07-16-2008, 11:52 AM
#101 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Here you go: as promised. Chapter 16, part 2
“Where is Sirius?” he watched her face for sign of reaction. She merely sighed.
“Sirius.” She seemed distracted but looked back at Harry with a gentle smile. “Sirius is safe, Harry. He is well, and most importantly he is close.” That was all she offered, but all the same he felt relief flooding through him.
“Can I see him?” she nodded gently but Harry was disappointed by her answer.
“I thought you may ask that. Soon, Harry. Very soon. He misses you y’know.” He returned her smile.
“I miss him too.” She nodded slowly in response. They were both silent for a while.
“Harry?” he looked up to find her watching him. “You saw me last night. With Professor Snape.” It was a statement, not a question but he nodded anyway.
“It may have confused you a little.” He nodded again. “And you saw me talking to Lucius Malfoy.” That Harry wasn’t expecting and his eyes grew wide in panic. She held her hands up defensively. “It’s ok. I knew you were there. Not straight away. But when Lucius was leaving, I saw you hiding. I knew he’d find you so I called him back. I dread to think what would have happened if he’d found you.” Harry shivered at the thought and swallowed hard.
“I think you deserve a lot of explanations.” He breathed deeply and she looked a little sad, even a little guilty.
“I’m not working with Lucius Malfoy, Harry.” he looked at her a little patronizingly. He knew what he’d heard. “I know it looked like, what it sounded like. Especially considering what you overheard on the roof.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Lucius Malfoy and I have unfinished business, like I said. The only reason I haven’t killed him is because I need him.” Harry sat up straight, his eyes wide. Professor Hedwig’s face became hard and cold, her eyes narrowing. “I can’t tell you the details. It’s so complicated…but…to be brutally honest with you, Harry, I’m using him to get to Voldemort.” Harry’s jaw dropped and she fixed him with an expression that chilled him.
“It’s not been easy, believe me. But I owe them both. Getting him to trust me hasn’t been a simple task. Luckily for me, Voldemort himself dealt me a joker.” Harry was getting confused now. She was talking in riddles that made his head swim.
“I saved Draco’s life, and now Lucius owes me.” Harry overwhelmed by what he was hearing. This last piece of information had bowled him over. “My advantage is that Lucius is now under some bizarre impression that I trust him.” She sniggered in such a way that Harry was calling the woman’s sanity into question.
“Right now, he’s telling his master how foolish Krysta Hedwig has fallen for his lies and trusts him. He’s telling him that at the first opportunity he has, he’s going to kill me, you, Severus and anyone else to gets in his way.” Harry felt dizzy. He knew things had been kept from him, but now he felt like he had been happier not knowing what they were.
“Unfortunately for him, I’ve never trusted a word that leaves his treacherous lips. And whilst he’s making plans to destroy and betray me, he’s playing straight into my trap.” She laughed a little and Harry shifted uncomfortably on his boulder.
“Poor Lucius. See his master never really forgave him for his dwindling loyalty in the Dark Lord’s absence. And Lucius had been trying to make it up ever since.” Harry nodded slowly. He’d said something similar to Malfoy when Voldemort had first risen again before the summer.
“You think Voldemort’s going to kill Lucius, don’t you.” She regarded the boy with a curious expression.
“You’re just as astute as your Father ever was. Yes, I think Lucius has let his master down one too many times. Letting you get away was only the second to last mistake he made.” She looked at him and smiled sheepishly.
“He let me go? I thought… you saved me.”
“Technically I did.” She said then seemed to become distant. “I just hope he gives Lucius another chance.” Harry raised an eyebrow.
“Why? If you hate him so much?”
“Because I’m not done with him yet. I have…a few plans for Mister Malfoy. I’m counting on him.”
“But you’re not going to tell me why, are you?” he smiled a little and she returned it.
“I haven’t even told Severus.” Harry’s features hardened.
“Have you told Sirius?” he asked sharply. He didn’t like the way she was friendly with the two men who hated each other with a vengeance. She watched him with a bemused curiosity.
“Yes. I have.” She finally answered and Harry relaxed a little.
“You said you saved Draco’s life.” She nodded. “Well, how? Is it connected to his disappearance?” she nodded again.
“I told you that Voldemort isn’t too happy with Lucius.” Harry nodded slightly to prompt her. “Well there are several reasons. Lucius was given a task: to retrieve something very important for his master. He failed. But Voldemort gave him an ultimatum. He gave Lucius a month to find the item he had somehow lost.” A glint appeared in her eye. “But if he failed, he would kill Draco.” Harry’s jaw dropped again in horror.
“He had Draco?” Harry felt mildly sick as Professor Hedwig slowly nodded.
“Bloody hell.” He whispered, not caring about his language. “No wonder he isn’t exactly himself right now.” Images of the overly pale Draco flashed through his mind. “But how do you know all of this?” he asked and Professor Hedwig lowered her head, gazing into the babbling stream. She drew her legs up so knees touched her chin.
“I make it my business to know what that monster is up to.” Her features hardened again and Harry noticed the distinct look of bitterness in her expression.
“Lucius? Or Voldemort?” he asked carefully and she remained silent for a few seconds.
“Both.” She finally answered and Harry nodded and studied her carefully. Suddenly she seemed so small, curled up on the huge round rock, hugging her legs to her body.
“Lucius spared you y’know. We already had a deal.” Harry frowned. What was she talking about? “ When…when I arrived Sirius was barely alive. Lucius was waiting for me. I would have killed him there and then but…he asked me for help. Begged me to save Draco. He told me everything. He seemed to think that Draco knew where the item was. The one Voldemort needed. He said he couldn’t find it without his son, and if he didn’t find it Draco would be killed.” Harry listened in disbelief. The more the woman talked, the more things began to make sense.
“And you agreed? To help him, why?”
“Draco may not be a pleasant person, Harry but he’s an innocent.” Harry snorted.
“I wouldn’t say that. He’d join Voldemort in a flash.”
“Maybe he would…but the truth is I realised I could use it to my advantage. We made a deal. I would rescue Draco, making it look as though Lucius had nothing to do with it.”
“And what was his end of the deal?” Harry asked. Wondering how much more information he could absorb right now.
“One was that he would spare Severus. As you know, Voldemort would very much like to see him dead.” Harry nodded. “The second was to spare you. I knew the Death Eaters had read your letter. Hedwig was lying in the corner. Poor thing was shivering in shock.” Harry felt a lump in his throat at the thought of his beloved pet in such pain. “I knew they’d be going after you. They knew exactly where you’d be that night, and that you’d be helpless. We made a deal to allow you to escape then fix it so no one would remember a thing. Three death Eaters were captured that night. Voldemort is not a very happy viper.” Harry swallowed hard.
“So it was a memory altering spell.”
“Yes it was. It was a very complicated, very potent spell. It’s extremely selective, as you’ve probably worked out. It’s almost a kind of hypnosis.”
“But…” he frowned.
“Well if you were working together, and if you were going to alter everyone’s memory, why did you…you two were at each other’s throats that night. Why put on an act if you’re going to make everyone forget it afterwards?” she looked at him with a slight grin.
“That was no act, Harry. Do you think I enjoyed working with him, Harry? I hate the man with a burning passion. After what he…” she trailed off and looked away. “Besides it was damn good fun, he’s so funny when he’s angry.” She giggled and Harry raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t so sure about her last comment. “So you went to the Weasley’s and I got Draco back home safely. The rest I’m afraid is a waiting game.”
“Waiting for what?”
“Waiting for Lucius Malfoy to betray me.” She smiled secretly to herself. She noticed Harry’s confused expression and smiled.
“You see, there was a third part to the bargain. The ‘item’ Voldemort is so desperate to get his hands on would never be handed over to him. That was the promise Lucius made.” Harry frowned.
“What is this ‘item’ anyway?” he asked, and she smiled.
“Oh it’s not so important now, Harry. But…if he were to ever have its power…it wouldn’t be good, Harry.” Harry felt nervous. He didn’t like this at all.
“Then why doesn’t someone just destroy it? If it’s so dangerous…”
”But it isn’t!” she interrupted looking excited and her eyes danced with wonderment. Harry was astonished by this change in her. “He is the dangerous one. This item…it was meant for good things, Harry. And it’s my job to make sure of that.”
“And you really think that Lucius will stick to the deal? If Voldemort wants it so badly…”
“Harry I have every confidence that Lucius will hand it straight over to Voldemort the moment he gets his hands on it.” She grinned and Harry felt nervous again.
“I don’t understand.” She smiled gently.
“You will, Harry. It’s like I said to Severus last night: I know something he doesn’t.” she grinned and for some reason Harry felt the nervous feeling leave and realised he was smiling back.
“Snape was right…you’re a sly one.” They both laughed.
“So…are you happy that I’m a good guy? Or do you still think I’m in league with the Dark Lord?” she asked and he smiled and nodded.
“I’m happy.” He shivered all of a sudden and realised how cold it had become. He looked up to see that the pale sun was well on the way to setting. He looked up towards the ledge on which he had left his friends, realising exactly how far away it was. He hadn’t realised how far he and Professor Hedwig had walked.
“Come on, it’ll be dinner time soon, and there’s quite a walk back to the castle.” Ordered Professor Hedwig jumping off her boulder. Harry joined her as they re-entered the cover of the trees.
They walked in peace for a few moments before she spoke again.”
“Harry can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Your Mother’s necklace…you gave it to Hermione?” he nodded a little surprised she knew about that.
“Good.” She fell silent for a few seconds. “How is she since the nightwraith attack?” he looked directly at her as they walked slowly up the sloping path.
“She’s fine.” She nodded thoughtfully.
“Have you noticed any…changes in her at all?” Harry looked at her with a little surprise. He had noticed changes in Hermione. But they were just…changes. Natural, and she had been eating a lot of chocolate recently, he thought. He grinned to himself. But almost immediately the grin faded. He had noticed some changes. Hermione had suddenly started talking to dolphins. He didn’t want to mention that right now, however. He was a little curious as to why Professor Hedwig would be so interested in his friend. Instead he shrugged and shook his head. She regarded him a little strangely but didn’t say anything. Harry decided it time to change the subject.
“Oh call me Krysta.”
“Krysta…why did you have my Mother’s pendant? You sent it to me, didn’t you? In your letter you said she left it with you.” Krysta remained silent for a while and studied the plants and trees around them. The silence seemed to last for ever.
“She was the best friend I ever had.” She finally said and he looked at her questioningly.
“Your Mother.” Harry felt a cool sensation pass through him.
“So you did know her.” He said to himself more than to her.
“Know her? We were inseparable…until the day they died.” Krysta’s voice had become weak and grated. “She gave me the necklace the very same day she died. She knew, Harry I’m sure of it. I guess we all did in a way. We couldn’t risk Voldemort…she wanted it safe.”
Harry nodded, a large lump forming in his throat.
“She was the most loyal of friends, Harry. She loved James so much…and you. I think you know how much.” She smiled sadly, watching him for a few moments. She stopped and he stopped with her. She gently parted his fringe with her fingers. The pain was obvious in her eyes as she saw the scar.
“I was going to go after them.” She said quietly. She held eye contact with him for a moment before she began slowly making her way up the path once more. He joined her, his emotion levels rocketing. This woman had been there. She had known his parents, had known Sirius. She knew the truth.
“Sirius wouldn’t let me. He went after Peter by himself and there was nothing I could do to stop him, he was so…damned stubborn.” The bitterness had returned to her voice.
“You knew Wormtail was the secret keeper.” He said, almost accusingly. She looked at him a little disorientated. She looked away again, almost immediately. “Why didn’t you say anything? Sirius…” she interrupted his angry words immediately.
“I did, Harry!” he stopped dead, the expression on her face silencing him. Her face was a mixture of pain, anger and frustration. “I told them everything. I told them they’d made a mistake and that Peter was the secret keeper. They said I was lying to protect my…to protect Sirius.”
“Wait, are you saying Crouch knew the whole time? You told them about Wormtail, and they did nothing?” She visibly swallowed and nodded her head. “I don’t believe it.” He gasped, and she snorted slightly.
