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Yusrieee 02-06-2010 06:56 AM

ZOMG! So Random....
It's me again with a new thread. This is basically going to be a very random thread. I'll be posting whatever graphics I make, good or bad. I love doing picspams on LJ so I'll be posting them in this thread too :D

This thread might have a lot of Glee-ness so I'm sorry if you don't like it. And finally, I've decided to take requests too but 3 at a time. Request away, lovely people and I'm always open to suggestions for grab-bags.


midget ♥

What you can request:

- A profile picture with dividers and headings for your school charrie's bio...if you like making them fancy.
-Profile Pictures
- Signatures
- Banners
- Icons

How to request:
- What do you want? Siggy, profile picture, banner, charrie's bio set or icon
- Size:
- Text:
- Pictures (preferably HQ):
- Others: (It can be anything. Color scheme, textures, fonts, patterns, text or picture arrangement.)

- No hotlinking. I'm now uploading things on my website's server and hotlinking might result in downtime and loss of bandwidth which is BAD!
- HQ Pictures. I love HQ pictures so please try your best to provide them but if you can't find them, I'm always here to help. I won't be able to work on low quality images. Sorry.
- 3 at a time. Please don't request if the queue's full.
- Mucho love. Everyone loves getting comments or credit, right? I enjoy them too. So comment if you take or like what you see. :xd:


Yusrieee 02-06-2010 06:59 AM

Grab-Bag Index

- Glee
- Cory Monteith
- Jenna Ushkowitz

- Jared Padalecki (Bestie :loved:)


Grrr..Meow 02-06-2010 07:32 AM

Oh welcome to M.M'S your graphics look AMAZING!!! , I will come back with a Request!

Jokun 02-06-2010 07:39 AM

*now stalking*

Wenzlebug 02-06-2010 07:45 AM

Oh, wow. Yusriieee luff have a shop! :loved:

Congrats! :woot:

VRSCIKA 02-06-2010 07:50 AM

Yaay new shop for Yu-chan :xd: :woot:!!!

Yusrieee 02-06-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ (Post 9089037)
Oh welcome to M.M'S your graphics look AMAZING!!! , I will come back with a Request!

Thank you so much! :love:

Originally Posted by Jokun (Post 9089055)
*now stalking*

:shifty::glomp: *stalks you back*


Originally Posted by cedricdiggory (Post 9089066)
Oh, wow. Yusriieee luff have a shop! :loved:
Congrats! :woot:

Wenzeee :glomp: Oh yes, I has a shop finalllly :woot:
I had a graphics block for almost 6 months :lol:


Originally Posted by VRSCIKA (Post 9089073)
Yaay new shop for Yu-chan :xd: :woot:!!!

Tonimoni!! Yay! Thank you for coming here, lovely.

Yusrieee 02-06-2010 07:58 AM

Glee & Jared Padalecki
Grab-bag # 1
Sue Sylvester: I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat.
I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat; and then on some dark, cold
night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face!


Cory Monteith & Jenna Ushkowitz

Jared Padalecki Wallpaper

Specially dedicated to Anum- my SS Bestie who's kind of obsessed with Mr. Padalecki but it's totally a healthy obsession. :shifty: :loved:
{ 1024 x 768 }

Gryffindoll 02-06-2010 08:05 AM

-Eats all of your ridiculously amazing graphics-

I'm so coming back with a request. I have to, I just do. I don't have anything to request but I'll come up with something just to get some Yusrie-made prettiness. <333

I luff you! :glomp:

Winter Dreams 02-06-2010 08:24 AM


*hyperventilates* YOU. ARE. BACK. :faint: I've been wishing you had a shop for agesssssss. ^_^ Sooooooo, woot.

I want something, but I never know what I want. :( Indecisiveness. :mad:


Lislchen 02-06-2010 09:41 AM

:gasp: :gasp: :gasp:

You're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackk!!!! :woot:

As always, looooove your stuff!!!

