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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 03-16-2008, 08:13 AM   #51 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Originally Posted by cake.ninjak View Post
I am totally loving the encyclopedia. Issy is quite the organized one!
She tries to be. It's easier to keep track of things. And she feels a need to be in control. I've always wanted to make one of my own, for my friends. rofl

Originally Posted by DumbledoRO View Post
Omigosh, wow.

I must compliment you on 1) this was an amazing, brilliant idea; 2) it's hilarious; and 3) it's really, really well written.

Makes me ALMOST wish I were a Ravenclaw.

Keep writing more!
Awwwwwwww Wow! Thank you SO much ^^

1.) :3 Thanks. I'm trying to do my best while keeping it in Issy's own voice and all. Heehee.

2.) Yaay humor. I haven't really had a humorous character prior, but her friends certainly help.

3.) Again, awww thanks! ^^;;

You so know you wanna join the 'Claws. We party hardy, y0 ;] Ravencalws are alluring.

Originally Posted by pgspickles View Post
Greatttttt entry Ashsicle. Keep it up.

I"M NOT CONTROLLING! *puts tap eon Callie's mouth*
Heehee. Thank you dahlink ^____________^

-pets Callie- Accept your flaws, sweetie. They make you who you are.

Originally Posted by ErinElizabeth View Post
I'm quite pleased that Aiden has SOME future.

Great work, BrainTwinneh. As I've said before, you've got writing skeeelz.
ROFL Why wouldn't he? Heehee. Aiden is a good friend to Issy, even if she doesn't show it well.

^______^ Thanks. :3

Writing is like, my ONLY skeel.

Originally Posted by Faerilicious View Post

I WOULD! I think it would be hilarious. xD
Zyra totally agrees with me. =D


I loved this one too ... specially the encyclopedia. xD

LOL. *waits for your reply* Mine was on the 80th page in the lake. xD
Poor Issy. Everyone wants to turn her into a zombie again. Heehee. I'll admit, yeah, it'd be cute for Issy to realize that, holy crap she has feelings for Samson. But at this moment, they're not so much feelings. He intrigues her and all.

The encyclapedia was fun to write! Heehee ^_________^

Originally Posted by Harmonizer View Post

That Library Corner one was another moment, I'm sure

Yay for Samssy having more moments!

Eh. I love the encyclopedia. I love Aithely's part. And Gavin's. Lol. xD

That's Samson right there. Lol. :/

Until the fight, yeah. The Library Corners moment lead to the fight, I think o: Ack!

But Moments are Moments and that's what matters ;] RAWR

Gavin completely amuses Issy. He really does. She thinks Samson has some good choice in friends. ^____^

Originally Posted by ~*just_me(lily_evans)*~ View Post

O__o I'm impressed. I didn't think Juni was important enough to be mentioned that many times. *applause* and GoGoGo Issy for not having the whole diary being about Samson. She's getting (slightly) better.

That, Ashireklie, is hilarious. That's all I have to say. The actual event, only slightly funny. Issy's description? *diesoflaughter*

Her birthday? She never did anything about it! What happened to the cupcake party suggestion?

What? She doesn't know what year Samson is? She needs to ask him, then! Poor Issy is head-over-heals lovesick. Well, not head-over-heals, but she definitely has a major crush on him. I do hope they get together, they'd be so cute.
Of COURSE Juni is. She's only one of Issy's best Hogwarts friends. ^____^ Plus, she can only talk about Samson so much. ;]

Juni so got her own entry. It was too great a moment to NOT mention. rofl ^_____^ Issy was WAY freaked out by that. WAY!

Yeah. =/ I uh, didn't realize the Timeline and missed her birthday. Decided she was too down about receiving nothing from her father to celebrate. :3 Hehe

And NOPE! She's never caught Samson's year OR age. Never really struck her to be so important.

Psssttt. I hope they get together, too. ;] ROFL

Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady View Post
ZOMGGGG. YAYS! I looove Issy! *Huggles her*

I think I'm going to make Cora adopt her. Bahahahaaa!





Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Awwww... Those two are defo going to get together veeeeeery soon I tell you And if not, they'll be poking their heads for taking so long to accept their feelings XD

LOLz at what she said about Aithley Rude and mean girl XD Oh Lord. I bet Aith would get Issy on her side with some of her cooking though
LOL You think so? I bet it'll take them some time. What with Samson's girl phobia and Issy's insistance that she doesn't like him. Haha. And I'm so waiting for them to just get to the kind of frienship where Samson will randomly hug her. OMIGOODIEGUMDROPS!

I realize - Aith has NEVER met the real Issy. o________O

Originally Posted by griffin_girl View Post
LOVE THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA! Mallory must meet up with Issy... wonder what she'll think of my Mal.

Robert Frost! Ack. I love his poems! Aww...that poem totally fits them. Someone who is totally falling in love with someone else even though the someone claims that her heart is locked!

LoL....Samson causes whiplash!

awesome chapter! I so love how this is going!
=D Encyclapedia seems to be the winner of this entry Hurrah for brilliant schemes. xD rofl ^^;;

They'll have to meet up sometime soon, yes.

Robert Frost - the crack just made me giggle. Silly ol' Samson. e.e. cummings is my favorite though, and Harmonizer found the most PERFECT poem for them. One day, Issy will write it into her journal for you guys

He certainly does! Haha. ^^

Thank you MUCHLY ^____^

Originally Posted by eric_2007al_2006 View Post
*New reader*
Awesome story. I'm addicted already. Keep up the great work.
I LOVE new readers! Thank you! I'm glad to have addicted you ;]

Originally Posted by cake.ninjak View Post
*thirsts for an update*
Soooorrry. I'd gotten WAY busy. :3

Originally Posted by ErinElizabeth View Post
*thirsts alongside Kelviebear*

-points to the next post-

Originally Posted by Faerilicious View Post
... *prods Ashlie*
-types frantically-

Originally Posted by Harmonizer View Post
PATIENCE my little dahlings. A lot of things are happening, and I'm sure 'Shriee has an awesome new journal entry soon. Teehee I can't wait! =D
It's crazy long. I procrastinated a LOOOOONG time. But we've got some goodies in here

Originally Posted by Evster View Post
I heard on the rumor mill that Ashlie had writer's block.

