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Term 59: September - December 2021 Term Fifty-Nine: The Strange Plant in Greenhouse Six (Sept 2105 - June 2106)

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Old 09-21-2021, 12:33 AM
TakemetotheBurrow TakemetotheBurrow is offline
Default Charms Lesson 1 - The Tattoo Charm

As you enter the Charms Classroom you'll find that the space is set up much like an art gallery. Various photos have been hung around the room, safe inside ornate frames. Cushioned benches made for comfortable seating are situated throughout the space as well. The only reminder that this is, in fact, Professor Peralta's room is her desk and the board directly behind it. You'll find directions waiting for you there, though the Charms instructor is no where in sight.


Please use this time before class officially starts to take a gallery walk. Study the photos, discuss the images found in them, and consider what the meaning behind them might be. You're welcome to talk with your classmates, though please do stay on task. Once you've set your things down on a bench, you may begin.

Well, what are you waiting for? There's no time like the present and Professor Peralta will be arriving soon. Best to get started.

OOC: Welcome to Charms, friends! We're jumping right in and though Neva is not yet in the classroom, your charries have their orders up on the board! As always, all SS and Classroom rules apply! Class has ENDED

Class Progression
Old 09-24-2021, 12:43 AM   #26 (permalink)

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Everleigh Evans
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Luca Benetti

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SPOILER!!: Answers!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine was so observed in trying to apply her own interpretation to the image before her that she didn’t see anyone else come into the room. It was only until Ashley was right beside her that she tore her gaze away. “Hi, Ash,” she greeted brightly, thrilled that the younger girl would have something else to make her happy. “The phoenix? Great choice. Going to have a moving phoenix tat then?” When Ashley was of age, of course. Claudine would be seeing to that. Would she get a tat? She briefly considered Lisa’s questions. “Maybe a few years from now,” the seventh year replied. Right now, art on paper was her thing. “Hi, you.” There was a smile for Heath. “Yes, this one.” Claudine gestured to the image she was standing before.

There wasn’t much chatting that they could do as Peralta was calling on them to take their seats. Indeed it seemed like an odd direction for a class but the Snakette thought that they were perhaps going to learn about the charm that allowed tattoos to move. “Witches and wizards can choose to have a magical tattoo. That particular type moves rather than staying stationary.”
"That is one example of magical tattoos, yes. There are also tattoos that glow in the dark, or can warn someone about possible danger. There are even magical time telling tattoos, if you can believe it." She smiled, erasing the directions that had been on the board and adding this new information there for all the note takers in the room. Everyone was taking notes, yes?

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Dahlia's attention had immediately been captured by the art gallery set up when she had first entered the room. It wasn't what she normally expected to see in the charms room but then again.. there was no definition of normal when it came to lessons around Hogwarts. However she did do a very quick scan of the room looking for the professor in order to greet her but didn't see her right away. What she did see was the woman's desk and the board with instruction to set her bag down and have a look around.

Which is exactly what she did. After placing her bag on one of the many benches, the third year proceeding to wander from photo to photo taking in the image of each tattoo. The colors and design all being carefully considered. Some catching her eye a little more than others.

Ah, there was Peralta! Lia gave her a warm smile as she made her way over to the bench where her bag was and sat down. All of her attention now on the professor, this was a topic she wanted to know more about. Tattoos were interesting, she liked them. Maybe she would get one. Or several. She raised her hand waiting to be called on. "There's the Chakra, it's meant to warn the wearer of impending danger." Definitely a tattoo that would be extremely useful around here.
"The Chakra, yes. This is an example of a magic tattoo that isn't just aesthetically pleasing, but has a greater purpose as well. Nice job."

Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
Walking into the classroom, Tadhg stopped for a second and looked around a bit confused, where they in Charms class or a tattoo parlor? None the less, his attention were turned to the pictures observing them from afar, from the colors to the detail of them he was fascinated by them. His father had a couple of tattoos of his own, one of a dragon and one of a Dragon and a Phoenix like his mother had. Seeing Lia he walked up to her and smiled. "Pretty fascinating huh? Think it's interesting how sone has a story behind them."

Setting his bag down beside Lia's he walked closer to the pictures and looked at them. Now that he was closer quite a few of them he wouldn't mind getting once he was older like the Phoenix one. Although to charm it to move and fly that would be wicked! Looking for Professor Peralta he didn't see her but knew she was somewhere.

Listen to the question and taking notes he raised his hand waiting to be called on. "I don't know if this is true but I heard the Egyptians had tattoos that dated back to ancient Egypt ." He didn't know if that was true, but if it was that was ages and ages ago. He wondered how people did tattoos back in the day or in ancient times, he was curious now.
"If we look back at history, there is evidence that many ancient cultures from all over the world, Egypt included, used tattoos to symbolize a great many things, like status. The tattoos were created using different materials found in nature."

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Adam was sooo loud! Did he know? She turned to make a silly face at him, only to scrunch her nose when he suggested she should get that scary merperson tattoo. Ew!!! "I'll get that one if you tattoo my face on your butt." All in all? A fair trade, she thought. She'd really do it too, if he were to pull through on his end of the deal. In any case, she tugged on his robes in attempt to pull him towards her bench when Professor Peralta walked in and started class.

In truth, Kins didn't know too much about tattoos. Sometimes she drew herself tattoos all over her skin, but those were just temporary and amateur and she drew them with pens so. It was different. She hadn't seriously contemplated getting an actual tattoo yet. She was still too young for that. Probably. But something Claudine said tugged on allllllll her curiosities and before she knew it, her hand was high up in the air.

"Hi, Professor," she started with a tiny smile because she hadn't had the chance to say that yet. "If a wizard has moving tattoos, what happens when they're around muggles?" That'd be a dead giveaway!
"Hello, Miss James." Neva offered little James a smile and then considered her question. "I know there are spells that can pause a moving tattoo for a brief period of time. There is also special makeup that can mask it for a while, too." She'd heard of celebrities using such things.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
What was it with art and lessons this term? V had actually noticed it because of her dad being an artist and all. A sculpturist, furniture-artist...kind of artist. "Hey, Lisa," she said a little grumpily before Peralta began class. People had stuff to say that V was surprised she knew! Chalk it up to her parents, probably.

And while Kinsay James had a pretty interesting question that V was eager to know the answer to, she raised her own hand to offer her two cents. "Well, I think tattoos are dumb. They're PERMANENT. Who wants art PERMANENTLY on their skin?" and she made a DISGOOOOOSTED face.

That was totally a fact. Totally.
"You're entitled to your opinion, though it's not entirely accurate. Tattoos don't have to be permanent and they're actually an example of self expression. In some places, also a representation of strength." Some tattoos could be quite painful, after all.

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Tattoo knowledge? Evan didn't actually have a lot of that, just that he thought that they looked really cool. But he did remembering from his piercings the shop talking about how important cleanliness was, so he raised his hand to offer remarks on that and waited until it was his turn to speak. "It's really important to go to a reputable shop when someone wants to GET a tattoo. The art is important to like, but even more so you can look up health records for shops to confirm they are good on cleanliness of their needles for the ink and sanitation for the stations. This is really important because you CAN get infections from an unclean space."

Not that friends couldn't be clean too but... he'd rather stick to shops.
"That's a great point." Neva nodded her head, adding it to the board. "New tattoos are wounds that need to heal and be cared for as such. They can get infected, so knowing and trusting that the place where you receive them is clean is extremely important."

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Oooh, maybe they were gonna give each other temporary and moving tattoos? That would be super cool. Professor Peralta was super cool. Phoebe let her eyes drift from the professor back to her tattoo selections, listening as her classmates offered varied opinions on tattoos in general. Some liked them, some hated them.

Strong opinions about things other people were doing to their own bodies. Weirdos.

"Tattoos are a form of self expression. I realize they are permanent, but they're also art. And fashion. They're just this cool intersection."
"I happen to agree with you, Miss James. Tattoos are another way to express yourself and show who you are and what you're about."

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
THIS LESSON WAS THE BEST EVER. Ash stared at the phoenix tattoo, staring at it with adoration. ”I’m going to get a tattoo as soon as I’m old enough, Lisa. I want a phoenix, just a nonmoving one. I want one like that.” She moved over to Heath, her pretend big brother. ”I like that one. I want one. I already sort of have one. See? She showed him her temporary phoenix tattoo. She had kept it on by reapplying it for AGES.

“I really like your lesson so far, Professor.” She pointedly looked anywhere other than at V and her rude opinions. “Tattoos aren’t for everyone, but they are definitely for me. I want a lot of tattoos. Which isn’t dumb, it’s a personal choice.” Right, right, the question. Right. “People can get tattoos for lots of different reasons. Like to remember something or someone. Or something else symbolic, like that phoenix over there that I would love to have. It’s also okay to have a tattoo just for fun.”

Ash loved tattoos. Did it show? Probably, since she was still staring at the phoenix like it was her soulmate.
"I'm pleased you do, Miss Fox." Neva offered a smile. "All excellent examples, yes. We'll be talking about this more in a moment, so please keep these things in mind."

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
That was very RUDE V Gellar!

Serena shot her a frown. Yeah, yeah. She was entitled to her own opinion but her friend didn't have to wear that disgooooosting FACE. Serena thought tattoos were nice. Her parents had some. Identical to the last etch. They were also magical and served as more than just art.

AnyWAY. The redhead raised her arm. "Spies use tattoos as a form of communication. Muggles use signatures in them, which could vary from a slight design change. Or in magical cases, they can move to reveal hidden codes in the tattoo."

Not that her parents had those specific ones.
"That's.." Spies, huh? "I could see how that could work, yes. Good."

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Art. Somehow, lots of lessons seemed to be connected to art lately. Val found that rather interesting. But, aaaanyway. She listened to her classmates offer their answers - one or two seemed to hate tattoos, which is a little extreme - before raising her hand.

"I think they look super cool!! But, they are permanent so if one isn't sure about getting a tattoo.. they shouldn't go for it." Maybe she'll get one someday, when she's old enough. A tattoo definitely related to dance, for sure. Where, though? Hmmm.
"Tattoos can be permanent, yes, so you should take your time when deciding to get one." She nodded. "However, there are types of tattoos that aren't permanent and allow you to enjoy the aesthetic for short periods of time before they vanish."

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath smiled back at Claudine and then at Ash as she moved closer to him. It was nice to see his younger housemate so enthusiastic! “Nice tattoo,” he said, glancing at the one Ash showed him. “Would you want your phoenix tattoo to be red and gold like that one-” he gestured to the tattoo picture. “-or did you have some other color in mind?” Personally, he thought a blue and silver phoenix tattoo would look pretty cool!

His eyes fell to the compass tattoo Claudine pointed out. “That is a nice one,” he agreed. “I like the use of color.” He vaguely wondered if Claudine had ever considered getting a tattoo similar to that one, but before he could ask, he jumped slightly at the sound of Professor Peralta’s voice. When did she get here? He hadn’t seen her come in! Had she been here the whole time?

Following Claudine and Ash, he took his seat on the bench just in time to hear Peralta’s opening remarks. Yes, tattoos did seem a bit of an unusual topic for a charms lesson, but it made sense once the professor explained it. He considered the question carefully. What did he know about tattoos? Admittedly not much. He knew his uncle had one of a dragon, and he knew how a muggle tattoo machine worked; that was about all he knew. After tentatively raising his hand, he said, “There’s one type of magical tattoo, the conscience tattoo. It’s done in black ink and burns when the wearer does something morally wrong.” The only reason he knew that was because that was the kind of tattoo his uncle had, but that was beside the point!
"The conscience tattoo is another great example of magical tattoos that serve a purpose other than just looking aesthetically pleasing. Good."

Moving to the board, Neva added the last of the shared information so that everyone could update their notes before they moved on.

-Evidence of tattoos can be found in almost all ancient cultures all over the world
-Earliest tattoos made from ink created by materials found in nature
-Tattoos are a form of self expression and can be meaningful or for fun
-Magical Tattoo Examples: Glow in the dark, move, tell time, warn of danger (Chakra tattoo), keep you morally in check (conscience tattoo)
-Spells and Potions can help to stop moving tattoos for a brief period of time
-Spies could use tattoos for communication purposes
-Tattoos are typically permanent, but they do have tattoos that are not
-Tattoos are wounds and should be cared for. Tattoo shops should be cleanly

Reasons for and against getting a tattoo:

"Great answers, everyone. We've touched on a lot of interesting points about tattoos. Miss Fox brought up another area of tattoos that I'd like for us to discuss in a respectful manner. It is clear that tattoos aren't for everyone, and that is okay, but I'm curious to know why. What reasons can you come up with for people to get tattoos? What reasons can you come up with for people not to get them?" She tilted her head, eyes sweeping over the group of students. "Please try not to repeat answers. Alright, let's discuss."

OOC:Hello lovelies! Next question is a two parter: What reasons do people have for getting tattoos? What reasons do they have for not getting them? Class will move on tomorrow in the late afternoon sometime (depending on how crazy work is!)
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Old 09-24-2021, 01:03 AM   #27 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Glow in the dark tattoos were ones Claudine was familiar with. Yes, she had been made aware of them after her trip to the tattoo shop in Diagon Alley with Ash. The magical time telling tattoos were not what she was familiar with. Colour her interested though. While listening to the other students, she made her notes. It didn’t take too long for her to complete that task. Once done, Claudine absently tapped her quill against the desk as she pondered the new questions.

Her hand, still holding the quill, went up. “Sometimes people want a permanent reminder about something. It can be a symbol or words that mean a lot to them. It can serve as their motivation. On the other hand, others may be opposed to tattoos because the dyes used in tattoos can cause allergic reactions to the skin.”
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Old 09-24-2021, 01:17 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Lisa simply raised her eyebrows at V’s response to the Professor’s question and chose not to offer a question. She cast a quick look to Serena to see what she thought before focusing back on the lesson on the answers that her peers had offered. She did LOVE Serena’s answer and her mind went down a rabbit hole of imagination as she imagined what kind of things she could use a tattoo for. Secret code or message? How neat!!

A tattoo in some cultures, like the Maori people, can show social status and celebrate their heritage! It sounds painful though… I’m not sure if I could get one…. maybe a temporary one.

She wasn’t a fan of needles. Getting injections as a kind in the doctor’s office had been enough of an experience. There was one time that she had hidden underneath the table to avoid injection and doctor.
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Old 09-24-2021, 01:34 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Wait, so there are tattoos that are not permanent?? Valentina had no idea. Well, she is definitely getting a tiny one for sure then. In the future, obviously. She can definitely get on board with a tattoo that is non permanent.

"Well, one might choose to not get them because they are painful." SUPER painful, right?? Needles hurt!!
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Old 09-24-2021, 06:09 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Everyone had good points so far, and as each answered he looked at them wondering if they were interested in tattoos or trying to picture them with one. It was hard to see some of them, probably just because they were so young, but others he could. His sister? A small crown somewhere seemed fitting to him. Probably over a lightsaber. And Ash was clearly taken with the phoenix, which he wasn't surprised by at all. It was quite fitting for her.

Valentina raised a good point too though. It would be painful, especially depending on where it was placed. He heard anywhere on the bone was excruciating, while if there was extra layers of fat or maybe even muscle it would hurt a little less. Still something to consider.

He raised his hand to give another pro answer. "From a psychological standpoint, getting a tattoo can be an exercise of control from someone. Like a physical manifestation of them taking back their own life, like after trauma or repression." It was the same thing with piercings, and even dying hair as he'd heard before.
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Old 09-24-2021, 09:25 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Magic tattoos sounded like a lot of work. If she were to ever get one, she might have to opt for a static one because. Because she wouldn't want to worry about breaking the law by accident if she happened to go to a muggle shop or something. But these were worries for another day, even though some of her other classmates seemed to have lots of heated opinions about tattoos right now. What was the big deal? If you didn't want one then just don't get one, duh.

