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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 04-01-2005, 11:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Posts: 168

Away from Death

Sitting here sulking
in my defeat, how many
has this happened to?
If I Had listened to my soul and
followed my heart, and had
let them beat as one
maybe I wouldn't be here.
My mind tricked me again,
he's laughing at me as he always does.

He is a star, we all are
some of us just don't listen to the lies and
deceit. I've watched myself as if
from the sidelines treating people
horribly like death. I hate this,
why can't you just let me out?
I'm starving to death.

A black hole is forming,
around my soul and heart.
It takes. My feat which I walked with,
it took my eyes which I used to see
with. My hands which I felt with and my heart
which I loved with. Then my most prized
possesion my soul, my soul for last for it was
the only thing keeping me from death.

This is the end of this one, this is really short but it makes a good point. Moral: Don't ignore yourself. Don't give your mind the pleasure of controling you. Think with your soul and love with your heart, let them beat as one. Or else being someone else can kill you mentally, don't fall in a deep hole dug by man. Be your own person, which is a point I try to get out in everyone of these.

Thakns for reading, and I hope it helped or inlightened you in some way or another.
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Old 04-02-2005, 04:12 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Not once have I ever
seen a body leave a soul.
How horrible a sight it is,
how horrible of a place you
must dwel in. I wish I hadn't met
you, your a drag, to me and my soul.
I clench my teeth in fear.

Your staring at me through
those souless eyes. I thought I was
off bad but your off worse then
any other man or women I ahve ever met.
The stars want you and the monsters need you
but what do you need? What do you want?
Do you want that black hole of death gone?
Then live your life!

Don't let your mind control you!
Your soul needs you, and you need him.
Your heart longs to beat along side it,
so be it, your soul.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 05:28 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 04:53 AM   #28 (permalink)
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My sword in the stone

A metior shower
reins down on the earth
that is me. Wonderful colors of
blue, red and green. My heart is soaring
my soul is living. My mind is doubting and I
don't care. I'm floating on air. The stars are
close but I don't care I'll leave them here for now.

I'm soaring over people soaring over the
ocean of doubt. Flying higher and higher
almost hitting the sun. The sword is my soul
and the stone is my heart. Runnnig on air, I'm
breathing. The sky is clear and the clouds have been
erased. It's like my eyes are seeing for the very first time.
My hands are feeling and my ears are hearing the
wind rush past my mind.

My wings are back and I can't believe it,
I wonder how long before
their stolen again.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 05:29 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 04:59 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Great, as usual. I'm favoring 'Away from Death' at the moment.

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Old 04-02-2005, 05:28 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Inch by Inch

Inch by inch step by step.
Making me feel like an idiot.
You nothing to me but you
used to be. Your eating me alive.
The maggots crawl and eat after
tweanty five feat. Your losing your mind and
I wouldn't have it any other way. Your living in regret
and I wish you would stop before the
worms come in and eat your heart.

By the time you get this message of
modern romance I will have been buried six feat.
Your love beats for me like the hooves of free
mustangs in the summer sun. I miss you more
than words can say, I'm sorry to say.
The words that I form
aren't enough and you deserve more then
me. Your heart and soul would beat next to
mine before you ran off to outer space.
Your destroying my planet inch by inch
and I hate that you hate me for that.

Do not forgive me for I
am not worthy. Do not say your sorry
because your not worthy.
The love we shared was more than my
soul and heart could take
Inch by inch I discover that this isn't romance.
I hope the worms eat your flesh!

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 07:26 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Park of Death

I walk through this
park called eath where bodies
dance. I glance up at the moon and laugh
you tried to steal my wings, so I dance.
Your feelings are dead. Your soul is disinagrated
and your heart has a knife through it.
Your eyes were ate by the maggots and the
worms ate your flesh. Your wondering
why I came here to this park
of death? I walk to your grave and laugh,
the emotion that strikes me less.

I'm causing you turn in
your grave and I think it's great.
I haven't been this happy since we met.
Our modern romance ius dead and lays
in your grave haunting you with dreams
I threw in the trash.

I say that I miss you but
I still laugh. I sit down and read R.I.P.
I take out the kinfe I stabbed you
in the back with. I laugh your death is such mess,
I stick the knife inot my heart and pull out the peice
dedicated to you, I lay it on the grave next the
wilted rose your mother gave.
I forgot why I was here in this park of death.

Love for the dead

Congradulations your now a robot,
you came from the grave and haunted me
I know you more now then ever, our romance I will
never remember.
I don't want to remember, why do you hang
around here? Haunting this place, go and move on
leave this place! Go to the universe and fly with those stars
and destroy me faster then now.

Or go to that four cornered room
of fear and stay there chained to walls
of others judgment. Your hating me
now more than ever, You eye balls quiver.
Your erased from my heart and soul. The only
reason I remember you.

I wish you would move on your
making me sad! I weap in the moon light
of silence. Your talking but I can't hear you.
Is this true love did I kill you?

Alright, this story is done, It is kind of grose and dark, but oh well. The moral: I wish there was one this is just some grose thing I came up with out of nowhere. I'm not sure what it means I'm still trying to figure it out.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 09:04 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 07:59 AM   #32 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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The Definition of Imortality

As it rains I weap.
Maybe it rains because I weap.
These tears of joy and tears
of sorrow run down my face
of rotten flesh. The foolishness of not
knowing what immortality meant.
Standing here in pain, of how I
long to be free. To hopefully
soar above the clouds.
The stars wouldn't be able to catch me.
Faster and faster I would fly
through the night sky. Over rivers of
fear, and over the woods of deceit.

Oh how it would have been sweet.
The sorcerer who did this to me
is fake! For he lied and deceived me
because I am weak. Forever together,
I didn't know the meaning of that.

You made me quit my job of saving,
you made me cut my wings and swim
only to drown into the depths.
Your a horrible man, and wish you would
quit. I hate being here in this palce of lies
and deceit. The stars would treat me better
then this life that is fake.
For the sake of man release me!
Great sorcerer within.

Long Gone

My soul is long gone and my heart is dead.
I hate that my mind is my best friend!
Your losing your grip from the inside
all I have to do is wait. Wait, I've been waiting here
since time of man began!

I hate this life because look
what it brought me. Life is death
and death is life. With every lost soul one
is found. Every heart that dies is reborn.
Why must the sorcerer of the end deny me my end?
The grip is loosening from my eyes. The only thing
left to stare at is the box
I am buried in.
The end is near, yes the end is close.
I can't wait until we are far away from each other again.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 08:08 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 09:01 AM   #33 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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The power of you

My mind is chasing after
me faster and faster, you
can't catch me! You lost
your grip, great sorcerer! Now
I quit and fly with the doves so high.
I cry for this is the day othat I have dreamed
of for centuries. This isn't the end, it's the beginning.
My whole life is ahead. Flying over sharks and fish. I'm
watching other drown or be eaten. I love this feeling of the air in my face.
I can feel as the end is erased.
A new life I have created for
me and her, if only I could find her.
She's out there waiting for me somwhere.
Hopefully she still loves me.

She was my heart and soul now
she is the new thing I long for.
My best friend until the end. Or
is it the beginning?
I can't believe it my wildest dreams have come true.
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Old 04-02-2005, 10:22 AM   #34 (permalink)
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I've got that last one stuck in my head. It's wonderful.

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Old 04-02-2005, 07:26 PM   #35 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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thank you. I'll post more later. But I'm finished with that one. The moral: Hang in there, you'll be ok. Don't let anyone bring you down becasue soon you'll grow your own wings.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-02-2005 at 11:38 PM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 11:40 PM   #36 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Which is better love or death?

What is it to know
true love? Is
it a kiss or is it death?
You never know what you have
until it's gone. Laughing isn't
easy. crying is harder
your destroying me
with emotion. I don't
know what to believe.

Your killing me with your
love, stop! Love, who
ever said it's better to
have loved and lost then
never to know love at all
must have been lonely and chained
to a four cornered room.

I wish I could go back to the way
it used to be. You like to kill
me, I can see it in your souless
eyes that are trying to control and
decieve me.

The planets of man

The stars have
finally fallen to
the ground. The angels cut
out their tongus and casted them to
the planets of man.
They got what they diserve, and I
hope your not one of them. You do
look like your mind speak for you.
Which do you choose heart and soul or mind?
The star inside of you is shining bright.

I'm sorry to say I must leave.
I can't get caught up with
you again. I thought you looked
familiar, your the cruel one
who brings us so far down we have
to dig holes of sorrow to get away
from you.

Love is killing me man, your
not going to make it faster
I would rather it go slower.
That way I would know
that I could still feel the pain and
sorrow you left me with.
Your running out of places to run,
but so am I. So stay away because
I'm not going to let gravity fail.
Becasue I won't be sucked back to the dark
abyss of the icy cold space called man.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-03-2005 at 06:26 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 12:08 AM   #37 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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The Blade of Thruth

Why did they cast you to my earth?
what purpose can you serve
here other theSE tears of sorrow?
Laughing behind my back, running from
the pack of man you must join
if you want to get back on track.

The wolfs are chasing you through
the snowy forest for digging their holes
for them. The holes you call their
graves are shallow. You ruthless
woman! I wish I could leave you,
taking away everything I love and hold dear.
My soul is still here, and my heart is fearful that
he is next. Weaping in my four cornered room again.

I see you walking
towards me through the darkness
of my soul. Creeping slower and slower.
So slow I can barely see you. My heart is
beating so fast in fear, it's off
the richter scale. My soul is standing
infront of my heartin protection and fear.
Taking care of each other. Your standing
eye to eye with me, and I can't breathe.

Your a horrible person, with
that blade. Your killing me,
faster and faster my heart bleeds.
The knife through my heart aches
to bad it belongs to What's-her-face.


Walking through the
darkness I trip over the trash
bin that has my bloody
heart thrown in it. I pull out my
heart and pull off all the forgotten dreams.
It beats in my hand so slow and it's
light is dim. I weap and look around.
I pick up the knife and cut open
my flesh where my heart should be.

The pain is unforgetable, and that
star is unforgivable. She's trying to
fly high above everyone else
but it just won't work. She's going
to be eaten by worms in her thrity foot
fall to death. I'm watching her fall off the cliff,
not even she survived the rocks at the bottom.
The sea is bottomless and the fish are sinking into it.

Where will we go from here? My heart
is now sewn back together. My heart and
soul are over
joyed but my body is infected.
I forgot to take off
some of those forgotten dreams.
Now what will I do? I'm standing on the cliff,
is this what it has come to? I don't want to drown
and I don't want to fly. I'm lazy and that's my
greatest flaw. My mind is soar from the blow
to the head, he's making no sence and I'm happy
becasue not even he is perfect.

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-03-2005 at 12:28 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 05:37 AM   #38 (permalink)
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I absolutely love "Which Is Better Love or Death". It’s… indescribable *dies* lol, It's really beautiful. Oh! Lol, I tried to send you a PM, but it said, and I quote, "The Boogeyman has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space." yeah... just thought you'd like to know

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Old 04-03-2005, 06:24 AM   #39 (permalink)
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I didn't think it was possible but your making my head bigger then it already is. Thank you thank you. Your probably just saying to be nice, but I don't care say all you want I will still hear.
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Old 04-03-2005, 06:55 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Lol, *gladly makes your head bigger* I'm not just being nice, your poetry is amazing.


Last edited by Weasleygal9304; 04-03-2005 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 07:13 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Thank you.

I never knew anyone who
had a window over looking
the landscape of their soul.
No wonder everyone should
see this! Heart made
of gold, and pure.
Eyes clearer then any other.
Ears better then my own.
Hands as soft cotton.
Mind as weak as a rotten

Your making me feel joy,
that I ahve never experienced.
Finally I feel alive, to know
I'm not the only one, I love
how you show it through a window
as a display.

My soul can't even beat with
it's heart as unison as yours.
Your so beautiful on the outside,
and wonderful on the inside.
Your so deep green fields run
through your soul with a rising sun.
I'm glad your taken.

Window of a widow

What happened to you? You were
beautiful, where did you go?
Where is your soul that I can't find?
Your heart is black and has a hole.
where are those never ending fields
of deepness?

Your hands are as rough as
sandpaper. Your eyes need thick
glasses to see. Your ears need
to be cleaned out. Where did
my love go? Where did you put your heart?

The sun is now a black hole,
I'm sorry I left you! Don't cut yourself!
It won't drain the pain! Your tired eyes are
blood shot, you've fallen victom to the violence
it becomes.

I'll be with you someday
but until I'll wait here.
I hope a black room of fear, sorrow
doubt and dispair won't find me....

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-03-2005 at 08:11 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 07:30 AM   #42 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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My soul is your soul

I'm addicted to you and I'm sorry.
Don't worry I'll catch you if
you fall of the cliff.
These words are cutting through me
like the wind. I miss you and
I'm watching over you, I wish you would know that.
Come back to me, I still see your shadow
as you fade into the darkness.
Somebody save me from the darkness.
I'm going to find a way to talk to you.

Though I never was unhappy, agony
betrays your eyes. I try empty out that hole
in your heart, Black blood pours from it,
throwing out all those forgotten dreams.

I found you a new soul since yours
left you in pain. I'll give you mine.
Please don't betray it. My wings will be connected.
Don't let anyone steal them.
Becasue all you ever could feel was bad after my death,
and I never really ever felt bad, I'm going to give you
back the days and nights I stole from you.
Now I will always be with you.
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Old 04-03-2005, 08:04 AM   #43 (permalink)
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You're welcome. It's hard to take all this greatness in at one time, lol.

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Old 04-03-2005, 08:08 AM   #44 (permalink)
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stop, your making me feel good, I need to be dark for it all to's better to be unrecognized then to be noticed. Life without recognition is a good life....

Last edited by The Boogeyman; 04-03-2005 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 08:15 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Okay, you want to be insulted then?

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Old 04-03-2005, 08:19 AM   #46 (permalink)
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See you later

As you cry your
tears of sorrow are
like blood. Trickling down
your face is a horrible site, and I weap.
I told you to stop, I don't want to leave you
to discover. I hope that this pain will leave you soon.

Your fueling my fears, remember this moment,
I wish that you were here. The old you who would
open up a window and breathe. You can't finish
what you started, sad but not surpirsed. I'm staring at
the ceiling of your darkened heart. I can see a little bit
of light peeking through. Where are you? I don't want to leave you.
But your not you anymore, are you?
I'll give you my wings to get through
but I have to push you off this cliff and take my soul back.
I'm giving up on you,
so now I leave you to fly with the sparrow
of light, he'll take care of you.
See you later. I was just the passanger.
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Old 04-03-2005, 08:28 AM   #47 (permalink)
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K, I don't want to crush your insperation so, I'll just say that was nice..

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Old 04-03-2005, 08:58 AM   #48 (permalink)
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lol, it's fine I like the good compliments. Gosh see now I don't know if that one was good or
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Old 04-03-2005, 09:48 AM   #49 (permalink)
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If you really wanna know, it was horrible! Haha, I'm totally kidding, I liked it.. hmm on a scale of one to ten I'd give it a 9, lol. btw.. I can't send you PM's at the moment, see post #38 *lol*


Last edited by Weasleygal9304; 04-03-2005 at 09:51 AM.
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Old 04-03-2005, 10:51 PM   #50 (permalink)
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I'm starting to think
you and the devil used
to share the same science class.
These chemicals you say will create
chemistry between us because look at us.
We're nothing. These black holes in our hearts are
like gun shot wounds. The more I'm around you
I get even more scared of you. When will you be home?
Can you still hear it? Or is still dark tonight?
Did the magic find you or did you create it?

It's bringing you home. I
think your faking your love,
why must you do this, your so dumb.
The magic and chemicals you created make me
mad because you created a love potion.
Our love potion that makes us love
you sold to someone else. Who did you sell it
to? Why did you do this to our love?

You used me and my soul. Or at
least what's left of it. I'm bringing you home.
Your chemicals you created behind my back are wereing off
Your making me mad, and
that only happened when we were young.
On one hand it's hard enough, you won't
let a moment pass you by.

Sleeping away from you

Your better off awake,
your making me mad again,
taking my heart and stabbing it
with your love. I would sleep and dream of
you, and now
I'm better off awake

Always, you say you love me but now I want you to
say you love me
like you mean it, don't slip anymore
chemicals into my drink, I'm in love
with you enough now. So just go and sleep in.
Leave me alone so I won't have to listen to you.

Emotion runs through my veins,
you still won't listen to me.
Your killing me! These poems I wrote
for you make no sence. At least to you
they don't. Just tell me what it is.
You know it's not right, your dead to me!
Let me live on my own planet, I hate yours.
volcanos and tornadoes of love and emotion
erupt and swirl on top of me. Let's just call it what it is,
your dead to me.

I can't sleep, that makes you happy!
Just leave me, let's call it
what it and what it is,
is dead to me.
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