man in their team. "I know I am!" She shoved her hands in her shorts' pockets and stood up straight, with a grin.
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Using his arms to push himself up. Ebenezer slammed a balled fist into a palmed one. "Right, I'm ready, and I'm pumped." Where was the rest of the Team though?
Ooooh, wasn't that what mud wrestlers did? The fist thing in the palm? Jessa mimicked Eb's move slowly, trying to connect with the feeling of motivation it should provide. As a performer, she had to try everything and anything a person does in her presence that she's unfamiliar with. You never know when you'll need it on stage. "So are you our Captain, Eb?" Did they have captains? He looked as grumpy as a captain should be!
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus
Entering the bowling area, Kat headed for her lane, and saw a few people there already. A smile on her face she waved as she approached, "Hi there." she said brightly. Hopefully they didn't expect her to be all that great at bowling right? She had gone a few times with Luke but never had done all that well. This was more for fun though wasn't it?
Another woman in their team. Woo! Jessa smiled back at her and gave her a wave, "Hi. How many left are there in our team?" Did she know? Could they start now?
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Jude was soooooo ready for this!! It was nice to get out of his shop and get to know his fellow shopkeepers for starters, but also, he loved a good competitive game. And he was on the RED team, too! Red meant FIRE and POWER and AWESOME, so he was extremely pleased.
He strode over to his TEAM with the brightest smile ever, and suited and booted in one of his finest leather jackets. Gotta look COOL, of course. But he wasn't wearing red. Was that a problem, or?
Anyway... Jude got to his assigned alley and smiled at everyone individually. "Hey Red Re'ems!" He clasped his hands together and took a look over at the OTHER team. Who were totally going down.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
More people kept filing in. That was good. The more teammates, the more chances they had to win. And of course, that was his goal. Heh.
Glancing around he memorized the faces of his teammates, as well as the opposing team's. Green eyes landed on a young woman...whom was staring at him. Kennedy raised a brow at her. What'd he do? Ohh. Was she staring down the competition? In that case she got a bright grin. No worries here.
Turning back to his teammates he nodded at Vincent and Silas when they introduced themselves. "Great to meet you all," he said. "and I'm Kennedy Escalante." Grin.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Her team was ready, then? Brilliant! Charlie gave an award winning smile and wandered closer to her teammates, eyeing each curiously. She really didn't know them all that well which told her several things. 1. They were missing out on knowing such an amazing human being such as herself and 2. They hadn't yet been round to get a tattoo or piercing from her. Problems, these were. She'd have to do some convincing while she was here.
"Charlie Anderson," She announced when introductions were being made. "Fan of tattoos and winning." Which meant not losing, FYI. High hopes for you, Occamys.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus
Entering the bowling area, Kat headed for her lane, and saw a few people there already. A smile on her face she waved as she approached, "Hi there." she said brightly. Hopefully they didn't expect her to be all that great at bowling right? She had gone a few times with Luke but never had done all that well. This was more for fun though wasn't it?
Perfect more for their team to dominate and beat this Orange Team, and help him win a bet against Val! "Glad you could make it! Having a Good New Years Eve so far?" Because now it was to Chew Bubble Gum and Bowl, and he was all out of Bubble Gum. "I think we're about ready to get started. We missing anyone else?"
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
That was awfully a lot of nicknames to remember. "Okya, Eb." She might've blacked out on what he said after that. He didn't say much anyway, he didn't even look at her.
Ooooh, wasn't that what mud wrestlers did? The fist thing in the palm? Jessa mimicked Eb's move slowly, trying to connect with the feeling of motivation it should provide. As a performer, she had to try everything and anything a person does in her presence that she's unfamiliar with. You never know when you'll need it on stage. "So are you our Captain, Eb?" Did they have captains? He looked as grumpy as a captain should be!
Was she copying him? Weird, but kind of cool, he could get this girl into the game easily. He pounded his fist into his palm once more and started doing squats alternating between each of his long, and lanky legs. "Ca-Captain!?!" Eb, stopped his squats and turned away from this Jessa. His face blushing at the thought. There never really assigned captains for this game, but he could do it. So long as This Jesssa didn't learn he was really THE CAPTAIN, because there was none. "Yeah...Yes..MmmHmmm Yup. That's me, Captain Eb. I'll lead the Re'ems to victory." he weighed the options, and tried to think of th consequences of his action here. Bobbing his head back and forth, and brushing his fingers through is hair every minute. "Yup, to victory."
Originally Posted by Emzily
Jude was soooooo ready for this!! It was nice to get out of his shop and get to know his fellow shopkeepers for starters, but also, he loved a good competitive game. And he was on the RED team, too! Red meant FIRE and POWER and AWESOME, so he was extremely pleased.
He strode over to his TEAM with the brightest smile ever, and suited and booted in one of his finest leather jackets. Gotta look COOL, of course. But he wasn't wearing red. Was that a problem, or?
Anyway... Jude got to his assigned alley and smiled at everyone individually. "Hey Red Re'ems!" He clasped his hands together and took a look over at the OTHER team. Who were totally going down.
Guess it wasn't everyone? Who was this guy, all smooth and smug looking in his Leather Jacket. Eb, would have one if he wanted, but he spent a lot on a Fedora he wasn't even wearing tonight. Can't let his guy's appearance undermine his authority now that Eb, had claimed the title of Captain. He was gonna keep a close eye on this teammate. "Heeey there." Ebenezer said trying to mask the distaste in his voice of this guy as much as he could. Who ever said not to judge a book by it's cover had never met Ebenezer J. Elchmann.
With his hands tucked into his pockets, Silas marched back and forth keeping an eye out of his surroundings. Where were his teammates? They better show up fast so they could plot against the ENEMY! He hadn't felt that competitive since like .... his brother-in-law challenged him that last time. He SO did not lose balance, he just sort of slipped. Which wasn't much better.
Someone came!
A silent staring someone, though. Silas stared right back at the man. A staring competition? The man was ON! Except he really needed to blink now after a minute of not blinking. He didn't want his eyes to tear up. How would that look?! Weak in the other team's eye. Merlin forbid that.
PHEW! An excuse to blink. The blond man smiled at his fellow shopkeeper and a young man who were on HIS team. "Couldn't get any readier," He answered confidently that he hoped wasn't a false hope.
And another one came! He did a fast counting to see that four of his team were here while only three of the other team. HA! "Nice to meet you, Vince," he greeted the man. "I'm Silas Calverley," he introduced himself to the lot. And more were coming, yeah?
Originally Posted by Deezerz
More people kept filing in. That was good. The more teammates, the more chances they had to win. And of course, that was his goal. Heh.
Glancing around he memorized the faces of his teammates, as well as the opposing team's. Green eyes landed on a young woman...whom was staring at him. Kennedy raised a brow at her. What'd he do? Ohh. Was she staring down the competition? In that case she got a bright grin. No worries here.
Turning back to his teammates he nodded at Vincent and Silas when they introduced themselves. "Great to meet you all," he said. "and I'm Kennedy Escalante." Grin.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Her team was ready, then? Brilliant! Charlie gave an award winning smile and wandered closer to her teammates, eyeing each curiously. She really didn't know them all that well which told her several things. 1. They were missing out on knowing such an amazing human being such as herself and 2. They hadn't yet been round to get a tattoo or piercing from her. Problems, these were. She'd have to do some convincing while she was here.
"Charlie Anderson," She announced when introductions were being made. "Fan of tattoos and winning." Which meant not losing, FYI. High hopes for you, Occamys.
Vincent nodded as everyone introduced himself and gave a weak smile, trying to act at least a bit excited. It wasn't that he didn't like the sport... He wouldn't have signed up if he hadn't, but it was sucky when he was in no mood to even leave his house, "I'm sure it's a pleasure to meet all of you." Vince looked at them, trying to make a mental note of their names, "And nice to know I already have something in common with one of you." He looked at Charlie, "I work for the ministry, so they're covered most of the time but," He rolled the sleeves to his shirt and gave a weak smile.
"One for my dream of becoming a singer, and the other... Kind of a reminder to never give up hope." He'd gotten the microphone when he was still at Durmstrang actually and the second he'd just gotten recently, just trying to remind himself that as much as things sucked at the moment, that didn't mean that they wouldn't get better. Maybe he could fix the house up, sale it, head to uni and move on from Rachel... He could hope anyways, right?
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Guess it wasn't everyone? Who was this guy, all smooth and smug looking in his Leather Jacket. Eb, would have one if he wanted, but he spent a lot on a Fedora he wasn't even wearing tonight. Can't let his guy's appearance undermine his authority now that Eb, had claimed the title of Captain. He was gonna keep a close eye on this teammate. "Heeey there." Ebenezer said trying to mask the distaste in his voice of this guy as much as he could. Who ever said not to judge a book by it's cover had never met Ebenezer J. Elchmann.
