07-05-2006, 03:57 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | The Comic Sisters' Comic Thread - Sa13+ Chuck's Nerd Welcome to the comic sisters' domain!!
Here are some comic graphics that you may use, remember to credit!  <--Credit Creativeallie18  ^ credit missfit^ Comic Sisters:
i m a potter fool / Le/Prancie
Catalina/Cat/Swiftspot Comic Cousins:
luv16/Emma/Softsneak *congrats on your new nickname! * SenoritaMaxie mione_girlgwp
Hello all! I'm Le! But if you are a comic sister, or a comic Cousin (or if you just want to be awesomely cool! ) I am Prancie! 
My friends Flames, Swift-Spot, and I are the Comic Sisters!!! *dances as confetti falls from celing*
What we do is quite simple: We Will Make You Laugh!!! Do you think that you are un-laughable?! You would be WRONG!
*Keith Richards swaggers in and pushes Prancie out of the way*
Keith: "And you will be seeing me soon! I have my own comic! *smug*”
*Prancie pushes Keith out of the way*
Me: Yes Keith, but that is later! I am trying to introduce the thread if you don't mind!
This is the firs comic I eva wrote, so it isn't very funny, but there will be funnier ones!
*Keith butts in again*
Keith: "And there will be me!"
*Prancie pushes Keith* Go away Keith! You aren't in this one!!!!
*Hem Hem*
Okay! enjoy! 
.................................................. ....................... Comic Sissies' comics: comic no.1: Girl problems
Harry: Hi Ron, what's up?
Ron: Not much... I'm still in love with Hermione...
Harry: Still afraid to tell her?
Ron: Yep. What about you and Ginny?
Harry: Ahhhh, you know that story already! I broke up with her to protect her. Didn't you read the 6th book??
Ron: *flips through pages and reads last few pages*Oh... yeah...
Harry: I simply can't put her in any danger. I won't allow it.
Ron: I know, Mate. You are doing the right thing!
Harry: Yep.
Ron: Yep.
Harry&Ron: .................................................. .
Harry: six sickles says I can last more then two hours.
Ron: Oh no way, you are so on!
Last edited by i m a potter fool ^_^; 07-25-2006 at 07:34 PM.
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07-05-2006, 04:35 AM
#2 (permalink)
| Keeper of G/H Love Billywig
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: gummybearland, mhm.
Posts: 3,209
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cosmina Bianchi First Year | Presenting...My Very First COmic!
Harry Baby: jumps out of crib and dances
James:LILS LILS!!!! Look at Harry,Just like his DADDY!
Harry:Shakes his butt
Lily: turns around
Harry: Stops dancing.
Lily:James,i think you need new glasses
Harry: dances again.
Sirius: come out of his shadow and says,Why yes James he dances just like you...
Lily:angry He's not dancing.
Harry: starts break dancing and raising the roof.
James: LILYY TURN AROUND *whines*
Sirius: YOu outta sighn him up for lessons
Lily: oh what a splended idea! how about ballet?
Siriius: cackles "yes my plan is working''
Harry: dances some more.
Lily:What was that Siirus? what plan...
Harry: Dances still while adults are talking.
Jamesadfoot, what are you plannig this time...
Siriusuppy dog look "Nothing" turns around and cackles again.
James:mate,get out, your trying to turn mah boy into a ballerina.GET OUT.
Harry:follows Sirius,waddling
Lily:hugs James,its ok hun, i think its what he wants
James:*shrugs* well..if thats what Harry wants...
Lily:Yes my plan is working...*cackles*
Harry: waddle,waddle *gets on to sirius' bike*
Sirius: MY MOTERCYCLE!!!!!!*hypervenilates*
"James this is all your fault"!!!!
James:*sighs* Your the one turning him in to a balerina
Lily: but he would look so cute in the pink.
Harry:stares in awe.
James to Harry: It takes a real man to where pink.
Lily:shakes head.
Sirius:takes of a shirt revealing a hot pink shirt
James:If only i could ever have the courage you do padfoot.
Harry: blinks and hides behind James
James: Great now you've upset him!
Moldy Voldie: Runs into house dancing in hot pink singing "ADAVA KADAVRA" in a tu-tu
James to Lily: see what you trying to turn our boy into?
laugh at the stupidity if you must *Cat <3
__________________ gummybears.  The Blue Gummy Bear loves her Queen <333 The Chocolate Gummy Bear loves her Gummy Bear Queen sister <333 |
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07-05-2006, 04:36 AM
#3 (permalink)
| Vair Stalkerish Missing Sirius Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: In a mental ward wit
Posts: 7,987
Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma McKingley Graduated |  !  !  !