... but I'm with Jakie. happens.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 03-16-2008, 08:14 AM   #52 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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November {Noe} Franze
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September 19
[9:03 pm]

Samson is a pompous pig head.

He’s stupid, thinks he’s better than everyone else, and acts like a know it all. And he’s infuriating and drives me crazy in the worst way. WORST.

I’m so sick of him.


September 21
[9:27 pm]

Ran into Gavin today and we had a long, really interesting talk. Mostly, we discussed mine and Samson’s fight the other day, and how Gavin thinks I intimidate him. Samson, that is. It was a weird idea, but he thinks that’s why Samson gets so weird with me sometimes. I donno, personally, but it’s an interesting guess, and all.

The most interesting part of the conversation, though, was when we discussed his family and how he doesn’t believe in wishes or wishing stars and my abundance of hope and stuff. I wish he would, though, because Gavin seems to be an incredible person, if he’d just allow himself to chance it with others.

Either way, he cheered me up and made me happy. And that, I think, is what matters.

At least for me, it is.


September 26
[8:27 pm]

I want to go home. I miss home so very much.

I’m tired of Hogwarts.

I’m tired of people.

I’m tired of this.

It smells like peppermint.

I don’t want to see him see him ever again.

I don’t want to see them ever again.

I want to go home.


[9:32 pm]

Note to self: Talk to the odd silver haired boy from the Common Room.

Zero. He tried to cheer me up earlier

He seemed nice and seemed to know it was a boy and that I’d had a fight. He could probably tell I’d been crying, too. But… he was nice and that meant a lot.


[11:34 pm]

For reference. It was Aiden who found me there. I felt bad, because I think he thought I didn’t trust him. Really, I just didn’t want to talk about it and couldn’t explain it and him caring and being there and MinkyPinky licking my face only made me cry harder and I wanted to hide and never been seen again. Maybe I should have properly thanked him, but I just feel really… empty now. Hollow. How strange a feeling.


September 28
[1:13 pm]

Daddy wrote back, finally. He didn’t say too much.

I didn’t expect him to.


October 1
[4:39 pm]

There’s so little to write about any longer.

I stay in the room most of the time.

It’s the only place I really feel… safe.

He hates me.

I want to avoid them.

I need to avoid them.


October 4
[1:59 am]

Dear Tellie,

Something’s not write. I can tell. Your letters seem formal and fake and they don’t sound like you. I can help, you know that. You can tell me anything. What’s wrong? Did you get into a fight? Did something happen with one of your friends and you? Are you having trouble in school?

You’re not being yourself, Tellie. You’re trying too hard.

Just tell me whatever’s wrong, Tellie. I won’t tell anyone. I always keep your secrets.

Much love,


October 7
[2:45 pm]

I’ve decided.

I’m burning his coat.

Maybe that will cure my zombie phase.


[3:02 pm]

I didn’t burn it.

I couldn’t have, even if I tired. It’s against the rules, for one and secondly, despite the fight, despite the day he made me cry and left me bawling, despite all of that and my inability to be around him, I would have felt guilty. And I don’t do so well with guilt. Really, it might be one of my least favorite emotions or feelings.

The main reason, though, is because I ran into Samson.

Or. He ran into me, rather.

He didn’t seem happy to find that I’d been planning to burn his coat and I suppose I can understand that, after all. I’d hate for him to burn something of mine, just because he wanted to rid me of his life. Which doesn’t seem the case, but I’ll get that in a bit.

I apologized to him for meeting him. Because, I was so certain he hated me and so certain that he didn’t like me around and couldn’t stand to be near me. It seemed that I annoyed him and he thought I was childish, that he disliked me greatly. So, I told him I was sorry for meeting him and for bothering him.

And then he said, and I remember it very clearly, because it was shocking and took me by surprise: "What... what're you thinking? Why do you, you know, keep saying that I'm happier not talking to you and that you're sorry you met me and that I hate you? Is that what you really think?" He wasn’t looking at me, even though I was watching him and then, really quietly, he added “Y’know it isn’t true.”

And, for the first time in what felt like years, I felt actual emotions. Lately I’ve felt so… empty and hollow and like there’s nothing inside. As if I was this shell who’d stopped feeling things. There were so many thoughts and emotions in that moment and I felt all confused and murky and muddled. Like I was a big tangled web of feelings and thoughts and I didn’t recognize them or know what belonged with what.

And then all my words came out messy. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking and they just came out. They were jumbled, “I thought you disliked me, you always yelled, it just seemed you couldn’t stand me”. On and on I babbled.

Finally, I got some sense and thanked him. For letting me use his coat, and apologized for being an annoying brat.

He told me to go fix myself.

When I got back to the dorm, I checked my reflection in the mirror and realized I didn’t even look like myself. My hair is a mess and I have these dark circles under my eyes and I think I’ve been wearing this same outfit for two days. It was scary.

I cannot believe I’ve let myself waste away so much, all over a boy and a fight.

I think things are getting better.


October 9
[2:20 pm]

Just got back from the weirdest lunch ever.

This girl flounced up to the table and I think she tried flirting with Samson. And it bugged me, cos Samson hates when people do stuff like that and had been in a really, really good mood. Like, he was being friendly and playful with me and stuff. Plus, it was really unnerving to hear him flirting back, even if it was a joke. It seemed like he was joking, at least.

My favorite Samson is the happy, good-mood Samson and a girl pressing in on that was not on my agenda for the day.

There was one part of their conversation that really struck a nerve with me. At least, what the girl said, not what Samson said.

She mentioned “that girl at the gates”. And I knew right away she meant me. Something about “I wouldn’t interrupt what was going on with the girl at the gates” and added something about hoping he didn’t turn his charm on or “she wouldn’t be around long.”

Which was really confusing.

But Samson’s response was the best. It completely made up for everything. The library. Us fighting. Our scene at the gate. All of my tears. And the lingering scent of peppermint. Everything was made up, simply by him replying “As for the ‘girl at the gates’, I think she’s gonna be around for as long as you can. Maybe even longer. She’s a good girl.”

And then he looked at me. He smiled.

And I know. Everything between us is going to be amazing and well.

Then I interrupted their conversation, basically telling the girl to stop making a fool of herself and putting Samson in a bad mood and that yes, he does indeed have friends and I felt amazing and my stomach fluttered because it’s been forever since I’ve done something like that.

But I felt bad right away, because I think I really did upset the girl. She apologized and I think she meant it and she air kissed me and then she said it was really dreadful meeting us and then she ran off.

I feel like an awful person.


October 10
[1:43 pm]

I feel like I’ve been a really rotten friend. Especially to Juni.

We caught up in the Common Room and she was so incredibly sweet. She asked if I was okay and I know she didn’t mean it in a bad way. It meant a lot that she asked me.

I missed her a lot when I was a zombie.

I think she’s one of my best friends here.

We also found a boy we’ve never seen here at school before. That was certainly interesting. More on him, later.


[Author's Note] Another update may show soon. I'm not even caught up, yet, on Issy's timeline. So, be on the look out for more, alright? Lots of cute stuff to come soon. Heehee. VIVA LA FLUFFEH!
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 03-16-2008, 04:57 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Awww... I just adore Issy. She's the cutest thing ever and I can't get tired of saying it *snickers* I loved her reaction to the fight with Samson and the fact that she seems to write more when the two of them are alright only makes her more adorable ^^

Gweat, gweat, gweat work Aswie!

*glues self to thread and waits for more*
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna
try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It
was real. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made
friends here. That's a part of us.
Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our
kids come here one day.
That's the thing about
No matter
how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
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Old 03-16-2008, 11:35 PM   #54 (permalink)
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awww...Samson and Issy made up!

ha! I so knew it was Zero when the hair was described and I was right! Issy's descriptions of people are too cute, I love her! dude, dude...ZombIssy! [/corny]

that girl [whoever it was] got so pwned! poor her...but still...PWNED!
x Celandine x Daphne x Garret x Jillian x

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Old 03-18-2008, 03:11 AM   #55 (permalink)

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Aweee. Samsy ship need to get back on track.

Porr Issy. Maybe Callie needs to come along and cheer her up, you know. Where her hair the same frizzy way something like that.

Against the grain should be a way of life
;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;

RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC
♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥
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Old 03-18-2008, 04:31 AM   #56 (permalink)

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was this life a gift or a burden?
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Old 03-18-2008, 07:45 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Yaaay for Samssy making up :3

Aww. But 'Shriee hasn't included the REST OF THE FLUFF.


-flails about-

Can't wait, dahling. :33
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Old 03-18-2008, 07:59 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Of course her little meeting with Sabrina is like ... totally forgotten. We didn't even finish the conversation. You forgot to reply.

Aaah well. *le sigh*

“As for the ‘girl at the gates’, I think she’s gonna be around for as long as you can. Maybe even longer. She’s a good girl.”

*giggles* ZOMG! Samson is SOOO cute. I totally have a crush on the older Samson already (although he isn't there yet).

... Who was the girl? Who was he talking to?
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Old 03-18-2008, 08:15 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Woot! As usual, I loved it. Keep up the hilarity!
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Old 03-23-2008, 03:54 PM   #60 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Awww... I just adore Issy. She's the cutest thing ever and I can't get tired of saying it *snickers* I loved her reaction to the fight with Samson and the fact that she seems to write more when the two of them are alright only makes her more adorable ^^

Gweat, gweat, gweat work Aswie!

*glues self to thread and waits for more*
Heehee! ^^;; I love it, when people keep telling me how cute she is. Because she is! -flails- She's so unintentionally cute and it makes me squee and love writing her all the more. :3

Part of the reason she wrote less when they were fighting, though is... she had nothing to write. That'll be revealed soon, though. =]

Glad you liked it ^____^

And here, you are, more!

Originally Posted by griffin_girl View Post
awww...Samson and Issy made up!

ha! I so knew it was Zero when the hair was described and I was right! Issy's descriptions of people are too cute, I love her! dude, dude...ZombIssy! [/corny]

that girl [whoever it was] got so pwned! poor her...but still...PWNED!
ZOMBISSY! Is cute! rofl

They did make up ^_____^ I was happy with that, too. :3 Issy without Samson is like Peanut Butter without Jelly. Oreos without milk. Hermione Granger without Ron Weasley

Aye aye! Zero! He was nice and tried to cheer her up.

Lexia Black's character, who's name I'm blanking on. She was great to "fight" with, though. Amazing RPer.

Originally Posted by pgspickles View Post
Aweee. Samsy ship need to get back on track.

Porr Issy. Maybe Callie needs to come along and cheer her up, you know. Where her hair the same frizzy way something like that.

Heehee. It's so much more back on track than every before Heehee.

Poor Issy had a real suck time with that little fight. =/ Ahhh well. My trooper pulled through. Yaaay!


Originally Posted by dracocutie89 View Post


YOUR SHIP IS STILL ALIVE! =P They just hit an iceberg. Unlike the Titanic, though, they're tough and made it through. -firm nod-

Originally Posted by Harmonizer View Post
Yaaay for Samssy making up :3

Aww. But 'Shriee hasn't included the REST OF THE FLUFF.


-flails about-

Can't wait, dahling. :33
The rest of the fluff doesn't even make it into the NEXT update! -flails-

So much else has been happening. And I had to span like, three months. @.@ Heehee.

YAAAAAY for them making up, yes yes! ^_______^

-flails with you and rapidly posts-

Originally Posted by Faerilicious View Post
Of course her little meeting with Sabrina is like ... totally forgotten. We didn't even finish the conversation. You forgot to reply.

Aaah well. *le sigh*

*giggles* ZOMG! Samson is SOOO cute. I totally have a crush on the older Samson already (although he isn't there yet).

