Chapter 36
Jamie was laying on his bed, staring at the clock beside him. Half 12. He still had to wait at least 3 and a half hours yet... Ron and Harry walked in then, Harry heading towards the bathroom and Ron started hunting for something.
Bored, are we?' Alicia's voice intruded in his head and he laughed. Ron glanced at him.
Are you keeping tabs on me or something?'
Maybe... But you haven't answered the question yet'
Of course I'm bored... There's at least 3 hours to go! Why did you choose sunset?' He asked pulling a face even though she couldn't see him.
That's the time you found me two weeks ago...' She said simply and Jamie smiled.
Alright... You're forgiven... Nervous yet?' He asked sarcastically and a new edge entered Alicia's thoughts.
I was earlier... But not now... Ginny cured it by pinning me down and doing my hair...'
She done that to me as well' Jamie laughed. Ron rolled his eyes.
Ginny done your hair?'
Yup... You can't see it either. You'll have to wait'
You can't see me but I'm pouting...' Jamie laughed again and Ron looked over.
Tell Alicia to bugger off will you! All I can hear is you laughing and it's driving me crazy! If Hermione catches you... I don't think the death of the groom will help anyone'' He said and returned to whatever he was searching for, which turned out to be a ring with a bright blue gem in the center.
Tell him I can hear him' Jamie laughed and Ron grunted something.
Ron, she can hear you...'' Ron paled and put a hand on the door handle. ''
Where are you going?'' But Ron ignored his question and walked out the room.
I mean it! Hermione will go mad if she knew!'' Ginny said as she placed a silver tiara in Alicia's hair. ''
That looks wonderful Ginny! What will I go mad about anyway?'' Hermione asked as she placed a bouquet of red roses on Alicia's bed.
Alicia hair and bouquet)
I haven't got anything blue or borrowed'' Alicia said quickly, throwing a glance at Ginny who was biting her lip. ''
The tiara and necklace are old,'' Sh said as Ginny helped her with the clasp on the necklace. ''
The dress is new, and I haven't got the others''
Is that it? Here,'' She pulled the hair band out her hair and placed it round Alicia's left wrist. She then headed towards the chest of drawers at the side of her bed. ''
Something blue... Something blue''
Knock Knock
All three girls looked up. Ginny ran to the door while Luna came out wearing a dark blue dress.
Luna Dress)
Ron?!'' Ginny said and Luna ran back into the bathroom. Alicia froze where she stood. ''
What's wrong?''
Can I come in? I want to give something to Alicia...'' Ginny turned to look at the room. Hermione shook her head while Alicia nodded. She stepped aside to let her brother enter the room. ''
Wow... You look gorgeous Alicia...'' He said as he spotted her.
You think so?'' She said, smiling, and spinning round.
Yeah... Oh yeah, Hermione was banging on last night about when Muggles get married they have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue... So, here'' He dropped the ring in Alicia's outstretched hand.
Ron, where did you get this? It's beautiful!'' Sh said as she put it on. ''
Thank you!'' She said as she hugged him.
It was going to be a Christmas present but I thought it would be better now... The colour reminded me of your hair... And with the roses...'' He shrugged and the girls laughed.
Ron, can you please leave now? I need to come out so that Ginny and Hermione can come in...'' Luna said as her head appeared round the door frame. She had put on a long dressing gown to cover the dress.
Oh, right... See you later then...'' He said, hugging Alicia and Ginny, kissing Hermione and waving at Luna before walking away.
As the door shut, Luna came out and Hermione rushed in, Ginny pulling a face at her.
Alicia, can you explain the colour of our dresses to us. Oh, and the colour of the boys' ties... Neville told me that you picked them out with Jamie'' Alicia grinned evilly as Luna tipped make- up onto a table in front of her.
I had a vision... Well, visions. Remember what I saw about the twins?'' She said as she sat down.
What? That they're gonna marry Angie and Amelia?'' Luna started picking up tubes and bottles, examining them.
Yup... Well I had more visions like that...'' She grinned again. ''
And I can't tell you about them yet''
That's not fair!'' Luna said, her hand pausing as she went to start Alicia's make- up. She shrugged. ''
I'll make you tell me later...'' She said, applying blusher to Alicia's cheek.
Fine... I'll tell you one vision later'' Alicia smirked as Luna scowled.
You know, I'm getting- '' Jamie said but Harry cut him off.
Nervous?'' He grinned evilly.
Jamie rolled his eyes. ''
No'' Harry frowned. ''
Harry, you won't make me nervous''
Alright then... A headache?'' Harry guessed again as Ron's singing came through the bathroom door again.
Now you mention it... Na... I was going to say bored'' Jamie said as Harry put on a deep blue tie.
Oh... Yeah, same there. And with the headache part as well... Why the hell do we have to wear these ties?'' He said as he looked at his, then Neville's pale blue one, and then Ron's brown one.
That's a good point actually...'' Neville said as he put his jacket on.
Ali has her reasons...'' Jamie said smiling.
And you know them I guess'' Neville said, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Of course... Finally! Ron, the job of the best best man is NOT to give everyone else a headache!'' Jamie said as Ron stepped out the bathroom. He couldn't choose just one best man so he chose three, although Ron became th best
best man because he had known Jamie the longest.
Ron pulled a face and then picked up his tie and jacket. All four of them looked at the clock at the same time. Half 5.
We better be getting downstairs... There's half an hour... Everyone's probably waiting for us now...'' Harry said as he opened the door.
Right...'' Jamie said, suddenly nervous.
Not nervous are you Jamie?'' Harry said sarcastically as they walked through the castle, taking shortcuts.
Ha ha...'' Jamie said as he walked down the entrance steps. ''
Wow...'' He looked over towards the Lake where the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were sitting. The Slytherins had been sent home. Naomi ran towards them wearing a stunning bubblegum and and orange dress.
Seamus and Dean were watching her and started cheering as they spotted the boys. They waved.
Naomi's dress)
Hi Naomi... You look pretty'' Harry said as the five of them walked towards the gates.
Thanks... You all look smart. Smarter than Seamus and Dean anyway'' She laughed. ''
Why are we going this way?''
To get the other guests... Hi Fang'' Harry said as the door to Hagrid's hut opened and the dog bounded out.
Down Fang!'' Hagrid shouted as he appeared in the doorway. ''
Alright you five?'' He said as he waved. He had his large furry jacket on again.
Yeah, we're going to get everyone.'' Jamie said as he walked past grinning. ''
Ali's upstairs by the way... Passwords Amore''
Hagrid nodded and headed up towards the castle.
Brown suits you...'' Alicia said as Hermine stepped out of the bathroom. ''
Don't pull faces... I mean it. You look beautiful''
Luna helped Ginny with the bow at the back of her dress as Hermione claimed the mirror to do her hair. ''
You know, I think your right...'' She said as she turned slightly.
Hermione's dress)
Has anyone seen my headband?'' Luna said as she lifted up a box containing heels.
Under the bed... The boys are directing guests to seats and Hagrid's on his way up'' Alicia said as she shook her head slightly.
Vision?'' Luna said as she placed the blue band among her gold curls. Alicia nodded. ''
Try not to do that during the ceremony...'' Alicia smiled slightly.
I'll try...''
You lot ready?'' Hagrid's rough voice echoed up the stairs and Luna and Hermione went down to wait with him. Hermione was placing a brown band in her chocolate curls.
Alicia, do I look okay?'' Ginny said as she quickly placed the green band in her red curls.
Of course... What about me?'' She said as she done the zip up on Ginny's emerald dress.
Ginny's Dress)
Perfect... Not a hair out of place... Have you got everything?'' Ginny said as she picked up her bundle of white roses.
Nearly... Quick, help me put this on...'' She said as she held out a scarlet and gold braided bracelet and her right ankle. Ginny knotted it tightly with a quizzical look on her face. ''
What? Rose made it for me when I was made a Gryffindor...''
The two of them scrambled to the door, Ginny helping Alicia with her dress, and down the stairs.
Well, don't you two look wonderful'' Hagrid said as he saw Ginny and Alicia walk down the stairs. He pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes.
Don't start crying yet, Hagrid, please! You'll set one of us off'' Luna said as they walked through the castle. It took longer than they expected so Ginny, Hermione and Luna took off down a shortcut to warn the boys.
Alicia and Hagrid laughed and joked all the way down to the large oak front doors. Then Alicia froze.
HARRY! RON! NEVILLE! JAMIE! NAOMI!'' Ginny screamed as she, Hermione and Luna ran through the snow towards them.
The boys turned round and Naomi giggled. ''
Close your mouths!'' She whispered as passer- bys looked back at them.
What?'' Hermione said as she stopped in front of Ron, who just stared.
You look amazing!'' He said, unfortunately, Harry and Neville had said the exact same thing to Ginny and Luna, at the exact same time.
Did you practice that?'' Naomi asked, her head on one side as she looked at the three couples. Jamie laughed.
The sad thing is they probably did...''
Right, well... You should be standing over there'' Hermione said as she pointed towards the front of the gathering. ''
We should be getting to our places as well'' She said as she pulled Ron towards the white screens set up near the stairs. They made a hidden passage way from the castle to the Lake, meaning Alicia could walk around without worrying about being seen.
I've gotta go sit down... I'll see you after!'' Naomi said, hugging Luna before rushing off to sit next to Seamus, who put his arm round her shoulders.
Jamie walked up the aisle, which looked like it was home to a green carpet, to cheers and whistles from the students. He grinned and stood waiting, talking to Seamus, Dean and Naomi as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna disappeared through the net curtain.
Hagrid stood next to Alicia, dabbing at his eyes again. Alicia seemed to have trouble breathing.
Calmly... Breathe... Good?'' Hermione said as Harry and Neville whistled.
Yeah... No... I dunno... Thanks anyway'' Alicia muttered.
Alicia, you look beautiful!'' Harry said ans Alicia glared at him. ''
Honestly! You do!'' He said as he hld up his hands.
Ignore the looks, she's just nervous...'' Luna said to him as Alicia grinned at Ron and Neville. ''
She's bound to have mood swings... She'll be crying and then the next minute laughing her head off or screaming at someone''
Please let it be the laughter!'' Harry and Ron whispered together, causing Luna to giggle.
Ready?'' Hermione said as music started playing from somewhere. Everyone nodded apart from Alicia. ''
Hagrid, if she freezes, pick up and carry her down the aisle'' She added on as Luna and Neville linked arms and walked out.
Alicia scowled and Hermione stuck her tongue out at her as Ginny and Harry walked out.
Meet you up front... Don't forget to breathe, Alicia, and don't forget what I said, Hagrid...'' Hermione whispered as she and Ron walked forwards. She was gone before Alicia could respond.
:evillaugh :evillaugh :evillaugh :evillaugh :evillaugh
I'll post up Ali's dress later by the way...
Abi... xox