Hello everybody. This is my fourth fanfiction thread on SS and its really nice to come back and write about my favorite,our favorite characters from the Harry Potter Universe from time to time.
This is my first attempt with romance, not that i haven't written about the famous shippers before in my past thread a compilation of short stories and song fictions but the very strict categorization of the threads now here on SS into Romance, Adventure etc,etc...is making me a bit nervous...
This is also just a one shot fiction...
DISCLAIMER: The characters, the places described are from the world of Harry Potter created by Jo Rowling and do not belong to me. i just hoped to create a certain scene with my favorite characters and the shipper.
Now without further ado...
We Meet Again...
The rain bearing clouds moved lazily with the wind not threatening much of a down pour. The cool breeze blew over the field making the grass dance and ruffling the leaves and creating ripples in the lake nearby.
A perfect August evening one might call and a certain red head was making full use of it, laying down there on the bank of the lake near his ever tilting house in the background. Staring upwards to the sky and running his hand through his newly acquired hair cut which he did after a lot of persistence from his mother.
He took a deep breath of the slightly rain scented fresh air which settled around and smiled.
‘it would rain soon’
It had been long, long while since he laid there like this by the lake side with no care in the world, with no worries to constantly keep looking over the shoulder. He looked down and his eyes fell on the wand that was peeking from his jeans pocket. Taking the wand out, he looked over as he rolled it. It was quite few months since this new wand came into his possession, a reminder of the war, it was proving to be quite useful to him though not better than his own old one which he missed terribly but this new wand seemed to have chosen his new master and did work well with him.
Ron looked around him as he lazily waved his wand like a musician’s baton. Closing his eyes and feeling the cool breeze on his face and through his hair, he continued to wave his wand lazily. Too busy enjoying the breeze and too consumed in the slight rhythm of his hand’s mechanical movement Ron barely heard the whispers coming towards the lake from behind him. But then suddenly he jumped up paling as something hit his hand and his wand jumped away from him neatly landing in a new pair of hands.
And there she was standing looking at his wand with a slight frown almost as if she was concentrating hard on something. Was it just coincidence that she turned up when he was thinking of her? Oh it couldn’t have been because he had been thinking of her almost every day from the time she left for Australia. Clad in a deep blue blouse and light blue jeans and shoes, her hair curly brown flipping as the breeze ran its fingers through it. She turned to look up at him with those big brown eyes and walked towards him smiling.
“bloody hell Hermione that wasn’t funny” he said as he reminded himself that she had freaked him out and disturbed his rather peaceful time.
“hi Ron” she said nevertheless walking towards him. Trying to mask his surprise he just nodded but his mind wavering into thoughts
‘She looks much better now, much healthier too. There is some glow about her’ he thought
‘Australia seemed to do her some good’ he thought rather sadly.
Oh he had missed her alright .Standing in front of him she handed his wand back to him.
“just a nod then?” she asked
“huh? No, I mean, h-hi” he said smiling up at her. She smiled back slightly relieved.
“So what were you looking at my wand like that for?” Ron asked trying to take his mind of the thoughts that were coming in.
“I seem to have lost touch with my non verbal spells” she said shrugging her hands in pocket trying to be hardly concerned but her eyes gave in much more than that.
“lost touch?”
“yeah, I was trying to disarm you non verbally but had to whisper in the end” she sighed giving her worried look away.
“but I didn’t hear any whisper” he said looking at her as she moved away from him to his side and sat down.
She looked at him shook her head
“Ron I was the one who cast it right? I would know better if I whispered or not. And besides you were too busy enjoying the weather, I guess” she said waving her hand in general as the breeze blew “and I wouldn’t blame you for that” she said smiling and taking in a deep breath.
“It's so sweet” she murmured. He looked at her and nodded then looked away trying to peel his eyes of her.
“So how come I didn’t know you were back?” he asked. He was really surprised to see her standing there when he was disarmed. He had no idea she was back from Australia.
She looked at him her eye brows shooting up
“I sent you guys a letter when I came back. It’s been almost 2 weeks since we were back from Australia” she said. He scratched his head trying to remember if he saw any owl around.
“Even if I didn’t get your letter how come no one told me if they knew?” he asked slightly frowning
“Maybe they didn’t want to tell you” she said cheekily and he made a face which made her laugh.