... Who was the girl? Who was he talking to?
Naaaah, I just had to keep moving stuff, cos my timeline is wonky and I had to get from October to January. =/ It's actually in this next update! Heehee.

I know. =/ I'm sorry >.< That was during a horribly busy week for me

LMFAO! -covers Issy's ears- Older!Samson, eh? o: I haven't met him. Just SlightlyOlder!Samson. And Jealous!Samson who I DO adore xD

The girl at the gates? Issy. Samson and Issy were fighting at the gates - she told him to go away and he told her he didn't have to and she said something to the extent of "If you dislike me so much why are you hanging around?" And she was starting to cry. So he left, but first he left his coat with her.

Originally Posted by cake.ninjak View Post
Woot! As usual, I loved it. Keep up the hilarity!
^_____^ She is, by far, the most hilarious of my RP charries. Thankies! ^____^

Anyway. The next update is split into two pieces, because, to keep up with the SS RP timeline, I had to cross from early October to January. And it turns out it was getting loooong. So I split it into two pieces, ending this bit with Christmas Holidays. :3

So, there's no fluffehs in this one but you know. =P It's still cute and silly. ^____^ Heehee. Enjoy!
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 03-23-2008, 03:55 PM   #61 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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October 17
[9:25 pm]


Classes are getting harder with so much more homework. I think it’s because Christmas holidays are nearing and there’s so much the Professors need to cram in. My head feels dizzy from all the homework and I’ve decided that I quite dislike Arithmancy, as I expected, and Potions certainly is no easy feat.

Perhaps I’ll talk to Samson, maybe he can help me figure it all out. He’s brilliant at Potions, so he claims.


October 19
[4:32 pm]

Alarming signs are up in all of the corridors.

Missing students?


How do students simply go… missing?


October 25
[10:32 am]

Apparently, there are rumours going around about the missing students. Something about food and drink from Hogsmeade but I haven’t made the connection itself, to be honest. What would it have to do with students disappearing?

I’ve also heard rumours (Ravenclaws tend to speak loudly) about transformations into animals. Honestly? The very idea is absurd – animagai are really rare, Daddy told me, and these are very sudden. It’s impossible to just… become an animagus. He told me it takes years of “extensive” training. (Yay for a new word!)

Either way, something is going on at Hogwarts and it isn’t normal.

If we weren’t so busy, I’d talk to Juni about it.


Dear Bells,

No, all the students becoming animagi seems quite impossible. Preposterous, really. Becoming an animagus takes years and years of extensive training and practice, and then they all have to register though the Ministry of Magic. Many people don’t manage to become one – the list is very short and very, very few minors have ever accomplished it. If you want, I could forward to you a list of these people and you can check for any of your students.

Have you spoken to Headmistress Rae about the missing students?

Try not to get worked up, Bells. You’ve a good head upon your shoulder and I know very well you can take care of yourself. Just watch your back and try not to travel alone. I trust that you can take good care of yourself.

If you need more help, just write me.

Love you very much,
Raphael “Daddy” Cortella


October 30
[6:13 pm]

Such a nice day today that I had to take a break. Daddy warned me not to travel alone but Juni was busy reading something (a plant book, this time) and I felt the urge to go outside. It wasn’t really warm but it certainly wasn’t as cold as it’d been lately, so I went out by the lake to walk around and see if I could catch sight of the Giant Squid.

Instead, I ran into that friend of Samson’s, Sabrina.

And she remembered me as the girl who fell on him in the Common Room.

Ag! She wore one of those knowing smirking smiles, too, which made me feel all weird and blushy. We wound up chatting for a bit, though. She’s really nice. :] It was a nice, fun little talk, but I had to get going and finish up an essay for potions. Ew. I feel positive that I’m mucking it all up.

On that note.

Back to homework. Ew.


November 3
[6:30 pm]

Today was Nettie’s birthday, so I sent her a couple new books and a basket of… Honeyduke’s more conventional candies and snacks. Can you imagine explaining to her why her Chocolate Frog jumped away before she could bite it? No chance risking that!

Speaking of candy, I received a package from home filled with candy for Halloween. Lots of Cadbury’s (Daddy knows they’re my favorite chocolates), some KitKats, Frys peppermint Cream (mmm I’ve missed those!), a dozen Kinder surprise (my favorite beside Cadbury. Plus they have trinkets!), Jelly Babies, licorice, some toffies, lots of gellies, and some lollies.

I don’t think I’ll be needing any candies here for a long time. Daddy also sent in an order for another case of butter beer that I can pick up in Hogsmeade. Yay!

Halloween at home is so fun. Nettie, Couri, Tait, Niel and Katty would come over and we’d all play games and eat candy and Lorelei made all sorts of sweets and puddings for us. Biscuits and cakes and pies and so much stuff. Niel would manage to eat so much he wouldn’t show up in school the next day as he was at home with a sour stomach.

I wonder what they did this year, without me.

Ag! Now I feel all homesick again…

November 12
[9:37 pm]

So busy I hardly have time to write anymore!

Gavin is one strange and curious person. Really!

I went for another walk today and headed out for the Whomping Willow. Just wandering and I heard some voices so, curiously, I approached them and found Samson and Gavin, the Juke girl and some other girl I don’t know.

Gavin must’ve been in an odd mood or something, cos when I approached, he called me little cabbage, which seemed strange. And I asked if he called me Cabbage and he said, “My little cabbage. You grow out of the ground on a beautiful, sunny day, like cabbages do.” And I’m thinking What in Merlin’s pants?! and he said green suits me.

I think Samson had similar sentiments and Gavin says “Not Issy the Cabbage. My little cabbage. Not yours.” And he narrowed his eyes and I’m still thinking What in Merlin’s beard is going on here?! But his whole possessive thing made me laugh quietly because it seemed silly and absurd but kinda sweet.

And then! I think he and Samson were continuing a conversation, cos he’s like “Was it the your turn to kiss Cabbage aka Issy thing” and I might’ve blushed because the very idea was embarrassing and incredulous and all.

