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Old 05-18-2008, 09:27 PM   #101 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Sabrina_Snape View Post
It' not rubbish hunny! Just a bit confused on how Dumbledore can be writing to Albus as I thought he was dead, but other than that, I love it!
I agree, haha. It wasn't rubbish at all!

Cant wait for the next post! PAMS as soon as you can!


p.s. Sorry i havent been here in so long!

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Old 05-24-2008, 01:24 PM   #102 (permalink)
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yea! i don't think it was rubbish either
is this like dumbledores relative or something?
(great post)
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Old 05-25-2008, 02:59 AM   #103 (permalink)
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Well the post was not rubbish but it was not as good compared to your other posts
sorry i need to honest

Poor Al he must be in a complete state of Confusion
And harry he needs a hug just to reassure himself that he is not alone
Can't wait for the next post

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Old 06-03-2008, 08:26 PM   #104 (permalink)

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Ok sorry guys for the wait, put as i told like everyone i was grounded in the half-term week off and was not aloud on. But im am now, but not as often, unless i go on at school, which i do everyday. Anyway the next post is in 3 parts, thats right 3 parts and there all long. Its just a make-up for the last rubbush chapter(sorry) a nd for the long wait you all had to go through. Lol!!! anyway, i've finished typing up the 1st part of the chapter and i will post it tomorrow morning of afternoon(Wednesday, and it depends if i remember. Lol!!!), i am at the moment typing the 2nd part up at school and should be up soon, the 3rd part, well i dont know.

Something else i need to cover, well we finish school for the summer hoildays in 7 weeks, well i dont have my own computer, i use the family one. and im going on loads of family trips(Camping, theam parks etc.) and i wont be able to post as often, as i wont be on everyday. So sorry if you get bored of waiting for a chapter, i have to type it up then post it. One good thing though, i have more time to write my chapters and read and do everything else i love to do. Lol!!!

Well thats all i have for now. sorry for the really long and boring post guys, Lol!!! Im in a sorry mood. Lol!!!!

Luv ya all


P.S. This post also goes to my other fanfic(Tinkerbell Evens......Her life diary) Im going to post this there.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 06-04-2008, 05:19 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Don’t worry, I understand. I don’t have my own computer either, I use the family one. It’s almost impossible for me to find time to get on except really late at night. I can wait (I guess)
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Old 06-04-2008, 07:32 AM   #106 (permalink)

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Ok guys sorry for the wait. This chapter is in 3 parts so here is the first part.

Oh and plz read the last long post(in purple) it has some important information(not about whats in the story but when i will be posting)Lol!!!! Here we are:

Part 1

Albus sat in the noisy common room, again, staring at the note he had got.
‘Something is not right about this letter’ he thought, ‘but what is it?’ he asked himself. He sat there a few minutes more before Lily-Anne slid over, dodging her friends and everyone else.
“Albus what’s the matter?” she asked sitting down, he just shrugged his shoulders.
“Come on Albus, you can tell me” She took his hand from across the table. Albus looked at her longingly.
“I miss Rose,” He confessed, Lily-Anne nodded in agreement, “She’s like a sister to me”
“Albus, who’s the note from?” Lily-Anne asked suddenly. Albus pushed it towards her.
“You can read it if you want, its confusing me” She read through it once before putting it back on the table
“Albus this is a fake letter, the person who apparently wrote this, Albus Dumbledore, is dead. Who ever wrote this was trying to trick you, and how could they do such a thing to the greatest wizard of all time” She was speaking in an anger tone now.
“That’s why it was confusing; I knew something was wrong about the letter.” He said hoping it would calm her
“Albus don’t worry; your head’s not in it is it? Is it because….”
“Lily what are you doing here?” Her friend asked suddenly appearing, followed by more.
“I’m talking to Albus,” She pointed at him, “Albus,” she looked at him before looking at her friends again, “This is Sabrina, Jemma, MAthI, Tinkerbell, Anna, Katie, April, Ashley and Saffron” She said pointing at them in turn
“Hi” They all coursed
Albus said hi back
“Bye I’m going to bed” He said the same time one of his friends, Jonny, appeared
“Lily can I talk to you please?” He asked. She stood up and walked away with him. Albus followed heading for the stairs to his dorm. He walked past Jonny and Lily, he heard Jonny say his name, which made him stop and listen,
“Lily you’re the only one that can get through him” Jonny was saying
“You just need to know what to say”
“Well can you help us by making him open up a little?” He asked
“But he needs to trust you first” She started to argue
“Lily please” Jonny pleaded
“Fine!!” She stormed off towards her friends
Albus didn’t move for a second going through and through the conversation in his head.
‘I thought I could trust her, I can’t trust anyone’ He thought angrily. He stormed off to his dorm, bashing into some people on the way. When he walked in he threw his bag into his trunk at the end of his bed, and threw himself onto his bed. He started to cry anger tears into his pillow.
“Albus” Colin said walking in, Albus ignored him. He was lost in thought. Sometime later he heard Colin quietly walk out and join the rubble of students below. Albus’s eyes were getting heavier by the minute, and before he knew it he had fallen asleep, in his robes.

