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-   -   Whispering Your Name - Sa16+ (

Dan crazy 10-31-2006 01:47 AM

Whispering Your Name - Sa16+
Emily Benson stared open mouthed as she watched her boyfriend, Sirius Black and her enemy, Larissa Yamen kiss. She turned on her heel and angrily and left the room. A few seconds later Sirius emerged from the room and ran after her.
“Emmy! Wait!” Sirius cried and he caught up to her.
“Get away from me Sirius,” Emmy replied sharply. She ran up the stairs to the seventh floor where the Gryffindor common room was located.
“Emmy, baby, c’mon! You know I love you!” Sirius said grabbing her hand. She jerked it away and continued walking.
“Save it for Larissa, Sirius,” Emmy said and disappeared into the common room, but Sirius was on her heels.
“She kissed me! It was totally against my will!” Sirius insisted as Emmy climbed the stairs to the girls’ dorm. She entered her room that she shared with her best friends, Lily Evans, Alivia Kasey, plus two other girls. Emmy slammed the door causing Lily to jump.
“What’s up Emmy?” Alivia asked. Emmy rolled her eyes and sat down on her bed.
“Sirius,” Emmy replied and Lily and Alivia groaned.
“What did he do now?” Lily asked. Emmy threw her homework, which was spread out on her bed, onto the floor.
“I caught him lip locking with Larissa,” Emmy replied.
“Oh my gosh! You should go talk to him!” Alivia said and Emmy shook her head.
“No Liv. I’m through listening to his sob stories about how it’s not his fault. It’s never his fault!” Emmy replied.
“But Emmy! Larissa has been eyeing Sirius all year. Plus she’s evil! Sirius might actually be telling the truth this time,” Lily said, Emmy stared at her friends not sure if she should give Sirius a second chance or not. Alivia grabbed Emmy by the wrist and pulled her down to the common room where Sirius sat slumped in a chair. He jumped up at the sight of Emmy.
“Talk to him,” Alivia commanded and left.
“Emmy I’m sorry! You have to believe me! She kissed me!” Sirius cried. Emmy stared into his dark brown eyes for a moment, still not sure if he was being truthful, then caved.
“I believe you Sirius,” Emmy said and Sirius smiled.
“Does that mean you still love me?” Sirius asked. Emmy nodded and hugged him tightly.
“Yes, but if you go near Larissa again…” Emmy warned. Sirius held her at arms length and studied her with a serious face.
“Trust me. I won’t! I love you Emmy,” Sirius said pulling her back into his arms.
“I love you too,” Emmy replied.
“So do I get a kiss or not?” Sirius asked. Emmy giggled and kissed him.
“Happy?” Emmy asked and Sirius nodded with a grin.
“Very,” Sirius answered.
“Hey Padfoot! I need help! Emmy! You could help me too!” James cried, appearing beside them. His hair was messier then normal (and that was saying something) and he looked exasperated.
“What with?” Sirius asked turning to his best friend. Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were all best friends that called themselves the Marauders.
“Lily! We’re in our fifth year, and she still hated my guts! I don’t want her to hate me for eternity! Do you know what will happen if she hates me forever? We’ll never date, never kiss, never get married, never have kids, never give each other presents on Christmas, tell each other that we love each other and it goes on and on!” James practically screamed looking at the very end of his rope. He slid into the chair Sirius had been in before and pulled on his jet-black hair. Emmy shook her head, knowing exactly how James could get Lily to stop hating him.
“Stop hexing Snape, and mature a little…or maybe a lot,” Emmy replied patting James on the shoulder. His eyes widened and he stared at her like she was some insane weirdo who had just escaped an asylum.
“Stop hexing Snivellus? You’re mental! Padfoot, your girlfriend is a mad woman!” James cried.
“Okay, fine. If you want her to hate you, I have nothing against that,” Emmy said and left. She returned to her room where Lily and Alivia were flipping through magazines and talking about boys. Emmy sat down on Lily’s bed with them.
“Did you make up with Sirius?” Lily asked.
“Yeah, and Lily, have you ever thought about going out with James?” Emmy replied, wondering if her best friend really still hating the immature Gryffindor Chaser down in the common room.
“Potter? That arrogant jerk? You’re kidding right?” Lily answered wrinkling her nose.
“I take that as a no,” Emmy said laughing silently at Lily’s reaction.
“What’s wrong with him? He’s hot!” Alivia said. Lily’s eyes widened at Alivia and stared at her with her mouth hanging open.
“You think everyone is hot,” Emmy mumbled under her breath.
“He’s a jerk Liv! He goes strutting around acting like he’s the King of the Quidditch Field, he jinxes Severus for the fun of it, and he has a detention practically everyday!” Lily replied.
“So does Sirius, but you don’t seem to mind being friends with him,” Emmy muttered so no one could hear, not wanting to start an argument.
“He’s a guy Lil! He’s not perfect, and who cares about Snape? He’s a stupid Slytherin,” Alivia said.
“He’s not stupid!” Lily cried, then her cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red. Emmy and Alivia stared at her, their eyebrows raised.
“Since when is a Slytherin not stupid?” Alivia questioned.
“Never mind. Just forget I said anything,” Lily said and left the room. Emmy turned to Alivia with a puzzled look on her face.
“What’s up with her?” Emmy asked. Alivia shrugged and walked down the stairs to the common room. Emmy followed her, then left to be with Sirius. He, James, and Remus were standing in a circle discussing the usual topics, Lily, her, detentions, Quidditch, and what curse to use on Snape next. Emmy stood by Sirius as James whined about how Lily wouldn’t even say a hello to him.
“I told you James. Stop cursing Snape,” Emmy said. Sirius put an arm around her shoulder and held her close to his side.
“Just face it babe, that’ll never happen,” Sirius whispered in her ear, making her giggle.
“I can’t stop hexing Snivelly! It’s so much fun to watch him twitch and suffer!” James complained and Emmy rolled her eyes.
“Yes, we all know Prongs, but Emmy just told you what you need to do. Well, I have a detention for sticking Brooke Perlman’s shoes to the floor. Joy! See y’all later,” Sirius said. He gave Emmy a quick kiss, then left the common room to face his dreaded detention of doom.

