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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
10-26-2006, 04:53 PM
#51 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
TOTALLY! (This is Taylor's sister, and I just wanted to have a looksie!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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10-27-2006, 10:22 AM
#52 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
while waiting for a post
i saw a ghost
i turned around
then made a frown
cause there wasn't still a post
just for you Taylor! Just wanna post!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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10-27-2006, 07:35 PM
#53 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Part 15 Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Awww... Thank you! Guess what? Stop frowning, cause the post-fairies have come to town! Har de har har! Sorry, I'm really happy, cause I got back together with my boyfriend! :pfriend: :lock2: YES!!! Well, here's the next part! Malfoy looked at Taylor, searching for some sign of pleasure or happiness, but it didn't come.
"Draco," Taylor began, "How are we going to get out of here?"
"We're gonna sneak out, knock-out anyone that comes in our way, and jump. We can't be that far from that island, we can swim! It's really simple we-" he stopped. He was looking at Taylor's stomach. It wasn't as little as it used to be. It had the round shape of a pregnant woman. "You can't jump or swim can you?"
Taylor shook her head, there was no way the baby could survive a jump that big, plus a 100 meter swim, she didn't even know if she could...
"Alright," Malfoy continued, "We sneak out, knock-out anyone that comes in our way, steal the life boat, than row to shore. Sound good?"
"I don't know..." she said, placing her hands on her stomach. She saw the look of hope on Draco's face, and she couldn't help it, "Yes," she said, "I suppose, we either try to get out, and hope we don't die, or stay here and die indefinitely..."
"Okay, then," Malfoy said, "Let's go," while she had been talking, it had gotten dark. Malfoy supposed it should be easy. Considering half of the pirates were probably already passed-out from too much rum, or so drunk that they forgot their duty.
Malfoy took up his wand, and walked to the door. "Bloody pirates," he mumbled, "How stupid do they think we are?" He pointed his wand at the lock and whispered, "Alohamora." Nothing happened.
"Smarter than you think," Taylor said, being a girl that had always admired pirates as a Hogwarts students. That's definatley worn off... she thought.
"No matter," Malfoy said. He turned on his heel, and picked up a metal bowl that held what looked hooribly like cockroach infested grog. He over turned the bowl, and Taylor backed away, as the gewey contents and creeoy bugs, splatered the floor. Malfoy walked back over to the door and banged the lock with the bowl.
"Shh..." Taylor warned him. Malfoy gave her the thumbs up, and banged more. The lock didn't budge. He turned and started to bang the hinges of the door. In a matter of five minutes, the heavy door had fallen with an ear-shattering bang.
"Ta," Malfoy said, and he stepped out into the cold night air.
Taylor, carefully avoiding the grog, followed, not even daring to breath. On the deck, there were pirates sprawled all over the place, like Malfoy had said, too drunk too do their duty. The pair carefully stepped around the unconscious pirates, and crept pass the only one that seemed to be awake.
"Don't think the cap'n'll appriciate to cargos escapin'" he said, "I'd gets 'em me self, if he wasn't in uh meetin'. A meetin' with a particularly wealthy man."
"Oh really?" Malfoy said, unimpressed, "I'm sure he won't be bothered by the loss of you," Malfoy raised his wand, "Stupefy!" he said, and the pirate fell among the others.
Malfoy quickly high-fived Taylor, and stepped to the life boat. He got in and lowered it a little.
"Come on," he said to Taylor, offering her his hand.
Taylor held up a finger to simbolize "Just a second," and she turned back to the pirates laying every which way on the deck. She reached to the front of her dress and tore it off, revealing her brown and pink bakini.
"Keep it," she whispered, "I'm not a thief,"
She threw down the dress and took Malfoy's hand, climbing into the small boat. Malfoy lowered it, and Taylor felt the cold water splash her arms. They rowed only about 7 meters, when Taylor heard a door open on the ship. She turned around to see Loussa stepping from his quarters, looking furious.
"Wasting my last shot..." he said. And with that, he pulled out his pistol, and shot straight at the boat. Taylor ducked and it soared right over her head and into the water.
"Move!" Taylor heard someone say, she looked up and saw Lucius Malfoy standing on the deck.
"Avada Kedavra!" he growled.
"NO!" Taylor shouted, but it was too late, the emerald green light shot out of his wand, and glowed in Taylor's eyes, matching the emerald color. It headed straight for Draco, not enough time for him to move.
"Keep rowing," Draco said, as the spell hit him. The curse hit him squarely in the chest, and Malfoy fell.
"Your own son!" Taylor screamed at the wizard, "Hoe could you!?"
She realized that she was risking her own life and began rowing towards land, crying over Draco's unmoving body. What am I doing? she thought, They'll just catch me...
But she was wrong.
"Should we go after her?" Loussa growled.
"No," Lucius Malfoy said sternly, "She's just filth- not worth it," he said, "My son deserved it," Lucius said tonelessly.
Taylor rowed, and rowed, and rowed, until she reached the land, then she jumped out of the boat, arms aching horribly, and dragged the life-boat onto shore, just enough so that the tide would not carry Draco away.
Then, without thinking twice, she ran over to a tree, and collapsed in the leaves. ~.~.~
When Taylor awoke, someone was rocking her gently, cradeling her in his arms. She looked up and saw Fred's face grinning down on her. She threw herself on him and hugged him, bawling again.
"Oh," she said, "I...thought I'd... lost you..." she cried into his chest, which, was bare, he had his tee-shirt wrapped around Taylor snuggly.
"No you didn't," his smile faded, "but, apparently, we lost Malfoy."
Taylor nodded her head, and explained what had happened.
"Sounds horroble," Fred said, "his own son..." he shook his head in disapproval.
Taylor nodded again.
"Ready to apparate?" Fred asked.
"Just- just like that?" Taylor said.
"Why didn't you leave before?" she asked.
"Because, why would I leave you?"
Taylor giggled, appreciatively. Fred placed his hand on Taylor's stomach.
"Hey, baby girl," he said, "I'm your daddy," he smiled warmly.
"How do you know it's a girl?" Taylor asked.
"I can tell," Fred said, he looked back at her stomach, "You know what? Your mommy loves you very much, so do I. And your brother and sister will too." he smiled at her.
"Well,She loves you very much too, Mister," she said, kissing Fred, "Every time she hears your voice she kicks... she loves you."
"Yeah," Fred said, "Either that or she hates me," he turned back to the baby, "What's with all the kicking?" he said playfully.
"There she goes again," Taylor said, " Do you wanna feel?"
Fred placed his hand on her stomach, and immediately, felt a soft kick on his hand.
Just then, Fred's phone rang.
"Hello?" he said.
Taylor listened to his conversation intently.
"Yes...she's right here...okay...what?...really?...I knew it!...yes...of course...yes...Thank you...bye."
"Who was that?" Taylor asked.
"Your doctor," Fred said, "He said, he kept calling your phone and some kids kept answering."
"Lena and Sam," Taylor whispered, shaking her head, "What did he want?"
"Well," Fred beamed, "First of all," he said, "I am the father!"
"Thank goodness..." Taylor kissed him again.
"Secondly," he continued, "I am the master!"
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"It's a girl," he said.
"Oh my gosh! Really?"
Fred nodded.
"Now let's go," he said.
"But- Malfoy?" Taylor said.
Fred looked at her. He shook his head again, in disapproval, but agreed. They buried Malfoy in a clearing in the woods. and placed flowers in the sand. In the sand, Taylor wrote. Here lies Draco Malfoy...
A loving, caring man, who sometimes made wrong decisions. In the end, it all paid off, because, he is the reason I still stand here today.
After they finished, they apparated back to the island resort, to continue their perfect lives. OKEY DOKEY!!! (again sorry, for the hyperness) Hope you liked it! I'm sad for Draco! How could I write that? Bad Taylor, Bad! But...I'm happy for Freddikins and Taylor!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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10-29-2006, 05:55 PM
#54 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
Yes, bad Taylor, but I have the power to resurrect people *whoooosh* Ta-Da! Draco's alive!!! PAMS
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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10-30-2006, 09:17 PM
#55 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Okey pokey! Here ya go! Over the next month, everything seemed to be back to normal. George, always being the more careful twin, was always calling to make sure Fred and Taylor were okay. Fred, being the more risky twin, would always reply with the same comeback: "No, I'm dead. Goodbye George." Harry and Ginny would stop over from time to time for dinner, and Ron and Hermione would invite them over.
One night, Fred and Taylor were sitting in bed. Taylor was reading a book, and Fred was staring at the ceiling.
"Do you remember when you first found out you were pregnant with Lena?" he asked.
"Of course I do," she replied, not looking up.
"It was kind of funny," he retorted.
Taylor looked up, "What are you talking about?"
"Well- think about it," he said.
"Maybe we're remembering it differently," she said defensivly.
"Oh really?" he smiled at her, "This is how I remember it:
"It was your seventh year, you were almost eighteen, I was nineteen. It was the end of your last year at Hogwarts and you were going out with Charlie Swindler. When I was at school, you had been going back and forth between me and Charlie. After I left, it was all Charlie. He broke up with you at dinner the night before and you were upset." he paused, "anyway, you were getting ready for your graduation ball. Since you didn't have a date, you weren't planning on going. I showed up, dropping off Ron's new -thank god- dress robes and you asked me to stay. I did of course, you being the sexy little you, and we went to the ball. Halfway through the ball, we went up to the Gryffndor common room. We sat on the couch and you fell asleep. So I, being the nice me, woke you up, and took you up to the seventh year boys' dormitory. I layed you on Harry's bed and started to leave-"
"Started to leave?!" Taylor exclaimed, "Far from it my friend! You're the one that tried to get me to take my clothes off!"
"You listened..." Fred said smiling, "Anyway, Yes so maybe I did, but, you weren't complaining! So- well... we, um, continued with whatever we were doing and well, that's how Lena was made!"
"That's funny to you?" Taylor asked, "It's not to me, I was still in school! We weren't old enough to be married let alone that!"
"No, true, that's not funny, but the next part is! So, the next week, I recieve an owl, at my shop, saying that you need to talk to me. I come see you and you pull me into a broom closet.
'Um, Fred'" he mimicked her, "'I'm, uh, pr-pregnant,' so I ask you why I need to know that, and you tell me it was my fault. Of course, I understood after that! Anyway, you couldn't face your parents! So, you asked me what you should do, and I gave you the most practical answer...I asked you to marry me. You said yes, we honey-mooned in Jamaica, and came back telling your parents you were pregnant,"
"You know," Taylor said, "That's still not funny. What would you've told your mum?"
"Nothing," Fred said, "You know, normally, men don't get pregnant," he smiled.
Taylor pretended to slap him, "You know what I meant!" she said.
"Was that your first time to...you know?" he said.
"No..." she shook her head, "I did it once with Charlie, in the fifth year," she pulled her hair out of a bun, "You wanna take a shower?" she asked.
“Would I ever say ‘no’ to a hot shower?” he replied.
“You smell like it!” Taylor laughed. She kissed Fred and grabbed two towels. She stood up and walked into the bathroom. She pulled her shirt over her head and undressed. She stepped into the shower, and Fred followed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. They let the water run over them and kissed under it.
“I love you,” Fred said. But instead of an answer, Taylor grabbed her stomach and almost fell over. Fred jumped out of the shower, and grabbed some clothes for them both. Then he ran back into the bathroom and picked Taylor up.
Ron was sitting on the couch playing with Patrick, while Ginny made dinner. Just then, the phone rang.
“Hello?” Ginny answered the phone, “Oh hey, what? Oh my God! Alright! Bye!”
Ron looked up at Ginny, who ran into the room.
“Taylor’s in labor!” she squealed. Alrighty, then! Oh yeah! Sorry for the cliffhanger but, I couldn't post that part too! It would've been entirely too long!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 11-01-2006 at 01:52 PM.
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10-31-2006, 06:52 PM
#56 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! No, posties! I was excited to see what you'd say, my preciouses. I like the next part so much, I was willing to post it already, but... no one posted so, now you have to wait until probably the weekend! =P
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-01-2006, 02:34 PM
#57 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: The hatch
Posts: 204
Hogwarts RPG Name: Leigh Ann Benjamin Sixth | NOOO!!! I'm here! Post NOW!!! (sorry...I want to see the wittle baby!)   PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSEEE!!!
__________________ ♥If you aren't a bit depressed, then you aren't paying attention to whats going on in the world... Get busy living or get busy Dying! ♥♥♥ |
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11-01-2006, 03:44 PM
#58 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Awww... Just for you, MRS. DUDLEY DURSLEY!... hehe I know you hete me...I don't have time for a post right now, I'm at school, LOL! I'll try to either post tonite or tomorrow, but it probably won't be until the weekend or al least Friday! I know what your thinking...but I have soccer, drama club, radio_broadcasting, dance, and SHOPPING!!! So hehe!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!! I got TONS of candy! Yeah, that's right! Cuz, me and my friends are such dorks we trick-or-treated! Yeah...you know what? I was a pirate! ARRG!!! LOL My stomach FROZE!!! (yes I'm crazy wearing a torn pirate shirt that my stomach was totally revealed, but, me and my boyfriend had to be pirates! ARG! You guys know me to well!) Pirate! Yes, I forced my boyfriend to being a pirate, and...yes, I'm obsessed! LOL!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-02-2006, 12:17 AM
#59 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
Yea! Taylor's In Pregnant!!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-06-2006, 12:03 AM
#60 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
And there is no post....why?
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-06-2006, 03:29 PM
#61 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Yeah, sorry about that.... Well, I'm pretty busy right now. I have people over at the house. I know it's killing you...I'm evil. But, I'll post in like an hour when they leave! Okay my lovelies? TTYL
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-06-2006, 06:58 PM
#62 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Part 16 Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Alright! Here it is!!! Ginny grabbed her jacket and threw her brother's to him. They all got ready to apparate and they stood by the couch.
Hermione quickly took Patrick to the babysitter's house, and they apparated to St. Mungo's.
Ginny walked up to the secretary, and whispered, something. When she cam eback, she gestured for them to follow. They all walked, looking for Taylor's room.
Two floors up, they found a door labeled: #374 Under that there was a white board that, Ginny noticed, had FRed's quick handwriting on it. It read: DO NOT DISTURB!!! IT"S A GIRL!!!! I AM THE MASTER!!! Ginny laughed silently, and rapped on the door. A deep voice answered.
"Give us a minute, no one's allowed in here while she's having the baby, except her spouse,"
Ginny nodded and sat down in a chair. The others followed suit, and they were silent.
From behind the door, they could hear Taylor yelping in pain, and Fred trying to calm her down.
Ginny crossed her fingers and said a prayer for her best friend and sister,
Slowly, Ginny started to doze, until she fell asleep.
An hour later, she was awoken by the heavy door swinging open.
"Are you the family?" asked the healer.
Ginny nodded and stood.
"You can go on in," he said, "The baby's fine,"
Ginny grinned, and roused the others.
They all stood and shimmied towards the door. Ron put his hand on the door, and let it hover there for a moment. Then, he pushed open the door, ready to see his niece.
Inside, Taylor was sitting on the hospital bed. Her was damp and in a messed up ponytail, and sweat rolled down her neck, but she was smiling. Beside her, Fred sat in the chair, with the baby girl.
At first glance, HArry could tell who the parents were. Already, she had brilliant firely red hair. Her face looked like Taylor's, even more than Lena's and Sam's, but she had Fred's eyes.
"Hey, guys," Taylor said.
"Hey," Ginny replied, "How're you feeling?"
"Good," Taylor said, "Let me hold my baby," she told Fred, and he stood to hand her the girl.
"How does Daddy feel?" Hermione looked at Fred.
"Daddy feels great," Fred smiled, "and relieved."
Everyone laughed at this.
"Have you named her?" Ginny said, putting her arm around Taylor.
"Yes," Taylor said, pausing, "...Celestine. It means heavenly. I think it suits her well,"
"Yes," Ginny smiled, "It does,"
"Well," Harry said, "We're gonna go... we're helping with the nursery."
"Okay, thanks," Taylor said, "You guys are the best,"
"Of course we are," Ron retorted, chuckling.
Ginny bid Taylor good bye, and hugged Fred. She whispered something in his ear, and then left.
Immediatly, the healer came in and nodded at them.
"We're going to take the baby to get clothes and diapers, okay?"
Taylor nodded and gave Celestine to the healer.
When he left, Fred fell back into the chair and sighed.
Taylor turned to him and kissed his forehead.
"You know," Fred said, "I really am relieved,"
"Why?" Taylor asked, "Because you finally got to see you baby girl?"
"That," Fred said, "and now I can do whatever I want with you and not have to worry about hurting someone."
He smiled slyly at her, and sat on the edge of the bed. She allowed herself to fall into his kiss and she felt relieved as well.
She felt his tongue in her mouth, and allowed herself to do the same. She pulled away and swallowed a few times.
"Are you thirsty?" Fred asked.
Taylor nodded.
"I'll be right back," Fred said, and he slipped out of the room.
Taylor sat up in bed. Already she was skinnier. You could see it right away, she was three times smaller. And she had regained her curves.
Just then, she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," she called, holding her throat.
The door opened and the muscular figure of Cedric Diggory slid in the room. He looked defferent then he had on the day she had been jinxed. His hair was laying flat and he didn't stand as proud.
Taylor gasped.
"I don't have much time," he said, "I'm sorry. That's all I can say," He placed a kiss on her head and left.
Taylor pondered this until Fred came back. HE was holding a bottle of water.
"Here," he handed it to Taylor. She unscrewed the cap and drank deeply. When she was done, she set it down.
Fred leaned down to her.
This time, she didn't break away. She let herself be in his arms and she felt safe. She wound his hair around her finger, and kissed his neck. She smiled and felt content.
"Come on," he said quietly, "They said we can leave,"
"Already?" Taylor asked quietly, "okay,"
"Good," he smiled, "I'll go get Celestine and you change you clothes."
She smiled and kissed him again.
She remembered when they had first met and Harry and Ron had caught them snogging on the Quidditch pitch, and she remembered when he had asked her to marry him. She remembered how she had lied to her parents and only told them a month before they had died, and how she had felt sad, but Fred was there for her.
She pulled away and stood up.
Fred told her heid be right back, and left. Taylor watched him leave. She loved everything about him. She loved his hair. She loved his smile. She loved his eyes, nose, and ears. She loved his body. She loved his warm chest. She loved his smart brain and his nack for jokes. But most of all, she loved his heart. She loved him with all her heart too.
She couldn't wait to get home and be one happy family. Fred, Taylor, Lena, Sam, and Celestine; a perfect family. A perfect heart. Okay, that's it! Finally I got that part out! Hehe! Sorry it took so long, but I don't have anything else written past this and I have writers block!!! Whoops!! Well, if you have ideas, I'm up for them, cause I'm really stuck! TTFN!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-07-2006, 02:59 AM
#63 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
Yea!!! Loved It! Pams! Congrats Taylor!!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-07-2006, 06:24 PM
#64 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Thank you! *bows* thank you, folks! That's enough of the amazig Taylor for a while, but, *looks over shoulder* there's a surprise coming up! Stay tuned!
LOL, enough with the commercial act! Glad you liked it! I love babies, so I'm gonna have fun with this! I already know what's going to happen, so I start it, and hopefully have it posted by Friday! Sound good?
