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Old 10-10-2005, 03:09 PM   #226 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

*Trots back in to tease Ottery, who cares nothing for baseball*

So, how 'bout those Houston Astros?

Awwww, come on Otts, they are from your home state! Two of those Texan heroes played for my team, you know... hehe Lissy now dreams of a Texas/New York World series...


[/end Ottery teasing session]

*tackle glomp time*


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Old 10-10-2005, 05:35 PM   #227 (permalink)
Comet aka Fred
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Sooo, how did you do on your tests? Did the bear let you study? *eyes Teddy warily*

Your flavour is strawberry. You're a sweet person and a Gryffindor at heart. You
see risks and know they are just another part of life. You are loyal
and hold your loved ones close, their happiness is your prize. ♥
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Old 10-11-2005, 04:36 AM   #228 (permalink)
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Talking Replies a-go-go LoL Just remember Lissy, "Wake me up before you go go I'm not..."
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Si, you posted when I was posting so I missed you. I always post for you and I totally know what you mean about getting lost in that chat thread OMG! I'm moving there...
Lottie, I love you but you're evil, I had to highlight your message to read it. Come back as often as you want and thank you for the chocolates *fighting Teddy for them* and you know I totally love you...
Ronboy, transvetites are not jerks. And you're always welcome here loves, no matter what you're wearing...just make sure you match. *glomps*
Kelldar, restrain yourself. I totally studied for my test Mom *glomps* I don't know how I did...I think I did well...but that's usually a bad sign it's when I think I did lousy that I usually pass... uh, oh. Ottery should have studied instead of being on the chat.
*'re all knowing? Quick, what's the meaning of life? LOL If you've got that one solved everything else is cake. Yummy cake. I wanna piece if it's chocolate. LOL Or carrot.
*Ottery is lying on a couch while the thugs fan him and give him chocolate and tie up Teddy because he won't behave himself* Thank you for the thugs Princess're too cool. *glomps*
LissyLove, *glomps* I hope you feel better *gives Lissy chocolate* that's Nurse Ottery's medicine... *winks* thank you for reading my posts but don't get in trouble at work on my account. Do it on your account. LOL Bad joke I know *groans* That quote thing...yeah, don't worry about it loves, this is a hangout, I don't want anyone feeling like they have to be all critical or even care, if you wanna say something about the story go ahead, but if you don't tell me about your life. LOL *Loves you* It's my fun thread.
Speaking of fun LissyLove...stop teasing me about baseball...LOL I don't know the first thing about it. LOL Well you've got four bases right? And you hit the ball with a mallet right? And there's an invisibility zone, and *confuses it with Calvinball* and you get to make up the rules as you go along and...
You're too cute to worry Kell *glomps* Yeah Teddy behaved himself...this time. LOL. I don't know yet but when I do, I'll brag, or give you all my failing grade and you all can pick on me
Will try to update...if not I went to read Keats for my Brit Lit class tomorrow...we should be reading Harry Potter you is British Lit. *winks*
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Old 10-11-2005, 05:13 AM   #229 (permalink)
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Talking A little prelude to more trouble...but the fun kind of trouble...*winks*
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Last time on "As Ottery turns..." O: Somebody stop the world I wanna get off...


"Good night boys. Try not to be seen. Professor Vulcanus has been known to roam the halls late at night...searching for stray students. I don't want to have to get you out of detention again." Dumbledore said, as he picked up the box and turned his chair away from them.

David smiled at Ottery again, though weakly and he stepped out followed by the dark haired boy who closed the door behind the professor. They looked at each other for a second, a pained look crossing Ottery's face.

"The lake then," David said, and Ottery nodded. They had to talk.


It was a lovely evening, the moonlight's reflection glistened on the still surface of the dark lake and the trees rustled in the soft breeze that blew. The Forbidden Forest in the distance looked menacing in its eerie stillness, as if beckoning unwary visitors, and behind them the castle lay in total darkness except for the silver rays of the moonlight against the stone walls of the school. David bounded ahead, in the form of a wolf, running through the grass as Ottery followed behind him smiling. His friend was having a lot of fun, but it was not often that he got to practice his metamorphmagus skills in the school as Professor Vulcanus was always looking for an excuse to deduct points from Gryffindor, he was partial to his own house Ravenclaw.

