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-   -   The Pink Pillow: Passion, Ducks and Mangoes; a Year in Ficlets - Sa9+ (

Maxilocks 08-24-2009 05:41 PM

The Pink Pillow: Passion, Ducks and Mangoes; a Year in Ficlets - Sa9+

For Mine Whitz
You know too well that I love you.

Hello! I’m Maxie, for those of you who don’t know, and this is my fifteenth Fan Fiction thread on SS. Currently, my only active FF threads, apart from this one, are The Second Road to Death – Sa13+ and Us – Sa13+. {Edit: Us, finished Nov, 09}

The Pink Pillow is explained by its subtitle, “A Year in Ficlets” – 365 ficlets, one for each day of my Ficlet year. I will not update this daily – rather, as my mood is updated, which means there is no certain genre, here. My ‘ficlets’ can be a letter exchanged between two characters, a diary scribble, a drabble, anything. What else? Relax and enjoy!

ShinyDisclaimerThingy: The Harry Potter universe and its characters belong to the awesome J.K Rowling. Any plots posted in this thread are mine, though.

Of Passions Pink
Winner of The Graveyard’s Drabble Contest, April 2008.



"Your wife sends another owl.”

"I see.”

But, as Severus left, Lucius squealed. Such excitement! Unwrapping the parcel, he fished out -

– Pink boxer-shorts.

An immediate response was written.

"OMGOMGOMG!!! Such a suhweet present, Cissy!!!!! You ALWAYS used to refuse me pink boxer-shorts!!!!!!!




"I congratulate you on proving it, Severus," Voldemort said gravely.

Bellatrix giggled. "Yes! Who would’ve believed Lucius secretly doted on pink boxer-shorts?"

Severus smirked. "I'm sure Narcissa will be horrified at his note of thanks. Poor Lucius. To think I will never get thanked for fulfilling his most-burning desire."

Voldemort smiled. "Pity."

[Reviews Welcome]


{ List of ficlets }

2) Magna // 3) The Last Thing // 4) Easier
5) If Cats Can Eat Spiders, Anything is Possible // 6) Carpal Tunnel
7) The Wishlist Wagon 8) The Equivalent of Coffee
9) The Final Halloween

Gryffindoll 08-25-2009 01:09 AM

What's this?!?!?!?!
More awesomeness from my absolute favorite FF author everrrrr?! :loved:
This was too funny. :lol: Lucy squealing in joy over pink boxer-shorts. :xd: Oh God. :rotfl::rotfl: That was simply brilliant! :lol::lol:
I can't wait for the next one! :D

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by DeeLeeLuffeee
What's this?!?!?!?!


I should have known you would be the first to find this. :loved:


More awesomeness from my absolute favorite FF author everrrrr?!
-blush- Mrraaawrr!

This was too funny. :lol: Lucy squealing in joy over pink boxer-shorts. :xd: Oh God.
I wrote this drabble a long time ago.... almost a year, for the Graveyard's April Drabble Contest. Lucius, the manly, evil death eater.... wanted pink boxer-shorts! The thought was just too funny. :xd:

That was simply brilliant!
Thank you. -hug- Mewubyou. <3

WhittyBitty 08-25-2009 03:41 AM

You dedicated it to me? :O I'm so honoured!! Geeze. Thank you, so much. I love you bunches!! <33333

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mine Whitz
You dedicated it to me? :O

Mine Whitz! -majorglomp-

&& why wouldn't I? IlubyouLOADS.<3


I'm so honoured!! Geeze. Thank you, so much. I love you bunches!! <33333
No need to say thank you, and I love you bigger bunches. :P I also want you to update InsaneBadkitty's ficcie, and am saying it here to emphasize what I have already told you over MSN. =DD

-clings to your head-

Jessica 08-25-2009 04:47 AM

Oh my! What a unique banner!!!!

The ficlet year idea is great, and I'm looking forward to being here. I can't wait fo more, and I have to say the first ficlet - or drabble - was really great. No wonder it won the contest! :lol: :lol: :lol:

"OMGOMGOMG!!! Such a suhweet present, Cissy!!!!! You ALWAYS used to refuse me pink boxer-shorts!!!!!!!