~ <3 ~

Emmy yawned and entered her dorm room. She looked over at her bed and her heart melted. Her bed was sprinkled with red rose petals and there was a small wrapped box on the pillow. She smiled and sat down on the middle of her bed. She took the box and glanced down at the note attached.

I felt like being romantic. Hope you like it! Meet me in the common room tonight at midnight. I love you so much!

Slowly and carefully Emmy opened the box to reveal a silver heart dangling from a chain. She slipped it around her neck and hugged the note to her chest.
“I love you too Sirius,” Emmy whispered to no one.

Hope you enjoyed the first post! OK, now for boring info that no one enjoys. LOL. My name is Lili and this is my 5th fic. I will usually post on weekends, but if I can't don't be surprised.
Disclaimer- I don't own any of JKR's characters
Claimer- I own most of the songs and any characters not belonging to JKR and the plot.

OK that's it! I hope you reply. I'd love to see what you think.


siriusblackliveson 11-01-2006 09:35 PM

Wow that's great and i don't really read Marauders stories but this is really good and guess what i'm your first reader if i am correct but i hope you post more it is lovely.
-your new reader.

D.A Forever 11-01-2006 10:03 PM

*2ed Reader*
YAY a marauder story!
its really good so far,
cant wait for more,
post more when you get a chance lili!

One Of Your New Readers ~ Grace.

Dan crazy 11-05-2006 03:05 AM

OK, here's another post. Thank you for the replies, my first couple of readers.

Emmy stared at the clock on her nightstand wondering if time could possibly be any slower. She pulled the soft cotton sheets over her head and moaned. Lily and Alivia were sound asleep and had been that way for the past three hours while Emmy tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She squirmed under her sheets and wadded a handful into a ball in her fist. Her alarm clock went off, turned up all the way. Emmy jumped out of her bed and quickly turned it off before it woke anyone up. Emmy froze as Alivia turned over. Crap! Emmy thought hoping that her friend wouldn’t wake up. Luckily Alivia mumbled something in her sleep and then laid still. Emmy let out a sigh of relief and left the room, running a hand through her long blonde hair. Sirius wasn’t in the room yet so Emmy sat on the couch to wait for him. Within seconds Sirius emerged from the boys’ dorm. He motioned to her and she walked over to him.
“Follow me, but let’s go under this,” Sirius whispered throwing James’s invisibility cloak over both of them.
“Did James let you borrow this?” Emmy asked Sirius as they entered a corridor.
“In a way,” Sirius replied with a grin.
“Sirius, where are we go―” Emmy started but Sirius stopped her by pressing his finger to her lips. Emmy scanned the corridor looking for anyone who might be passing in the halls. A few feet away Mrs. Norris slinked along in the dark shadows. Sirius and Emmy passed her and made their way to the grounds outside of the castle. They threw they cloak off and ran down to the lake laughing.
“We almost got caught!” Emmy said giggling.
“Yeah! Thanks to you!” Sirius said poking Emmy in the stomach. She backed away, wrapping her arms around her stomach.
“Don’t poke me!” Emmy cried giggling. Sirius smiled and poked her again.
“Why not? I have OPD, Obsessive Poking Disorder,” Sirius said poking Emmy’s said making her squeal.
“No!” Emmy screamed as Sirius poked her again. She quickly threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately backing him up against a tree. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her up against him.
“I need to poke you more often,” Sirius teased sliding down the tree, pulling Emmy with him. She sat between his legs, his arms still firmly around her waist. She leaned back into him and looked up sideways at him.
“Baby, what do you think of Larissa, honestly?” Emmy asked.
“I think she’s a sleazy annoying brat,” Sirius replied running one hand through her hair. Emmy smiled and looked up at the sparkling stars.
“Good,” Emmy said and Sirius chuckled.
“Emmy, look up at the stars. All of them are girls okay. They all shine brightly and they’re all pretty in their own special way. See that one over there? It’s brighter then the other, and the prettiest of them all. That’s you Emmy. Out of all the girls in the world you’re the one that calls to me and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. The only girl I want to look at in a loving way,” Sirius said pointing to the star. Emmy looked at him and smiled. She kissed his cheek and gently turned his face to hers.
“I love you Sirius,” Emmy said.
“I love you too,” Sirius said and pressed his warm soft lips against hers. Emmy tangled her hands in his dark hair as she forgot everything that existed besides her and Sirius.

