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The Lost Lover - Sa16+ Hello! My name's Jazz and this is the first FF I've posted on SS. I hope you like it and please leave comments and criticisms if you wish! :D Most of the chracters belong to the wonderful J.K Rowling. Oh and it starts before Order of the Phoenix and in the summer before Harry starts his 5th year :) I have also written a prequel which is called Forever Hold Your Peace Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen - Chapter Twenty - Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two - Chapter Twenty-Three - Chapter Twenty-Four - Chapter Twenty-Five - Chapter Twenty-Six - Chapter Twenty-Seven - Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty - Chapter Thirty-One - Chapter Thirty-Two - Chapter Thirty-Three - Chapter Thirty-Four - Chapter Thirty-Five - Chapter Thirty-Six - Chapter Thirty-Seven - Chapter Thirty-Eight - Chapter Thirty-Nine - Chapter Forty - Chapter Forty-One - Chapter Forty-Two - Chapter Forty-Three - Chapter Forty-Four - Chapter Forty-Five - Chapter Forty-Six - Chapter Forty-Seven - Chapter Forty-Eight - Chapter Forty-Nine - Chapter Fifty - Chapter Fifty-One - Chapter Fifty-Two - Chapter Fifty-Three - Chapter Fifty-Four - Chapter Fifty-Five The End. Final Words Chapter One - Not Just A Normal Monday Morning Izabella hurried down the busy London street, swerving between the numerous tourists as she tried to keep hold of the multiple folders and papers she carried in her arms. She reached a crossing and stood impatiently at the side of the road watching the traffic through narrow eyes. As she glanced at her watch there was a break in the cars and she dashed across the uneven road. Izabella continued down a long road passing the brightly lit shops and restaurants and clinging onto her documents as the wind threatened to yank them out of her hands. Reaching the front of the large modern building she ducked into the spacious reception glad to be out of the July heat. She paused at the entry glancing at herself in the reflective glass doors. A pale face framed by slightly windswept jet black hair looked back at her with round dark eyes. She smoothed her grey suit and ran a hand through her hair before walking towards the girl sat at the front desk. “Morning Jenna,” she whispered to the girl who was sifting through papers in front of her whilst talking to someone on the phone. She looked up and grinned. “Let me just put you on hold Sir,” she said down the phone. “Lunch today?” she suggested to Izabella who agreed with a laugh then told her to get back to work, winking over her shoulder at her as she made her way towards the elevator, tottering on her heels to reach it before the doors shut. A tall man with sandy hair and bright blue eyes chuckled as she leant against the wall with a sigh. “Hectic morning?” he asked grinning. Izabella gave him a dark look. “Mr Adams has rang me four times already this morning,” she replied lowering her voice even though they were they only people in the cramped lift. “He's so stressed about this meeting.” she said rolling her eyes. He laughed, his eyes sparkling. “What would he do without you.” he winked and picked up his briefcase as the elevator stopped at his floor. “Good Luck.” he said over his shoulder. “Thanks Josh.” Izabella said as the doors shut once more and took her to the top floor. She made her way down the winding corridors, stopping occasionally to lean into people's offices that lined the corridor to say 'Good Morning' and pick up even more folders. Just as she reached the wooden door with her name on a voice shouted her name. She turned and groaned inwardly. “Izabella! Please tell me-” “Here you go! Now go to your office and relax.” Izabella said, firmly handing the folders to Mr Adams. He smiled with relief. “Thank you! You are a life saver!” he called over his shoulder as he sped to his office already shoving his thick framed glasses onto his flushed face. Izabella rolled her eyes and chuckled under her breath. She shifted the documents into one arm and pushed open the heavy wooden door into her office. Then she froze at the sight that greeted her. |
Chapter Two coming soon :D Please leave comments :) |
Chapter Two - The Visitor A tall figure stood behind her desk by the large window, looking out onto the busy street below. His clothes were eccentric, even for London and his white wispy hair passed his waist. As he turned, Izabella was pierced by the eyes of Albus Dumbledore. As she stood frozen to the spot where she had entered the office, Dumbledore smiled gently and looked at her over the top of his glasses. “You may want to shut the door Izabella.” he said quietly. She nodded, her mouth still hanging wide open then turned and shut the door behind her, pausing to take a deep breath before she turned back to face her old teacher. He was sitting in her chair behind the desk so Izabella took the chair in front of him, unable to shake the feeling that she was back in school again as he surveyed her with his blue eyes. “You look well.” he said smiling as he attempted to break the tense atmosphere. She nodded and opened her mouth then shut it again as she swallowed and clear her throat. “Yes, erm I am. Thank you.” she mumbled. “How are you finding muggle life?” he asked, tilting his head to one side as he waited for her reply. “Simple.” she said firmly, clenching her jaw and looking at the floor. There was a short silence then Dumbledore leaned forward towards her. “It's time Izabella. He needs you. We all do.” he said gently. Izabella closed her eyes tightly as Dumbledore said just the thing she wished he wouldn’t. “No.” she said firmly. “No! I asked to be left alone! Why did you come here Dumbledore?” she said, her anger rising as she left her seat and started pacing. “You know why.” he said quietly. She turned to him. Dumbledore sat with his head bent over his hands, his shoulders hunched slightly. He stayed like that for a moment, thinking deeply, then looked up at her kindly, turning his head to one side. She shook her head desperately and sank back into her chair. “I can't Dumbledore. I just cant.” she whispered, dropping her head as tears started to well in the corners of her eyes. “Izabella. Harry needs you.” “No. Harry needs James and Lily.” Izabella said, her voice cracking as she looked up at Dumbledore. “Izabella you have to stop blaming yourself.” he said gently. “But it was my fault.” she whispered. Izabella felt a hot tear run down her cheek as the feelings she had been bottling up for 14 years finally spewed out. |
I get a feeling that Izabella is Harry's protector, body guard and it's a way to pay him back for something bad she did in the past, hence the crying at the end. The second chapter got me interested when Dumbledore came around.The fact that someone is so delighted to see him and then frigthened by his words is a nice little twist. |
I think she's more frightened of her feelings than what Dumbledore says. |
Connection with Sirius perhaps?:loved: very nice style of writing:yes: |
Oooh, this is quite interesting, I love it. :yes: I'm all squirming in my seat I love it so much, I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work! :glomp: <3 Dee |
Wow, this is a great start. I love when the first couple chapters already have you predicting and guessing. Already waiting for the next chapter. Good job! |
sweetpinkpixie – maybe ;) and thank you very much :D MissDee – Thankyou! I'll post the next chapter soon :D brelovesweasleys – Thank you! Next chapter coming later today :) Thank you for your comments, they mean a lot to me :D |
Sorry it's just a short chapter, I'll try and post another as soon as possible :D Anyway, hope you like it! Chapter Three - Leaving Dumbledore waited patiently as Izabella sniffled to herself, until when she finally had herself under control she wiped her face and looked up at him. He smiled gently and spoke in a soft tone. “They'll be glad to have you back.” he reassured her before he stood up and walked towards the office door. He held out his hand and gave Izabella a piece of parchment with slanted writing on, which she recognised as his own. “What's this?” she said in quiet voice, as she looked at the address on the paper. “It would be good if you could make it today, at around 12 o'clock.” he gazed at her one more time over his spectacles then opened her office door and disappeared. She watched the door and the place he had disapparated for a few moments then looked up at the silver clock on the wall. 10 o'clock. “Fantastic.” she mumbled sarcastically to herself as she made her way behind her desk, pausing for a moment to watch the street below. It hadn't changed since she walked along it this morning but somehow, everything looked different to her. Everything looked dangerous. Izabella turned her back on the window and faced the desk and stared at the drawers for a moment, biting her lip before bending down and opening the bottom drawer. From inside she pulled out the wand she had not used in 14 years. It felt unfamiliar in her hands. She had grown so accustomed to doing everything for herself, it would be strange to have magic once again. She sighed before placing the wand on the desk carefully then arranging her desk and placing everything she'd need including her wand, the parchment Dumbledore gave her and a photo album she got from the same drawer as her wand, into her bag. Izabella left the office, glancing behind her to scan the room for anything she left. Satisfied she began to walk down the corridor, chewing her lip as she worried about how Mr Adams would cope without her. She had no idea how long she'd be. 5 hours? 5 days? Izabella reached the reception and walked over to Jenna slowly. “I can't do lunch. Or the meeting. I have to go home.. Family emergency.” Izabella figured it wasn’t really a lie. Jenna surveyed her with a suspicious look but nodded. “I'll sort it.” she said confidently. “Thank you Jenna.” Izabella paused then leaned over the desk and kissed her friend on the cheek. “Thank you for everything.” “Alright Izabella, don’t get dramatic.” she said laughing. With a smile Izabella turned and walked out of the office block building with no idea how long it would be until she returned. |
Oooh! This is so good! I want more. -pouts- Keep up the good work Jazz, this is fantastic! :glomp: <3 Dee |
I normally do not read HP fiction where the main character is non-canon, but I have to say yours got me intrigued, and it's beautifully written. Good job! Will come back for more ;) |
Yeah, I know what you mean but other characters come into it later so don't worry :) I'll post another chapter later today! :D |
This is nicely written. I wonder what's going to happen next. Update soon;) |
I will later today :D |
Chapter Four - Grimauld Place Izabella stood looking up at a tall brick building, her dark hair swaying behind her in the gentle summer breeze. Her brow furrowed as she looked at the space between two of the houses, then she looked down at the parchment Dumbledore had given her. She was definitely in the right place. Glancing up once more at the row of houses, a small gasp escaped her lips. Number 12 had appeared out of nowhere. She was confused for a moment, staring at the house that appeared to have just dropped out of the sky, until she suddenly realised. “Fidelius charm. Should of known.” she mumbled to herself. Izabella held back for a moment, biting her lip and watching the house warily, then she sighed and made her way up the steps to the large black door, knocking gently. As if he was expecting her, Dumbledore pulled back the door as she finished knocking. “Izabella.” he said relieved, with a smile. She nodded slightly then stepped past Dumbledore and into the house. “Fidelius charm eh?” she said, raising an eyebrow accusingly and shaking her head. Then she looked around the dark dusty hallway. “Where are we?” she asked. “Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.” he said vaguely, making his way down the corridor and motioning for her to follow him. With a deep breath Izabella made her way along the murky hallway and followed Dumbledore down a set of large stone steps. She could hear voices coming from the room they were heading to. She swallowed nervously then continued into the warm, brightly lit kitchen. The occupants of the room all turned, wary eyes falling onto Izabella as she entered the kitchen. She glanced about the room until her eyes fell onto a certain face. She froze and took a large intake of breath. “James!” she gasped, putting a hand across her mouth and wobbling slightly before she steadied herself by grabbing the back of a chair. Harry Potter's face grew red as yet another person mistook him for his father. He stood up awkwardly to introduce himself to the woman who looked like she'd seen a ghost, when she realised her mistake and blushed slightly, yet still staring in shock at Harry. He nervously flattened his hair over his scar, when his godfather entered the kitchen. “Izabella!” Sirius said stopping suddenly. Izabella moved her eyes from Harry to the scruffy, unshaven face of Sirius Black. Her mouth dropped open as if she was about to speak, but no sound came out. As they continued to stare at each other in silence, Harry looked about but everyone looked as confused as he did apart from Dumbledore, who smiled and cleared his throat loudly. “I believe we have some explaining to do.” he said looking from Sirius to Izabella then finally at Harry. |
This was a great chapter! I'm so confused, but I'm sure it'll get cleared up soon...right, right? :eyebrows: You right so well, keep it up! :glomp: <3 Dee |
Thankyou Dee! Means alot to me :D |
Great chapter! The part with Harry being mistaken for his father made me smile. And Sirius is in, yay! It's getting more and more interesting! <3 |
Chapter Five - Explanations Sirius moved to sit in the chair at the head of the long table, next to Harry, without ever letting his wide, surprised eyes leave Izabella's face. Dumbledore lead Izabella to a seat on the other side of Sirius and opposite Harry, then took his place at the head of the far end of the table. Izabella kept her eyes low, although she could feel every pair of eyes in the room on her. “Harry, this is Izabella. She is...” Dumbledore stopped and looked at Izabella, gently reassuring her to speak. Izabella took a deep breath then looked up, but avoided Sirius' gaze. “I was Lily's best friend at school.” she said smiling slightly at Harry who looked back at her with sudden eagerness. “You knew my parents?” he asked excitedly. Just then a voice interrupted the conversation. “Knew them? Izabella and your mother were like sisters.” Remus Lupin said to Harry, but with his kind eyes on Izabella. She laughed slightly and stood up. “Remus!” she said hugging him. He smiled and put his hand on her chin gently, lifting her face up to look at her. “Where have you been?” he asked frowning slightly. She shrugged her shoulders then sat back down opposite Harry as Lupin took his place beside her, glancing at Sirius with a slightly worried look. There was a pause before Izabella started talking again. “I was a year below Lily at school but I knew her before either of us went to Hogwarts. We lived near each other.” Izabella continued, talking to Harry. “We were best friends and I loved her very dearly.” “How come no one ever mentioned you to me?” he asked confused glancing at Sirius who had stopped watching Izabella and was staring at his hands which were folded together on the table in front of him. She smiled gently. “I've been living as a muggle for a while. No one knew where I was.” she told him, shrugging. “We thought you were dead.” Sirius said quietly, his voice breaking slightly. Izabella looked at him. “I can take care of myself Sirius.” she said, her face softening. “It's been 14 years Izzy.” he placed his hand on top of hers. She looked down then pulled her hand from beneath his, keeping her gaze down. “It's been 14 years since anyone called me 'Izzy'” she said laughing gently. Harry frowned as his brain caught up with the information. “14 years? That means you left when...” he stopped and looked between Sirius and Izabella. The rest of the table waited patiently. Izabella saw a young girl with red hair hardly paying attention to the conversation, instead the pretty girl was watching Harry with a concerned look. “This is very hard to explain Harry..” Lupin said as Izabella paused, biting her lip. She took a deep breath. “I was in Slytherin at Hogwarts.” Izabella said stopping to laugh when she saw Harry's reaction. “You are so like James.” she said with a fond smile before continuing. “I fell into the wrong crowd... I worked for Voldemort.” she said, avoiding Harry's eyes. Sirius folded his arms and sat back in his chair as he watched Izabella. She looked down as she tried to explain. “I was, well one of his more favoured followers. I heard things first, I was told things the others weren't... When he heard the prophecy and started... trying to find you... and your parents...I did everything I could. I stayed with him, all night, all day, making sure he would never, ever find Lily and James...” she stopped and flinched at the painful memories. “One night...” Izabella stopped and hung her head, her shoulders hunched. “One night I asked her... no, begged her to come and see me instead of staying with Voldemort.” Sirius continued, staring at a point on the wall with an expressionless face. “What was the worst that could happen? It was one night... It was Halloween. I told her I wasn't James and Lily's secret keeper any more but... It was too late. Wormtail had got to him first.” he said in a disgusted voice. Izabella looked up, her face tear-stained. “I was the first one there after... it happened. You were standing in your cot, you weren’t even crying.” Izabella whispered her eyes distant. “Do you really think Harry needs to hear this?” interrupted a red headed women half way down the table who was watching Harry, with a hand over her mouth and her face wet with tears. “He deserves to know Molly.” Remus said gently. Sirius shook his head and rolled his eyes slightly. Izabella looked down the table at Dumbledore who was sat with his chin resting on his interlaced fingers as he looked up at the ceiling. He nodded slightly and Izabella continued. “I pulled you out of your cot and sat with you in my arms until Sirius and Dumbledore arrived... Then Hagrid came and it was decided you would go to your Aunt's.” A tear dripped off the end of Izabella's nose and Sirius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You were supposed to come with me and Sirius... but someone decided to try and catch a rat.” she said raising an eyebrow at Sirius. He rolled his eyes at her then looked at Harry. “Harry, I'm not your only Godparent..” he said gently. Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at Izabella. She smiled at him. “You're.. you're my godmother?” he asked. She nodded and smiled. “Your parents weren't cruel Harry, they wouldn’t leave you with only Sirius as a guardian.” she teased, making Sirius chuckle. “So why couldn’t I live with you?” Harry asked quietly. Izabella paused for a moment. “It was my fault they died Harry.” Izabella's voice was quiet and shaky. Her breathing was slow and rough. The people around the table shifted uncomfortably. “I couldn’t bring you up knowing it was my fault you had no parents.” she said quietly. Sirius shook his head. “Don't be daft Izzy.” he said gently, taking her hand and kissing it softly. She smiled slightly and squeezed his hand gently. “Sirius is right. You did everything you could. I don’t think my mum and dad would want you to feel guilty. You were their friend until the end. Don’t blame yourself.” Harry said firmly. “Oh Harry. They would be so proud of you.” she said touching his cheek fondly. “I thought you'd be a little brat after being brought up by Petunia.” she said pulling a face at the name. Sirius and Harry laughed and Izabella smiled, properly, for the first time in 14 years. |
Loved this chapter, amazing is all I have to say! (And Harry having a Slytherin godmother is a fun idea). |
Thank you! Hehe, well she needs to be a Slytherin... a nice one though. If they exist? :lol: |
I think so... |
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