Then Samson pretended to be all indifferent about the situation and asked What if she doesn’t want me to kiss her and no one is asking my opinion (which is NO! cos I do NOT like Samson like that. At all!) and then Gavin says “Oh I doubt Issy wouldn’t want you to kiss her.”

They’re talking about me like I’m not even there!

And Gavin was SO wrong. I do NOT want Samson to kiss me and I didn’t in that moment, because it would be so weird and I don’t like him like that. I kinda want my first kiss to be more special than just kissing my friend. If that’s how I wanted it, I’d have kissed Fredreich – when we were younger he’d do whatever I asked him to.

But THEN! Gavin! He says, “So, tell me guys. Are you ever going to stop complaining about each other and just hang out for once without whining? Or is this a scheme to make everyone around you crazy with irritation?"

What in the world is he talking about? Samson and I had been hanging out alone without us fighting or me “whining” and stuff. It’s been a long time since I’ve complained about Samson, anyway. So I told Gavin that because something was up his butt, honestly. Why else would be acting so weird?

And then he walked off.




Sometimes Samson just frustrates me and drives me nuts but he hasn’t lately! Gavin must’ve been in an off mood or something to be acting all weird like that. Merlin.

But Samson said something that did irk me. “That’s not the kind of girl who wants a kiss from a guy like me.”

…what kind of girl am I then?

And what kind of guy is he?

And why wouldn’t I want to kiss him, if we weren’t friends?!

There he goes, being all frustrating again. AG!


November 20
[2:43 pm]

If I die under the pressure of all this homework, I want Matti to know I love him, Fredreich to know he’s been one of my best friends, Juni to know she’s my closest friend at Hogwarts, Aiden can have my case of butterbeer, and Samson to know I’m sorry for being so annoying in the beginning.



November 29
[4:16 pm]

Big tests coming up!

Wish me luck!


December 10
[time unknown]

I’m functioning. Don’t know when I’ve been falling asleep – it’s been late.

But I’m functioning.


December 14
[5:34 pm]

Christmas holidays!

Going home tomorrow. Yaaaay! I’m going to miss everyone so incredibly much, though! Geez-o! I’ve bought Juni some new books – I found one on aquatic plants, a book on different types of jellyfish and for comical reasons, I bought her The Care and Management of Your New Skunks.


I bought Samson a new scarf, blue, and Callie has a new pair of shoes. And I’m sending Aiden off with a case of butterbeer heehee, but I’m going to make him promise me not to tell his mum where it came from.

Eeeeek! I can’t wait to see everyone at home!

Time to run downstairs and give everyone their pressies.

Happy Christmas!
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 03-23-2008, 04:22 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Yay! Updated!

Very good, very humorous. Especially about the cabbages......although I can't figure out the peppermint thing....?

Anywho, PAMS! (that's what you say, right? )

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 03-23-2008, 11:31 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Awwww! So cute! Poor Issy freaking out with classes *snickers* She's a true Ravenclaw, isn't she? XD

Oh, and she's Samson's cabbage, eh? *giggles* Well, that's a start. Soon enough she'll be his rose or something
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna
try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It
was real. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made
friends here. That's a part of us.
Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our
kids come here one day.
That's the thing about
No matter
how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
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Old 03-23-2008, 11:38 PM   #64 (permalink)

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*claps* I didn't know Issy got Callie some new shoes. She must where them around then, but I see nothing about there fight...

Anyway. Good Job Sicle!
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Old 03-24-2008, 04:26 AM   #65 (permalink)
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OMG. Aiden will be so happy.

*drinks butterbeer with him and Minky* =P
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Old 03-24-2008, 05:34 AM   #66 (permalink)

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Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE!

NATURE BOOKS! Juni will be excited when I tell her! *gives Juni skunk book and tells her to pace herself*

Juni and I need to bond. Books will help. Thank you much

*pets Issy* the poor girl. she's trying so hard to be the best and her life is just so traumatic.

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Old 03-24-2008, 05:57 AM   #67 (permalink)

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Of course I already commented on MSN. I just thought I'll post that I loved it too. XD
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Old 03-25-2008, 02:04 AM   #68 (permalink)
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LoL, now I know Issy is sooo in denial and is being obvious about it. She blabbers constantly about Samson and she isn't even aware of it and she doesn't think she talks about him that much, but she does! And LoL...talking about kissing when she's right in front of them is too funny!

Gavin cracks me up, and so does Samson!

this was awesom, Ashlie...keep them funnies coming!
x Celandine x Daphne x Garret x Jillian x

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Old 03-25-2008, 11:20 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Oh, and she's Samson's cabbage, eh? *giggles* Well, that's a start. Soon enough she'll be his rose or something
No, no Rese. She's Gavin's cabbage. Didn't you read it?

<3 lawl I love it Ashlie.
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Old 03-28-2008, 08:37 PM   #70 (permalink)

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If you guys haven't seen it, I have a thread now, for Issy ficlets. I originally intended to post them in here but I keep writing them and they don't seem to fit. So, check out The Bells Chime (and other Issy Ficlets) :]

Originally Posted by DumbledoRO View Post
Yay! Updated!

Very good, very humorous. Especially about the cabbages......although I can't figure out the peppermint thing....?

Anywho, PAMS! (that's what you say, right? )
Haha, thank you, thank you. ^___^

The cabbages... cracked me up. Eevee, who plays Gavin, is incredibly witty and told me the story behind the cabbages, which makes it all the more amuing. Issy finds the situation rather strange but has grown used to it.

As for the peppermints? That's what Samson and his coat smell like. Always peppermints. So, having his coat around, reminding her of that day, of that fight, and continuing to smell like peppermint? The scent began to irk her

Originally Posted by Padie View Post
Awwww! So cute! Poor Issy freaking out with classes *snickers* She's a true Ravenclaw, isn't she? XD

Oh, and she's Samson's cabbage, eh? *giggles* Well, that's a start. Soon enough she'll be his rose or something
Aye aye, she is. ;] Haha. Plus, you know, I figured classes would get harder eventually. xD

As Eevs pointed out, she's actually Gavins cabbage. And he quotes "Not yours. Mine." Which made me giggle. And she remains "Little flower" to Samson which is CUUUUUUTE!