The grey wolf ran across the moonlit grounds of the school and stopped at the lake by a large tree whose branches hung down on all sides like an umbrella. Overgrown, they touched the ground and served as a kind of hideaway by the lake, it would afford them privacy if anyone chanced to look out of the castle. He stepped in carefully between the low hanging branches and disappeared for a second under the canopy of greenery, only to poke his head out impatiently watching to see if his friend was still coming towards him. Ottery smiled, and sighed. He loved David, that much was true, he had for as long as he could remember, they had grown up together back in Mexico and he had come with him a quarter of the way around the globe to attend Hogwarts leaving everything he knew behind to be with his friend. And Ottery could not help but feel the weight of the guilt of that and the curse his friendship had brought down on the boy.

Ottery parted the branches and walked underneath the tree and sat down by a large boulder sitting next to the lake. In the darkness he saw his friend transform again. They were alone, away from prying eyes, and curious ears. They could talk in peace, but Ottery did not feel very much like talking. He just wanted to enjoy his friends company.

"Why'd you go away Ottery?" David asked, sitting down by the tree trunk.

Ottery couldn't help but feel a little hurt by that action. He had wanted him to...but he could hardly blame David he knew. He had just gotten up one day and disappeared. He had helped them find the artifact in Rome and woken up earlier than his friends that morning, walked out into the city streets and past the plaza. It had been a kind of impulsive thing to do, to just leave the city without saying goodbye. That had been a month ago and he had not sent his friends an owl or anything to let them know where he was or how he was.

"I don't know. I guess...I just didn't want you guys in any more danger," he replied, turning away from his friend to look out over the lake, through the tiny gaps in the trees.

"Are you cracked? Not get hurt." David said, laughing a little. "Those crazy krauts are bombing London and you don't want me to get hurt? What did you think would happen if you left? The whole German army would come looking for you and stop attacking Britain?"

When he said it like that...Ottery could tell he was being an idiot. That's what friends were for sometimes, to tell you not to do stupid things, but just then he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to reason that he had acted a fool, he just wanted to be with David, alone under their tree and by the lake. He turned around to tell his friend so, and found him standing next him.

"I'm sorry," Ottery said, and he truly was. For having left his friends, and for not having told them where he was, he was sorry they were cursed as he was because of his stupid mistake, but most of all he was sorry he had thought he could leave them behind. Ottery hugged him and started to cry, feeling overwhelmed by the guilt of it all, and David stroked his hair as the boy wept. If anyone could understand Ottery it had always been him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said, and indeed he truly was.


Okay, so that didn't go as I planned...hmm...writing is funny. (As my friend CJ likes to say..."The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." Anyways, I liked it, hope you all do too, yes there's still the mystery but the more astute of you will have realized already what the curse is. *cue Lissy's smugness* I swear you and I think alike *glomps* But don't spoil it for the others. Flashback will reveal everything...eventually. Don't I always? LOL. Anyways...more laters...hope you like...dern it's late and I still have to read Keats in case there's a quiz. Poo. But I do like Keats. *glomps Keats* Nighty night loves.

Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 10-11-2005 at 05:18 AM.
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Old 10-11-2005, 01:46 PM   #230 (permalink)
Comet aka Fred
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Love yer update, and I'm not among the astute, so I'll have to keep reading (twist my arm)
Anyway, I'm glad you studied and I'm sure you did fine *pets Otts* and reading your assigned book, as well. I am impressed.
I did try to chat with you over the weekend but it just never happened. It was kind of fun in an evil, addicting way
So, when do you get that kiss?

Your flavour is strawberry. You're a sweet person and a Gryffindor at heart. You
see risks and know they are just another part of life. You are loyal
and hold your loved ones close, their happiness is your prize. ♥
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Old 10-11-2005, 06:20 PM   #231 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

Ottery Oh wow! That was a really good post! I know what you mean about things not going in the direction you expected at first. Writing is funny that way. The characters sometimes have minds of their own. But whatever you had planned, well this is a very interesting mystery... I most certainly do have my ideas... I won't be smug though. I'll enjoy waiting to find out!