“How are your parents?” he asked
“Oh they are doing very well, they are thinking of starting their practice again. Now that they are back, after an year’s long vacation” she said smiling slightly.
“A few months of vacation seems to have done you good too” he complimented not realizing what he was saying.
‘She certainly has got a nice tan.’ his thoughts lingering on
‘Wait! Did I just-’
Hermione blushed and chuckled “oh you would love Adelide Ron! Its quite a muggle city you know just like London but the beaches over there are just amazing!” she gushed.
“I would love to go back there. you know, we should go there” she said and then realizing, corrected “you know all three of us, just like a back packing to Australia or something,” she said looking away to hide her rather red face and nervously put a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“Well, we did go back packing quite a bit last year” he said smirking “but Australia does seem to sound good” he accepted before Hermione could say anything.
Hermione sighed in agreement “yeah, last year was quite some back packing.”
“But this would be different. We wouldn’t be worrying about things; we just would be having some real good time” she said her joyous self again.
“And besides I think going there, you might get to expand your business. I didn’t get a peek in the wizarding world but I am sure they will like the new Weasley products in their market, yeah its way too far, almost another continent and a different geographical zone. But apart from that you can get to learn a few things from them too, you know. Just adds a whole new dimension to your products and business” she continued blabbering. And Ron laughed “I get it Hermione, the very first stop for my vacation which rather seems more like work to me though would be Adelaide, Australia, happy?” he said
And Hermione just nodded like a kid eager about going to a fair. She smiled and looked away. ‘it was good to be back, back to St.Ottery’s Catchpole’
“How is everybody else here?” she asked jerking her head
“Oh they all are doing well enough”
“and Harry?”
“He is doing well too.”
“Back in Grimmauld Place then?” she asked
“And his uncle and aunt?”
“They are back in Surrey. Dedalus Diggle and Podmore helped them shift back. Harry hasn’t met them but I think he did send them a letter” he said
“That would be better somehow. Just to let them know he has survived” Hermione said rather sharply.
“And how was his birthday?” Hermione asked
“Oh just the same family affair” he said smiling.
“Nice, I had just arrived a day after his birthday” she said “will go and meet him sometime soon. I even have to get him a birthday present. Well I did get things for everyone from Australia but birthday present ought to be different, isn't it? it just completely slipped out of my mind” she said.
“He won’t disown you for not giving him a birthday present” he said chuckling.
“When did you guys meet up last?” she asked.
“I think his birthday, yeah” he said nodding. “he rather wants to be alone for some time now and no one blames him for that. All the extra attention he is getting from the media and wherever he goes. He rather prefers to be in Grimmauld Place itself going out only to meet Kingsley” he said
“Guess what he has his fireplace directly linked to his office” Ron said smirking
“The Minister of Magic, wicked” Hermione said in awe and Ron laughed as she used the Weasley word with élan.
“Well, he probably deserves that doesn’t he” she continued running her hand through her hair.
“And Kingsley can do at least that much to keep his wish” he said nodding.
“But Ginny, she hardly ever leaves the Grimmauld Place” Ron said his voice slightly disapproving a small line creasing over his forehead .But Hermione knew him better, apart from listening to his friend’s request it was the brother inside him speaking.
Although he never disapproved of his sister and his best friend being together but wasn’t he a brother in the end? She sighed smiling and shaking her head. “Well, maybe Harry doesn’t want her to either” she said smiling. Ron looked at her and then smiled. And as they looked at each other for sometime something transpired between them. There wasn’t a smile playing on either’s lips just looking at each other and then away.
They sat there in silence looking over the lake each in their own thoughts. The sun was beginning to set and the dark shadows began to creep around. Lights were lit up in the Burrow behind. They were going to have a huge family plus Order of the Phoenix dinner tonight. Ron had been working all day long till the evening time when he finally took off to the lake to clear his mind and none of the Weasley members bothered him and let him to his own now.
Ron drew a ragged breath and ran his hand through his hair. He looked behind to see the house come to live as he heard voices especially his mum’s instructing everyone around. He turned back to look at the lake and drowned in his thoughts once again. Hermione had proved to be his pillar of strength on all those days when he broke down remembering Fred, Remus and Tonks. Just looking at George, Ron would walk out of the room often not able to bear the sight of one without the other. It was not until Hermione put some sense into him rather very kindly and sweetly even for the hundredth time that she did, did he realized how his behavior was hurting George and Angelina who was slowly becoming a familiar face in the Weasley family.
