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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 06-02-2006, 06:20 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Oh my god, you lost it??? That's awful... I can only guess how you should feel, I thought I'd lost some of my story as well, but I had only written it by hand and just misplaced it...
Well I hope you find it eventually, and again, good luck on your finals!!!
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:27 AM   #27 (permalink)
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YEAH! i think i found the rest of my story! YEAH! But, I have two finals tomarow, and then, I GRADUATE! did i spell that right? oh well, school is almost out anyway, so what douse it matter anymore? Well, thanks for sticking with it so far, and i promis, the next part will come soon. see yah!

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Old 06-07-2006, 04:14 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Chapter Five:

“Quidditch tryouts, tomorrow!” Harry yelled over the Friday evening talk as he posted up a sign up sheet on the notice board. It had been a week since Ellie had sent the letter, and she was still waiting. Ellie, Ginny, and Ron were the first one’s in line for the sign up sheet. Ellie scribbled down

Ellie Travis, 6th year, beater.

“Are you the captain?” she asked Harry, as they watched a long line of students form behind the sheet. “Yeah.” He mumbled, his eyes watching three first years signing up for chasers. “Good luck!” she giggled, and ran out the portrait door with Ginny, going down to breakfast.

As Ellie shoveled eggs onto her plate, Hedwig landed next to her, and Ginny barley caught a pitcher of pumpkin juice, before it toppled over.

“Who’s it from?” Ginny asked “My mom.” Ellie answered, and carefully tucked it into her pocket to read latter. The talk soon turned to Quidditch. “Where you on the team last year?” ellie questioned “yeah.” Ginny said through a mouth full of corn flakes.

“I’m a chaser.” “Cool! I’m a beater.” Ginny laughed, as if this reminded her of something. “What?” ellie demanded

“Well, did I ever tell you about Fred and George? My brothers? Well, they were beaters. They probably would have done better as the bludgers, but I doubt that would be allowed.”

Soon the trio joined them, and ellie excused herself, running to an empty hallway, where she could read it alone. She hadn’t noticed before, but it was rather bulky.

She slighted it open, and two things fell into her hand. A folded letter, and a medium sized wood box. She unfolded the letter first and started to read.

Dear Ellie,
I’m so pleased you got into Gryffindor. It is the best (well, I think) out of all of them. I have to admit; I was slightly worried that you mind be landed in Slytherin. By now it appears that you know why I worried, but let me explain my reasoning. Your mother, your real mother, loved you the instant you were born. She even told me, she couldn’t have asked for a better child, but unfortunately, she was easily turned into the direction a person would want her in, especially her husband, Lucius. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named told him how, if you… stayed with them, you would go “bad”. Well, actually, you would go good. You-Know-Who told Lucius to get rid of you as soon as possible, and he gave the job to his wife, who smuggled you to me. She knew that I had always wanted a child, and she didn’t know who else to give you too. I promised that I wouldn’t tell you the truth, until you were old enough, and also, she asked that I send you to Hogwarts, even if it is for only a year or two. She sent something along with you, when she sent you to me. I kept it safe for you, until you were to find out. I’m sorry you had to find out in the way you did. I half expected it, but there was nothing I could do. Take care of it. It was your mothers. And I want you to know that I loved you as if you really were my own daughter, and so does your mother. Love, mom.
P.S. I suggest you don’t tell Draco anything about this.

Ellie nodded to herself, and said, “naturally.” Then turned to the little wood box, and opened it. The inside was lined with green velvet, and on that was a necklace. Ellie carefully picked it up. The thin chain was silver, and hanging off of it was a real emerald, encircled by a silver snake, with emerald eyes.

“Wow!” she whispered, “it’s beautiful! And it was my mothers.” She smiled, and slipped it around her neck, tucking it under her shirt so no one could see it.

“What are you doing?” spat a voice behind her, she dropped the box with a surprised squeal, and turned to find herself facing Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy.

“Oh, so you’re the knew kid. Well, I’ve always said that Gryffindor’s could use a lesson in fashion.” She said, looking ellie up and down. Ellie just looked rather fearfully at Draco, afraid that he might curse her again. Pansy seemed to find her loss of words funny.

“Well, apparently Gryffindor’s also can’t talk!” ellie giggled to herself at that, and unfortunately, Pansy heard “What are you laughing at?” she snapped at ellie, who finally got control of herself.

“Well, um, was that supposed to be a burn, or something, cause, it was really stupid!” she giggled. Pansy stepped back, and gasped. “Draco! You’re not going to let her get away with that, are you?” she said shrilly. But Draco wasn’t really paying attention, he was laughing too.

“Well,” he chortled, “she douse have a good point.” Pansy gasped, then pulled out her wand. “Well, I’ll just give you something to laugh about!” she raised her wand, but before she said anything, Draco knocked it out of her hands.

“Cut it out, Pansy. Get going, kid.” He told ellie, who turned and walked quickly down the hall, and the instant she was out of eyesight, broke into a run. Draco watched her go, with a slight smile on his face. “What was that about?” Pansy demanded.

“And what’s with the look?” Draco snapped back to attention. “Nothing. Just cut her some slack. She just got here, and she doesn’t need people nagging on her. Just go back to the common room. I’ll be there soon.” He stood for a moment after they had left, and was about to leave, when something caught his eye.

Something small, and brown. A wooden box. He picked it up, and opened it. The inside was lined with green velvet, and were a piece of jewelry would have lain, was an elaborate silver S. It all seemed strangely familiar. But from were? He shook his head, as if to clear it, then tucked the box into the pocket of his robes, and followed Pansy back to the dorms.

~Draco’s dream~
He was visiting the little boy again, but this time, he was with a woman, who looked to be his mother, and in her arms, was that little girl. “Mommy, is she going away?” asked the little boy. His mother sighed as she took out a piece of parchment, and started writing, still supporting the baby with the other arm.

“Yes, honey, she is going away.” The boy tickled his little sister’s toes, and watched her giggle. “Well, where is she going? And how long will she be away?” the woman sighed again, and set down her quill. “I can’t tell you were she is going, but she will be gone for a long, long time.” The little boy looked up. “Well, will I ever see her again?”

“Maybe. A long time from now, maybe.” Draco strained his neck, trying to see the woman’s face, but he couldn’t, she kept her head down, and there was a shadow over her, so it was hard to see her at all. “Yes, actually, you will see her. But she’ll be different then.

You might not even recognize her.” The little boy stopped teasing his sister, and looked up at his mother. “Yes I will, mommy. I’ll know who she is the instant I see her! You’ll see!”

the dream slowly faded away, and Draco woke. It was early in the mourning. To early. He rolled over, and fell asleep.

Ok, ironicly enough, i did have time to post more! haha! so, hope you enjoy it!

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Old 06-07-2006, 05:36 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Oh, I wonder when he's finally going to realize they're family....

Hope you graduate! I almost have my Bacholer in Economics from uni... just waiting for one last result... but I still have a few years to go until I'm completely graduated...


