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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 11-25-2008, 11:39 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
Oh and Tori, I caught up and love it very much!! Your a very fast writer!
That's cause I have already written till chapter 39, and I'm just trying to figure out how far to write it till I end it. I originally wrote mine back in 2003.

Anyway, I can't wait for more of yours! PAMS!

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Old 12-18-2008, 11:00 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Chapter 8

After a couple more whispered words from Harry, Ginny found herself back at school alone.
Running round in circles looking for Neville wasn't really what she called helping.
As she ran towards the library, she crashed into somebody.

''Oh hi Seamus... Have you seen Neville? Harry's looking for him...'' She said as he helped her up.

''Last time I see Neville was in the Common Room... But he said that he was heading towards the library anyway...''

''Alright... Thanks''

Seamus couldn't answer any sort of reply. Ginny had taken off again, rounding the last corner in a few seconds.

''DEAN!'' She practically screamed the name as she recognized the person coming out out of the library. ''DEAN! stop! Is Neville in there?'' She panted as she skidded to a stop in front of him.

''Umm... No Ginny... Sorry...'' Dean said as he looked down at her. ''He's gone outside... Going on about some plant he's found in a book'' He added, shaking his head slightly. ''Why?''

But again, he received no answer as the red headed girl disappeared round the corner.


Alicia was getting restless again. Hermione couldn't tell her anything else about the room she was a prisoner in and now she paced the familiar house top to bottom, Jamie standing on the second landing watching as she stomped past for the twelfth time.

''Al... I think you should try to stand still for a while, otherwise you'll waste energy...'' He said slowly, keeping the worry out of his voice and face.

''You mean, you want me to calm down...'' She corrected him as she changed her route to staying on the second landing.

''Yes... That as well'' He said with a slight smile on his face. It never reached his eyes. Alicia looked over briefly and noticed it quickly, darting to his side.

''And you tell me not to worry...'' She said as she reached for his hand. He pulled his hands away from her slightly.

''I never told you not to worry... I told you to try and stay still... Then to calm down'' He clasped his hands together tightly. She glanced at them slightly before watching his face.

''Whats the matter? You never pull away...'' Again, she reached for his hand, and again, he pulled away. ''Definitely something wrong... She added as she dropped her hand and walked away towards the other end of the long corridor.

'It's nothing Al... I'm just trying not to loose it... I'm sorry if i'm scaring you...' She turned to look at him with curious eyes.

''Thats not it though... There's something else, isn't there... You wont tell me... Or think about it...'' She added as she picked up he was reciting the runic alphabet again for the third time today.

'It's nothing to worry about... That's all... Promise...' Then back to the alphabet again.


''Look Neville, just follow me PLEASE! Come on!'' Ginny said as she tugged on his arm impatiently.

''Fine! But can I have my arm back please!''


''Harry? I think Ginny's on her way... I'm not sure yet but I can see her with Neville now...'' Alicia said loudly as she continued to watch Jamie.

She had replaced her pacing with sitting, now at the end of the corridor, her back against the wall she had slid down five minutes ago without breaking eye contact.

"Good..." Was the reply that came from the room between the two of them.

''Alicia?'' Jamie's voice seemed to echo slightly as it broke the silence between them. ''I'm sorry... Sometimes I can't stay in control... You should know that...''


I'll carry on when I can...Or of the computer will let me on the site again...

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
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Last edited by 3uzz3ee; 12-19-2008 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 12-19-2008, 12:05 AM   #28 (permalink)
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you like to leave us hanging don't you! well pams for whenevers possible lol and thanks for reading my fics x
RIP JD Salinger
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Old 12-19-2008, 07:06 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I love it!!!!
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Old 12-25-2008, 09:32 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Chapter 9

Alicia stood and made her way down the corridor, wrapped her arms round Jamie and pulled herself closer to him before speaking.

''I know... You don't need to explain... I understand it all...''

''That still doesn't make better Al... I'm being an idiot...'' He said as he leaned his cheek against her hair.

As he went to continue, she froze against him.

''Alicia?'' Jamie said as he tried to look at her face. ''Al? What is it?''

She didn't reply. As he ducked under her arms, which were still clamped round him, Harry walked through the door way, nearly knocking him over.

''Oh! Sorry Jamie... What's wrong?'' His voice went from cheerful to cautious in seconds.


