Hello! I always have this message before each post, but this time I don't really have anything to say. Oh, uhh...this next post was kind of hard for me to write. So bear with me! Oh and one more thing, I know my Hermione parts are very short, but it’s hard to write a lot of Ron/ Hermione stuff. Anyway, I hope you like it!
Good enough!
<3 Cai
-------------- Ginny
So Hermione and I were at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, while Ron and Harry were at the Quidditch Supply Store. I wasn't really looking for anything in particular; I was just sort of browsing. Hermione was definitely not into buying anything here, but she came to see Fred and George.
Though, we couldn't find them anywhere. We just walked around casually, until Ron and Harry entered the store. It was hard to see, but I think Hermione just rolled her eyes. I smiled slightly at the thought. I just wish my brother would stop being such a prat.
I saw Ron head over towards Hermione and I barely heard him say, "Can we talk?" Uh oh. Either he was going to apologize for being stupid, or break up with her because he's stupid. I doubt he would break up with her. But then again, his conversation with Harry last night might've gotten him thinking. That's a surprise!
Anyway, Ron and Hermione left the store, leaving Harry and me alone. Though, we technically weren't alone; the store was very crowded. I looked over at Harry to find him looking directly at me. I smiled a little, trying to make it seem that it was out of politeness. He made his way over to me. "Where's Fred and George?" he asked, looking around the store. That's all he cares about?
"I'm not sure," I said truthfully. I looked around trying to find my brothers. "Let's look over here," I suggested. I started to move towards the back room. And there they were. Fred and George. As soon as Harry entered the room, they turned around.
"Ginny," Fred said excitedly.
"Harry," George said too.
I ran up to the both of them and gave them a big hug. Harry smiled politely at them.
"Just got a new order of Skiving Snackboxes. You interested, Harry?" George asked Harry with excitement on his face.
"No, thanks. I have enough back at the Burrow," he said with a smile. And what a charming smile it was.
Fred and George exchanged looks and then looked at the both of us. I knew what they were thinking.
"Well, we have a lot of business to attend to," Fred said, smiling mischievously.
"So we'll see you around," George said, heading back out to the store.
"If you need anything, just let us know," Fred said, directing it more towards Harry than to me. Thanks a lot!
When they left, Harry and I were alone again. This time though, we were actually alone. I felt a bit nervous and uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was get out. I don't know why so don't ask. I walked over to the doorway, but Harry stopped me.
"Can I talk to you?" he asked softly. Oh boy, this is it.
I nodded my head slowly and sat down on a chair. He grabbed a chair and sat down right in front of me.
"Gin," he began. Oh my goodness! He called me Gin, and this time to my face! "I don't want you to hate me, but I-"
"Harry, I could never hate you," I interrupted. I placed my hand on his, holding it tightly.
Harry looked down at my hand, and I thought he might pull away. But he didn't! Actually, he squeezed it lightly and then he continued. "I've been stupid lately. Extremely stupid," he said. I opened my mouth to say something, but he said, "Let me finish." I closed my mouth and let him. "I thought I was protecting you, but it turns out I wasn't. And Ron was right, sometimes I have to take risks. So... I'm sorry." When he finished, he looked up at me.
I smiled slightly, only because I knew exactly what he was talking about. I did the next thing that came to my mind. I leant in and kissed him square on the lips. Shivers went up my spine as well as the feeling of warmth and protection. The best part was that he started to kiss me back. The kiss gradually became a snog and I've never felt happier.
I broke away unwillingly and I stared into his eyes. He smiled at me in question. And I knew what he was asking. I had to tell him. "Well last night, I wanted to go yell at my brother for what happened between him and Hermione, and I... sort of... overheard you two talking," I said, blushing out of embarrassment.
Turns out that Harry just chuckled. He leant in and kissed me again. This was definitely a moment to remember. We only broke away when we heard sniggers coming from the door. Looking over, we saw Fred and George watching us, with big huge grins. My cheeks turned pink and Harry looked away from them.
"We were wondering when you'd come to your senses, Harry," Fred said cheerfully.
"Just, could you come to your senses somewhere else?" George asked, laughing some more.
I sighed and got up, with Harry right behind me. As I past George, I punched him lightly on the arm. What can I say? He made me do it!
The last person I wanted to talk to today, came up and asked if we could talk. Ugh! Don't get me wrong, I like Ron. It's just that, I was mad. Though, I said yes. However, I only said yes so that I could leave Harry and Ginny alone.
Anyway, we walked outside and he looked at me. I tried not to look at him, but it was hard. "Will you walk with me?" he asked cutely. Wait! I'm mad at him!
I didn't reply, but just started walking down Diagon Alley. He caught up with me and reached for my hand, but I pulled away. I knew he gave me a confused look, but I refused to look at him.
"Hermione, I'm sorry," he said softly. Yeah? Well you should be! "I wasn't really thinking. It's just that... Harry's my best mate. And I don't think he was being a prat by protecting my sister. But then I realized that you were right all along. I'm really sorry," he said, sounding honest.
I finally looked up at him and stared into his eyes. He was telling the truth, I knew it. "But he wasn't protecting her Ron," I told him quietly.
"I know. I said that you were right," he said, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. By now, we were standing a little bit off the street, just looking at each other.
After a while, he finally leant in to kiss me. It felt amazing to be happy again. I mean, I was happy before, but now I'm happy with Ron. Does that make sense?
Anyway, the kiss was a soft and sweet one, but it was also long and tender. I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately-
"Ew. That's disgusting. Weaselbee kissing the mudblood?"