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Old 10-18-2007, 02:52 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Things will never be the same - Sa13+
Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

July 9th, 2062.

The sun shined brightly down on the three boys. The soft breeze and rather droopy tree branches making shade were the only things saving them from the summer heat. But even then, it wasn't helping too much, as they ran, kicking a soccer ball around in the quiet street.

Conner Mae, Alexander Saunders, and Wyatt Saunders, had just left Emmylyne's house not even three hours ago, to come help Conner's parents pack the house up. The Mae's were moving from Rome, Italy to Paris, France.

Emmylyne was Conner’s half-sister, along with Alex and Wyatt's. Though the three boys were not all related. Alex and Wyatt were twins, but the three together were best mates, ever since childhood.

Now here they stood, at fourteen and fifteen years old. Playing a small game of soccer in the road on their break from moving. The grass would have been a better place to play, but there wasn't a big enough field for them; so the street it was. Cars hardly drove by as it was. They would move when that did happen. Plain and Simple.

"I'm going to need the hugest favor I've ever asked from you two, Alright?" Started the boy with curly dark brown almost black hair. Kicking the ball over to Wyatt. "Once I'm gone-"

"Not again." The boy with the blonde hair groaned, dropping his head and pale green gaze towards the ground.

Stopping the ball with his foot, the last boy, the brunette, shook his head. "Conner. You’re not going to need that favor. You'll make it through. You can't possibly leave us all…"

A little over two and a half years ago, Conner had been kidnapped by muggles.
After the idiots had realized the boys family was searching for him, they framed his 'death.' A fake one of course. One of the criminals acted as a witness and contacted Mrs. Mae, telling her what had 'happened.' So they'd give up. But the second oldest child in the family, Nikolas, hadn't given up at all. He had aurors and police all over it. After eight months of Conner being gone, they had found him. But the boy didn't remember a thing. It took a few months before he regained his memory back, fully.

Conner had never really been the same since. He didn't even feel the same. Although he did cover this up from the whole world pretty well. His family didn't even know he was sick. It wasn't a coughing, sneezing, running a fever kind of sick. It was a dying sick, and he knew it. The only ones that knew were Alex, Wyatt, Emmy and Nik. No one else.

No one, to this day, no matter how many healers or doctors he had seen, could tell him he was sick. All the tests that had been done just to make sure he was okay had come up all right. But the fifteen year old knew in his heart, in his soul, it was nearly his time to say goodbye.

There was always that saying that his Grandfather use to tell the grandkids; 'Only you can be sure of what’s wrong, when its your body. No one else can feel what you are, unless the same things happened to him or her. They won't understand. You have to make them.' Well that’s exactly what he was trying to do. They needed to accept what was to come. He himself wasn't upset about it. Con wasn't scared of death; he was scared to leave the world without making sure one certain person would be watched over.


His baby sister. He'd always called her that. Ever since she was born, two years after him. No matter how many younger siblings they had, Savannah was always the baby in his eyes. They had a closer bond than the rest of the family. Mrs. Mae and Savannah just didn't get along. And Mr. Mae was a muggle. His sister couldn't go to him for wizarding things. The three oldest siblings had graduated from their schools and had lives of their own. Savannah would be the oldest in the house, and she definitely wouldn’t be used to that.

Whenever she had a problem, she went to Conner. Savannah shared all her thoughts and secrets with him. She told him everything and anything. Conner had to make sure Alex and Wyatt would replace him once he was gone. She'd need that big brother there. Of course he knew the twins wouldn't be able to really replace him. But they'd be good substitutes.

"Guys. It’s only a matter of time. I can feel my system and body getting weaker and weaker as the days go by. I'm not kidding. Promise me. Please, do me this favor. When I'm gone, Ducky will need a brotherly figure, you two are the closest she'll ever have to me. Please, over her. But don't push her into thing. When she's ready to tell you something, she will. On her own time though. Just be there for her when she needs you, Please?"

He looked intently to his two best mates, waiting for an answer. Sorrow filled his navy blue eyes.

Conner was merely worried about his baby sister. The two sets of younger twins (years six and four, Kaitlynnh and Julian, then Lissy and Lydia) would be all right. They had each other, and eleven year old Madison.

"Yeah." Spoke up Alexander, his eyes never leaving the ground; looking as if he was in deep thought.

Wyatt looked up, head darting in the direction of his fraternal twin brother, giving him a questioning look, through the gloomy expression plastered on his face. "What?"
None of the boys could hide their depression, the tension, and sadness to the awful subject.

Finally after what seemed like several moments, the blonde looked up, straight across to Conner. "Yes. We will. We'll be here for Ann. whenever she needs us. Right Wy?" He asked, turning the sad questioning look on the third boy.

"Y-yeah, of course." Wyatt choked out almost silently, refusing to meet either of their gazes. Guys weren't supposed to show their emotion! That was a chick thing, just like he had told Alicia and everyone at the table the night before.
But he couldn't help this. It practically killed him inside, knowing they'd be losing their best friend of fourteen years. Yes, fourteen years. Ever since birth.

It felt like a bit of the weight on Conner’s shoulders had been lifted. He knew and trusted Alex and Wyatt. He knew they would have done it even if he hadn't asked. But he wanted to be sure.

Catching Wyatt’s gaze for a split second, he grinned slyly. "Aw. Wy, I didn't know you cared so much. Going to cry over little old me?" He said, deciding it would be a great way to turn the mood around.

And it had worked. All the horrible thoughts had practically vanished from their minds, pushed back so fun could come in.


Alex started laughing, as Conner grinned from ear-to-ear.

"Me?! Cry!? That’s a chick thing dude."

"Suuuuure. Whatever you say. Just pass the ball already!" The boy’s curly, dark hair blew as another cool breeze came in. Clouds were moving forward, in an attempt to cover the sun.

After another twenty minutes or so, the clouds had finally managed to go in front of the sun, which made it look like each were outlined with gold.

The Trio had gotten into an intense soccer game.

Alex stood off to the side, next to the stop sign on the corner, taking a breather as Wyatt and Conner went at it; fighting over the ball on the other side of the street. He watched the two battle it out, head to head. Alexander only turned as a loud 'whoosh' sound came, that seemed too close.

All of a sudden, to his great surprise, a semi truck came bounding around the opposite street corner. It was obvious that a semi truck was a little too big to be driving down this certain street. After not even a second, it dawned on him that the truck driver had lost control of his semi.


Before any of them could have seen what was coming or before anyone could have stopped it or prevented it, both boys were hit. And the truck had been wrecked; tipped over right as the driver tried to swerve out of the way, but had failed with his lack of power over the vehicle.

Although it felt like this had all happened in five very long minutes, it had only been a mere five seconds. The whole thing happened in a matter of five seconds!

Alex stood frozen to his spot, unable to feel anything as he stared at the scene in front of him.

He snapped back to reality quickly, at the sound of the three ambulances’ and a fire truck. Each came to a halt in the middle of the street. Two out of three paramedics jumping out of each car and ran towards the accident. The last stayed in the driver’s seat, ready to make a quick leave when necessary.

Somehow, Alex found himself walking…or rather running over towards his brother and best mate, but was quickly stopped by one of the firemen. "I'm sorry son, we can't let you go past."

"What do you mean!? Move! Those are my brothers!" He angrily replied, trying to push his way past. Emotions flooded him like a waterfall to a river.

Obviously the sirens had been very loud, and being only a few blocks away from the Mae's soon-to-be old house, both Lorraine and Scott Mae, Oliana Saunders and Jeff smith (the Saunders children’s' step-father) had heard and had rushed over to see what the commotion was about.

Alex didn't notice his parents; nor did he notice his mother come up behind him until she wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"Will they be alright, Sir?" The beautiful, clearly middle-aged Hawaiian woman asked. All joy in her eyes had been replaced with hope, fear and sadness.

Alex's eyes were just emotionless, same as his facial expression.

There was no need to ask what happened…it was pretty obvious. Looking at the scene in the middle of the normally quiet town.

The boy seemed lost in thought; watching the paramedics, healers (whatever they were), get both unconscious teenagers onto stretchers, and into two different ambulances. The last bunches of workers were taking care of the badly injured driver. Merlin only knew what happened to him.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, we couldn't save one of them. He didn't have a pulse when we got here."

These words broke into Alex. It felt like someone was slowly but surely, killing him, from the inside. "No! You’re wrong! Go fix him!" No…he didn't care to know which one it was. Either way, it would be like losing part of himself.

Tears had of course started streaming down Oliana's face. She managed to choke out quietly, "Which one...?"

Did it matter which one? NO!

"GO FIX HIM!" Alex demanded, the poor boy's face becoming a vivid red. His pale green eyes were wide and swimming with water.

"The curly haired one." That was the best way he could describe him, not personally knowing the kid at all. "I'm very sorry for your loss..." The man added sincerely, dismissing the boy's out lash. It was understandable at this very moment in time why he had said it…

"The other boy is in a serious condition. We don't know anything from here. I wish there was something more I could do." with these last words, the healer turned and walked over to help with whatever was needed. Leaving the mother and son to themselves, as he felt was a good idea.

