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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster: Malachi Trent's Reign > Term 55: May - August 2020

Term 55: May - August 2020 Term fifty-five: Hello from the other siiiiiiide (Sept 2101 - June 2102)

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Old 06-12-2020, 09:00 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default DADA Lesson 2 - Bubak

It's a bleak afternoon as you make your way to the Duelling Arena. Bleak...and red....and miserable.

At the door to the arena, you'll notice a sign has been put up, courtesy of Grantham. Consider it a gentle reminder as you get yourself into the frame of mind to learn. Take a good long look at it, then think about how you can avoid the mistakes of the past.

Inside the room, many candles have been lit--by hand mind you. They line the walls to light the arena. Up on the stage, there are a few boxes full of well stuff. Stuff that doesn't yet concern you but stuff that would end up being integral to the days magical lesson.

The Headmaster stood by the stage in all his grumpy, translucent glory. He couldn't wait for this nightmare of a muggle experience to be over and wasn't thrilled about how he would end up having to teach the day's lesson.


OOC: Welcome back to DADA!! Don't forget to read the classroom rules before posting. I'll have the first question up in 24-28 hours

The lesson hasn't started yet!


Class progression:
Question 1 + Prop making
Mini Activity
The hunt
Old 06-21-2020, 08:36 AM   #126 (permalink)

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Default WANDERER & hopefully catch up, hello.
*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO!

This was a very advanced version of 'hide and seek', did headmaster Trent realize that? If she wasn't having muddled thoughts about exactly why she was wandering between the tall grass - she might have enjoyed this.

But at the moment, she was trying to pretend to know what she was doing. The screaming and giggling weren't helping matters either. Crouching, and keeping her eyes PEELED, the brunette tried to move cautiously.

Until she saw a figure nearby (Isla) --- and she stopped in her tracks. Wait, was she supposed to hide or attack???

Oh no.


......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 06-21-2020, 05:07 PM   #127 (permalink)

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Default 14. Bubak (Samia)
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Isla was starting to think the entire class had been transformed into a bubak. That could be a very good thing, or a very bad thing. On one hand, they didn't exactly have anything to run from if they were all a bubak, but on the other hand, this would make two DADA lessons where the entire class had basically failed. They would have been eaten alive by both the kelpies and the bubaks had it not happened in lessons.

That was when she saw some girl (aka Missa) playing the part of a wanderer. It was almost too easy to attack her, because the wanderer was just crouched nearby and looking around. Isla began creeping up toward her bubak-style. She even made a little growl here and there. At some point, she realized that the wanderer had seen her, too, so it basically wanderer versus bubak now.

Isla crept faster and made a ferocious-sounding growl. Maybe that would scare the wanderer and leave her more vulnerable to an attack! Finally, when she was close enough, Bubak!Isla reached out to make a grab for Missa's shoulder.
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Old 06-21-2020, 06:17 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Default A BUBAK! kinda.
A Poop * k8 *

SPOILER!!: Avalon and Isla
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Why was this corn so tall?! Avalon had to use her arms to forge a pathway through the stalks. And the grass kept hitting her in the face. A few times, she heard what she thought was rustling behind her, but it turned out to just be her own feet moving through the field. The Ravenclaw had just paused for a moment to listen for any "bubaks," when a growl sounded from behind her. Immediately, she whipped her flashlight up toward the predator. "EXPECTO PATRO----" But then there was a beam of light shining in her own eyes. Avalon squinted into the beam, using her flashlight hand to cover part of her face from the bright light. The delay gave her classmate enough time to grab her.

Avalon turned around to see Isla and Aboli. She let out a laugh. They must have gotten their signals crossed. "Ooo, a three-way capture!" She flicked off her light. "I guess we're both bubaks now?"

And with that, Avalon grabbed her cloak and mask. Now she had to be the bad guy. Her stealth skills were probably a little better than average, but it would be hard to catch people through all this corn.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
In the darkness of the classroom, it was really hard to figure out where everybody was at and who was playing what role. Isla had pretty much thrown out the idea of 'Constant Vigilance' and being aware of her surroundings long ago. Her gaze was only focused on the wanderer in front of her (aka Avalon).

So because of that, Aboli caught her off guard when there was a sudden flash of light spreading across Avalon's face. Huh? Isla actually stumbled a bit and had to catch her balance before looking up to see what the outcome of her attack was. Apparently...she'd attacked them both? Well, that was a little unexpected, but okay. She laughed along. "Well, that was easy. Two for the price of one," she said. She waved them both off and headed off to attack somebody else. "Welcome to the dark side," she said over her shoulder.

