SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
Harry blinked and sat down.
''Alicia...'' Jamie said slowly, a slight warning in his voice. She ignored him.
''Fred and Angie... George and Amelia...'' She said, listing them off on her fingers. ''Neville and Lu... In that order...'' Luna stared at her while Neville stared at Jamie, who nodded slightly.
''Wow...'' Ginny said quietly as she sat next to Harry.
''There's going to be Tasha, Teddy and Victorie... Then a baby James,'' Alicia looked at Harry and Ginny. ''A baby Rose,'' She glanced at Ron and Hermione. ''A baby Lucas,'' She looked at Neville and Luna. ''Twins called Sean and Alfie...'' She looked up at Jamie. ''Fred and Angie have baby Jacob... Teddy and Victorie have baby Isabelle-''
''Teddy and Victorie?'' Harry asked, doubt in his voice.
''They're engaged at the age of seventeen...'' Alicia said to him. ''Bill and Fleur have another girl called Roxanne while George and Amelia have baby Cedric...''
''Alicia... That's enough'' Jamie said quietly as the six of them sat staring at him and Alicia.
''I have a baby?'' Ginny whispered, clutching Harry's hand. Alicia nodded.
''James- there's a middle name but it keeps changing...'' She said quickly, ignoring the look from Jamie.
The door opened and the healer walked in.
''I'm sorry but only family is allowed to visit...'' She said and Alicia glared at her.
''This is my family! My husband and my cousin- in- laws... The rest of my family is at reception now... Ginny? Can you go and get them?'' Alicia said, her voice changing from hate to love in a second. The red head nodded and left.
''Very well...'' The healer said, abashed, and left the room.
''Idiot woman...'' Alicia mumbled, shaking her head.
''Be nice...'' Jamie laughed as the door opened again and the rest of the Weasley family burst into the small room. ---
Alicia was released home with the baby two weeks later. Her and Jamie decided that the others were to stay with them, even though they argued that they didn't want to disturb the baby.
''If you leave, I'll hunt you down!'' Alicia threatened Harry one morning as he mentioned leaving again.
''Alicia!'' Jamie said loudly as he walked in the room, the baby in his arms.
''I mean it, Potter!'' She said, pointing a finger at him. Harry raised his hands in the air, surrendering. Alicia glared at him once more before piling bacon onto his plate.
''So, how's it going?'' Jamie asked Harry as he sat down.
''I got accepted... I am now a trainee Auror'' He said smiling.
''I told you so'' They turned as Ginny walked into the kitchen, followed by Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna.
''Ron and I got accepted as well...'' Hermione said happily.
''Same with me and Jamie'' Alicia said from the stove, where she was moving more bacon from the pan to plates.
''I might become a healer... I've got the powers for it'' Luna laughed.
''What about you, Neville?'' Hermione asked but Alicia answered.
''Hogwarts needs a new Herbology teacher... Professor Sprout resigned last year... Dumbledore told me and I told him about you...'' She said, handing out plates.
''Thanks, Alicia!'' Neville said happily, taking a plate off her and grinning.
''No problem... So, I guess that's that? No more Voldemort... No more fighting... It's back to a boring quiet life now...'' Alicia sighed and Jamie stared at her.
''Boring? Quiet? When have we ever hand a boring quiet life?'' He said and Harry laughed.
''He's got a point... We've got Tasha to keep us occupied for a while...'' He said, looking at the baby girl, who smiled as her hair turned emerald green. ''Those weddings to plan for and then there's the kids...'' He said as he picked up a slice of toast.
''At least we survived the Battle of the Century...'' Ron said as he swallowed a mouthful of bacon.
''Yeah, a baby should be no problem after that'' Jamie said, looking down at his daughter, whose hair had turned blue.
''Good... Your the one whose going to change her in ten minutes then...'' Alicia said, sitting down to eat. The whole kitchen burst out laughing. THE END
Finished! I'll post in Beginning and the End now... And get In the End up soon! I'm just finalizing it- I killed someone who I need so I'm changing it slightly! And yes... Jacob and Isabelle is more of my TWILIGHT side showing itself...
Trust me, there's a few surprises coming our way with the new story... I won't be commenting that often as it's totally Alicia's story... Keeps her busy so she can't kill Angie... LOL
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |