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SS Beedle the Bard Tale contest winner has been chosen!
Chocolate Frog CornerThe best of the best! This section showcases fanfiction writers who have hopped into first place in past writing events and contests.
SS Beedle the Bard Tale contest winner has been chosen!
The Beedle the Bard Tale contest has finally come to an end and we have a winner. Since 4/29/2008 we've been collecting stories, voting, and narrowing the large numbers of tales down to one! On July 8th we took the last vote and we're now ready to announce the winner!
The Princess, The Peasant and the Painting by SeerCassandraTrelawney
The Princess, The Peasant and the Painting
In a realm beyond ours, where time seems to pass slower, lived a wizard princess with hair of gold that fell in ringlets to her shoulders. Her eyes were the blue of the sky after a summer’s storm and her lips were the crimson of the rose, kissed by the morning dew. The princess had everything she ever wanted, but cherished only one thing. The friendship she shared with a muggle peasant girl from the nearby village.
The princess and the peasant would be equals when they’d play. They would meet in the courtyard of the castle grounds, and with the princess’ nanny nearby, they’d play all sort of games… but neither of them lost, and neither of them won. They both had fun.
Seasons changed and both girls grew up. The peasant girl was sent to work away in a far away village, while the princess was made to learn languages, magic, and literature, but through it all they continued to correspond and be best friends.
Nearing her 17th birthday, the princess was asked what she wanted for her turning of age party. “The only thing I wish for, is for my friend to join me in celebrating.” As usual, the princess’ wish was granted and the peasant girl was brought back to the castle grounds.
When the princess found out the muggle peasant girl had arrived, she left her party to greet her. As she ran to her friend, her pace slowed and she saw a boy standing beside the peasant girl. He was handsome, tall and muscular but his featured were refined. He must have been 18 or 19 years of age. He was not a boy. He was a man.
“This,” the muggle girl said, “Is my betrothed. My future husband.” She said introducing the man to her friend.
The princess stood and watched. Her friend seemed to have only eyes for the man beside her. A feeling of loathing and resentment started to take over the Princess’ body, as the man took a bow before her.
“The party is inside… let us away.” The princess said without any emotion.
She watched the muggle girl and her betrothed sit together, eat together, hold hands and dance. She stood and angrily left her own party.
As she made her way down a corridor, she stopped and punched a wall.
“Your Majesssssty?” a voice hissed behind her.
The princess turned to see a painting. In it a green, blinded basilisk twirling around a vine. On the frame of the painting, a faucet was affixed. “Were you speaking with me?” she asked.
“Yesssss. What isss wrong, on thissss the anniversssary of your birth?” The esses danced on the basilisk’s tongue.
The princess told the painting, of the girl and the man…
“Why are you angry, your Majessssty?” The basilisk asked. “You are twice as pretty as her, twice as rich-”
“I’m jealous…" she said cutting the sepert off in mid sentence, "Of him and of her. She hasn’t paid a bit of attention to me, he only has eyes for her and she for him. They are in love, and I want that.” The princess said.
“Then I ssssuggessssst you retrieve a few dropssss of thissss.” He said pointing to the faucet. “A few dropssss in hisssss pumpkin juice and he will only have eyessss for you... for eternity.”
The princess quickly conjured a cup and opened the faucet, taking 3 drops of the potion from the frame. She returned to the party and filled the cup with pumpkin juice and then she sat and waited for the right moment.
But before that could happen though, the peasant girl came skipping to her friend. “What’s wrong?” she asked her.
“Leave him, and return to live here.” The princess ordered.
“Why?” The girl asked confused and upset.
“You have happiness and love with this man, and I do not.” The princess said. “Leave him, or I will take him from you.”
“You’ve had everything your heart desired at your will.” The peasant girl said indignantly. “I was never jealous of you… Why must you ruin our friendship?” She asked.
The princess turned to look into the girl's eyes “A princess could never be friends with a peasant.” She replied.
The peasant girl began to cry and ran to her betrothed. Once he calmed her, the man lifted the peasant girl’s hand to his lips and kissed it. The princess would wait no longer.
“You there!” The princess called.
“Yes your majesty?” the man answered, hoping she was going to make amends with his beloved.
“I have something for you.” She said as she extended her hand to him with the cup in it. “Drink.” She ordered
“Thank you your majesty.” He said pulling away from his beloved. He made his way to her, took the cup in his hands and drank from it.
