September 7 [4:25 pm]
Note to Self: Never tell your Potions Professor his hair reminds you of a skunk, even if you mean it in a manner that is not offensive. Even if you own skunks. He won’t be happy and it’s possible he might try to poison you. Thank goodness for friends like Mister Ryan (even if he laughed) and Juni.
Embarassment quota for the week matched.
Thank goodness Samson was not there to hear.
The last line is scribbled through. Pasted below the entry is a letter in Fredreich’s familiar writing.
Dear Tellie;
Hogwarts sounds really amazing! You sound like you’re enjoying the time there. A castle? Really? It sound immense, like a maze. I think I’d get lost a lot, too, so don’t feel so embarassed. Besides, I’m sure you’re not the only student to get lost, so don’t feel so bad, okay. No need to give yourself such a hard time.
Your friends sound really great, too. And speaking of friends, Netta came by and told me that the next time I write you, to let you know she says hi and misses you. She’ll send you a letter soon, she says. Juniper sounds like a really sweet girl. You should bring her home sometime. She’d love the Zoo here at home I bet. Maybe you should bring her when your family visits. Hah!
Matti still refuses to write you a letter, but I know he misses you. I hope he turns out to be a wizard. This is really hard on him. After school, he comes home and locks away in his room with Lark and Kiera. Poor boy. Your parents are beside themselves, trying to get him to be more lively. Could you send him something from that little village? Hogshorn? Hogsmesh? I can’t remember what it’s called, haha.
But we miss you here at home. I even overheard Lorelei saying how quiet the house is when you’re not here. Just us, Mattio, and Tomás and your mummy in the evening. Your father’s on another business trip, Milan this time. I’m sure he sends his regards and misses you. Even if he’s not really home.
Miss and love you!
September 11 [2:23 pm] Hogwarts: An Encyclapedia of Characters Aiden: An overzealous, often hyper Gryffindor first year with an addiction to butterbeer and an unusual pet of a prarie dog called Minkus (referred often to as MinkyPinky) who favors a pink leash. Doesn’t seem to care about what others think of him. Very candid. Met in Diagon Alley.
Callie: First person I met, in Diagon Alley. Leaves me feeling unsettled. Somtiems seems phony, other times seems very sincere. Friendly enough, but sometimes seems kind of conceited and seems only to look out for herself and Aiden. Cares a lot what others think and can seem kind of… manipulative or controlling. First year, Slytherin.
Juniper: Juni. Quiet, seems shy, and prefers animals to humans. Doesn’t appear to like being focused on, but very kind all the same. Very fond of Pepe and Flower. Reads a lot. Probably very brilliant, just doesn’t speak up a lot. Will work on. Also first year, Ravenclaw.
Mister Ryan: Another Ravenclaw. Met him on the train. Very funny, but always busy. Also another nice Ravenclaw, amusing in his own way. Don’t know too much about him. Have heard of him having a girlfriend. Don’t know who.
Emma-Lee: Haven’t seen her since Diagon Alley. A Slytherin I met when Mattio threw a fit. Hippie-esque, vegetarian or vegan, opinionated and very unique, ina good way. She provokes a new kind of thought process. Must find her sometime.
Samson: Do I have to fill one out for him? Sigh. Samson. Gorgeous, tall, confusing and conflicting. Seems serious and annoyed one moment, then abruptly changes personality, causes whiplash, and goofs around and plays. Intriguing but causes too much thought. Needs to stay out of my mind. Ravenclaw. Year unknown.
Aithley: Rude, mean girl. Seems to thrive on annoying people and being rude and horrible. Not worth so many words but provokes them, certainly. Gives Ravenclaws a bad name. Transferred and would rather not be here. I’d rather she not be here, as well.
My birthday is coming up soon.
I came by your house and that hunky Fredreich told me that if I wrote you a letter, he could send it to you. Hurrah! Oh my gosh, you’re missed at school so much! Things just aren’t the same without you! Oh my GOSH! Missy is trying to replace you and she’s doing a horrible job at it. She keeps trying to boss us around and act like a know-it-all but she just does it all wrong. Oh my gosh.
When are you going to come visit us! I wish your school wasn’t so exclusive. =[ I miss you so much! We all do! Couri and Neil say hello. Mason SO wants to say hello but just won’t do it. He’s trying to be all cool and stuff. You’d be happy to know, though, that Lauren moved away. Ugh. We all were pretty happy. Haha!
I had a sleepover the other night but it just was NOT right. We need you around. PLEASE COME VISIT US SOON! We miss you SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!
I’ll keep you updated on what’s going on, too! Here’s what you should know for now, though.
Missy is trying to date Neil, but he’s kind of intereted in Kathrine, but you can tell he really misses you.
Hilary and Topher broke up an now Topher is dating Jaede. (Smart boy. Much better choice than self-centered Hilary.)
My mom and dad are getting a divorce.
Sad face. I need my bestie around to give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay.
I really, REALLY miss you, Bella.
Happy early birthday! Hope this gets to you in time!
Love you much!
P.S: Fredreich is STILL really, really hunkalicious! I know it bugs you when I say that!
September 13 [7:37 pm]
First things, first. Must add on to Encyclapedia.
Gavin: Seemingly a very, very close friend of Samson’s. A charmer with a way with ladies that certainly makes up for Samson’s lack of interest. Hufflepuff with an unknown Year. Confusing and suspicious, though. More to be completed soon.