TTFN- Ta Ta for now!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-07-2006, 08:49 PM
#65 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
OK Taylor! I'll wait *patiently waits for a post* still waiting *grows impatient* and yet still waiting *throws chair acroos the room* Done with waiting, but still must wait
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-08-2006, 02:27 PM
#66 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Haha. yeah, I'm almost done, give me a minute here and I'll post!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-08-2006, 04:09 PM
#67 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Fred held the front door of the house open for Taylor and Celestine. Taylor walked in and sat down on the couch. She brushed away Celestine’s brilliant hair and kissed her forehead.
“Hey,” she said, smiling at her daughter, “Hey baby girl!”
Celestine smiled up at her mother. She reached for her mom’s hair and played with it.
Fred came over and sat down beside them. He reached out his arms, and immediately, Celestine started giggling. Taylor gave the baby to Fred and laid her head on his shoulder.
“What’s her song?” Taylor said, thinking.
“What do you mean?” Fred asked.
“I mean, like, what song will we sing when we’re with her?”
“Oh,” Fred smiled, “So now our child needs a theme song?”
“Oh, you know what I meant! Like, with Lena, I always thought of ‘Unwritten’, because she was always unpredictable. And Sam,” she laughed, “Sam was ‘My Superman’. Do you remember?”
“Yeah, it’s hard to forget…not that I was trying to,” he smiled.
Taylor stood up and walked over to the stereo. She played around with it for awhile, until she was satisfied. Then, she hit ‘play’, and sat back down.
Immediately, ‘Inside Your Heaven’ by Carrie Underwood started playing.
I been down
now I'm blessed
I felt a revelation comin round
I guess it's right it's so amazing
everytime I see you, I'm alive
You're all I've got
You lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
all my dreams are in your eyes
And I wanna be inside your heaven
take me to the place you cry from
When a storm blows your way
And I wanna be the arms that hold you
every bit of air you're breathing in,
a soothing wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
Celestine giggled again and they could tell, this was her song. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from upstairs. Fred looked at Taylor and said, “Come on,” They stood up and walked up the stairs. As soon as they walked past the nursery, they jumped.
“Surprise!” Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny jumped out. They were standing around a wooden crib. The walls were painted pink, and at the lower half of them, had brown stripes. There were pink and brown flowers placed on the white dresser, and the closet, painted brown, had pink, wooden letters on it that spelled out the word: Celestine.
“Oh my gosh!” Taylor exclaimed, “What did you guys do?! It’s amazing! It’s gorgeous!”
She ran over to them all, giving each of them a hug.
That night, gifts had been given, and they had made Taylor dinner. Taylor was sure that she had the best friends in the world.
Celestine was sleeping in a cradle in Taylor and Fred’s room, and they were sitting on the couch, with an old movie on. Not that they were actually watching the movie. They were in the middle of a major snogging session and were oblivious to anything otherwise.
Taylor had Fred’s shirt unbuttoned and her hands were tangled in his hair.
They were wrapped so closely around each other, it would have been hard to tell whose hands were whose. Fred stood up and shut the blinds, then resumed his position on the couch. Taylor yawned and held Fred’s hand.
“I’m tired,” Taylor said, “Let’s go to bed,”
“Yeah,” Fred replied, “I don’t think we’re going to get another full night of sleep for a long time!”
They turned off the movie, and went to bed.
Taylor awoke in the middle of the night, to find that she was covered in sweat. She looked at her watch. 4:30; Fred must already on his way to work. Then, she began to ponder why she was covered in sweat. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something bright. She looked up and saw that the bathroom door was open and orange flames were eating at the wooden cabinets. They were growing; fast. Soon, they would be ensnaring her room. She flew out of bed and looked in Celestine’s bed. She was gone. Taylor double-taked and decided that she’d better take care of the flames, before they reached Celestine anyway, wherever she was.
She looked up at the flames and grabbed her wand from under her pillow.
“Aqua Eruct-” she started to say, but the smoke filled her lungs, and she couldn’t breathe. She panicked and tried to reach the window to get fresh air, but she collapsed, and passed out.
When she awoke, she was being carried to a small house. She looked at the house and knew that she had never seen it before. She looked at the person that was carrying her, and screamed.
He gently set her down as she screamed.
Taylor looked him over. His brown-blonde hair was sticking out around the ears as usual and it was messy. She stared into his cool blue eyes and had to stop a smile. She remembered when they had first met and she had loved him.
“What are you doing here, Charlie?” she asked, in a hushed voice.
“Saving your butt,” he said. He had a deeply accented voice that Taylor always loved.
Charlie Swindler was standing right in front of her. She hadn’t seen him since the end of her seventh year at Hogwarts.
“I mean…” Taylor stuttered, “Wh-what happened? Wh-where’s Fred? Celestine?”
“Celestine’s inside. I have no idea where Fred is. Wasn’t in the house when I got you,”
“What…what are you talking about?”
“Your house!” Charlie said, “Your house was on fire. You and Celestine were the only ones in the house. They even had some guys from the ministry in there. No one else was there,”
They had reached the house and he opened the door for her. She went inside and looked around. It was light inside, and she looked over at the couch. Celestine was quietly sleeping as if nothing had happened.
“It’s four in the morning,” Charlie said, “Why don’t you go to bed? We’ll talk in the morning. I have a guest room, but it’s a mess. You can sleep on the couch for tonight,”
Taylor nodded and lay down with Celestine.
The next morning, Taylor awoke, and held Celestine close. Charlie was in the small kitchen eating a piece if toast.
She sat up and Charlie looked up from the ‘Daily Prophet’.
“You hungry?” he asked her.
“Not really,” she said.
“Alright, have a seat.”
She stood up and let Celestine sleep for a while. She sat by Charlie, and watched him read the paper.
“So,” he said, “I tell you what I can but…I don’t know anything.”
“Ok,” Taylor said.
“I was looking for you, actually,” he began, “They had started a thing to find you old classmates, and I was part of it. I’d found most of them…but not the one I’d spent so much time with. So I came to find you. And, here, your house is on fire! I called help, and we got you out. That’s it really. I don’t know where Fred is or how the fire started, but I’ll help you find him.”
“Thank you,” Taylor said, “Will you watch Celestine? I’ll be back,”
Charlie nodded, and Taylor apparated to Weasly’s Wizard Wheezes. Okay!!! That's enough for now! TTFN!!!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-08-2006, 04:18 PM
#68 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Alright! If you don't know exactly who Charlie is, you can read my other ff. Its called 'Holding on to Your Hope, and it's a prequel to this. It's not as far into it as this one is, but it'll let you know who Charlie is! It's also in the restricted section. So...
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-08-2006, 08:40 PM
#69 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 140
Why was Charlie looking for Taylor to find old classmates at 4:30 in the morning?!?!
Besides the anomaly, the posts I've missed were very well written. Intriguing, as always, especially with so many men around!
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11-08-2006, 09:06 PM
#70 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Haha, thanks!!! That never occured to me! LOL! Well, thanks again!
I know I already posted, but I have a lot of time tonite and not the rest of the week, so I’ll go ahead and post for y’all! Taylor appeared in Weasly’s Wizard Wheezes, seconds later. George was standing behind the counter, showing a young girl a product that self-destructed every ten seconds. George looked at her.
“Here we go,” he pulled a string, and it exploded. The little girl ran out of the shop screaming for her mom.
“I told you it was gonna happen!” George called. He looked over and saw Taylor standing in the doorway.
“Hey,” he said, “What’s up?”
“Where’s Fred?” was all she said.
“Dunno, never showed up for work today. Why?”
“George,” she sighed, “There was a fire in my house this morning. They got me and Celestine out alright, but nobody can find Fred,”
“Do you…want me to come with you? I can…ask someone to, um…watch this,” he patted the counter.
“No,” Taylor said, “It’s ok, I mean, you can if you want but, it looks like that girl’s mom wants to talk to you,”
The girl had come back, but this time her mother was with her; looking angry. George smiled at Taylor, and then turned to the woman. With that, Taylor disapparated back to Charlie’s house.
Charlie was sitting on the couch with Celestine. She was smiling at him and he was bouncing her up and down. When he saw Taylor, he stood up.
“How’d it go?” he asked her.
Taylor knew she could it in, but she didn’t want to. She started to cry.
“George doesn’t know where he is. He never showed up for work and…and,”
“Hey,” Charlie said putting an arm around her, “hey, it’s okay. It’s gonna be alright. It’s easy, we can find him,”
“How?” Taylor asked.
“The ministry,” Charlie said, “If Fred’s using his wand for anything at all, they can track where it came from, and we’ll find him,”
“How come they didn’t do that for dark wizards? And Voldemort?” Taylor asked.
“I don’t know,” he replied, “We’ll ask them. But, let’s go tomorrow, just to make sure he’s not already on his way, alright?”
Taylor nodded and wiped her eyes. She sat down on the couch next to Celestine and stroked her hair. She touched her soft cheek and played with her.
Why? Why did this happen to me? She thought, everything always was perfect…until a couple of months ago.
That night, after Celestine was asleep, Taylor, having left her cell phone in the burning house, sent an owl to Ginny and Harry, and one to Ron and Hermione. After she was satisfied, she used Charlie’s owl, and sent it to them. Then, she sat down beside Charlie at the dining room table, and ate the soup he was offering.
The sweet onion soup felt good going down her throat. After she finished a bowl, and a piece of bread, she put her plate in the sink, and made them clean themselves.
“You wanna take a walk?” Charlie asked.
“Celestine,” Taylor said.
“I’ve got a house elf,” Charlie replied.
“Not all house elves are all they’re cracked up to be,” she said, thinking of Kreacher.
“This one is,” Charlie said, “Oy!”
A house elf scurried from the upstairs hallway and stopped in front of Charlie.
“Dobby!” Taylor said, recognizing the elf.
“Hello, Miss Weasly,” Dobby replied.
“I thought you were free?” Taylor said.
“Dobby is, Miss. Dobby is free forever. But Dobby has to do something with his life. Master Charlie is most generous with his payments.”
“Oh,” Taylor smiled at him, “Dobby, will you watch Celestine, please?”
“Of course, Dobby will!”
“Okay,” Taylor said, kissing the elf’s forehead, “Thank you, Dobby. See you in a while,”
“Bye, Dob,” Charlie said.
Charlie and Taylor went outside and started to walk down the street, laughing about their days at Hogwarts and funny things that had happened. Suddenly, Charlie stopped.
“You know,” he said, “I never stopped loving you,”
Taylor looked at him and tucked a hair behind his ear.
“I never expected to stop loving you,” she whispered.
He leaned towards her and hugged her, he could feel her tears. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He placed his hands on her waist and looked at her.
“It’s ok,” he said, “we’re going to find Fred,”
She nodded and let go of him, looking into his eyes. His eyes were the bluest she’d ever seen, and when she did, they made her melt. She felt herself leaning towards him. She saw him lean towards her. Their lips met, and Taylor felt a familiar feeling that she often got when he kissed her. She hadn’t felt that since her seventh year at Hogwarts. It was a different feeling than kissing Fred, but it made her feel, well, wonderful. She let his tongue escape into her mouth and she didn’t stop it. He deepened the kiss. He pulled away and looked at her, wondering why she hadn’t stopped herself…she was married. But she kissed him again. She backed him into a tree, and placed her hands around his chest on the tree. He kissed her with his head and back to the tree, and he could feel her running her hands through his messy hair. She unbuttoned a little of his shirt and felt his chest. He slid down on the tree, bringing her with him, until she was on top of him. She didn’t stop, though. She continued to kiss him. He rolled over until he was the one on her. He didn’t put his weight on her, though. He was suspended by his hands, still kissing her.
Finally, Taylor pulled back.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I can’t…Fred…I…Malfoy…and Ron and Harry…I…can’t,”
Charlie didn’t know what she was talking about, but he understood her meaning. He nodded, and took her back to his house. When they came in, Dobby looked them over. Charlie’s hair was even messier than usual. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his collar askew.
“Oh, no!” Dobby said, “Master Charlie has been attacked!”
Charlie smiled at him, “Sure, Dobby,” he said, “Yeah, a…polar bear attacked me,”
“Ahhh!” Dobby said, “ ‘Tis Dobby’s fault, sir! Dobby should have never let you go!”
“It’s alright Dobby!,” Taylor said, “It was a…nice polar bear. Charlie just…got scared and…defended himself,”
Charlie looked at her and then at the door, where someone was knocking. Taylor lifted the drapes to look outside and saw who was knocking on the door. Draco Malfoy. Righty, tighty!!! That’s fine for now, I’ll wait now!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-09-2006, 02:34 AM
#71 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
Yea you posted! Taylor! Stop cheating on Fred! He deserves better! What's my hero doing there? PAMS!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-09-2006, 05:24 PM
#72 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do...da-da-da!!! Hehe! You just have to wait!  Just kidding! Here's a post...
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |
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11-09-2006, 06:37 PM
#73 (permalink)
| Knarl
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Taylor ran in front of Charlie and threw open the door.
“Draco!” she said. She ran at him and practically knocked him over in a hug.
“Hey,” he replied, rubbing her back. Charlie rolled his eyes and went back to the kitchen, slamming a book on the table forcefully.
“But,” Taylor looked Draco in the eyes, those cool grey eyes, tears growing, “Your…dead,”
“Am I not?” he asked looking down, “Oh,”
Taylor smiled at him and gave him another hug, “Are you here for a reason? Or are you just here to drown in tears?”
“I’m, uh…I heard what happened, and…I’m going to find Fred…tonight…right now,” he said.
“Oh!” Taylor exclaimed, “Let me get my coat!”
“NO!” Draco said, “No, just…stay here. Celestine needs you and…I think…I think my father has Fred,” Taylor gasped, “So…stay here, I’ll get Fred…I promise,”
Taylor looked into his eyes. Those steel eyes that used to bring cold and fear, now brought warmth and hope.
She squeezed him and gave him a hug, and said good-bye. He kissed her forehead and left, leaving tears in her eyes. She turned back to find an owl flying through the window. It flew to Taylor and dropped a letter in her hand. She looked on the front to see Harry’s hand-writing. She opened it and read.
Dear Taylor,
Something’s going on. Ron and Hermione’s house caught fire too… and they can’t find Hermione. I don’t know, but Draco came past and said that he was going to find her and Fred. I really hope he finds them…Ron’s hysterical; he’s been going crazy since last night…Nothing good can come out of this. I don’t know. Where are you? I’m coming over. Me, Ginny, and Ron; let us know where your staying.
P.S. Ginny’s pregnant! It’s a boy! She can’t wait to see you and Celestine!
Taylor finished reading the letter and put it down. She didn’t want Harry to come…yet. She wiped her eyes and decided it was best to respond, so she did. Then bid Charlie a good night, and went to bed.
The next week, Taylor received an owl from Draco. It had said that he hadn’t found Fred, he wasn’t at Malfoy Manor. But he had found Hermione…dead. After much grieving, Taylor tried to contact Harry, who still hadn’t responded her owl. She let Charlie know how she felt, and released that she no longer had hope. She was almost sure Fred was dead. The ministry had no evidence of his wand and no one had seen him.
She became comfortable with Charlie and let him father Celestine. A couple times, she even let Charlie take her out for dinner. She was constantly reminded of how she used to love him, and wasn’t positive she didn’t anymore. She never allowed herself to kiss him though. Her lips were Fred’s; no matter how many times they had betrayed her.
One night, though, they were at a restaurant, and she had a huge temptation to do just that. Even though the restaurant was sort of fancy, Charlie was sporting his usual black concert tee-shirt and torn jeans. He was a rocker at heart- Taylor knew this. He had always been, and that couldn’t change. He always was singing or playing his guitar. It was the one thing he refused to leave when he was at school.
They kept getting weird stares, as people walked past. She was wearing a cream-sweater and tan corduroys, that didn’t clash well with his choice of clothing. Her hair was in two low braids, his sticking up everywhere. She didn’t care though. She couldn’t take it anymore. She hadn’t eaten any of her food; she was just playing with her fork. She couldn’t stand it, she wanted to scream. She set down her fork and turned to face Charlie. After swallowing a bite of his spaghetti, He looked at her. She looked up and grabbed his face with both hands on the sides of his head. She pulled him towards her and kissed him, causing much reaction from surrounding couples. She was oblivious. Charlie was taken aback, but soon placed his hands on her waist and kissed her back. She removed her hands from his face and placed them around his neck. She just kept kissing him, not caring anymore. She couldn’t help it. Fred was dead and she had no one else, anyhow. But…what if Fred wasn’t dead? It had never been certain… She removed these thoughts from her head and focused on Charlie. From his hair, to his hands, rough from playing the guitar, and to his body, which was now hers.
Taylor pulled back from Charlie and looked up. Neville Longbottom was standing there with Luna Lovegood.
“Neville?” she said, making sure it was him.
“Hey,” he said, looking at Charlie, “What are you doing? I heard you got with Fred Weasly right at the end of the seventh year?”
“Oh,” Taylor said, “Well…Fred, um, Fred’s dead,”
“Oh! I’m sorry!” Neville exclaimed, “I’m here because…Malfoy’s outside…he’s looking for you,”
“Thanks Neville,” Taylor said, wiping her mouth. She looked at Charlie who hadn’t said a word. He was looking down at his feet. Taylor picked up his hand and pulled him outside.
Tee hee! I know I copied three words from pirates of the caribbean in the beginning but i couldnt help it! woohoo! Sorry,...
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 11-09-2006 at 06:45 PM.
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11-09-2006, 08:12 PM
#74 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: The hatch
Posts: 204
Hogwarts RPG Name: Leigh Ann Benjamin Sixth |
OMG!!! Sorry, I haven't read in awhile, I've been busy with school, but gosh! Ginny's with Baby! That's awsome!
__________________ ♥If you aren't a bit depressed, then you aren't paying attention to whats going on in the world... Get busy living or get busy Dying! ♥♥♥ |
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11-09-2006, 10:07 PM
#75 (permalink)
| Flobberworm
Join Date: Nov 2006 Location: On the LOST island
Posts: 19
*New Reader*
HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!! Taylor!!! Guess who?! Haha!!! This is great! PAMS!!! I just got out of the newbie stage! Hehe!  OMG!!! PAMS!! Right now!!!
(Heh heh, do you remember what we made up for DHARMA? LOL us and Andrew Tehe)
__________________ Taylor and I: LOST:Proud member of the Skaters! Boo the Jaters! Watch next clip; Hurley thinks Locke has 'superpowers' LOL!!! Charlie: Those night, when I used to get high, I'd watch docummeteries on polar bears, *looks around nervously* they're like the einstiens of the bear community! Best line ever!!! Sawyer: I'm throwing rocks, Locke: Rest in peace Mr. Eko, Nikki: What is it? Paulo: Bathroom works, Ben:I'm going to tickle you now James, Hurley:Dude, Claire: I'm a big ugly person who can't respect that Charlie is Taylor's! Jack: You need to be in surgery yestrday, Juliet:Don't listen to a word I'm saying, Zeke: You're not my type, Picket: Where is she? Mr. Eko: I do not ask for forgiveness! All: *music entro* IT"S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!!! |
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