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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
01-18-2004, 09:24 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| Ok, people. Let's try this one more time. Thank goodness Cold and flu season is over. I'm not going anywhere for a couple of months and I have a itch to write again. If this one flops I'm giving up. This is my old fan fic, hopely to be revived. I had the last one deleted because it was just too much of me being sick for you to really understand any of the story. I think I was delusional during the writing of some of that, too. :whisle: I suppose you could say that everything has a purpose. That the pain that is caused will teach us lessons later in life. But, what if the pain only makes us want to hurt others. And this so-called emotion, love, is so foreign we can barely form the word.
I lived for 15 years this life. My name is Alexandria Malfoy. I am just out of school and unlike my ‘beloved’ twin brother, Draco, I was forced to attend a school of lesser reputation. That was until my 6th year. Then, my parents found it suitable to attend Hogwarts. They believed I had learned enough not to bring shame upon the family.
Soon after my parents told me of their plans, we went to Diagon Alley to buy my school supplies. Along the way, we ran into a group of people. It was obvious that most of them where related by their flaming red hair and freckles. There were also two other people. One was a girl, with bushy brown hair and a look on her face like she could pick up a lecture at any moment. The other was a boy, with black untidy hair, emerald green eyes, and a pair of oval glasses. He had the stretched over look of someone who had grown a lot in a short amount of time.
My brother, seeing me observing them, soon told of who they where.
“Don’t hang out with that filthy mudblood Granger, those muggle-loving Weasleys, the boy, that Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.”
I rolled my eyes at this statement because I knew that Draco liked this ‘Granger’, who ever she was. But, the person who fascinated me the most was Harry Potter. Everyone knew the story of the boy-who-lived. Even in a dark wizard family like myself. You see my family’s greatest shame would be to produce a good son-or daughter. |
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01-18-2004, 11:20 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| Is it really that bad you guys? I'll keep posting anyway. I finished it so I think it needs to be posted. Even if no one reads it at all... :ermsmile: And I wanted this to be a good fan fic. Soon after this we left Diagon Alley, must to my displeasure, because I wanted to look around. We returned to the manor, where my brother helped me to pack. The train would leave two days later. But, something told me this was not going to be a normal school year. The Dark Lord had returned and I believed my family just wanted to make sure that my ‘big’ brother looked after me. He is only 7 minutes older than I am and I have been hexing him most of my life.
Two days later, I passed between the barrier to Platform 3 ¾ to board the Hogwarts Express. My brother told me to stay away from Potter and he could not stay with me because he had to be in the prefect’s compartment.
I never was very good at listening to my brother and soon I found myself asking if I could share a compartment with Harry Potter.
“I’m Alexandria, just call me Alex, do you mind if I ride in this compartment? The rest of them are full.”
“Sure, the more the merrier. I’m Harry” Harry said.
“Thanks,” I said while loading my stuff into the overhead compartment.
I could not help but notice the looks I was getting from everyone. One of the Weasleys was staring straight at me. But, by then, I was used to people staring at me. Some of them for reasons I would rather forget.
“I just transferred here from London Witching Academy. What year are you guys in?” I asked.
The only girl Weasley offered her hand and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Ginny, I’m a 5th year, and that guy beside me gaping at you is Ron, and he’s a 6th year along with Hermione over there.”
A rush of color entered his face and he quickly looked away.
I offered my hand to Ron after shaking Ginny’s; “It’s nice to meet you, Ron.”
Ron shook my hand and we spent the rest of the train ride getting to know each other. Mostly Harry and I spent the train ride getting to know each other. I did not understand how Draco could hate him. He was funny, sensitive, a little on the wild side, and an all around good person. But, then I remembered its Draco and even thought he hates our father as much as I do, he still has resentment for Harry Potter. You see Draco is always being put down because a muggle-born was making better marks than he was at school. |
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01-19-2004, 12:54 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| I will post this whole fan fic and if it takes that to get replies then so be it. :arg: I just want people to read my story. But, my brother never was good at listening either, to my parents or to his teachers. And he always has the worst timing sense in the world. For you see, my brother soon found me, in the very seat talking to of all people, Harry Potter. The color soon rushed into Draco’s face as he grabbed my arm and attempted to drag me out of the compartment. I did not want to leave.