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Old 06-17-2006, 08:56 PM   #30 (permalink)
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WOW!! Please PMS it's awsome!!!Draco's dreams are so sweet,I can tell he loves his lil sis awwww bless!PMS!!
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Old 06-21-2006, 10:14 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Hey! SCHOOL IS OVER! YES! Now I just have to survive highschool. That will be fun. Sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I just had a lot of stuff to do. (Actualy, that is a complet lie. I haven't had anything to do for a week or so.) Here is the next part of the story. Hope you like Quidditch.

Chapter six:

“Ok, everybody. Beaters, that way, chasers that way, and keepers that way.” Harry bellowed over the Quidditch field. Ellie shouldered her broom, a Nimbus 2000, and walked to the spot were Harry had indicated for the beaters.

She was followed by three others. A sturdy looking 4th year, an extremely skinny 5th year, and a 1st year, who looked as though he had no idea what was going on.

They all stood in a circle, talking, and watching as Harry sorted out the chasers. It was a very entertaining Saturday morning. 1st year through 7th year seemed to have emptied out for the position of one of the three chasers.

Harry put them into groups, and had them try and shoot hoops, slowly narrowing it down to five chasers, and then three. One, of course, was Ginny, and then a third year, named Julia Ronald, and a 5th year named Andrew Fuffins.

Then came the keeper tryouts. Each person had a chance to stop 6 Quaffles, and the person who stopped the most got the position. Ron smoked everybody, hands down. Then, it was time for the beaters. It was a simple enough test.

You and a partner went up, and had to protect Harry from the bludgers, but when Harry explained, the first year’s face turned a nasty green color. The fifth and fourth year were pared together, and ellie and the 1st year stood on the sidelines, waiting for there turn.

The 4th year did pretty well. He blocked almost every single bludger that came his way, and even shot one through the hoops. The 5th year didn’t do near as well. Twice, Harry had to grab the bat from him, and hit away the bludger himself.

Soon they landed, and it was ellie’s turn. She and the 1st year took off, and Harry blew his whistle, signaling to Hermione, to release the two balls. Ellie prepared herself, swooping slightly just to get rid of her nerves. The first bludger shot towards her, and she swung at it with all her might.

There was the crack of the bludger hitting the bat, and it went flying away. The 1st year unfortunately dropped his bat the moment Harry had blown his whistle, and was diving to the ground, to retrieve it. Ellie blocked 6 more bludger attacks before the 1st year got back up.

Harry blew the whistle again, and Ron and Hermione shot stunning spells at the bludgers, making them fall to earth. Harry, ellie, and the 1st year landed. Harry turned to Ellie and the 4th year, and said “Congratulations! You’re on the team!”

the 5th year slouched away, scowling, and 1st almost sprinted away. “Ok team.” Harry said to the remaining Gryffindor’s who had made it to the team. “Our first match against Slytherin is in three weeks. I am not going to loose our first game, especially to them, so I expect you to be working your hardest at all times. Understood?”

everyone nodded. “Ok, our first practice is tomorrow, five o’clock. If you have something else going on, cancel it. We need the entire team, at every practice. Ok, you can go.”

Ginny and Ellie put their brooms back into the broom closet, and walked back to the castle. As they left the stadium, ellie saw a form with white-blond hair, sprinting up the steps.

“Malfoy.” Ginny growled, dangerously. “I’ll beet anything he was spying on us! He’s the Slytherin Quidditch captain. Seeker.”

She explained. But soon they forgot that they had ever seen Draco, and made their way to great hall, to eat lunch.

“Ok, I was watching them at tryouts, and I’m afraid to say, they’ve got a good team.”

Said Draco, standing in front of his own Quidditch team. “They got two new chasers, and new beaters. ‘Course Weasley King is still keeper, that Weasley girl is still a chaser, and Potter himself is seeker. The two new beaters are Ellie Travis, 6th year.

She’s the new one, and then some 4th year bloke, name is Alfred Whoosy. Never heard of him before, so,” he paused for dramatic affect. “How can we prevent them from playing?” Blaize Zabini stood up. “We’ll do the natural thing, use our wand power against them.”

Draco looked around the team, from Crabbe and Goyle, who could hardly pronounce curses, to the chasers, who didn’t really look like they really new any to begin with. He and Blaize were the only two who looked like they could do anything.

“Um, how about Blaize and I handle the spell work.” He said. Blaize seemed to think that this was a good idea. “Yeah, I’ll take all three chasers, and how about, that one beater, who is it, the new kid, what is her name?” Draco’s head jerked up.

“Ellie.” He blurted. Then his eyes got wide. “Where did that come from?” Blaize demanded. Draco just mouthed soundlessly for a moment, and then muttered, “I don’t know, but how about I take her? I’ll just take that whole group. Obviously Potter, and Weasel, but then why not let me just finish them all off, including that girl Ginny, and Ellie?”

Blaize considered it, then nodded. “Got it. Then I’ll take the other beater, and the two chasers.” It was Draco’s turn to nod. “Cool.”

Harry was taking no chances. He made sure that every member of the team new every single short cut, and secret passage to every single class. And a good thing too, because it seemed that every time class let out, Draco, Blaize, or any other Slytherin that could cast a proper spell, where there, waiting, but they never could catch them.

Harry also said that every one should stick to pairs of two, whom ever was going to there next class. Ginny and Ellie were in Transfiguration, when ellie had to, take care of business. “Ginny, I’ve got to go!” Ginny tried to take notes while talking to ellie

“Go where?” she whispered back, scribbling down the perfect wrist movement to turn a cactus into a hedgehog. “You know go.” Comprehension dawned on Ginny’s face. “Oh, well, fine. Let’s go.” Ginny raised her hand. “Um, Professor McGonagall? I don’t feel to good, I think I need to go to the hospital wing, and I think I need Ellie to help me, can we?”

Professor McGonagall looked at her over the spectacles balancing on her nose, as if she knew that Ginny felt fine, but shrugged it off. “Very well.” And looked away. Ellie stumbled up, and they marched out the room.

“Thank you!” Ellie said, and they ran to the nearest bathroom. As they left, a voice from behind said, “Well, this is a coincidences. What would you two happen to be doing in the hall way, during class?” Ginny groaned. “Malfoy I beat.” She whispered.

They turned, but instead, it was Blaize Zabini. “Or not!” Ellie whispered back. “What do you want?” Ginny snapped. Blaize just shook his head.

“Well, I just thought I should worn you that, you will not be able to be a part of the game, tomorrow.” Ginny raised her eyebrow skeptically. “And why not? Do you really think that the two of us will not be able to block some pathetic spell you cast?” Blaize just smirked. “Well, not only me, really.

Pansy said she would help, and a few others.” Ellie turned, and saw that about three other Slytherins, not including Blaize, surrounded them. “It’s a bummer, really. Draco wanted to take care of you himself, but first come, first served.”