Both the princess and the peasant girl screamed as the man began to change form. He grew till he was fifty feet long. His hair fell from his now green skin and his arms and legs melted into one. He grew long, thin, saber-like fangs and his eyes were bulbous and yellow. He morphed into the creature from the painting and when he stopped, he looked straight into the Princess' eyes and she in its. She fell lifeless to the floor.
She got what she wanted. He only had eyes for her. For Eternity.
The End
Our resident Slytherin Prefect will be receiving the following prize for her creative wizarding tale:
The Prize Click the picture for more details on the prize.
We received a plethora of good stories and it wouldn't be right if we didn't showcase the top 5. The final vote was a tough one and it was a really, really close vote for our winner. Our top 5 authors were, Cassirin, Moony, Mrs. Weasley,Slytherin Fox, SeerCassandraTrelawney. Their stories are included below. Thanks to all that entered!
SPOILER!!: The Magical, Constantly Changing Animal by Slytherin Fox
The Magical, Constantly Changing Animal
There once was a small village, not too far from where we are right now, where there lived a wonderful, magical animal, one that could become anything the person who owned it wanted, but only as long as that person were pure of heart.
In this village there lived a young wizard by the name of Thaddeus Buford. It wasn’t that Thaddeus was evil, but he wanted to find a way to achieve easy riches without having to really do anything. So naturally when he came upon this magical animal and realized its power, he decided he could change his whole life for the better by stealing it and making it his.
Thaddeus took the animal, which was at that point a beautiful golden fox, home and set it up inside a gilded cage. “You are going to do wonderful things for me,” he told it.
The next morning Thaddeus went to bring food for the animal and clean its cage, eagerly anticipating what sweet surprise it might have in store for him this time. He was shocked to see that the golden fox had somehow turned into a plump angry goose, loudly honking and continually pecking at him as he tried to clean the cage. Well, there must be a reason for this, perhaps the goose was going to lay golden eggs or something.
Thaddeus returned later in the day, eagerly anticipating the fortune he was about to receive. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he realized that the animal had now turned into what appeared to be a very ordinary skunk! “I bet this skunk emits a rare and unique perfume, one I can sell across the land and get lots of money for,” Thaddeus thought to himself. But as he reached his hand out to pet the skunk, he was sprayed with the usual foul odor that skunks are best known for. He shook his head in disgust and walked away, surely his great fortune would be there tomorrow.
Thaddeus couldn’t believe it when he returned to the cage the next day only to find a snake coiled up inside, a snake which began to hiss as if ready to strike as soon as he tried to approach it. Ah, but he had heard that snake venom could be used for medical purposes, he would just have to find someone to milk the snake so that he could sell the venom for a huge profit. There was no way he was touching the creature himself.
Later that day Thaddeus returned to the cage, checking to see if his animal was still in the form of a snake. This time he found not a snake but a large lion, roaring loudly and advancing towards him, not letting him get anywhere near the cage. “What’s wrong with you?”, Thaddeus cried, wringing his hands in frustration and completely unable to think of anything he could do with this animal.
Thaddeus went back into his cottage and sat the whole night thinking about what had gone wrong with the animal which was supposed to bring such great fame and fortune for its owner. At last he realized that the reason the animal was taking such disagreeable forms for him was because he had stolen the animal with the intention of making himself rich, not caring about anyone else.
Thaddeus knew that he could no longer keep this animal, he had to return it to its rightful owner.
Bright and early the next morning Thaddeus took the animal, which thankfully was now only an oinking pig, out of the cage and began the long journey back to the place where he had found it originally.
Once he had returned the animal safely, he looked down and saw that it had now changed into a shining, golden phoenix, too splendid almost to look at. Just as he turned to leave he looked back and saw that the majestic bird had shed one single, solid golden tear, which he suddenly realized was his reward for returning the animal to the place it belonged.
Having finally learned his lesson, Thaddeus took the tear and made his way back home. He kept the golden phoenix tear all the years of his life as a reminder never to resort to means of greed again, and passed it on to his children as a reminder never to allow the quest for material goods to consume their lives.
SPOILER!!: The Tale of Lying Lolly and the Verse Curse by Cassirin
The Tale of Lying Lolly and the Verse Curse
Once upon a time in a village much like this one, there lived a girl called Lolly. She was not a particularly big girl or a particularly gifted witch, but she was very good at one thing. Lolly was a storyteller. No, more than just an innocent entertainer, Lolly was a liar. She loved to spin a tale, to have everyone paying attention only to her, and to have the admiration of all the villagers. In fact, she told so many lies so often, Lolly stopped being able to tell the truth from her own lies.