"Maybe someone wants one because they like how it looks," Kinsay added casually as she lowered her hand back down. There didn't have to be a big reason. "Like maybe it emphasizes a feature they really like on themselves or it just looks cool." She paused for a moment before another thought occurred to her. "Some brands like their models to be a certain way, maybe some places like their models to have tattoos because it matches their look." So really, it was kind of like having your ears pierced or pairing a scarf with an outfit. Kind of. Maybe she ought to start incorporating tattoos into some of her own sketches.
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Old 09-24-2021, 11:49 PM   #32 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Individual Replies
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Glow in the dark tattoos were ones Claudine was familiar with. Yes, she had been made aware of them after her trip to the tattoo shop in Diagon Alley with Ash. The magical time telling tattoos were not what she was familiar with. Colour her interested though. While listening to the other students, she made her notes. It didn’t take too long for her to complete that task. Once done, Claudine absently tapped her quill against the desk as she pondered the new questions.

Her hand, still holding the quill, went up. “Sometimes people want a permanent reminder about something. It can be a symbol or words that mean a lot to them. It can serve as their motivation. On the other hand, others may be opposed to tattoos because the dyes used in tattoos can cause allergic reactions to the skin.”
"These are great examples. Wanting a physical reminder of something or someone that means a lot to you is one of the biggest reasons I know for people to go through with getting a tattoo. As for allergies, that's an important thing to consider. Good." Neva added Miss Blaze's suggestions to the board before turning her attention to the next student.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Lisa simply raised her eyebrows at V’s response to the Professor’s question and chose not to offer a question. She cast a quick look to Serena to see what she thought before focusing back on the lesson on the answers that her peers had offered. She did LOVE Serena’s answer and her mind went down a rabbit hole of imagination as she imagined what kind of things she could use a tattoo for. Secret code or message? How neat!!

A tattoo in some cultures, like the Maori people, can show social status and celebrate their heritage! It sounds painful though… I’m not sure if I could get one…. maybe a temporary one.

She wasn’t a fan of needles. Getting injections as a kind in the doctor’s office had been enough of an experience. There was one time that she had hidden underneath the table to avoid injection and doctor.
"This is another great point. Culturally, tattoos could be used to identify what tribe or community someone belonged to. They could also be used to showcase the person's role or identity within that group. Good." Neva smiled, understanding Miss Nam's hesitation. "Certain parts of the body can be more painful than others, yes."

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Wait, so there are tattoos that are not permanent?? Valentina had no idea. Well, she is definitely getting a tiny one for sure then. In the future, obviously. She can definitely get on board with a tattoo that is non permanent.

"Well, one might choose to not get them because they are painful." SUPER painful, right?? Needles hurt!!
"You and Miss Nam seem to be on the same train of thought today," Neva said with a smile. "Pain is certainly one of the reasons people might not be so keen to get a tattoo. This is why temporary tattoos and forms of art through makeup or body paint are preferable to some."
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Everyone had good points so far, and as each answered he looked at them wondering if they were interested in tattoos or trying to picture them with one. It was hard to see some of them, probably just because they were so young, but others he could. His sister? A small crown somewhere seemed fitting to him. Probably over a lightsaber. And Ash was clearly taken with the phoenix, which he wasn't surprised by at all. It was quite fitting for her.

Valentina raised a good point too though. It would be painful, especially depending on where it was placed. He heard anywhere on the bone was excruciating, while if there was extra layers of fat or maybe even muscle it would hurt a little less. Still something to consider.

He raised his hand to give another pro answer. "From a psychological standpoint, getting a tattoo can be an exercise of control from someone. Like a physical manifestation of them taking back their own life, like after trauma or repression." It was the same thing with piercings, and even dying hair as he'd heard before.
Well, Neva could honestly say she hadn't expected an answer like that from any of the kids. She was glad Mr. Nam brought it up, though. It was a pro answer. "I like your thinking. Getting a permanent tattoo is getting a permanent piece of art on your body and in a sense, it's a way to control how you look, who gets to see the tattoo, and what you're allowing others to takeaway from the tattoo you've gotten. I recall the excitement I felt when I was old enough to get a tattoo or pierce my ears without a parent or guardian around. It made me feel powerful."
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Magic tattoos sounded like a lot of work. If she were to ever get one, she might have to opt for a static one because. Because she wouldn't want to worry about breaking the law by accident if she happened to go to a muggle shop or something. But these were worries for another day, even though some of her other classmates seemed to have lots of heated opinions about tattoos right now. What was the big deal? If you didn't want one then just don't get one, duh.

"Maybe someone wants one because they like how it looks," Kinsay added casually as she lowered her hand back down. There didn't have to be a big reason. "Like maybe it emphasizes a feature they really like on themselves or it just looks cool." She paused for a moment before another thought occurred to her. "Some brands like their models to be a certain way, maybe some places like their models to have tattoos because it matches their look." So really, it was kind of like having your ears pierced or pairing a scarf with an outfit. Kind of. Maybe she ought to start incorporating tattoos into some of her own sketches.
Neva nodded her head, a smile gracing her features. "Some people just like the tattoo aesthetic, it's true." The charms professor included, if she was being honest. "And if someone is getting tattoos beacause they make them feel good, then I think that's great. If they aren't down with the way tattoos make them look, I think that's okay too."