Oh, and don't worry, I won't get in trouble at work! and I understand, no stress about getting all critical and stuff, but I would never not care about the fic! Hanging out is fun! But to me it's still about the story!


Last edited by Lissydove; 10-11-2005 at 06:22 PM.
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Old 10-11-2005, 07:39 PM   #232 (permalink)

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Hey Ottery love! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. I was preparing for my PSAT's which are tomorrow. o_o

Read the updates. LOVED it as I always do. Post more soon! <3
was this life a gift or a burden?
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Old 10-12-2005, 05:55 AM   #233 (permalink)
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Unhappy Trust me...what I wrote was boring me...and I was writing no update sorry.
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Kell hanging out with you and Lissy on the chat today was soooooooo much could someone give me a link to that thread Ty had me sign up in ... I wanna read the rules or whatever...I am seriously not dressing up as a banana. Lissy, you're too cool to wanna critique, but seriously... you're a mod can't do those things. LOL Where's the time for the chat? LOL I got your PM, and thank you and see? That's why I'd never be a good mod... I woulda spammed anyways. LOL Anyways...*glomps Si* I know you always read loves, and I always post for you, that's the deal but uhm...Good luck on your PSAT's, don't spazz you'll do good, it's the SAT's that really count anyways...hope you go to Harvard. *glomps* goes...update. On the same post...hope you all don't mind...cuz my connections being real slow. *kicks computer* Someday... *sighs*


Okay, false alarm. I just deleted everything I wrote because it blew chunks. Seriously bad stuff. I know what I want to do...but no if I start naming a character Duncan that's a bad sign...I'll be thinking of donuts the whole time. Sorry loves...better luck tomorrow I hope.
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Old 10-12-2005, 06:09 AM   #234 (permalink)

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No Prob Ottery!
Have fun with the Thugs! Use them well!

Love ya
The Royal Mob Boss Angel
Princess Thea
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Old 10-12-2005, 08:26 AM   #235 (permalink)
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The post blew chunks, did it? Ok, if you say so... *doubtful* hehe I had lots of fun in the GOF with my Otts and Nurse Kelly! Must do it again sometime! (See you tomorrow ) Buahahahaha! I'm glad you like the pics, though I doubt they were new to you. You are very sweet. But very naughty too... And I know I'm a mod now, but I can still make time for my Otts! ...and chat... hehe

Here is the thread you signed up for: SS GOF I'm fairly certain there are no banana suits involved... But I guess I shouldn't make promises...


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Old 10-12-2005, 06:53 PM   #236 (permalink)
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Gryffindor Update and SS is being slow.
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Okay let's try an update today since SS is being majorly slow and it's probably some stupid movie pics. At this rate they'll post the whole *insert evilness here* movie and I'll just print them out at the school and if you flip them fast enough you'll have seen the whole movie without sound. Like a flip book. Seriously, it's not that far away...I want the movie not more stupid, bloody pics. *sighs* Whatever. No one listens to me anyways. *pouts*

Okay, so I have to psyche myself up...want this to be a happy post...even if I can't chat.

*thinking whimsical thoughts* And remember...nothing truly matters.


Chapter Two: The Whimsy of Being Angry...(T:Why? O: Because I bloody well feel like it! T: :evillaugh You're finally coming to the dark side... O: Oh shut it bear!)

Ruben woke up early in the morning, before the other boys had had a chance to get up, earlier than the birds really whose incessant songs were missing, and before the sun, as the sky was still dark and cloudy in the predawn light. He was trying to avoid Ottery, trying to clear up his mind, and trying very hard not to be angry at the boy for having just up and disappeared when he had. Ruben had been worried for the longest time that Ottery had been kidnapped by the witchhunters, that he had been caught by the Gestapo, or the Fascits, Ottery had always had a fascination with the idea of absolute power, and Ruben would not put it past him to go and join Mussolini's army. The boy just could not look at anything seriously, he could not look at anything objectively, for all their experiences, for all their maturity, Otts really was just the same little boy he had known in Mexico. Ruben grabbed his cloak and with an extravagant swirl tied it around his neck.