I love it Le and Cat!!!!! It's great!!!
Can't wait to see more of the Comic Sister's work!
Dancing Harry?
Pink tutu?
Avada Kadavra?  !  !  !
And bring Keith back, he is so funny!
-The Comic cousing aka Emma!
Last edited by luv16; 07-05-2006 at 04:46 AM.
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07-05-2006, 05:42 AM
#4 (permalink)
| Formerly: Rookins   Shrake
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: Texas
Posts: 12,432
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cassiopeia "Cassi" Nero First Year
| squishy yoshi / / i ♥ stalking
OMSJL!!! You two are just.....
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Voldie the Baldie in a tu-tu?? Now that is a sight for sore eyes!!! Ouch!!!! |
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07-05-2006, 05:51 AM
#5 (permalink)
| Keeper of G/H Love Billywig
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: gummybearland, mhm.
Posts: 3,209
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cosmina Bianchi First Year |
Thanks Em-azing and Stacey, your both so sweet and encouraging, we will update when ever we can 
Thanks again,
mucho love,
(a.k.a) Cat <3
__________________ gummybears.  The Blue Gummy Bear loves her Queen <333 The Chocolate Gummy Bear loves her Gummy Bear Queen sister <333 |
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07-05-2006, 05:58 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Yesh, I agree with Swift-Spot! Thankies for reading!
Keith: Yay! Emma Loves me!
Prancie: At least someone does... *pokes Keith*
Keith: I will be back, my adoring public! *stands on big rock to greet his public, but only one person ish there* *sadly* "As soon as I can get Lazy-Bones here-"
Prancie: Hey!
Keith: *ignoring Prancie* Here, to start writing again, we can get back to busness!
*Prancie shuts Keith in closet*
Good night all! 
~Le/Prancie |
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07-05-2006, 06:57 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Okay, those of you who are not a part of the Harry Potter Fanclub are probably thinking that I am insane for having Keith in my posts!
Keith: Hey! That's mean! I can go wherever I want!
Prancie: Keith! I am trying to introduce you! Now button your lip!
This is the post in which Good old Keith firest came to me.... And won't leave *tries to shake Keith off*
Keith: Just cut and paste my story, will you?!
Prancie: Grrrrrrrrr......... oh, alright....
.................................................. ...... Comic #5: Harry Potter meets Keith Richards!!!! Keith: *mumbles song illegibly* “I'd neber cleem you feast of sherden. I'd park for liles, my beets are curtin’- Harry: Sorry, Dude, didn't catch that...... Hey! Aren't you Keith Richards?! Guitarist for the Rolling Stones? And the only Ancient and shriveled-up old dude, that can still rock out loud?! Oh my Gosh! I love you, Man! Keith: .....*looks at Harry suspiciously* Harry: “I’m serious! You see, I wasn’t always a wizard—well, yeah I was, but I didn’t know it until I was 11—I used to listen to your music all of the time! I used to live with my Aunt and Uncle- not pleasant, let me tell you- and Uncle Vernon used to put on your old records and play air guitar, while Aunt Petunia would do the Mick Jaggar walk….” *Gets up and demonstrates Mick Jaggar walk; strutting around the room with one arm outstretched, and fingers spread out* Keith: …….*watches Harry make a fool of himself suspiciously* Harry: *sits back down again happily* “And my friend, Lee Jordan, sometimes wears his hair in dread-locks like yours! Although, I must say that you work that look much better! And I’m not just saying that!” Keith: …..*puts hand to hair in alarm, and watches Harry still more suspiciously* Harry: “Would you mind signing my History of Magic book for my girlfriend, Ginny? …Well, she’s not my girlfriend any more… I had to leave her so that Voldemort wouldn’t hurt her… But, I could still give it to Ron to give to her! No, Ron might keep it for himself… Anyway, I’ll get it to her somehow and-” :Enter Voldemort: Voldemort: “Ahah! Harry Potter! We finally get to duel again! *laughs evily* Say your prayers! For I am going to crush yo-” Harry: “Shhhhh! I’m busy! Go away!” Voldemort: *Sadly* But look! It says here in the 7th book!” *takes book out of pocket* “Yeah! See here?” *reads out loud* “‘Enter Voldemort: Ahah! Harry Potter! We finally get to duel again!’ See? I even got my dialogue right and everything!” Harry: “But Keith Richards is here!” Voldemort: *gasp* “Keith Richards?! Guitarist for the Rolling Stones? And the only Ancient and shriveled-up old dude, that can still rock out loud?! Oh my Gosh! I love you, Man! Back when I lived in the orphanage; the woman in charge, Mrs. Cole, used to play your records, and do the Mick Jaggar walk alllllll the time!” *struts around the room, just like Harry did previously* Enter Ron dramatically Ron: “Don’t worry Harry! I’ll help you! What are friends for if not to-- Hey! Aren't you Keith Richards?! Guitarist for the Rolling Stones? And the only Ancient and shriveled-up old dude, that can still rock out loud?! Oh my Gosh! I love you, Man! You should see my Dad do the Mick Jaggar walk! I- Book closes disgustedly Keith: “I can’t even read a good book without people recognizing me!” *mumbles and walks away sadly* END Now, We wait for our other sissie, BlackGirl/Ghada/Flames, to post!! Leads standing ovation for sissie!