-Evidence of tattoos can be found in almost all ancient cultures all over the world
-Earliest tattoos made from ink created by materials found in nature
-Tattoos are a form of self expression and can be meaningful or for fun
-Magical Tattoo Examples: Glow in the dark, move, tell time, warn of danger (Chakra tattoo), keep you morally in check (conscience tattoo)
-Spells and Potions can help to stop moving tattoos for a brief period of time
-Spies could use tattoos for communication purposes
-Tattoos are typically permanent, but they do have tattoos that are not
-Tattoos are wounds and should be cared for. Tattoo shops should be cleanly

Reasons for and against getting a tattoo:
-Daily reminder of something meaningul
-Social Status
-Celebration of heritage
-Form of taking back control or ownership of your person, sense of power over something
-Way they call attention to certain features
-Allergic Reactions
-Pain factor
-Don't like the look
"I'm really impressed with your answers, everyone. Thanks for putting thought into them. As you can see, there are numerous reasons for and against getting tattooed, and not everyone is going to agree on this subject. However, what I like about art is that it doesn't have to be understood or approved of by everyone to have power and be meaningful. As long as you are taking something away from art, especially art you choose to permanently wear on your skin, I think it's a beautiful thing." And that was her two cents on the matter.

"Today we will be learning a spell that allows us only to temporarily mark our skin with a tattoo. The Tattoo Charm allows us to set ink to our skin for a period of time, the length of time depending entirely on the power and ability behind the spell. The incantation is Corius pronounce cor-i-us. To use this spell, you first use a marker or markers to create a picture on the skin. The colors you use are entirely up to you. Once you've done that, you take your wand, say the incantation, and trace the design you've created." Simple, yes? "Now there will be a slight burning sensation as the spell takes hold, but it's nothing more than what you might feel when holding your hands up to the fire for warmth." Certainly nothing to be afraid of and nothing that could hurt you. "Once done, you'll note that the ink has set into your skin and can not be smudged or wiped away. It'll fade as the spell's power fades, but until then you will have yourself a beautiful tattoo." Well, maybe that was being generous. Not everyone was a great illustrator, but you know..

"Your task for the remainder of class is to work alone or with a partner to practice this spell. Brainstorm ideas and think up a tattoo that might represent you in some way. It can be in words or picture form, whatever you like best. If you are not an artist, I don't mind if your partner takes on the drawing role, but I do want everyone to perform their own spellwork, please." Easy enough, yes? "Once you've come up with an idea and had it drawn on your skin, please use the spell to turn it into a tattoo."

"You'll find markers in all colors up here at my desk and you're welcome to use as many or as little as you like. There are also special wipes to help wipe away the ink before the spell is cast if you mess up your initial design. If you have any questions along the way, please raise your hand and I'll be along to help. Alright everyone, let's get started!"

Neva moved behind her desk and produced a box with all manner of markers inside, a rainbow of colors perfect for drawing something beautiful. Once that was done, she took a seat and waited for the fun to begin.

OOC: Hey friends! Main activity is up. Task is to come up with an idea, draw a tattoo on yourself (and/or your partner, if you'd like to do that) with a marker, and then perform the spell by saying the incantation and tracing your wand over the design! Please make sure all designs or sayings are SS appropriate! You'll have until the 29th to complete this activity so take your time, get creative, and have fun! Remember that if you actually attempt to draw it out and post it here, you must follow SS rules in relation to posting graphics!
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Old 09-25-2021, 12:00 AM   #33 (permalink)

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Lily Moonstone
Fifth Year

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Yami Sennen
First Year
Loveable Gryffinpuff| Stella Bella

Wow... having a tattoo sounded cool but also a lot of work as well, Tadhg wondered if magic was done on bigger tattoos or did the person sit through it all? He couldn't imagine sitting for hours to get an tattoo. He had trouble sitting patiently through class at times, but hours on a tattoo was a long time. Although he loved the details and meaning behind them, some had interesting history and backgrounds behind them.

Writing down notes he added more to the list that he thought was also important like reasons not to get a tattoo, family history and diseases like bloodborne. But a good reason to get one was to cover scars up due to surgeries or emotional trauma that left scars. Hearing what the assignment was, he turned to Lia. "Partners my lovely Bubbles?" He asked her grinning.

Last edited by Granger Danger; 09-25-2021 at 12:08 AM.
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Old 09-25-2021, 12:43 AM   #34 (permalink)

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Vera Brinley Thanatos

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Mandrake Beery
Fifth Year
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At Professor Peralta's response and comment on how excited she'd been, he briefly considered asking if she'd had a tattoo but... held off since really that seemed far too personal of a question for a Professor. So instead, he focused on the other comments and reasons added, before listening as she started to explain the lesson plan for the day.

And in that moment, he decided there might not have been a cooler Professor than Peralta. They were actually learning how to do their own temporary tattoos? This would certainly be a spell he'd want to remember and use. The hardest sounding part of this lesson too... was the drawing part. Yes, he'd been practicing, but he was certainly not near to being good enough to draw something he'd want to wear around. If even only for a short amount of time. He briefly considered asking Claudine or Ash for help, people he knew who were quite artistic and good at it, but he also didn't want to eat into their time and he was certainly not good enough to make something for them either.

So... maybe calligraphy it would be. And he could bother someone else with artistic ability later. He'd make note to ask Ash.

He pulled out a black marker from his bag, finding a spot to sit and mess around with someone on a piece of parchment first before he put it on his skin. He opted to go for something fairly basic, given the time crunch of class and one of the first things that came to mind was his house name but in his parents and grandparents native language. He'd tried practicing writing Ravenclaw before in Korean, so now he'd just have to try again and see if he could get it looking well enough to transfer to skin.

He set to work.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-25-2021, 01:12 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Fifth Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?


And right now, she also loved Evan. Platonically. BECAUSE HIS ANSWER WAS SO GOOD. He covered exactly what she wanted to say! That was why she wanted a tattoo! He was awesome. Peralta was awesome. This class was AWESOME. In conclusion, everything was great.