~ <3 ~

A warm hand touched Emmy’s arm and woke her. She stirred and tried to fall back asleep.
“Emmy! Wake up baby!” Sirius whispered. Emmy forced herself awake to find herself on the ground in Sirius’s arms.
“Oh my God! We’re so dead. Dead! Crap!” Emmy cried jumping up and smoothing down her hair that was frizzy and tangled, partially from all the making out she and Sirius did the night before.
“Emmy, listen, breakfast is over in ten minutes. Go and uh…don’t tell anyone we slept together. People will make wrong conclusions and spread rumors that aren’t true,” Sirius said. Emmy was glad she hadn’t bothered to change out of her robes the night before. She gave Sirius a quick kiss on the nose and ran into the castle. She slipped into the Great Hall and shoved a piece of toast into her mouth. She proceeded to her first class, Charms where everyone had gone to already. She raced into her seat beside Lily. Five seconds later Sirius fell into the seat in from of her just as Flitwick started the class.
“Where were you?” Lily whispered to Emmy.
“Long story,” Emmy whispered back. She opened her book and looked up at Flitwick who was demonstrating invisibility charms. Sirius twisted around in his chair and smiled at Emmy. She grinned and continued with her notes.

padfoot_rox93 11-05-2006 06:16 PM

Hey Lilikins! A new reader has entered the story, and I love it so much. Larissa should go die in a hole, eh? PAMS!!

D.A Forever 11-05-2006 11:53 PM

awesome post!

Fire Eyes*Tayzer* 11-08-2006 03:34 PM

Hey hey! Just saw you had a new ff! Great! I love Sirius! He's so hot! PAMS!!!

D.A Forever 11-17-2006 07:19 AM

PAMS pretty please lili!! :yes:

Dan crazy 11-18-2006 03:13 AM

OK here's a post. This post is the post where the plot actaully starts, so enjoy!...

Saturdays were the best. No classes, no homework, no stress, no anything! Emmy sat by the lake in the cool March weather with her CD player her muggle parents had bought her for her birthday. She sang along, knowing no one was around, so no one would hear her. Singing was her passion. She loved to sing with all her heart even if she wasn’t the best singer. Her mom always said she was an amazing singer, but that was her mother. Mothers always had to say that about their children. She certainly wasn’t a horrible singer either, and definitely better then Lily. Even though Lily was her best friend, Emmy had to admit Lily couldn’t match pitch to save her life. A hand touched her shoulder and Emmy screamed. She whirled around to face Sirius.
“Am I really that scary?” Sirius asked as Emmy took off her headphones.
“No, but you snuck up on me. I didn’t know anyone else was out here,” Emmy replied. Sirius chuckled and sat down beside her.
“You have a really good voice. You should be a singer,” Sirius said and Emmy raised an eyebrow.
“Thanks, but I’d never be able to sing in front of people,” Emmy replied.
“You just sang in front of me,” Sirius pointed out.
“Yes, but I didn’t know you were here,” Emmy argued. There was no way she would ever become a singer and nothing Sirius said could change that.
“I still think you’d be one heck of a singer,” Sirius said and Emmy rolled her eyes.
“That’ll never happen!” Emmy promised.