Maxilocks 08-25-2009 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jay
Oh my! What a unique banner!

Thanks, cuz. I just felt banners around here are too.... well, similar, so I decided to try something new. Glad to know you liked it. ^^

No wonder it won the contest! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Awww. I think it mostly won because, up till then, Graveyard FanFiction had been pretty dark. I thought it lightened it all up, brought a touch of humour. And, of course, after that I saw a HEAAPPP of humour in the Graveyard FanFiction, and a lot of it was really awesome!

Whattt? =p

OtterySt.Catchpole 08-25-2009 06:15 AM

A-HA. I knew it. I knew it. I told you ... you were hiding this thread from me admit it!


You're addicted to fic writing Maxie. You are, you are. :P

The ficlet btw, was AWESOME!

Snape is EVIL LOVE ♥ :mwaha: so machiavellian ... I love it, I love it. I wish I'd written it. :lol: You truly are a master writer Maxie ... seriously. Your fics PWN.

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ottsy (Post 8540232)
A-HA. I knew it. I knew it. I told you ... you were hiding this thread from me admit it!

Fine, I admit it. :P

Actually, I got this idea agessss ago. I love photography, and photographers have this.... One Year thing. You know, where they put up a photograph for each day of a year. That's where the idea came from. xD But it's not a full-length fic, so I can handle it.

I don't think I can handle submitting anymore novel-length fics to SS, though. I have two, news ones completed, and I can't even handle the two that are already up. :[


You're addicted to fic writing Maxie. You are, you are. :P
I'm addicted to writing in general. Believe it or not, I also write for several magazines on a daily basis and that's really demanding work love it. =DD

The ficlet btw, was AWESOME!
Thankooooooo. ^_^

Snape is EVIL LOVE ♥ :mwaha: so machiavellian ... I love it, I love it. I wish I'd written it. :lol: You truly are a master writer Maxie ... seriously. Your fics PWN.
Wow. -blush- You always make my day, even though I'm not half as good as you make me sound. Oh, and we share a love for Severus! <3 You have so earned yourself a dedication in my next coming-sooner-than-you-expect FF. But I didn't tell you that. :whistle: xDD

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 07:21 AM

Two <3

Mood; Serious.

Until I met Magna, I had never known refusal.

“Sirius, are you coming?” Prongs called, his tones slightly irritated because Part A of Plan Snivellus was ready to be put into action, and I was still not outside.

“Coming,” I called, quickly slipping into my boots. They clunked along the floor of the Gryffindor common room as I stepped into it, joining my three best friends. “Snivellus spotted?” I asked conversationally, looking round at an excited-looking Prongs, a squeaky looking Wormtail, and a shaking-his-head Remus.

“Yup,” Prongs said cheerfully. He was holding the little, translucent-gold bottle and, within it, I could see a hint of the shade that is labelled “hot-pink” – A colour that had never managed to catch my fancy, but a colour that would look no less than awesome when Snivellus’s hair became the same as it.

“Excellent!” I cried, watching him tighten the lid on the bottle.

“Guys, I don’t think you should do this,” Remus spoke, his patience finally wearing thin. “You could get into serious trouble –”

“Sirius is my middle name,” I said. “Oh wait – it’s not, it’s my first.” Prongs burst into laughter, and I offered Remus a cheeky grin. “What’s yours, Moony, old boy?”

Remus rolled his eyes, clearly exasperated, but did not make a reply. Ten minutes later the three of us were walking out into the green grounds of the castle, Wormtail tagging along. I spotted her out of the corner of my eye – She had thick, black hair the shade of ebony, and cheeks a bronzed, Asian brown.

– Magna Teluka, the first girl to turn me down in my six and a half years at Hogwarts.

Snape was sitting by a tree – alone, no wonder, because he hardly had any friends. Greasy hair touched the leaves of the book he held open, in his lap; from a distance, his eyes looked like little blurs, they moved so fast down the pages.

Snape – In appearance, my exact opposite.

[I was, of course, the epitome of perfection, six feet of oh-so-smexiness on made-of-awesome legs.]