“Let go of me Draco! I’m only talking to them!” I screamed in my desperate attempt to wrench myself from his grip.
He soon slammed me against the wall and grabbed my neck as I continued to struggle.
“I told not to talk to those people!” Draco hissed in my ear.
“Draco, let her go! She hasn’t done anything to you!” Harry was soon saying but it seemed too faint to be truly heard.
“Fine, Potter. Keep her. A lot of good she does me!” Draco soon yelled at Harry. After this, I felt I could breathe again and soon collapsed to the floor. I lay there for a few seconds with my eyes closed. Then I began to stand up and opened my eyes. I sat back in my seat and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. The only thing I ever said was, “All will be explained later.” |
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01-19-2004, 12:55 PM
#4 (permalink)
| *stalking you... and you* *and you*meana picassoPEE-O-NEE Mooncalf
Join Date: Oct 2003 Location: Hiding from you. *ga
Posts: 7,134
Hogwarts RPG Name: Morbidda Lucretia Morwenna Sabine Valencia DeValdemar LeDeaux T'Humperdink. |
It's not bad! And considering the stuff I say to other fics, you've just received high praise. Seriously, it's great!
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01-19-2004, 02:30 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| YAH!! Someone finally read my ff. Just for you I'll add more.A whole lot more. I'm trying to et my ff mover to other storied section because it doesn't really fit theepic and adventure category very well. The train arrived at Hogwarts twenty minutes later and soon grabbed my trunks and hopped off the train, still shaken, but walking on. I was informed in my letter from Dumbledore that I was to join the 1st year’s trip across the lake to be sorted. I walked towards the gamekeeper and Care of Magical Creatures teacher. Draco called him an oaf but behind that bushy mane, I saw the compassion in those eyes. I knew this was someone I would be able to trust.
The trip across the lake lasted twenty minutes and was by far one of the most original things I have done in my life. My life has been carefully planned, as had every action I had ever taken. Even when I was away at school. But something told me that Dumbledore would not allow my father to run my life within the walls of Hogwarts like he did everywhere else. This was my first taste of freedom.
The walked into the entrance hall along with the rest of the 1st years and was soon among them in line. A very-severe looking witch with a long roll of parliament was walking towards the front.
“My name is Professor McGonagall. I am the Transfiguration teacher to those who do not remember or know. I am here to sort the 1st years into their respective houses. But, we have a special exception this year as we have a new student to transfer from London Witching Academy. But, before all this can begin we must hear our Sorting Hat’s newest bit of advice,” she said with a slight smirk. And I was only then that I noticed a battered, old hat that looked on the verge of falling apart sitting on a three-legged stool.
The brim of the hat soon looked as if it had a rip in it and it began to sing: When I was newly made,
And quite naïve
I began to hear the things that people think.
And when I looked inside
In some, I saw fear
In others anger
Still in others, I saw hatred
But, in the root
People are all the same
It does not matter
On your race, creed, and religion
The only things
That defines who we are…
Are the choices we make,
And the paths we choose.
Remember my message,
Learn it well.
With this, the hat brim closed and the hall burst into applause. Professor McGonagall soon walked forward and the sorting was to begin.
“The first student I want to call is our transfer from London Witching Academy, Ms. Alexandria Malfoy.”
There was hush over the hall as my name was called and I looked for my brother for support and saw only shame. Then, I looked at Harry and I saw only the hurt I had caused. I was on my own.
“Ms. Malfoy, if you would try the hat on please.”
I walked forward slowly, took the tattered hat, and tried it on. It began to mumble in my ear.
“Good stuff you have in here, good stuff. You know your brother is a git. You just need a little more experience. I like what you think. My decision has been made.”
“In such a short time?” I asked.
“Yes, you’ll be in….” |
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01-20-2004, 12:40 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
Why did you leave it at a cliff hanger!!!
Now your going to make me wait aren't you?
Well.....It would be worth it to wait.
:sorcerer: :arg:
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01-23-2004, 01:39 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Lobalug
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: Nor Cal....lol
Posts: 182
Hey! its really great! I love it! keep up the good work, and dont worry, your a good writer.
__________________ I'm on fire And the day is feeling hopeless |
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01-23-2004, 01:43 AM
#8 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
Krazyblonde??? Are you there????
