*This is my first one shot. I just came up with the idea, and I thought it was cute.
P.S. as you can probably tell from this and my fan fiction, I’m not that good with Thinking up titles :blushes:* The Worries of Little Lily Luna Potter
“Lily, why in the world are you out of bed?” Ginny Potter asked her youngest daughter.
“I couldn’t sleep mummy, I’m scared.” Little Lily Potter told her mom.
“Why in the world would you be scared?” Harry asked his daughter. “Hogwarts isn’t scary.” He added.
“Daddy, yes it is, there’s scary teachers and homework and even bullies!” she exclaimed.
“Shhh, you’ll wake up your brothers.” Ginny whispered.
“To late.” James and Albus said together as they walked into the living room and sat down by their dad.
“I could hear her tossing and turning in her bed, I would be amazed if the Weasley’s are still asleep.
“Was I loud enough for the neighbors to hear??” asked Lily, blushing.
“No, I’m sure they are still asleep.” Harry said reassuringly.
“What are you doing up anyway, Lil?” Albus asked.
“She’s scared about going to Hogwarts tomorrow.” Ginny told him.
“Don’t worry Lils, its not scary.”
“Yeah, except the ghosts and centaurs and the lake and the Forbidden forest, and…”
“James! Don’t you dare try to scare your sister!” Harry ordered, trying not to laugh at his daughter’s terrified face.
“Really, it’s not that scary. Most of the people are nice, and unless you are in Slytherin, you make friends from all different houses, so it doesn’t matter.” Albus told her.
“Oh no! I didn’t think about the houses! What if the sorting hat doesn’t know what house I should be in? What if he tells me that I don’t belong in Hogwarts and I have to come back home? What if I’m the first person ever to leave after I just got there? Oh no!” Lily screamed.
“Ha, that reminds me, Snape almost kicked out Ron and I out on the first day of our second year…” Harry remembered thoughtfully. James got a crazy look in his eyes.
“But that’s a different story.” Harry corrected hurriedly. James looked crestfallen.
“Listen, Lily, you just go up to bed, and tomorrow we will take you to King’s Cross, and You will get on the train with your brothers and Have a great time at Hogwarts.” Harry told his daughter.
“While writing us once a month.” Ginny added. Lily looked up, got up from her dad’s lap (where she was sitting,) gave him and her mom a hug, and hurried up to bed.
“Goodnight Lil.” Ginny called afer her.
“Good night!” Harry repeated.
“Night, love you guys!” Lily screamed as she tucked herself in.
*I know it wasn’t the best, but tell me how you guys like it please
