Okay everyone...this is the very last post. I hope you like it and I really hope you've enjoyed reading my FF.
"James? Lily? Can I talk to you and Peter in the other room?" Sirius asked. Lily sat down her piece of birthday cake while nodding.
"Sure Sirius," James agreed and the four of them left Harry's first birthday party.
"I think Wormtail should be Secret-Keeper," Sirius announced. James and Lily's eyes widened and Peter stayed quiet, almost like someone hit the "mute" button on him.
"Why?" Lily asked in shock.
"I don't know. I just think you should," Sirius replied. Lily and James looked at each other, then back at Sirius.
"Okay. If you think that's what's right," James finally said.
"Thank you," Sirius said softly and returned to the living room. Meggie came running towards him, her arms up and cake frosting plastered to her face.
"Daddy!" she cried and Sirius scooped her up. He couldn't believe his little baby girl would be two in October already. Sirius kissed his daughter's forehead and walked over to Emmy who was eating cake and talking to Alivia.
"Mum!" Meggie screamed and stretched her arms out toward Emmy.
"She is so cute!" Alivia said as Emmy took Meggie from Sirius.
"She's going to look like Sirius isn't she," Emmy said with a smile. Meggie had Sirius's jet black hair and the same deep chocolate eyes.
"She sure is," Alivia agreed and Sirius beamed.
~ <3
The Dark Lord glided along Godric's Hallow and stopped right in front of the two story cottage. It was right there, in clear view, just like Pettigrew said. Lily Potter could be seen in the window laughing. James Potter came into view, a smile on his face and a small boy in his arms. None of them knew what was ahead of them. James handed Lily their son and she disappeared up the stairs. The Dark Lord approached their house, unlocked the door, and entered.
"LILY! It's him! Take Harry and go! I'll hold him off!" James shouted and appeared right in front of Voldemort. How was he planning to hold him off? The fool didn't even have his wand on him.
"Avada Kedavra," Voldemort hissed and James fell to the floor, dead. He walked up the stairs to face Lily, who was standing in front of a crib, as pale as a ghost.
"Step aside," Voldemort demanded.
"No! Don't kill Harry! Take me instead!" Lily pleaded and the Dark Lord laughed.
"Step aside you silly girl," Voldemort said, but Lily refused.
"No! Take me! Take me! Don't hurt Harry!" Lily begged.
"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort cried and Lily Potter fell dead, just like her husband.
~ <3 ~
Emmy woke suddenly, feeling someone shake her by her shoulders. Sirius was standing over her, a frightened look on his face.
"Emmy! It's Lily and James! Peter betrayed them. I'm going to get Harry," Sirius said in a hushed voice. Emmy bolted upright in panic. Lily and James had been betrayed? Were they dead?
"Are they...?" Emmy started to ask, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. Understanding what Emmy was going to ask, Sirius slowly nodded and tears filled her eyes.
"They were murdered. I've got to go get Harry," Sirius said quietly, tears clouding over in his own eyes. Emmy nodded as a couple tears escaped her eyes and rolled down her face.
"Be careful Sirius," Emmy whispered.
"I will. I love you Emmy," Sirius replied.
"I love you too Sirius," Emmy told him. Sirius kissed her quickly, but sweetly and left the bedroom.
~ <3 ~
Alivia put down the Daily Prophet, simply amazed. Lily and James were dead and now Sirius was in jail for the murder of Peter Pettigrew. It was all so stunning. The doorbell rang and Alivia opened the door to find Emmy standing on the porch with Meggie, tears streaming down her face.
"Liv! Mummy cry," Meggie announced wiping a tear off her mother's face.
"Liv, I don't know where to go. Can I stay here for a little while?" Emmy asked quietly, hugging Meggie tightly.
"Oh Emmy. Of course," Alivia agreed quickly, pulling her best friend into the house and closed the door.
"Liv, I don't know what to do. Sirius in Azkaban...Lily and James gone..." Emmy sniffled, a fresh wave of tears trickling onto her cheeks. She put Meggie down, who ran into the kitchen in search of cookies.
"I know. It's horrible," Alivia said in a hushed voice. She and Emmy sat down on the couch and Emmy conjured up a box of tissues.
"Sirius is gone too. What am I going to do without him? Meggie's going to grow up without a father...and...and...and," Emmy paused, wiping her eyes with a tissue before continuing, "and...I'm pregnant again."
Alivia hugged Emmy tightly, feeling sorry for her.
"Oh Emmy, I'm sure it will all turn out okay," Alivia promised. Emmy nodded and sniffed.
"Thanks Liv," she said.
"Anything Emmy," Alivia replied. Emmy looked into the kitchen to see Meggie eating a cookie that the house elf had given her. She could only hope that Alivia was right and everything would be okay.
~ <3 ~
Sirius stepped onto the porch of the large two story house. It had been fourteen years since he had last seen Emmy. Would she remember him? What about his daughter, Meggie? How was she? Did she even know that he was her father? Sirius rang the doorbell, holding his breath. A house elf opened the door and looked up at him.
"Is Emmy home?" Sirius asked the elf. It nodded and ushered Sirius inside.
"Mistress! Someone is here to see you!" the elf yelled. Moments later, Emmy appeared in the entry way. The color drained from her face and she took a step backwards.
"I thought you were dead. The Prophet said..." Emmy said quietly. Sirius gazed at her. She was just as beautiful as she was fourteen years ago.
"I'm not. Bellatrix only stunned me. Everyone thought I had died. It's all very complicated," Sirius explained. Emmy just stared at him, apparently somewhat confused, but who wouldn't be? Suddenly she ran to him and hugged him tightly. Sirius just held her, stroking her long blonde hair and inhaling her wonderful scent.
"Oh Sirius. You have no idea how much I've missed you," Emmy said, tears of joy staining her face.
"I've missed you too. So much Emmy. So much. Meggie as well. How is she?" Sirius asked, thinking of his daughter who was now sixteen. In reply, Emmy grabbed Sirius's hand and pulled him into the living room where two girls, both with long black hair, sat on the couch, playing a game of Exploding Snaps. The older one looked up as Sirius and Emmy entered, her dark brown eyes darting from her mother to her father. The younger one also looked up to see what her older sister was looking at. Sirius did not know who this younger girl, who looked to be about fourteen, was.
"Dad?" Meggie asked softly, looking at Sirius. She then looked at Emmy, who nodded in answer. Meggie smiled, threw her cards down and ran to Sirius and hugged him tightly. Sirius smiled, hugging his daughter, and looked at the young girl sitting on the couch. Sirius noticed she had Emmy's bright green eyes, but they were full of confusion and fear.
"You've really grown since I last saw you Meggie," Sirius whispered in his daughter's ear. She pulled out of her father's grasp and smiled.
"Thanks," she said. Sirius looked over at Emmy who was beaming at him.
"She's your daughter too," Emmy said motioned to the girl on the couch. Sirius looked over at her, then at Meggie.
"Her name's Stephanie," Meggie informed him. Sirius walked over to his younger daughter and knelt down in front of her.
"So you're my dad?" Stephanie asked softly. Sirius nodded.
"I guess so," he replied quietly. Stephanie stared at him for what seemed to be forever before wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Sirius chuckled, hugging Stephanie back. He had never even knew she existed before that day, yet Sirius felt that he had known her his whole life. He was reunited with his gorgeous wife and his beautiful two daughters. Everything was perfect.