Your killing us by not posting!!!!!!!
-Jewelia :flowersmile:
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01-23-2004, 11:39 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| Sorry...Uh...little busy. …GRYFFINDOR!” the hat roared for the hall.
There was a shocked silence as I took the hat off and walked toward the Gryffindor table. While walking by the Slytherin table, I heard Draco whisper, “I don’t know what Dad was thinking when he agreed to send her to Hogwarts. She’ll shame the whole family.”
I hung my head and walked toward the table. No eruptions, roars, or even claps. I was greeted with resentful silence. This was going to be harder than I had originally thought. Not that I ever thought I would be fully accepted, because our family reputation does follow us.
But, I was the polar opposite of what my family wanted me to be. They thought that with some proper shame training that I would learn to behave properly. I never did. I always have acted the way that I had thought best. However, it was against the Malfoy grain.
I sat at the Gryffindor table on the verge of tears. Everyone scooted down to be as far away from me as possible. I was already disliked and distrusted. The 1st years sorting continued on its way but I never noticed it. Being too wrapped up in trying to find a way to make things better.
I was about half through the sorting that I noticed that someone was standing behind me. The hall attention had turned from the sorting to the girl behind me.
“I’m Hermione. Do you remember from the Hogwarts Express? Do you mind if I sit here?” she asked.
I was too flabbergasted to really say much of anything. I simply nodded and went on staring at the table. Hermione continues to talk. And eventually I was even laughing at Hermione. This first person had actually wanted to be my friend without strings attached. She even offered to share a dormitory with me.
Gradually, the attention turned from Hermione and me back to the 1st years. After the 1st years where sorted, the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore stood. Silence followed.
“I would like to greet everyone to a new year at Hogwarts. I would like all our first years and our new student,” he looked toward me when he said this, “and ask you to remember lessons from the past,”
He sat and the school exploded with applause.
Then, food magically appeared on the plates in front of us. It was only then that I remember how hungry I was. I could choose from a variety of dishes. I loaded my plate down with ham, pudding, and vary other foods.
When I was finished the plates cleaned themselves and I was at a considerable amount of ease than I was before. But, I was never completely relaxed.
Soon, Hermione and I were walking back up to Gryffindor Tower for a good night sleep before the first day of school. Hermione climbed in first through the portrait hole. I heard the laughter and voices that came through the portrait hole.
I climbed in the portrait hole with a small smile on my face thinking that things would be better now. When I stepped through the portrait hole, there was silence. The same hostile silence I had been greeted with in the Great Hall.
I asked Hermione what 4-poster she wanted me to use. She said the top. With that I found my trunk, I dug through it and found my nightgown. I climbed into bed and soon, cried myself to sleep. |
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01-25-2004, 08:45 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
PAMS and BUMPS!!!!!!
-Jewelia or Julie to my Edison High School Buddies!! :sorcerer:
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01-29-2004, 02:23 PM
#11 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 233
Awwww, they're all so mean to her! That's not right! Just because of her stupid, mean, dumb brother. Ooooh, it's all Draco's fault. I bet Siri would like her  I mean, what with his family being all evil and stuff, and he was in Gryffindor. Anyway, that was my plug for him, so now about you. I love this story, your writing style is wonderful. Keep it up, PAMS!
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01-30-2004, 09:34 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| My peoples...:wub: could I ask for better readers. I know that since the forum was put in alphabtical order than I'm in the back. But, that's ok, it means the people who read my ff are actually looking for a good ff to read... And I'm sure Siri would have loved her The next morning I was faced with yet another day of silence. The tension still had not eased around me and Harry had not forgiven me. I had come face to face with something that even my egotistical father could not control. The hatred of others because of what I represented. He would say that I should be proud for the fear and respect I put in other’s heart. Because my name was Malfoy.
What I would have not given those days, most days of my life, to have any other name…but Malfoy. It struck fear all right, but for all the wrong reasons. I was never like my family; I always saw the bright side of things. My next day was even worse for I had lessons. Professor McGonagall soon passed out the timetables for our lessons. The first lesson was Double Potions. This day could not have started out worst.