Originally Posted by pgspickles View Post
*claps* I didn't know Issy got Callie some new shoes. She must where them around then, but I see nothing about there fight...

Anyway. Good Job Sicle!
Yeaaah. I have this habit called "Timeline getting out of control" in which I don't get to RP certain events (i.e: Christmas) so I use the journal to chronical them and keep you guys up Haha!

As for the fight? I needed to move things along so I saved that for sprint half of the term. In other words, this update

Originally Posted by ErinElizabeth View Post
OMG. Aiden will be so happy.

*drinks butterbeer with him and Minky* =P
Ohhhh I imagined he would be.

And his mother not. A whole case for he and Minky. Oh BOY. Haha

Originally Posted by ~*just_me(lily_evans)*~ View Post
NATURE BOOKS! Juni will be excited when I tell her! *gives Juni skunk book and tells her to pace herself*

Juni and I need to bond. Books will help. Thank you much

*pets Issy* the poor girl. she's trying so hard to be the best and her life is just so traumatic.

Yaaaaays! I knew Juni would like her gift. And the skunk book? Issy and I both agreed, purely hilarious. However, we both knew Juni loves nature in general and skunks are "exotic" so. Yaays!

Awww yaaaay bonding over books! LOL

Ahhh yes. Oh the woes and dramas of a twelve-year-old girl She makes me giggle so hard. ^_____^ She's so fun

Originally Posted by Faerilicious View Post

Of course I already commented on MSN. I just thought I'll post that I loved it too. XD
And oh the many comments you had ^_____^ Thanks!

Originally Posted by griffin_girl View Post
LoL, now I know Issy is sooo in denial and is being obvious about it. She blabbers constantly about Samson and she isn't even aware of it and she doesn't think she talks about him that much, but she does! And LoL...talking about kissing when she's right in front of them is too funny!

Gavin cracks me up, and so does Samson!

this was awesom, Ashlie...keep them funnies coming!

Mmmm... I suppose you could say she's in denial. The truth is, Issy just doesn't REALIZE any of this. She's had crushes and she thinks boys are hunky and hot and gorgeous but she's only LIKE-liked one boy. And he never made her feel the way she does with Samson. With Tait, she was... she'd get nervous and fluttery. With Samson, she's comfortably herself but certain moments catch her off guard, you understand? No boy has made her feel like Samson does so she can't grasp what she's feeling. Nor does she realize what her blabbering means.

Ahhh yes... the kiss topic.

I ADORE Gavinn. Really.

Thank you so much ^_______^ This update is more dramatic. =/ The one following has a most HILARIOUS spiel with Issy and Juni. -cracks up-

Originally Posted by Evster View Post
No, no Rese. She's Gavin's cabbage. Didn't you read it?

<3 lawl I love it Ashlie.
I'm glad you do! heehee <333
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 03-28-2008, 08:38 PM   #71 (permalink)

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January 3
[3:25 pm]

Just had to mention that I was back at school. We’ve lots of snow outside and when it isn’t snowing, it’s blistery cold with lots of winds. Even still, it’s nice to be back. Much as I love being at home, I dearly miss my friends while I’m away.

On the bright side, Matti wasn’t being quite as pouty as he had been lately. He was still sour and if I mentioned Hogwarts he would scowl and glower and stuff but it went over well.

Fredreich bought me some new books and a few shirts. One of the books I’ll have to lend to Juni – it’s all about night flowers. She might take interest in it, I think. It seems rather neat, though – I might see if Daddy can get me a night blooming flower to put out on the balcony. Wouldn’t that be nice?

While I’m thinking of it, I’ll just go check with Juni and see if she would like to borrow the book.


January 6
[5:43 pm]

Callie is so… ugh. UGH UGH! I cannot express soundlessly in mere words how upset I am. Honestly, I’m uncertain if I’m angry. I know I’m upset for a number of reasons, though.

First, I’m angry at Callie for always being so phony. So fake. For the games she plays, pretending to like my hair, my clothes, my personality.

Then, I’m angry at myself for being just as phony and fake and playing along with her stupid games, pretending she’s not thinking bad things.

This makes me angry at Callie for being phony and making me respond the same and thus be angry at myself.

I’m angry at myself for being angry at myself.

Of course, I’m mad at Callie for making me angry with myself.

I feel really angry with myself for yelling at Callie the way I did. There’s no reason I should have just… exploded the way I did. KA-BOOM!

But I’m angry with Callie for managing to push me over the edge, the way she did. It’s very un-me to explode.

It’s a stupid mess and I think I upset Callie.

(But she’s had me upset for such a while, now.)

We’d been in the girl’s bathroom. Callie came in while I was twirling around in the bathroom, to fix her make-up (do 11-year-olds honestly need all that make up? I wonder what she looks like without it) and made a comment about how we hadn’t seen each other in a long time, which was true enough. I told her I’d needed a break – didn’t tell her why, because frankly (a synonym for honestly, I found), I didn’t feel all that comfortable telling her.

I can’t remember what I said, but I guess I mentioned Samson and Callie referred to him as my “man” and it really irked me. Samson and I are only friends and there is nothing between us. The way she said it felt snarky and fake and she was all “We can talk about anything! I miss my friends when they’re not around!” and I honestly felt like cringing. We’re terrible friends that I feel uncomfortable talking to her about anything. Will she use it against me, I sometimes wonder of what I say.

I don’t even know when she’s being sincere.

There was this “blah blah blah we should hang out more” that was obviously fake on both our parts.


I’m a bad person. A very bad friend.

In my defense, though, Callie is, too.

So I accidentally burst. I told her I was done. “This whole time, I’ve tried to be nice but our friendship is pretty fake, isn’t it? You don’t really care about me, do you? Cos you only seem to care about yourself. Oh. Right. And Aiden. But you don’t really care about me, do you? We’re so fake, it’s not funny. Our friendship is a fraud.”