As if she was responding, Alicia gasped loudly and collapsed.

''Alicia? Al?'' Jamie said loudly as he and Harry caught her by the arms and waist before she hit the ground.


Ginny dragged Neville up the path and through the front door quickly. Every time Neville went to say something, she would shake her head and press a finger to her lips.

Up a flight of stairs and along a long corridor, she turned to him.

''Neville, I can't explain everything now but-'' Ginny stopped dead and stared up at the ceiling. A very loud screaming as echoing off the second floor right above them.

''What the... Ginny? Who else is here?'' Neville said as he glanced at the red head.

''Umm... Harry, Ron, Jamie, Hermione, Alicia and Luna... Well... Thats who was here when I left...'' She said slowly, before grabbing his arm and running towards the second flight of stairs.

As they jumped the last two steps, Neville's jaw dropped and Ginny shouted loudly.


Placing Alicia on the floor carefully, Harry asked Jamie what happened.

''She just froze. She wouldn't answer me or nothing... Look at her eyes... She's not even here... But that's never happened before...'' Jamie said quickly.

Before Harry could speak, Alicia screamed. Jamie jumped a foot away from her only to then launch himself at her as she started twitching and cringing into the floor. Her screams caught the attention of the others and they ran to help.

Ron covered his ears as he watched Harry crouch down beside the shrieking girl and try to calm her.

''SHE SHOULD OF BROUGHT LUNA WITH US!'' Harry shouted over Alicia's screams towards Ron.

''EVEN IF WE DID, WOULD SHE BE ABLE TO HELP HER? SHE'S HAVING A VISION... A STRONG ONE TOO...'' Jamie shouted to Harry as Alicia's arm came up towards his face.

While Jamie was ducking Alicia's arms, Ron protected his ears from her screams and Harry tried to calm her, no- one heard the footsteps behind them.

''ALICIA!'' The sound of the voice made everyone start. Harry looked up in time to see Ginny run forwards, leaving Neville at the top of the stairs.

''GINNY! GET NEVILLE IN THERE...'' Harry said quickly as Ginny knelt down opposite him and rested a hand on Alicia's shoulder. As soon as Ginny's hand touched her bare shoulder, the screaming stopped.

Jamie looked up, amazed, at Ginny while Neville walked forwards.

''Umm... Harry?'' Neville said as he watched the four on the floor. ''Ginny said that you needed me to help out with something...'' That sentence broke Ron's stare.

''I'll tell him... Follow me Neville...'' Ron turned and walked through the door, Neville right behind him.

From the corridor, Harry and Jamie just stared at Ginny while she stared back, just as shocked as they were.

As Alicia's fist hit Jamie in the arm, he blinked a couple of times and then looked down.

''Alicia? Can you here me?'' He said as Ginny and Harry pinned down her arms and legs. ''Al? Come on, we need you now... Neville's here and he needs your help...'' There was no emotion in his voice what so ever.

Harry glanced at Ginny and noticed that her face was screwed up in concentration. Not wanting to disturb her, he turned back and saw the exact same expression on Alicia's face.

''Gin? What are you doing?'' He asked quietly as Alicia's hair turned pitch black and then scarlet.

''Thinking...'' She whispered back and then smiled. ''She responded... She just answered me...'' Her face lit up as she turned to look at Harry.

''What she say?'' Jamie said. His eyes didn't move from Alicia's face framed by her signature hair colour.

''Jamie... That's what she said to me... She said Jamie'' Ginny's smile seemed to get even bigger as Alicia stopped twitching.

''Come on Gin... Lets go help Ron and Neville...'' Harry said as he stood up and held a hand out for her.


I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
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Last edited by 3uzz3ee; 12-26-2008 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 12-26-2008, 01:15 PM   #31 (permalink)
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soooo good ! whats next lol

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 12-27-2008, 08:12 PM   #32 (permalink)
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How did Ginny do that?
Cant wait for more!!!
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Old 01-03-2009, 04:51 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Chapter 10 Part 0.5

''You ready?'' Ron said quietly as he stood next to Neville by the hidden door.

''Yeah... What happens if that door swings shut on me? You lot cant open it...'' Neville said as he placed a hand on the handle.