I had taken my O.W.L’s at my old school. I wanted to be an Auror, but my father did not know this. Albus Dumbledore knew this and promised that he would try his hardest to keep this away from my father. Not that I had any friends now to tell this to. But, I did not have much time to think of this, because Hermione soon called me over to sit beside her.
Hermione wanted to be a Muggle Studies teacher. She did have a different perceptive than most witches growing up with Muggle parents.
But, what can you say? The day started with potions, where the Potion Master, Professor Snape did nothing but snare at the Gryffindors.
I entered the lesson braced for the worst of things. Hogwarts was supposed to be the hardest witching school in all of England. I hoped I was prepared.
Professor Snape stomped in and the class was instantaneously silent. He turned and smiled...actually smiled at me.
"Welcome, Ms. Malfoy to Potions. I hope you will not think these idiots for Hogwarts best. Most of them barely made it into this class."
With that, he turned toward the board to write the day's potion on the board.
Instantly, there were flashes of red light from wands. I ducked before they happened to hit me. Almost everyone in my class had tried to stun me. This WAS going to be harder than I thought. |
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02-06-2004, 02:23 PM
#13 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 233
UH! That's awful! There was no reason for them to try and stun her! GAH! I'm going to go beat 'em up! All of them! That's what they get. :unsure: :ermsmile: Erm.... Sorry, got a little carried away there. But that's HORRIBLE! Not your story, though, keep going. In other words, PAMS PAMS PAMS!!
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02-06-2004, 11:14 PM
#14 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| My people...sorry I haven't posted in so long...I just wanted someone to post and read it before I posted again. I'lll try and post everyday from now on if I have the time/oppurtunity. Professor Snape turned back around and began explaining the lesson for the day. Everyone was paying attention as if nothing had ever happen.
"Today, we will be making a memory loss potion that will temporarily take away the memories that a person finds most unpleasant. This only works for 6 hours, then you will remember everything again," Professor Snape explained.
"This will take several classes to make, now begin!” Professor said.
I began to make my potion and began to be a little less shaken up from the Stunning Spell. And as I made this, I decided to give this to Harry to make him forget who I was and of what had happened with Lord Voldermort. Well, here is to hoping it works.
It is now two weeks later and I am finishing up the memory loss potion. Harry still hasn’t forgiven me and Hermione informed me only yesterday that Harry and Ron still hadn’t forgiven her for taking up for me.
I could not exactly blame her in her anger. It really was stupid for them to not trust me because of my name. But, of course, Hermione had not lived with the life that I have. My father was quite proud. And then I committed the ultimate shame. I befriended Neville Longbottom.
Neville was the son of a pair of Aurors who where tortured to insanity. One time, we where visiting St. Mango is when Draco was bitten by a snake we ran into the Longbottoms. It was a very surprising thing. And later the way home form visiting Draco (he had to stay overnight to be safe) I asked my parents what had happened to the people in there. He then laughed and said, “They where fools, they opposed the Dark Lord and paid with there sanity.”
He though it be a great joke. I though it was a horrible thing to happen. And I told him and that was one of the first mistakes I had made with my father. He reprimanded me when we got home. He was red with rage. He hit me and slammed me against the wall, cutting off my airway. And as he spoke great droplets of spit hit me in the face. I turned away. And he hit me again to make me look at him. Then he left me there. My mother did nothing, just stood, and watched.
I hoped to slip the potion into Harry and Ron’s drink at the breakfast. I hoped to finish the potion in the next class period. Along with the memory modifier potion, I stole a small vial of Truth Serum from Professor Snape.
I slipped both the Truth Serum and memory potion in Harry’s drink at breakfast the next morning. I only put the memory potion into Ron’s. Hermione had no idea that any of this was going to happen.
The instant they drank their pumpkin juice, they began to become friendly to me. Harry seemed to lose the dead look in his eyes and they began to dance. Ron could not stop smiling and laughing. It was almost…as if I had brought them back their innocence.
Harry, Ron, and I went to Advanced Transfiguration while Hermione went to Advanced Muggle Studies. We laughed and talked on the way there as if nothing had happened. It was a rather bizarre feeling.
Then, something hit me like a brick wall. Why would I go through all this trouble? What about them made me want to go through all this? I loved Harry Potter, my family’s most bitter enemy. How could I do this to my family? Would I do this to my family? I do not quite know yet, but I suppose I will find out in the weeks to come. |
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02-07-2004, 06:52 AM
#15 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: Kentucky (yuck!!)
Posts: 100
| Wow, please post more soon. I just read everything. I absolutely :wub: LOVE :wub: your story. |
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02-07-2004, 07:00 AM
#16 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| I love it when people read my story. It has been two months since I slipped the potion to Harry and Ron. They tell me of the strange dreams they have about a black shadow being around me. I did some additional research around the potions that was slipped to the boys. The memory potion will only last as long as their memories are not triggered by something outside of the people in the memories.
The truth serum only lasted five hours. In that time I had asked Harry many of the questions I had always wanted to ask, but knew I would never get an honest answer. Many of the questions I asked ever Harry did not know answers to.
The key component I had to most of my questions was why? Why did the world have to be so corrupted with evil? Why do we hate? What cause everyone so much pain? And why is it that life has to be so hard? Are my questions ludicrous or am I apart of the common musing of the world? The world that is so corrupt and evil that lives in part to put down differences. That was unjust, unfair, and unbearable at times to live with.
I more I got to know Harry, I more I realized that he was like me. He too did not understand the world. He found at times that he felt the same way I did. He told me of his godfather, Sirius, who did fighting his cousin Bellatrix. I knew of her, she was my aunt. I never said anything about it.
I did eventually tell Heromine of what I did. At first, she was in shock, angry with me, but as time past, she began to see why I did what I did. I soon became Heromine’s rival in the classroom. I too sounded like I swallowed the textbook whole.
But, I knew that all this would not work for long and that Harry would recover his memories. But, missed in with his old memories that he had temporarily forgotten, he would have his new memories. I hoped that he would have enough to forgive me. But, I knew even when I made me plan that I would have to take the good with the bad. The bitter with the sweet.
When I looked back at what I did, years later, I realized that if things hadn’t been the way it was that I would have to sacrifice everything I had every stood for.
About three months after the potions, things began to fall apart around me. It was around Christmas time and I was up to my neck in studies. I was barely making it and I was taking several classes at once. So many that I had to use a Time-Turner to get my homework done and to sleep. But, while I was taking Ancient Runes, we ran across an item in class that I found of particular interest. A Time-Turner. This time-turner was very similar to my own and in more in-depth study, I found that there was a way to relive not only hours but also whole days. By finding a switch when the person in possession of the Time-Turner was in desperate need to fix a wrong, a mistake that should have never been made.
In my toughs of Harry, I felt my Time-Turner began to warm against my chest. I pulled out the Time-Turner still being alone and looked down at it. At the top of it was a button that hadn’t been there before. I began to see my opportunity. I pushed the glowing button and said to it September 1st.
There was a tube of red light that appeared in the common room. I was uncertain but I stepped in. There was a whoosh sound as the tube began to transfer me through time and space. It was the morning of September 1st and my mum was calling me down the steps to breakfast.
“Draco, Alexandria, hurry…breakfast is ready!!!!” |
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02-07-2004, 08:10 PM
#17 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
-Jewelia :sorcerer:
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02-08-2004, 01:02 AM
#18 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| I'm so busy people...I have so few readers...but they are so loyal... :wub: My trunk was packed from the night before but to this collection, I added one thing. A black cloak with a hood longs enough to cover my face, so that when Draco did come into the compartment he would not recognize me. No one in my family knew about the cloak and it would provide the safest cover to hide. My plan would soon be in motion.
I ate breakfast that morning and acted as if nothing abnormal was going on.
We all grab a hold of the pokey we had to use that transported us to King’s Cross. Our parents where already there with our trunks. When we arrived at King’s Cross, I quickly ditched Draco and ran into the compartment at the back of the train and threw my cloak on. Draco didn’t think this was unusual because I usually wanted to be alone. I ducked down in the seat and tried to be as invisible as possible.
I heard them come into the compartment and become quiet once they saw me. I was doing my best to keep the smile off of my face.
Harry walked up to me and said, “Do you mind if we share compartments? All the rest are full.”
I was at first a bit taken aback and realizing that he was talking to me after all, “Sure, no one else to sit with.”