Albus was in a black room, it was small like a cell, with only a small window high in the wall. He heard a movement from the corner, and when he went to investigate he saw Rose, his mother Ginny and his little sister Lily (of whom was not moving). They were all black and blue, and there was blood everywhere, Lily even looked like she was dieing. He was horrified. Albus slowly walked towards them and crouched by Lily, He slowly touched her forehead and checked if she was breathing (Something she learned from his dad), she was breathing, but barely. There came a loud noise behind him, He whipped around in time to see the cell door open. Two people walked in, one grapped Rose and pulled her out of the cell. Albus wanted to go after him but his feet wouldn’t move, he had to see what the other man was going to do. The man crouched down by Lily and checked her breathing, like he had. He wanted to tell the man to leave her alone but couldn’t bring himself to. ‘Anyway he won’t be able to hear me, this is all a dream’ He thought to himself. The man slowly took a bottle of some kind from his pocket; He poured some of the contence into Lily’s mouth. Once done he turned to Ginny, who had been watching him the whole time
“Drink some” the man said handing her the bottle. She took it without question and drank some before putting it on the floor next to her, out of sight. The man stood up and faced him, he took a step back
“Go” the man said pointing at the door. Ginny looked confused
‘He can see me’ Albus thought surprised. He obeyed and walked out the door, once he had made sure Ginny and Lily were ok. He followed his feet, which lead him to some double doors. They opened and he went through. Rose was there and so was this woman. She was shouting at Rose.
“Crucio!” The woman shouted, Rose screamed, the same time as Albus did……

Albus woke rolled in his sheets, he was drenched in sweat. He looked around, and when he was sure he had not woken anyone he jumped out of bed to go find his head of house, nut not before grapping the letter he had received that afternoon.

Ok plz comment
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Old 06-04-2008, 08:44 AM   #107 (permalink)
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This is so great!! I'm so sorry I haven't been on in like forever. I caught up and I love this story!

Everyone better be alright! If not ... *crickets chirping* ... well I'll come up something. Maybe I'll send Kildara over!!!!!

Anyway PAMS!!

Love Jade xxx
i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles
screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more
and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door

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Old 06-04-2008, 02:39 PM   #108 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Sabrina_Snape View Post
Okay, one comment coming right up hun!!

OMG!!! I'm in your fic!!!

Rose had better be alright, but what the hell did she do wrong? I swear I'm going to kill that woman!!! :hack: Actually better idea, I'm sending Sabrina over.

I wonder who wrote that letter to Albus, I must find out!!
Hey Jemma
Well to be honest i have no idea who wrote the letter. The dream he had must be scary???? Lol!!! I'll think of someone who wrote it, promise. I'll post later in the story who wrote it(if i have decided who. Lol!!!) anyway thanks for reading and i've nearly finished typing up the second half so it will be up soon.

luv ya


This is so great!! I'm so sorry I haven't been on in like forever. I caught up and I love this story!

Everyone better be alright! If not ... *crickets chirping* ... well I'll come up something. Maybe I'll send Kildara over!!!!!

Anyway PAMS!!

Love Jade xxx
Hey Jade
Thanks for reading. Thats ok you have nott been here latly, me well ive not been on lately either. Lol!!!

Posting more soon

luv ya


P.S. Everyone plz dont forget to read the post i posted before this part of the story(the one about when i will be posting) Thanks

luv ya all

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Old 06-05-2008, 05:01 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Great as always!! I hope you figure out who wrote Albus the letter!
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Old 06-05-2008, 02:54 PM   #110 (permalink)

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Ok everyone here is PART 2 of this chapter. After this onlt 1 part left whoop.

Ok before i start if there is anyone out there that love the storys Sabrina Snape writes(Little miss Lily Potter and I'm not who you think i am) Well she has just started a new fanfci with tweety_amu11 called 'What could go wrong with love' Well anyway i started to read it and it fab and i would soo recomend it to you all to read(Plus i recomend reading the ones she is writing already). AND JEMMA I LOVED YOUR NEW FANFIC SOOOOO MUCH I THOUGHT I WOULD LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT IT. Lol!!!

Anyway here is PART 2

Harry was sat at the Weasley’s house reading the daily prophet when Mr Weasley walked in.
“Harry we need to talk” He said, Harry looked up from the page he was reading
“Ok you can come in” Mr Weasley called to the door. Harry was confused. People started to file through the door from the hallway. Hermione, George, Mrs Weasley, Mad-eye, some of his old school friends, like Neville, Dean and Seamus, also the rest of the order filed in.
“What’s all this Mr Weasley, I thought you wanted to talk to me” Harry asked
“I do Harry but if we are going to take action then everyone needs to be here” Mr Weasley replied. Harry put down the paper he was holding and looked around at all the faces looking at him.
“Ok, so what do you want to know?” He asked them,
“Tell us Harry what happened that night Ginny and Lily disappeared” George asked
“I thought Mr Weasley told you?”
“He did but we want to hear it from you” George replied
Harry sat there thinking back to the particular night, that night still gave him nightmares
“Ok well…..” Harry forced the next words out of his mouth, “We, me, Ginny and Lily arrived home after we went to see Ron and made sure Hermione was alright. When we had arrived home our house was trashed, we, me, Ginny and Lily went to investigate. Everything was trashed. I went upstairs to look and left Ginny and Lily downstairs, after looking in a few rooms I heard Ginny scream, and when I ran downstairs they were gone” He finished. By this time Hermione and Mrs Weasley were crying into each others arms. Harry was shaking with tears.
“That was horrible Harry, how could someone take them?” Luna said dreamily
Everyone started to cry our angrily until someone shouted
“CALM DOWN EVERYONE,” Once Mr Weasley was sure he had everyone full attention he carried on, “We need to think of a plan to get them back and Rose” He looked at them all in turn.
“How” Neville asked nervously
“When was the last time we used polyduice potion?” Mad-eye asked the room
“It was the night I left the Dursleys for good”
“Right, so we can use polyduice potion” He continued, not really caring about Harry’s answer.
“Or we could use my son” A voice said from the door
“Draco, how did you get here?” Mr Weasley asked
“Sabrina and Jemma let me in”
Everyone looked shocked; it was not like them to let people they don’t know in. Both girls came through the door at that moment. As twins they did everything together
“Sabrina, Jemma why did you let this man in?” Mrs Weasley asked them
“He said he needed to talk to you very urgently, mummy” They replied together
“You should never talk to strangers” She said sternly
“Mummy were 8, come on”
“You mothers right girls, never talk to strangers”
Both girls look at their dad angrily before sulking out of the room
“Can we get back to the subject please?” Draco asked, “As I was saying my son Scorpio was taken from me and my wife to serve Lord Vulture. He keeps me posted about all that has happened” He finished
“Lord Vulture, great not another Vouldemort” Harry stressed
“Lord Vulture is a woman but likes being called Lord” Draco told him, “Anyway it is indeed that Rose, Ginny and Lily are being tortured of course. Rose and Lily are badly hurt…. But Lily is barely alive; He wrote all this is letters to me. It’s all because she wants Harry.” He told them bluntly
“WHAT!!!!” Harry shouted “How could she do that to them?” He asked no one in particular”
“I know Harry, that why we need to think of a plan” Seamus said, speaking for the first time
“I say we use my son, he can help” Draco piped in
“You bloody son anit going to be able to anything. Polyduice potion is your best bet.” Mad-eye argued
“Fine use polyduice, but at least let my son help in some way.” Draco said giving in
They all agreed in a plan and slowly departed from the room
“Mr Weasley” Harry said stopping him
“Yes Harry?” He asked
“I thought you weren’t going to tell Mrs Weasley about this”
“I had to Harry she was going to find out sooner or later” He replied before leaving

Plz comment
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Old 06-05-2008, 03:16 PM   #111 (permalink)
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:tackle: Evangeline we're in your fic!!!! Who's daughters are we?? Thank you for writing about my new fic that I'm doing, and for reading it!! You are a genius and I hope that Scorpius helps, I'm sorry for letting him in Mummy!!

Luv ya hun
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Old 06-06-2008, 01:06 AM   #112 (permalink)
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YAY!!! Another chappie!

I love this so much! I say they use Scorpius. Best bet really! Harry just doesn't want Draco to be right!! Silly Harry (It's okay I still love you!)

hehe anyway. This is great and keep up the good work


Love Jade xxxx
i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles
screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more
and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door

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Last edited by alyweasley; 06-10-2008 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 06-08-2008, 07:20 AM   #113 (permalink)
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IM A NEW READER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND
i love your story i just read it so far and love it!!!! please don't let rose or anyone else die in this tale but if you have to make it not a painful death and also mad eye moody is dead or is this an impostor! he must be an impostor since he died in the 7th book and i will say this again I LOVE YOUR STORY SO FAR IT IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Old 06-08-2008, 02:34 PM   #114 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harry Potter Freak 1 View Post
IM A NEW READER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND
i love your story i just read it so far and love it!!!! please don't let rose or anyone else die in this tale but if you have to make it not a painful death and also mad eye moody is dead or is this an impostor! he must be an impostor since he died in the 7th book and i will say this again I LOVE YOUR STORY SO FAR IT IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*harry potter freak 1*
Welcome new reader!!!!
Thanks for reading, i know this story is a carry on from the seventh book but i've made a few changes and one of them is that mad-eye moddy is not dead, There are others but your'll find them out later in the story

Im glad you really like it and im writing more very soon. Im glad you read some of my Tinkerbell Evens Diary. I know you may not lke that one as better i dont really either. Lol!!! I find it easyier writing storys with adventures like this one. Thats why this one is better. Lol!!! me too im more of a adventure type of person. Im also writing a new story with Sabrina Snape called ' Can love really end friendship' Its in the charactor section. Hope you like it.

Over all im very glad you like my storys.

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Old 06-08-2008, 05:09 PM   #115 (permalink)
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I'm also a new reader

ahem... *clears throat*
OMG OMG OMG this is brilliant!! it's also really really sad, but BRILLIANT!


thank you
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Old 06-09-2008, 04:37 PM   #116 (permalink)

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Ok everyone, after your long wait i am posting......tomorrow morning. Sorry i was meant to post after school but i forgot and i cant post here at home because the chapter is saved on ym computer account. So sorry again i am posting part 3 of chapter 12. One long chapter. Cant wait for your comments

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Old 06-09-2008, 04:40 PM   #117 (permalink)
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I want the new post!!!! *crosses arms and sits on the floor* I'm not moving until you post........ okay I need the loo..... really need the loo..... all better now!

Sorry very bored... and very random!!

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Old 06-10-2008, 07:36 AM   #118 (permalink)

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What you have all been waiting for


Rose was lying on the floor of the cell, next to a badly injured Ginny and a hardly breathing Lily. She had cuts and bruises all over her body, as well as the other two. Lily the worst.
“Ginny” Rose said sitting up painfully
“Yes” She too sat up and moved to look at Lily
“When do you think Uncle Harry and the others are going to save us?” She asked
“I don’t know Rose, but I hope soon because I don’t think Lily is going to last much longer” She bent down to kiss Lily on the cheek, she and Rose had tears in there eyes
The door opened up behind and Malfoy walked in silently. He put his finger to his lips to signal silence. He walked over to them and kneeled down; he took a bottle from his pocket
“Make sure you each have some, the little one the most” He pointed at Lily, “I will bring you a bottle each day” He stood to leave
“What is it?” Ginny asked
“It’s health potion, to keep you alive, no matter what happens to you, but you have to drink some everyday” He replied
“Why are you helping us?” Ginny asked again
“Because I don’t want to be here, in Lord Vulture’s service and I don’t want to see you all die” Malfoy walked out and closed the door silently behind him
They stared after him. Once his footprints died down Ginny took the cork of the bottle off, lifting Lily’s head she poured a small amount into her mouth. Once she was sure Lily had swallowed Ginny put her head down
“How can you be sure he’s telling the truth” Rose asked Ginny
“I just can tell, I don’t know how but I can tell” Ginny took a small bit of the potion and handed the bottle to Rose. Once Rose took a bit Ginny hid the bottle making sure no one could see it.

A few days later Rose and Ginny were talking when the door opened yet again. Malfoy and Yaxley walked in. Yaxley grapped Rose from the floor and dragged her away. Ginny to tired to shout after them. Malfoy crouched by Lily and poured some of the health potion he had brought into her mouth, making sure she swallowed he handed the bottle to Ginny. She drank some and put it on the floor for Rose.
Malfoy stood up and looked at the space beside him
“Go” He said pointing at the door.
Ginny was confused. Malfoy walked out the cell and locked the door.

Plz comment
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Old 06-10-2008, 07:44 AM   #119 (permalink)
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This is great!!!! I love it!! Good boy Malfoy!! Well done!
But what was he talking to???
And I hope Rose is okay!!! She better be okay!!
If not I'll set Kildara on you! And you won't like that

Anyway! Great job! PAMS!!!

Love Jade xxx
i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles
screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more
and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door

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Old 06-10-2008, 10:44 AM   #120 (permalink)
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OMGOMGOMG!!!!! Put Rose down right now Yaxley or else!!!

Hold on Jade, isn't Kildara on the dark side anyways??? She better not hurt Rose, Lily or Ginny.

How can Scorpius see Albus??? :S


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Old 06-10-2008, 02:49 PM   #121 (permalink)

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WELL DONE JAMMA. Im awarding you with this prize for seeing right through my little twist. WELL DONE!!! Lol!!!! Ok here was my little twist.

If you read the nightmare Albus had and the post i have just done, you should see my little twist that Jemma saw. Oh and Jemma i'll tell you and everyone else why Scorpius can see Albus later, near the end of the story.


P.S. Ok so remember when i said i will tell you i would tell you why wrote that weird note to Albus(Saying its from Dumbledor) Well i have a person why could of wrote it, Anyway i'm going to make Albus meet him later, not saying anything else. Lol!!!! Best wait and see
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:26 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Great posts
Pleas post soon
Nothing else to say

Love voldyXOXOXOOX
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Old 06-11-2008, 09:24 PM   #123 (permalink)
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That was a great last third of an uberly long chapter!

Why can whats-his-face see Albus and no one else can?
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Old 06-15-2008, 02:39 PM   #124 (permalink)

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Sorry, I've been under a lot of stress, Homework, and I'm starting my GCSE's next year, so i'm sorry but i'm trying to work around that and my dance lessons, sea cadets and youth club, whitch includes Homwowrk, some i cant even do. Help!!!! That would be my english homework i cant do. Man i suck at English, and i'm English!!!! . so it may be a while before i post, sorry again

__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 06-18-2008, 03:03 PM   #125 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Enya Mayberry
Fourth Year
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Harry Potter Freak 1: Thanks for all the comments, just to say i havn't started my English GCSE and i wont until September this year, but thanks anyway

Sorry everyone but here is the next chapter. Plz comment

Chapter 13

Om a dark, gloomy night, in the middle of the night. On no night in particular, the moon was up, full. Beaming it’s light into a dark, gloomy cell, beaming it’s light upon two sleeping children and one awoke adult.

This one awoke adult sat there, starring at the moons beam coming from the cell window. This one adult sat there thinking, about nothing in particular , just the life she had been forced to leave behind, about the life she had with her husband Harry and her three children James, Albus and Lily, About the life she had also had with her parents, brothers, sisters, Hermione, Hugo and Rose.

In this dark, gloomy cell, with nothing in but two sleeping children and this one adult, everything was silent, nothing could be heard above, through the thin, rotten floor boards. Nothing but the slight breeze outside their dark, gloomy cell. Nothing everything was well, the same has it had been for the last couple of months. Everything.


Ginny sat up suddenly, something was wrong and she knew it
‘How could I be so stupid’ she thought angrily to herself suddenly


Ginny didn’t feel so well anymore

She was……..

Sorry it was short
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Last edited by Ladybug; 06-18-2008 at 04:33 PM.
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