~ <3 ~

Emmy walked up to the Potter mansion where Sirius was now living. He had left his family, fed up with them, and starting living with James and his family. Emmy’s heart was pounding so hard she was afraid it was going to burst out of her chest. She raised a shaking hand and knocked on the door. Mrs. Potter soon opened it and smiled.
“Hello Emmy! Sirius is out back if that’s who you’re looking for, and I assume it is,” Mrs. Potter said. She was always friendly and cheerful, and Emmy loved that about her.
“Yeah, it is. Thank you Mrs. Potter,” Emmy replied. She walked around the house to where Sirius and James were suspended in midair on broomsticks. Sirius saw Emmy and almost fell off his broom. Guilt shot through her as Sirius landed.
“Emmy! What are you doing here?” Sirius asked running to her. She shifted her weight from foot to foot not wanting to answer. She bit her lip staring at the amazingly attractive guy in front of her.
“Sirius, we need to talk…alone,” Emmy said eyeing James, her voice shaky. Sirius took her hand and led her over to the edge of the woods bordering the Potters’ property.
“What’s up Emmy?” Sirius asked with concerned eyes obviously sensing Emmy’s nerves.
“Remember when you told me I should be a singer during the school year?” Emmy asked and Sirius nodded.
“Yes,” Sirius answered looking at Emmy awkwardly.
“Well, I got a record contract,” Emmy said. Sirius’s face lit up with joy and hugged her so tightly she almost stopped breathing.
“Emmy that’s great! There’s a down side to this though isn’t there? I can tell,” Sirius said holding her out and studied her face.
“Well, yes. The guys that that I signed the deal with want me in Spain,” Emmy said slowly.
“Spain?” Sirius repeated in shock.
“Yes, but we can still write,” Emmy suggested. Sirius nodded and hugged her again.
“I guess so. I can’t believe you’re going to be famous! My girlfriend’s going to be a rock star!” Sirius said and Emmy froze.
“Uh…well, about that…we’re never going to see each other and you’re going to be interested in different girls,” Emmy stammered and felt Sirius stiffen.
“Does this mean we’re breaking up?” Sirius asked still hugging her, but no nearly as tightly.
“Yes, I’m sorry Sirius,” Emmy replied refusing to let go of Sirius. He held her tightly again as if to hold on to every memory they ever shared. Emmy had to go pack for Spain, but she might never see Sirius again.
“Emmy, I love you,” Sirius whispered. Emmy’s eyes filled with tears and she pulled out of Sirius’s arms. She ran off the Potters’ flat her eyes stinging with tears as she left Sirius behind her, in her past.

padfoot_rox93 11-18-2006 06:29 AM

OMGGG LILI!!!!!!! That's so saddd. This post reminds me of a movie... I don't know which one, though... it seems familiar. Ah, whatever. PAMS!

siriusblackliveson 11-19-2006 03:02 AM

That was a good chappie i hope you post more soon because that was so good. love it.

D.A Forever 11-20-2006 08:38 AM

awwwwwww that was SO sad!!! :(,
there out of hagwarts already?
:( aww does that mean james never got lily? (:rotfl:),
i cant wait to see what happens next!!
PAMS when you get a chance please lili! :yes:.

Fire Eyes*Tayzer* 11-20-2006 10:23 PM

aww... :( That's tho thad! pams!

Dan crazy 11-24-2006 09:22 PM

no no no...they were only in 5th year. They just got out of Hogwarts from 5h year, not 7th. I think I said that...

“Lily! We’re in our fifth year, and she still hated my guts! I don’t want her to hate me for eternity! Do you know what will happen if she hates me forever? We’ll never date, never kiss, never get married, never have kids, never give each other presents on Christmas, tell each other that we love each other and it goes on and on!” James practically screamed looking at the very end of his rope.
See I said it. Can't post now cuz I'm not at home right now. Hope y'all are having a happy holiday!!!


D.A Forever 11-24-2006 11:09 PM

ooooooh ok, haha, sorry i tend to get confused alot :D.
cant wait to see what happens next! :yes:.

Dan crazy 12-09-2006 02:51 AM

Here's a post! I know I haven;t posted in forever!!!!! I've been really busy. Sorry!!!!!

Emmy stared out the window admiring the beauty of Spain. Her heart ached for Sirius and to see a letter from him waiting for her. She slumped down onto her bed and stared at her picture of him. Was he over her? Was he dating someone now? Did he forget about her?
“Emmy! You need to be at the studio in ten minutes! Get going!” Mrs. Benson yelled. Emmy ran down the stairs hoping singing would cheer her up. She had picked and written most of her songs and started to record one. Her producers, Joe and Marco, were impressed, after all she had only been in the studio a week. She jumped into the red Mustang her parents bought her. She drove to the studio somewhat dazed and in her baggy lounge pants and a tee shirt, but it didn’t matter. No one would be seeing her except her record staff. She walked into the studio and was instantly greeted by her favorite producer, Joe.
“Emmy! My favorite girl!” Joe said with a smile. He instantly made Emmy smile.
“Joe! Did you bring crackers?” Emmy asked referring to an inside joke she and Joe had. He laughed and handed her music.
“No, but I’ll go buy some for you if you nail this song,” Joe replied. Emmy took her place in the soundproof recording booth. She put on her headphones and she did quick warm-ups. Joe put on headphones outside the booth so he could hear her as the other producer, Marco entered the studio. He sat down beside Joe and put on identical headphones. Emmy’s background music started at the spot she had stopped last time she recorded.
“Don’t say you love me. Don’t say you love me yet. Don’t say you need me. Some things are better left unsaid, but if you feel the same just whisper. Whisper my name. If you feel the same just whisper my name,” Emmy sang.

