Originally Posted by
My goodness Jenna!
Errr...Amazing much?
I do believe that you are pretty damn fantatic yourself!
Add more soon!
Love You!
-Amy xx

Fanatic? ha no way--ok, fine, I admit it, I am, here's one more.
Next Post: Honestly Amerleigh, no reason to be jealous, really.
Ok sorry...no more double posting
The Patronus
Silver and shining
Bright and blinding
The stag leapt across the lake
And at first touch of silver light, the crowd of dementors did break
A swimming otter, strong and true
And happiness, through and through
Chasing away each black cloak
From destroying yet another innocent bloke
A tiger, pouncing, clawing, growling
Sending another one away, scowling
Its shining fur, silver and smooth
Send another one flying, with one simple move
And the last patronus, the colorful one
A toucan from Miss Lovegood who said, "What fun"
It chased away the last of them
And everyone was safe again
They learned a lesson that was very true
Don't go messing with things not concerning you
Though more than just one life was saved
Stupidity isn't always brave
Teenage years, teenage years
The years that start ridiculous fears
That you'll never find the one
That you'll end up like McGonagall with tartan robes and bun
You date one girl and then another
And your sister dates her brother
Find a date for the Yule Ball
Everyone's going; big and small
But for the girl with the bushy hair
Who likes the red-head, love is in the air
So set aside self-consciousness and worries
And find your true love in a hurry
Starry Skies
I lay on my back next to the one I love
Looking up at the mysteries above
Stars up high twinkling bright
Not even the moon gives off that much light
I curl up onto my beloved's chest
I close my eyes and just relax and rest
I let my soft dreams pull my to sleep
And dream of counting 20 sheep
Morning comes early and the sun's rays shine
Right onto the face of the love that's mine
He picks me up gently and carries me inside
Where our true feelings are too strong to hide
He sets me down and we share a kiss
One that's just too passionate to miss
The twins walk in and whistle at us
But I just walk away, without a fuss
Luna and Neville
Luna Lovegood and Neville L.
Are under each others unintentional love spell
Neville loves the radishes on her ears
Lunas loves all of his crazy fears
Neville loves her crazy specs
Luna loves how he forgets
Neville loves her long blonde hair
Luna loves how he can't find his toad anywhere
Luna Lovegood deserves love too
So Neville's there to say "I love you!"
And that's how this magnificent girl
Found some love in this crazy world
Hi Jen and thanks a lot...here's one more just because Jen started reading today..(btw awesome name...just like mine)
The Flying Car (Mrs. Weasley)
How could you take that flying car!
And leave me no note as to where you are!
You could have been hurt, you could have been SEEN!
And all the other injuries in between!
Now Harry dear, I don't blame you

But YOU boys have got some work to do!
De-gnome the garden, just for a start!
And when your done come back for more, hiding wouldn't be smart!
But as for now come sit and eat
And I'll be telling your father about this insane feat