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Term 64: May - August 2023 Term Sixty-Four: The Future Really Makes You Sphinx (Sept 2110 - June 2111)

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Old 06-11-2023, 10:47 PM
FearlessLeader19 FearlessLeader19 is offline
Default DADA Lesson: Salvio Hexia

Holding a lesson outdoors in the middle of January was probably not a good idea. However, that only applied to anyone who was not as adept to weather charms as Dhruv was. They thought that holding a few of their lessons outside would be a nice change of scenery for their students, so they had not held back in making the environment where they all would be working today warm and comfortable for the young learners.

The still, cold Whomping Willow sat in the distance. Frozen grass peppered the ground. Today's lesson set up? Comfortable tree stumps lined the area in neat rows - each stump was spread equally apart and was separated from the others by bright purple lines. This meant that the stumps were planted in the middle of a spacious square.

But just what today’s topic all about? You may take the time to mull over it while you snag a stump and await the lesson to get started. Your professor awaits you by the portable chalkboard, sunglasses in place though the thing was not necessary. Old habits die hard, as that Muggle saying went!

OOC: Hello, lovies! I hope you're all well. Welcome to another IC DADA lesson! I decided to get the thread up and running a little early this evening but we shall get started officially in about 27 hours <3 THE LESSON HAS BEGUN!

Lesson Progression:
Old 06-21-2023, 11:20 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Caledon Roth
The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Desiree loved a good giggle as much as the next aspiring Disney princess, but that spell made her a little too giggly! Her face was still flushed pink, and her chest hurt a little from all the laughing brought on by the ticking hex. Eyes turning to Khanna again, she wondered what spell would come her way next. She didn’t have much time to think about it before whatever it was pinged off her barrier and disappeared. Yay, she did it! That had her giggling again, and not from a tickling spell this time!

She ended her spell with a nonverbal Finite, carefully considering the next set of questions. The pronunciation took her a bit of getting used to, but she had it down before she tried casting. Likewise with the wand movement,,, so what went wrong with her first attempt? She recalled how her first attempt produced a haze, but the barrier didn’t hold. “My first try did something but wasn’t strong enough to hold, so maybe my intent was off,” she volunteered after raising her hand. “I guess the way to fix that is to concentrate on your purpose.” Did that make any sense? She hoped it did!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-22-2023, 01:57 AM   #52 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Anna's moods were rather akin to a rubber bouncy ball and today was no different. Whereas she had been just about on the cusp of her eyes becoming drizzling fountains a minute or two ago, said eyes were now looking at the Ravenclaw perpetrator with a certain fondness. He made an EXCELLENT point and she sure hoped that Sir Grumps-a-Lot of the Galleon & Mentor of Commerce was listening (he probably wasn't since he had expressed a certain resentment towards all the noise) because this was evidence that people were thoughtful and did not just say them for the sake of them!

"I appreciate such thoughtful sensitivity," she nodded with an elaborate kind of bow towards the Ravenclaw boy. "I'll bring snacks!" See? Rubber bouncy ball.

But, back in the more immediate present, Anna's spell was being put to the test and to no one's surprise (surely) the professor's spell cut right through her magical barrier like a hot knife through butter. Which meant, once Anna had collected herself from the ground she had tumbled back on, she her ears were twitching as though they were trying to separate themselves from her head. It was a wonder that all the flapping they were doing had not caused her to take flight, even if only for a few seconds. Another side effect was that it made things rather difficult to hear, so while the Hufflepuffle saw the professor's lips moving...she could not make out a single sound they were making. It was like trying to listen to someone underwater in the third sea whereas you were nestled over in sea number five of seven.


When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-22-2023, 03:03 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Vera! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Khanna's praise got a small smile from the Gryffindor, before she grabbed her wand when she realized she'd forgotten to disarm her spell. Oops. "Finite." She cast, before putting her wand away again and then cleaning up her notes as the lesson began to move on. She didn't get to another attempt, but that was okay. One success was enough for her.

After their question was posed, the fourth year considered for a minute. What was the greatest challenges? Well... concentration, for one. Given obvious reasons. But she was fairly certain someone else would say that so she remained quiet. What could they do to avoid it... perhaps the entire beginning of class would have been a good start on that too. But again, not something she'd say. And another challenge? Hm... she didn't think she'd noticed anyone REALLY struggling with pronounciation, but she knew that was often a hold of for her so... she added that to her mental list as well.

Which was a list that would remain in her head. Because she was still very serious about not speaking any further for this lesson. Instead she just kept her eyes forward and sat veeeeery still. See? She was really paying attention, even if not outwardly contributing.

Concentration was an answer Dhruv expected by quite a bit of students. The realisation made their mind jump to a potential activity that they could host sometime. Yes. It was perfect and the idea was filed away for future planning. Their eyes lingered on Vera who had gone as still as a statue. Was that her new ‘focus/paying attention’ face?

SPOILER!!: Desiree! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Desiree loved a good giggle as much as the next aspiring Disney princess, but that spell made her a little too giggly! Her face was still flushed pink, and her chest hurt a little from all the laughing brought on by the ticking hex. Eyes turning to Khanna again, she wondered what spell would come her way next. She didn’t have much time to think about it before whatever it was pinged off her barrier and disappeared. Yay, she did it! That had her giggling again, and not from a tickling spell this time!

She ended her spell with a nonverbal Finite, carefully considering the next set of questions. The pronunciation took her a bit of getting used to, but she had it down before she tried casting. Likewise with the wand movement,,, so what went wrong with her first attempt? She recalled how her first attempt produced a haze, but the barrier didn’t hold. “My first try did something but wasn’t strong enough to hold, so maybe my intent was off,” she volunteered after raising her hand. “I guess the way to fix that is to concentrate on your purpose.” Did that make any sense? She hoped it did!

Perhaps Dhruv’s Disney knowledge was limited since they were unable to come up with a character to compare Desiree’s pink face to. Nevertheless, they sent her a thumbs up too when the second hex was deflected. Proud of you, Desiree!

“Intent is of utmost importance, yes. When directing your spell, it is keen that your mind is fully trained on where you want that spell to go. Quite right, Ms. Marchand.”

SPOILER!!: Anna! lolol
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Anna's moods were rather akin to a rubber bouncy ball and today was no different. Whereas she had been just about on the cusp of her eyes becoming drizzling fountains a minute or two ago, said eyes were now looking at the Ravenclaw perpetrator with a certain fondness. He made an EXCELLENT point and she sure hoped that Sir Grumps-a-Lot of the Galleon & Mentor of Commerce was listening (he probably wasn't since he had expressed a certain resentment towards all the noise) because this was evidence that people were thoughtful and did not just say them for the sake of them!

"I appreciate such thoughtful sensitivity," she nodded with an elaborate kind of bow towards the Ravenclaw boy. "I'll bring snacks!" See? Rubber bouncy ball.

But, back in the more immediate present, Anna's spell was being put to the test and to no one's surprise (surely) the professor's spell cut right through her magical barrier like a hot knife through butter. Which meant, once Anna had collected herself from the ground she had tumbled back on, she her ears were twitching as though they were trying to separate themselves from her head. It was a wonder that all the flapping they were doing had not caused her to take flight, even if only for a few seconds. Another side effect was that it made things rather difficult to hear, so while the Hufflepuffle saw the professor's lips moving...she could not make out a single sound they were making. It was like trying to listen to someone underwater in the third sea whereas you were nestled over in sea number five of seven.


And so it seemed all was settled with the mention of snacks! What a lovely outcome to a particularly sticky start. This was not so much the case in the defense area. Dhruv actually missed out that Anna was having trouble, what with all that twitching. They couldn’t blame her; the hex was a highly distracting one if casted successfully. With a gesture of a hand and a mutter of an incantation, the twitchy ears should rest easy now.

“Better, Ms. Walles? Your ears may feel funny for a bit, as though they’re still twitching or there might be a slight ringing in them. The sensations will pass soon; no need to visit the Healer.” If there was ringing, maybe Anna hadn’t heard their words at all. Just in case…

“My questions were what challenge or challenges did you in particular face while attempting to master the Charm? Why do you think this is so and what can be done to remedy it? You may answer any or all of the questions.”

Their voice was raised, and while Dhruv was not inclined to shout at their students, they had made an exception given a potential circumstance.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

“That’s it for today, class! Thank you for being here.” They did not just mean it about being present at the lesson; they meant it about being a part of their life and adding liveliness to their teaching experience. “Remember that my office door is opened to each of you for lesson discussion or simply if you need to have a chat.” This was Dhruv’s way of letting the students know that they would always try to assist them in any way they could. “There’s no homework for this lesson but I do expect you to practice the Charm. I daresay its use might just pop up in the near future for another DADA lesson.” The man grinned broadly, letting the air of mysteriousness settle in the air. “Have a productive rest of the day."

OOC: Annnnnnd that’s a wrap for this term’s IC lesson, my dudes! Thank you very kindly for attending! The thread will remain open for a few more hours for those that would like to finish up <3
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-22-2023, 03:18 AM   #54 (permalink)

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This was entirely her focus face now. Thank you for noticing, Professor.

She could notice the class was winding down to a close, so Vera caaaaarefully began to put all of her items away so that she could book it out of there as soon as released. Quick get away before anyone asked her about the note, if they hadn't forgotten already. She was fairly certain amongst everything her actions were inconsequential so she had high hopes it would all be forgotten by tomorrow but... She'd like to give it that window of opportunity of being forgotten first before assuming that.

So when Khanna said their last line, the Gryffindor was OFF like a hex shot from a wand. She didn't even stop to say her thank you for the lesson, just booked it straight back to Gryffindor tower to wallow still in her embarrassment.

And maybe it was time to also let herself actually think about the contents of that nearly digested note.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 06-22-2023, 12:52 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Vera! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
This was entirely her focus face now. Thank you for noticing, Professor.

She could notice the class was winding down to a close, so Vera caaaaarefully began to put all of her items away so that she could book it out of there as soon as released. Quick get away before anyone asked her about the note, if they hadn't forgotten already. She was fairly certain amongst everything her actions were inconsequential so she had high hopes it would all be forgotten by tomorrow but... She'd like to give it that window of opportunity of being forgotten first before assuming that.

So when Khanna said their last line, the Gryffindor was OFF like a hex shot from a wand. She didn't even stop to say her thank you for the lesson, just booked it straight back to Gryffindor tower to wallow still in her embarrassment.

And maybe it was time to also let herself actually think about the contents of that nearly digested note.

Then Dhruv was bound to look out for this ‘focus face’ in future lessons; they had made a mental note of it. As for her actions prior to the start of the lesson today, those actions would be forgotten for the moments hadn’t defined Vera. Not in the professor’s opinion.

Seeing her zoom off like that, had him chuckling. These kiddos. These kiddos brightened their day, no doubt about it.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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