01-14-2008, 10:18 PM
#26 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo *YAY! more readers! *jumps up an down with joy* okay, now that I'm sitting firmly in my chair, part two...*
Chapter 6, part 2.
I was so happy, I...
...Grabbed his shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek! (HA! Not what you expected, huh?! That’s one of the things I, Ginerva Molly Weasley, am known for-my complete and utter originality.)
Anyway, I kissed his cheek and hopped off inside to go blabber my mind out to Hermione. I was overly joyous! I had, Had, HAD to tell Hermione as soon as we got a moment alone, which I would make as soon as possible no matter what the cause.
I skipped into the dining room to find my whole family, my soon to be sister in law, and Hermione all gathered around the table, the room was so packed I thought it would explode! I slowed to a walk and headed towards Hermione. When I got to her (in a very difficult manner I might add) I bent over to whisper in her ear “I need to talk.” Then I headed upstairs to my room.
I looked back when I got to the banister and I saw Hermione get up from the table with a puzzled look. I sped up and flounced into my room. I jumped onto my bed, put a pillow over my head and screamed with joy! I was acting very, very un-Ginny-ish.
I heard a timid knock at my door, accompanying it was “Hello, Ginny? Are you okay?” it was Hermione. And yes, I was absolutely hysterical with happiness!
“Come in!” I sang. Wow, what I sounded like was starting to scare me; I was starting to sound like Lavender Brown! Hermione came in and looked around the room, what…did she think I had trashed it? Me, trash my room? Yea right!
Anyway, she came in and sat down on my bed, looking at me with a very puzzled look on her face. “Okay, I know I have been kind of out of it lately, you know, depressed, sad, mopey. But not any more, because…” boy, I was sounding like a traveling sales man! “Harry and I are together!” I told her very calmly. Okay, you caught me, yes, I actually squealed it! Hermione jumped off my bed and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.
“That’s great, Ginny!” what made him change his mind?” she asked.
“Well, I told him I’d be able to fight better if I was happy, and he thought about that. Then he said he would, but as soon as he thought I was threatened, I had to pretend to hate him, and he: I. I thought that was a fair deal.” I explained. Her eyes lit up and she hugged me even tighter.
“I’m so happy for you, Ginny! That’s absolutely wonderful!” Hermione squealed.
“Yeah, but now me and Harry have to tell my family…” I told her with a worried tone.
I was trying desperately to get a moment alone with Harry, I had to ask him how and when he wanted to tell my family. But my mom kept us in busy preparation for the Wedding. I had no free time to talk to him. My mum stuck me outside in the orchard, collecting oranges. It was a very lonely job.
About mid-day I was still picking oranges when I heard voices to my right. I peeked in between two trees and saw Luna Lovegood and her father lying on the ground. Hmm, I wonder what kind of weird creature they’re looking for now…
“-But daddy, I thought you could only see them if you have a Wrackspurt horn around your elbow?” Luna was saying.
“No, sweetheart, anyone can see Gibbledayringers. It’s Rindleflys that you have to be wearing a Wrackspurt horn around your elbow to see.” Mr. Lovegood explained.
“Oh!” Luna exclaimed. I laughed to myself, I mean, could you help not laughing at their insanity? But yes, Luna is my friend.
“Hey, Luna, would you like to come to Harry’s birthday tomorrow morning, it starts at 11?” I asked, stepping in between two trees. “Ooh, daddy, can I please? It’s his seventeenth!” she squealed. He considered for a moment. “Well, I guess, we’ll have to make him a present though…” he said. “Oh, that’s fine, I know just what to give him!” with that she ran off towards her house. I said goodbye to Mr. Lovegood and rushed back through the orchard.
At six o’clock that night I finally went back into the house. As I predicted I was the only one that was out that long. I went to the sitting room and found it packed full to bursting point. I saw Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Lupin, Tonks, Mad-eye, Hagrid, Monsieur Delecour, Mrs. Delecour, Gabriella, Fleur, and of course, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I snuck in and crept over to them.
“Hey, isn’t it kind of stuffy in here?” I asked.
“Yeah, why don’t we go upstairs?” Hermione suggested. Ron and Harry agreed so we all snuck out of the room and went up the stairs.
We all ended up in Ron’s room. I was sitting by Harry on his cot and Hermione was sitting by Ron on his bed. We weren’t doing anything particular, just talking.
“I really don’t want to be a bridesmaid.” I complained.
“Oh, Ginny,” Hermione said encouragingly, “I’m sure you’ll be fine, it’s not like you’ll look like a Barbie doll or anything.”
“With my luck, and Fleur’s taste in clothing, I’ll look like Ballet Barbie!” I told her. Harry laughed and Ron kind of chuckled, but I didn’t see how that was funny.