“Don’t you? The Ministry back then…well let’s just say half of them supported Voldemort, and the other half didn’t want to know, didn’t want to accept what was going on. They needed a scapegoat. The Muggle authorities needed someone to blame for what happened. Wormtail was nowhere to be found. They didn’t want to listen to me.” Harry shook his head in disbelief. “I knew Peter was still alive. I could feel it as clearly as I could feel that Voldemort himself was still alive somewhere.” He looked at her a little apprehensively.
“You knew he was alive?” she nodded.
“Something that dark…to someone like me it sticks out like a Muggle in Gringotts.” Harry couldn’t help but smile at her analogy.
“To someone like you?” he asked, curious to know what she meant. She just smiled.
“Another story, for another time, Harry.” he nodded and smiled back.
“So what happened? What did you do?”
“Well, in not so many words, I was told to get the hell out of the country. Mister Crouch didn’t want me hanging around stirring up trouble and bad memories I think.” Harry shook his head again. He couldn’t believe the Ministry was so corrupt. But the image of Fudge came into his head. A man in denial, who never wanted to hear bad news. He had refused to accept that Sirius was innocent or that Voldemort had risen again.
“But still, I can’t believe they’d just dismiss you like that.” He insisted, only half believing his words. Fudge had done exactly the same thing to him.
“Well…they didn’t want to listen to me. They had their reasons. I upset a few people once. Important people. Grudges last in the Ministry.” He frowned but knew better than to ask questions. Maybe Sirius would tell him.
“So you went to Romania?” he asked and she nodded.
“I had some business to deal with first, but basically yeah.” She seemed distant again and began playing with a chain, which was just visible around the neck of her robes. She sighed deeply and they both walked in silence for a while. Soon the sound of voices and laughter was audible and Harry realised they were close to the ridge on which they’d left the others. A loud snorting rumble told him Norbert was still with them.
“Why is Norbert here?” she snapped out of her trance and looked at him as though she’d only just noticed he was there. She smiled but was serious when she spoke.
“He’s er, part of a project I’m preparing for.” Harry somehow knew not to probe any further. He was beginning to realise that some things were better off unknown until you were ready for them.
“Harry, I know you have many more questions.” He voice made him jump. He’d been completely lost in thought. He nodded in answer. He certainly did.
“You’ve been having strange dreams, haven’t you?” he looked up shocked.
“Yes! How did you know about that?” she winked.
“Oh I know a lot of things.” He regarded her with a little alarm. “Don’t be scared of them. Soon they will begin to make sense. All the pieces will begin to fit into place.” He nodded and she smiled again. Her smile was so infectious. “I know you have questions. Things that are bothering you and I understand that. Can I give you some advice?” Harry nodded gently, watching her carefully.
“Go to your lessons, do your homework. Play Quidditch and spend time with your friends. You don’t need to go searching for answers. Believe me, soon enough the answers will come and find you. All of you. No doubt when you’re least expecting it.” Harry thought about her words carefully and eventually nodded. She smiled once more.
“Good. Besides, my lessons are gonna be so fascinating you won’t care about anything else!” they both laughed together as the trees parted to reveal the end of the path and six friends and a dragon sitting in a circle on the rocky ledge.
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07-16-2008, 01:10 PM
#102 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | Nik it's brilliant! I can't believe that Krysta is teaming up with Lucius, even if she doesn't like it... she's still doing it! I just want to know what the necklace does and whether Norbert is actually going to eat anyone or not. I love the fact that he's so gentle with Hermoine.
xxx |
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07-16-2008, 03:50 PM
#103 (permalink)
| Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent
Gosh I'm really slacking lately. I haven't been 1st to post in a while . . .
Poor Draco, always having to pay for his father's shortcomings.
I think I know what Voldie's after!
Amazing post, as always!
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07-17-2008, 02:22 AM
#104 (permalink)
| RP Queen Snidget
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: dining with Hannibal
Posts: 2,619
Hogwarts RPG Name: Saiyomi Neliel Schiffer Seventh Year |
love it!! can't wait for more!!
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07-17-2008, 06:02 AM
#105 (permalink)
| Chizpurfle
Join Date: May 2006 Location: In a world with Dan
Posts: 10,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lilly Young Second Year | Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity
love it you are such a great writer
__________________ *Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*  *Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy* |
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07-17-2008, 08:17 AM
#106 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Thanks everyone! Who wants the final part of the chapter? First to post gets a character named after them in a future fic.
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07-17-2008, 08:40 AM
#107 (permalink)
| RP Queen Snidget
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: dining with Hannibal
Posts: 2,619
Hogwarts RPG Name: Saiyomi Neliel Schiffer Seventh Year |
I do I do!! love it!! again!
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07-17-2008, 08:41 AM
#108 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | ME!!!!!! I want the new post!!!!! Pick me!!!! pLease PAMS!!!!
edit: gah codi would be seconds before me wouldnt she! *scowls at codi* |
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07-17-2008, 08:56 AM
#109 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | lol. Aww, poor Jemma. Don't worry I was going to put you in a fic anyway.
Ok, codi, if you were to date one of the marauders, which one would it be?
Whilst you think about it, here's part 3: Chapter 16, part 3
“We were about to send out a search party.” Announced Ron, leaning away from the dragon whose head lay between himself and Hermione. As Harry and Krysta joined them on the ridge Norbert lifted his head from the rocky ground and snorted a cloud of blue smoke into the air, waggling his ears. Harry stifled a chuckle, as it looked just as though he were waving at them. Krysta went straight up to the beast who grumbled a little as she stroked her fingertip down his snout.
“See, he just doesn’t like men.” Announced Hermione sounding triumphant as she received several glares from the boys and a bemused smile from Charlie. Harry noticed Hagrid looked particularly miffed as he played with his beard, which was still smouldering. Harry tried not to notice the lingering scent of burnt hair.
“Ok, all students back to Hogwarts please. Charlie, you better stay with Hagrid. I have some things to check yonder.” She motioned to the trees beyond the chasm below them.
“Right boss.”
“Come on Norbert, time for beddy-byes.” Cooed Hagrid as Norbert backed off very quickly, clearly having other ideas.
“Norbert…” warned Krysta gently. The dragon snorted reproachfully, turning from the group defiantly. “Sha né kerr.” She ordered softly and reluctantly the mighty creature grumbled again before taking to the air and swooping downwards. The group watched in amazement as he disappeared straight through the waterfall into a hidden cave behind the wall of cascading water.
“Cool.” Commented Ron.
“So what did she say?”
“Why’s Norbert here? Charlie wouldn’t tell us.”
“Does she know anything about Malfoy?”
“What about Sirius?”
“And Winky?”
“Ok! Just give me a sec, guys.” The all fell silent giving each other frustrated glances. Harry appreciated how curious they all must be about what he and Krysta talked about, but he truly was exhausted. He wasn’t sure if he could go through everything again right now. His head was a jumble of pieces of information, which hadn’t had time to be filed away in methodical order yet.
The walk back to the castle somehow seemed longer in the cold darkness. It was approaching 7 o’clock and he was beginning to feel rather hungry. He couldn’t believe it was practically dark already. Hermione shivered her teeth chattering.
“It’s so cold…oh, thanks Ron!” Ron had handed her his cloak and Harry stared in astonishment as the already cold boy sacrificed his only defence against the winter-like chill. He also noticed similar glances from the twins and bit his lip as they winked at each other. The last thing Ron needed was those two winding him up.
“Oh thank god, Hogwarts.” Announced Ron with a shiver as they broke free of the trees.
“And food!” cried the twins in unison as all five of them broke into a trot to reach the “warmth” of the castle.
Sausages had never tasted so good to Harry. Neither had the creamy mashed potatoes that went with them. The five friends wolfed down their dinner hungrily much to the amusement of their friends. Heather jibed them all through the meal, begging them to tell her what they’d been up to, to make them so hungry. Harry noticed Ron biting his tongue through the whole thing and realised just how much he’d come dislike the girl.
Dean began making Niffler-like noises, which was kind of his way of calling them pigs. Harry was so hungry and so relieved to be anything like warm, it was close to the end of dinner that he noticed someone was missing. He searched up and down the table, but couldn’t see her anywhere. After what he’d heard last night, he hoped that Ginny was ok. He did notice Reena discreetly slipping some sausages and some slices of bread into a paper bag, which she then hid in her book bag when she thought no one was looking.
Harry frowned. Where was she? He also noticed when half way through the meal Krysta appeared looking slightly bothered as she took a seat next to Severus, who for once she did not strike up a conversation with. Instead she leant the other way and whispered to Dumbledore who looked thoughtful. The headmaster spoke something back to her, her response to which was to shake her head and say something else. Neither spoke for a few seconds until Dumbledore stroked his beard and looked in Harry’s direction before saying something more. Krysta nodded and to Harry’s surprise, left her seat again to disappear through the side door behind the head table.
The rest of the meal was uneventful and Harry was most grateful. He’d had enough for one day.
The weeks up to Halloween were quiet and peaceful. Harry did his best to follow Krysta’s advice. He went to class and with a little encouragement from Hermione got his homework done and handed in on time. In time he told Ron and Hermione about what Krysta had told him. He told them about the conversations he’d overheard, about Lucius Malfoy’s deal with Krysta and how Draco had been taken prisoner by The Dark Lord himself.
They’d been horrified, but both agreed that things were beginning to make sense. He didn’t go into detail about his Mother and Father, but told them of how the Ministry had disregarded Krysta’s claims of Sirius’s innocence. They’d been shocked and Ron said how glad he was that things had changed within the Ministry. Hermione had been fascinated with the ‘item’ Voldemort was so desperate to get his claws on, and was determined to find out what it could be. She had begun watching Draco like a hawk, following his every move, eavesdropping at every opportunity. But the boy seemed as haunted as the day he’d first returned to Hogwarts.
The only thing that sparked interest and excitement was Quidditch. The team had finally got together and after brief discussion elected Angelina as team captain which proved highly popular with the rest of the House. She’d been delighted if not a little overwhelmed by it all but when her game plans won them their first match against Slytherin, she was probably the most popular girl in school, including Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.
Of course they all had to admit within the team that the off-colour performance by the opposition’s seeker had helped immensely in their victory. Draco had been pale as a wraith during the match and his team hadn’t been too hesitant about cutting him from the team the very next day. Despite his usual feelings for the boy, Harry, Ron and Hermione couldn’t help feel a little for him, considering what he’d been through.
As for the Quidditch team selection, it had taken two days of discussions to reach their decisions. It had been extremely tough for Harry, since two of his friends were involved. The twins were clearly struggling with their decisions too. Either way, someone was going to get hurt. The team’s decisions were final however and Harry was dreading the reactions.
Ron didn’t speak to anyone for nearly three days when the list went up. Heather had been given Keeper and the place of substitute he’d been offered didn’t do much to ease the blow. Ron had taken it personally, since his brothers and his best friends had chosen someone else over him. In time he calmed down and came to realise they’d made the right decision. Ron knew better than anyone that Heather was best for the position, but the other blow was enough to make him distant. This was of course, that Ginny had been given the chaser position. There had been a great number of candidates and despite initial protests from Fred and George about having their little sister on the team they eventually all agreed that she was the best of the bunch.
Ron’s reaction was mixed. He was happy for his sister of course, but still felt low for himself. In a way he felt his sister had out-played him and that he found hard to deal with. It was actually Ginny’s reaction that shocked Harry the most. When she was told of her success she’d burst into tears and ran up the stairs into her room, refusing t speak to anyone.
When finally she emerged, she spent hours trying to convince them they’d made the wrong decision. One by one, she went through each of the other candidates, including Ron, going into detail why each player was better for the position than she. Although astonished by her behaviour, it was put down to extreme modesty and nerves and despite her protests Ginny played splendidly in the first match for her team.
As Halloween swiftly approached and the friends began discussing what tricks the twins would have in store for them this year, Harry began to feel at last as though things were back to normal…however, he went around touching a lot of wood.
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07-17-2008, 09:04 AM
#110 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | Loved it!!!! It was absolutely amazingly brilliant! Typical... Norbert would only like girls Awww Ron is such a gentleman.. .why can't he be mine? Ginny is too modest for her own good, and why do I have a feeling that Heather won't be keeper for too long? 
Nik you're a genius and I'll love being in your fic, you know I will! Are we talking about the prequal to this??? OOOOO if we are... I want to see where I am going to fit in! (As long as I'm not with wormtail I'm happy!)
xx |
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07-17-2008, 09:07 AM
#111 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | lol. I haven't decided what I'm going to put you in yet. I might actually put you in the sequel to ths fic, instead of the "Two Houses" fic. The sequel is called "The Battle for Hogwarts" by the way. Oh and I'm so sick of J K Rowling stealing my ideas...
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07-17-2008, 09:09 AM
#112 (permalink)
| RP Queen Snidget
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: dining with Hannibal
Posts: 2,619
Hogwarts RPG Name: Saiyomi Neliel Schiffer Seventh Year |
I would have to say Remus, weird, he's my character's father.
Last edited by supercodi95; 07-17-2008 at 09:36 AM.
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07-17-2008, 09:16 AM
#113 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
poor Ginny... does this have anything to do with what she's done?? we still dont know what that is!!
At least Krysta has told Harry some things... although i think it made him even more confused...
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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07-17-2008, 09:22 AM
#114 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Quote:
Originally Posted by supercodi95 I would have to say I would Remus, weird, he's my character's father.  Remus it is! Quote:
Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee poor Ginny... does this have anything to do with what she's done?? we still dont know what that is!!
At least Krysta has told Harry some things... although i think it made him even more confused...
Abi... Made him more confused? It made me more confused!
Yeah, sorry that bit's a bit all over the place. It's just so much is going on and it's hard to have Krysta explain it all without giving too much away.
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07-17-2008, 09:25 AM
#115 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
i get what you mean... its like that here... (Im at school)
can you take a look at my fic?? its called No Matter What...?
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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07-17-2008, 09:26 AM
#116 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Of course! I'll go and look now...
edit: lol, you know what: I subscribed to this fic last night, I just realised! I totally forgot about it. I didn't have time to read it it, so I subscribed. I have to check it out now.
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07-17-2008, 09:28 AM
#117 (permalink)
| RP Queen Snidget
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: dining with Hannibal
Posts: 2,619
Hogwarts RPG Name: Saiyomi Neliel Schiffer Seventh Year |
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07-17-2008, 01:57 PM
#118 (permalink)
| Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent
That was really good! Poor Ron though, he always seems to get the short end of things, doesn't he? I have a feeling that things will work out for him though. There's something about that Heather . . .
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07-17-2008, 02:03 PM
#119 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Quote:
Originally Posted by MsMorgan There's something about that Heather . . . There is indeed...but I'm not telling you what it is! :evillaugh
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07-17-2008, 03:43 PM
#120 (permalink)
| Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Quote:
Originally Posted by Krysta There is indeed...but I'm not telling you what it is! :evillaugh Oh now that's just evil! How bout if I bribe you with some chocolate . . .? |
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07-17-2008, 03:56 PM
#121 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | What do you think my name is? Hermione?
Well, actually some chocolate does sound good...NO NO NO, I must stay strong!
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07-19-2008, 04:59 AM
#122 (permalink)
| Chizpurfle
Join Date: May 2006 Location: In a world with Dan
Posts: 10,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lilly Young Second Year | Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity
Great chapter. I agree something is up with heather so can't wait for more.
__________________ *Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*  *Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy* |
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07-21-2008, 11:45 AM
#123 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | Hello, everyone Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here's some Coven to chase away those Monday blu: Chapter 17: The Twelve Days of Halloween
October passed in a flash. Before they knew it the Great Hall was decorated all around with talking pumpkins the size of elephants, bats, billions of candles, streamers and of course Peeves who found it hilariously funny to pour candy corn on every person who walked through the doors as some kind of sticky confetti.
Girls everywhere moaned as they spent hours trying to pick the stuff from their hair and Professor Snape almost (almost) lost his temper when the poltergeist took advantage of the Professor's new character, pouring an entire cauldron of candy over the man's head, most of its contents ending up inside the teacher's robes and knotted into his still clean hair.
Harry woke on the morning of the 31st of October with a curious feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was the first awake in his dorm and as the gentle sounds of Neville's snores drifted in and out of the four poster curtains, Harry slowly and a little unsteadily clambered out of bed and crossed to the little window.
Yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes he groggily placed his glasses on his nose, almost falling over backwards in fright when he saw the creature on the windowsill. He steadied himself with a mild sense of relief as the silver kestrel twitched its wings and shuffled slightly on the stone surface. Harry's eyes widened in surprise when he saw a roll of parchment on the window-sill next to the bird. He cautiously moved forward, reaching out his arm, never taking his eyes off the bird of prey.
The kestrel may have been small, but its talons looked lethal all the same. Very slowly and carefully he took the small scroll from the windowsill, watching the bird for sudden movements every second. The kestrel watched him with interest but remained rather docile as Harry examined the parchment, seeing with little surprise that it had his name on it. What did surprise him however was the way in which the bird waited on the windowsill, leisurely preening its primary feathers with its yellow hooked beak.
Harry watched the creature for a moment. It truly was a beautiful bird. In accordance with its name, the grey feathers truly shimmered, giving the effect of silver when the bird moved. The eyes though, were not like any he'd seen in a bird. They were full of intelligence and cunning. But there was something else. A consciousness shone in it eyes, a gleam that Harry had only ever seen in the eyes of a human. The bird watched him keenly as Harry begun to unravel the scroll as though waiting for some response. Harry froze as he heard stirring from Neville's bed. A chubby, face appeared and Harry waited for the inevitable scream when Neville saw the bird of prey. He was shocked when none came. Instead Neville grinned in delight.
"Good morning girl how are you?" he cried happily. The bird let out a little screech and suddenly took wing landing on Neville's out stretched arm. Harry nearly dropped the scroll in surprise. As Neville's little friend gently nibbled his finger Harry's glasses slipped down his nose as his eyebrows raised higher on his forehead. He didn't even notice that he was gripping the scroll so tightly it had begun to crease up in his hands. It was a strange noise from Ron's bed that broke the silence.
"That bloody bird! What the bloody hell is it bloody doing here?" Ron murmured half sleepily half bewildered, which was a strange combination, even for Ron.
"Kattera? How do you know her?" asked Neville looking genuinely surprised and even a little excited. Ron and Harry exchanged a confused expression.
"Neville that bird has been delivering letters to me all summer." Harry told him, thinking as hard and as fast as he could. He wasn't getting very far. He'd given the silver kestrel little thought over the last few weeks. Since his conversation with Krysta, he'd had other things on his mind: most of it work and Quidditch. But now he thought about it, the bird had to be linked to Krysta herself.
"Oh? Why was Krysta writing to you?" this time Ron's jaw dropped right onto his chest in shock and Harry's glasses succeeded in falling right off his nose. He caught them clumsily, pushing them back into place.
"Neville, I think we need to have a talk."
Their little 'talk' didn't reveal as much as Harry had hoped. Krysta it seemed was a friend of Neville's family, which Neville pointed out, was how she knew about his 'way' with plants. Kattera had been with Krysta for as long as Neville could remember. He knew nothing of what had happened over the summer, and so all that Harry was able to learn was that the kestrel was indeed Krysta's pet, and a very intelligent one at that.
Neville told the boys that she even played cards with him sometimes, and when she was in the mood (for silver kestrels are such moody creatures) was known to play a mean game of chess.
Ron and Harry went down to Halloween breakfast a little nonplussed and a little disappointed. Once inside the hall Kattera left Neville's shoulder and flew to the head table where she landed neatly on Krysta's shoulder. The bird gently took a large piece of sausage from her mistress and fluttered gracefully to perch on the head of a disgruntled talking stone statue, which shooed at the bird irritably. Krysta winked over at the boys and Neville waved cheerfully. Ron and Harry exchanged another of their 'looks' and Ron shrugged in his usual fashion.
"Post isn't here yet is it???" cried a mildly worried voice from behind them. The turned with a welcome smile as Hermione arrived beside them.
"Good morning, m'lady. May I h'escort you to thee dining table." Asked Ron in a faked butler-like voice offering his arm to her. Harry grinned as Hermione curtsied and took his arm. Harry walked slowly behind them as they walked, heads held high as a king and queen at a ball to their places at the table. At this point the charade was broken as Ron immediately began stuffing his face."
Actually this arrived by kestrel post this morning." Harry told the girl who was looking curiously at the scroll in Harry's hands in between disgusted looks in Ron's direction. Ron grinned through a mouthful of bacon and swallowed it down with orange juice. Luckily before he tried to speak.
"That silver kestrel is Professor Hedwig's." Ron announced, going back to his breakfast. Hermione looked back towards Harry, then over to the head table where Kattera was retrieving seconds from Krysta's breakfast plate.
"Well, I suppose that makes a lot of sense." She announced, curling her hair around her little finger.
"You gonna eat that?" asked Ron, his mouth half-full as he filched a sausage from Hermione's plate.
"No, go ahead. Help yourself." She said sarcastically after he'd already swallowed it whole.
"You better leave room for tonight you know. It's Halloween after all." She suggested and he shrugged. They all knew Ron never needed to leave room for anything.
"I wonder what they have in store for us this year." Hermione murmured looking over at the twins and Lee Jordan who were all huddled in a tight discussion.
"Well considering how secretive they've been, it better be something big." Ron burbled back through his orange juice which spattled a little. Harry couldn't help but smile a little as Hermione wiped Ron's face with a serviette, the two of them grinning from ear to ear. His heart was still a little heavy however. Ginny had barely spoken to him in a month, even about Quidditch matches. It hadn't been just him that had been receiving the silent treatment though. In general she barely strung two words together to anyone who tried to speak to her, and in all honesty, Harry wondered how they'd managed to win their first game with so little communication.
Ron was busy telling Hermione about their conversation with Neville and Neville blushed slightly as Hermione beamed at him.
"Neville, why didn't you tell us you knew Professor Hedwig?" she cried, scalding him slightly. Neville rubbed the back of his neck nervously. It was plain to everyone except Hermione that the boy still had a crush on her.
"Well I'm not the only one!" he cried then went back to his breakfast. Hermione Ron and Harry exchanged the look only the three of them understood.
"Er, Neville…er…what?"
"Well I’m not the only one who knows her." He said, casually, not noticing the confused expressions straight away. He looked up again at the questioning glances
"Sharon." He said, and stopped dead when the shock replaced the confusion. The trio looked from one to the other in bewilderment.
"Sharon?" asked Harry weakly. Neville looked at them a little nervously.
"Well yeah. Krysta's her Aunt."
There was a loud clatter as Ron's knife dropped from his hand, smashing into his plate.
"Why didn't you tell us?!"
"Good morning to you too!"
"You could have told us Sharon, it would have saved a whole load of trouble."
"Yeah. I practically accused her of trying to kill me!"
"All the things you could tell us about her, and you never said a word!"
"Ok, ok, what are you on about?"
Ron, Hermione and Harry dropped their folded arms and relaxed their stance whilst looking at each other for a cue to speak. Meanwhile, the tiny blonde girl ignored the sniggers from the bemused students around her and fixed her friends with a slightly annoyed expression.
"You see." Stammered Ron and Harry suddenly aware of the many staring and laughing faces around them.
"About Krysta, Sharon. Why didn't you tell us she was your aunt?" asked Hermione calmly, seemingly unaware or uncaring of the attention they had drawn. The expression on Sharon's face immediately changed from annoyance to recognition to amusement.
"Well…you never asked."
The library was practically deserted. Not only was it Saturday morning, but it was Halloween and no one ever spent Halloween doing more work than they had to…except maybe Hermione. Halloween at the weekend was always a bonus. The level of general excitement amongst the students was never a good combination with lessons, especially for a pair of red headed twins. The students of Hogwarts were enjoying the freedom of being able to gossip about the upcoming feast, and those who knew them were placing bets on what horrific spectacle Fred and George may come up with this year.
The continued cold weather meant the common rooms and stuffy halls were packed to the brim. And so they found themselves in the only place where they could talk in private. Sharon seemed very much to be enjoying the attention, as did Neville who had joined them when he'd heard that his new study friend shared an acquaintance with him.
"Seriously she's the most fascinating person you could ever meet."
"And the best friend anyone could ever have."
Ron, Hermione and Harry exchanged a mildly pessimistic expression. Maybe she was on their side, but they'd heard and seen enough to know there was more to her past than playing the family friend and perfect aunt.
"Seriously, guys." Neville looked so determinedly at them they couldn't help but smile. Relaxing back into the less than comfy wooden chairs they listened to the stories the two newly found friends were weaving before them.
They must have talked for hours. As time passed invisibly amongst them Harry felt himself slip into what could only be described as a trance. He was awake and aware of everything. He heard every word his friends said. And yet somehow a veil surrounded him. He felt detached from the room, the people even the air around him, as though watching from outside the very plane they existed in. It was like watching a movie. It was a strange feeling, though not unpleasant. Maybe he was over-tired. It happened sometimes when he got tired as with anyone else. But as he sat there, slumped as comfortably as he could, listening to his friends chatter away he felt an almost unnoticeable buzz pass through him and in a split second it was over. The world rushed back to clarity and the veil was gone.
It was almost as though nothing had happened. Almost. Shrugging it off as momentary lapse of concentration Harry rejoined to conversation eagerly, not giving the strange feeling another thought. By two o'clock Ron's stomach was making almost as much noise as Sharon and Neville were and with a lot of moaning and scowling he finally managed to drag them all to the great Hall. Lunch was almost over though Ron still managed to stuff as much pork pie, ham and fresh bread into himself as he could.
"How do you expect to eat anything tonight?" asked Hermione shaking her head patronizingly. Ron grinned through a mouthful of mayonnaise and lettuce.
"Oh don't worry about that." Harry noticed the snigger and the winks coming from the twin's direction and the returned wink from Ron. His suspicions were immediately raised. He hadn't even noticed the twins had been there until just then. Harry smiled to himself as he wondered once more what Fred and George could possibly have in store for them that evening. As he watched them their huddle with Lee Jordan broke up and the three seventh years got up from the table and made their way out of the Hall throwing a knowing look in Ron's direction as they went. Harry noticed the slight grin on Ron's face and Harry's eyes narrowed a little. What were they up to? And what did Ron know that he didn't. As he watched, Ron's grin suddenly left his face to be immediately replaced with a scowl. The reason became quickly apparent as a tall black girl took a place beside Hermione.
"Hi! Have you got your costume sorted?"
"Heather! Oh no, I'm not going to bother." Hermione answered. Heather's face was a picture of horror and shock.
"Not going to bother? It's Halloween!"
"I'm aware of that…the bats give it away slightly." Hermione smarted back as a particularly boisterous flying mammal collided with a candelabra. The bemused smile on Heather's pretty face made Harry smile to himself, despite his attempts not to. Her dark eyes danced when she smiled. Were Ron's suspicions about her justified? Or was he just jealous of her quidditch skills? Maybe it was both. Harry was torn. He liked Heather, but had to admit the evidence against her, although circumstantial, was undeniable. But surely she wouldn't stoop so low. He glanced behind him at the Slytherins. They were responsible, he was sure of it. In his opinion they had the motive, the opportunity and the malice to commit such a pathetic act.
"C'mon please. I'll help. You'd make a great Nymph." Harry's attention returned to the conversation between Hermione and Heather. Despite himself he sniggered a little as Heather began playing with Hermione's hair, trying it in different styles as though she were a fashion designer of some kind. The nature of Hermione's hair however was getting the better of the situation and it all tumbled back down into waves down her back. Both girls giggled in slight frustration as Heather gave up, throwing the strands in her hand back over Hermione's shoulder.
"Well…I guess you could go as a troll." she suggested trying to look serious as Hermione threw a fake punch in her direction. Harry really couldn't help but join in the laughter, which proved to be a mistake. With a huff and a disgusted snort Ron angrily rose from the table.
"She's perfect the way she is. Why don't you leave her alone." Before anyone could respond he was gone, the three of them staring after him. Harry noticed the nudge Heather gave Hermione.
"See…" she said in a quiet voice and Harry noticed the slight blush and vexed look on Hermione's face as she watched Ron disappear through the Hall door.
"Where's Ron?"
Harry looked up from his trunk to see a nervous looking Ginny standing at the dormitory doorway. For a moment he didn't speak. The surprise of seeing her, let alone her speaking to him had him silent.
"I'm not sure." He finally answered. Silence. She looked uncomfortable and a little flustered.
"Can you give him this when you see him?" Harry eyed the envelope she held out as though it may bite. Almost cautiously he took it from her.
"Sure." He added to the motion and she nodded. Before he could say anything else she was gone.
Harry had never found the ceiling so boring. However he continued to stare up at it, his arms folded behind his head, almost hoping a little black dog or panther would suddenly appear as they had done that night back in August. But to his mild disappointment the cracks and stains on the ancient stone remained exactly as they had been for hundreds of years. He looked over to Ron's empty bed seeing the note Ginny had left glistening in a pool of sunlight. Where was he anyway?
Ron never turned up that afternoon. And when the Halloween feast was served up to 1,000 hungry and excited young witches and wizards, Harry was beginning to panic. Hermione was constantly scanning the huge, over-packed Hall every five seconds whilst an apparently unconcerned Heather laughed and joked next to her in between mouthfuls of pumpkin pie and carrot cake. The twins were unusually quiet, especially for Halloween night. To Harry this could only mean one thing…they were up to something. But even as he watched them they both looked up and then at each other nervously. Leaning close enough to whisper, Fred spoke.
"Harry have you seen Ron?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise.
"No! I hoped you'd seen him. I've been looking for him all afternoon." The twins exchanged another nervous and almost guilty look. "What is it? What's happened?" he asked suspiciously.
"Ron was with us this afternoon." George whispered back, checking over his shoulder to make sure no one was listening.
"Well then where is he?"
"We er, got kind of separated."
"Separated? What are you talking about." Harry's eyes narrowed as the guilt in their faces became quite evident.
"He came with us…to Hogsmeade." Harry rolled his eyes and hit his forehead on the table.
"Hey it's Halloween!" protested Fred in their defence.
"C'mon Harry, we always go to Hogsmeade for Halloween, you know that." Added George and Harry sighed and nodded.
"But why did Ron go with you? And how on earth did you get separated?"
"Ron was kinda down, since this morning. He needed cheering up so we talked him into going with us…besides we can carry more Butterbeer back if there are three of us." Fred concluded and though that should be the end of it. Harry managed a half smile.
"Ok, so you have a point. But what happened to him?"
"We nearly got nabbed by Snape. He was snooping around the shrieking shack. He nearly caught us as well. We all just legged it. If he saw us that would have been it."
"We didn't see where Ron went. We were already at Honeydukes before we realised he wasn't behind us."
"What?! What if Snape caught him?"
The three of them turned towards the teacher's table and sought out Snape. He was sitting in his usual place fingertips touching at his upper lip in a pyramid. He wasn't talking or listening to anyone and seemed to be simply staring into space, deep in thought.
"Well he doesn't look overly satisfied with himself or anything…he can't have caught Ron." Said George cheerfully trying to look confident. Harry hoped he was right.
It didn't make sense. If Ron hadn't been caught he should have been back by now, and George was right, Snape didn't look as though he'd just had the satisfaction of depriving a Gryffindor of his Halloween feast. But then Snape hadn't been his usual self recently anyway. Who knew, or wanted to know what was going on in the man's head.
Before another thought could enter his head the original mystery was solved in an instant as Ron burst into the Hall falling over his feet and stumbling down the isle towards Harry met with hoots and cheers from various students around him.
"Ron what the…"
"It's Ginny. She's gone."
For what must have seemed a whole minute no one spoke. Hermione appeared out of nowhere, stood and gently took the piece of paper Ron held in a shaky hand. A gasp escaped her lips and her hand shot to her mouth. Her eyes wide with horror she handed the note to George who was reaching for it.
"Oh God." He whispered as his twin read over his shoulder. The paper dropped to the table where Harry finally picked it up.
My Family,
I'm sorry. That's why I'm leaving because none of you could ever forgive me. I never meant to hurt anyone. But I did. I swear I only intended to help. I so desperately wanted us to win. Everyone seemed so down and I was worried for the team. I'm so sorry.
It was me that poisoned you all. I made the cheer potion. I replaced the water in all the coolers. I caused all the pain and hate and anger. I swear I never meant to. I don't know what happened. I don't understand what went wrong. It was meant to make everyone happy, and instead it turned us all against each other.
I wasn't going to tell you but when I heard that some Slytherins had been accused I couldn't let them suffer for my mistakes. But I can't stay here. You can't possibly hate me as much as I hate myself. But I have to leave. Don't worry about me, please. I'll be ok. By the time you read this I'll be long gone, so there is no point looking for me. Tell Mum and Dad I love them. I'm truly sorry to everyone I hurt with my foolishness.
No one spoke. Expression within the group varied from shock to anger to panic.
"Poor Ginny." All eyes fell on the speaker. It was Heather who gently placed the letter back on the table from where she had picked it up. At first no one responded.
"'Poor Ginny.'? What are you talking about? I swear to god, when she gets back she's off the team for good."
"George!" protested Hermione but was cut off.
"No Hermione, he's right." Fred hissed backing his brother up. "Stupid little girl. I knew we shouldn’t have let her on the team."
"That's a bit harsh, you two. She must have been going through hell knowing what she did."
"Good. I hope she is. She could have completely destroyed the team with her antics. I can't believe her."
"Universally stupid." Agreed Fred.
"Ron, come on, you can't possibly agree with them." Hermione pleaded, though he never got to answer.
"Don't think you can batter your lashes and win him over this time, Hermione. Ron's with us aren't you?" Ron stared around at them a completely blank expression on his face.
"Guys come on. She didn't mean it. She was trying to help. It went wrong. Everyone makes mistakes." Reasoned Heather standing at Hermione's shoulder, flicking her braids behind her.
"Exactly. And she can't have known the repercussions. She hasn't taken those classes yet. It's easy to mess up the potion, especially if she was unhappy when she made it. If she'd have known what the consequences could have been, I truly believe she wouldn't have attempted it." Hermione pleaded once more. Harry realised she was deeply upset and even Heather looked worried.
"Well she should have researched the spell better. Never attempt a potion you haven't researched properly. You should find all the risks before brewing a potion like that. Ginny knows that."
"Maybe she does, but…"
"But nothing, Hermione. She messed up big-time and as far as I'm concerned…"
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Fred was cut off dead. They turned to look at the owner of the raised voice with a little shock in their manner. Ron was fuming, glaring at his brothers with little short of vehemence. The twins looked like they wanted to say something but couldn't make the words reach their mouths.
"I don't care right now what Ginevra has done." He spoke slowly in a low, composed voice. They couldn't help but hang on every word. Harry had never heard Ron use her full name before. Everyone was silent waiting for him to continue.
He paused and took a deep, slow breath. Harry knew he was trying to control anger, panic and fear all at the same time.
"…all I know or care about right now is that our little sister is scared and afraid and probably in danger of her life. I for one am not going to hang around here waiting to get the news of her death. I'm going to find her and if any of you care at all about her you'll come with me." He glared around at them and their blank, almost guilty faces. Harry didn't need telling twice. He moved to stand directly behind Ron.
"I'm with you." He announced firmly. Ron nodded in acknowledgement as Hermione and Heather joined him. He glared at his older brothers who exchanged a guilty nod.
"Ok." They finally agreed.
To be continued...
PS - this chapter will be in 4 parts, as it's very long.
Last edited by Krysta; 07-21-2008 at 12:11 PM.
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07-21-2008, 12:44 PM
#124 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | Nik it's brilliant!!! again!!!! You have to save Ginny though, otherwise I swear I will never ever post again. How dare Fred and George say that about her though, she's their sister! Ron's right, it doesnt matter what she's done wrong, what matters is that they get her back safely before Voldemort gets her.
xxx |
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07-21-2008, 01:50 PM
#125 (permalink)
| Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent
Aw poor Ginny! I can't believe the twins would be so mean.  Hopefully they'll come to their senses.
Great post as always!
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