~ <3 ~

Not much happening here. School is boring. I have a confession. Remember Severus Snape? Well, he’s like my best friend, besides you and Liv of course. Speaking of Liv, she got together with Bobby Federman. Remember how she was eyeing him all last year? Jamse is still pestering me to out of with him and I wish he would just go away. Sirius still mopes around. He really misses you Emmy. So when’s your CD coming out? How’s it coming? Write back when you can. I know you’re busy.
Love ya,

Emmy put the letter down on her nightstand. She was still in bed curled into a ball under the covers. She could lie there all morning if she wanted to since she didn’t have to be at the studio until four. She rolled over to face the wall. She craved for Sirius like crazy. She needed him to hold her. Emmy wanted to jut quit and run to him, but she didn’t want to quit. She desired to run her hand through his hair and stare into his dark chocolate eyes. Emmy pulled her covers over her head, trying to fall asleep so her pain would go away.

~ <3 ~

A loud crash of thunder woke Emmy. She rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. She dug through her sweatshirts, then stopped when she got to one Sirius had given her. It was green, had a black dog on the front and said PADFOOT on the back. Sirius was an Animagus and he turned into a black dog. All the Marauders were Animagi, well, except for poor Remus Lupin who had his own furry little problems to deal with. James transformed into a stage, and Peter a rat. Peter Pettigrew was sort of the outcast of the Marauders. He wasn’t popular, like the rest of them. Emmy hugged the sweatshirt and buried her face in its soft fabric. It still smelled like him. Emmy pulled it one and walked outside into the rain. The cold February rain was cold and soon soaked her hair. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she got into the car. She drove to the studio with Sirius’s sweatshirt to keep her warm. When she got to the studio she ran inside and accidentally fell into Joe’s arms.
“Emmy! What’s wrong?” Joe asked alarmed. Emmy quickly pulled away and wiped her eyes.
“Nothing,” Emmy replied and Joe studied her. He glanced at her sweatshirt and immediately noticed that it was a guy’s sweatshirt.
“It’s a guy isn’t it,” Joe guessed and Emmy slowly nodded.
“Ex-boyfriend, but I’m okay now. Let’s work,” Emmy said.
“Emmy, I don’t want you caught up with boys. You have work,” Joe warned.
“I’m not caught up Joe, and I’m fine. I know I have work, so let’s work,” Emmy replied with a serious face and Joe smiled.
“That’s the spirit. Now, I have great news. The CD you came out with two weeks ago is racing to the top,” Joe said hanging Emmy a magazine. She quickly glanced down at the article. New popstar, Emily Benson just released her first CD, “Jerk” and is quickly becoming number one on the best seller’s list.
“Awesome! It went up that quickly?” Emmy asked shocked and handed Joe the magazine back.
“Yup! The other great news is I got a call from VH1 and they want to do a music video,” Joe said happily and Emmy gasped.
“You’re kidding!” Emmy screamed.
“No, I’m not. I’m dead serious. So what do you say Ems? Wanna do it?” Joe asked. Emmy stared at him open mouthed in disbelief.
“That’s a dumb question. Of course I want to do it! Which song?” Emmy replied as energy pumped through her.
“Probably ‘Jerk’. Is that okay?” Joe answered.
“Heck yeah! When do we start?” Emmy asked bouncing up and down.
“I’m not sure, but they want clothes, make-up, and hair decided by the end of the week,” Joe replied.
“Oh my gosh! I’m going to have a music video!” Emmy cried and hugged Joe tightly.
“Let’s go get ice cream to celebrate,” Joe suggested.
“And crackers?” Emmy asked and Joe laughed.
“And crackers,” Joe replied.

Fire Eyes*Tayzer* 12-09-2006 02:57 AM

Aww... Yay! PAMS!!!

padfoot_rox93 12-09-2006 04:49 AM

Aww, she should so tell Sirikins. But I'm proud of her! PAMS!!