He sat down up the row a little and then the three people became immersed in conversation. I keep my cloak on and my mouth shut until Draco had made his grand entrance and exit.
It took Draco thirty minutes to make his entrance. He had the traditional Malfoy smirk that I tried to keep to a minimum. His hair was loose and long in his eyes and he was as cocky as ever.
“Potter, Weasley, see you found some new riff-raft to call your friends…no wonder the Dark Lord is so ambit for your extermination…to rid the world of all those unfit in the world…you are first, Potter, then the mudblood, then the Muggle-lovers, and then the hidden ones.”
“Malfoy, if you think Lord Voldermort can really do anything, then why are half his Death Eater behind bars? Including your father.”
With that Harry silenced himself.
And, for once in his life, Draco was at a lost for words. He simply left. And he said before he left, “I won’t be back in here Potter, I can smell the filth all the way in my compartment.”
With that Draco slammed the glass door and making sure he was in another compartment besides the one beside us I finally took my hood off.
“Whew…wouldn’t want to do that for much longer…I’m Alexandria Malfoy, just call me Alex. Nice to meet everyone.”
I was greeted with stunned silence. There was a severe deepening of Ron’s ears and Harry looked in a state of total bewilderment. Ginny was the first to recover from her shock and her voice was full of accusation, “Are you related to Draco, because if you are you can get out of our compartment?”
“Yeah, I’m related to Draco, he’s my twin brother. About the only thing that we share is looks. Other than that we are about as similar as Antarctica is to Brazil.”
I laughed hoping to break the silence.
Harry was second to recover his voice, “Why where you hiding from your brother?” He said brother as if he smelled something vile.
“Because, he’s a huge pompous git and I didn’t want him around me to ruin meeting the people I really wanted to. I know who most of you are. Draco talks about you enough.” I rolled my eyes after this statement.
“You,” I nod toward Harry, “are Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived and the most hated person by most people in my house. I think you’re brilliant.”
“And you,” I turn toward Hermione, “are Hermione Granger, the smartest person in your year and Draco’s biggest pain in the butt. You get my vote if you can cause Draco problems…other than his over-inflated ego.”
I laughed at this statement and things began to ease up more as the time passed. If I even thought Draco was anywhere near our compartment I would throw my hood back up and scoot closer to Harry. Harry didn’t seem to mind. His face flushed red each time I did it, but he understood why I did it.
When we where close to Hogwarts, we where going to change into our Hogwarts robes. I changed into my robes and kept my cloak on over them so that I could still pull it up in case Draco decided for a last minute argument.
The train skidded to a halt and all of us jumped out of the compartment and headed toward the horseless carriages. I threw my cloak back in my truck once we where safely off the train.
I had to go with the 1st years to be sorted into my house and left the other four to get a carriage with cheers of “Good Luck!” “Hope you don’t’ get Slytherin!” and “Knock them dead, Alex.” |
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02-14-2004, 03:26 AM
#19 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
Post more soon!!!!
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02-14-2004, 06:52 AM
#20 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: Kentucky (yuck!!)
Posts: 100
| wow, i really like your story. Please post more soon!!!!! |
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02-14-2004, 08:35 AM
#21 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
The boat ride across wasn’t quite as exhilarating as it was the first time, but it was still great fun. I entered the entry hall and looked once again at the Sorting Hat, except this time, I wasn’t surprised when the rip in the hat appeared and it began to sing: When I was newly made,
And quite naïve
I began to hear the things that people think.
And when I looked inside
In some, I saw fear
In others anger
Still in others, I saw hatred
But, in the root
People are all the same
It does not matter
On your race, creed, or religion
The only things
That defines who we are…
Are the choices we make,
And the paths we choose.
Remember my message,
Learn it well.
I burst into applause along with the rest of the school and proceeded to be introduced.
“The first student I want to call is our transfer from London Witching Academy, Ms. Alexandria Malfoy.”
There was hush over the hall as my name was called.
“Ms. Malfoy, if you would try the hat on please.”
I strode up and put the hat back on.
“Good stuff you have in here, good stuff. You know, your brother is a git? You just need a little more experience. I like what you think. My decision has been made.”
“Really?” I said/thought to the hat.
You’ll be in…
“…GRYFFINDOR!!!!!” The hat yelled to the crowd.