“You guys, it’s not funny!” I scolded them.
“Sure it is, I can picture you with a plastic face and I frilly pink tutu!” Ron exclaimed, practically choking on his words from his laughter. I had half a nerve to hex him.
“Well, if you are done making fun of me, I will be going to my room.” I told them, my nose in the air.
“Gin, you know he’s just kidding.” Harry’s voice seemed to melt my heart and I couldn’t be mad anymore.
“Fine, but one more crack like that and I’m leaving!” I warned.
The rest of the night was spent talking and at about 1 o’clock in the morning Hermione and I crawled sleepily into my room. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow. *Thanks again! More later today, most likely*
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |
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01-14-2008, 11:15 PM
#27 (permalink)
| Jump Around! Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: guess who's back!!!
Posts: 4,328
Hogwarts RPG Name: thinking of one First Year |
This is really good, I'm sooo happy they're back together!!! PAMS
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01-14-2008, 11:28 PM
#28 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess Aww, that was such a cute chapter! yay for Luna! I just love her interest in weird [maybe unreal] creatures! that was so real about the girls going squee about guys...haha. |
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01-14-2008, 11:51 PM
#29 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo *Like I said, more today, hope you like it.* Chapter 6. part 3
“Hermione…Hermione…Herrrrrrrrrrrmiiiiiiiiiioneeeee eeeeeee!” I cooed, trying to wake her up gently. So far, it wasn’t working. “Hermione!” I said a bit louder. That time it worked.
“Huh?” she asked sleepily.
“Hermione, wake up! It’s Harry’s Birthday, remember?” I reminded her. When I said this, she jumped up and started brushing her wild hair.
“Oh no. Oh no. oh no!” she was muttering.
“What?” I asked.
“Ginny! We are supposed to be up by now!” she was totally freaking out.
“Hermione!” I said trying to calm her down, “We can just go down now.”
“Okay, so I go get Ron?” she asked.
“Yeah, let’s go.” We got dressed and went to Ron’s room.
“Okay, remember the plan?” I asked. Hermione nodded and we went inside.
I will never walk in my brother’s room at 7:30 in the morning again. It was so messy with clothes that you couldn’t see a speck of the flooring and Ron was snoring so loudly I thought it would wake up the Lovegoods! I decided that I’d have to deal with it and I hopped over to Harry’s cot, trying not to step on anything but the floor.
I sat down next to Harry and laughed as Hermione made her way to Ron’s bed. She was hopping between clothes and plugging her nose. It didn’t stink. Or was it that I’ve lived with boys all my life? It was probably the latter.
“Harry, wake up! You’re seventeen today!” I whispered in his ear. He opened his eyes.
“Ronald Weasley! Wake up this instant!” Hermione yelled. Ron jumped and smacked his head on the ceiling.
“Thanks Hermione.” He grumbled.
“Well, You’re mom wants us in the kitchen, remember?” she asked with her eye brows raised, trying to hint to him without Harry noticing.
“Oh yeah, okay, I remember. Well, let’s go!” Ron insisted as if Hermione was the one that forgot. They got up and went downstairs.
“Aren’t you gonna go?” Harry asked me.
“No, I wasn’t planning on it. Do you want me to?” I asked.
“Oh, of course not, I was just wondering.” He said fast. I laughed. “Okay then. I’ll stay.” I told him.
“Do you think we could open a window?” I asked, the smell starting to get to me. Harry jumped up, went to the window and opened it. When he sat down, I asked,
“So, now that you’re seventeen, what are you going to do?” it seemed to click in his mind when I said it.
He grabbed his wand off his bedside table and pointed it at his glasses (which were right next to his wand) and said “Accio.” His glasses came zooming towards him and the ear piece hit him in his eyes. I started laughing.
“Yeah, Well, I wasn’t ready.” He said trying to cover up.
“Uh huh.” I replied as I kissed him on the cheek.
“Well, Happy Birthday, anyway.” He smiled and said “Thanks.”
“Well, I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but my mum wanted me to keep you upstairs till at least 10:00. She’s getting you’re birthday party ready. When you go downstairs, act surprised.” I warned him.
“Okay, I’ll try.” He made a weird face with his eyes wide and his mouth wide open.
“How was that?” he asked. I laughed; only Harry.
“Perfect.” I told him as I kissed his cheek. He laughed and kissed my cheek back.
“Well, I would let you open my present I got you now, but when you didn’t open it later everyone would know I told you.” I apologized.
“It doesn’t matter…” Harry insisted. “Yes, it does, my parents still don’t know that we’re back together and they might suspect something.” I told him.
We spent the next few hours just talking, and finally 10 o’clock came.
“Well, I suppose its okay for us to go downstairs.” I told Harry.