For the group activity, she walked over to Evan. “Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan. D’you wanna be partners? I’m good at art stuff.” And he was good at knowing things. So they made a perfect team.

Pleeeease. Pretty please.

This. Class. Was. AWESOME.

Ash had one thing on her mind right now: TATTOOS.
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Old 09-25-2021, 03:27 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Vera Brinley Thanatos

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Fifth Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

It wasn't long after he determined he'd try alone though, that he was hearing his name from a very excited Ash. Which given it was often she seemed that euphoric, instantly there was a smile from him. And an even BIGGER one when she was actually volunteering to see if he wanted a partner. Which he did pause and look at her first for a moment, "I would LOVE to but... are you sure you want to? I'm still not great at drawing if you need help with that part." Though he would certainly try if she wanted him too!

He pushed his doodles aside for a minute, having found at least one he kind of liked the look of. Maybe he could do that with a book like the one he'd found he liked the looks of. Though it certainly wouldn't look as cool without the watercolor on it. Which.... wait. "Do you think if we use a medium different than markers the charm would still work?" Like if he did paint on his arm??
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-25-2021, 12:54 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Andrea Bowen
Fifth Year


Valentina couldn't believe this. A tattoo spell? SO, they were going to get their own tattoos? Temporary but still!! This was so amazing. However, she couldn't draw at all. Which would mean that she'd have to ask someone to draw on her - which would be slightly embarrassing. She thought for a few minutes - slightly fed up - Wait, didn't the professor say that the tattoo could be in words OR a picture form?? Words, it is. Now, where did she want it? She got up to get some markers, deep in thought. On the inside of her wrist, maybe? It had to be something related to dance, obviously. Hmm.
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Old 09-25-2021, 02:10 PM   #38 (permalink)

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Soren Toric Black (Royal Blue)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vesper Baylee Thanatos (#61c7a9)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Note. Notes. And a whole lot of notes. Dahlia never minded note taking but sometimes, it made her fingers cramp up, like now. Occasionally a few moments break was needed so that she could flex her fingers and send a very quick but sweet smile to the boy sat beside her. Yup, that would be Tadhg. Seeing him taking down notes the way she was always made her smile, it meant that if she had possibly missed anything.. hopefully he hadn't and vice versa.

The more Peralta talked, the more notes she wrote down. Well at least until the professor explained what they would be working on today. Creating their own temporary tattoos. Ones that would remain on their skin until the charms power faded away.

Whoa. WHOA!!! OMG!!!

How epic was that?!

The quill she had been writing with literally fell from her fingers, blue eyes going wide and a bright smile forming on her lips. This was going to be sooooo much fun! Already lost in her own thoughts of what she was going to draw, a certain someones voice snapped her quickly back to where she needed to be. A soft pink tint staining her cheeks as she mirrored the grin on Tadhg's face. "You know it. Do you have anything in mind yet?" She had a few ideas but nothing solid.

Getting up she moved her chair over beside his and brought along her quill and parchment too in case she needed to write anything else down. "Lets go get some markers and see what we can come up with." Maybe taking a look at all the different colors will help spark an idea. Heading up towards the professors desk and having a look at all the markers made of her think of a question. "Professor, we have to trace every single line or little mark drawn.. correct? Or just the base lines will do?" Cause she wasn't the best at drawing and well she didn't want to over complicate things either.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 09-25-2021, 02:45 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Roman Gellar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
A Poop * k8 *

Victoria was slowly going into outrage mode, and she wasn't sure why she hated the idea of all it, but she did. And the idea of practicing on herself was OUT of the question.

So she crossed her arms, looking around, and scowled. She did NOT want to practice. This charm was nothing SHE would ever use.

Victoria Gellar was not going to practice this charm. She simply put her wand down and watched as Ash looked positively ENTHRALLED at the idea of giving herself a tattoo. Well. Ash could do whatever she wanted with HER skin, but V would nEVER EVER EVER EVER CHANGE HER MIND EVER. At the age of twelve, she was sure she wouldn't. THERE WAS NOTHING THAT COULD. NOTHING.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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Old 09-25-2021, 04:53 PM   #40 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Violeta X. Escalante
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Yulietta Escalante
Second Year
That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars

Hello, Mum and Dad. Today in Charms class I got a tattoo!

What a wonderful way to start her letter home. HAH. Serena wondered how they would react. Not happy at all. Would they come to the school and really check if she had a tattoo? Maybe she SHOULD send a letter like that so she could spend some time with her dad.

With that in mind, Serena set out to find a partner. In all honesty, she disliked these group activities. She didn't like relying on someone else's pace to get things done. She could do it all on her own. Even better.

But whatever. Professors...EYE ROLL.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Victoria was slowly going into outrage mode, and she wasn't sure why she hated the idea of all it, but she did. And the idea of practicing on herself was OUT of the question.

So she crossed her arms, looking around, and scowled. She did NOT want to practice. This charm was nothing SHE would ever use.

Victoria Gellar was not going to practice this charm. She simply put her wand down and watched as Ash looked positively ENTHRALLED at the idea of giving herself a tattoo. Well. Ash could do whatever she wanted with HER skin, but V would nEVER EVER EVER EVER CHANGE HER MIND EVER. At the age of twelve, she was sure she wouldn't. THERE WAS NOTHING THAT COULD. NOTHING.

Spotting a stubborn V GELLAR, Serena went over and nudged her. "Practice on me, yeah?"