I was greeted with a roar of applause and claps…from Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Heromine. The rest of the house seeing this soon joined in with them. I sat down between Heromine and Harry (Ron was on Harry’s left.)
“What do you think guys? Should I shame my family next week or this week?”
“Next week…most defiantly Alex.” Harry said with a laugh.
The sorting continued and I watched all the terrified first years get sorted into all their houses. Gryffindor gained with the addition of me ten first years. We greeted each the same and we had great fun doing it. The Hall was a place full of lights when you are around the company of your loved ones.
Much too soon Professor Dumbledore stood to introduce the school to a new year.
“I would like to welcome everyone to a new school year. There will time for unnecessary hubbub and nonsense later. For now, tuck in.”
It shocked me that what Dumbledore said was different than he did the first time that I went through this progress. I studied Dumbledore for a time after he spoke with wonderment. Could he know? He could not, because if he did then I would have to go back again and repeat the timeline. That would break my heart in two.
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02-14-2004, 09:45 PM
#22 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
| pLEASE pOST mORE!!!!!! |
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02-15-2004, 01:24 AM
#23 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: My Own Reality, My room
Posts: 101
| The feast soon finished and all the houses filed out of the hall to go to their common rooms. Harry and me where walking up the staircase and talking and laughing together. Ron and Heromine hung back to talk since Heromine wanted to talk about something.
But, I never got to the common room. At least not right then. Professor Dumbledore had managed to sneak behind me and was tapping on the shoulder. I turned; thinking it was Ron or Heromine. The instance that I saw Dumbledore the words died on my lips that I was saying and the sparkle left my eyes.
“Ms. Malfoy, if I could have a word with you. Along please.”
He knows my brain was screaming. But, all my lips said were “of course.”
I turned to look at Harry and I wanted to cry. I walked with Dumbledore across the entrance hall and about half way across I turned and ran back to Harry and hugged him. Then I kissed him square on the mouth. And as I was hugging him all I could think to say was” I am sorry. I am so sorry. I just wanted you to like me…hell…maybe even love me.”
I ran back to Dumbledore who stood waiting for me where I had left him. I walked all the way to Dumbledore's office, my head down, silently crying for so many lost hopes.
We reached the gargoyle that lead to Dumbledore’s office and then he said the password. We climbed onto the stairs and where soon in his office. I sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and he sat behind his desks. I did not have time to take in the wonderment of his office…even to take in all that had happened in the last 3 hours.
We sat in silence for a moment, Dumbledore I assume to be at a loss for words. At last, he spoke.
“I know what you did, Alex. And I know what is going to happen if you hadn’t done what you did,” He said in that painstaking calm voice. “I know what you did because long ago, when Voldermort was in power I placed a spell on me so that I could prevent or change when someone used a Time-Turner and went back in time. The Time-Turner does not affect me. I am glad that you did it though.”
I looked up in surprise.
“I think Harry needs you more than you need him. Alexandria, I believe you will be the only thing that he will believe in for a long time. Be sure not to break his trust or his heart. It is already quite in pieces as it is. I suppose you know about Sirius. He was the closest thing Harry ever had to a father or a brother. It took a great toll on him. Take care of him Alexandria. Love him. Help his wounds to heal and his heart to become a little fuller again. You are my last hope that I have Harry to find love in this treacherous world. You can leave now. I wanted you to know that. It would also be best that you did not say anything to the students or the teachers. It would be a bit difficult to explain.”
I finally spoke for the first time that whole time. Dumbledore had gone to do some work. “Dumbledore?”
He looked up. I spoke the first thing that came to my mind.
“It’s Alex, not Alexandria.”
He smiled; a deep smiled that showed all his wrinkles and creases. It was the first true smile I had seen in a long time,”Alex.” |
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02-15-2004, 03:56 AM
#24 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: Comforting Moony, because Padfoot is gone
Posts: 774
| Please post more Krazyblonde!!!!!!!
That was sooooooo great!!!!!
Can't wait for your next post!!!!
-Jewelia |
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02-19-2004, 12:50 AM
#25 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: Kentucky (yuck!!)
Posts: 100
| this story is really really interesting. Please post more soon. I can't wait to read more. |
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