One day, much to Lolly’s glee, there was a strange old witch hanging around the village green. It was the perfect opportunity for Lolly to impress somebody new with tales of her daring and cleverness. She marched into the green with her hands on her hips and posed dramatically in front of the old woman.
She opened her mouth, but the little old witch beat her to it. She smiled a gap-toothed grin. “Hello, dearie. Can you get this old lady a cold drink of water from the well?” Well! Lolly was certainly disappointed that her ability to tell a good story had been taken from her, and she jumped at the chance to make up a new one.
“Don’t you know where you are, Madame? This is the richest village in all the world. We absolutely never drink water here. No, no… we drink liquid gold out of golden goblets. Do you not feel lucky?” Her face was alight with pride at such a very good story.
“Lying Lolly, do you know the truth?” The woman cackled, and Lolly felt nervous. How did she know her name? Why did she ask about the truth? The woman continued. “A liar you are and a liar you’ll be, but your words are rhymed ‘til truth set you free.” She giggled madly and disappeared in a flash of smoke.
Lolly didn’t really understand what that crazy old witch had been talking about, but she was already trying to figure out how to make her disappearance into the best story of all time. It was a pretty good story without any lies, but Lolly was sure she could make it even better. “The truth is fine. The truth is fair. But the truth won’t get you anywhere,” Lolly muttered to herself. That was odd. Her words had made a little rhyme without her meaning it.
From that day forward, every word Lolly spoke came out as part of a verse. Limericks, couplets, and even a ballad or two, Lolly was now known for more than just her lies. She was known for her rhyming lies.
At first, Lolly loved her new fame. The villagers gathered around her and clapped after she announced, “I tell you the truth, I’ll tell you no lie. A flock full of owls flew out of the sky. They started to squeal, they started to squawk, and all of a sudden they started to talk! They told me a story of gold to be found, all we need do is dig up the ground.”
But soon enough, Lolly was tired of all the rhyming, and the villagers found it more tiresome than amusing. They went out of their way to avoid her whenever she was spotted coming down the path from her cottage. After all, no one wanted to hear a rhyme about taking out the garbage or watering the garden, and Lolly had to rhyme everything she said.
“I wish that I could come out and play, but I have to practice my spelling today,” Lolly frowned as her friends skipped off to the green, leaving her behind. They were leaving her behind all the time lately, and she thought that it probably had to do with all her rhyming.
Finally, she was ready to start thinking about what the old hag had meant. The truth would set her free? What kind of truth? She practiced telling the truth, standing in front of her looking glass and staring very hard at herself.
“You are a nice girl, and don’t need to lie…” She grinned and struck a pose, putting her chest out and her chin in the air. “Everyone loves you, no need to cry.” Her grin turned into a sulk. Even by herself, she was lying.
It seemed to be a hopeless case. Lolly couldn’t stop lying, and the more she rhymed, the more people avoided both her and her stories. What good was a story if no one would listen? And really, what good was a story if no one could tell whether it was a story or just a lie?
One day, several months after the visit of the old woman, Lolly returned to the village green and found another stranger there, this time a pale wizard with a long beard and a bald head. He had sad eyes, and at the sight of Lolly, he patted the bench he sat on. “Come sit with a miserable old man, child, and help cheer me up. Are you happy?”
“No,” Lolly admitted, sitting next to him. Her head drooped almost to her knees, but she perked back up. That wasn’t a lie, and it wasn’t a rhyme.
“What’s your name?” the man asked.
Lolly considered his question, running through a delightful list of made up names before admitting, “Lolly. Just Lolly, sir.” And just like that, she knew the curse was broken. All it had taken was a little bit of truth and a whole lot of being happy as just Lolly.
“Just Lolly?” the man’s eyes sparkled in a way that was oddly familiar. “Do you know any good stories, Just Lolly? Someone told me that the best storyteller in the kingdom lived in this village.”
“Well, yes, sir,” Lolly climbed on her knees and prepared to tell him a fantastic tale of dragons and princesses and maybe a hero named Lolly. “I know just the one.”
SPOILER!!: The Three Daughters Mrs. Weasley
The Three Daughters
There once was a king named Tobias IV who had three daughters, Sophie, Tatiana, and Marie, but no sons. There were no problems at first. The laws said girls could inherit the crown as well as boys, but the Council of Elders decides the change the laws. The new Salic Law says only males can inherit royal titles in Europe. A crown can now only pass through a female line by that female producing a male heir first. She would then abdicate the crown in favor of her son.
