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-   -   The Second Road to Death - Sa13+ (

Maxilocks 07-10-2009 07:36 AM

The Second Road to Death - Sa13+

{ Dedicated to Dee, and all the readers of Us. }

To old readers - ahoy, maties! Welcome BACK! For news ones, I'm Maxie, and I've been writing fanfiction on SS for over three years. This is my thirteenth FF thread, and one which deals with the "darker" lot of first generation characters - Tom Riddle, Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy and more. I may not always stick to cannon details, but one thing is guaranteed - Sit back and relax, because you're going to love this ride.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters - they belong to J.K. Rowling.


The Castles’ yearly balls were always runaway successes. And, now, with fairy-lit rose bushes to line the vast grounds, and floating, gold-touched candles to illuminate their green, the Castles were sure their annual ball would be an even grander affair than usual.

“It shall be peerless,” Countess Alva Castle said, dipping her hands in her traditional bowl of rosewater, a technique that supposedly made them younger and fresher. “Of course, the Blacks…” her voice trailed off, but she shook away the uncertainty immediately. “A lot depends upon you this year, Andra.”

Young Andra Castle put down the hairbrush she had been running through her thick, black hair, and raised an eyebrow. “Mother, please. Not the hostess thing again.”

“Andra! Your English sounds vulgar. If you can not sound the way a Castle should, you had better not speak. Your language shall be noted during the ball – you are the hostess. I can not tolerate you speaking so.”

Couldn’t she ever give the language thing a rest? Andra rolled her eyes, exasperated. The ball. The hostess. That was all she had hear about, this past month. Alva was making too big a deal out of this! Yes, being the hostess of a Castles’ ball was a prestige – at least, that was what everyone said – but, really, there was nothing grand about the fact that the hosting duties were being passed down to Andra, this year.

For as long as she, Andra, could remember, her mother, the Countess, had hosted the ball. And done it splendidly, too. But it was time Andra was introduced into formal society – which probably meant she had come of age, right? – and the Countess had found the perfect way of doing it: passing on her hosting duties, and introducing Andra as the new hostess.

Which duties Andra was already finding hectic, even with a week still to go before the ball took place. The way her mother spoke – You would think it was something out-of-the-world, being a hostess.

“Be careful, Andra.”

“Don’t walk like that, Andra.”

“Speak politer, Andra.”

Can’t you learn to mix a butterwhisky, Andra?”


“The Castles’ Balls are famed far and wide, both for grandeur of manner, and splendour of décor,” Countess Alva was now saying, as she carefully lifted the bowl of rosewater off the dressing table. “The splendour of décor, the Castles shall see to. But the grandeur of manner, you seem quite intent upon ruining.”

Getting to her feet, Andra stifled a yawn.

“I’m off to see Lucius. Maybe even Cissy. Call me back when you start speaking English again, mother dearest.”

Alva Castle turned around, her manner impatiently patient, but Andra’s footsteps had already faded into a light, faraway sort of sound. The door to the Countess’s bedroom stood slightly ajar and, with a little sigh, Alva shut it, close.

[Reviews Welcome]

List of updates:

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Update 21

Gryffindoll 07-13-2009 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8386315)

{ Dedicated to Dee, and all the readers of Us. }

Is that Dee me?! :loved: Noooo wayyyy, I can't possibly be lucky enough to have an FF by The Great Maxie dedicated to me! :gasp:!!! -Gets up and dies again- :faint: My heart can't take so much at once!

And as if that wasn't enough ('cause Maxie must really be looking to give me a heart attack out of pure joy here :loved: ), DID I JUST READ THE NAME "LUCIUS MALFOY"!?!?!?!
-Cough; choke; third death-
OMG. If anyone can ever take Draco-precious's place is DEFINITELY Lucy-- Lucius! :loved: I'm already in pure love with this FF... I'm so in charge of the cover for this one too. :xd:

And now that you've officially killed me, Maxie, I can finish this with a big, fat... I love you! (after Draco and Lucy, of course :whistle:). :loved::P

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by DeeLeeLuffee (Post 8392960)

Oh no, oh no, OH NO!

*splashes water on your face* Deeee! =[

Is that Dee me?! :loved: Noooo wayyyy, I can't possibly be lucky enough to have an FF by The Great Maxie dedicated to me! :gasp:!!! -Gets up and dies again- :faint: My heart can't take so much at once!
Yesh, it's you. *looks scared that you're going to die again*

Pwease don't go dead'ed. =[

Yes. :P

-Cough; choke; third death-

DeeeeLeeeeeeeeeeeeLufffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. =D

OMG. If anyone can ever take Draco-precious's place is DEFINITELY Lucy-- Lucius! :loved: I'm already in pure love with this FF... I'm so in charge of the cover for this one too. :xd:
Tee hee! *tackleglomps* A lot of it is going to be about Voldemort, but I think you'll like it. ^___________^

And now that you've officially killed me, Maxie, I can finish this with a big, fat... I love you! (after Draco and Lucy, of course :whistle:)
*EAATTTS Draco and Lucius*

Only me left, now. =p

Gryffindoll 07-13-2009 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8392987)
Oh no, oh no, OH NO!

*splashes water on your face* Deeee! =[

Yesh, it's you. *looks scared that you're going to die again*

Pwease don't go dead'ed. =[

Tee hee. :D
I'll try, but my heart can only take so much joy at once. (Funny how you're breaking my heart on Us :( but giving it happiness attacks on TSRTD :D)


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8392987)
DeeeeLeeeeeeeeeeeeLufffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. =D



Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8392987)

Tee hee! *tackleglomps* It's going to be about Voldemort a lot, but I think you'll love it. ^___________^

Oooh I've got no problemo with that... :evil: I like Tom Riddle ('cause old almost-dead zombie Voldie is yucky). :evil::mwaha: Ohohoho this FF's going to be GREAT. :mwaha:


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8392987)

*EAATTTS Draco and Lucius*

Only me left, now. =p

Maxie, how could you!!! :(

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by DeeLeeLuffeee (Post 8392998)
I'll try, but my heart can only take so much joy at once. (Funny how you're breaking my heart on Us :( but giving it happiness attacks on TSRTD :D)

I'm not breaking my Dee's heart. =[

*pokes* :(

I like Tom Riddle ('cause old almost-dead zombie Voldie is yucky).
Same here! I LOVE Tom Riddle. He was so.... handsome. *swoons*

Too bad Voldemort wasn't. =[

Maxie, how could you!!! :(
Yay me! :mwaha:

Winter Dreams 07-13-2009 05:12 AM



:jump: Yayyyyyyyyyy!! :bdance:

This is sooooooo cool. xDDDDDDDDDD!!


Now that I've got that hyperness out of my system, I'll be normal. :P
I'm so glad you have another FF, Maxeh, it just made me so happy.

And no matter what it's about, I would love it, but it has MALFOY'S?! ^_^

Anywaysssss, the first post is Ah-Mah-Zing, and I want moooooore. :D

And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, I just can't say how much I LOVE you. :loved:

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Annavanna (Post 8393126)

Annavanna! *tackles*

:lol: Welcome to TSRTD, luff. =D

And no matter what it's about, I would love it, but it has MALFOY'S?!
Hehe, yesh it does have cute, little bits of them. =p

Anywaysssss, the first post is Ah-Mah-Zing, and I want moooooore. :D
Coming soon luff, just stick around. ;]

And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, I just can't say how much I LOVE you. :loved:
I love you more'er. <333


Winter Dreams 07-13-2009 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393140)
Annavanna! *tackles*



Hehe, yesh it does have cute, little bits of them. =p
Yayyyy! :woot:


Coming soon luff, just stick around. ;]
-pitches a tent- Don't worry, Maxehluff, I'm not going anywhere. ^_^


I love you more'er. <333

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! :no: I love you moooooooooooooooooooore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:loved: :loved:

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Annavanna (Post 8393149)
-pitches a tent- Don't worry, Maxehluff, I'm not going anywhere. ^_^

YAY! *runs around excitedly*

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! :no: I love you moooooooooooooooooooore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But - but - but -

But I love you more'er'er. =[

JeshieRAWR 07-13-2009 05:27 AM



*gets back up and yells...*


*gasps for air*

*calms down*

I'm speechless.
It was soo gooodddd.
Will the Malfoy's play a big part in this story????!!!!!???? :D
I luffed it soo muchhh!!!! && YOU!!!
:) Jess

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by JesshLuff (Post 8393168)


*gets back up and yells...*



I love you. Full stop.

I'm speechless.
It was soo gooodddd.
Whoa, thank you. Your own writing is great, too. =]


Will the Malfoy's play a big part in this story????!!!!!????
Like I said before, a lot of it is Tom Riddle.
But the Malfoys are going to be there, too. ^^

:shifty: xDD

Winter Dreams 07-13-2009 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393163)
YAY! *runs around excitedly*

:lol: -gets a bag of mrashmallows-


But - but - but -

But I love you more'er'er. =[
Noe, like I said, I love you MORE!! Times like, infinity. Bwahaha. Beat that. :P

JeshieRAWR 07-13-2009 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393183)

I love you. Full stop.

:] *clings to you for dear life*:xd:


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393183)
Whoa, thank you. Your own writing is great, too. =]


No problemo!!:xd:
Thanks Maxieluff!!:loved:


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393183)
Like I said before, a lot of it is Tom Riddle.
But the Malfoys are going to be there, too. ^^

:shifty: xDD

OOHhhhhhh!!!! I can't wait then!!!
More Maxieluff!!! :D
:) Jess

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Annavanna (Post 8393208)
:lol: -gets a bag of mrashmallows-

*EATS the bag*


Noe, like I said, I love you MORE!! Times like, infinity. Bwahaha. Beat that. :P
*looks sad and goes to hide in a corner*


* * *EDIT ::

Originally Posted by JesshLuff (Post 8393228)
:] *clings to you for dear life*

LOLOL. That was sho cute. :D

Thanks Maxieluff!!
You're most welcome, hunny. ^__________^

OOHhhhhhh!!!! I can't wait then!!!
I'll probably post more later today. =]


Winter Dreams 07-13-2009 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393229)
*EATS the bag*



O_O Wha?! :( I want marshamalllowssssssssssss!!


*looks sad and goes to hide in a corner*

Aw, poor Maxeh!! :console:

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Annavanna
I want marshamalllowssssssssssss!!

I can give you a poshtie.

Aw, poor Maxeh!! :console:
Wheeee! -looks happy-

Winter Dreams 07-13-2009 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393259)
I can give you a poshtie.

Yayyyyyyyyy! Me wanna postie!! ^_^ Buut.... No marshmallows? :(


Wheeee! -looks happy-

:woot: -clings-

Shanners 07-13-2009 03:31 PM

-dies WORSE than everyone else-

seriously i just had a panic attack when i saw it was MAXSHIEEEEE and it was dedicated to me! :P (okay so mayeb the us readers, but im the bestest one :xd:)

and i died.


how can you have so many ficlets that I am uberrrrrly in luuufff wifff.

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon ♥ (Post 8393980)
-dies WORSE than everyone else-

Why is everyone dying? =[

Maybe I should close this thread. =[ .... NAAAH! :P

seriously i just had a panic attack when i saw it was MAXSHIEEEEE and it was dedicated to me! :P (okay so mayeb the us readers, but im the bestest one :xd:)
LOLOLOL. I love you. <3 *hugs forever*

how can you have so many ficlets that I am uberrrrrly in luuufff wifff.
I only have two fanfics, bebeh. =p

Buutt.. I love you. ^_^

Shanners 07-13-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8394003)
Why is everyone dying? =[

Maybe I should close this thread. =[ .... NAAAH! :P

LOLOLOL. I love you. <3 *hugs forever*

I only have two fanfics, bebeh. =p

Buutt.. I love you. ^_^

i want more maxshiee ficlets though.
but they cant make me dieeeee.

Maxilocks 07-13-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon ♥ (Post 8394030)

-hug for my Shannon-

i want more maxshiee ficlets though.
Awww. I can only juggle a maximum of two at the same time, luff. I have.... collegiate. -pokes it-

*clings to youu*

##Hermione&Draco## 07-14-2009 04:09 PM

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANOTHER FANFIC!!!:faint: :faint: :faint:
JUST LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. IM THE BOMB!!!!!!!
AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gryffindoll 07-15-2009 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393030)
I'm not breaking my Dee's heart. =[

*pokes* :(

Nah, I'm happy again now. :D


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8393030)

Same here! I LOVE Tom Riddle. He was so.... handsome. *swoons*

Too bad Voldemort wasn't. =[

Yay me! :mwaha:

Tell me about it! If he didn't end up so almost-zombie-dead-nasty in the end, he could've competed with my lovely Malfoys. :drool:
By the way, I'm working on a little surprise for you, oh Maxieness the Greatness. :bow: :evil:

P.S.: I'm sorry, I think I might have started a dying trend on your new fic. :(
I totally didn't mean for all of your readers to die so that there would only be lil' ol' me... :evil:

X-Girl 07-15-2009 02:23 AM

Dude, let them DIE. At this rate, I'll be your only reader and I'm quite content with having your writing only for my own pleasure. :evil:

Anywayy, you already know how great you are at these FFs [*cough*AMAZING-SIGGY*cough*] so I won't ramble on about that any more than I have already but...dude, this fic marks the VERY first one I've started reading since the beginning in a VERY long time. Soooo, feel special. ;)

Ha, no seriously, I've got high hopes for this one. The title is entirely too attractive and well, I couldn't help killing the cat with that darn curiosity everyone keeps warning me about. Not to mention the fact that I'm totally a sucker for romance stories. :shifty:

I totally just subscribed and I'm looking forward to some more Ava, Maxie! :loved:

Maxilocks 07-15-2009 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by XavierLuff# (Post 8396918)

You're alive, aren't you? =[

Originally Posted by DeeLeeLuffeee (Post 8398426)
Nah, I'm happy again now. :D

Thank GOD. Because everyone else keeps.... dying.


Tell me about it! If he didn't end up so almost-zombie-dead-nasty in the end, he could've competed with my lovely Malfoys. :drool:
By the way, I'm working on a little surprise for you, oh Maxieness the Greatness. :bow:
Oh. My. Gosh.

I LOVE surprises. Tellme, tellme, tellme, PLEASE.

*clings to you*

P.S.: I'm sorry, I think I might have started a dying trend on your new fic. :(
I totally didn't mean for all of your readers to die so that there would only be lil' ol' me... :evil:
LOLOL. *hugcling* You're baaaad.

But I like it. =p

Originally Posted by Oh. My. Gosh. RQT! (Post 8398582)
Dude, let them DIE. At this rate, I'll be your only reader and I'm quite content with having your writing only for my own pleasure. :evil:

Okay. My turn to die.

Can I tell you how HAPPY I get when you post in one of my fanfics?

Like.... REALLY happy? *dead'ed*

Anywayy, you already know how great you are at these FFs [*cough*AMAZING-SIGGY*cough*] so I won't ramble on about that any more than I have already but...dude, this fic marks the VERY first one I've started reading since the beginning in a VERY long time. Soooo, feel special. ;)

I doooo feel special! Because THE!RQT is here. Actually here.

OHMYGOSH! *still dead'ed*

Ha, no seriously, I've got high hopes for this one. The title is entirely too attractive and well, I couldn't help killing the cat with that darn curiosity everyone keeps warning me about. Not to mention the fact that I'm totally a sucker for romance stories. :shifty:
*pokes the title* I couldn't decide it for ages. And then it came to me all of a sudden.. and yes, it totally ties up with the story. -shifty-

*zips mouth before I spill everything* xD

I totally just subscribed and I'm looking forward to some more Ava, Maxie! :loved:
YAY! I love youu. <333

--- And because you're all so good, I'm updating. :mwaha:

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