''Don't worry Neville... Nothing will happen... We'll prop it open...'' Ginny said as she smiled at him from behind Harry.

''Remember... Just find Hermione... Don't touch anything...'' Harry said calmly as he watched the door swing open.

''Good luck Neville...'' Jamie said from the chair he had brought in to the room.

''Like Ginny said, don't worry... I'll guide you through it...'' Alicia said quietly from where she sat on Jamie's lap, snuggled up to his shoulder.

Neville nodded and walked forwards.


I have to help my mum cook so I'll quote this and post later!!

Happy Belated New Year

Love Abi xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Or Break It, Break It Off...
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Old 01-04-2009, 03:01 AM   #34 (permalink)
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yey ok lol !

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-04-2009, 05:12 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:53 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
Chapter 10 Part 0.5

''You ready?'' Ron said quietly as he stood next to Neville by the hidden door.

''Yeah... What happens if that door swings shut on me? You lot cant open it...'' Neville said as he placed a hand on the handle.

''Don't worry Neville... Nothing will happen... We'll prop it open...'' Ginny said as she smiled at him from behind Harry.

''Remember... Just find Hermione... Don't touch anything...'' Harry said calmly as he watched the door swing open.

''Good luck Neville...'' Jamie said from the chair he had brought in to the room.

''Like Ginny said, don't worry... I'll guide you through it...'' Alicia said quietly from where she sat on Jamie's lap, snuggled up to his shoulder.

Neville nodded and walked forwards.


As he looked behind him, a wall appeared. It seperated the two rooms but he could still see Harry and Ron in the door way.

Turning forwards again, Neville started forwards towards the dark shape at the back of the room, leaning up against the corner of the wall.

'Alicia? I think I can see Hermione... It's too dark in the room but I don't want to light my wand...'

'Don't worry Neville... Just be careful'

Looking behind him, he watched Harry turn and say something to someone behind him before turning back and trying to peer through the one way wall.



As i'm in school, i'll post soon

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Old 01-06-2009, 07:33 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Go Neville lol ! i'ma hanging on for more lol x

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Old 01-06-2009, 04:40 PM   #38 (permalink)
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YAY Neville save Hermione!!!
Cant wait for more!!
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Old 01-07-2009, 11:03 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
As he looked behind him, a wall appeared. It seperated the two rooms but he could still see Harry and Ron in the door way.

Turning forwards again, Neville started forwards towards the dark shape at the back of the room, leaning up against the corner of the wall.

'Alicia? I think I can see Hermione... It's too dark in the room but I don't want to light my wand...'

'Don't worry Neville... Just be careful'

Looking behind him, he watched Harry turn and say something to someone behind him before turning back and trying to peer through the one way wall.


''Hermione, can you hear me?'' Neville's voice didn't even waver.

A muffled sound echoed round the room from the dark shape so Neville took a step forwards.

'Careful Neville... Harry's getting worried out here... He thinks it may be a trap...'

'Alicia, why would they set a trap in a room which you can't enter?' Neville shook his head and stepped closer.

''Hermione? I'm going to light my wand... Don't worry''

Hermione's answer was muffled as the shape moved again.

''Lumos...'' The light filled the empty room and Neville rushed over to Hermione. ''Oh... Hermione!''

Tied and gagged to a chair, Hermione's face was unrecognizable. Cuts and bruises covered her cheeks. Blood was matted into her hair, which hung limply down her back.

Moving quickly now, Neville untied Hermione and help her up.

''Don't worry Hermione... I'm gonna get you out and then back to school.''

That threw her off. ''School? When they took me it was still the holidays...''

''Hermione, School re- opened about three days ago... I don't know what happened but the others can tell you as soon as we're out of here...''

'Okay... Try opening the door...'

They watched as Harry reached out and grabbed something they couldn't see.


''Next time, can you please scream or something... That way we don't have Alicia falling over all the time'' Ron said as he helped Hermione onto the couch in the common room.

''I didn't want anything to happen to anyone else... Anyway, speaking about rooms which not many can get in, are we practicing soon?''

''Yes. As soon as your okay again and when Alicia's okay again...''

A week had passed since Hermione had returned to school. Her face was healing slowly. Hermione could talk about her experience and not get bothered by it. Alicia only had to think about what had happened before Neville's appearance...

Jamie had let two days pass before asking Alicia what she had seen to cause such a fit but all she did was burst out crying and run in the other direction. He had tried that morning but he got the same reaction.

''It makes no sense... She's never acted like this before... It's gotta be bad for us for her to act like this...'' Hermione said quietly as Jamie ambled through the portrait hole.

''Oh... Hey guys... Hermione, why are you in this common room and not the Heads?'' He said absently as he sat down opposite them.

''Too quiet... Too empty... Remember, I may of let them take me but... Anyway, I'm not totally over it yet...'' Hermione let her voice fade as Jamie's expression changed. ''Don't worry about Alicia...She'll be fine soon...''

Jamie just nodded and stood up again. Ron glanced over his shoulder and found the reason.

Alicia had walked into the room. Her hair lay round her shoulders in little ringlets in a deep shade of blue. If anyone looked at her, thy wouldn't notice a difference.

But if you looked carefully, there was a forced edge to the smile she wore, her eyes were a watery blue that seemed to reflect the light just like water.

''Hi guys...'' Alicia said in a tone that sounded like it had taken her a long while to get to it. ''You look better Hermione...''

''Thanks... Umm, Alicia? o you want to come to th Heads common room with me? If you want, we could get Luna and Ginny and turn it into a sleep over...?'' Hermione asked suddenly, causing Ron and Jamie to stare at her.

There must have been something being said without words between the two girls because they both stared at each other before Alicia agreed.

''I'll see you later...'' Hermione said to Ron as she stood up. She kissed his cheek before heading up the stairs with Alicia to get her stuff as well as Ginny's.

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Old 01-08-2009, 10:25 AM   #40 (permalink)
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ohhh soo good, now i need to no whats next - and ur calling me evil for my cliffie lol !

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-09-2009, 02:25 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Chapter 11

''Do I even get a choice?''

''No. Now stop moaning and hurry up...'' Hermione repeated as she pulled Ginny towards the Heads Common Room.

Ginny had been found out by the Lake was was told that she was sleeping over with Hermione and Alicia.

''What are we doing anyway?'' Ginny asked as they climbed through the hole behind a tapestry.

''No idea... We'll make it up as we go along...''

''Make what up?'' Alicia asked as she appeared at the foot of the stairs. Her hair had changed again. Emerald Green.

''What we're gonna be doing... I like you hair...'' Ginny said as she smiled over at her.

''Knew you would... I've always liked the colour of Harry's eyes...'' Alicia said as she sat down, Ginny joining her on the long couch.

''Harry's eyes are emerald, Jamie's eyes are sapphires... Did you notice that?'' Ginny said as she put her feet up on the glass table, where Hermione smacked them off again.

Alicia nodded but didn't speak. Her face was lit up in a grin that screamed out 'FORCED'. Her eyes lost the sparkle that had just returned.

''Oh yeah... That reminds me'' Hermione said as she sat opposite the girls. ''I know you won't talk to Jamie about it but you can talk to us... What's wrong?''

Ginny's smile changed and turned into a serious look while Alicia looked down.

''I... can't...'' Alicia said quietly, still focusing on her knees.

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Old 01-10-2009, 12:43 AM   #42 (permalink)
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aww poor Alicia, hermione & gin have to get whats wrong outa her lol. im still lovin it lol pams x

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-10-2009, 09:54 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
''I... can't...'' Alicia said quietly, still focusing on her knees.
"It's... complicated" She said as Ginny looked over at Hermione.

"Look Alicia, I'm not going to say that we're here for you because you already know that. I'm not going to say that we understand because we don't. But thats what we want. We want to understand whats happened to you" Ginny said as Hermione just looked on. "You can change your hair and wear a smile but we can see through it all. You've never noticed before but your mood affects your eyes. Right now, I'm looking at water..."

"Please... Don't make me-" Alicia started but Hermione cut in.

"We're not making you. We just want to know what is wrong with you... Alicia, you're scaring us"

"Your scared? Imagine what its like for me... I'm supposed to guide all of through this stupid thing! Then again, I'm the one having visions about what might happen... Those are a piece of cake compared to what your going through" Alicia's sudden outburst made the two girls jump slightly. "Your the lucky ones... Your not the ones who have to watch as everyone around you is getting hurt... When people your closest to are being killed just to get you to amke the wrong choices..." Alicia cut off and hid her face in her hands before Ginny and Hermione had registered what she had said.