Then, when she thought I’d gone, she began to cry and ran out.

Ohhh. A very wet Juni has arrived. I’ll write later


[7:30 pm]

Poor Juni came in very cold and very wet, after building a snow witch with Callie and Aiden. Anyway, she sat with me and we started talking originally about Hogsmeade and the missing students.

There are rumors that say the food and drink from Hogsemeade has turned them into ANIMALS. Which seems so ABSURD and preposterous (vocab word!) and just honestly! How possible is it? It seems so absurd but then… what about the disappearing students? Some girl named Bella is apparently a firm believer in the idea.

Sabrina then came over and we talked some more about the missing students. It was a real serious conversation though so we eventually started to talk about other stuff.

Merlin. I really love my Ravenclaw friends. Being around them is so very comfortable. :] Of course, I adore most of my friends – Callie and I are just in a really bad place.

Ag! We have the most messed up friendship. Even Missy and I managed to just be candid with each other.

I repeat: Ag!


January 7
[10:12 pm]

Dear Bella

Ohmygod I can’t believe you’re gone already. Your Christmas holiday isn’t NEARLY long enough. I said it a thousand, trillion, zillion times but it was so great to see you again! For the first time in months things felt RIGHT. Liike old times. You, me, Couri, Tait, and Topher, hanging out, my parents weren’t fighting. It felt like last Christmas, before you decided to go to your new school. :( I miss you so freaking much, Bella.

Ohmygod. With the holidays over, Mum and Dad are at it again. Mum is all “blah blah you don’t care!” and Dad is like “you’re such a drama queen, all we do is fight”. I wish things could be normal again but GOD! I’m just like “Jesus! Get over it and divorce already. Put your marriage out of its misery.”

The only thing good about you being gone is that when I bring your letters around, Hunky Fredreich is always around. And God does he make sucky days so much better. I don’t care what you say – he is OH so hot.

Speaking of hot – new boy at school. Mmm mmm mmm, Marcus Caplam. He shames Tait, if you can believe it. He’s got nothing on Fredreich, though, duh, he’s just a boy, but I can make do for now. :P Missy is all “Purrrr so you’re new huh? I can show you around” but I did a total Bella and just piped up like “Sorry but he’s already accepted my offer” and I NEVER EVEN ASKED! I was like, God, I hope Bella is okay cuz I totally just channeled her. Haha.

Gossip update!

Niel asked Katherine out! And she said YES!

Hilary has moved onto Hanson, fittingly enough. Haha.

Tait doesn’t dapple around. Geeze-o, he acts like you broke his heart. You were like, ten! Whatvever! ;]

Missy and Couri got into a fight, cuz Missy said something snarky about Katty. Couri was all like “oh no you didn’t!” Lots of hair pulling (Missy) and kicking (Couri).

They’re suspended for 3 days!

Ohmygod, I feel like I’m writing an essay. My hand is about to give up so I’m ending here.

I miss you so freaking much. We all do but life REALLY sucks without my bestie. :[ Can’t wait for summer. Don’t have TOO much fun! Tell me about your friends. I wanna hear more about that Samson and Gavin. God they sound hot.

Love you lots!

Nettie “Antoinetta Carl”



I miss home. Most of the time, I’m fine, here at Hogarts. But Merlin! Sometimes I just want to go to Nettie’s and sit in the hot tub with Couri, Niel and Tait and act silly. In a stupid way, I miss flirting and being flirted with. Seeing Tait was so weird cos I felt nothing around him. Back then I’d feel giggly and fluttery and then he’d hold my hand it would feel right and all. Sweaty but right.

Now around him, I just feel… happy to see him but not like that. We were never serious, though. After all, we were just ten. Nettie is such a romanticc, hoping that Tait will hold out forever for me and then one day I’ll come back to him and it’ll be passionate and stuff.


I’m beyond our school.

There’s no way I could ever go back there, much as Nettie wishes.

I don’t like her being sad, though. :[ Maybe she can meet my friends this summer!!!


January 12
[6:56 pm]

I might be going crazy. Or maybe Samson is, because that would explain my afternoon. My memories feel all muddled and it feels like it was a long time ago, though I’m sure it can’t have been more than a few hours ago.

Whenever I go outside, I seem to run into him.


I think I was sitting when he found me. Maybe. I’m not entirely sure. Memory feels hazy about that. Anyway.

He ran into me and we started talking. I think he began by teasing me. What are you doing out here? In a pretend lecture voice and all. One of those moments in which just randomly get along and seem to be on the same page and I know it seems silly but I really love those moments. Ever since we… had that fight, it’s like Samson goes out of his way to be nice to met and not upset me.

How ironic.

I was paging through this journal earlier and I found this entry about this girl who completely fell apart over a boy. And I wrote about how I never wanted that to be me, yelling and crying and calling out to him. Falling apart over a really stupid boy.

But I did that, didn’t I?

Samson had me convinced that I’m not really special and that my arrogance was a fault and all this stupid stuff. And at first, I was just really angry. Because it was actually mean of him to saying something like that. Like, I’m Samson and I’m mach blah blah blah too cool for an annoying kid like you.

And then I talked to Gavin and for a bit we kind of talked about Samson and Gavin was like “Maybe he’s intimidated by you which made sense and then… didn’t. I’m not really an intimidating person, right? But I thought, sure. Maybe I could, I don’t know, convince him I’m okay? Gavin was real nice, too, about it and we talked about other stuff. But I was still angry with Samson.

Then, a couple days later, I ran into Samson.

Actually, he ran into me.

And we fought.

We were at the gate and I was sitting there to avoid him and everyone in the castle. And it was bad and it was like he admitted that yeah, I annoyed him and he didn’t like me and yet he was nice enough to leave his coat with me before he stormed away and then I crumbled and began to cry. I really broke down with lots of tears and stuff.

Because Samson had managed to convince me that I was some terrible, annoying kid and that I pretty much was just kidding myself. He had me believing that he really hated me and all. So I cried.

