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Chocolate Frog CornerThe best of the best! This section showcases fanfiction writers who have hopped into first place in past writing events and contests.
When the Founders of Hogwarts decided to start a school with houses, they pondered how to sort the children. Of course, Gryffindor wanted the courageous, Ravenclaw the clever, Slytherin the ambitious, and Hufflepuff the loyal. But how would they determine which child was which?
"Something for them to hold will tell them in a song!" said Helga. Rowena nodded at her friend. "An object, I agree, but to wear!" "A hat!" said Godric who was eying Slytherin's cap. "Yes," Salazar sneered. "Yours! Its mouth can be the tear." "Ooooo!" Helga squeeled and clapped her hands. "Sal and Row rhymed!" "Then it too shall rhyme!" Rowena said, bouncing up and down with her friend. "Women! Can't live with 'em..." Godric said to Salazar, waiting for him to finish the sentence. "Yep..." Salazar shook his head ruefully. "Certainly can't..."
And with that, they bewitched Gryffindor's pointy hat to speak and determine which of the four Houses each new student would enter.
It does so by singing a long, rambling song from a tear along the brim. It starts with an introduction and then describes each house. It's gotten more and more rambling as time went on.
Droo: I liked this sooo much, I asked permission to keep it. If you enjoy the sorting hat songs, post your poem
Many years ago, in this historic school
Stood two wizards and two witches,
Not one of them a fool.
The greatest of their age,
Yes, this is true.
They made their houses and then me
So that I might tell which house is for you. Are you brave at heart
Like true Gryffindores? Or do you belong in Ravenclaw,
Where their brans thirst for more? Hufflepuff is where you belong
If you're loyal and true. Slytherin is where you will go
To meet cunning folk like you. So try me on, don't be afraid!
I'm the Sorting Hat you see.
So sit down on this stool,
And I'll tell you where you ought to be.
Don't let my tattered old appearance
Fool you all to think
That my selection has no coherence
Or that my thoughts don't interlink.
I am a hat of selection.
I'll put you where you best fit
And if you have an objection,
My choice alone is it.
If I pick the House you fear,
I beg you don't be mad.
For at the end of your short seven years,
The house your in you'll be glad.
Now to the Houses you can be sorted-
they all have one common trait
Of the graduated men and women assorted
Their accomplishments are great.
When my voice booms Hufflepuff
You are a gentle soul.
You're heart is made of the right stuff-
Purity, calm, and a focused goal.
Although you may feel sadly ignored
Your presence is quite strong.
For without you the school would be bored,
You truly do belong.
For those of you who count on brains
In Ravenclaw you will be.
For this one fact still remains
The smartest are always glee.
But brains alone is not this house
Just look at the Quidditch scores
You'll notice that you did not grouse
And you won the cup for sure.
The snakes themselves are a prideful bunch
Their wit and cunning is prime
And I, myself, do have a hunch
That house is a grand old time.
But don't be fooled by their whimsical ways
For they are always on the watch
For something that will achieve them praise
And tear competition down a notch.
However, if you're loyal and brave
In Gryffindor you will stay.
Throughout these years you'll crave
For justice to never sway.
The lions all stick together
Their family is strong.
These bonds will never weather
For your whole life long.
So come and sit upon my seat
Each house is equally a prize.
Once you're sorted your journey you'll meet.
In Hogwarts- the years fly.
I am a hat and that is that
I am nothing more.
With your brain I'll have a chat
And sort you where I'm sure.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
I maybe tattered and shabby looking,
But do not give up on me yet,
Once you place me on your head
You will admit, that I am the smartest hat you've ever met.
I have a brain and it works well,
I maybe old, but I do not smell.
My looks are rather deceiving,
But look past my plain weaving.
I was made by the very best,
Greater than all of the rest.
Do not be intimidated by my smarts,
For I used to be a plain old hat that knew of no arts.
I sat on Godric's head for what seemed like years,
Until the day when they all started up a brawl.
The founders of this school so old,
Used to be best friends and so it's told.
They all valued different traits,
And so now I'm here to this very date.
I choose which house you belong to,
Tis my purpose and my goal,
That's why I'm sewn with a mouth hole.