"Alicia? What have you seen?" Hermione said as Ginny's face paled in the firelight.


I have to go but I promise to post again as soon as I can. I would of stayed on longer but my mums gone out meaning that my dads cooking and I'm on his computer...

Abi... xox

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Old 01-11-2009, 09:00 AM   #44 (permalink)
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okdokies, Cant wait for more x

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-13-2009, 03:03 PM   #45 (permalink)
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I'm so sorry about the wait... Right now, I'm in the middle of an exam!! But as I can't print anything...

Chapter 12

Alicia shook her head slightly.

''I haven't seen anything...'' She said as she glanced up at Hermione and back down.

''Don't lie Alicia! What have you seen!" Ginny didn't realise she had raised her voice until she finished speaking. She regretted it immeidatly.

''I saw... I saw...'' Was all she had managed to say before the tears started streaming down her face. Hermione wrapped an arm round her shoulders as she coninued. ''I saw my brothers and sisters... They're in danger... So are my mum and dad... But we can't help them! If we try to get near them, they'll find out and attack them Hermione! I don't know what to do! I can't help them but I need to...'' She said around her sobs.

Ginny froze in her seat. Hermione rubbed Alicia's arm slightly before answering.

''What if we told Dumbledore? Would that help?'' She said calmly, only her face showing any fear.


Right... give me like 1 hour and I'll be back...

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Old 01-14-2009, 02:17 AM   #46 (permalink)
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lol still hangin on x

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Old 01-15-2009, 11:52 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Alright... I lied about the time... My teacher caught me and disconnected my internet...



''It might not help though...'' Alicia said again as she walked down the corridor towards the Heads corridor.

''Alicia, we're going to try this first... Then we'll try something else... But remember that we can't tell Harry, Ron or Jamie...'' Ginny said as she turned the last corner.

The stone gargoyle started to turn before they were even halfway up the corridor. Stopping dead in their steps, they watched as three figures appeared and started to walk towards them. Two of them were roughly the sama size while the other one was that tiny bit taller. The one in the middle had messy hair while the taller of the three's red hair was noticable even in the darkness.

Alicia's breathing stopped as her eyes widened. Grabbing both Hermione and Ginny by the wrists, she ran towards the nearest classroom, right round the corner they had just passed.

''Alicia... OW!'' The two girls said together as Alicia practically threw them into the room and slammed the door.

''What exactly is the matter with you?'' Ginny said as she turned round to glare at Alicia, who ignored her and glanced at Hermione

''Hermione, what time is it?''

''Umm... I think it's about half 8... Why?''

''Harry, Jamie and Ron... Being in Dumbledore's office... There wasn't an attack... I was keeping watch... Sort of'' She said to herself as she waited by the door for the three boys to pass.

''Look, can we think about them later... We were going to Dumbledore for a reason you know...'' Ginny said again as she watched the choices before Alicia contort her face.

Hermione nodded and touched Alicia's shoulder, who stepped back and opened the door. They heard the boys' footsteps behind them now so they headed back round the corner.


''Very well Miss Daniels, I shall see what I can do for your family. Is there anything else you would like to know before you leave?'' Dumbledore said as Hermione and Ginny stood.

''Yes, why were the boys here just now? We saw them as we came up the corridor...?'' Alicia said as she let her statement turn into a question.

''They came here about you. You see, ever since you had this latest vision, they've been worried about you. You've given Mr. Starlight quite a fright... Maybe a bit of colour would be helpful?'' Dumbledore said lightly, as if he were discussing the weather.

Alicia nodded once before standing. ''Thank you professor'' She said before following the others out the room.


Harry, Jamie and Ron stayed up in the common room talking. It surprised Jamie how much the change in Alicia had made Harry and Ron worried too.

''I mean, what if it's about something she's seen? Something about us? Every time someone brings it up, she starts crying and runs out the room...'' Ron said as Jamie watched the flames in the fire and Harry stared out the window at the pounding rain.

''That's not just it though, is it? It's like a new Ali... No colours, no feeling... Its scaring me'' Jamie said. Harry turned round to glance at Ron before speaking.