I didn’t have his approval, so I cried, which is strange, because I’ve never had to have anyone’s approval. Never have I cared if anyone liked me or accepted me but from the start, it was a challenge, to get Samson to accept me and I failed and it tore me up.

Because, for this brief time, my world fell apart. He made my world I knew fall to pieces by shattering my confidence and assurity. And that wasn’t like me.

But for about two weeks, nothing mattered and I avoided Samson as well I could. I went to classes but was quiet and blended in and I stayed in my dorm and would only slip to the Great Hall to grab something quick and go back to my dorm. My time was spent reading and sleeping and hiding. Not just from Samson, but from Juni, from Aiden, from Callie.

Aiden was there that day, when he found me this pathetic, pitiful mess, curled up in a ball, crying beneath Samson’s coat.

When I decided to burn his coat, though, I ran into him and we talked and he told me I wasn’t actually annoying and… I guess everything fell into place. He told me he doesn’t hate me and to this day, he hasn’t been angry and we haven’t fought and we’ve gotten along.

Oh geez, I’ve gotten far off subject and Juni is waiting to go to dinner so I’ll finish up later.


[9:11 pm]

Mmm. Hogwarts’ roast beef is almost as good as Lorelei’s.

Went to dinner with Juni and we sat with Mister Ryan and talked and were silly. Mistery Ryan calls me Missy Issy and it always makes me giggle. It was a good meal – very fun.

About earlier today. It was a lovely day and I wish I had a pensieve to store it in because details are so hard to write. After teasing me, Samson and I talked about silly nonsense and we joked about an army of evil snowmen and How I would teach them grammar and he kept calling me “little flower” which always makes me feel silly in a very good way.

I asked him to give me a Hogwarts tour, one most people don’t see. I wanted him to show me his Hogwarts. All the places with stories behind them.

We were walking, talking about this, and then, very suddenly, he grabbed me and pulled me behind these trees, where no one could see us.

It was silly but…

My heart stopped.

And so did my breathing.

And I wondered What’s he going to do?

Silly as it is, I wondered – Is he going to kiss me?

Or tell me something important?

Nettie’s first kiss came behind trees. And Tait “asked me out” behind trees. Even Missy had behind-the-tree-rendezvous’. It wasn’t so silly of me then, was it?

Either way, Samson just made me promise to tell no one, so I did and we went back to the path. As it we walked, though, he strayed from the normal cobblestone and then IT BEGAN TO SNOW!

We both got really excited and I danced around and, for a moment, Samson seemed utterly boyish. Like Matti ihn the snow. And it’s really corny to say but it felt absolutely magical. Like a snow globe. :]

He bet me a million galleons I couldn’t count all the snow flakes and maybe I imagined it but he seemed to smile at me more and watch me more.

Then he guided me to more trees where a small pond was hidden and we were hidden. To be honest it felt very… it was another silly feeling that had to do with Samson and I connecting so well. Of course, I managed to ruin such majesty and slipped on a hidden icy patch, because it seems a ritual that he and I must fall around each other. He caught me, though, and my heart completely stopped and so did my breathing and I’m sure it must’ve been because I nearly fell where I’d have hit my head on a rock.

However, the weird part was that Samson held onto me entirely longer than necessarily or typical of him and… ag, it’s embarrassing to write but he looked so sweet. So different and soft, all his features just… softer than usual and I wanted to ruffle his hair.

Then he set me down and moved around the pond. Over there he was throwing rocks and I finally found out his age (He’s a second year. Already thirteen and due to be fourteen this August.)

We chatted a short while longer before Samson decided we ought to head back. And then, he took my arm and guided me back out, and I laughed when the snow dumped on his hair and we made our silent way back to the school.

Where we had another weird little moment, where we’d said good bye and we had decided to continue the tour tomorrow but… he was just standing there, looking at me and I felt wrong to move so I remained standing there and… then he finally just TORE off.

It was weird.

And felt like a moment but surely can’t’ve been. Samson is just a best friend is all.

'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?


Last edited by Hermione_loves_Ron; 03-28-2008 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 03-28-2008, 09:47 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Aiden Everett
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Goodness that was cute. Aiden needs to meet Nettie and all of those other girls. LOL

I really love Samson and Issy. <3 They're adorable together.

... Aiden and Issy (and Minky!) need to RP more, though, so he can appear in her journal more often.
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Old 03-28-2008, 09:52 PM   #73 (permalink)
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AWWWWWWWWWWWWW *Clings to Issy* I just adore Issy and Samson. Sooo cuuuute

Lovely writing Ashizzle

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love
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Old 03-29-2008, 01:50 AM   #74 (permalink)

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Aanya Agrawal
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Callie is so… ugh. UGH UGH! I cannot express soundlessly in mere words how upset I am. Honestly, I’m uncertain if I’m angry. I know I’m upset for a number of reasons, though.

First, I’m angry at Callie for always being so phony. So fake. For the games she plays, pretending to like my hair, my clothes, my personality.

Then, I’m angry at myself for being just as phony and fake and playing along with her stupid games, pretending she’s not thinking bad things.

This makes me angry at Callie for being phony and making me respond the same and thus be angry at myself.

I’m angry at myself for being angry at myself.

Of course, I’m mad at Callie for making me angry with myself.

I feel really angry with myself for yelling at Callie the way I did. There’s no reason I should have just… exploded the way I did. KA-BOOM!

But I’m angry with Callie for managing to push me over the edge, the way she did. It’s very un-me to explode.

It’s a stupid mess and I think I upset Callie.
... LMAO. I love her thoughts.

Ohmygod, I feel like I’m writing an essay. My hand is about to give up so I’m ending here.
I love Nettie. XD

They faught? Again? xD

... Sabrina really wants to kick Samson. She's gonna go Samon hunting soon. *pokes him*
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Old 03-29-2008, 02:02 AM   #75 (permalink)

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*bows* Thats what i was looking for Ashsicle and I loved reading it. They need to have another encounter again. That should be fun to rp.

Can't wait for another update!
Against the grain should be a way of life
;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;

RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC
♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥
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