Hi Everyone! My name is Roz, welcome to my graphics request shop! 
Currently I'm taking requests for avatars, PP's, signatures, & banners Rules
✘ Please provide high-quality images. Seriously, I will scream if I don't get a big picture.
✘ Don't hotlink. As soon as I put up your request, please save the images to your computer and upload them to your image host of preference. While I don't usually delete pictures, I don't want something I do to mess up your graphics soooo yeah, just save us both the hassle.
✘ If you want to use my samples for some reason, please ask before taking.
✘ Don't leave me a request you've already left to another graphic maker and vice-versa. It's not nice, wastes time, and goes against the site's rules.
✘ The most you can request in this shop all at once is a SET (avvy/siggy/PP). Please do NOT request for TWO+ sets, or a set and something else. Please request just one thing/set, and then come back later for more. This gives everyone a fair shot at getting in the queue.
✘ If you need something on your request, please let me know and I'll fix it to your liking.
✘ Last but not least - Please don't forget to credit either by the shop name or my name!
Examples Request
✘ What do you want? (avatar/PP/signature/etc):
✘ What pictures do you want me to use:
✘ What text do you want?:
✘ What size do you want your graphics to be?:
✘ Anything else?:
1. TakemetotheBurrow
Unofficial Queue:
1. Squishy (signature or PP can't decide)
2. nicole black (banner)