"Where you goin'?" A bleary eyed David asked, as he rose up in his bed. His

"Never you mind, just go back to bed," Ruben said. It had fallen on his shoulders to carry the burden of the responsabilities.

It was then he noticed the prone figure of Ottery lying face down next to David, over the covers of course (T: You're a sly one Otts O: Shut Up! It wasn't like that at all.) David smiled weakly through his drowsiness, he didn't need to explain, they were both very familiar with Ottery's nightmares. They would come unexpectedly and plagued him with restless sleep. His teddy bear lay on the floor next to David's bed where it had fallen.

"You'd think he would have outgrown this by now," Ruben replied and walked out of the room angrily.

David ran his hands through Ottery's hair and sat back on the bed watching him sleep. He mumbled in his sleep, the boy wasn't very good at keeping secrets.


"Nice of you to join us Mel," Ottery said sarcastically, as he spotted a yawning Melissa, dragging her book bag behind her. She dropped the strap of her bag and sat down across from him, yawning widely at him. "Minty fresh, thank god for that at least."

David smacked Ottery on the arm (T: Manners Ottery, manners. *Teddy burps* O: Yes Ms. Ettiquette) and tried to give him an angry look, but to Ottery he looked rather cute trying to pout with a slice of buttered toast hanging from his mouth. Besides which David could never be angry only annoyed and even if he had been Ottery was too happy to be back with him to notice. So the dark haired boy merely smiled back happily as he took a bite out of his toast and went back to picking on Mel.

"So sleepyhead, you reconsidered joining the squad?" Ottery asked. "If you do you know, you'll have to go through this whole hazing thing tar, and feathers, and chicken livers and goldfish and stuff. Gotta do everything we say and all that and after that if you do get in there's the isn't all fun and games you know?" He smiled evilly as he finished, "At least not for you."

Melissa took a long whiff of the steaming cup of coffee she was holding and smiled at Ottery, it seemed to him that when she opened her eyes that it had been for the first time that day.

"You were saying something otter?" She asked, oblivious to everything he had said before.

"Yeah, how happy I am to see you," he answered sarcastically as he took a bite from his toast. It would be just like her to let a good insult go unheard. "You know, I've got half a mind to..." Before he could finish though David had stuffed a rolled up pancake in his mouth. Ottery turned to look at him.

"We're having pancakes for breakfast. They're your favorites. Want some syrup?" David asked, offering Ottery the jug of strawberry syrup. Ottery smiled in defeat and shook his head. It was really too early in the morning to start the fireworks and it was going to be such a long day anyways, his first day back.

At the far end of the table a redhaired first year, got up giving his friends a, just-wait-and-see kind of look, as they made cutting remarks. He stood up, took a deep breath, straightened his robes and started walking towards them. David noticed him when the redheaded boy sat down across from him, next to Melissa, who had just gotten her copy of the Daily Prophet and was unrolling it. She turned and smiled politely at the boy then started reading her paper. He smiled at Melissa then looked back at his friends who were leering. He had taken her acknowledgement as a good sign. He cleared his throat and Ottery looked up. The boy had the most brilliant head of red hair he had ever seen, and the cutest freckles, but he did not know who he was.

The boy started to pull down the paper and he found Melissa glaring at him. As a general rule Melissa never woke up before her first cup of coffee and when she was reading the newspapers--a NY Times, a London Times and a few other Muggle newspapers lay in front her--you did not speak to her on pain of having your head bit off.

"Yes what is it?" She snapped. She had been expecting Ottery. (T: O: We had a special kind of relationship...*pouts*)

"I though you should know...Heaven must be missing an angel...because there's one here right now."

Melissa blinked at him. It had been the last thing she expected. Ottery snorted his milk through his nose, while David next to him smiled at the first years audacity.

"That's nice loves, but Germany's invading France, if you haven't heard. That's a little more pressing news to me. Ottery wipe your face," she said throwing the dark haired boy a gold cloth napkin, to stop him from laughing more than because she cared what he looked like covered in milk.

