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Old 02-07-2009, 02:55 PM   #326 (permalink)
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Krysta Hedwig
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Yes the epilogue contains lots of explanations. And there will be a sequel. And a prequel. Don't worry I'm not going to stop posting
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:29 PM   #327 (permalink)
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YEY!!! ok i think i can enjoy an epilogue lol and a prequel and sequel too.. your going to be busy, thanks for a brilliant story although its not over yet

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:27 PM   #328 (permalink)
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Very well then. Here endeth the lesson.



They practically fell into their seats after shoving the last of their belongings onto the top racks in their carriage. Ron and Hermione dropped into seats next to each other and Harry had Ginny and Sharon on either side. They were knackered, all of them and hardly surprising.
Fred and George were sharing a compartment with Ginny's friends whose names turned out to be Helena and Halley Swashbuckle, which of course once the girls were feeling a little better, led to lots of pirate jokes, all of which the girls had obviously heard before. It didn't seem to deter the Weasley twins however and much more the surprise, the girls still seemed to like them even after the fiftieth "ooh ah me hearties" from Fred. Even the patch over one eye George had taken to wearing didn't put them off and it was very quickly established that they were meant for each other.

Sharon yawned and dropped her head against Harry's shoulder. Ginny smiled at Harry who looked a little embarrassed but he couldn't bring himself to move the poor girl considering what she'd been through. The scar on her neck was barely visible now. He had to admit the amazing creatures had truly worked miracles, and they had all come to understand why the Dolphins had been sent to Hogwarts.

The newfound peace was short-lived however when the compartment door was slid violently open and three figures stood in it looking frantic.
"Ok, you lot don't really think you can get away for a whole two months without telling us what happened do you?" asked Seamus crossing his arms across his chest firmly. Dean dropped casually into the seat next to Ron, draping one leg over the armrest and ignoring the disapproving look Hermione was sending his way.
"Yeah and where's that Heather you've been hanging around with. I'm telling you she is hot!" exclaimed Dean. Hermione rolled her eyes, which he again ignored but Ginny giggled.
"I'm sure she'd be flattered to hear you think so, Dean." She said.
"Darn straight!" he exclaimed a little overconfidently causing the others to burst out laughing.
"She's gone back to America." Hermione informed him and Dean pouted looking extremely disappointed.
"Not to worry, I'll get her next term." He concluded and Harry shook his head with a grin.

"So what happened? Are you ok?" asked Neville hovering nervously over Sharon, looking a little enviously at Harry's shoulder. Harry by now and with a little help from Ginny had picked up on Neville's feelings for the little blonde girl. He gave her a nudge and she got the hint, lifting her head away from his shoulder and smiled sweetly up at her friend.
"I'm fine." She replied and Neville relaxed a little.
Hermione began to explain about Caeleb and how she'd accidentally cut Sharon's throat with the enchanted dagger. Harry noticed she was being sketchy with the detail and had missed out all information about the Coven, Krys and Sirius. Hermione was very tactful, Harry had to admit. He was very fond of his roommates but he didn't feel confident enough to trust them with all the facts just yet. Especially when it came to Sirius. He could tell Hermione wasn't about to reveal to everyone that she was actually one of three chosen witches in a sacred coven destined to fight the forces of darkness, but he couldn't blame her for that either.

"Wow." Exclaimed Seamus taking a seat on the floor and crossing his legs. Neville leant against Sharon's armrest and his chest swelled with pride when Sharon leant against him. Harry caught the wink Hermione and Ginny shared and rolled his eyes. Girls were obsessed with gossip and relationships.
"Ok, so Professor Hedwig just let him bite her?" asked Dean his eyes bulging out of his head. Neville was white as a sheet through this part of the story.
"Is she alright?" he asked sounding worried.
"She's fine. She used, er, some magic thing…we haven't covered it yet at school." Ron explained and Hermione beamed at him. For Ron it was quite a good cover up. It was enough for Neville anyway who visibly relaxed.

"But what happened after that? How did you heal Sharon? You made it sound like she was practically dead!" Seamus asked looking up at the little girl in wonder. Neville was studying the scar on her neck in wonder and just a little horror.
"I was!" Sharon exclaimed.
"So how…"
"The dolphins." Hermione said and all three boys looked at her incredulously.
"Eh?" asked Dean.
"The ones in the lake?" asked Seamus sounding sceptical. Hermione nodded.
"We just threw her in." said Ron with a grin. Sharon returned the grin sheepishly.
"Threw her in? Eh?" asked Dean again, clearly confused.
"The dolphins are…special." Ginny began to explain but Hermione in her usually fashion took over.
"They have magical healing powers, especially when it comes to vampires. They healed her." She told him. Dean was shaking his head in disbelief.
Harry knew there was much more to it than that, but for Dean, Seamus and Neville this was all they needed to know.
"Cool." Murmured Dean in wonder.

“There’s still one thing I don’t understand.” Whispered Ron so that the others couldn’t hear.
“What’s that?” asked Harry, stifling a yawn.
“Well, what about Winky? What was all that about?” he asked. Hermione looked from one boy to the other, thoughtfully. It was Harry who answered.
“Ah, now I worked that out some time ago.”
“You did?” asked Hermione sounding surprised. Harry nodded.
“I couldn’t work out what Malfoy would want with her. But when Neville started having flashbacks of his Mum it all came to me.” He explained.
“What did?” asked Ron, still looking flummoxed.
“You remember Neville was certain he’d seen the pendant before?” the others nodded. “Well he had! Well not that particular one, but he had seen one. His Mother had one.” He paused to let their gasps of surprise and comprehension subside. He could see Hermione had put all the pieces together now.
“I see.” She said.
“But what’s that got to do with Winky?” asked Ron still looking puzzled.
“Who was Winky’s master?” asked Harry. Ron visibly was thinking, then something seemed to click and he looked triumphantly at them.
“Barty Crouch Junior!” he hissed.

“He helped torture the Longbottoms.” He lowered his voice so Neville definitely wouldn’t hear them.
“Exactly. Lucius was desperately trying to get his hands on one of the pendants. He thought maybe Crouch had taken Alice Longbottom’s pendant from her and kept it safe for Voldemort.”
“Yes, and he took Winky to help him search the Crouch’s house!” added Hermione. “Poor Winky. What do you suppose happened to her?” asked Hermione sadly. Harry shook his head. He didn’t like to think about it.
“But Crouch hadn’t taken it had he?” prompted Ron.
“No.” said Harry shaking his head. A faint smile had appeared on his lips.

“The pendant was entrusted to the one person that Alice trusted would keep her secret; someone who understood what the Coven was; someone who even used to teach a class about its history. Someone off the radar, whom no one would even think of checking.”
“Who?” asked Ron, still confused. Hermione gasped and smiled broadly.
“Mr Slombardo!” she cried. Harry nodded. Ron looked baffled.
“You know! The man who runs the Engora shop. We bought the Arinella from him. He slipped the pendant inside the Arinella case!”
“Of course! He used to teach that religious class didn’t he? I bet he knew all about the Coven.” Said Ron excitedly.
“When he realised who Harry was he decided it was time that the pendant returned to its rightful owner.”
Hermione looked thoughtful for a moment.
“But who is the rightful owner?” she asked. Ron looked questioning but Harry knew what she meant.
“I don’t know.” He replied. “But she’s out there somewhere.”
“How do I find her?” asked Hermione, looking at Harry questioningly. Harry just smiled and placed a hand over her hers.
“Don’t worry. You’ll find her when you need to.”
Hermione smiled. She slipped her hand into her inside pocket and pulled out a familiar object. The third pendant swung from her fingers reflecting flickers of light around the carriage.
“I wonder who she is.” Whispered Hermione.

"What's up Harry, you seem really quiet." Commented Seamus. He shrugged and shook off the comment. Ginny was studying him, he could tell but he couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze.
He had a lot of stuff going on in his head right now and the conflicting emotions over Ginny was just one of them. He just couldn't look at her with seeing Amy. Just the fact that he even had a sister was overwhelming enough but add to it the way she had been living through his girlfriend - it was just so mixed up. He didn't know how he felt about her anymore. Maybe his feelings for Ginny were only because he could see his sister in her. Maybe he was never really in love with Ginny at all and was just drawn to her because of Amy. He didn't know what he felt anymore. It was too messed up to even think about.

Sirius was never far from his mind. When they had returned to the castle after Sharon's miraculous recovery they'd found the pile of ashes where Caeleb had been lying had gone missing. Presumably Krys had taken them with her to dispose of them propely.
Next to the spot where they had been however lay the dagger. Sirius had given it to Hermione, telling her that it was hers now. But Krys had been nowhere to be found. Sirius hadn't seemed surprised by this, but Harry could see the pain in his Godfather's eyes.
Shortly after that Sirius had vanished too.
Logic told him that Sirius was simply staying out of the public eye until Wormtail's trial proved him innocent, but part of him wondered if he was out there looking for her.

His other concern of course was what would happen now. His whole world had turned upside down. With Dumbledore dead who knew what would happen now? They didn't even know for sure whether the Ministry would decide Hogwarts was safe to open again and if they did, how many parents would feel confident in sending their children back?
What would Harry do if they closed Hogwarts? Stay with the Dursleys and attend state school? He didn't think so! But if not that, then what? Harry was sixteen in a few weeks time and his future was even more uncertain this summer than any other summer so far.

A few hours later they were hauling their luggage onto the platform at Kings Cross and saying their goodbyes.
Soon only Harry and the Weasleys were left. Mrs. Weasley was fussing around them and crying then hugging Ginny, telling them they wouldn't get a wink of sleep until she'd heard every last detail of what had happened.
"Wait till she finds out that Fred and George have girlfriends." Said Ron just loud enough for his Mother to hear. Both Harry and Ron grinned to each other when Mrs. Weasley began fussing around her sons to cries of:
"You're so dead, Ronald." and "Ah Mum get off!" from Fred and George.
"Just you wait till we tell her about Hermione!" yelled George one last time as their Mother began herding them towards the car park.
"Oh no." moaned Ron in trepidation of all the questions his Mother was bound to ask him.
"Well I guess I'll see you soon anyway." Said Ginny and Harry turned to her, forgetting about the arguments for a second. It was just the two of them left on the platform now. He felt extremely uncomfortable.
"Yeah. I'm sure I'll be coming to stay at some point." He said casually.
"Harry, are you ok? Have I done something wrong?" she asked timidly.
"What? No of course not!" he said a little overzealously. She nodded showing she clearly didn't believe him.
"It's Amy isn't it?" she asked and his mouth fell open in horror. She'd read him perfectly.
"No" Of course not, it's just..."
"It's ok. I get it. Really. You've got a lot to get used to." She said quickly looking at the floor.

"Ginny! Come one, we're gonna be late!" yelled Percy who was waiting impatiently with his hands on his hips jangling the car keys.
"Oh no, Percy's driving." She said looking suddenly scared. Harry chuckled and she smiled.
"So you haven't forgotten how to do that then?" she asked, teasing him. He shook his head still smiling.
"Like I said it's ok. I'll give you space if you need it. We've all been through a lot." She said and he studied her pretty freckled face for a few seconds. She'd grown up so much in the time he'd known her. She had become a very powerful witch and a very brave one at that.
"Thanks." He said gently. She smiled, although her eyes looked a little sad.
"I'm not Amy, Harry." She suddenly announced and he looked up at her. He eventually nodded and smiled.
"I know." He said and she nodded back.
"I better go. I'll see you soon." She said giving him a brief hug and turning to leave. He stopped her with a hand on her arm and quickly kissed her cheek. She smiled and then skipped away to join her family.

Harry sighed deeply then turned back to his luggage where he found Hedwig watching him closely.
"What?" he asked the bird who just stared back. He reached his fingers through the cage and gently stroked her head. She hooted a little and tweaked his fingertips. Harry looked up at the huge clock on the platform wall and frowned, checking his watch to see if it was correct. The Hogwarts Express always arrived bang on 6pm, it was now 6:30 and his Uncle was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he'd forgotten or something. He turned to look at the stairs that lead down onto the platform but his Uncle was simply not there.

"Harry Potter?" asked a crisp voice from the other direction. He turned to see a short little man dressed in a black trench coat that was too big for him and a bowler hat.
"Er, yeah." He said. He didn't know what else to say. The man looked him up and down disapprovingly and the handed Harry an envelope. Harry frowned and took it. The man gave him a curt nod and then marched briskly away towards the stairs.

Harry shrugged and opening the envelope, he began to read. His mouth dropped open in horror. No. He couldn't believe it. This was a joke, a cruel vicious joke. He re read the letter over and over but the words didn't seem to change.
"This isn't happening." He said to Hedwig his body shaking. He dropped onto his trunk, somehow the strength to stand leaving him. He swallowed hard, not knowing whether to cry or jump for joy. The letter dropped from his hands onto the mucky platform floor where the first drops of rain began to smudge the typed words.
He began to shiver and shake and as twilight began to fall on London no one even seemed to notice the boy left alone on Kings Cross Station.

The End…
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:21 PM   #329 (permalink)
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Cliffhanger epilogue= not nice.

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Old 02-09-2009, 10:43 PM   #330 (permalink)
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its over
i remember the very beginning and i was the only one who was reading
now its all over

meany with the cliffhanger XD
♥Somebody loves you♥
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:30 AM   #331 (permalink)
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argh a cliffie come on! its been a great time reading ur fic and i'll be glad when theres more !x

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:04 AM   #332 (permalink)
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I know I'm evil. mwa ha ha ha. I'll start posting the prequel in a couple of days. I'm really glad you've enjoyed it. And yes, Triwizard, I remember you being my first reader and you put my fic in your signature to try and get people to read it. So special hugs for you.
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Old 02-12-2009, 05:30 AM   #333 (permalink)
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Nic~ It's not nice to end the story with a cliffie. I've gotta know what's wrong. Did Vernon drop dead of a heart attack? What happened. Please post the sequel soon!!!!

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Old 02-19-2009, 11:46 PM   #334 (permalink)
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Hi everyone,

I've started posting the prequel: "The Private Inner Eye" in the High Security Vaults if you'd like to read it.

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Old 02-22-2009, 03:56 PM   #335 (permalink)
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Perfect Premolars!
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Oh my dear god! Shishkebab! I shall go and read the other one now! GOlly golly gosh

Is all I have to say

Jade xxx
i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles
screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more
and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door

Siggie and avvie made by BanaBatGirl from The Batcave
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:20 AM   #336 (permalink)
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Heh ! I'm just poppin' in 2 say that I CAN'T STOP READIN' IT ! I'm only at chapter 12, but I'm not going to sleep, cause I wanna read as much as I can . This story is completely addictive and confusing . This is a wonderful piece of writing, Nik mah dear ! As soon as I finish this, I'll start with 'The Private Inner Eye' , which might take some time, but I know you'll forgive meh

Kelly xx
Bored? Read together-life-death-sa16
Matt's mah blue fluffy and is to be blamed for everything

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Old 02-25-2009, 12:18 PM   #337 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kelly Black View Post
Heh ! I'm just poppin' in 2 say that I CAN'T STOP READIN' IT ! I'm only at chapter 12, but I'm not going to sleep, cause I wanna read as much as I can . This story is completely addictive and confusing . This is a wonderful piece of writing, Nik mah dear ! As soon as I finish this, I'll start with 'The Private Inner Eye' , which might take some time, but I know you'll forgive meh

Kelly xx

Does this explain why you are now comatosed on my living room floor?
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:43 PM   #338 (permalink)
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Yes, it explains it perfectly ! You can't end a book with a cliffie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
Bored? Read together-life-death-sa16
Matt's mah blue fluffy and is to be blamed for everything

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Old 03-10-2009, 04:44 PM   #339 (permalink)

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x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

I had gotten so far behind on this but I finally caught up and now I'm all finished, yay!
Wow, things got really intense towards the end. Really, really good piece of fiction.
Now to get started on the prequel...
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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Old 04-13-2009, 11:11 PM   #340 (permalink)
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Can a Moderator please move this to the "finished stories" thread?
Thank you
- Nik
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