Watch out for requests coming your way sooooon! :shifty:

<3 <3

Oh, and love your shop's name! :P

Yusrieee 02-06-2010 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Gryffindoll (Post 9089102)
-Eats all of your ridiculously amazing graphics-

I'm so coming back with a request. I have to, I just do. I don't have anything to request but I'll come up with something just to get some Yusrie-made prettiness. <333

I luff you! :glomp:

Seriously Dee, you and your fabulous graphics inspired me to come back! :yes:
Ack! It's really intimidating to make something for you. I'm never satisfied so I keep deleting and making :xd: I wubs you, DeeLuff. :loved::love:


Originally Posted by Lily Lupin (Post 9089125)

*hyperventilates* YOU. ARE. BACK. :faint: I've been wishing you had a shop for agesssssss. ^_^ Sooooooo, woot.

I want something, but I never know what I want. :( Indecisiveness. :mad:


ILY2222222!!! I remember you requested in my old shop and I couldn't complete your request because I as totally out of inspiration. It won't happen this time. Promise. :glomp::loved:


Originally Posted by Lislchen (Post 9089165)
:gasp: :gasp: :gasp:

You're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackk!!!! :woot:

As always, looooove your stuff!!!

Watch out for requests coming your way sooooon! :shifty:

<3 <3

Oh, and love your shop's name! :P

You're too sweet, thank YOU :loved:! I'll definitely be completing your request this time....unlike the last time :shifty: :glomp:


Jokun 02-06-2010 10:11 AM

- What do you want? a siggy/pp
- Size:ss approved (not a huge sig tho please)
- Text:Shin Hee Ji
Department of Magical Education
- Pictures:
- Others: Pale colors please

um if the picture isnt good enough please do tell i will find anothe >///<
edited picture

BanaBatGirl 02-06-2010 03:39 PM

Yusireeee! :D Your stuff is so gorgeous and bright, I just have to say. <3

Anum 02-06-2010 05:12 PM


Jared Padalecki Wallpaper

Specially dedicated to Anum- my SS Bestie who's kind of obsessed with Mr. Padalecki but it's totally a healthy obsession. :shifty: :loved:
{ 1024 x 768 }


-licks JP wallpaper- :drool: I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!! :glomp:

OMG. You KNOW I'll be requesting here cause you make some YUMMMEH Jared stuff!!
Thanks for the dedication, love, and the wallpaper. :glomp:


Blitz 02-06-2010 05:31 PM

I'm in the examples!! :D
I loved that PP by the way... I used it for a looong time :D

-puts on stalk-list-

I will soooo come back and request...

VRSCIKA 02-06-2010 07:55 PM

Normally I just make all my own but I reallly love my Yu-chan's stuff :xd: and I love the other siggy you made me :woot: So I am going to put in a request before your que is full. I wanted a set of Nono and Bai-chan and I know you will do it better than me.:lol:

- What do you want? Siggy + profile picture or a full set if you are up to it.:shifty:
- Size: SS approved , other than that I am not too particular. Big and pretty :xd:
- Text: If music be the food of love then play on. and then somewhere Wizard Rockband. :)
- Pictures (preferably HQ): & if possible. If not let me know and I will get you other piccys :xd:
- Others: Whatever you think looks best. I love your judgment.

Lilly94 02-06-2010 08:23 PM

Hey. Welcome to MMs.
I love your graphics*adding to stalking list*

LadyNerd 02-06-2010 09:26 PM

YAYYYY! So I come in here to ask for a new profile pic! luffs others to make the famous images

This is for my school charrie: Fia Allister
Image Size: Profile Pic size doesn't matter as long as it is profile status
Image: Click Moi

MeredithRodneyMckay 02-06-2010 11:50 PM

*Sets up camp*

I loved the siggy you made my charrie wayyyyy back in her third year, so I'm so excited that you are taking requests again!! :woot:
Buuutttt I'm disappointed that I've missed out on the queue this time.So as you can see, up there ^^^^^^^^ I've set up camp, ready for when you open it again. :yes:

Yusrieee 02-07-2010 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jokun (Post 9089175)
- What do you want? a siggy/pp
- Size:ss approved (not a huge sig tho please)
- Text:Shin Hee Ji
Department of Magical Education
- Pictures:
- Others: Pale colors please

um if the picture isnt good enough please do tell i will find anothe >///<
edited picture

I'll get to work :) and hopefully, you'll get it soon.