So it was dark, which was working against her, and there suddenly seemed to be a full classroom of bubaks. Was anybody a wanderer anymore? Isla supposed she could switch roles, but that wasn't exactly covered in the rules, was it? Had the professor even given them rules? She seriously needed to work on her memory skills...



Aboli laughed, relieved, when her classmate did as well. At least Avalon wasn't mad at her. She nodded at Isla. "Avalon and I are both BUBAKS NOOOOW! ALL BEWARE," she said with a slight smirk before heading off in another direction...looking for a pREY...her mask over her head now.

Hereeeee little prey...C'MEREEEEEE! She held her flashlight in one hand and was acting like her other was a reaching claw, reaaaaaching out in front of her in sinister movements. She wanted to CATCH SOMEONE -


Did Headmaster Trent know this would be the perfect scenario to like, snog someone? The thought randomly crossed her mind, and she thought it was too bad she had nobody to snog. Else this dark classroom would be PERFECT and Trent might not even notice.

What a SHAME it was!

...Er, what was she doing again? She flashed her flashlight on and off a few times trying to jot her memory.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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Old 06-21-2020, 10:19 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Default Wanderer
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

SPOILER!!: Carsyn
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Carsyn was trying EXTRA HARD to CONCENTRATE on remaining quiet and was doing a mostly good job of maintaining her distance and vigilance. Although the squeaky noises of someone's feet was rather distracting to the cause but the Gryffindor would like to say she was actually doing pretty well.

It was when she decided to adjust her position because her hands were cramping up from resting on them in the cornfields that she sat up to shake them out and she felt it. A tap. "Eeeeeeeeek!!!" she flicked on her light to shine to see her attacker. "Expecto patro---" she started but it was too late. She knew it was.

"Oh. Heath. Ya got me. Soooo i get to be a bubak now I guess??" And the light was back off as she went to scope out a victim.

Heath jumped slightly at the noise the Gryffindor prefect made when he tapped her. He half-expected she’d notice him before he had the chance, but somehow that didn’t happen. Apparently he was really good at being quiet and invisible… must be the years of practice he had in muggle school!

Dark eyes blinked against the shining light. "So I did," Heath replied with a slight smile… one the older girl probably wouldn't see because he was still wearing the bubak mask. As for her question, he shrugged. "Yeah, I think so…" He couldn't actually recall what the headmaster's instructions were at the moment, but that made as much sense as anything.

Okay, so if she was now a bubak, Heath supposed that made him a wanderer. Great. Somehow playing a frightened wanderer didn't seem as much fun as playing a bubak. He'd basically be playing himself, and where was the challenge in that? Unless… what if he wasn't a frightened wanderer but an aggressive, battle-damaged one?

Already formulating an idea for a character, Heath removed his bubak mask and took the flashlight out of his pocket. The paint splatter still on his face from before would help him look like he'd already fought a bubak, but he could do better! He undid his tie and rolled up his sleeves. After running a hand through his hair to make it stick up, he thought he looked sufficiently beat up and took off in the opposite direction.

Heath decided his character had watched a loved one get taken… eaten… whatever a bubak did to its victim, while narrowly escaping himself. Now he was out for revenge! He knelt beside the nearest dummy, his head bowed as if mourning a fallen comrade. This was all for dramatic effect, of course. Neither Heath nor the character he played would let their guard down for long! After a moment, he rose quietly, the sadness in his eyes giving away to determined fire. He backed away, brandishing his darkened flashlight. Here, bubak, bubak! Come out, wherever you are!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-22-2020, 01:30 AM   #130 (permalink)

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Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Phoebe bounced to her feet and threw her arms around Naya, giving her a squeeze before she went off on her bubak ways. So much for that adventure. Time to be a victim again. She flickered her flashlight briefly in protest before heading back into the corn.

That sitting thing she'd done to catch Naya had been smart. Probably better for hiding if she just lurked and didn't move around and make so much noise. Right? Ugh, this was the most COMPLICATED GAME ever. The Headmaster man was an evil genius.

She paused in the waving stalks and pretended to be wheat.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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Old 06-22-2020, 02:34 AM   #131 (permalink)

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Default Bubak-Reaching for Heath
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SPOILER!!: Phoebe
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Phoebe bounced to her feet and threw her arms around Naya, giving her a squeeze before she went off on her bubak ways. So much for that adventure. Time to be a victim again. She flickered her flashlight briefly in protest before heading back into the corn.