Keith: Enough about you girls! They want more of me! *goes in to guitar solo*
Prancie: Alright, alright! First Keith's solo, THEN Flames/Ghada!
~Prancie/Le |
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07-05-2006, 08:15 AM
#8 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Dec 2005 Location: Wangdoodleland.
Posts: 31,294
| Russian Dancing Snake-Twin | Jam Pony Rider | Has Snuffed It!
well i didn't read the last one sorry i'm not a fan of Keith Richards and i got lost and bored kinda.... altho the Harry and Sirius in pink thing that was great. hehe.
dare done.... lol. but no i may just be stalking this thread from now on..... |
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07-05-2006, 10:22 AM
#9 (permalink)
| Acromantula
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: law school
Posts: 30,704
| Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly Yellow??? *looks at Twins* hey Prancie...Swift-spots...love the Comic hmmm and Keith yo man! your done get off the stage is my turn to make pple laugh 
here ish my 1st Comic!!!
Harry Comic2: Voldemort Harry and Dumbledore((when he was alive))in the 5th book Harry: Voldemort! Voldemort: haha we meet again Potter now you die
*pop* Dumbledore: hello Tom VOldemort: Dumbledore! Dumbledore: Harry can't fight you now Harry: huh?? Voldemrot: why? Dumbledore: didn't anyone tell you in the 7th book that is your last battle and in the 6th I die so not now Voldemrot: *lowers wand* oh well I was getting tired of this anyway...by the way how are you? Dumbledore: great the school is in ship shape Voldemort: huh good to hear Dumbledore: how are you? Voldemort: I'm great yesterday we burn 14 houses and killed 12 muggles in addition it wasn't that fun like the one before Dumbledore: good...do you have plans for tommorw Voldemort: yeah me and my DE's are going bowling why? Dumbledore: we need to schedule your attack on Harry. Voldemort: don't you have your OWLs this year boy? Harry:*sitting in a chair reading a comic book* huh oh yeah I do why? Voldemort : I am going to send you a vision of Black who I am going to kill to you but it's not real so just pretend Harry: *drinking Latte* yeah sure whatever... Dumbledore: well thats settled I will see you in the DoM Voldemort: your on! Dumbledore: tell the boys I say hi Voldemort: sure will! Harry: bye!! oh and please tell Lucius to not hurt Ginny much Voldemort: young love huh Harry: yeah but I'm going to break up with her in the sixth book *nodding* Voldemort: really! Harry: here check *gives book* Voldemort *checks* oh yeah well at least you weren't harsh my boy well I'm off going to Starbucks with the boys bye!
bwaha....I know ish not very good...
Comic Sis...Flames |
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07-05-2006, 10:57 AM
#10 (permalink)
| Billywig
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: With Lydia and Hubby
Posts: 3,305
Hogwarts RPG Name: Siriana Red | Prongs’ Smoocher
OMG!!!! guys!!!! it's hilarius!!!!!
*pokes Keith, wears pink tu-tu and goes to Starbucks*
__________________ |
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07-05-2006, 12:34 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Diricawl
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: Hermit town
Posts: 26,826
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gendry Elwes Third Year | NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ghada...that is great...except you know that boyz rule...
__________________  Image by hermygirl...she's the best! |
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07-05-2006, 12:39 PM
#13 (permalink)
| Acromantula
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: law school
Posts: 30,704
| Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly nope! Girlz Rules and that's Final...*ish waiting for Prancie and Swift-spots to come and post* |
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07-05-2006, 03:00 PM
#14 (permalink)
| Keeper of G/H Love Billywig
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: gummybearland, mhm.
Posts: 3,209
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cosmina Bianchi First Year | SwiftSpot *lol* I have yet again come tooooooo thank everyone that has read or comics
your alll soo I speak on a behalf of me and mah Comic Sisters..
*looks at Keith*
*slaps him*
It's a really fun game Prancie and i were play *slaps Keith*
*looks innocent* its just...idk...fun 
*pokes her randomsnesssss*
I've got a comic in the works now, so hang on don't stop coming the Comic Sisters Thread...I might get my SaltyPenguin Treats to set his penguin army on you and i might add my Gummy-Bears in too...so beware 
and Flames, can you Pm since we've got to talk...it might take a while for me to Pm you back since i have to go though, but i will be back later 
I shalll edit this post when i can
__________________ gummybears.  The Blue Gummy Bear loves her Queen <333 The Chocolate Gummy Bear loves her Gummy Bear Queen sister <333
Last edited by Catalina; 07-05-2006 at 03:26 PM.
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07-05-2006, 04:08 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Acromantula
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: law school
Posts: 30,704
| Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly * 's Swiftspot...* hmmmm while ur thinking about ur comic sweet sister I am going to write mine...mwaha *slaps Keith* this is fun!! *slaps more*
*keith crys* Me: Mwaha
---------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Comic#6= Harry and Thomas Edison ((Le's Idea)) Thomas Edison: I have done it...I have made the lightbulb!! Harry: so...? Thomas: you don't get it don't you this thing has light inside it that will help us see in the dark
Harry: Lumos! *wand lights* I just have to say one word and it lights Thomas:!!!! Harry: mwaha
it's short I know...
Flames |
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07-05-2006, 04:49 PM
#16 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Yay! All Siisies are now on board!! 
I am working on a new comic an-
*Keith interrupts* Keith: No! You aren't working on acomic! I'm not in it! Prancie:Just because you aren't in it, doesn't mean it ishin't a comic... Keith: Flames did'n let me in hers! I want into one NOW! *cries* Prancie: Awe, I'm sorry Keith, but this ish a Harry Potter site! not the home of the Rolling Stones! Keith: *sulks* In that case..*Steals Prancie's computer* Prancie: *chasing after Keith's oldness* Come Back!!!!! |
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07-05-2006, 05:39 PM
#17 (permalink)
| Acromantula
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: law school
Posts: 30,704
| Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly Flames lookes at Keith and Prancie and laughs
Me: while Prancie is getting her computer back from the shrivelled up dude...let me give you my last comic before I leave to the airport
---------------------------------------------------------------- comic#7= James and Lily....
James: Lily I love you and I always will *looks at Lily* I want you to be mine
James: I know that prank alot and do mean things to Snape but I'll try to change
James: *puppy dog eyes* Lily will you be mine?
Lily: Prongs mate could you please change me back this is just too weird
James: *snaps out of it* ooh sorry Padfoot\
---------------------------------------------------------------- okay here I say my goodbyes I will be out for a while don't worry I'll be back I sirius-ly promise 
$s$Flames$s$ |
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07-05-2006, 05:43 PM
#18 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd *Keith ish sitting in time-out for stealing Prancie's computer*
Flames!!!! Don't go!!!! *clings* Sisssssyyyyy!!!! |
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07-05-2006, 06:43 PM
#19 (permalink)
| Vair Stalkerish Missing Sirius Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: In a mental ward wit
Posts: 7,987
Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma McKingley Graduated | !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys! It's not fair that you posted so much before I got back! I just finished reading all of your WONDERFUL work and I love it! It's hillarious!!! 
I love Keith, sadly enought this IS a HP website but that doesn't mean Keith can't be on it 
Post more soon! and I will definetly be cheering for Keith!
P.S. and please don't make Keith cry, he might get the carpets dirty and dry cleaning is explensive |
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07-05-2006, 07:10 PM
#20 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Lol, Hi cousie! 
Keith: Thank you! My adoring fan!!
Prancie: Keeeeeeeeeeith!
Keith: *goes back to time-out*
Okay, we have two new cousies! SenoritaMaxie, and mione_girlgwp ! |
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07-05-2006, 10:33 PM
#21 (permalink)
| Keeper of G/H Love Billywig
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: gummybearland, mhm.
Posts: 3,209
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cosmina Bianchi First Year | SwiftSpots Comic#2 Skydiving. What happens when the Marauders go Sky diving.
:On the plane high up in the air:
James giving Petter an evil look: "Who wants to jump first?"
Peter:*twitches and faints as he looks out the door*
Remus*Reading a book on the correct way to jump put of a plane*
Sirius:*looks terribly bored*
Remus:*looks up from book* "Having Fun Padfoot?"
Sirius:"I love sitting in plains,with a paraschute waiting to push Peter out.":
Peter: *Has a little accident*.
James: haha, look he wet himsself AND Passed out.
Remus: poor poor Dear.
Sirius: "Lets thow him out and see what happens."
Remus: "Well,Duh. Because of hit fattyness gravity will of course pull him down faster and he will fall to his doom."
James:"ey,fun enough"
Sirius:*bark-like laugh*
James:*kicks peter and he rolls out falling rapidly towards the ground.*
Remus: *whispers* No to convince Sirius to puch James out *cackles* my evil plan is working 
James:"erm...moony? what was that about pushing me out of the plane?"
Sirius: the idea seems boring *Motercycle appears out of nowhere*
Let's just run him over Moony,that would be fun.
James: *looks afraid* Don't make me get Lily,she might be upset when you turn me to a pancake,leaving her a widow and all,she says it would make her feel old,and what about my son! i have a son,a family....
Remus:Ok,OK! I just don't want to face Lily's wrath..
Sirius:Same..she's scary *cringes in fear*
*Back at Home*
Harry: Dances in a wig his mum said would one day be the colour of his best mate's hair.ginger
*Rocks out in leather pants and plays the air gutiar*
Lily: that's mah boy *beams with pride* He just looks so cute in the leather
*pinches his chubby cheeks and gets out the camera*
Modly Voldie: Runs in screaming "Harry Potter you must DIE! you stole me pants!!!!
Harry: *Dances to make Voldemort mad and points to his non-exsisting nose*
Mody Voldy: "Hey hey watch it kid!!!!* rubs the place where his nose WOULD be and cry's hystericlly
Lily: Ok, if Harry gives back your Leather pant's will you promise not to adaca kadavra us?
Modly Voldy:He made fun of my nose *cries* and crawls to little corner
make him apologize!
Lily: scolds harry
Harry: gives pants back ans says "sawwy."
Mr.Moldy:"aww ok fine, i won't kill you."
Lily: It's a deal *winks*"so how has life been?"
Mr Moldy: "well you know,a 2 or 3 people die,give or take a few you know,and my Phyciotris says i'm coming along great,fantastic really."
Lily: *pats his back* "well thats great!, hey as soon as your not evil your welcome to babysit harry, we are trying to find one."
Moldy Voldy: *giggles* oh why Lily dear that would be Fantastic, hows this thursday?
Lily: *mumbles* Don't push it....
Mr Moldy: "What was that?"
Lily: oh thats great..."
Moldy:Great! see you then *ish gone with a poof*
Harry: Dances
*back on the plane*
James: SEE! i have a family!
Sirius:"we were just kidding mate..."
Remus: "We where?"
Sirius. *barks* YES!"
James: glad to hear it! *Jumps put of plane*
Sirius:*follows James*
Peter *Splat*
Remus: "ewww is that Peter..." *jumps*
the ends *bows*
Laugh of course,it wasn't that great...
Comment it 
xxx Cat
__________________ gummybears.  The Blue Gummy Bear loves her Queen <333 The Chocolate Gummy Bear loves her Gummy Bear Queen sister <333 |
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07-05-2006, 10:46 PM
#22 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Sissy!!! *huggles* Nice one! I'm so lovin' it! |
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07-05-2006, 11:03 PM
#23 (permalink)
| Keeper of G/H Love Billywig
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: gummybearland, mhm.
Posts: 3,209
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cosmina Bianchi First Year |
*bows and Giggles at her Prancie*
Why thankies Prancie*
*slaps Keith*
where is he anyway...*wonders*
__________________ gummybears.  The Blue Gummy Bear loves her Queen <333 The Chocolate Gummy Bear loves her Gummy Bear Queen sister <333 |
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07-05-2006, 11:06 PM
#24 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Helping Lissy scoop
Posts: 6,662
Hogwarts RPG Name: Daniel (Danny) West Second Year | Chuck's Nerd Keith ish vewy mad at Prancie right now...
Keith: Humph
Why is he mad? I'll tell you:
Coming Soon! Harry Potter Meets Darth Vader!!! |
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07-05-2006, 11:09 PM
#25 (permalink)
| Vair Stalkerish Missing Sirius Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: In a mental ward wit
Posts: 7,987
Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma McKingley Graduated |  !!!!!!!!!
I love it! You guys just keep getting funnier and funnier!
*rolls around and laughs*
It's great Cat! Keep posting!
-Emma (your cousin  )
P.S. BY THE WAY, WE GOT OUR OWN JPFC FORUMS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Can't wait for Harry Potter to meet Darth Vader!!! Will keith be there? |
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