I’m so so so so so so sorry about not posting in forever… I’ve just been really busy! But this is going to be a long post for everybody... I hope you all like it! I feel so bad that no one has actually been here… I’ve just been kind of stressed though. I have school and then I started one of those 100 drabble things… and my friend might be closing down her fanfics and I said I’d help her out by reposting for her… ugh! It’s a lot! But I don’t want to feel like I’m losing my readers…
! Well, here’s the next post and I hope you like it!
<3 Cai
------- Ginny
After a bit more yelling, I finally decided to follow them. He seemed pretty heated about something, though I don’t know what. I started walking with Hermione down the street while Harry caught up with Ron.
“So… what happened Hermione?” I asked curiously. I mean, really. When your brother comes up to you and says that you’re leaving without an explanation, you have to know why… right?
“Nothing,” she replied simply. “Really. But what’s going on with you and Harry?” she asked, a smile appearing on her face. Good ol’ Hermione…
“Oh… nothing,” I said, and I think I started to turn pink. Oh goodie… you know, that’s the one thing I hate about being a Weasley. We always blush… always!
“Spill Ginny,” Hermione practically begged. She even put on the puppy dog eyes. Hee hee! How can I refuse?
I was just about to tell her, when Harry yelled, “WHAT?!?!”
I looked down in front of me to see Ron and Harry facing each other towards the end of the street. Both of their faces were bright red and for a second there, I thought they were fighting. But then Ron put a hand on his shoulder and said something I couldn’t hear, for I was too far away. What’s going on?
I looked at Hermione in confusion and she was looking down at them. I’m guessing that she was trying extra hard not to look at me. Apparently, something’s going on that they don’t want me to know about. But let me tell you, I will find out what it is!
When we got back to the Burrow, Harry and Ron headed upstairs to their room. Harry hadn’t spoken to me since we were interrupted. How rude! For someone who wanted me back so badly, he’s not doing a very good job of keeping me! I went to go upstairs when Hermione stopped me.
“Come on Ginny… let’s go outside,” she said cheerfully. Ugh! This is driving me crazy!
I followed Hermione outside and as soon as we were by the tree, I asked her again. “Hermione… what happened in Diagon Alley?”
“Nothing Ginny, really! You don’t need to worry about it,” she said, sitting down. I’m not worried about it! I just want to know what ‘it’ is!
“Just tell me Hermione… please?” I begged her.
“Ginny, Hermione, time for supper,” mum called. Weasley’s tend to have the worst timing, don’t they?
Hermione and I walked back to the Burrow in silence. I knew Hermione wasn’t going to tell me… but maybe Harry would. I know he knows. I bet that’s what he yelled about.
Supper was extremely quiet. No one said anything. Harry wouldn’t even look at me. I started to have a feeling that whatever was going on was about me. Oh no! Did I do something? I don’t remember doing anything! Did Ron tell Harry that I liked Dean again? Because it’s not true… he just wrote me a few times, but I never wrote back!
Mum was oblivious to everything. She finished her supper and then left to go to bed early. Ron and Harry finished as well, but they left to go outside. I watched as Harry left, feeling quite upset.
I looked at Hermione, but she had her nose buried in a book. What’s new? I sighed out of frustration and went to go outside as well. I looked around, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. I walked around for a bit, but there wasn’t any sign of them. I was getting ready to walk back in when I heard Harry’s voice.
“I don’t know what to do now,” he said.
I walked towards the voice, which was in the trees. I tried not to be seen or heard, so that I could hear what they were saying without getting in trouble.
“The best way to deal with it is to break it off,” Ron said. Wait- What? Break what off? Break off our relationship? Again?
“I know, but I can’t. I mean… everything is right again Ron. I can’t mess that up,” Harry said, sounding depressed. Oh no! They are talking about me! But… why?
“I understand Harry, but it’s to keep Ginny safe,” Ron said. They just said my name… but they don’t need to keep me safe. I can keep myself safe! Plus, they’ve tried that before… and look how that ended up…
“But we’ve tried that before. I mean, if we’re willing to take the risk to be together against Voldemort, then we should be able to take the risk to be together against Malfoy.” Malfoy? What about Malfoy? Uh oh… is Malfoy coming back? This isn’t good! But… Harry can’t be that stupid… can he? No! He won’t break up with me because of Malfoy.
“Harry, listen to me. Malfoy is coming back to school. This is his chance to get inside your head. Remember, he’s working for You-Know-Who. He could find out that you two are still together and then tell Him. Then what would happen?” Malfoy is coming back to school! Oh my! This is terrible… but we can fight it! Pfft… my stupid brother!
Harry was silent for a long time. Oh, please don’t tell me you’re actually going to consider this!
“I guess you’re right,” he said. My heart stopped. No! He can’t! I won’t let him! “I should go find her now… and… well, you know.”
I felt tears swell up my eyes. I couldn’t believe that Harry…
my Harry… was going to listen to my
stupid brother! I heard rustling in the bushes and made a run for it. I ran inside and saw Hermione look at me in question. I didn’t stop though; I continued to run into my room. I locked the door and sat down against it, letting my tears fall.