That sitting thing she'd done to catch Naya had been smart. Probably better for hiding if she just lurked and didn't move around and make so much noise. Right? Ugh, this was the most COMPLICATED GAME ever. The Headmaster man was an evil genius.

She paused in the waving stalks and pretended to be wheat.

Before she could get away, Naya was surprised to receive a big hug from her housemate. “Thanks Phoebe”, she said. Naya hugged her little buddy back. “You’d better go. I have to turn all mean now.” With that, Naya headed off to find a good hiding spot. Phoebe’s plan worked well for her, so Naya decided that hiding and waiting for someone to come by might be the way to go.

Moving further down the cornfield, Naya heard voices. She crouched down......again. This time she was going to make sure to remember not to move. All she had to do was wait for the person to get closer to her and then grab them. Yeah. Easier said than done, She tried to be as quiet as possible as she heard someone come closer and closer to her. They were also trying to be quiet, but she heard them just the same. When the person (Heath) finally came into view, Naya reached out quickly and hoped that she could touch him before he turned their flashlight on.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-22-2020, 06:26 AM   #132 (permalink)

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For a long time, Malachi sat at the edge of the stage looking out into the darkness and listening to the children yelling.

Just a while.

The man found himself wondering what he was doing sitting there. And why was the arena so dark? And why were there lights occasionally flashing? Huh. He didn’t know. Trent hopped up and moved about the room, re-lighting the candles as he went. It wasn’t until he saw the cornfield and the cloaked students that his memory was jogged and by then he’d already begun reopening the curtains.

Right. They were hunting. He remembered.

“I think that’s enough.” He called. Seconds later, the clock struck the hour and confirmed as much. “Return the flashlights and cloaks back to the box. Once you grab your stuff, you’re free to go. Homework will be posted later and I think there’s a quiz. You should study just in case.” He would...double check when he got back to his office.


OOC: Thanks got an amazing lesson, y’all consider this wrapped. Thanks for coming!!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 06-22-2020, 06:25 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Default *bows, exits stage left*
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post

Before she could get away, Naya was surprised to receive a big hug from her housemate. “Thanks Phoebe”, she said. Naya hugged her little buddy back.* “You’d better go. I have to turn all mean now.” With that, Naya headed off to find a good hiding spot. Phoebe’s plan worked well for her, so Naya decided that hiding and waiting for someone to come by might be the way to go.

Moving further down the cornfield, Naya heard voices.* She crouched down......again. This time she was going to make sure to remember not to move. All she had to do was wait for the person to get closer to her and then grab them. Yeah. Easier said than done, She tried to be as quiet as possible as she heard someone come closer and closer to her. They were also trying to be quiet, but she heard them just the same. When the person (Heath) finally came into view, Naya reached out quickly and hoped that she could touch him before he turned their flashlight on.

To his own surprise, Heath liked playing a wanderer even better than playing a bubak! There was more freedom to make the character his own. Still playing the part of a vengeful survivor of a bubak attack, he made his way through the cornfield with quiet, yet confident footsteps. He held the flashlight out in front of him defensively, as if it were an actual wand, his dark eyes searching gor any sign of movement.

Suddenly, he got a distinct feeling that he was being watched, and - What was that? He thought he heard a faint rustle. Not today, bubak! "Expecto Pat-" he began, wheeling around aggressively in the direction he heard the sound, but just as he clicked on his flashlight…

All the lights went up, and he clearly saw the older Gryffindor girl (Naya) about to touch him. No longer in character, his angry expression vanished, replaced with a slight smile. "Never mind, looks like we're done," he said. "Good try, though. You almost had me." It wasn't sarcasm or a backhanded compliment, either!

Heath switched off his flashlight and returned it to the box, along with the cloak and bubak mask. He slung his bag over his shoulder, prepared to stalk silently out of the class like he normally did at the end of each lesson, but something stopped him. Maybe it was getting the chance to use his acting skills, or maybe it was the fact that he got through this lesson without becoming the object of the headmaster's disapproval. Whatever the reason, he felt slightly less afraid of the man, at least to the point that he dared speak to him. "Bye, Headmaster,"he said on the way out the door. "Thank you for the lesson."
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-22-2020, 06:51 PM   #134 (permalink)

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Islay had sort of been standing there blinking forgetting instructions the entire class. She had even turned on her flashlight and pointed it in her face around when Professor...Headmaster Trent spoke up. “Thank you for a fun lesson Professor,...sorry I was out of it” she muttered as she returned her cloak and flashlight.

there was a quiz – what? Why? “have a good rest of your day professor” she smiled.


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