"I'm Oli Weasley," the first year said undaunted, "and you're Melissa Manchester."

"Looks like you've got an admirer," David said, but quieted at Melissa's nasty glare.

"Mel? An admirer? Impossible." Ottery interjected as he wiped his face, "He probably wants to sign up for the quidditch team, you're a bit little aren't you, Oli?"

"Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" Mel complained having not missed Ottery's remark.

"No use asking your name," Oli replied. "The King Class Clown himself."

"My reputation prceeds me." Ottery said jokingly to David.

"Goofball," the boy said under his breath as he turned away. He took Melissa's hands in his.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeey!" Melissa said, surprised (T: Expecting Ottery was she? O: I'm going to kill you bear ).

"I love you," the little boy said, winking up at her, "Just thought you ought to know."

"Okay, I think I've had my fill of romance for today," Ottery said as he got up to leave.

"Otts, don't you dare," Mel threatened. "Don't leave me here with the midget."

"David and I have to...uhm talk," Ottery said as he pulled his friend up off his chair. "C'mon."

They walked out and left Melissa and her suitor together.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" David asked.

Ottery grinned mischievously, and shrugged. Getting revenge on Melissa was definately going to be a fun thing.
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:31 PM   #237 (permalink)

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that was a cool long post,yay.
SS is really annoying now though, it takes like ten minutes to load a page.
there will be dark days ahead, when you feel all alone...
that's when hope is needed most. No matter how lost you feel
______________________hold on to hope and keep it alive
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Old 10-13-2005, 02:28 AM   #238 (permalink)
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Dearest Ottery! Awesome post!! Worth the wait too! As always! Looking forward to what you have in store for Mel..

It's actually very funny, I said something very similar about all the pics from GOF the other day! We almost have seen the whole movie now! *grins* You still have my brain. I listen to you.

So, I'm also looking for my little Weatherby... Does he still come in here...?

Oh Weatherby...


I am wretched tired today. Worked last night. So *yawn* I'll talk to you tomorrow my dear!

Loves you,

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Old 10-13-2005, 08:01 AM   #239 (permalink)

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Nice update ottery!
I love Melissa! She is soo cool!
Of course I am a bit partial. My best friend in the whole worlds name is Melissa!
Hope you are having fun with the thugs!
Did I mention that they cook and clean too?? Comes in handy!
Princess Thea
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Old 10-13-2005, 03:01 PM   #240 (permalink)
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Quote:'re all knowing? Quick, what's the meaning of life? LOL If you've got that one solved everything else is cake. Yummy cake. I wanna piece if it's chocolate. LOL Or carrot.
It would have to be chocolate. I mean, what's better than chocolate? lol. And sure u can have a piece. lol. *hands chocolate to the Captin*

lolz for the last post. Is this Oli Ron's great, great, great, grandson? Or his son? Or...ok. I just realized I have no idea if yer story takes place after or before Harry...Before? I think, what with the years...So Oli could be Ron's great, great, great, uncle? lol. Post soon!
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Old 10-13-2005, 05:23 PM   #241 (permalink)
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Lightbulb Replies...hopefully followed by an update but no promises...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Thank you Ali...and yes, the slowdowns are kind of lame. See? Popularity sucks.
Lissy we've swapped brains...OMG! There's no one else's brains I'd rather have...except maybe Einstein but then I'd never sleep from knowing too much...can I have the president's brains then I'd never worry about anything because I wouldn't know anything... *fires the cannons* :evillaugh
Hey Thea...*Ottery's got the thugs doing laundry* don't mix the colors with the whites...
Silly's 1940 something or other...Oli is Ron's Grandad...sort off...according to the Lexicon HP takes place in the 80's so...technically Arthur and Molly would have been going to see "A Hard Day's Night" at the Muggle cinema while they were the 40's next stop...the 60's where Ottery joins the Mod Squad... :evillaugh
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Old 10-13-2005, 05:49 PM   #242 (permalink)
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Talking Class soon...and things hopefully get more interesting...
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The Following post contains elements of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. If you haven't read that...then don't read here...

*In Pirate talk* There Be Spoilers Here Y'aaaaaarrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.- Goodbye reason and continuity...any discrepancies with the timeline or anything to do with HP, tough.


"I can't believe Dumbledore is doing this. Doesn't he know Professor Slughorn's having another one of his parties? I'm going to miss it," Ottery grumbled, as he walked back to the Common Room with his fellow Gryffindors to drop off his books and enjoy what was left of the cool afternoon.

"You were invited Ottery?" Melissa asked skeptically.

"" Ottery started looking at anything but Mel's evil glare. She had known the answer, there were very few secrets at Hogwarts Castle that involved Ottery...(T: Mainly because he couldn't keep his own mouth shut. O:Thank you for sharing Teddy... ) as he was constantly in the line of fire with one Professor or another, and he was constantly being reprimanded or put in detention for something or other. He always managed to be a topic of interest...mainly how it was that he managed never to get expelled.

"David got invited," Ruben said, joining in the conversation, though he was still not happy with Ottery, but he was warming up to his presence, at least.

"So you're dragging Ottery along as a favor, then?" Melissa replied smugly. "Aren't you the sweetest friend."

"Who said he was dragging me? Besides I..."

David yanked Ottery's arm and turned him around. The boy was blushing furiously, and looking at the floor. Ruben had an angry look on his face as he stared at the dark-haired boy, clearly annoyed with Ottery's lack of discretion.

"Seriously Ottery why would you want to be with that group of stuck-up gits, anyways?" Melissa threw back a little too quickly, the jealousy was dripping from her tone of voice.

"Spoken like a true malcontent," a familiar serpentine voice seemed to hiss from the shadows.

"Tom." Ottery said surprised, not expecting the boy to walk out of the shadows.

"Riddle." Melissa threw back a little more pointedly. It was obvious that she bore no love for the boy.
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:02 PM   #243 (permalink)
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Gar... You know I be lovin' updates... Arrr... And there be spoilers you say? What limey bilge rat hasn't read the book by now, me wonders? Gar... Please, don't get me started.. you should have seen me on International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Great update! And Riddle!! This is getting better and better! I should have guessed he'd make an appearence! And good ole Slughorn!

Photographic evidence:


Loves ya!

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Old 10-13-2005, 07:28 PM   #244 (permalink)

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Bahahah Slughorn cracks me up! Loved the update! My PSAT'S killed me yesterday. *brain hurts*

Post more soon lovely! <3
was this life a gift or a burden?
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Old 10-13-2005, 10:54 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Exclamation NOTE: This fic is not planned, and neither are any posts..they're all top of my head
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

*glomps the girls* No time for replies loves...I'm going to make this quick!


"You've obviously never been invited Melissa." The Slytherin boy replied. "No surprise there though, with your tragic potions, and your even weaker charms," he remarked acidly.

"But I'm wonderful at Transfiguration. I'd show you but I can't turn you into an donkey, since you already are one," (T: That's not how she said it... O: But that's what she meant loves. ) the girl threw back smoothly.

Ottery could see a flash of anger in the boy's eyes, but his face did not show any emotion. The boy was trouble, Ottery knew, which is why he had always tried to keep a cordial attitude with was best to have friends from both sides of the tracks...enemies could never help you.

"Tom, you're one of Sluggo's uhm...I mean Professor Slughorn's group?"

The boy nodded, ignoring the girl's remark. Melissa for her part, turned away and started up the stairs. Ottery stayed behind.

"Aren't you going to the Club tonight David?" Tom asked the brown-haired boy, but before he could answer there was a yell from the top of the stairway.

"Hey you lot, hurry it up. Meeting in Dumbledore's office!" It was Oli Weasley.

At that moment, Ottery wanted to do nothing more than to strangle the boy, but he couldn't have known he was talking to Tom, from where he was at the top of the curving staircase you could not see the Slytherin boy.

"Professor Dumbledore is starting his own club?" Riddle asked, and Ottery smiled disarmingly, he could see the flash of curiosity and dangerous menace lurking behind Tom's eyes.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Smallville.

Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 10-14-2005 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 10-14-2005, 02:48 PM   #246 (permalink)
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Dearest Ottery,

Great post, my sweet! I know you were in a hurry, but when you can - I need more!!! I can't wait to see where this goes Especially now that Tom is in the mix...


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Old 10-14-2005, 04:00 PM   #247 (permalink)
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Hey Ottie. I luvz u too, and... I'M BACK! Yeah, I'm going to read as much as I can right now... but class might end soon. I'll see if your on later on... I'll most likly get on tonight. Guess what... I'm all happy go lucky today. Anyways, TTYL... mucho amor, besos y abrasos... muah!


PS. Sorry, didn't know that it wouldnt show... it was darker on my computer, but now that I'm reading it now on here... that is major light... sorry...

Dance is in your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing.
Its the rhythm of your life. Its the expression in time and movement.
In happiness, joy, sadness, and envy.
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Old 10-14-2005, 07:23 PM   #248 (permalink)
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Gryffindor This post lovingly, and respectfully dedicated to my LissyLove, just cuz
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

LissyLove you know I love you...
Si, I'd never ignore you...except I wasn't feeling well loves, and I'm still not.
Lottie. I was only kidding, you post what you like however you like. I'm just glad you're here. *doubleglomps*
Let's see if I can update, okay?


"Who said anything about a club?" Ottery remarked trying to play innocent, sadly a skill he never acquired.

"Unlike your Head of House of Riddle, Dumbledore doesn't discriminate amongst his students," Melissa threw back.

"Look, we've all of us got detention for mouthing off. Well Melissa was the one doing all the mouthing really," Ottery remarked, laughing as he walked up to her at the stairs and pinched her, the yelp keeping her from replying. "We've really got to go Tom, I'll tell you about it later," the boy remarked, as he pushed the reluctant girl up the stairs.

It was when they were all gathered at the landing at the top of the stairs that Melissa turned around and slapped Ottery hard across the face.

"That's for pinching me sailor, next time you want to get so friendly you better ask a lady first," she replied, an angry look on her face.

"He wouldn't have had to slap you if you could keep your enormously large trap shut!" Ruben suddenly said, unleashing his anger on Melissa.

"Hey, watch it scrub." Oli exclaimed as he got in front of the fifth year Gryffindor.

"Are you okay?" David asked Ottery.

"Yeah, I guess I was asking for it."

Amidst all the yelling and arguing there was a soft flash of light that caused them all to stop.

"If it's all very well with you lot, I'd like to have this meeting in my office and not out in the hallways," their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher exclaimed quietly.


Chapter 3: "It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine"

"You're cracked if you think I'm going to work with these two." Ottery exclaimed loudly, meaning Oliver and Melissa.

Melissa was standing up in seconds and face to face with Ottery, "As if I'd want to have anything to do with you. You scruffy, little, egotistical, megalomanical, pompous..." (T: Why can't we post the rest Otts? O: Because this isn't HBO Teddy *sighs* ).

"Want me to hex his a--" Oliver had started to say, his wand in hand, but stopped when Dumbledore cleared his throat, at which sound everyone became quiet.

"Acid pops anyone?" The professor asked, making a bowl full of them appear on his desk.

"I would, but I need my tongue right now." Ottery exclaimed, crossing his arms angrily and turning his back on all of them.

David took a handful and put them in his pocket, he knew Ottery would want some when he calmed down enough. He offered one to Melissa who gave him a disbelieving look.

"Are you asking me to shut up?" She asked ready for another fight, Ruben replied...and sure enough it was begun.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. On the spot kind of stuff...not much room for editing. Let me know if this is boring anyone...I wanted a car chase scene but not yet... Seriously...loads of action coming up. I hope.
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Old 10-14-2005, 07:30 PM   #249 (permalink)

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Bwhahahah loved the update! *MAJOR glompage to Ottery* Post more soon lovely <3
was this life a gift or a burden?
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Old 10-14-2005, 07:46 PM   #250 (permalink)

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Hahaha Loved the Update!
So totally cool!
*glomps ottery*
Hmm a car chase scene? Niceee lol
Princess Thea
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