Ravenclaw insisted the smartest should be taught,
Slytherin disagreed and so he fought,
He knew the cunning folks were much better.
But mighty Gryffindor had a different thought,
Bravery and daring must be on the top.
Kind Hufflepuff wanted to take the rest,
For loyal and caring are by far the best.
Their minds were made and they were done,
And this is where it gets to be fun!
Place me on your fine young heads,
And I will determine what is said.
I have done this for years and years past,
No other sorting hat can ever be this fast.
My decisions are final and they are what count,
I thoroughly enjoy coming off of my mount.
This is the one time of year,
When I get to come out and sit here.
I take my job quite seriously,
Don't worry though I charge no fee.
My decision will determine the rest of your life,
Although sometimes I have a great strife.
I always put you in the place where you belong,
So come up here it won't take very long.
All I need is one good look in your mind,
To see if you are brave or kind.
If it's craftiness or intelligence you possess,
I will sort you better than you may guess.
Don't be afraid, I don't bite,
(I've already had my dinner for tonight.)
I'm not only a hat, but also a helpful tool,
Highly more intelligent than your typical fool.
Now as my song comes to an end,
I wish you all the best of luck.
Every house will grow to care for you,
And then you will grow to care for them too.
Never was their a person I sorted with regret,
No man that I have ever met,
Has forgotten to thank me yet,
For the decision I made for them while in school.
Because I am the sorting hat (I rule)!
Now walk up to me when your name is called,
It's not as hard as you may think.
As I sink onto your head,
I will search through your mind until it is well read.
I talk, but only you can hear,
I'm not just a hat so mere.
When my final thought is made,
And I did my final raid.
I will shout the house out loud,
I guarantee that you will be proud.
Your new house mates will cheer,
Then you will know that you'll have a wonderful year.
My song is coming to a close,
I must add it is very distracting,
When you shake from your head to toes.
I maybe only a sorting hat you see,
But really you are no different from me.
Now take a deep breath your time is due,
You're school year shall start now anew.
I sang my song, I did my part,
Now let this sorting ceremony start!
05/01/11 - 2
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Heres my Hogwarts Sorting Hat song i know its sucks but I had fun with it
I may be old and torn
For I was made to tell a story
So you can say I wasn’t born
But Godric, Helga, Rowena, and Salazar made me, but not for the glory
So come on up but don’t jump
So I can be placed upon your head
I’ll try not to bump when I uncover those secrets locked in that shed
When I’m about to be placed on your head don’t you dare dunk
For I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And you’ll be sorted into the house that fits
Don’t try to hide anything; I’ll get it out of you for I like to chat
A house you will get even if you look like a rat
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, those are the houses you may get…
You may belong in Gryffindor who have the chivary and the nerves to take even me down
Those Gryffindors brave enough to bet
That’s what makes the Gryffindors so renown
You may belong in Hufflepuff who are loyalier than a dog
Those Hufflepuff are true even at the toilest of times
Hufflpuff they are just even in the fog
Hufflpuffs are patient ones so don’t call them slime
You might just belong in Ravenclaw where the brains are
Those who are always learning are full of wit
Ravenclaws full of ready minds
Ravenclaws are wise so they will always be able to fit
Or maybe in Slytherin where cunning is the way to be
Slytherins are powerful, oh yes they are
They’ll do anything to achieve their dreams, so I guess you’ll see
Slytherins so ready to believe they are a star
So don’t doubt me
Just believe and go sit down at your house table
Gryffindor Table, Hufflepuff Table, Ravenclaw Table, or Slytherin Table which will it be
No worries you belong, you now have a house label
05/01/11 - 3
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Slytherin Spirit is the first of the firsts $love$ Vera Verto.
Door might be opened. I feel I`ll see you soon.
My fantastic miracle of loving wizarding world!
I am becoming strong as sun with some moon
To receive information with magic word.
Slytherin shows his sensitive too deep
With brave at heart, masks on face.
Next Gryffindor seems own nerve indeed,
Looking for friendship of place.
Wise Hufflepuff, loyal Ravenclaw stay near.
I think I am become better with them to hear:
Some different voices loudly we are, listen by memory`s fixion,
But not so high as it have to our mission.