He raised his wand, but before he could say anything, his arms and legs snapped together, in an unmistakable body binding curse, but neither Ellie, or Ginny had raised their own wands. Draco had just come around the corner, wand hand up. “What are you doing?”

he asked, looking very confused. Pansy put on a simpering face, and scooted on over to him.
“Nothing, just talking, when these two ran into us.” She said, glancing with annoyance at Ellie and Ginny. “Really? Then why did Blaize have his wand out?”

Draco asked again, with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, really? Well,” he glanced around. “Get lost!” Ellie was surprised that this comment was not aimed towards Ellie and Ginny, but the Slytherins. Pansy huffed, and marched off followed by the others, except Blaize, who was still in the body bind.

Draco turned to Ellie and Ginny. “Well? You get going too!” he snapped, then turned to Blaize, but instead of leaving, Ellie and Ginny ducked into a secret passage in the hall, listening to the conversation. Draco muttered the counter curse, and pulled Blaize up. “What were you doing?”

Draco said, in a dangerously cold voice. Blaize didn’t seem to comprehend Draco’s tone. “I was doing the plan! Knocking out the competition!” They couldn’t see what was happening, but the way Draco was saying it, he was not happy. “I told you I would take care of them!” he snarled.

Blaize took a step forward. “When? The game is tomorrow, and you haven’t even tried!” Draco tried to say something, but Blaize kept on going “You don’t even try to humiliate Potter, Weasley, or that mud-blood! Something is going on here.

You’re going soft, and it has something to do with that new kid. Ellie, or whatever it is, but you’re loosing it.” And from the sounds of things, Blaize had left. Ginny peaked around the corner. “Weird.

That was really weird. And now he’s just standing there. Wait! He’s coming this way!” they retread, and after Draco had past by, they ran back to class, Ginny saying she miraculously got better.

Ok, I know that the part w/ Draco talken to his quidditch team is really lame, but it's part of the story plot line, so, whatever. Oh well, Hope you like it! Lo-lo
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Old 06-22-2006, 06:44 PM   #32 (permalink)
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yay! I like it!
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Old 06-22-2006, 08:54 PM   #33 (permalink)

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cool i like it soo much
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Old 06-23-2006, 02:11 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Oh, lucky girls, good thing Draco came to the rescue... LOL
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Old 06-23-2006, 02:49 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Yola! I'm really glad that you like it so far. Here is the next little part. Da da da daaaaaa

Chapter seven:

“Ok team. This is it. Our very first match of the season. We are going to win!” Harry stood before the team, giving them a pep talk. Luckily, no one had been cursed, and everyone was able to play.

“We’ve got awesome beaters.” He said, pointing at Ellie and Alfred. “Excellent chasers. And an un-beatable keeper.” Ron then stood up.

“And the captain of the team, the seeker!” they cheered and clapped. Harry tried to look stern, like a leader, but you could tell a smile flickered across his lips. “Talk to me after the game, Weasley!”

he said, sounding almost exactly like madam Hooch. They all filled out onto the field. Ellie felt rather professional in her beater robes, bat across her shoulder. The Slytherin, in green, meet them half way across the field. Draco and Harry shook hands, and then, the whistle was blown, and they shot into the air.

Ellie and Alfred both took a bludger, and kept an eye on it wherever it went. Every time it got dangerously close to a Gryffindor player, they would hit it with all their strength, making it shoot away.

The Slytherin beaters, Crabbe and Goyle, looked like their brooms would hardly be able to lift them off the ground, yet somehow it happened, and they flew, though strangely slow, to hit them away from their own team, flexing their muscles, as if to intimidate the bludgers.

The game went on and on. Gryffindor scored the first point and the entire stadium (except the Slytherins) screamed their heads off. Then Slytherin scored, and the green clad Slytherins got their turn to cheer.

Soon though, Gryffindor was leading by 20 points. Ellie was streaking all over the field. Left, right, left, up, down. There was no end.

Suddenly, she saw both Harry and Draco go streaking down to the ground, closely followed by a bludger. Ellie knew that they had seen the snitch, but the bludger was gaining on them, and it was headed mainly toward Harry. Ellie streaked towards them, lying almost flat against the broom.

But Goyle was closer. He hovered over it, watching. He wasn’t going to hit it if it was going to hit Harry, but if it even touched Draco, he would be in for it. Ellie tucked the bat under her arm, holding onto the broom with both hands.

She got right above it, and then dived down. She let everything go, not even holding back her broom. She was going so fast, she was making a whistling sound. When he heard it, Goyle turned, and his eyes got wide, but Ellie went right past him.

She raised her bat, and then three things happened at once. Ellie hit that bludger straight on and hard, sending it all the way across the field. Harry caught the snitch tightly in his right hand. Ellie’s skull seemed to crack in half, the pain was un bearable. She started to fall, and then it all went black.

Chapter eight:

“She seriously could have died!” “No, madam Pomfrey can fix anything, including broken skulls.” “Yes, but she still could have died!” “Yeah, that was low, even for Goyle!”

Ellie slowly opened her eyes. She was in the hospital wing, surrounded by the Quidditch team, and Hermione. “What happened? I have an awful headache! Did we win?”

she tried to sit up, but her head felt extremely heavy, so she let it fall back down onto the pillow. “Well, Goyle hit you with his beater’s bat. Right in the head! He cracked your skull, but Harry, and surprisingly, Draco, they caught you and lowered you to the ground, where Professor McGonagall conjured up a stretcher.

We brought you right here.” Ginny told her, and then added with a smile. “And yes, we won!” Ellie smiled.

“We wouldn’t have if you hadn’t got that bludger, though!” Harry said seriously. “Please say that Goyle got a detention!” ellie said, looking from face to face. Ron nodded. “Yeah, he did. You could have died! But Malfoy got a detention too.” Confusion rose in ellie.

“Draco? Why him? What did he do?” Ron glanced around. “Well, it was kind of weird. After Draco and Harry had brought you down onto the ground, and put you on the stretcher, he started yelling at Goyle, about how he shouldn’t have done that, even if she was going to hit the bludger and all. Then Goyle started saying something about how that was the game of Quidditch, then Draco lost it, and did the Jelly-legs charm on Goyle, so he got a detention to.”

Ellie felt very confused now. That was twice that Draco had stood up for her. But why? He must know! But then why didn’t he say anything? Maybe he was in the same boat as her, not sure weather he should.

“Yeah. He has changed kind of.” Ginny said, “I noticed that too.” Hermione put in. “He hardly ever calls me mudblood any more. And he never taunts Harry and Ron!” They all nodded. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere Madam Pomfrey appeared.

“OUT! No, don’t even argue Mr. Weasley! She needs her rest! OUT!” Ginny made a face at Ellie, who giggled, and they ran out, chased by Madam Pomfrey.

Ellie glanced around. This was the first time she had ever been in the hospital wing. It was rather boring. The few portraits were all of hospitals, with people sleeping. She leaned back against the pillow, and noticed that on the side table was a small pile of candy treats.

She extracted a chocolate frog, and started eating it. Madam Pomfrey came back and told her to lie down, and gave her a goblet of green liquid. “It will help with that headache. Now, hold still!” She made Ellie lean forwards, and pointed her wand at the back of her head. She started muttering words, and Ellie felt as though her head shrunk a bit.

“Drink!” Madam Pomfrey ordered. Ellie drank, and then fell back into the pillow, asleep. Latter that day, Ellie had another visitor. Draco. He slowly entered, and walked over to her bed.

Ellie didn’t know what to say, and apparently neither did he. They stood in an awkward silence for what seemed like ages. Finally, Draco spoke up.

“So… um…I’m glad you feel better.” “Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better.” They stood again for a while, and then Draco suddenly blurted out

“Goyle wasn’t supposed to do that. I told him not to hit anyone, but he got carried away.” It seemed like that had been what he had wanted to say.

He stood for another moment, and then made a strange movement, between a wave good by, and an attempted hand shack, then he stood up.

“Well…bye.” And he practically sprinted out the door. “Well, that was weird.” she said to herself, taking another frog.

Hope yah liked it!

P.S. Hey becca, douse this little face remind you of someone?
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Old 06-23-2006, 05:38 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Yeay, me like a good quidditch match...

Draco did a jellylegs on Goyle?? That's it?! Just kidding, if he had done anything worse he definately wouldn't have been able to brush it off as something only slightly important...

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Old 06-24-2006, 05:43 PM   #37 (permalink)
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I think Draco knows:i say chantting like fool: either that or he fancies her but i dont't thinks that ones probable:pulling face: Great post PMS Im loving it!!
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Old 06-24-2006, 06:12 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Chapter Nine:

A week latter, Madam Pomfrey finally allowed her to leave. Hermione had made her do her homework every day, even though she protested loudly against it.

“But how will you catch up on a week of homework?” Hermione had demanded. Ellie had mumbled something about copying off of Ginny, but Hermione made her wear she wouldn’t. She mumbled something like “How will you learn?”

Unfortunately, the teachers didn’t give her a break either. Professor Snape made her right a 3,000 word essay on why Pollyjuice potion could be dangerous.

Professor McGonagall made sure that she could change her hair color with a wave of a wand, and then gave her another essay about how it could be dangerous to transfigure yourself.

Professor Binns, on the other hand, had a very surprised look on his ghostly face when she told him she had been gone for a week, and gave her a two foot high pile of notes to look over, While Professor Trelawney told her that her head wound would cause her an early death.

“She’s going to cause me an early death, if anything douse!” Ellie murmured to Ginny under her breath, and they both stuffed their knuckled into their mouth, to stop from laughing.

Professor Flitwick gave her another essay to write, this time about proper wand movements. By the end of the day, Ellie was stressed enough before Harry told her they were having a two hour Quidditch practice. “Why not just push me out of the window now!” she yelled after him, but he just smiled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it.” Ginny assured her as they left for the Quidditch pitch.

Practice went unusually well. Everybody was perfect. They made every catch, every pass, and a few goals, though it was becoming even harder to make it past Ron.

Alfred and Ellie practice hitting the bludgers all evening, and her arm was getting sore. After practice, Ellie and Ginny decided to clean up, and take showers. Ginny left a little earlier, and so Ellie made her way back to the common room alone. All the halls were empty.

It was rather creepy. Suddenly, out of no where Pieves swooped down and grabbed her bag/ “PIEVES!” She screamed after him “Give it back!” He just cackled evilly and went bouncing down the hall. “I am so not in the mood!” Ellie mumbled to herself, and set of at a run after Peives.

He was not being easy today. He would flout it just out of her reach, leave it on a beam, then come back latter to keep up that chase. Finally, in a bare corridor, except for a huge tapestry on one wall, he dropped it, and flew away giggling.

Ellie picked up her bag, mumbling about how she was going to hex that thing next time she saw him, when she heard something behind her. She turned, wand at the ready, if it was Pieves.

But it wasn’t. It was Draco. “What do you want?” she blurted, before she could stop herself. He shook his head, and pressed a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. “What?” she asked, not bothering to keep down her voice.

“Shut up!” He hissed at her. Ellie sighed, and rolled her eyes. Draco walked past her three times, each time having a look on his face, as if he were concentrating hard on something. Suddenly a door appeared, and Ellie gasped.

Draco looked up when he heard the noise, and when he saw the door, got a satisfied look on his face. He went over to the door, opened it, and beckoned to her.

Ellie could think of many reasons not to go through that door, but curiosity got the better of her, and she went through the door. Inside looked almost like a normal common room. A large fire, with to comfy chairs in front of it.

“All I asked for was a place were we could talk.” Draco muttered, almost to himself. “What do you mean, asked for?” Ellie demanded. Draco looked up in surprise. “Hasn’t he told you?” Ellie was starting to get annoyed. “Has who told me what?”

she asked irritably. “This is the room of Requirements. You just walk past the wall three times, thinking about what you need, and it will appear. I thought Harry would have shown you, I know of it because of him.” Ellie looked surprised “He told you?” Draco got a slightly uncomfortable look on his face

“Yeah… I guess you could say that.” Ellie suddenly changed her tone “So, why am I here? What do you need to talk to me about?” Draco again looked around uncomfortably, and said,

“Er… how about we sit down?” Ellie shrugged, and sat in a chair. “Ok, this may sound a little weird but, I can’t help feeling like there is something going on between us.” Ellie looked at him. What on earth did he mean? “You mean like…?”

She pressed he hands together, inside feeling like she would gag. Draco went slightly white “NO! I mean, um… no, just like, I should know you from someplace.” Ellie couldn’t help smile a little. He seemed so nervous about nothing! Maybe he didn’t know. But …

“Why talk to me here?” It was Draco’s turn to smile slightly “Well, what do you think people would say if they saw one of Harry Potter’s friends talking to me?”

Ellie nodded, comprehension dawning. “So, do you know something I don’t?” He questioned. Ellie decided it was time she told him. “Draco, you should sit down to.

This might come as a bit of a shock. The truth is, well, I’m actually adopted. My parents, my real parents, sent me away when I was just a baby. I’ve never seen them before.” Draco looked at her with a mixture of sympathy and confusion. “And, this has something to do with me?” he asked. Ellie nodded

“Well, yeah. You see, my real name is Ellie… Ellie Malfoy. I’m your little sister. I told you to sit down.” She added, because Draco had just fallen to the floor in a dead faint. She kneeled down next to his head, and revived him.

“Ok, sit down this time. Want something to drink?” He nodded, eyes wide as he sat down. “What do you want?” “Firewhisky.” He wheezed. Ellie nodded, and produced two goblets.

She pointed her wand into one, and a stream of red-orange, smoking liquid filled the cup. She handed it to Draco who took a huge gulp. She filled the next goblet with extremely chocolaty hot chocolate, with big, white, puffy marshmallows, and sipped it quietly.

Finally Draco put down his goblet, a very strange look on his face. “How long have you known?” he demanded. She shrugged, “Well, since the beginning of the year.

The sorting Hat let it slip.” Draco nodded, again looking like he would faint, but the Firewhisky seemed to be reviving him. Then his eyes narrowed, and he looked straight into hers

“Wait, how do I know you aren’t pulling my leg, or something? I mean, you look nothing like me or my parents! You have red hair, and purple eyes, so you can’t be related to you!” Ellie looked at him like he must be kidding.

“Ok, why one earth would I tell you this as a joke, or something? It is completely true! You said yourself you thought there was something going on, and plus, I’ve got this!”

she reached down her shirt, and pulled out the necklace her real mother had sent along with her. Draco’s eyes went even wider, if that was possible. He reached over, and took the pendent in his hands. “This was my mothers!” he whispered,

“How did you get it?” “Oh, Draco.” She sighed, “Don’t you get it? Your mother is my mother. Your father is my father! Our mom gave this to me, when she sent me away. I just wish I knew why she did. Was there something wrong with me?”

she asked, desperate for an answer. “Why would she do that? I mean, didn’t she love me?” tears started to roll down her cheek, and Draco was wishing she would stop.

He didn’t know what to do. He just found out he had a sister, who was a Gryffindor. This was weird. But he wanted to comfort her, in some way, but what are big brothers suppose to do in situations like this?

He stood awkwardly, and patted her on the head. Suddenly, she looked up at him, and wrapped her arms around his stomach, and buried her face into his robes.

Draco hugged her back. This warmed him greatly. His father had never spared a kind word to him, and his mother, following suite, hadn’t held him in a warm hug since he was 5.

They never told him they loved him, or congratulated him for a job well done, but here was his little sister, coming to him to be loved. Trusting him. He liked the feeling.

Here is the next post, if you couldn't tell before. and how do you spell pieves? is it with two e's?
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Old 06-25-2006, 05:48 AM   #39 (permalink)
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I believe it's Peeves... but it didn't even occur to me before you asked....

LOL, she hugged him, that must be a shocker!

I Apologize
Romantic Surprise

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Old 06-26-2006, 04:44 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Loving it!!Awww it's so cute he's a big bro bless!!lol PMS it's fab!!

Ps Peeves is spelt with 2 e's yes.
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Old 06-27-2006, 12:57 PM   #41 (permalink)
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this is really good cant wait 4 more
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Old 06-29-2006, 11:45 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Chapter Ten:

Ellie had eventually calmed down, and Draco had gotten over the shock surprisingly fast. Now they were just talking. About themselves, friends, and family.

“So, what are our parents like?” Ellie asked, “Oh, well, they aren’t really the nurturing type, you know.” Draco answered. Ellie nodded, a strange look on her face.

“Oh.” Draco just pushed it aside though “Well, what are you’re, um, adopted parents like?” Ellie speared one of the big puffy marshmallows on a stick the room of requirements had supplied, and stuck it into fire. “Well, they are really nice, and help anyone who needs it.

They’re always fair, and they give me an allowance. My mom always wakes me up singing a goofy song, and if I don’t get up by the time she comes back the second time, she sprays me with freezing cold water, and every day for my birthday, we go to the cabin, and go fishing, and swimming, and then roast hot dogs.”

She leaned back, a content look on her face. “That sounds really nice. You have no idea how lucky you’ve got it.” Ellie looked over at Draco.

“Well, maybe you can come visit some time. You don’t even have to tell anyone either. I haven’t told them. You know…” Draco nodded, a thoughtful look on his narrow face.

“You know what, that sound really nice. I might just take you up on that offer.” Ellie’s face broke into a smile. “I’ll send an owl to mom as soon as possible! How a bout Christmas? Unless, do you want to stay here?”

When Ellie had said Christmas, Draco had sat straight up. “You mean, with a tree, and presents? And a real Christmas dinner?” Ellie couldn’t help giggling. “Of coarse! I hope that means Christmas works?” “Definitely!”

ok, here is more! Sorry I haven't posted for bit, I was at a friends cabin. hope you like it!

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Old 06-30-2006, 04:35 PM   #43 (permalink)
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You Posted!!!! Yah go you!!!!!! Draco is so sweet , Post more soon.

P.S. this one is funny
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Old 07-01-2006, 06:55 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Oh, that's so sweet!!!
I Apologize
Romantic Surprise

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Old 07-04-2006, 10:26 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Another greate post PMS
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Old 07-14-2006, 12:14 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Chapter eleven:

“Where were you?” Ginny demanded the minute she stepped through the portrait hole. “No were, Peeves stole my bag, and I had to chase him through half the castle. Ginny didn’t look like she had succeeded in getting the entire story. “And that took two hours?” she asked. Ellie shuffled her feet. “Well, not exactly, but, you know, I got to talking with someone.” Ginny raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything more, but retreated up the girl’s dormitory steps. “Seriously!” she yelled after her. “Well, it was true.” Ellie mumbled to herself, and plopped down to finish her essays. She soon finished the last one at 2 in the mourning. She knew it was awful, but she was dead tired, and needed sleep. Unfortunately, this was what almost every day was like at Hogwarts. Lots of work, little sleep. The Quidditch team had it especially bad, because Harry scheduled a practice almost every day, with an extra long one on Saturday. But the good thing about all these practices were that now, they were un beatable. The chasers were perfect. They almost knew what each other were thinking, swooping out of no were to snatch up the ball. Ron was letting in only two or three balls a practice, and every time he made a save, the entire team would cheer, making him go red. Ellie and Alfred were doing spectacular. Only once did one of their team mates get hit, and it wasn’t a very mad one, either. “Just a slight bruise.” Harry had said dismissively as he rolled down his sleeve, covering the place were it had hit. And speaking of Harry, he was perfect. At last week’s game against Hufflepuf, (Gryffindor flattened Hufflepuf) a Quidditch scout had come, and had talked to Harry after the game. He wouldn’t tell anyone what had been talked about, but the ghost of a smile had flittered across his face when someone asked. But Gryffindor was perfection. Fred and George had come to one of the games too, and had said that they were amazing. “You would be better with us, though.” George said “No offence!” Fred added. Ellie just laughed, and said it was no big deal, but she liked them. They were very funny, and they gave her and Alfred a large amount of free Weasley Wizard Wheeze products, making sure they told everyone were they got them. Also, through the next few weeks, many people started to notice a slow, yet steady change in Draco Malfoy. He stopped hexing the younger students, and told of Crabbe and Goyle for beating up others. He would always wave, or smile at Ellie in the halls, and that usually came with a “good mourning” or “Hello.” Ginny was surprised when Draco walked past her and Ellie in the halls, and said “Hey Ellie.” But was absolutely shocked when he turned to her and said “Hi Ginny. Nice day today.” She had dropped all her books, and had stared after Draco for at least a minute, mouth hanging open, and eyes blank, before Ellie could get her attention. “What was that about?” she hissed, as they walked off to Divinations. That night, Hermione had forced Ellie, Ginny, Harry, and Ron to do homework, and had made them come to the Head girl and Boy homeroom, so she could keep and eye on them. They all arrived and plunked their books on the table. “How am I supposed to write a stupid essay about reading minds? She didn’t tell us anything about it!” Ginny exclaimed with frustration. Harry nodded sympathetically. “I know. Trelawney never makes any sense. Ask Hermione.” Just then Hermione came out of her bedroom, and went to help Ginny. Everything was going well, and then, out of the other room, came Draco. He stopped when he saw all the new people in his common room, but then turned to Hermione. “I have Quidditch practice tonight, and it runs late. Could you take the evening round of the school, and I’ll take it tomorrow?” Hermione thought for a moment, then said “Yes, that works out perfectly. Professor McGonagall asked me to help younger students with homework tomorrow, and that can run late sometimes.” Draco thanked her, and then left, giving Ellie a smile. Once Ron was sure that Draco had gone, he turned to both Hermione and Ellie. “Ok. What is going on here?” he demanded. Hermione looked confused, and Ellie tried to, but from the look on Harry’s face, she wasn’t succeeding. “What do you mean, Ron?” Hermione asked him “Well, he was being all, nice to you. He talked normally, and didn’t call you a… mudblood, or anything! And you!” he said louder, turning on Ellie. “What is up with you?!” when she tried to look confused again, he spat “Oh, don’t even try to pretend you don’t know what is going on! He says hi to you in the halls, and you say hi back! Are you, going out or something?” Ellie had a strong urge to laugh, but thought it would be a bad time. “No. And there is nothing wrong with him being nice.” Ron stared at her. “What do you mean? This is MALFOY we are talking about! He’s evil! Haven’t you heard all the things he’s done to us? He is pure evil!” Ellie could feel her face getting hot, and knew she shouldn’t get angry, but she couldn’t help herself. Ron had no idea what he was talking about. “SHUT UP RON!” (excuse the use of words Erin.) Ellie screamed at him. Ron fell of his chair at the ferocity in her voice. “SHUT UP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON THERE! SO JUST… JUST… SHUTUP!” Ellie grabbed her bag, and marched through the portrait hole, and ran through the halls, until she had ended up in front of the pink lady “pickles.” She muttered, and disappeared inside and up to her bed. She didn’t even know why she was so angry at him. He hadn’t even said that much, but it had really made her mad. Her cat, Leo, climbed up onto her bed and rubbed against her hand. Ellie couldn’t help but smile.

“Ok, ok.” She started to pet Leo, and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on some parchment, ink, and quill, and felt like she really needed to write her mom. She took it all out, and began to write.

Hey mom.
I just thought I would write, and see what’s up back home. Things are cool here, and I kind of told Draco the truth about, you know, how we’re related. Classes are cool, and all the teachers are, kind of nice. Hey, I wanted to ask you something. Would it be cool if Draco came to our place for Christmas? See, we kind of talk sometimes, and I invited him over, and he sounded really exited. So, it would be really cool if he could. Our Christmas break starts in two weeks, so I’ll see you then, and maybe you can meet Draco! See you!


She tucked it into an envelope, and sent it off, wondering what the answer would be.

Ok, I know I haven't posted in, like, a really long time, but My mom wouldn't let me on the internet, for a really long time!

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Old 07-15-2006, 04:40 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Yay!!! Postie Postie postie!!!! Post more soon lo-lo, and yes the language is excused.
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Old 07-16-2006, 08:42 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Hello! Next Post is here! Yeah!

Chapter Twelve:
Ellie was seriously stressed. Homework was being pilled on, and Hermione seemed to think that it would be better for her to do it herself, so Ellie was stuck.

Ellie had also asked Draco a few times, to see if he could help, but unfortunately, he seemed to think along the same lines as Hermione.

It was the mourning of the last week before Christmas break. The teachers seemed to be split in half. One side decided to let everyone have a relaxed week, playing games, and talking all class long. Then the other teachers, especially Snape and McGonagall, had practically tripled the work load, to make up for lax teachers.

Ellie poured a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and had just started adding milk when an owl landed right next to her, making her gasp, and throw milk all over.

“Ellie!” Ginny hissed at her. Ellie looked up, and noticed that Ginny was soaked with milk.

“Sorry.” She mumbled, and left Ginny to clean up as she extracted the letter from the owl’s leg. After she had achieved (she felt rather proud of herself, and the owl hadn’t helped at all) she shoved a piece of toast to the bird and ripped open the letter.

Her eyes scanned the page, and a smile broke on her face.

“YES!” She cried, making several people look around, wondering what the noise had been.

“What now?” Ginny demanded, and made a grab for the letter, but Ellie neatly put it out of her reach, by tucking it into her bag.

“I can’t say… um… family stuff, got to go!” and she jumped up, running down the hall, but before she had gotten far, Ginny whispered under her breath,

“Acio Ellie’s letter!” The parchment slipped neatly out of Ellie’s bag, without her noticing, and into Ginny’s hand.

Ginny glanced around. Good. No one had noticed. She smoothed it out on the table, and started to read. It said

Dear Ellie
I would be delighted if Draco came for Christmas! It will be so much fun! We’ll have the tree, as usual, and the same Christmas diner as usual! Oh, I am so exited now! I’ll send you the plain tickets soon. You can’t aporate, we don’t have a fire place, and the ministry said we can’t use a Portkey, so you’ll be taking the plain again! I hope Draco is ok with that! Love you!

“What?” Ginny whispered to herself. The name hadn’t been clear, but it looked like, Draco!

“Oh my GOSH!” Ginny yelled. Again, people glanced around.

“Oops. Sorry!” She tucked the letter into her own bag, and dashed out of the hall.

The first place Ginny checked for Ellie was in the dorms. She wasn’t there. Then she went to the library, the bathrooms, the quidditch pitch, even a few class rooms, but Ellie wasn’t in any of these rooms.

“I am so glad vacation starts in two days.” Ginny grumbled as she made her way to her second class of the day. (She had promptly skipped the first class to look for Ellie, and had already decided on an excuse since Ellie had not been there.)

“Ms. Weasley, you are five minutes tardy. May I inquire as to why you were delayed? I did not see anything in my crystal ball that would have stopped you.” Professor Trelawny asked in her usual fake, misty voice.

Ginny sulkily slid into her desk that she usually shared with Ellie, who was again missing.

“Sorry Professor, I didn’t feel well this mourning. Ate a bad egg for breakfast.” She mumbled.

Trelawney nodded, as if this happened every day to her. “Yes, I have long foreseen that eggs in this place had a shadowy purpose.” Ginny just scowled.

By the third class of the day, Ellie had shown up. “Where were you?” Ginny hissed, as Ellie slid into her seat.

“Oh, nothing, just…” “Family stuff?” Ginny interrupted, rolling her eyes. Ellie’s head jerked up, and then she nodded. “Yeah, i…it took longer then I thought.”

Ginny just muttered things at Ellie under her breath, thinking of the letter. It couldn’t be family stuff, could it? I mean, she was talking about Malfoy, here. But why else would he have agreed to Christmas at Ellie’s house?

Ginny shook her head, and lightly tapped the blue jay in front of her, and watched it turn a very nasty color green. She would confront Ellie about it latter, but maybe she would talk to someone first.

Not Ron, he would explode if he knew that Ellie had anything to do with a Malfoy. What about Hermione? She always knew what to do, but she had to help 2nd year students with homework that night. What about Harry?

Ok. I really hope that you like this post.

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Old 07-18-2006, 01:32 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Yay a new postie and a fabo one as usual PMS please!
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Old 07-28-2006, 07:58 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Chapter Thirteen:

“Ok Harry. I am trusting you with this because I think you can handle it.” Harry glanced side ways at Ginny as they walked around the lake.

“What’s the big secret? And why are you being so, protective of it?” Ginny shook her head, “Well, I don’t really know exactly what is going on, but it has to do with Ellie and… and Malfoy.”

Ginny half expected Harry to start ranting on how Malfoy was a complete idiot, and that he deserved to be turned into a slug, but he didn’t, he just said evenly, “So, what about them?”

“Well, you’ve seen it, I know you have. Like that thing with Ellie and Ron? And How suddenly Malfoy is, nice?! It didn’t make any sense. Then Ellie got this letter.” She took the letter in question out of her pocket and handed it to Harry. “She wouldn’t let me see it, and then I… er… borrowed it form her.”

Harry hid a smile as he un folded the parchment, and started to read. His eyes got big almost immediately. He finally looked up, dumbstruck.

“What douse THAT mean?” he questioned, rather loudly, and Ginny had to shush him down. After he had calmed down a bit, he continued. “She invited MALFOY to Christmas? Not you, or me, or something?” Ginny shook her head.

“So what is all this about?” Ginny asked “I gather you don’t know any more then I do.” Harry shook his head. “Let’s figure out.”

All the rest of the day, neither Harry or Ginny could find Ellie, and when Ginny finally went up to bed, she saw Ellie asleep, with a slight smile on her face.

Ginny half felt like waiking Ellie up, but then thought better of it. Ellie was not a happy person late at night when she could be sleeping.

“Whatever, I’ll just catch her in the mourning before she leaves.” Ginny said out loud, and dropped into bed herself.

* * *

The next mourning Ginny woke with a start. She opened her eyes, but then closed them again quickly because the sun was shining right in her eyes.

She grumbled crossly. It was the first week of Christmas vacation, why was she awake so early? She rolled over so she could open her eyes without the sun in the way, and saw Ellie’s bed. It was empty.

“No! I was gunna… ahhh! This is REALLY starting to frustrate me!” She jumped out of bed. Maybe Ellie hadn’t left yet? Ginny looked at the foot of the bed. Ellie’s trunk was gone.

Ginny raced down the stairs, to see a few students who were awake. Most who would be leaving for home soon.

“Have you seen Ellie this mourning?” Ginny demanded from Hermione, who was just lugging her trunk down the stairs.

“No, I haven’t. I think she was going to leave really early.”

“So she’s gone?! Already?” Hermione nodded, with a questioning look.

“Why do you need to talk to her so bad?” she asked

“It’s… It’s nothing, I just really need to talk to her.”

“You could send her a letter.” Hermione suggested.

“Well, I kind of want to have a conversation, Hermione.”

“Oh.” They both sat for a moment, and then Hermione’s face lit up.

“Do you want her phone number?” Ginny looked at Hermione like she had lost it.

“Her… what?” Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Seriously, you’ve never heard of a telephone?” Comprehension dawned on Ginny’s face.

“Oh! She’s got one? How? I didn’t know her parents were muggles.”

“Well, there not, but her moms mom was, so her mom grew up with a bunch of muggle things, and they have a phone, and a tv, and stuff like that.” Hermione explained.

“Oh, what’s a tv?” Ginny asked

“It’s like this little… look, do you want her number, or not?” Hermione said, slightly loosing her temper. “I have to be on the train in, like, ten minutes, and I haven’t eaten anything yet!”

“Gosh, yeah, I want the phone number, don’t spazz at me!”

Hermione a Quickly jotted down a few numbers on a scrap piece of parchment.

“There, your dad should know how to use the phone. And don’t yell into it, just talk normally, k’?” Ginny nodded, pocketed the piece of parchment, and sprinted back upstairs. She still needed to pack for the trip back to the burrow.

Ellie sat on her trunk, waiting. The cab wasn’t there yet, but neither was Draco.

“They’ll come, eventually.” She muttered. As bundled up as she was, it was still freezing. She was wearing at least four layers on the top, and her most cozy pair of pajama pants over her jeans. It felt weird, but it was better then having from your waist down go numb. Her eyes were practically the only part of her face that were showing. A large fuzzy hat consumed the top of her head, while a scarf was rapped around her neck, mouth, and nose. She had three layers of gloves, and two layers of woolen socks over her boot clad feet.

She heard a crunching noise behind her. The sound of feet walking through freshly fallen snow, and turned (well, tried to turn. She hardly could in all her winter stuff) to wave at Draco. He dropped his trunk down next to hers, and sat on it as well.

She glanced over at him. He only had a light jacket over his clothes, and thin gloves, but he wasn’t even pink in the face.

“A…aren’t you f…f…fr…freezing?!” she demanded.

He looked slightly thoughtful for a second “No. Are you?” he answered.

“Of course I am! It is sooo cold out here!” He just laughed at her.

“Well, this might help.” He drew out his wand, and rapped her smartly on the head with it.

“Hey!” She cried. She had hardly felt it through her hat, but the cold made her sensitive.
“What was that fo…?” She stopped. Starting from her head, she felt a change. It was strange, like a bucket of warm water had been poured over her head, but it traveled more slowly, like an egg, or something, warming her whole body.

“How did you do that?” She demanded “And technically, were out of school, so I thought you weren’t allowed to use magic!”

He shrugged. “I turned seventeen during the summer, so I’m not underage any more!”

“Oh,” Ellie mumbled. She was starting to sweet under all her clothes, and started to peal of layers, one at a time, until like Draco, she only had a light coat on, but she kept on the gloves. Her hands got cold easily.

They sat and talked about what had been going on in school until a taxi pulled up. a short, slightly pudgy man stepped into the snow, decked out like Ellie had been.

“How did you kids get out here?” He demanded “And in the middle of winter? All I see is an old run down castle. You live here?” Draco shrugged at the man.

“We like the cold. Good skiing in the mountains, two.” The man raised an eyebrow. “Well, whatever floats your boat, I guess.” He muttered as he started loading up there trunks.

Ellie let her cat, Leo, out on the long drive to the airport. Ellie and Draco still talked, but there were awkward pauses when they noticed they had been about to say something about magic, and it was obvious that the taxi driver was listening to every word, because in these pauses, Ellie could see the man raise his eyebrow in the mirror.

When they arrived at the airport, Ellie handled the money, while Draco put there trunks into carts.

The airport was surprisingly quiet for it being so close to Christmas. Ellie looked around, and when she was sure no one was around, she turned to Draco.

“Ok, we need to make sure that if anyone looks in our trunks, they don’t see our school books and stuff, or else they’ll know something weird is going on.”

Draco nodded, but then stopped “How do we do that?” He asked.

“Well, you have to do it, because you can use…” she paused and made sure no one was anywhere close. “You can use magic.” She whispered.

Draco almost laughed at how she was going about all this, but then decided she wouldn’t appreciate it.

“Ok, but how do I do it?” he asked her.

“It’s a very simple charm. Just tap the trunk, and say ‘muggleize’ (stupid name) then do it to the second trunk, and the carry on bags.” Draco nodded. That was simple.

He tapped each thing, and muttered ‘muggleize’ under his breath. Then he opened his trunk.

“But everything looks the same!” he cried. He threw down the lid, and was about to tap it again, when Ellie stopped him.

“Duh! That’s because your, a, you know what, and we already know what it should be, but everyone else, they are expecting to see normal stuff, and that’s what they’ll see.”

“You’re sure about this?” and when she nodded, “Ok, then. I trust you. Where do we go now?”

An hour latter, Ellie and Draco were sitting comfortably in the first class section of the plain.

“This is soooooooo cool! I have never been in first class before!” Ellie was ecstatic. She looked over at Draco, who was gripping the arm rests so hard, his knuckles were white.

“What is up with you?” Ellie demanded

“Um, let’s just say I would prefer to use a broom. Is there water anywhere?” He turned his head, to look for someplace with water, but suddenly, he jerked his head down.

“Ellie, don’t look now, but I think I see a fellow Slytherin.” Ellie’s head jerked around.


“Shut up!”(sorry erin!) Draco hissed at her. “If they see us, what are they gunna think?”

“Sorry.” Whispered Ellie. She casually looked behind her, and spotted a girl, who looked to be a fourth year, settling into a seat, four seats back.

“I don’t think she saw us.” Whispered Ellie. A couple sitting across from them was looking at them strange. Ellie strained a smile, and nudged Draco to stop shooting looks behind them.

In his surprise to see another student from Slytherin, Draco had forgotten about his fear of the airplane. Suddenly then were being told to buckle up, and they were taking off.

Draco turned for the hundredth time, to see if the Slytherin girl was looking at them.

“Draco! Cut it out. She’ll notice you soon if you keep doing that.” Ellie said again.

“Fine, fine.” He looked out the window, and jumped slightly. “Since when did we get so high in the air?” He demanded, his voice slightly squeaky. Ellie couldn’t help but giggle.

“We’ve been flying for at least half an hour, you were just to worried about her.” She said, jabbing her finger backwards. This didn’t seem to comfort Draco at all.

“Look, how about you watch some t.v? since we’re in first class, we get our own individual t.v.”
“What is a tv?” he asked.

The rest of the plain ride, Ellie showed draco how to use the tv. He was so fascinated by it, he forgot where they were, until the captain told them to buckle up. they would be landing in Chicago in just a few minutes.

“Chicago? I thought we were going to Mi… Minne… that place.” Draco said.

“Yeah, but we stop in Chicago. Some people get off, a few get on, then were off to Minnesota.” Draco turned to look backwords.

“Oh, good. She’s getting off.” Ellie looked around, and sure enough, the Slytherin girl had grabbed her carry on bag, and was out of the airplane. Draco was much more relaxed on the rest of the trip.
* * *

Ellie almost lost her luggage, but they finally found it, and moved towards the clear sliding doors.

“Ok, so my parents should be here to pick us up soon. It’s a silver mini van.” Draco nodded, and again they sat on their trunks. The warming spell draco had used wore off on the plain, and they were again bundled up.

The airport had been decorated for Christmas, and it was the same outside. There were two Christmas trees, flanking the doors, cheep little green and red balls.

They didn’t talk much. Ellie always got tired from long trips of sitting down. Plains seemed to be the worst, and Draco had almost talked himself horse from everything on the plain.

The t.v’s, the shows he had watched almost constantly, the cd player that Ellie had brought along, and the cd’s, and finally a few muggle books. Draco had laughed himself silly with one that Ellie had found.

It was a book about wizards, but all the stuff it said, it was ridiculous. Ellie had to tell him to shutup a few times, he was talking so loudly. Stuff like,
“Ellie! Hey, ellie, this guy says that all wizards and witches have one blue eye, and one black eye, what’s with that ellie?”

He had acted like a little boy in a candy shop. It had made ellie laugh. Now she yawned. The delay in Chicago had lasted a while, and it was now 10:00. Usually Ellie could last until 1:00 in the mourning, but she had waken early, and wanted nothing more but to go to sleep in her bed.

She watched as a van pulled up. it was silver. It looked familiar. Draco was jumping up and down in his seat. He had drank 11 cans of mountain dew. He had never had it before, and he thought it was delicious. Ellie liked it too, but 11 cans? That was just crazy.

“Is that it, Ellie? It’s silver, and It looks like a mini van, is it Ellie? Is it?”

“YES! It’s them Draco, now shut up!”

“SOMEones cranky. You should have had more mountain dew, Ellie, It makes you all hyper! And I’m not even tired!”

“That’s called caffeine, you idiot! You are never going to get to sleep.”

Draco didn’t seem at all put off by this, but stood up, and pulled Ellie up as well. Ellie could see her mother getting out of the car, and looking around. Her father was in the captain seat. He was fast asleep.

Ellie couldn’t help but smile a little. Typical dad. Ellie waved to catch her mom’s attention. It did, and her face split into a huge smile.

“Ellie! Oh, I missed you so much!” When Ellie didn’t say anything, her mom pulled away.

“You’re not angry, are you?” she asked, a very worried expression on her face.

“Oh, no! I’m not mad, I’m just tired, is all. Unlike captain Caffeine, over there.” She pointed at Draco, who was rocking back and forth on his feet, jumping a little.

Her mom smiled, and held her hand out to Draco.
“Hi Draco! I’m Ellie’s mom, Kristine. It’s very nice to meet you.”

Draco took her hand and shook it vigorously.
“It’s really nice to meet you to!” He said, rather loudly.

“He’s usually not this hyper, mom. He had 10 mountain dews.”

“Actually, 11!” Draco said.

Kristin laughed, and led them to the van. They loaded everything up, and got in.
“I’ll wake your father when we get home. He’ll just fall asleep again if I wake him now.”

“Give him a mountain dew!” Draco said.
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