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The New Nightmare - Sa13+ Hi Everyone, I’m Evangeline and this is my first ever fan fic. I hope you like it. My story carries on from book 7. Many people may have their own version of how the story continues, but this is my own version. Credit to Gemini Graphics Chapter Guide: Chapter One , Chapter Two , Chapter Three , Chapter Four , Chapter Five ,Chapter Six , Chapter Seven , Chapter Eight , Chapter Nine ,Chapter Ten ,Chapter Eleven , Chapter Twelve (1) , Chapter Twelve (2) , Chapter Twelve (3) , Chapter Thirteen , Chapter Fourteen , Chapter Fifteen , Chapter Sixteen , Chapter Seventeen , Chapter Eighteen , Chapter Ninteen , Chapter Twenty , Chapter Twenty One , Chapter Twenty Two , Chapter Twenty Three , Chapter Twenty Four , Chapter Twenty Five , Chapter Twenty Six , Chapter Twenty Seven , Chapter Twenty Eight Harry watched the Hogwarts Express leave the station carrying two of his children. Harry stood there in the cold mist, watching after the train, lost in thought and completely oblivious of others’ stares. Ginny, aware of the staring, softly touched her husband’s shoulder, bringing him back to earth. He stood there for a second longer before turning to face her. “I think it’s time to, Harry, they’ll be okay,” Ginny said looking into his eyes. “I know they will,” he replied after a short pause. “I can feel it.” He took Lily and Ginny’s hand in his, and they slowly walked up the station towards the barrier back to Kings Cross Station without looking back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the train began to move, Albus and Rose started walking down the train looking for a compartment. After a couple of minutes of looking they were still in the hallway. “Do you think there is an empty compartment, anywhere?” Rose asked looking left and right. “I don’t know, there are a lot of kids; especially bigger ones,” he replied. They walked on down the carriage looking for a compartment. “Look, there’s one,”Albus almost shouted. He pointed his finger at a compartment a few feet away. “But there’s a person in it.” “And, there’s nowhere else to go. Come on.” He half-dragged, half-pulled Rose over to the door and walked in. Albus slid open the door and looked around. The compartment was small but cosy and in the corner sat a small, nervous looking boy. He had straight brown hair, nearly at his shoulder, and he looked like he was in first year too. “Do you mind if we sit here?” Albus asked the nervous boy. The boy tore his glance away from the window to give them a short, shy nod before turning back. He had sea-blue eyes and he was trembling slightly. Grateful, both children sat down on the opposite side from the boy and introduced themselves. Both children sat down on the seats opposite him and looked at him. There was a silence that felt like hours. After a moment Albus broke the silence. “Hi, I’m Albus,” he said smiling. “And I’m Rose,” Rose squeaked following Albus. The boy didn’t move but after a moment he began to reply. “I… I’m… Ja… Jake, N… Nice to me… meet yo… you,” he said finally looking away from the window, to look them up and down. Both children smiled at Jake to reassure him they wanted to be friends. Jake seemed to stop trembling after that and they all began to talk. “I hope I’m in Gryffindor,” Rose said looking at Jake more then Albus, “it will be so much fun to be in the same house as Mum and Dad,” she added. Jake looked at Rose before replying, “My Mum and Dad were in Ravenclaw, and I want to be in Ravenclaw too.” “Well I hope we get in the houses we want to be in,” Albus piped in. At that moment Rose and Jake jumped and looked away from each other quickly, as they were staring into each other's eyes. “What do you want to be in Albus?” Jake asked, trying to not look into Rose’s eyes. “I want to be in Gryffindor like my parents,” he replied, looking a bit annoyed. “Who are your parents, Albus?” he asked. “My parents are Harry and Ginny Potter,” Albus sat up a little straighter to show how happy he was to be their youngest son. “Wow, you are lucky,” Jake looked surprised. Rose looked out of the window and smiled to herself, ‘trust Albus to show off’, she thought. There was a small tap on the door and someone opened it. It was a small lady with a trolley of food. “Anything from the trolley, dears?” She asked politely. “Food,” Albus said jumping up to get some of his money out, “can I please have 3 chocolate frogs and 1 pumpkin pasty please?” He asked the lady. The lady handed him his food and took his money before turning to the other two children. “Anything for you dears?” She asked. “No, thank you,” Rose and Jake said together, they looked at each other and burst out laughing. The lady closed the door and walked on down the walkway to the next compartment. Jake and Rose started a new conversation about Quidditch while Albus sat in the corner eating his food grumpily. ‘He’s taking my friend away from me. She’s talking to him more than me...’ He thought angrily. Albus sulked in the corner for the rest of the journey while the other two children talked and laughed together, taking no notice of Albus. When the train finally stopped, three hours later, it was already night and it was raining. Albus jumped up and grabbed his things and was making his way out of the compartment when Rose grabbed his arm. She leaned forward ad whispered in his ear. “I still like you more.” Albus smiled at her and hugged her tightly. They all walked out of the compartment and out of the train. The first thing they saw was a huge mass of students making their way up the platform away from Hogsmeade station. The mass was getting too large; the children were on the verge of losing each other so Albus eminently took hold of Rose’s hand and moved her as far away from the bundle and Jake as possible. The children thought themselves lucky for not losing each other until one massive shove of students made Rose let go of Albus’s hand. “Albus!” she shouted. “Rose!” he shouted back. I hope you liked it. Please give me your thoughts. I’ll have the second chapter soon, once I’ve written it that is. Bye Evangeline |
First REader! I love this! It is such a good start! I love 2nd Generation stories! PAMS, cant wait for more |
It's so good, I love it so far. And poor Albus, he's jealous of Jake, I hope Rose and Jake end up getting together, they seem so cute together. Anyway, PAMS! |
Thank everyone for taking your time to read this. I'll have more for you soon. promise. |
OMG, this story is awesome, plz keep it going. PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS |
Oh my gosh. I love your story. Its so good and well done. You so need to post more soon. |
Dont worry i will. At the moment im writing chapter 2. Thanks for reading. |
Hi guys heres he next chapter i promised. sorry for the delay Ok here goes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albus whipped around himself looking for any sign of Rose. "Where can she be"he whispered to himself. He stood there a moment longer before tearing back up the station. "oy! you first year your going the wrong way" someone shouted a moment longer everyone was shouting at him. He took no notice, his one and only mission was to find Rose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Help!" Rose said through her sobs it was the day after Rose was taken by surprise back at the station once she had let go of Albus's hand. while she was looking for Albus she was grabbed from behind and she was pulled away before she could shout for help. "shut up you annoying little brat" Her kidnapper snapped at her. "i hate children and i hate when they cry" he said to himself. 'the quicker i finish this mission the happier I'll be' he thought to himself Rose let out another sob from where she was lying 'she better not be crying all night' he thought again 'because if she is I'm going....' "to really hurt you" he finished his thought aloud ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hermione was lying on Ron's shoulder crying for what felt like the 100th time that day. They had been told about Rose's disapperence a few hours earlier has Albus had no luck finding her. He had gone strait to a teacher, crying, and told of Rose's disapperence. After a full search was done with nothing but a letter, which said.... Theres no point looking for your little friend shes with me.......... you can have her back, if i feel like giving her back, once you hand over potter. Lord Vulture they had told Hermione and Ron,and Hermione had cried since "Hermione, shh... you've been crying since we were told"Ron whispered kissing her lightly on the forehead. "Ron, out daughter has been taken, what do you expect me to do?" She snarled "Its like you don't care." she finished "How dare you."He shouted jumping up from his seating place "She's my daughter, of course i care." He stormed out of the room "Ron please, i didn't mean it, I'm just so angry that someone took Rose" Hermione shouted running after Ron. She took hold of his hand and turned him round to face her. "Ron please......"She started "No Hermione, forget it"he interrupted her before storing out the house. Hermione starred after him before falling to her knees crying again. "Mummy please don't cry" Hugo said running up to his mum. Hermione ignored him. "Mummy your scaring me"He half shouted, half screamed. Hermione looked up from where she was sitting, once Hugo was certain he had her full attention he carried on. "mummy whats the matt......" suddenly there was a urgent knock at the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok there you go. tell me what you think. I'll write chapter 3 soon. |
Oh no, ROSE!!!!! I'll kill this Lord Vulture guy myself if I have, he better not hurt Rose! You know, when I read this I was like, OMG Ron and Hermione has a daughter, I guess it finally sunk in that they are married and have kids, lol. Wonder who is at the door, could it be Harry and Ginny, hmm. I want to know, PAMS! |
Thanks for reading and just to inform you Lord Vulture is a women. she just think s lord is better then lady. |
Heres chapter three guys. wow i've written two chapters in one day. record for me. Thanks to moonchicc07 and everyone else for reading ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hermione and Hugo jumped at the sound of the door. before they could move Harry was barging in. "Hermione," He said when he saw her on the floor 'he looks really worried' she thought to herself. "Hermione...," He said again "I have some really bad news.... er...well i hate to say this but Ron's in hospital."he finished slowly. He waited for a load of questions which came is a instant. "Is he alright?...how bad is he?...how did it happen?...when did it happen?..." she asked "Calm down Hermione, he's alright. someone attacked him from behind. He's in st mongos now and he wants to see you." he said calmly Hermione starred at Harry with tears in her eyes. "Is he alright Harry? please tell me" she asked while a tear rolled down her swollen cheek. He looked away from her sad face, he avoided her question "Hermione...."he began "please tell me Harry, is he alright" Harry looked back at her face. A single tear rolled down his face. "No" he whispered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albus lay awake in his bed listening to the noise's outside his dormitory window 'Rose i miss you so much' he thought to himself. He started to cry into his pillow and before he knew it he cried himself to sleep. He was walking along a dark path in the forbidden forest, all alone. suddenly there was a bright light a few meters away from him. It moved its head to look at him a second before walking away. Albus starred after it a moment before running to catch it up, but it disappeared. He looked around the cold, dark forest.He was starting to get scared.Just when he thought nothing more bad could happen he heard a high-pitched scream coming from the direction of the lake. Before he could think twice he was running towards the scream. He ran into the clearing of the lake just in time to see a familiar-looking girl's limp body fall to the ground. Albus ran to her and fell to his knees. He looked at her then slowly took hold of her shoulders and turned her to look at him. He looked at her face once and gasped "Rose"he said. he looked at her battered body and screamed. Albus woke screaming, he was drenched in sweat. He started to cry. "Rose"he said through his sobs "Al" "Whats the matter?" all his roommates gathered round his bed looking worried. He looked up He stopped crying. "Bad dream" He gave them a fake smile "your not, im getting a professor"his roommate colin said running out of the dorm "I'm fine really, it wa..." he began "Mate you were moaning in your sleep" another roommate interrupted "I said it was a bad dream, i'm fine" " you don't look it" a voice behind them said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok what do you think? |
Wow, two chapters! they were great, but they were so sad! I hope Rose is okay, and I need to know what's wrong with Ron! please PAMS! |
well thanks for reading. Chapter 4 will be posted sometime this week. your find out whats happen with Ron but you have to wait till later to find out what happens to Rose. soz but thanks for reading |
Great chapter! Ron hurt, I'll hurt anyone who hurts the three some, I will! Please tell Ron will be okay, he has to, Hermione needs him! That dream was freaky, but I could picture it in my head and even I was scared, is he having those dreams like Harry did? PAMS, there are too many questions left unanswered!! Oh lol, Lord Vulture is a woman, lol. Sorry I'm good, okay, if she hurts Rose I will kill her!!! |
No Rose can't disappear. And poor Ron he can't be hurt either. Wonder how hermione's cgoing to tel lHugo? |
Me likey this chaptey!:haha: I'm a new reader. Call me Yvonne! |
Oh No New reader HEre Please tell us what happend PamS VoldyXOXOXOXO |
New reader here. Love the story, but poor rose and ron! please dont kill either of them. |
Sorry for the wait for the next chapter. i was busy last week and i was away at the weekend ad couldn't finsh the next chapter but i did last night. i'll post it sometime this week(hopefully tonight). Thanks for waiting and not leaving me. |
Not a problem. Take your time. So can't wait for more. |
I was half way typing it up last night but my sister got my mum to kick me off the internet. I had to copy what i had written into word and save it, and the annoying thing is im not aloud on the computer at home till thursay. Help!!! |
aww pats you!great story though!am waiting for more!!*hugglres mah rose and ron* |
hurry post more im hooked its a great story |
Wow! I love it so far! It's really good! It's full of suspence! Argh! :P Can't wait for more. |
Oh thanks everyone your all great and thanks for waiting. Have some small problems with getting on the right computer over here |
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