Juke: Pronounced Ju-kay. Japanese transfer from what I could gather. Was dismissive of me but flirted a lot with Gavin. Tried to act like she wasn’t. Pink hair. Very interesting, in an offhand, somewhat disconceting way.
I went to the library today to try and find a quiet place to read. The Common Room was full, everyone chattering and animals were everywhere. It’s a Zoo. It’s worse than being at home. I’m sure Juni feels happy in the Common Room, but I just wanted to read in peace and write another letter to Daddy. He hasn’t replied to my last two but he’s also busy. Fredreich says he’s on another business trip and I know how busy he gets during those. He’s not a very communicative man during crunchtimes. It reminds me of how he’d leave me sticky note messages. Admittedly, I somewhat miss them.
More than anything, I just miss Daddy.
Anyway, I headed off for this corner that from a distance seemed dark and cozy, but upon reaching it, I found Samson, his friend Gavin, and the pink haired girl. There were others around but I didn’t meet them. I was going to turn away, but Gavin invited me over and made me sit. We talked but he acted somewhat sly and suspicious. I can’t figure why, but he kept making references like “Samson’s mentioned you” and all this stuff that certainly can’t be true, but honestly made me rather curious. At least, curious as to what he was up to.
Samson didn’t seem happy to see me there. He tried to act all pleasant but I figured out that was his forced polite face. Hum. Again, confusing.
And then Gavin left. Went behind a bookshelf with that Juke girl. To snog he said? I don’t know, it seemed all very suspicious.
Anyway, that left Samson and I alone. I was teasing him that he wouldn’t know anything about romance and then I quoted a few lines of my favorite poem,
Somewhere I Never Traveled, one of E.E. Cummings poems. He’s a favorite author of mine and I always found the poem really pretty. It’s like, about this person who doesn’t want to fall in love. They’re all “I’ve sealed myself off, can’t touch this!” but they’re so falling for this other person. It’s so inevitable they can’t do anything about it.
And then. AND THEN!
He quoted the next line!
I was so shocked! He quoted the line:
nobody, not even the rain has such small hands and it was so very surprising. Especially so that he used a line about small hands and ironically, I have tiny hands. I’m sure it meant nothing, but what was really surprising is that he knew the poem.
And that he writes poetry! He calls himself the next Robert Frost and teased me that I flirted my way through primary school. Which… is kind of true, but does NOT mean I know nothing about love.
He also is trying to convince me, it seems, that I’m less than amazing. But he’s going to see. I’m going to grow up and blow his mind.
Ugh. I’ve spoken way too much about Samson. I’m going to go finish up some homework.
Happy Birthday to me.
And nothing from Daddy.
September 16 [4:15 pm]
Thank goodness for people like Juniper, who are more than willing to probe boa constricters.
Never in my life did I imagine sticking a wand up a snake, but Hogwarts certainly has surprises up its sleeves.
Thank you, Juni, for being so amazing and rad.
[8:23 pm] Juno: Ill-tempered Prefect who apparently hoards contraband explosives, amongst other unmentionable tools of destruction. The male who is supposed to be keeping our peace seems to be the cause of it. Cranky. Bitter? Interesting. Fun to provoke. Ravenclaw, Seventh Year
Tag: Curly haired, Ravenclaw Quidditch Captin. Lots of energy, somewhat spazzy. Might be Aiden’s future. Mad about Quidditch and spins amusing tales. Tries to be a peace keeper and likes food a bit much.
Quidditch!Snark: aka, Jezzabelle. Ravenclaw. Snarky, as her alias implies. Rudely turned on me without me doing a single thing. Hmph. Would rather not talk about her.
Sho: Friend of Juno and Quidditch!Snark. Much nicer than latter and spoke nicely to me. Preferred Ravenclaw to the girl. Little known about him.
Kemma: Quiet, bespeckled girl. Came to dinner alone, but seems very nice, very witty. Might be another good companion for Juni. Seems to be a fun person. Must talk to more.
I came into dinner tonight and Juno unknowlingly sat beside me. I began to talk to him, because Mister Ryan seemed to have a fit and angrily left the Great Hall. I figured that as Prefect, surely he’d go after him, but he didn’t. Made me feel kind of… uncertain about Juno. What if Mister Ryan had a wand up his bum and decided to hex someone and lose us points?! Hmph.
Anyway, Tag told an elaborate tale about how Juno came to be Prefect, which seemed urban and made up but was entertaining. He makes me laugh. And I find his hair kind of cute.
Then, Quidditch!Snark started being rude to me. I really would rather not think about it. It makes me angry and seethe and then I want to rip up my parchment, which isn’t good, because I should be doing homework on that at this moment. Anyway, she was being snarky and I told her so and she didn’t even know what it meant. Ag. But Tag tried to stop us. Yay for that.
Juni arrived and Quidditch!Snark was nice to
her which amused me as Juniper is
my friend and ironically, not a people person. Haha.
Samson arrived too, and I can’t yet tell if he was defending me or not… He also made the mistake of telling a group of Quidditch buffs that he thinks the sport is for sissies. Sigh. It wasn’t brilliant and though Tag didn’t say much, he
did seem a little huffy about it. Definitely bold, that Samson.
He just… made me feel bubbly, taking my side like that. It was nice.
But not an “I like him” kind of bubbly. Don’t take it wrong. Hmph.