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JeshieRAWR 08-03-2011 02:31 AM

Magnificent Designs

Hi there! I'm Jess and I'm back with another graphics shop! I took a break from making graphics and realized how much I miss it, so I thought I might as well go back to another shop! I will be making Avatars, Profile Pictures, Signatures, and Story/Role Play Banners! So let's get started!

If you're waiting or just visiting come visit me and Jenn's [iBeJenn] graphics competition, here.

&& Feel free to check out my graphics portfolio, here, as well.

[X] Comment when you pick up pleaseee.

[X] High Quality pictures are amazinggggg, so give me those, no little pictures.

[X] Supply me with pictures, please don't make me look for you, because I don't want to pick the wrong ones!

[X] Three graphic requests is the biggest request possible, here.

[X] Don't edit the graphics that I make for you, just tell me if you need them fixed and I will fix them. Yes, it really is that easy.

[X] Please, please, please credit! <3

[X] Be patient when waiting for your graphics, I try to have a life, even though sometimes that doesn't work out. :lol:

[X] Queue is up to two requests, just for now, I might make it longer later on. ^_____^


Originally Posted by Request Form
What: (Avatar, Profile Picture, Signature or Story/Role Play Banner)
Size: (450x150, 100x100, 350x350, etc.)
Text: (Enter text here)
Pictures: (Link or spoiler pictures here)
Color Scheme[if needed]: (Blue, Pink, Orange, etc.)
Other: (Things that need to be notified in your graphic[s])




Status: Openn! :pfd:

Jokun 08-03-2011 02:37 AM

What: Profile Picture and Signature
Size: 350x350 and 400x140
Text: NA
Pictures: [x] [x]
Color Scheme: Silver and Powder Blue
Other: No but I like your graphics alot.

iBeJenn 08-03-2011 02:39 AM

ZOMG <3 YEEEEEEEEESSSSs. It looks lovely Jess <3 I shall be back and I am stalking. OKAY?! D<


Watson 08-03-2011 02:46 AM

OOH! Jess!! You have a really pretty shop!! :tackle:

I shall be stalking :shifty:


city_girl_95 08-03-2011 11:53 AM

ZOMG. Pretty shop


JeshieRAWR 08-04-2011 04:14 AM

{R A N D O M I C O N S }
Pretty Little Liars, Ice Cream, Shia LaBeouf, & Beaches

What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind.

Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit!

When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted.


Originally Posted by Jokun (Post 10507709)
What: Profile Picture and Signature
Size: 350x350 and 400x140
Text: NA
Pictures: [x] [x]
Color Scheme: Silver and Powder Blue
Other: No but I like your graphics alot.

Thank you for the request! <3 I just finished yours and I gave you a couple choices; hope you like them!

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:


Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours (Post 10507719)
ZOMG <3 YEEEEEEEEESSSSs. It looks lovely Jess <3 I shall be back and I am stalking. OKAY?! D<


JENN. <3 Why yeshh I did! :eyebrows: Thank youhhh, I'm glad you like it and I feel special now that I have my first stalker. xDD



Originally Posted by Emms (Post 10507739)
OOH! Jess!! You have a really pretty shop!! :tackle:

I shall be stalking :shifty:


Thanks, Shannon! You're awesome! <3



Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10508601)
ZOMG. Pretty shop


Thank you so much! Glad I have some stalkers! :lol:



Lady of Light 08-04-2011 05:11 AM

Your graphics are so pretty! :loved:

What: (Avatar, Profile Picture, Signature or Story/Role Play Banner): PP and siggy.

Size: (450x150, 100x100, 350x350, etc.) PP: SS required. Siggy: SS required as long as I can fit two-three lines of text (:

Text: (Enter text here): Siggy-Alexandra Steeple: Cool, Confident and Completely Crazy! PP-Alexandra Steeple: Ready to take over the world.

Pictures: (Link or spoiler pictures here) Alex1, Alex2, Alex3

Color Scheme[if needed]: (Blue, Pink, Orange, etc.) Blue, pink or purple.

Other: (Things that need to be notified in your graphic[s]) Nope!


snelly0217 08-05-2011 04:59 AM

What: A set please ^_^
Size: SS required
Text: Avvie: Soulmates <3 PP: Together (at the top) Forever <3 (at the bottom) Siggie: Two houses, Two people, Two souls. One love. Soulmates (if you can fit it all)
Pictures: Ariana Grande and Josh Hutcherson
Color Scheme[if needed]: Let your mind go wild!
Other: sorry I dont have links, my computer broke and this one is very old and quits when trying to get pictures :whistle:

JeshieRAWR 08-05-2011 08:09 AM

{R A N D O M I C O N S }
Poptarts, My Genuine Find, Lizzie McGuire, & Emma Stone

What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind.

Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit!

When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted.


Originally Posted by HP_princess (Post 10510997)
Your graphics are so pretty! :loved:

What: (Avatar, Profile Picture, Signature or Story/Role Play Banner): PP and siggy.

Size: (450x150, 100x100, 350x350, etc.) PP: SS required. Siggy: SS required as long as I can fit two-three lines of text (:

Text: (Enter text here): Siggy-Alexandra Steeple: Cool, Confident and Completely Crazy! PP-Alexandra Steeple: Ready to take over the world.