Dan crazy 12-16-2006 03:02 AM


Joe and Emmy walked into the deserted ice cream parlor along with a box of crackers. The employee at the cash register stared at Emmy with wide eyes.
“Uh-oh. Joe, we have a fan at twelve o’ clock,” Emmy whispered.
“Oh my gosh!” the cash register employee said softly.
“We might have a problem here,” Joe whispered back.
“It’s Emily Benson!” the employee screamed.
“Run!” Joe cried. Outside, people had stopped and stared. Emmy and Joe ran out of the parlor and escaped into the car. Fans gathered around screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Emily I love you!” one guy yelled. Emmy looked back at the guy who yelled and smiled.
“Hmm…hot guy,” Emmy said biting her lip.
“What did I tell you about guys…” Joe warned and Emmy shrugged.
“He’s just a fan. Plus, I need to have a little fun. I’ll be right back,” Emmy replied with a grin. She got out of the car and walked over to the guy. Hi,” he said with a possessed look.
“Hi! So who are you?” Emmy asked with a huge flirty smile. The guy blinked, perhaps thinking that he was dreaming or imagining things.
“I’m…uh...Mike,” he stammered.
“Good to meet you Mike,” Emmy replied.
“Hey, can I have your autograph?” Mike asked handing her a picture of herself and a pen.
“Sure. Nice picture,” Emmy said with a wink. To Mike. With love, Emily (Emmy) Benson. She handed him the picture and pen back.
“Thanks! I’m having a party this Saturday. Do you think you could come and sing a song or two?” Mike asked.
“Probably. I’d have to check with Joe and my band,” Emmy replied. Mike scribbled something down on a piece of paper then handed it to her.
“Here’s my number. Call me,” Mike said.
“Okay. Well, I better go. See ya Mike,” Emmy said and turned with one last flirtacious smile.
“Hey Aaron! Guess who I talked to!” Emmy heard Mike yell. Emmy slid into the car next to Joe as fans began to leave.
“Let’s run through and get ice cream,” Joe said once Emmy was settled in her seat.
“Okay. Joe, that guy, his name’s Mike, and he wants me to sing at his party on Saturday,” Emmy said as Joe started the car.
“Okay, do you want to?” Joe asked pulling into a McDonald’s drive through.
“Yes, but I need the band and your permission,” Emmy replied. Joe ordered ice cream in Spanish (they were in Spain after all) then turned back to her.
“You have my permission and I’ll get the band to go with you,” Joe said handing Emmy her vanilla milk shake (that’s what she always got). He pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car.
“So Joe, you’re thirty two and not married. What’s up with that? I mean, you’re an attractive guy. Definitely too old for me, but I’m just saying,” Emmy asked and Joe smiled.
“My business and women don’t mix well,” Joe replied and then it was Emmy’s turn to smile.
“Have you ever had a girlfriend?” Emmy asked fishing around for information. Joe nodded
“Of course. I have one now,” Joe replied.
“What’s her name?” Emmy wanted to know.
“Crystal,” Joe answered looking sideways at Emmy.
“Aww! So how long have you been dating?” Emmy questioned.
“A few months. Now what about you? Any love affairs going on that I don’t know about?” Joe replied wanting to quiz Emmy now. Emmy stared at her milkshake thinking of Sirius. The only guy she really wanted and loved.
“No, but I’ve had a lot of boyfriends,” Emmy replied sadly. Joe obviously didn’t pick up on her sad down and looked at her as she swirled her straw around in her cup.
“What happened to the last one?” Joe asked. Emmy shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“I broke up with him because I was moving here,” Emmy said softly. That was really all Joe needed to know, and all she wanted him to know. She had many secrets from him, one of, the fact that she was a witch, but Joe didn’t need to know everything about her personal history.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you still love him?” Joe asked. Emmy’s eyes swam with tears and she turned away so Joe wouldn’t see. She did love Sirius and nothing could change that. She loved Sirius with every ounce of her heart. She tried to forget him, but somehow everything reminded her of him.
“No,” Emmy lied. Joe wouldn’t be happy to hear that she was still tangled up with her love for Sirius. After all he didn’t write to her. She wrote to him but he never wrote back. Not even once. All of her connections were lost.

~ <3 ~

Emmy rang the doorbell of Mike’s house, where the party was. She turned to Joe and Marco and frowned at their outfits. Both were wearing all black and sunglasses.
“Did you guys have to wear that? You look like freak secret agents or something,” Emmy scowled.
“From this moment on we are your body guards as well as producers. Yes, we had to wear this,” Marco replied. Emmy rolled her eyes as the door opened to reveal Mike.
“Emmy! Come on in and start setting up! Guests start arriving in 45 minutes,” Mike said excitedly. Emmy and her band filed into the house followed closely by Joe and Marco, who stopped and stared at Mike suspiciously.
“He passes,” Joe finally said. Mike raised an eyebrow and looked over at Emmy. She shrugged as her band began setting up on a small stage in the living room. Within seconds the band was done and soon chatting amongst themselves.
“I can’t believe Emily Benson is going to perform at my party in my house!” Mike said with a cute grin.
“Well, believe,” Emmy said sitting down in a chair.
“So what are you going to sing anyway?” Mike asked curiously looking at Emmy with sparkling eyes.
“Whisper, Meeting You, and Jerk,” Emmy replied and Mike grinned widely showing off his perfectly straight white teeth.
“Awesome!” Mike said staring at Emmy as if he wanted something from her. Something along the lines of…her love.

padfoot_rox93 12-16-2006 07:06 AM

Aww, poor Emily. Stupid Sirius, not writing to her. Wonder what happened to him?? Pfft, Mike is strangely cute. PAMS!!