“Snivelly, man!” Prongs greeted cheerfully, springing forward to meet him. “Long time, no see.” Long time meaning less than twelve hours – we had last seen Snape last night, when James had hurled him three feet into the background with a hex. Unfortunately for him, Lily had seen, and the night had ended in, “Just one more chance, Evans – I swear I’m not going to show everyone that Snivelly wears pink underpants with squirrels on them, again. Really – EVANS, WAITTT!”

Snape looked up, and he jumped to his feet at once, his face clouding with dislike as he whipped out his wand. Wormtail cheered us on while Remus stood in the background, chewing his lip.

My mind was on Magna.

Was she watching?

THWACK! It happened so suddenly, I could never have expected it. Snape had shot a hex my way and I, lost in thought of her, had not been able to deflect it. I flew through the air, crashing into a tree trunk behind me, where I collapsed in a heap. I staggered to my feet, my lip bleeding, a bruise against my cheek.

“You foul –” I cried, whipping out my own wand, but James already had Snape up in the air. In midair, the aggravated Slytherin kicked, trying – but unable to – lower himself. I raised a hand to my cheek: it hurt, and – despite the fact that James had already avenged the bruise, despite the fact that it would not be fair because Snape was helpless, outnumbered – I knew I wanted my revenge, and now was the perfect chance for it.

I raised my wand, pointed it directly at Snape’s chest – and Magna passed by. Our eyes met briefly, so briefly, for an instant – for half an instant.

I let my wand fall. I walked away.


“What are you doing here?” My voice was cold, the way it had been with her since the day she had told me she was turning me down because I was too obnoxious for her – someone who was arrogant, someone who took advantage of other’s helplessness to prove what he felt was his “superiority.”

Magna looked up. The starlight seemed to bring out the grey of her eyes, seemed to give her gaze an added shine. “Taking a walk,” she replied, her tones normal.

“It’s after curfew, Teluka.”

“That was a brave thing to do,” she replied, absolutely ignoring my comment about breakage of school rules. “It was brave of you not to hex Severus when he wasn’t in a position to fight back.”

It felt strange, the compliment. Because I knew I did not deserve it, knew that I had wanted to take advantage of the position Snape had been in – would, in fact, have taken the advantage if I had not caught sight of her. I swallowed, not sure how to react, not sure what to say.

She was pretty.

“I appreciate that you did that,” she continued, her head cocked to one side as she inspected me. There was a white rose in her hair, and it was beautiful. “For my sake.”

I looked up, our eyes met for the second time that day – and I stepped forward and kissed her. My arms wrapped themselves around her waist, my hands found the softness of the dark hair trailing down her waist. I stepped forward and kissed her – and she let me.

Until I met Magna, I had never known true love.

WhittyBitty 08-25-2009 07:35 AM

Maxie, can I ask you something? How can someone possibly be so good at writing a FF? Huh? It's just not right ;) :lol:

You are amazing and I love you so much <3333

ChloeeCloverr 08-25-2009 09:29 AM

Maxie! I love it :glomp:
Tis awesomely Amazing


Maxilocks 08-25-2009 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Mine Whitz (Post 8540431)
Maxie, can I ask you something? How can someone possibly be so good at writing a FF? Huh?

You really wanna know?

Welll, it helps when they've dedicated it to someone awesome, because that gives them added incentive never to mess up the contents. :P


You are amazing and I love you so much <3333
You're even more amazing, and I love you more'er.

But you knew that, didn't you? =DD


Originally Posted by Ze Chloee (Post 8540582)
Maxie! I love it :glomp:
Tis awesomely Amazing

Chloe! -hug-

Welcome to The Pink Pillow, hunny. It's awesome to have you here.
-runs around you in little circles- :D


I'll try my best, luffffffffffff. ^^

Jessica 08-25-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Maxo (Post 8540393)
Mood; Serious.


Until I met Magna, I had never known refusal.
Awesome start! I love the sudden revelation!

He was holding the little, translucent-gold bottle and, within it, I could see a hint of the shade that is labelled “hot-pink” – A colour that had never managed to catch my fancy, but a colour that would look no less than awesome when Snivellus’s hair became the same as it.
Mwaha! :evil:

But poor Snape. :( :( :( :( :(

“Sirius is my middle name,” I said.
:rotfl: Too good!

[I was, of course, the epitome of perfection, six feet of oh-so-smexiness on made-of-awesome legs.]
Oh my! :lmao: He's so gorgeously big-headed. Luv it!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately for him, Lily had seen, and the night had ended in, “Just one more chance, Evans – I swear I’m not going to show everyone that Snivelly wears pink underpants with squirrels on them, again. Really – EVANS, WAITTT!”
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I let my wand fall. I walked away.
:gasp: He's serious! (Because that's his middle name.) :lol:

“That was a brave thing to do,” she replied, absolutely ignoring my comment about breakage of school rules. “It was brave of you not to hex Severus when he wasn’t in a position to fight back.”
Ok, so I lyk Magna. I lyk how she ignores how he's being rude and everythin'........... Charming. :yes: :yes: :yes:

She was pretty.
I luv the way Sirius is thinking! :loved:

Until I met Magna, I had never known true love.
Beautiful ending. :loved:


Maxilocks 08-25-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jay (Post 8540765)
Awesome start! I love the sudden revelation!

Thank you. ^^

But poor Snape. :(
I know. =[ I love him so much, but I had to write it from Padfoot's perspective, and there was nothing I could do about it. Staying in character can be really tough, sometimes --- and not because one has difficulty writing a character the way the character is. =[ Buttttt.... :shifty: I wrote a Severus ficlet to make up for it all. =D

Oh my! :lmao: He's so gorgeously big-headed. Luv it!
Glad to know you enjoyed it, luff. =]

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Any chance that means you liked it? =p

He's serious! (Because that's his middle name.)

Beautiful ending.
Thanks, hunny. Awesome to know that you enjoyed the ficlet!

Stick around for more. :whistle: xDD

Yusrieee 08-25-2009 11:40 AM

Kaaaaay! you write beautifully.. ( don't know DUH!) *hugs*

Lucius and pink boxers? I can't decide if i should drool or laugh! and, naughty naughty sevvie poo ish too cute!

*dead* :xd:
I would KEEEEELLL to see snape in pink hair *clicks on photoshop* bwahhaa!
And Sirius is :bow: I mean srsly, he is just so awesome!
I want mooaaarrr! PAMS!!!!

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sugahl8540863
Kaaaaay! you write beautifully.. ( don't know DUH!) *hugs*

:lol: Thank you, sweetie.

No, I don't know. Bwaha!


Lucius and pink boxers? I can't decide if i should drool or laugh! and, naughty naughty sevvie poo ish too cute!

Glad to know you're enjoying being here, Sugah. :P

I would KEEEEELLL to see snape in pink hair *clicks on photoshop* bwahhaa!
PM me the results when you're done, I need to see them too. :lmao:

And Sirius is :bow: I mean srsly, he is just so awesome!
I want mooaaarrr! PAMS!!!!

Sirius is THE man! -madly in love-

On a not-so-side note -- Updating. It's a super-short Severus ficlet, and I really hope I've done it justice. *hugs my Severus for eternity*

Jessica 08-25-2009 11:59 AM

*pushes you off the comp and sits in wait of update* :xd: :xd: :xd:


Maxilocks 08-25-2009 12:01 PM

Three <3

The Last Thing
Mood; Sleepy.


Desire. Passion is desire, perhaps one of the strongest, truest forms of it - the form that consumes, the form that burns. But, long ago, the word meant something else, something equally powerful, but sadder; something equally there, but not equally wanted.

Long ago, passion was suffering.

My suffering.


“Albus –”

Dumbledore raised a hand, and I knew it was of no use, that I had to follow his orders, do as he commanded me to do – do as he commanded me to do because, years ago, I had pledged myself to a cause, a – no, the – cause of redemption.

– My redemption, in my own eyes.

Killing Albus Dumbledore would be a hard task for me.
-- A task I knew I had to, and would, carry out.


As desire, passion consumes.
– As suffering, it kills continuously.

Nagini rose, Nagini stroke. My hands were cold, my feet were numb – or perhaps it was the other way around. For years now, my life had been empty, a living death made bearable only by the thought that I was working to make up for my mistakes. – Working, perhaps, to assure myself that I was not the cause of Lily Evans’s death.

But I was.

I was!

Seventeen years. Seventeen years of living death, seventeen years of regret. Seventeen years of working to undo what I had caused, seventeen years of longing. Seventeen years – – Seventeen years of replacing cowardice with a courage that, once, I had only dreamt of!

The last thing I saw was Lily’s eyes.

Maxilocks 08-25-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jay (Post 8540912)
*pushes you off the comp and sits in wait of update* :xd: :xd: :xd:

-is pushed off-

You know you're slightly evil, don't you? :P

OtterySt.Catchpole 08-25-2009 06:21 PM

*cuddles up with his pink pillow*
Magna I would have named Sirius Love :lol: but that's why I'm not a good writer like you Max. :lol: Siriously ;) Neways, so you write for magazines? Wow, you didn't tell me you were a pro? How kewl.

The second one was ... :cry: very sad. I also thought it brilliant ... that's when I started loving Snape, *sniffles* in book 7. I never really wanted to believe all that stuff about Snape and Lily and ... well, Jo wrote it brilliantly because it made me cry :cry: and I think you capture his sentiments perfectly.

Poor Sev. Imagine if he'd have been Harry's dad? OMG! Now there's a fic, :lol:

ChloeeCloverr 08-25-2009 06:46 PM

-Unrolls sleeping bag&Sits on it-

More,More Moore!

Loovin It more now Maxie A millions :loved:
And I want more ASAP <33

pwease ?

Love Chloererz xx

Ron+Hermione Obv !! 08-25-2009 09:55 PM

OMG MAXERS !! :glomp:
you got a new thing up..
ahh i love it its soo awsomely amazing.. if that makes sence :loved:
wow i seriously love this duude..
Best thing ever coz maxie is writing
iwubyoumaxers :loved:

Maxilocks 08-26-2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ottsy (Post 8542416)
Neways, so you write for magazines? Wow, you didn't tell me you were a pro? How kewl.

Pro? Eep, I am SO not pro. -hides- More of a freelancer. But there are some magazines where I sent in freelance work so often, they contacted me and now I'm sort of working for them. But not really pro.^_^

The second one was ... :cry: very sad. I also thought it brilliant ... that's when I started loving Snape, *sniffles* in book 7. I never really wanted to believe all that stuff about Snape and Lily and ... well, Jo wrote it brilliantly because it made me cry :cry: and I think you capture his sentiments perfectly.
Aww. *clings to you like anything* I love Severus so much. I can never decide between him and Sirius, or him and James, because all three of them have been my favourite characters since eternity. But Severus.... His fate was truly among the most heart-breaking ones - I was too shocked for words, even after having expected his death. *sniffles and gives you a pretty, pink pillow*

Poor Sev. Imagine if he'd have been Harry's dad? OMG! Now there's a fic, :lol:
Okay, you just cracked me up. :rotfl:

Snape as Harry's dad.... No way, it's too hilarious, even for my overly-active imagination. LOLOLOLOLOL x 586740705687474. xDDD


Originally Posted by Chloererz (Post 8542514)
-Unrolls sleeping bag&Sits on it-

-crawls into myChloererz's sleepybaggy-

Loovin It more now Maxie A millions :loved:
And I want more ASAP <33
I love youuuu. -eternal huggg'age- More shall.... come. :shifty:

Originally Posted by Rachiee (Post 8543583)
OMG MAXERS !! :glomp:
you got a new thing up..

RachyWachy! *clings to you for dear life*

Welcome to the Pink Pillow, bebeh. Hope you enjoy your stay. ;)


ahh i love it its soo awsomely amazing.. if that makes sence :loved:
wow i seriously love this duude..
-hugs you- We duudes rock like mad! xDD

Best thing ever coz maxie is writing

iwubyoumaxers :loved:
You know I wub you more'er. <3

ChloeeCloverr 08-26-2009 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie (Post 8544927)

-crawls into myChloererz's sleepybaggy-

I love youuuu. -eternal huggg'age- More shall.... come. :shifty: [/color][/font][/b]

-clings- Sleeepovahss! In Maxehs FF! :loved:

I loooove Youu mooooreeeee -eternal hugggggsssss- It Better come:shifty:

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