For King Tobias’s family to maintain their claim to the crown, his daughters would have to marry and produce a male heir. His daughters are of age to marry, so Tobias decides to hire a marriage negotiator. Marriages within royal houses are important things. Royals marry for political reasons and for territorial gain. If the two people involved love each other as well, then so much the better. King Tobias needs son-in-laws who can produce male heirs. He hires Hermitage Woodsmith, and important marriage broker. She arranges a marriage contract between Sophie and Crown Prince Dimitry of Hesse. He is the eldest son of King Wilhelm of Hesse. As part of the marriage contract, King Tobias will have to pay a dowry of one thousand gold galleons. The dowry is high, but Dimitry is the eldest of six healthy sons. He should produce many healthy sons. King Tobias is a wealthy sovereign, but his treasury is not limitless. A thousand galleons will greatly deplete it, but if his daughter cannot produce a male heir, his family will loose everything. Sophie and Dimitry are married and move to an estate in Hesse. On the surface it is a fairy tale marriage, but they have no children.
King Tobias hides his disappointment as best as he can. He turns his attention to arranging marriages for his other two daughters. Princess Tatiana scoffs at the idea of an arranged marriage. She informs her father she will marry for love alone. King Tobias informs her she will die an old maid before he allows such a thing. Princess Marie, the prettiest of King Tobiass’s three daughters, welcomes marriage. Provided she has a say in whom she marries. Madame Woodsmith shows Marie all the available rich princes in Europe. Marie turns then all down. Madame Woodsmith introduces Marie to Prince Andre of Aragon. He is the most handsome prince in Europe and the poorest too. Marie takes one look at him and falls instantly in love.
King Ferdinand needs a rich princess to marry his heir, so he insists on a large dowry. He also insists that the first-born son must be heir to his kingdom. King Tobias agrees to this term. A marriage contract is drawn up and Marie and Andre are married. They set up house keeping in Aragon. Marie and Andre have a happy life. Marie has five daughters, but only one son. Once again Tobias does not have a male heir to inherit his crown.
In the meantime his second daughter, Tatiana, falls in love with one of her father’s knights. Sir Lancelot is young, handsome, and brave. He is also a man of honor. Lancelot insists on asking Tatiana’s father for her hand in marriage. King Tobias refuses to give his blessing. Princess Tatiana isn’t a cleaver as Princess Sophie or as beautiful as Princess Marie, but she is stubborn. When her father refuses to allow her to marry Lancelot, Tatiana refuses any attempt to marry her to anyone else. With his treasury almost depleted because of dowries for his other two daughters, King Tobias gives in and allows Tatiana to marry her knight in shining armor. Princess Tatiana could marry Sir Lancelot, but she would do so without receiving any dowry. They agree to the king’s terms and are married.
Tatiana and Lancelot are happy together. Through the years they have seven sons and three beautiful daughters. King Tobias finally has a male heir to secure his throne. As he grows older, the king comes to depend on Lancelot more and more. Under Lancelots’s guidance, Tobias’s kingdom grows in wealth and prosperity. As the king nears death, Tobias starts to ponder the decisions he has made. He calls his daughters and son-in-laws to his deathbed.
“My beloved daughters, I have made many mistakes in my lifetime, but I made my biggest ones where you’ll were concerned. I put my need for a male heir above your freedom and happiness. Sophie and Marie, I force you into arranged marriages. I put my needs before your happiness. I am to blame for your misfortune. God punished my selfishness by denying you strong sons. I hope you can forgive me,” Tobias says. “Only Tatiana defied me and married for love. Lancelot may not be of the blood royal, but he has been a good husband and son-in-law. Their love gave me the heir I needed and several more strong sons and daughter. His guidance has created a much bigger and wealthier kingdom than I ever had. It is because of Lancelot’s efforts that I am able to leave you, Sophie and Marie, a third of my kingdom to divide among yourselves. I leave my crown to Lancelot’s son, Daniel, but I leave the remainder of my kingdom to Tatiana and Lancelot. May their descendant rule over my kingdom for generations to come.” King Tobias dies.
After King Daniel comes of age, he abolishes the Salic Law in his kingdom. He also issues a new decree concerning the marriage of his offspring and siblings. From that point on arranged marriages are banned. Prince and princess now marry for love alone.