"Alexander, Shhh…sweetheart-"

"NO! Mom! C-con…is not- He isn't! They need to fix him! Him and Wy! Mom..." Alex couldn't believe not even thirty minutes ago, he'd been talking and having fun with both of them…and now…

Here he stood, tears rolling down his face at a fast speed. Something Wyatt would call 'A chick thing.’

"I loved him too, darling. Conner Mae will be greatly missed..."


One week later, friends and family had come to the Mae house for the last time. To come pay their respects to the loss of Conner, the second boy and fourth born.
The house was rather bare; boxes pilled everywhere. By tomorrow, the family would be in France.

The loss of Conner had affected the family terribly. The kids that would normally be running around were now found with their Grandma Angelina. Julian and Kaitlynnh were on each side of her with Lissy and Lydia actually on the aging woman's lap.

Everyone was found outside, at the memorial service. Chairs, chairs and more chairs lined the backyard; facing the front porch that someone would be standing on, making their speech beside the large picture of the teenage boy.

Almost every relative could be found, either seating in a seat or walking around, along with many friends, some even from Durmstrang.

After everyone had finally settled and had taken a seat, the family started with their speeches, one at a time.

Once a few others had said what they had wanted to, it was Emmylyne's turn.
She walked up the row, wrestling a fussy eight month old in her arms as she stepped up onto the porch. Emmy shifted Lainie onto her hip, and took her place behind the podium; looking out at all of the quests.

"Oh gosh…what to say?" She started, softly. Speaking into the microphone. "It was just like yesterday... That’s what I can say, like everyone else would probably expect me to. But I'm not going to. All of those memories are precious to my heart. And there are too many to even tell within a day. Conner was a great kid. He always had been. There are no real words to express how I feel, or how much I'm going to miss him. I just wish I could share my memories with the younger kids that'll never really know him…My daughter, little Daphney…Lissy, and Lydia, and the kids to come." The twenty two year old paused, sniffling, using her free hand to wipe her eyes. "As my Aunty Lydia always use to tell me and Regina as little tots, 'Never say goodbye. Only bye or see you later, unless it really is a goodbye situation' Well…Goodbye Con…ArrivederLa." She repeated the first word in her sentence, this time in Italian, before leaving the podium and heading back to her seat, beside her husband.

As Mrs. Mae got up and took the microphone, getting ready to make her speech, Savannah stood from her seat near the front and quietly walked past everyone, going inside. Alex was next. But the boy was not out there. He was still too young and had to be upstairs.

Savannah lifted the bottom of her long formal black dress just a tad, as she went upstairs in her horrid three inch high heels, thinking about it all while she climbed the stairs. Anna went right for Conner's old room, it was the only room not packed up. Actually, it hadn't even been touched yet; everything was still the same way her brother had left it. All accept the boy whom lay on the end of his bed, looking up at the ceiling.


"Everything is messed up. Ducky,"

Savannah frowned ever so slightly, slipping the painful shoes off before crawling onto Conner's bed, knees bent under herself as she sat quietly, looking to the boy.

"I watched it happen. We had been goofing off, playing with the soccer ball and just talking. It happened so quickly...No one could have stopped it." Alex took in a shallow breath, closing his eyes while he exhaled.

"W-what were you guys talking about?" Finally came a faintly soft voice, Savannah's.


"What were you guys talking about, Alex?" She repeated in the same tone.


"Alex." There was a hint of pleading that had reached her voice. She had to know. It wasn't just herself being overly curious as she always was. That was her brother and she wanted to know the last thing that had happened, his last words.

"We…we were just talking about girls. A certain girl Conner really cared about…" He twisted what had really been said, slightly. Knowing it wasn't a good idea to tell her the promise he and Wyatt made. In the future, when the time came, he would. But not now.

"Oh…did this girl know how he felt, you think?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, she knew, I think."

Noticing the girl become quiet once more, he decided a change in subjects would be good. "Do you remember why we started calling you Ducky?" Opening his pale green eyes, Alex glanced to Savannah. "Because when your mom had put us in swim classes, the teachers said you swam like a guppy. And you argued with them; saying you were not a guppy, you were a Ducky."

"I remember. But why are you bringing this up?" She asked, having a very hard time keeping a straight face and emotions under control. All she truly wanted to do was cry and cry.

"Because…Conner had made that nickname stick. He called you by what you wanted. No matter how silly it was." The boy jumped. At the loud sound of a black high heel meeting the wood floor out in the hall.

Sitting up, he looked to the girl behind him that was now clutching one of the pillows, curled up as tears flowed freely from her tightly closed eyes.

"Common." Alex said. Now standing at window that outlooked the backyard. "They’re probably waiting for us."


"Savannah. Common."

"Whatever." She mumbled, wiping at her eyes and rosy cheeks as she stood. She grabbed her shoe before following Alex out into the hall. Grabbing the other along the way, though she didn't put them back on but held them without care.

Savannah walked through the back door that Alex held open, waiting and headed for a seat in the front row, but Alex stopped her by gently grabbing her arm. Clearly, he wanted her to stay up on the 'stage'. "You're his baby sister. You stay," he murmured almost silently, turning to the podium. Truth be told, Alex couldn't do it alone. Conner was gone and Wyatt wasn't here.

Alex glanced over where his best mate’s baby sister stood. She was gazing down at her toes. Looking back over the podium, Alexander started rather hesitantly.

"What is there to say? Just a week and two days ago we were all back at Emmylyne’s house. Planning a prank war, having fun just hanging out with our friends. Then the next day, we received a message from our parents, asking us three boys to come help move and pack up the house. Never in our wildest dreams did we expect a semi truck to come speeding down that street while we were out there. Wyatt is in a coma still. No one can honestly tell us when or if he'll wake up. Or what he'll know or remember.

To our great grief, we lost fifteen-year-old Conner Michael Mae. A son, a brother and cousin to many, he was also a trusting and loyal friend. Now here we stand. To say goodbye to a truly wonderful guy that died at a very young age and had gone through so much. Con was a trooper that never complained about anything really, and the best, best mate I could ever hope for."

Alexander stopped talking, and turned to look at the picture of Conner. It had been the last one taken; Courtney (A good Durmstrang friend) had taken it on the last day of school.

"Conner. You will be greatly missed and loved, Thanks for everything bro..."

Things will never be the same..

Thanks to Khat for thee lovely banner.
And a HUGE Thankyou to mah Super Stephheh!
She encouraged me and Beta readed this one-shot.

For those whom don't know, The Mae's are a family I created; My school RPG character's family. The Saunders were not created by me, but belong to a good friend; Nik. Whom did allow me to use them in this Fanfic.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

XOX Grace.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 09-09-2009 at 11:15 PM. Reason: Color had to be black; or else it bugs me =/
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Old 10-18-2007, 04:34 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I'm the first to comment
That was sooooooooooooooo awesome Gracie!!! But I don't think you like Conner to much because the is the second time he "died"

{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}

{i'll show you}
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Old 10-18-2007, 04:59 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Thankyou Dani!
No, no I definitally did like Conner! He, Savannah and Kaitlynnh were my main people out of that family. But to be honest, I've had that planned since Savannahs first year.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 10-18-2007, 08:28 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Aw Gracie that was wonderful I kinda hate to say it, but I started tearing up right about heeere...

There are no real words to express how I feel, or how much I'm going to miss him. I just wish I could share my memories with the younger kids that'll never really know him.
*Gets way to attatched to RPG charries - even if they aren't her's*

It was totally amazing *Shnuggles*
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Old 10-19-2007, 01:15 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Once again...I loved it Gracie Grace

So deep!
I wanted to cry

I still do!

Im glad I was able to help you out Gracie Grace.
You write really beautifully! I lurve the flow you have with your stories and the emotion you always have with it. Plus you put so much detail and you do your homework when it comes to the family

I love reading that!

Great OneShot Gracie Grace!!
You really should write more!

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Old 10-19-2007, 07:55 AM   #6 (permalink)
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-So knew what would happen before the story was posted =P-
Grace that was really good! you played my characters out nicely
though i do have to admit.. it did get me down a little- No! i did not tear up =P but it definitally .. -look's for the right word- pull's at your heart-string's? -shrugs-

Bravo Grace

Dusty Phoenix /// Sam Edwards /// Joseph Mae /// Alexis Chosen /// Savannah Mae
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Old 10-19-2007, 06:18 PM   #7 (permalink)
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"W-what were you guys talking about?" Finally came a faintly soft voice, Savannah's.


"What were you guys talking about, Alex?" She repeated in the same tone.


"Alex." There was a hint of pleading that had reached her voice. She had to know. It wasn't just herself being overly curious as she always was. That was her brother and she wanted to know the last thing that had happened, his last words.

"We…we were just talking about girls. A certain girl Conner really cared about…" He twisted what had really been said, slightly. Knowing it wasn't a good idea to tell her the promise he and Wyatt made. In the future, when the time came, he would. But not now.

"Oh…did this girl know how he felt, you think?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, she knew, I think."