Pictures: (Link or spoiler pictures here) Alex1, Alex2, Alex3

Color Scheme[if needed]: (Blue, Pink, Orange, etc.) Blue, pink or purple.

Other: (Things that need to be notified in your graphic[s]) Nope!


Awwh thank you! :glomp: Here's your graphics! (:

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:


Originally Posted by snelly0217 (Post 10513537)
What: A set please ^_^
Size: SS required
Text: Avvie: Soulmates <3 PP: Together (at the top) Forever <3 (at the bottom) Siggie: Two houses, Two people, Two souls. One love. Soulmates (if you can fit it all)
Pictures: Ariana Grande and Josh Hutcherson
Color Scheme[if needed]: Let your mind go wild!
Other: sorry I dont have links, my computer broke and this one is very old and quits when trying to get pictures :whistle:

Hi there! I usually don't look for pictures, but I totally understand the situation you're in, so I will this time. ^___^ Your request should be up soon by the way! (:


1. snelly0217 ~ Avatar & Profile Picture & Signature

Lady of Light 08-05-2011 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by JeshieRAWR (Post 10513724)
[Awwh thank you! :glomp: Here's your graphics! (:

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:

OMG! They look gorgeous! :loved: Thank you so much! <3 I'll be sure to credit, of course! (:

Lollipop! 08-05-2011 09:40 AM

What: set!
Size: siggy: 430x164 pp: whatever works avatar: 100x100
Text: avatar: Goodbye... Profile Pic: Goodbye Everyone...I'll miss youhh
Pictures: avatar&pp: this album but I know that the quality is quiet rubbish so if you can't use those can you use this album?
Color Scheme[if needed]:
Other:nope. just sprinkle your Jeshie magic over it!

JeshieRAWR 08-06-2011 07:07 AM

{R A N D O M I C O N S }
Two Door Cinema Club, Mario, Butterflies, & Johnny Depp

What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind.

Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit!

When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted.


Originally Posted by snelly0217 (Post 10513537)
What: A set please ^_^
Size: SS required
Text: Avvie: Soulmates <3 PP: Together (at the top) Forever <3 (at the bottom) Siggie: Two houses, Two people, Two souls. One love. Soulmates (if you can fit it all)
Pictures: Ariana Grande and Josh Hutcherson
Color Scheme[if needed]: Let your mind go wild!
Other: sorry I dont have links, my computer broke and this one is very old and quits when trying to get pictures :whistle:

Annndd here are your graphics. :D

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:


Originally Posted by HP_princess (Post 10513729)
OMG! They look gorgeous! :loved: Thank you so much! <3 I'll be sure to credit, of course! (:

YAY! I'm glad you like them! Thanks for requesting! <3


Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter (Post 10513789)
What: set!
Size: siggy: 430x164 pp: whatever works avatar: 100x100
Text: avatar: Goodbye... Profile Pic: Goodbye Everyone...I'll miss youhh
Pictures: avatar&pp: this album but I know that the quality is quiet rubbish so if you can't use those can you use this album?
Color Scheme[if needed]:
Other:nope. just sprinkle your Jeshie magic over it!

LILYYYY. :glomp: Your graphics will be up soon! (:


1. LilyLunaGinnyPotter ~ Avatar & Profile Picture & Signature

snelly0217 08-06-2011 08:54 PM

:x3: thanks! I luff them! I'm too lazy to quote...but I give you full credit!

iBeJenn 08-06-2011 09:18 PM

JENN COMES BEARING cookies a request. :D

What: PP and avvy
Size: 300 x 350 for pp and 100 x 100 for av
Av: Sellieeeeeee (is you want to add all those e's feel free, or you can take some out. XD )
Color Scheme[if needed]: BRIGHT. COLORFUL. No pinks or reds and no TallPeople.
Other: You're awesome. :x3:

GoldenSnake 08-07-2011 10:51 PM

Your idea of free grabbies is so cool!!! :x3: It's like getting free cookies!

Imma gonna steal one soon! ^_^

HP_fan4ever 08-13-2011 03:54 AM

Never mind my request I'm doing something else :)

JeshieRAWR 08-18-2011 08:56 AM

{R A N D O M I C O N S }
Perry the Platypus, Dave Days, Zac Efron&Vanessa Hudgens, & Ke$ha

What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind.

Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit!

When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted.


Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter (Post 10513789)
What: set!
Size: siggy: 430x164 pp: whatever works avatar: 100x100
Text: avatar: Goodbye... Profile Pic: Goodbye Everyone...I'll miss youhh
Pictures: avatar&pp: this album but I know that the quality is quiet rubbish so if you can't use those can you use this album?
Color Scheme[if needed]:
Other:nope. just sprinkle your Jeshie magic over it!

LILY. :tackles: Here are your graphics. :D

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:


Originally Posted by snelly0217 (Post 10518005)
:x3: thanks! I luff them! I'm too lazy to quote...but I give you full credit!

Hehehe, okey dokeys. You're welcome! <3


Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours (Post 10518061)
JENN COMES BEARING cookies a request. :D

What: PP and avvy
Size: 300 x 350 for pp and 100 x 100 for av
Av: Sellieeeeeee (is you want to add all those e's feel free, or you can take some out. XD )
Color Scheme[if needed]: BRIGHT. COLORFUL. No pinks or reds and no TallPeople.
Other: You're awesome. :x3:

JENN. Your graphics will be up soon, I promise! I'm really sorry for the wait. :3


Originally Posted by dragon_star (Post 10521101)
Your idea of free grabbies is so cool!!! :x3: It's like getting free cookies!

Imma gonna steal one soon! ^_^

Awwhh thanks! :3 Maybe I should serve free cookies, here? :whistle:

Great! Remember the rules! <3


Originally Posted by HP_fan4ever (Post 10537607)
Never mind my request I'm doing something else :)

Okay! Hope to see you back here soon! (:


1. xiiWishiWasYours ~ Avatar & Profile Picture

Lollipop! 08-18-2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by JeshieRAWR (Post 10559319)

LILY. :tackles: Here are your graphics. :D

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:

Thank Choo! They're amazing!

JeshieRAWR 08-18-2011 10:10 AM

{R A N D O M I C O N S }
Jedward, Converse, Penguins, & Josh Duhamuel

What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind.

Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit!

When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted.


Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours (Post 10518061)
JENN COMES BEARING cookies a request. :D

What: PP and avvy
Size: 300 x 350 for pp and 100 x 100 for av
Av: Sellieeeeeee (is you want to add all those e's feel free, or you can take some out. XD )
Color Scheme[if needed]: BRIGHT. COLORFUL. No pinks or reds and no TallPeople.
Other: You're awesome. :x3:

JENNJENNJENNJENNJENN. :glomp: Here's your graphics, hope you like them! <3 I was sooo tempted to put TallPerson in these. xD

[X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs
[X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up
[X] Tell me if you need anything changed
[X] No hotlinking
[X] Enjoy! (:


Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter (Post 10559374)
Thank Choo! They're amazing!

Yay! Glad you like them! <3



city_girl_95 08-18-2011 10:13 AM

I'll just edit this with my request

I want: Set please...

The images I want used are: (any of these)
PP and siggeh: Ev Ev Ev Ev Ev Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy, Evmy
Avvie: 1 2 3 4 5

I want it to say:
PP: Sometime's I hate you and sometimes....
Siggeh: Amy and Everett. It's complicated. Please don't ask whats going on
Avvie: [Nothing]

Please use these colors: Blue's or greens
Extra: Can you have it to Amy and Everett are facing each other on either side? Please?


ChloeeCloverr 08-18-2011 10:17 AM


What: Profile Picture and Signature pleeasee
Size: Whatever works best for you, just like within SS limits please :3
Text: sig; Theodore Harper. Third year. PP; Theo. Too cool for school.
Pictures: I wasn't sure about the quality of these so if you need more just ask ;D

Color Scheme[if needed]: Blues, greens and stuff like that im not really fussed ;P
Other: Nothing really :3

thankyou <3

JeshieRAWR 08-18-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10559430)
I'll just edit this with my request

I want: Set please...

The images I want used are: (any of these)
PP and siggeh: Ev Ev Ev Ev Ev Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy, Evmy
Avvie: 1 2 3 4 5

I want it to say:
PP: Sometime's I hate you and sometimes....
Siggeh: Amy and Everett. It's complicated. Please don't ask whats going on
Avvie: [Nothing]

Please use these colors: Blue's or greens
Extra: Can you have it to Amy and Everett are facing each other on either side? Please?



Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr (Post 10559438)

What: Profile Picture and Signature pleeasee
Size: Whatever works best for you, just like within SS limits please :3
Text: sig; Theodore Harper. Third year. PP; Theo. Too cool for school.
Pictures: I wasn't sure about the quality of these so if you need more just ask ;D

Color Scheme[if needed]: Blues, greens and stuff like that im not really fussed ;P
Other: Nothing really :3

thankyou <3

You two are fast! :lmao: Both of your requests should be up soon! ^_____^


1. city_girl_95 ~ Avatar & Profile Picture & Signature
2. ChloeeCloverr ~ Profile Picture & Signature

iBeJenn 08-18-2011 04:51 PM

*refuses to quote*

Jessssssss. *points* jenn.laiks. A lot. sel laiks it a lot toooooo. :D. She laiks it even more because you listened to her thoughts and did not put tall people in it.

Thanks Jess :loved:

Mordanyes 08-20-2011 07:58 AM

Oooo, a pretty shop! :loved: I am stalking the beautiful graphics ^_^

JeshieRAWR 10-09-2011 05:36 AM

To both city_girl_95 and ChloeeCloverr, I'm soooo sorry for not getting those graphics up. I've been in a bit of a block. D: But now, I'm out of it!

I'm not sure if you two wanted those graphics still or not, so your spot will be reserved next time you request even if it is full! I'm super sorry about that!

But for now, the queue is open!

To anyone;; feel free to visit me and Jenn's [xiiWishiWasYours] graphics competition, here!



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