Serena had a feeling V wouldn't want her to practice in return, but like her earlier thought. Serena could practice on herself and do it better. For some reason she was beginning to like messing with V. It was easy and fun.
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Old 09-25-2021, 05:16 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
Default We'd be happy to assist if anyone needs help with their drawings ^_^
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

The Slytherin could agree with most of the answers given by the others. However, by the end of the discussion, she was pretty much noncommittal to actually having a tattoo of her own. Maybe sometime in the future she would change her mind for she was neither completely for nor completely against tats. Temporary tats weren’t a bad thing but needless to say Claudine hoped that in a near future class Peralta would teach them how to charm the tats to move. For now, she’d brainstorm her temporary one. As usual, she opted to work alone but if anyone wanted help with their drawings, she’d be happy to help. She wasn’t an artist for nothing.

But what did she want her tattoo to be? Claudine mulled as she flipped through her sketchpad for ideas. Something to do with creatures? Simply words? Hmmm. There were so many possibilities. In the end, it wasn’t the sketchpad that gave her an idea; it was a memory from her first year, that year they’d been stuck at Beauxbatons.

With inspiration filling her head, the Snakette flipped her sketchpad to a clean sheet and began working on a design of what her tat would be.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-25-2021, 08:44 PM   #42 (permalink)

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Everleigh Evans
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Luca Benetti

x12 x7
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Note. Notes. And a whole lot of notes. Dahlia never minded note taking but sometimes, it made her fingers cramp up, like now. Occasionally a few moments break was needed so that she could flex her fingers and send a very quick but sweet smile to the boy sat beside her. Yup, that would be Tadhg. Seeing him taking down notes the way she was always made her smile, it meant that if she had possibly missed anything.. hopefully he hadn't and vice versa.

The more Peralta talked, the more notes she wrote down. Well at least until the professor explained what they would be working on today. Creating their own temporary tattoos. Ones that would remain on their skin until the charms power faded away.

Whoa. WHOA!!! OMG!!!

How epic was that?!

The quill she had been writing with literally fell from her fingers, blue eyes going wide and a bright smile forming on her lips. This was going to be sooooo much fun! Already lost in her own thoughts of what she was going to draw, a certain someones voice snapped her quickly back to where she needed to be. A soft pink tint staining her cheeks as she mirrored the grin on Tadhg's face. "You know it. Do you have anything in mind yet?" She had a few ideas but nothing solid.

Getting up she moved her chair over beside his and brought along her quill and parchment too in case she needed to write anything else down. "Lets go get some markers and see what we can come up with." Maybe taking a look at all the different colors will help spark an idea. Heading up towards the professors desk and having a look at all the markers made of her think of a question. "Professor, we have to trace every single line or little mark drawn.. correct? Or just the base lines will do?" Cause she wasn't the best at drawing and well she didn't want to over complicate things either.
”Good question. Listen up, everyone.” Neva looked around, calling attention to the group. ”The small detailing lines are not important when tracing with your wand. The main lines of your tattoo should be your focus. Everything within those main outlines of your design will also be impacted by the spell once it’s cast.”
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Old 09-26-2021, 06:19 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Her sketch on paper was a quick one given the time constraint for the lesson. It was basically a few stemmed roses and they were on fire. She chuckled to herself as she recalled how she had accidentally set the roses on fire during a lesson, and the chaos that followed. Good times. Now that she was satisfied with what her tattoo would look like, Claudine headed to grab some markers. She needed green, black, red and orange.

Once seated again, the girl began working on her skin. The tattoo was to be on her inner left wrist so at present, her left hand was sort of awkwardly angled so that the drawing could be done with her right hand. The drawing was a detailed one, down to thorns on the stems. There were five roses in total since Claudine didn’t want to go for too big of a tat. Claudine Blaze… setting fire to rose bushes since 2099. That was how this tat represented her. Anyway. It was coming along nicely and soon she’d get started with the magic.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-26-2021, 07:06 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
A Poop * k8 *

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Hello, Mum and Dad. Today in Charms class I got a tattoo!

What a wonderful way to start her letter home. HAH. Serena wondered how they would react. Not happy at all. Would they come to the school and really check if she had a tattoo? Maybe she SHOULD send a letter like that so she could spend some time with her dad.

With that in mind, Serena set out to find a partner. In all honesty, she disliked these group activities. She didn't like relying on someone else's pace to get things done. She could do it all on her own. Even better.

But whatever. Professors...EYE ROLL.

Spotting a stubborn V GELLAR, Serena went over and nudged her. "Practice on me, yeah?"

Serena had a feeling V wouldn't want her to practice in return, but like her earlier thought. Serena could practice on herself and do it better. For some reason she was beginning to like messing with V. It was easy and fun.
What a relief!

V looked up at the voice and seemed visibly to ease up on the tension front. "Okay...and you'll also practice on yourself, then?" she asked gently. Serena was a good friend, and she was glad to have a fellow Slytherin like her as her friend. Serena was also dead smart, and she couldn't be happier that she, Ollie, Serena, Remy, and Lisa all had their little study group. Especially since they were all smart in their own right. V supposed she was the least useful of the group, but they were all helping her out. Maybe she should pay them back someday so she didn't feel like she owed anyone anything.

"Because I don't want anything on my skin. Nothing. Not even a DOT."
She gave Serena a serious look.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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Old 09-26-2021, 09:46 PM   #45 (permalink)
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A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

Although he had been reserved throughout the lesson, not responding to any questions, Daniel had been copying down the pros and cons of getting a tattoo in his notebook. Just in case it would come up in a test later on in the year.