Noticing the girl become quiet once more, he decided a change in subjects would be good. "Do you remember why we started calling you Ducky?" Opening his pale green eyes, Alex glanced to Savannah. "Because when your mom had put us in swim classes, the teachers said you swam like a guppy. And you argued with them; saying you were not a guppy, you were a Ducky."

"I remember. But why are you bringing this up?" She asked, having a very hard time keeping a straight face and emotions under control. All she truly wanted to do was cry and cry.

"Because…Conner had made that nickname stick. He called you by what you wanted. No matter how silly it was."
I startedtearing up about there ='[

That was great. I luffed it!

_________________________________________Painting Daisies

If you call my name out loud, do you suppose that I would come running
Do you suppose I'd come at all.. ____________________ I suppose I would
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Old 10-20-2007, 01:25 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Thankyou Nikki.
Awh, don't feel silly or anything hun. You can only imagine how bad I was when I was writing it!
And you know me, I'm always getting attatched to RPG charries, and their families. Half the time, their not even mine!
Thankyou Thankyou .

Stephheh. You helped me so much, Dunno what I'd ever do without youu
Awh Thanks..
I sort of try to put myself in their shoes, or use something that happened to myself, similar, as my way of making it.. full of emotion, I guess . And I've been creating that growing family for six months now, I'd feel silly if I didn't know every little thing about them .
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Super Stephheh!
I would.. , but as you know. I'm doing an Fanfic with Nikki and Dani, and that along with alot of SS stuff is about as much as I can handle for now.

Hahah XD Thankyou Nik!
I'm glad you think I did well! And I'm sure you didn't tear up..

Thankyou Moni!

I have to admit, Luffs, I never thought I'd get people to tear up.. That tells me I did good, Since that was what I was going for.

Thankyou all for the comments, I'm very pleased you guys like it!
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 10-22-2007, 05:11 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Wow! I just gotta say that I loved this one shot!
The writing, spelling and grammer was very good!
Great job!!
-*~ Shirel ~*-
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Old 10-23-2007, 07:24 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Awh Thankyou Shirel
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 10-23-2007, 10:42 PM   #11 (permalink)
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amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
*mah iced tea* *mah spoon* *mah forkie* *mah taco..with cheese has been bitten* *my pumpkin pastry* *my chocolate shake =]* *I LOVE MY SS FAMILY* *the w-clan is the shizz - nazz* *strawberry ice cream = love* *mah shannie = ♥*
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Thankyou Kelc, I'm glad you liked it!
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 10-31-2007, 09:32 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Gracie..this was amazing. I absolutely loved it. You guys did an amazing job. Heh, I'm actually crying right now. Probably because Vee met Conner and she really liked him. Wow..that was amazing. Well done.
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Old 11-20-2007, 08:23 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Awh! I didn't exactily mean to make you cry! It was just suppose be.. well, I dunno. Nevermind XD I'm sorry! I'm very glad you liked it! <3
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 12-05-2007, 01:17 AM   #15 (permalink)
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I loved it Gracie Grace!

It made me a bit teary eyed though. *sniffle*
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Old 12-05-2007, 01:40 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Thankyou Whitteh!
I know.. No ones managed to read it without going abit teary-eyed it seems.. I suppose, I meant for it to be like that. Only in a good way, of course. Like a bittersweet story.

Part of my inspiration I do believe, was my Great Grandfather's passing afew months before writing this, Ironically on the same day as this takes place (June 9th) Which.. I do not remember doing on purpose, but merely because it added up to the correct time I needed it to be.

Anyways, I thank you all for the lovely comments, and for reading my first one shot. I believe this should be getting moved to the finished section soon enough.. <3
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 12-05-2007 at 01:41 AM.
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Old 12-13-2007, 04:01 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Is lovely the word? It was lovely, GraceLuff. VERY lovely, and pretty well-written, too. The most touching one-shot I've read in a while. Great job. <3

- clings to Conner and Wyatt and Vannah and Alex -

Last edited by Maxilocks; 12-13-2007 at 04:02 AM.
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Old 12-20-2007, 06:53 AM   #18 (permalink)

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I so din't know you had a story. you so should have told me. I Loved it alot. It dose make yhou a little teary eye.
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Old 12-20-2007, 07:01 AM   #19 (permalink)
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*Beams* Thankyou MaxieLuff.

Sowwy Amy <333
Hehe, Thankyou! I know.. I caused myself to nearly cry. I was in the moment of the closes feeling I could ever imagine to their story.. and I just started typing.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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Old 01-12-2008, 06:08 PM   #20 (permalink)
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