Looking back at Hermione; Ron found her to be immersed in her own thoughts looking across the lake…
She remembered being terribly angry with him when he came back after he left them in middle of the forest. Well she was really hurt almost heartbroken. And that anger and sadness was more than an indication that there was and always was more to just friendship between them .The painful time at the Shell Cottage came across her mind when he was by her side all the while looking over her and helping her. He cursed Bellatrix almost every day for all that she had done to her and she had even asked him to let it go but he didn’t. He had taken it rather hardly raging and fuming every time Hermione flinched in pain as she was healing. What was it, if not more than friendship?
Hermione looked up and saw Ron staring away behind her as if concentrating hard on something…
Seeing the piece of heart of the Weasley family lying there in a tux and his favorite dragon hide jacket in the wooden coffin Ron had put up a brave face but no one knew better than Hermione what a wreck he was a night earlier in whose arms he broke down to bits. And all the time they had while in search of horcruxes, that was quite some time and yet not much. But in that time they helped Harry, quarreled and patched up with each other and moved on with the quest of destroying Voldemort’s immortality along with slight internal struggle that they were having thinking about the other.
It was obvious that she liked him and he felt that too because sometimes the way she would demand things from him it just was a sign. She bossed around Harry too but it was different and he knew that. He almost laughed as he remembered about the time they were in the Chamber of Secrets to get the basilisk’s fangs, the surprised and the look of pure awe and admiration for him on her face when he opened the Chamber made his heart flutter for sure then and so it did even now, just thinking about it…
Hermione looked up as she heard a small laugh escape his lips. His eyes seemed to have brightened up. ‘And how beautiful did he look when he laughed, joked, spoke with pure Weasley sarcasm dripping, when he got angry, when he was sad. He was the sweetest man-child when he cried’ her train of thoughts continuing as she continued to look at him thinking of everything that he did, she loved. And there doesn’t seem to be anything left about him that she doesn’t like now. Maybe even the fight they have, she might find something nice about him in that too…
And the kiss…Hermione sighed and looked down thinking about it, her chin resting on her drawn up knees. Trying to let that thought pass, not thinking about it much she directed her mind towards the day when she panicked about her parents.
She had asked Arthur if he could help find her parents. But after days of the initial search through all known connections from the Ministry possible it was futile. Paling and going mute suddenly at the dinner table one day already thinking about the worse that could have happened to her parents she felt Ron by her side hugging and trying to talk to her and make her talk. Turning to him she cried and begged him to at least know where they were last seen and she was ready to do all the searching for them. Nodding and hugging Ron calmed her down “Mione nothing can happen to them. We’ll find them, promise” his words still ringing in her ears as if it was just yesterday.
‘Then why is it that it was so difficult for us to accept it?’ Hermione thought
‘Why can’t we speak about it?’Ron thought and looked down at Hermione who was now busy plucking the grass. She looked up and their eyes met. She smiled, it couldn’t have been stopped. He smiled back. As she looked away again Ron plucked up the courage to speak up
“Hmmm” she said looking at a particular grey cloud in the dark twinkling night sky that had caught her interest.
“Um, well all this that we have gone through…together…it has to mean something, right?” he asked. He saw her head move but it didn’t move in his direction to answer him. She just looked at the lake ahead quietly.
‘Git, aren’t you? I don’t even think you both are on the same page! Maybe she wasn’t thinking of you at all. How do you expect her to answer this out of blue question?’ Ron chided himself.
But finally Hermione turned to him smiled and said “it surely means quite a lot Ronald”
His heart skipped a beat.
Silence prevailed again and stretched its arms around them enveloping them in their own little space they were sharing with each other. But however, Hermione scolded herself mentally. ‘you are mental, aren’t you?’ ‘a one line answer. He was expecting more. I would have expected more!’ ‘arent you the brainy one? Always ready with an answer and that too always an elaborate one? Then what was that pathetic example of an answer!’
‘but I, I can’t get any proper words to’ another voice cried over ‘if you can’t say show him’ scolded a voice of her own and suddenly Hermione’s heart skipped a beat. ‘what was she thinking?’