Ally 12-16-2006 11:05 AM

New reader here ! :hello:
i loved it! please post some more soon! kiss ya! :P

siriusblackliveson 12-16-2006 01:38 PM

That's really good i like that alot well i must go for now but i'm always here reading.

Dan crazy 12-19-2006 01:51 AM

Welcome Ally!!! I can't post now, but I'll post before Christmas. At least I hope. Love y'all!

Lili :flower:

Dan crazy 12-21-2006 03:58 AM

Well, it's before Christmas and I'm on break now. FINALLY! I'm gonna post, cuz I feel like it. =) The next post is one of my faves so I hope I get to post it soon.

“All right everyone! You all want to see her si?” Mike asked into the microphone.
“Si!” everyone cried which was intensely loud since there were about one hundred teenagers in the living room.
“Then let’s hear it for Emily Benson!” Mike shouted. Everyone screamed, making Emmy wince. She hopped onto the stage and took the mic from Mike.
“Thanks. I’m really pumped to be here, but this is my first private concert and I’m kinda shaky, but can you ignore my nerves?” Emmy asked putting on a smile.
“SI!” was the answer she got.
“Okay then! Let’s get moving. Hit it boys,” Emmy said motioning toward her band behind her.
“Hush now. Let’s not end before we start. Hush now. May you whisper on my heart.”

~ <3 ~

“When my album came out I was flooded with fan mail. Questions were asked about my songs, other thing, and me but the question I got a lot was about my song ‘Meeting You’. In the lyric book it says, ‘For S.B. I love you, Emmy’ and everyone wants to know who S.B. is,” Emmy said.
“Yeah! Who’s S.B.?” a guy yelled. Emmy smiled and took a breath before continuing.
“Well, I’m not telling, but I’ll tell you S.B. is an ex-boyfriend of mine and he changed my life,” Emmy said. The drummer, Josh started the beat, then the band struck a chord as lights flashed. Everyone screamed giving Emmy an adrenaline rush. Emmy smiled as the lights flashed again.
“Oh how could this happen to me? I was a nobody no one could see. I felt my breath escape my body. I saw that I was somebody. My dreams didn’t seem so far away and I knew I was not a stray. Only because you gave me life baby. The sunlight shining through my hair, there was something in the air. I saw him walk by and what a joy! I was that girl no one saw and he was a popular boy. Giving up on him wasn’t bad, I wasn’t even very sad, then I met you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me. Now, I’m a girl people can see. As the wind blows through my blonde hair something really special is in the air. I can say I have someone to love all because I met you. Oh how could this happen to me? I was a nobody no one could see. I felt my breath escape my body. I saw that I was somebody. My dreams didn’t seem so far away, and I knew I was not a stray. Only because. Oh, only because. Oh, whoa, baby, only because you gave me life baby. If I didn’t meet you my world would be all so blue. Now I can smile everyday without wondering what people will say. ‘Cause I met you. Baby, I met you. Yeah, ‘cause I met you,”
“Sing ‘Jerk’!” a brunette girl yelled. Emmy giggled wondering if the girl had read her mind and the band started the background music for “Jerk” and everyone screamed at the top of their lungs, excited to hear their favorite song.
“I saw you with her and I know it’s love. I thought you were the one to love me, but I guess I was wrong. I was just one of your chicks. It’s over between us babe. You’re a jerk. I can’t believe you had the guts to treat me like that. You’re a jerk. I can’t remember what I saw in you ‘cause you’re a jerk. Whoa, oh oh. The roses were a joke and the kisses were fake. The love was a fraud, plus now you’re a dope. So is she want you want or is she another game? Tell me, I want to know. What happened to the guy I knew when we were young? He’s the one I want, no you. You’re a jerk. I can’t believe you had the guts to treat me like that. You’re a jerk. I can’t remember what I saw in you, ‘cause you’re a jerk. Oh, oh, whoa, oh oh. Yeah mmm. I moved on but now you want me back. Don’t tell me you expect me to love you again. You stole from me and lied to my face. You’re an idiot. A moron, a loser, a fake. Not all guys are like that, but you happened to be. You haven’t changed I know it’s true. Don’t lie to me again. ‘Cause you’re that jerk. Have I made my point yet? I don’t want you, I want him. He’s not like you. I hate to tell you this baby, but you’re a jerk. Oh yeah, you’re a jerk. Yeah, yeah, you’re a jerk,”~ <3 ~