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 9089446)
Yusireeee! :D Your stuff is so gorgeous and bright, I just have to say. <3

Roro! :bow: I'm so glad you like me stuff. You're like one of the best graphicers here. :D


Originally Posted by iluvharrypotter7 (Post 9089622)

-licks JP wallpaper- :drool: I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!! :glomp:

OMG. You KNOW I'll be requesting here cause you make some YUMMMEH Jared stuff!!
Thanks for the dedication, love, and the wallpaper. :glomp:


I love you too, Bestie and you're very welcome. :loved: :glomp:
Do get yourself a bucket, the drool must be making your keyboard sticky. :P:love:


Originally Posted by _Ginny_ (Post 9089658)
I'm in the examples!! :D
I loved that PP by the way... I used it for a looong time :D

-puts on stalk-list-

I will soooo come back and request...

Hehe, yes it is. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you. :glomp:


Originally Posted by VRSCIKA (Post 9090085)
Normally I just make all my own but I reallly love my Yu-chan's stuff :xd: and I love the other siggy you made me :woot: So I am going to put in a request before your que is full. I wanted a set of Nono and Bai-chan and I know you will do it better than me.:lol:

- What do you want? Siggy + profile picture or a full set if you are up to it.:shifty:
- Size: SS approved , other than that I am not too particular. Big and pretty :xd:
- Text: If music be the food of love then play on. and then somewhere Wizard Rockband. :)
- Pictures (preferably HQ): & if possible. If not let me know and I will get you other piccys :xd:
- Others: Whatever you think looks best. I love your judgment.

MYTONI!!!Is here with a request!! :glomp: I'll make you a full set :D Iwubyou. :loved:


Originally Posted by frankluva101 (Post 9090153)
Hey. Welcome to MMs.
I love your graphics*adding to stalking list*

Thank you for you sweet comment, Sammi. :)


Originally Posted by LadyNerd (Post 9090331)
YAYYYY! So I come in here to ask for a new profile pic! luffs others to make the famous images

This is for my school charrie: Fia Allister
Image Size: Profile Pic size doesn't matter as long as it is profile status
Image: Click Moi

:) You're request should be done soon, deary. I love the pic, it's HQ! :D


Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay (Post 9090870)
*Sets up camp*

I loved the siggy you made my charrie wayyyyy back in her third year, so I'm so excited that you are taking requests again!! :woot:
Buuutttt I'm disappointed that I've missed out on the queue this time.So as you can see, up there ^^^^^^^^ I've set up camp, ready for when you open it again. :yes:

Oh I do remember it. Aww i'm sorry but the queue should be cleared later today. You'll get the chance to request really soon, hun. :glomp:

ChloeeCloverr 02-07-2010 08:53 AM

YAY! :glomp:
Oh sucks >.< your requestttt linesss full. Illl beeee staaalkingggggg :shifty:


Wenzlebug 02-07-2010 10:47 AM

wooooooooow.. Yusriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!


they're so amazing, just like you!



Yusrieee 02-07-2010 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr (Post 9092159)
YAY! :glomp:
Oh sucks >.< your requestttt linesss full. Illl beeee staaalkingggggg :shifty:


2 spots are open now :shifty: :glomp: Imissyou <3
Annnd you watch Glee? I just started airing in UK, right? You should watch it!! It's awesome :D :D


Originally Posted by cedricdiggory (Post 9092279)
wooooooooow.. Yusriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!


they're so amazing, just like you!



Aww Wenzieeee! I love GLEEE :loved: Can't wait for it to return. Thank you. :bow: You're fab too. ;)


Pick up:

SPOILER!!: profilepic

SPOILER!!: I hope you don't mind the pic change :)

[x] If you guys want some changes, just poke me. :)
[x] I hope you like it and come back again. :glomp:

Queue = Open
Spot 2
Spot 3

Blitz 02-07-2010 12:34 PM

I reeeally wanna request.. Let's just hope that Chloe get's back for the third spot, 'cause I just can't resist.

- What do you want? Set pwease
- Size: You know, the normal thing... But siggy no higher than 160.
- Text: Jesper Davies Magical Law Enforcement
- Pictures: Whatever you like from this photoshoot.
- Others: Nah... Just make it look nice :D

Thanks in advance :glomp:

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