Daniel shut his notebook close and tucked the pen behind his pointy ear when it was time to start the activity. It was a good thing that Professor Peralta suggested that they could work solely too because the second year Hufflepuff was not in the mood to partner up today.

First, he needed a design. Something that he would enjoy getting if he ever got a tattoo himself. His mind went instantly to stories. Maybe he could draw a little book with a quote that he liked? But first, he needed to get some markers so after the Professor had set a box on her desk with coloured markers, he stood up to get some.
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Old 09-26-2021, 11:26 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Fifth Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Ash shrugged. “How’s your handwriting?” That’s what she could really use help with. While she had a lot of artistic talent, her handwriting left something to be desired. It was messy and cramped, like she was worried she’d be interrupted soon. It had been like that for a couple of years. She didn’t write slowly or clearly anymore. “What words would go well with a phoenix? I need something short.” She looked pensive as she glanced over at Evan. “No idea. I’ll bring by some watercolors later so we can experiment with that. What are you planning on getting right now?” She started drawing red on her arm. It didn’t matter if she messed up, she could get rid of any mistakes before casting the spell. “Phoenixes are very special to me. I’m pleasantly surprised the professor put up a picture of a phoenix tattoo... it made my day so much happier. It’s been a rough week.” She teared up a bit. This class had... remarkably good timing.
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Old 09-27-2021, 12:18 AM   #47 (permalink)

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Yulietta Escalante
Second Year
That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
What a relief!

V looked up at the voice and seemed visibly to ease up on the tension front. "Okay...and you'll also practice on yourself, then?" she asked gently. Serena was a good friend, and she was glad to have a fellow Slytherin like her as her friend. Serena was also dead smart, and she couldn't be happier that she, Ollie, Serena, Remy, and Lisa all had their little study group. Especially since they were all smart in their own right. V supposed she was the least useful of the group, but they were all helping her out. Maybe she should pay them back someday so she didn't feel like she owed anyone anything.

"Because I don't want anything on my skin. Nothing. Not even a DOT."
She gave Serena a serious look.
As Serena had assumed, V wouldn't want to be tattooed. It didn't bother her a bit. Serena might have been EWW about V's comments about tattoos, but everyone was entitled to their own opinion.

"Yeah, I'll do it on myself. More practice for me." She smirked a little and went and grabbed a black marker. She was going for a traditional look. No color. When she came back, she handed the marker to V. "Do you draw well?"
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Old 09-27-2021, 03:35 AM   #48 (permalink)

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Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Ash shrugged. “How’s your handwriting?” That’s what she could really use help with. While she had a lot of artistic talent, her handwriting left something to be desired. It was messy and cramped, like she was worried she’d be interrupted soon. It had been like that for a couple of years. She didn’t write slowly or clearly anymore. “What words would go well with a phoenix? I need something short.” She looked pensive as she glanced over at Evan. “No idea. I’ll bring by some watercolors later so we can experiment with that. What are you planning on getting right now?” She started drawing red on her arm. It didn’t matter if she messed up, she could get rid of any mistakes before casting the spell. “Phoenixes are very special to me. I’m pleasantly surprised the professor put up a picture of a phoenix tattoo... it made my day so much happier. It’s been a rough week.” She teared up a bit. This class had... remarkably good timing.
Handwriting? He gave a small smile at that, showing his book which had a neatly scrawled Ravenclaw above the Korean characters. "it's decent. I did calligraphy for a bit for fun." Maya was better at it, but y'know. Words for a phoenix, hm? He paused to consider that, before listing off a few. "Rebirth, Rising, Resurrection. Out of Ash spawns beauty." Just a few ideas that came to mind right away for him, though he could probably think of more as well if she detested all of those. "Watercolor experimentation sounds nice."

As for now?? He pointed to his drawn Ravenclaw hangul. "I'm thinking that. For culture and... Where I am now. It's pretty basic, but I like Ravenclaw so I wouldn't mind trying something out as a reminder of that." He grabbed his black pen too, beginning to draw carefully on the inside of his left wrist. "I think I remember us talking about that. Wouldn't your autobiography name have something to do with phoenixes?' Though it was unlikely that he could be misremembering such a fact. Hearing the change to her tone, he glanced over - expression softening a bit as his voice lowered. "Are you alright?"
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-27-2021, 05:19 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Natasha Shenoy
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Andrea Bowen
Fifth Year

Valentina decided to tattoo the inside of her arm, because even if it did end up messy - no one would be able to see it. Besides, it was going to fade away soon. She thought about just writing the word dance but maybe she should add something to it. Thinking, she picked up an orange marker - favorite color obviously - and started to write the word dance in small letters. Okay, not bad. Chewing the inside of her lip, trying to focus, she started to draw a ballet shoe, holding her left hand rather awkwardly ( inner arm was a bad idea oops )- a small one, nothing too big and noticeable - before adding another shoe sitting on top of it. She pulled back - um - it was okay, she supposed. Not as bad as she thought it would end up being. Now, to use the spell.
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Old 09-27-2021, 03:24 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

With the drawing now completed, Claudine took her time in shading the relevant parts with colours. She took her time because colouring out of the lines would only make the tattoo untidy. After some minutes, she downed the markers and determined that her completed drawing was more satisfactory than she realised. Darn. Claudine realised how far she had come as a self - taught artist and couldn’t help but be proud of herself.


Back to work.

The seventh year tried out the incantation a few times. “Corius. Corius. Corius." Pretty simple enough. Dragon heartstring wand in hand, she said the incantation once more, this time with intent and concentration. The next step was to trace the out the main lines of her design on her wrist.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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