How could Harry be so stupid? He should never listen to Ron… never! He doesn’t have to break up with me because of Malfoy!
Knock, Knock, Knock
Oh Merlin! Please don’t tell me it’s Harry!
Knock, Knock, Knock
I said ‘don’t’ tell me it’s Harry!
Harry tried to open the door… but couldn’t. “Ginny? Please open up. I need to talk to you.”
I bet you do…
“Go away Harry!”
“Gin? What’s wrong?”
As if he doesn’t know… it’s all his fault! And to top it all off… he had to call me Gin!
“Nothing! Just go away!”
He tried to open the door again… as if he thought I’d unlock it for him…
“Alohomora.” Oh! I didn’t think of that…
He pushed open the door, and me. He crouched down beside me and held me close. I enjoyed it for a moment… until I realized something.
“No!” I pushed him away and stood up. “I said go away!”
“But Gin… what’s wrong?”
Like he cares…
“Like you care!”
Doh! That wasn’t supposed to come out of my head!
Harry looked shocked. “Of course I care,” he said slowly, standing up as well.
Some more tears were falling down my face. “Do you care enough to listen to me?” I tried to say with a steady voice. It sort of worked.
Harry slowly walked towards me. “Yes,” he said, sounding quite confused.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Then listen to me when I say… don’t listen to my brother,” I told him.
He stared at me for a moment, most likely thinking about what I was saying. Then, we he figured it out, he pulled me into a tight hug. I was a bit shocked, but I hugged him back anyway.
He kissed the top of my head and continued to hug me. I smiled, thinking that I might have won. In your face Ron!
“Gin… I’m really sorry” he said, letting me go. “But Ron is right…” What?! “Malfoy will know… and then Voldemort would know-“
“But Harry… I’m sixteen! I can take care of myself! And the hell with Malfoy… if he finds out then who cares? I’d rather be with you!”
“Gin… I’m not saying that we can’t be together…”
“What do you mean?” I asked, a little confused.
“I have an idea.”
I stared into his eyes, wondering what he was up to. “Okay… I’m listening.”
He pulled me towards my bed and sat down on it. I sat down next to him, continuing to stare at him. “Okay… well…” he began, obviously a little nervous about it.
“Harry… just get on with it.”
“Alright. Well, what if we pretended that we weren’t dating anymore? I mean, we could go around at school acting as if we were just friends, and then by night… we could be together…”
The idea was a pretty good one. But it would have been hard for me… going through the day pretending I didn’t love Harry?
“There’s only one thing… we also have to pretend to Hermione and Ron,” he added, looking down at his hands.
“What? Why?”
“Because… Ron wants me to break up with you so that you’d be safe… and if we told Hermione, she’d tell Ron. It all makes sense really. I want to keep my best friends, but Ron would get mad if he knew we were still dating. But, I don’t want to break up with you… I did that once and I hated it!”
I kissed him on the cheek for that. Then I blushed slightly… ugh! “Alright… so from now on… we’re friends by day and a couple by night, when no one is around. We can’t let anyone know.”
“Right.” He stood up to leave, but then stopped. “Just… one more thing.” He pulled me into a long and tender kiss, in which, I kissed back. He pulled away reluctantly and smiled. “Goodnight Gin.” And with that, he left.
Whoever thought that Harry was so smart… yet so evil? Hee hee!
I wanted to tell Ginny about Malfoy… I really did! But I knew that it was something that she didn’t need to worry about, plus Ron wouldn’t have wanted her to know. So I kept my mouth shut about it.
After dinner, I began to read my new potions book. I heard Ginny walk outside, but I paid no attention to it. I was fixed on a certain potion: The Animagus Potion. It was super complicated and took two years to make, but I was sure I could do it. Not like I would, but I could if I wanted to.
Fifteen minutes passed by and Ginny came running inside, she had tears in her eyes and I felt concerned for her. When she ran up to our room, I stood up to follow her. I was on the bottom step when the door opened again. Harry came walking inside with Ron right behind him. Harry headed upstairs while saying a quick “Hey Hermione.”
Ron, however, stayed downstairs. I walked over to him with a curious look. He took my hands and brought me over to the couch. He gazed into the fire for a bit before he turned to me again. “Harry’s going to break up with Ginny,” he said simply.
My eyes widened slightly. “What? Why?” I asked, completely shocked.
“Because I told him that it’s the best way to save her from Malfoy,” he said, looking away from me. Good thing too, because I was shooting him daggers.
“Why would you say that?” I asked him, anger starting in my voice.
“Because it’s true Hermione. Malfoy is acting as an agent for You-Know-Who. If he told Him about Harry and Ginny then He’d find a way to kill her or something… and I don’t want my little sister getting hurt,” he said, looking into the fire.
I thought about this for a moment. He did have a point. That definitely sounds like a Malfoy thing. “It’s just that… Harry would be hurting her anyway. But… I know you’re right,” I admitted, though it was hard. I’m not saying that Ron is never right. I’m saying that I was wrong… ugh!
Ron pulled me closer to him and he kissed my forehead gently. I smiled at him and we just sat in silence for a while.