With Mike’s arm firmly around her shoulders, Emmy signed autographs of various fans at the party. When the last one left Mike steered her over away from the people.
“Wanna escape this mess?” Mike shouted over the music.
“Sure!” Emmy yelled back. He took her hand and pulled her outside onto the porch. Emmy knew that she was giving Mike that wrong idea, pretending to be in love with him, but what damage could it do? Mike was hot, she was a single rock star, and maybe if they shared a few kisses, Emmy would forget Sirius. After her “mini-concert” Mike had asked her out and she said yes. Mike looked over at Emmy and smiled. Emmy smiled back and watched Mike’s face slowly inch toward hers. Before she knew it she was kissing Mike. She slid her arms around his neck slowly, enjoying the passion.
“Whoa! Whoa, whoa whoa!” a male voice cried. Mike and Emmy broke apart to face a shocked Marco in his black attire.
“Uh…I gotta go,” Emmy quickly told Mike. She followed Marco back into the party where Joe was waiting for them.
“Was I right?” Joe asked and Marco nodded making Emmy blush.
“Let’s go,” Marco said. Emmy slowly followed Joe and Marco out to the car. She slipped into the backseat as quietly as possible. Joe started the car and Emmy folded her arms across her chest.
“Emmy, I told you guys are going to distract you,” Joe said breaking the silence. Anger rushed through her and she had to restrain herself from hitting Joe.
“You’re not my father Joe! Plus I can kiss whomever I want! You have a girlfriend so don’t go telling me about how relationships don’t work with business! You have your own life so stay out of mine!” Emmy screamed.
“Cool your jets girl!” Joe yelled back.
“Make me! You’re not my boss!” Emmy exclaimed, then suddenly realizing what she had just said was false.
“Uh…yeah I am!” Joe yelled.
“So? But you’re not my father so just turn around and leave me alone!” Emmy said in a very firm voice.
“Fine! Be a brat like that!” Joe said turning back to face the driveway. Emmy tuned him out by humming her song, “Jerk.”
“I can’t hear you!” Emmy said then continued to hum.
“Fine,” Joe said and pulled out of the driveway.

~ <3 ~

Emmy entered her house after the party and slammed the door behind her. Her dad was sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper.
“Hey Emmy! How was the party?” Mr. Benson asked.
“Fine,” Emmy replied.
“There’s a letter on your desk from Alivia in your room,” Mr. Benson added. Emmy simply nodded and climbed the stairs to her room. Just as her dad said, the letter was laying on her desk. She picked up the letter and opened it.

We all miss you so much! It’s finally summer! Amen to that! We all so your music video! Well, except Sirius. He watched about half, said it hurt too much to watch you so he left, but anyway…it was so awesome Emmy! You did a great job! I think Sirius really misses you. I swear he was crying after he left the room while we were watching the video and you know how rarely he cries! (Normally only if someone kicks him in the balls) I mean, he even refuses to date people and you know how weird that is to. Girls practically kiss the ground he walks on. Like you asked in your letter to me, I’ll try to get him to write you you!
Love you like a sister so much,

Emmy took out a piece of paper to write back, but was interrupted by a bang on her window. A gray owl was hovering outside with a letter in its mouth. Emmy opened the window and the bird instantly flew in. She took the letter and immediately knew it was from Sirius. The owl flew back out the window as Emmy paced her room trying to decide if she should open it. Should I? Yes! Of course not! Are you crazy? Do it! No way! Emmy debated. She sat down on her bed and slowly ripped open the envelope. She stared at it for a long times before unfolding the letter very slowly. With her heart beating rapidly she unfolded the letter.
I’m only writing because Liv told me to, but I suppose I own you an explanation why I haven’t written to you over the past year. I guess it’s because I’m mad at you. Yeah, that’s it. I’m mad at you. You told me we would always be together even if one of us moves, and that’s the reason you broke up with me. You broke your own promise! You’re probably thinking, “it’s been a whole year! Just get over it!” but I can’t. I love you Emmy. I have since we were in fourth year. I loved you before you were a famous rock star. I loved you as Emmy, not Emily Benson, the famous singer everyone loves. I hope you see why I haven’t written. Don’t bother responding.

Emmy let the letter fall into the trash can with tears in her eyes. She walked to the bathroom as a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. She turned on the shower letting it drench her and her clothes as she let herself weep. If only she didn’t mess things up so bad.

dancerbookl 12-24-2006 10:57 AM

Hey, i didnt know that you a fic up. its really good. PAMS!!!!

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