“Okay,” he made his ‘surprised’ face again. “I’m ready!” I laughed. “Well, lets go.” I said as a grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.
When we got downstairs everyone was in the kitchen. My hand shot off his like his was on fire. He looked at me quizzically.
“They don’t know yet.” I whispered. He nodded and started walking towards the kitchen. I followed.
“Surprise!” was our greeting as Harry walked into the room. the smell of freshly baked Pumpkin Pastries wafted up to my nose. Harry and I sat down by Ron and Hermione and we both piled our plates with food.
“Sorry dear, but we can’t actually start the party till 11, Arthur has to work and the guests wont be here till then.” My mom apologized.
“Oh, that’s fine, Mrs. Weasley, I don’t care, you really didn’t need to do any of this.” He said eyeing the buffet of food and the pile of gifts from my family in the corner. He is always so considerate!
“Oh of course I did!” my mum exclaimed. “It’s your seventeenth! It’s the biggest day of your life!”
“Well, thanks anyway, you’re great!” Harry told her. She looked as if she was going to cry with happiness. She bustled over and wrapped Harry in a suffocating hug.
“Oh Harry! I can’t believe you’re seventeen!” she cried. Wow, she was acting like Harry was her own child, mums…
“Well, eat your breakfast, I hope you like it.” She told everyone, but addressing Harry. He took a bite, probably just to make her happy. “It’s wonderful, Mrs. Weasley!” he told her after he had swallowed. “Good, good, good. Well, eat up! Eat up!” she exclaimed. Everyone obeyed. *thanks, i thinki will post more tomorow. i just got sorted, and I'm so Happy to get Ravenclaw! Hello to all the Ravenclaws reading this...And all the other Houses to, of course. See you all later! byes!*
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion
Last edited by Syd; 01-17-2008 at 10:11 PM.
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01-15-2008, 12:58 AM
#30 (permalink)
| Jump Around! Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: guess who's back!!!
Posts: 4,328
Hogwarts RPG Name: thinking of one First Year | Congrats on making Ravenclaw! I was sorted earlier today and was really surprised that i got sorted into Slytherin.
Anyway, Great chapter, Ginny ruined the surprise for Harry, naughty naught Ginny. PAMS |
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01-15-2008, 01:30 AM
#31 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo Thank you moonchic, and congrats on making slytherin! I will post more tomorrow.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |
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01-15-2008, 04:59 AM
#32 (permalink)
| Jump Around! Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: guess who's back!!!
Posts: 4,328
Hogwarts RPG Name: thinking of one First Year | Thanks, and I can't wait for more tomorrow, it's a really good story. |
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01-15-2008, 06:27 AM
#33 (permalink)
| Chizpurfle
Join Date: May 2006 Location: In a world with Dan
Posts: 10,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lilly Young Second Year | Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity
Wow those last two chapters rocked. Can't belive that Ginny runnied the surprise. naughty ginny.
So can't wait till tommorow.
Congrates on Ravenclaw.
__________________ *Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*  *Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy* |
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01-15-2008, 07:27 PM
#34 (permalink)
| Bundimun
Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Flying on my broom stick.
Posts: 27
Hogwarts RPG Name: unsorted Second |
that was so good |
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01-15-2008, 09:34 PM
#35 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess I love Mrs. Weasley, she's so kind and she fusses all over Harry...makes him all conscious!haha!xD I wonder when the lovebirds are gonna tell the family...and if Ron and Hermione already told... |
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01-15-2008, 10:20 PM
#36 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo *I got a lot of the party ideas from DH, and in my mind purple would be the appropriate color for seventeen (don’t ask, it just came to my mind.) so all the decorations are purple or gold, just so you know* Chapter 7
Finally it was 10 thirty and it was chaos trying to get the party set up. Decorations were breaking, there were continuous shouts of “Repairo” and lots and lots of cuts made from flying glass.
“Everybody Stop!” my mum yelled. everyone that heard her stopped and looked at her. “If we want to get this house decorated by eleven we need to calm down!” after she finished everyone went back to work, but they did it in a safer manner.
Finally 11 o’clock came and there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” I screamed. I ran to the front door.
“Oh, hello, Lupin, Tonks.” I greeted them. Today Tonks had shoulder-length, bright purple hair and she was about an inch taller than Lupin. Lupin looked shabbier than usual. I think last night was a full moon.
Another ring of the door bell. “They’re in the backyard, you can just go through the kitchen.” I told the couple. Then I answered the door. “Oh, Hagrid, come in! They are in the backyard.” I told him.
The door bell rang over and over and pretty soon I had let all the guests in: Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley, pretty much the whole Order, Hagrid, Mr. Lovegood, Luna, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom. It was a real good thing the party was outside.