About twenty minutes later, Harry came downstairs, looking put out. “Well… it’s done,” he said quietly. Oh no! I was hoping he’d forget about it…
I stood up and walked towards him. “Oh, Harry! I’m sorry,” I said, hugging him for comfort. I let go and looked at him.
He smiled a small smile and said, “It’s fine. I’m just going to go to bed now.” He nodded to Ron and me and then headed back upstairs.
I looked over to Ron and sighed. “I’m going to go to bed as well,” I said softly. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight Ronald.”
I walked up the stairs and to Ginny’s room, preparing for a long talk and some tears. I opened the door slowly to find Ginny reading in her bed. Though, she wasn’t crying… why? I would be!
“Hey,” I said sweetly. “You okay?” I asked, walking over to my bed.
She looked up from her book and tried to smile. “Yeah… I’m fine,” she said sadly.
I felt so bad for her. I went over to her and gave her a comforting hug. “If you want to talk about it… I’m here,” I told her. And it was true, I’m always going to be here for her. That’s what friends are for.
She smiled a thank you and then went back to her book. I went to my trunk and began to pack some of my things. We were leaving tomorrow to go back to Hogwarts. I was so excited! I finally get to go back home!
As I was putting my books in the bottom, Ginny put her book down. “I just don’t understand,” she said softly. “Why would he break up with me?”
I walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed. “I… I’m not sure,” I told her. It was a lie, but I knew that if I told her the truth, she’d hate me. And her brother too. Not to mention, Harry. That’d be bad.
“It doesn’t make sense,” she said, looking out her window. “Everything was going great today. We got back together and had a good time, and then he breaks up with me. Did I do something wrong?”
Her eyes were expressionless, which was odd. I thought they’d be full of sadness, but no. Expressionless. I gave her a sympathetic look. “I don’t think you did.” I was kicking myself for doing this, but it was for her own good. “Look Ginny, Harry’s a boy. And boys have their own way of doing things. Plus, he could be going through a hormonal period,” I suggested. It was an impressive thought, if I do say so myself.
“But Hermione, Harry already went through his hormonal period. In his fifth year, remember?” she asked. Oh! I forgot! Ugh! Ginny’s too smart for me…
“Well… boys’ hormonal periods… uhhh… last longer than girls’,” I lied lamely. I knew she caught that, so I went back to packing.
“Well I hate it,” she replied angrily. Hmmm… maybe she didn’t catch it.
“I do too,” I agreed.
There was a long silence where I continued to pack. I wasn’t sure what Ginny was doing because my back was facing her.
But then, she broke the silence. “Hey Hermione?” she called in a small voice.
“Yes?” I said, not turning around.
“Are you… in love with Ron?” she asked shyly.
I turned around and faced her. I was a bit caught off guard by the question, but I smiled anyway. “Why do you ask?”
She moved around in her bed, trying to get comfortable. “Just curious,” she responded lightly.
I thought about the question for a moment. Was I in love with Ron? I mean, I really liked him, but was I in love with him? We’ve known each other since we were eleven and now we’re dating… sounds like… fate. Though, we don’t get along that well. But we’ve never gotten along that well. We’ve always been fighting. So why are we dating? Well, because I like him. But… why?
I couldn’t get those questions out of my head. I looked back at Ginny and smiled. “I’m not sure,” I replied. “I don’t think so… but I do really like him,” I reassured her. But that question came back to me. Why?
Ginny looked satisfied with the answer and opened her book again. I sat down on my bed, facing Ginny. “Do you love Harry?” I asked her slowly.
Ginny looked at me and her face lit up. “Oh… yes I do!” She smiled widely, but then it faded… as if she remembered that they weren’t together anymore.
“How do you know what love feels like?” I asked curiously. I really wanted to know. I wanted to see if I was in love with Ron. Maybe I am, but just don’t know it…
Ginny put her book back down and looked at me. “Well… you just know. You know if you’re in love when… when your heart flutters every time you see him. Or… you think about him constantly. Or when you’re truly, truly happy just being with him,” she replied dreamily. I knew she was in love with Harry by the way she was talking. But it made me think some more… maybe I’m not in love with Ron…
I mean, I don’t think about him constantly. And my heart doesn’t flutter every time I see him. And I’m happy when I’m with him, but I don’t know if I’m truly, truly happy. Why does this have to be so complicated?
“Hmmm,” I replied, going back to packing. After a little bit more silence, I asked another question that was burning in my mind. “Do you think… Do you think Ron’s in love with me?” I asked her nervously. She is his sister after all, so she would know.
“I’m his sister… we don’t talk much,” she said simply. Well there goes that plan! “But honestly,” she continued. “I’m not so sure… I think he does, but you’d have to ask him.”
I sighed softly and continued to pack. If Ron and I don’t love each other… then why are we dating? Ugh! Stupid love!
“I’m going to go to bed now… goodnight Hermione,” Ginny said and turned off her lamp.
“Goodnight Ginny,” I said quietly. I stopped packing and got under my covers. I turned off the lamp and laid there… wondering what was going to happen between Ron and me. After a few minutes, I dozed off… dreaming of… nothing!