Ceremony have magical sense:
"I prove, your open mind to be.
If your fun foundation stays with you, beings,
Take the same force as who with lens -
And write all wishes to have chance".
So sorting hat is on your head - have choice to me!
"I`m really proud of myself", -
In school still come only lovely, friendly. You see.
For I'm the Hogwarts sorting step,
You know I `ll do your way as map.
Native soul you feel with Slytherin -
Do you interesting who there was mean?
When does house stay with you - your choice is inside;
Just look around and beside.
I cap you what you mean indeed.
Be sure - you can get you need!
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Thousands of years the stone walls stood
Knowledge it Imparted
Four wizards and witches came together for a greater good
So Hogwarts school they started..
Now centuries later Hogwarts still stands
Meeting the needs the young wizards demand
The brave are here, the loyal, the true
Cauldron's bubble perfecting Droo's brew
For Slytherin the green, has cunning at it's best
They are proud and noble as the snake on their crest
Ravenclaw the blue has smarts and wit
If you have memorized your spells, in this house you'll surely fit
Gryffindor house those of strong will and mind
The scarlet clad lion will always defend their kind
Hufflepuff the yellow house, is home to the hard working and fair
If you belong in Hufflepuff you'll always have friends who care
So enter these walls and sit on this stool
I am the sorting hat, a most knowledgeable tool
I've never been wrong, I'll place you right
Whether you're ambitious, caring, brave or bright!
05/01/11 - 4
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
I might look like an old worn hat but gather near
I'm the one who'll help you find your place, it's clear
It's me who's done the sorting for hundreds of years
I'll place you right, so try me on and shed no tears.
The houses were founded a very long time ago
By four smart people who were in the know
No matter which house you end up in
You are sure to enjoy the adventure that's about to begin.
If you are courageous and not scared to roar
Then you belong in the House of Gryffindor.
If you are kind but like small animals who play rough
The chances are high that you belong in Hufflepuff.
If you enjoy studying and birds that caw
Then no doubt you should be in Ravenclaw.
If you are clever and like reptiles that hiss and grin
The odds are quite high that you belong in Slytherin.
Now you've been sorted, go forth and learn
Time is precious, there's little to burn
You will learn much if you open your mind
Now go, you don't want to be left behind.
Step right up dear first years,
Now come on don’t be shy.
Take seat upon the stool,
For it’s on me you must rely.
Though tattered and mangy I may be
With rips and holes aplenty
With age and time comes wiser mind
Believe me I’m quite crafty.
Four founders were there in ancient times
Each valued different traits
Hundreds of pupils did they have
Though, separation was their fate.
If within your heart burns bravery and courage
Sheer nerve and daring echo as lions roar
Then paint yourself with gold and scarlett
Fates decree, you’re a Gryffindor.
For those who possess quick mind and wit
Whose intelligence never ceases to astound
The bronze and silver eagle is your guide
Prepare yourself! For your Ravenclaw bound.
Or perhaps your ambition is rife with cunning
Do your means always achieve your ends?
Then clad yourself in silver and green
For in Slytherin you will ascend.
Perchance hard work and tolerance is your anthem
Disloyalty you won’t permit?
Your blood will run black and yellow
For Hufflepuff is your fit.
So place me upon your head
This is my appointed task
To place you in the house were you’ll do best
Your future we will unmask.
One final word before we begin
Though separate houses may stand apart
Each bringing their strengths to bear
The truth is this: we are greater than the sum of our parts.
So stand firm in unity
Take hear t in your friendships within
Study hard and play harder
Now let the sorting begin!
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
The Sorting Hat Contest is over!
The FanFiction section of SnitchSeeker has been running an Sorting Hat Song contest. You’ve sent in your entries, they’ve been voted on and we have a winner! Thanks to all the participants.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
They place me on a chair,
And place the hat upon my hair.
It will soon speak out in a booming Voice,
That it’s made it’s final choice.
I feel my face growing red,
My body is stiff as if I’m dead.
The hat finally decides what house I’m in,
I wish I’m not in Slytherin.
The voice of the hat fills the room loud and clear,
I feel a surge of excitement and fear.
Alas it shouts out: Gryffindor!
And I am not so nervous anymore.