"Hi." He said to the man that had acknowledged him. Did he sense something a little off about this guy? "I'm Jude." He extended his hand to him, because he was a right gent, and of course, he offered everyone else a smile as well. It was a great turn out! He would be lying if he said he didn't think anyone would show up.
Jude clapped his hands together and looked at the team. "So... are we ready to do this thing?" He stole another look to the other team to see if they were anywhere near being ready. Time to get this show on the road!
Did they have a captain? Because Jude tooOOOooooooootally saw himself as a potential candidate...
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Stealing a glance towards the other team showed Silas that the staring man was busy talking to his teammates now and was no longer staring. Good, good, meant he wasn't SPYING on them. Not that they were doing anything significant now. That probably needed changing.
Text Cut: Teammates!
Originally Posted by Deezerz
More people kept filing in. That was good. The more teammates, the more chances they had to win. And of course, that was his goal. Heh.
Glancing around he memorized the faces of his teammates, as well as the opposing team's. Green eyes landed on a young woman...whom was staring at him. Kennedy raised a brow at her. What'd he do? Ohh. Was she staring down the competition? In that case she got a bright grin. No worries here.
Turning back to his teammates he nodded at Vincent and Silas when they introduced themselves. "Great to meet you all," he said. "and I'm Kennedy Escalante." Grin.
Originally Posted by takemetotheburrow
Her team was ready, then? Brilliant! Charlie gave an award winning smile and wandered closer to her teammates, eyeing each curiously. She really didn't know them all that well which told her several things. 1. They were missing out on knowing such an amazing human being such as herself and 2. They hadn't yet been round to get a tattoo or piercing from her. Problems, these were. She'd have to do some convincing while she was here.
"Charlie Anderson," She announced when introductions were being made. "Fan of tattoos and winning." Which meant not losing, FYI. High hopes for you, Occamys.
Originally Posted by PuppySara
SPOILER!!: Le team
Vincent nodded as everyone introduced himself and gave a weak smile, trying to act at least a bit excited. It wasn't that he didn't like the sport... He wouldn't have signed up if he hadn't, but it was sucky when he was in no mood to even leave his house, "I'm sure it's a pleasure to meet all of you." Vince looked at them, trying to make a mental note of their names, "And nice to know I already have something in common with one of you." He looked at Charlie, "I work for the ministry, so they're covered most of the time but," He rolled the sleeves to his shirt and gave a weak smile.
"One for my dream of becoming a singer, and the other... Kind of a reminder to never give up hope." He'd gotten the microphone when he was still at Durmstrang actually and the second he'd just gotten recently, just trying to remind himself that as much as things sucked at the moment, that didn't mean that they wouldn't get better. Maybe he could fix the house up, sale it, head to uni and move on from Rachel... He could hope anyways, right?
His attention was turned back on his teammates who introduced themselves and Silas mentally registered the names and linked them with the faces. It was important to not forget their names of course and he wasn't going to. Not an old man with a bad memory, mhmm.
"Pleasure meeting you all," he nodded at them before listening to Vince at nodding at his words. Yeah, cool. Young and ambitious young men on the team, that was always good.
"So, you guys wanna start or wait for those who hadn't showed up yet?" Four was a good number, right?
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
A quick and jangling noise announced Soheir's appearance before she actually could be seen. A middle aged woman with dark, dark hair and a little heart-shaped mouth which she used to utter a, "Wait for me!" at her fellow teammates.
She sort of came to a light propulsion skid as she stopped at lane one. Oh, yay! They were number one. Hehe. If nothing else, it meant no distractions from at least one side. You know, in case the team in the number two lane tried anything funny. "Have I missed anything?" She said looking a bit worried. Was she really the only other female on the team?
Looking around her she counted their group even as another few appeared. "Umm, I think we're missing just one more. Maybe we just should go ahead and get started? And add her to the bottom and hope she's here before we get to her turn?" It was Caroline...maybe? That they were missing. She recognized her fellow shopkeepers, and there was one guy and three girls with them so it'd be either Caroline, Soheir or Joscelind. "I think the only one we're missing is Caroline?"
Jude was soooooo ready for this!! It was nice to get out of his shop and get to know his fellow shopkeepers for starters, but also, he loved a good competitive game. And he was on the RED team, too! Red meant FIRE and POWER and AWESOME, so he was extremely pleased.
He strode over to his TEAM with the brightest smile ever, and suited and booted in one of his finest leather jackets. Gotta look COOL, of course. But he wasn't wearing red. Was that a problem, or?
Anyway... Jude got to his assigned alley and smiled at everyone individually. "Hey Red Re'ems!" He clasped his hands together and took a look over at the OTHER team. Who were totally going down.
Just as she asked about more teammates, a new guy showed up... in leather jacket too. Jessa smiled at him, checking out his jacket. "Hey there." Could she touch the jacket please? Maybe when he needed to bowl, she'd hold it for him? Was that too much to ask of a stranger?
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Was she copying him? Weird, but kind of cool, he could get this girl into the game easily. He pounded his fist into his palm once more and started doing squats alternating between each of his long, and lanky legs. "Ca-Captain!?!" Eb, stopped his squats and turned away from this Jessa. His face blushing at the thought. There never really assigned captains for this game, but he could do it. So long as This Jesssa didn't learn he was really THE CAPTAIN, because there was none. "Yeah...Yes..MmmHmmm Yup. That's me, Captain Eb. I'll lead the Re'ems to victory." he weighed the options, and tried to think of th consequences of his action here. Bobbing his head back and forth, and brushing his fingers through is hair every minute. "Yup, to victory."
Mhmm. See, she knew it! This guy was their captain. NO wonder he was here first and was giving everyone a stern look. A captain should be like that. Jessa nodded confidently, fisting her palm (the official move for their team now Eb turned out to be their captain). "Of course! Let's get started...??" Pause. "Can I be the first?" She grinned excitedly.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
A quick and jangling noise announced Soheir's appearance before she actually could be seen. A middle aged woman with dark, dark hair and a little heart-shaped mouth which she used to utter a, "Wait for me!" at her fellow teammates.
She sort of came to a light propulsion skid as she stopped at lane one. Oh, yay! They were number one. Hehe. If nothing else, it meant no distractions from at least one side. You know, in case the team in the number two lane tried anything funny. "Have I missed anything?" She said looking a bit worried. Was she really the only other female on the team?
Cassie was supposed to be the next one coming. Jessa had slipped her name to the shopkeeper person before. Where was she? Jessa craned her neck, looking for her friend, before offering the new comer a wide smile. "Not much. We just got in! Eb over there is our Captain. And I'm Jessa. Hi."
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Cassie flicked her long dark hear over her shoulder and strolled over to where she supposed her team-mates were. Team mates, could you believe Jessa? She was actually here to watch and now she had gotten roped into this...thing ugh. If she even so much as produced one bead of sweat her room mate would be dead meat.
Dead and buried meat.
"I'm here I guess." And eyeing you Jessa.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Looking around her she counted their group even as another few appeared. "Umm, I think we're missing just one more. Maybe we just should go ahead and get started? And add her to the bottom and hope she's here before we get to her turn?" It was Caroline...maybe? That they were missing. She recognized her fellow shopkeepers, and there was one guy and three girls with them so it'd be either Caroline, Soheir or Joscelind. "I think the only one we're missing is Caroline?"
Jessa nodded at the woman, "I agree with the lady! We should get started and leave the remaining contestant to the bottom." As for her friend-
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Cassie flicked her long dark hear over her shoulder and strolled over to where she supposed her team-mates were. Team mates, could you believe Jessa? She was actually here to watch and now she had gotten roped into this...thing ugh. If she even so much as produced one bead of sweat her room mate would be dead meat.
Dead and buried meat.
"I'm here I guess." And eyeing you Jessa.
"Cassie! So glad you're here! We're going to have fun, promise." Jessa was giving her all sort of beaming smiles and grins. Besides, they had that bet with Fletcher they needed to win!!!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Oh so Vincent had tattoos, eh? Charlie raised her eyebrows slightly and inched closer, observing the artistry and design of them. Her eyes never left them as she listened to the dude talk about his reasons behind what he had inked on his body. She wouldn't have asked, y'know? Tattoos were personal things and she understood that not everybody liked to share but she did give a rare smile to the guy. "Nice." Really, not bad work but she could've done better. Just saying. "If you ever decide to get more, you know where to find me."
And was everyone here yet? Charlie was itching to get going. She wasn't one to go bowling on the reg or anything but she did want to see what these other Diagon Alley people brought to the table. It seemed Silas had a similar idea as he was asking if they should start.
"Let's bowl," Was Charlie's reply, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "Who's up first?"