Ron looked down at the grass thinking, his heart beating faster. Here was his answer now it all depends on what he does. ‘but are you sure?’ asked one voice
‘of course’ thought a much resolved and confident Ron ‘but you know, she said Ronald and’ but the resolved voice cut it ‘she calls you 'Ronald' to specify something not always to shut you up’ Ron looked up much resolved and confident somehow. It wasn’t an exact yes of an answer but he didn’t ask an exact question either. When did he ever ask one?
Not able to see things through clearly about what she should say next Hermione shook her head in frustration and looked up and saw Ron who looked much more relaxed somehow confident of something. There wasn’t a frown or anything on his forehead. He looked somewhat relieved.
‘Did he get what I mean then?’ she thought. She looked down again continuing to run her hand through the grass beside her. From the corner of her eye she saw his hand laying there. She felt an urge to touch him. ‘Should I?’ she thought
‘go on…’
Hermione tried to look up.
‘no don’t look up. Just do it. If you look up and he looks at you, you won’t be able to move a muscle’ her voice spoke. ‘come on, go on’ the voice of her heart urged her. Slowly she made her move. Her fingers laying over the back of his hand and slowly caressed it. Facing Ron’s side and laying her head over her knees and her mind in some far away thoughts she absentmindedly stroked his hand with her fingers, not really aware that a surprised rather pleased looking Ron was looking back at her.
And then she found the hand turn, the palm facing towards her fingers and slowly entwined its own fingers with hers and held her hand. Hermione looked up to see Ron just look up from their hands. Surprised a bit but happy, her smile reaching her eyes twinkling. Looking at him made her blush terribly, almost as red as his hair she shied away trying to take her hand off but he held on and gently tugging her hand like pleading her not to leave. She looked back at their entwined hands and looked up to see he had leaned ahead, his other hand pushing a piece of her hair behind as the cold breeze flipped it and looking into her brown eyes. She looked back into those oceanic eyes as she felt his hand over her cheek, his thumb caressing it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the tingling sensation ran over her face and all over her body. He pulled her closer; leaning ahead he took a chance till her eyes were closed. Maybe it would have been daunting to kiss her otherwise. But he didn’t think much and kissed her.
Feeling his lips over hers she smiled and kissed him back. His hand holding her head through her hair gently and freed his entwined hand which found its way to her waist. Hermione’s hand rest at the nape of his neck whilst the other at his chest as they deepened their kiss.
This was way different if not better than the first kiss they had in the middle of the war. Nothing can beat the feeling of the first kiss they say and that would be true but is there anything said about the second kiss? Maybe the fact that they understand each other now and their feelings are out there in open for each other to see, though not much was spoken in words, it only made the feel of the kiss better and sweeter as their hearts beat faster.
‘And maybe only the person who gave the first kiss could beat it to the second one’ thought Hermione and she chuckled. Ron looked at her smiling his eyebrow raised. She looked back at him and shook her head. Her hand on his cheek she leaned again to kiss him. Holding on to her as if he would never leave her they kissed again.
Too oblivious to what was happening around them all this while Ron heard a small thud and Hermione didn’t. His senses heightened and mind alert. But he continued kissing because he knew of no danger surrounding them, just that there was someone ready to spoil his time and he knew who would
“get lost Geor” said Ron pulling away from Hermione only to be stunned to look at the person in front of him.
Hermione followed Ron’s eyes and looked at the person standing in front of them. She blushed just as quickly as she paled earlier into a very deep shade of Weasley red. It was not George.
She heard a soft chuckle “sorry to disturb you two” the guest spoke in a smooth heavy baritone and then left leaving the both of them highly embarrassed and shocked.
“did I jus- just ask Minister of Magic to get lost?” asked a very stunned Ron his face ghostly white.
“yeah, that would be him. Kingsley” Hermione said and burst of laughing looking at Ron’s stumped face. She laughed and laughed with her head over his shoulder thinking about his look.
And the still stunned and a slightly embarrassed Ron put an arm around her shoulder and shook his head, not daring to look back at the Minister’s way to the Burrow…
Hope you guys liked it and hope it didn't come across as really cheesy...

Your comments and suggestions are welcome...
Have A Nice Day...:-)