''What do you want to do? We could go ask Dumbledore if he's seen anything... He's keeping an eye out just like Alicia... Maybe that will clear it up''


''Well... That was useful...'' Ron said as the three of them walked away from the gargoyle.

''At least we know that it's not about the battle... Jamie?'' Harry said as he turned to look back at him.

Jamie had frozen about 5 foot away from them, staring at the door to a classroom.

''That door was open when we walked past earlier...'' He said slowly.

''I wouldn't go in there if I were you. It's probably Peeves setting up a prank or something...'' Ron said as he continued forwards. ''Come on, I want to get back to the common room so that I can grab my bags. Hermione will kill me if I forget them again...'' Ron let his voice trail on as Jamie continued to walk again.

Soon, he was laying in his bed listening to Neville's snores. Getting up, he saw Harry asleep so he tiptoed to the door and down the stairs with his broom in his hand. Mounting it, Jamie launched himself out the window into the rain and darkness.

The wind whipped against his face and seemed to help clear it, giving him space to think. Alicia's actions were tied to something... He was going to find out one way or the other...


Tap, tap, tap

Alicia jumped about 15 foot in the air as something tapped at the window opposite her.

''Alicia! Open the window!''

Alicia crept over to the window in the Heads common room as quietly as she could without walking Hermione, Ginny or Ron who were all upstairs.

''Jamie? What are you doing here?'' Alicia said as she knelt on the window seat. Although he had nearly scared her to death, Alicia's water- coloured eyes turned a shade brighter when she saw him.

''I've come to get you... Come on...'' He said holding out one hand and bringing the broom as close as he could to her.

She looked at him with disbelieving eyes. ''Are you mad? Jamie, it's pouring out there...''

''Don't worry about it... Maybe I am mad...'' Jamie added with a smile as he kept his hand outstretched to her.

Shaking her head, Alicia gripped the edge of the window and jumped, Jamie catching her and helping her sit behind him.


''No... Just go already!'' She said as she wrapped her arms round his waist tightly.

Jamie swung the broom round and shot off towards the forest.

After a few hours of soaring round the grounds, Jamie landed under a large beech tree beside the lake.

''Okay... There was a reason why I did this...'' He said as Alicia found a dry spot and sat down. The dark brown hair which had been replaced with a light green while they were smiling vanished.

''What?'' Alicia watched as Jamie sat next to her and wrapped an arm tightly round her shoulders.

''I know you don't want to tell me Ali but I would like to know whats up with you lately... This is the longest amount of time we've had together so far in the last few weeks...''


I hope this is payment for the amount of time I left you waiting... I really am sorry about that...

As I said, my teacher disconnected my internet on Tuesday, and I've been working on some coursework over the last two days and today I've been working on another story... I'm playing with ideas but I'm thinking about a diary for Alicia... If anyone has any ideas, please tell me!!

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 01-16-2009, 09:14 AM   #48 (permalink)
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great chappie, your idea sounds good lol, its all good about the wait at least you post eventually unlike some people who just forget lol. x
RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:35 PM   #49 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Chapter 13

Alicia walked down from the dormitory rubbing her eyes.

As her feet touched the floor, there was an audible gasp from the couches.

''What!?!'' She said quickly as she turned on the spot. Looking towards the sound for the first time, she noticed that Harry, Ron and Jamie had joined Ginny and Hermione while she was still asleep.

''Alicia? You okay?'' There seemed to be an edge to Ron's words as he stared at her.

''Yes... Why? Whats wrong?'' She said as she turned to look in the mirror. Her jaw dropped slightly as she caught a glimpse of the person opposite her.

''See...'' Ron's voice was smug, as if proving a point.

''See what? It's just hair...'' Hermione said as Alicia raised her hand to her head.

''Hey... Glad to see your actually awake'' Jamie laughed as he wrapped an arm round Alicia's waist and kissed her on the cheek as she run a finger underneath her eye before she registered his comment.

''What? What time is it?'' She said as she glanced at the clock sitting on the mantel piece. ''HALF TWELVE!'' She screeched as she turned to glare at Jamie. 'This is your fault... You and your stupid broom'


I'm off... I'm gonna go watch Lion King 3 XD

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 01-20-2009, 12:02 AM   #50 (permalink)
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lol so funny, lion king 3 ! they actually made that?!

RIP JD Salinger
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