SPOILER!!: The Beauty and the Greed by Moony
The Beauty and the Greed
In a time long past there lived a wizarding family who went by the name of Enoria. Their wealthy and powerful status saw them the rulers of Larkluster, a town inhabited by witches and wizards only. The Enoria couple bore two sons, the elder named Arcius and the younger Ulfridus. The young men had everything their hearts desired. Although Ulfridus had a kind heart and knew better than to let power and wealth get to his head, Arcius rejoiced in the lavish gifts his parents could so casually buy. He became infatuated with his ascendancy and material goods, turning him into a very selfish and gluttonous man. Eventually, the time came for Arcius to be married. Being so vain, he wanted only the most beautiful woman in the land. Gold hungry women flocked to their manor, eager to win the heart, and wealth, of Arcius. Each one he would dismiss, growing more infuriated and more desperate to find his perfect beauty. As the last few witches in Larkluster were refused by the frigid wizard, one woman caught both the eye and heart of Aricus. Her hair the most luscious blonde, her eyes the most brilliant blue, her skin the most delicate ivory.
“Fair maiden,” Aricus said as the moved towards the mysterious beauty. “What is your name?”
The girl bowed before the powerful wizard. “Gratia, my good sir,” she replied. Immediately, Arcius knew that she was to be his mistress, a position she was most happy to accept. Ulfridus was not happy with the proposal and told his brother she wanted only their fortune – and that something was not quite right about the mystical witch. Aricus disregarded his brothers comments for he was in love with Gratia and would not be swayed by his younger brother whom he believed was acting out of pure jealousy. Days after meeting, the couple were wed at a ceremony which everyone of importance in the wizarding world attended, including the Minister Of Magic himself. However, the bliss was short-lived. Arcius became more controlling over his new wife, his new wife demanded more and more from him. But every time he looked at her, he become enchanted by her beauty and voice, buying her the most lavish of gifts at her request. Ulfrido began to grow more suspicious of his sister-in-law so took to spying. After finding her alone, he watched as she fumbled through a chest used only by Aricus and filled with powerful wizarding artefacts. He entered the room, having at last caught her in the act. As soon she as realised she had been discovered as a thief, she only smiled. At once, her head transformed from such beauty to that of a large beaked bird. Scaled wings began to emerge from her shoulders. Ulfrido immediately reached for his wand before a burning ball of flames hit him, blocking the attack. Gratia flew from the room to her husband, slashing at him with her large wings in the hope she could end his life before seeing the end of her own. The revealed Veela flew at once from the manor. Shocked, Ulfrido ran to his brother who had received such a violent blew he lay on the floor, with death fast approaching. As his time drew to a close, he said to his brother, “I have been a fool, Ulfrido. I was cruel enough to judge each girl solely on their outwardly appearance, when in fact I myself held no true beauty at all.” With one final cough, Arcius was no more.
Eventually, Ulfrido went on to marry a very much non-Veela and have his own family, but the words of his brother, killed by greed an beauty, rang forever in his ears.
Congratulations to all!
Note to all contestants: Thank you so much for entering! It was really, really a tight race in most of the threads and every thread was full of amazing stories! Don't let those go to waste! Visit Gringotts Wizarding Bank and submit your story there! Please read the rules and contact a FF moderator if you have any questions.
Congratulations, Cassandra! Your story was truly amazing, and you are a great writer and storyteller! You definitely deserved to win!
I was honored to have my story in the top 5 with the ranks of you awesome writers! Good job by all, and to everyone who contributed, thank you! You all rock!
Don't forget to do as Lissy has suggested in put your story in Gringotts. I plan to do that right now!
Congratulations allwho entered! Especially the top five I myself voted for Slythrin Fox`s story which I liked. But my second choice was the winning entry.
Well done SeerCassandra! I'm just dead chuffed I made it to the final 5, but I think you deserved to win ^^
They were all brilliant to be honest, so well done everyone
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Oh wow! Congratulations, Cassandra!
And cograts too to the other top five! All entries were amazingly awesome and soooo hard to choose from. Great job to all who entered!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Hogwarts RPG Name: Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker
And congratulations to all top 5 and all our contestants. Everyone here is so talented and we're all so lucky you shared your gift of storytelling with us!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Yay, that was fun! Congrats to Trelly Bean and the other writers and thanks for being such stiff competition. It's more fun to do well when you know that you had to fight for it. I'm uber impressed with all those writing skills!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by SeerCassandraTrelawney
Yay!!! Thanks guys!
It was a tough decision, ALL the entries were Awesome!
Chief, Congratulations! that was a rockin story, at the end of reading that i went "AAHHH! Basilisk!"
And to the others who made the top 5-- well done!
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes