So yeah Guys I have decided to write a small comic for old times sake 
what Happens if Harry Potter uses a computer?
*looks around the computer*
Harry: huh this is a very strange contraption.
*The little annoying puppy come out to the computer screen*
Harry: Oh Oh! how cute is that! I shall call you Sirius....*cries* SIRIUSSS.
Puppy: Click on me for help.
*Harry clicks*
Puppy:please click harder
*Harry clicks*
*Annoyed Harry Clicks*
Harry:mumble mumble mumble.
Puppy:Helloo and welcome to Windows XP I am your helper my name is Help.
Harry:But I called you Sirius!.
Puppy: I do not respond to that silly name.
Harry: it's not silly it's sweeet!
Puppy: I will respond to another name.
Harry:*frowns* and that is?.
Puppy: *evil voice* THE DARK LORD!.
Harry: That name has already been taken.
Puppy: *pouts* Aww okay okay FINE! I won't help you
Harry: No No No!! wait I neeeeed you *hugs computer*
Puppy:*muffle muffle*
Harry: Sorry mate.
Puppy: Anyway! we shall continue.
Harry: okay so whats next! *rubs hands*
Puppy: we shall first learn how to look around.
Harry: *looks around* Done.
Puppy: *shakes head* idiot.
Harry:Oh so thats how it goes huh!?.*looks at shut down button*
*Puppy's eyes widened*
Harry: What does this button doooo.....*sarcastic*
*slow motion*
*shut down*
*Harry walks away*
Harry:I prefer owl.
Worldin: You know that is against SS rules so I have to report you.