After letting in all the guests I followed Neville outside. It was 12 o’clock by the time everyone got here. All around were people talking, purple, and in a huge heap was a huge pile of presents (all wrapped in purple or gold, except one, it was wrapped in notice-me-pink paper. Luna’s I bet.
I scanned the people looking for the person I wanted to see most. There he is.
“Hi Harry, do you like it?” I asked.
“The party? Of course I like it!” he answered astounded. I laughed.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to wrap your present, could give it to you after the party?” I asked.
“You didn’t need to get me anything Gin.” He told me.
“Of course I did, it’s your birthday!” I replied. He gave me a hug.
“I love you.” I whispered. He hesitated.
“I love you too.” He whispered back. I looked up, his arms still wrapped around me. His eyes were full of happiness, and he was smiling.
“Presents!” my mum sang out. Harry let go of me like I was a flobberworm. I want to tell my parents about us soon! “Harry, over here! Presents!” my mum sang again. I pushed Harry and he walked over to the big picnic table where everyone was sitting holding the presents they were giving in front of them.
“Who first?” asked my mum as I sat down, empty handed.
“How about Ron, then Hermione?” she asked. Ron got up and walked over to where Harry was standing, and gave him his presents.
“Don’t show mum the cover, she probably wouldn’t appreciate me.” He whispered in Harry’s ear. Harry unwrapped the gold paper to reveal a book. I sneaked a peak at the title: 112 Spell-Free Ways to Charm the Ladies. I laughed and Harry winked at me.
“Hermione!” my mum called. She came up and gave Harry her present: Hogwarts, A History.
“Now maybe you’ll read it.” She laughed.
“Doubt it.” I heard Ron murmur. Hermione shot him her death glare.
“Uhm, how about Luna?” my mum asked. She flounced up to Harry and gave him her present. He unwrapped the pink paper to reveal another book. But it wasn’t a regular book, it was a photo book. How sweet. He thanked her and she went to sit down.
Person after person came up and soon it was 3 o’clock and the presents were all open. Yes, I am going to list them all:
From Neville-a broom servicing kit.
Lupin and Tonks-a wand servicing kit. Professor McGonagall-a badge that said ‘Gryffindor Quidditch Captain (yes, he is the real Captain.)
Hagrid-a Gryffindor banner that read ‘Home of the Brave and Loyal’.
Mr. Lovegood-a bag of weird looking plants (Fridgree leaves, good for your hair, according to him)
Lavender Brown-a shirt with a snitch on it.
Parvati Patil-a plain black shirt. Seamus Finnegan-a portable Quidditch ball set.
And Dean Thomas-a book titled: Just about everything you need to know about witches. (Another wink my way.) I’m not going to name everyone from the Order’s gifts (you are probably already totally bored with this story).
The hours were spent like a regular party: eating snacks, talking, games and having fun. Around 7:30 we all stopped to eat dinner and at 9 my mum made another announcement.
“Well, as most of you know, it is traditional that every seventeenth birthday party ends with a dance.” when she said this all the girl’s eyes lit up, and the boys slouched in their chairs. “So Harry, if you could pick a partner, you may start.” He sat up straight and his eyes got wide.
“What?” he asked bewildered. “I can’t dance! You guys saw me at the Yule Ball! I stepped on Parvati’s feet about 5 times!” he yelled. Parvati blushed and nodded her head slowly. I got a pang of jealousy. Stop Ginny! He just took her to the ball because she was the only one! No, not that…oh forget about it!
“Oh, come on, I’m sure you’re not that bad!” my mum assured him.
“Well, okay then. Uhm…Ginny?” he asked. I tried to hide my excitement.
“Sure, I’ll dance with you.” I said getting up.
All of the sudden a huge dance floor came up out of the grass. “By the way, I had Hermione choose the songs, they’re all from muggles.” My mum told us. Just then the music started and Harry grabbed my waist and I draped my arm above his shoulder.
*We’re young and Beautiful: Some Hearts by Carrie Underwood* While we're young and beautiful,
Kiss me like you mean it,
Treat me like I'm special,
Cover me with sweetness,
Cause a time will come,
When I'm not so young, and beautiful,
Harry and I started dancing, he wasn’t that bad! While we're young and beautiful,
Living free and easy,
Here without a worry,
Dancing in our bare feet,
Cause when the summer's done,
When I won't be so young, and beautiful.
Now he was twirling me, he was a GREAT dancer! It's a crazy ride
And baby, you and I,
Keeping our sweet love alive
Tonight, while we're young and beautiful.
I couldn’t keep the smile off my face! It was what I had been dreaming of since the Yule Ball: dancing with Harry! While we're young and beautiful,
We'll party down on Main street,
Wearing next to nothing,
Feeling every heart beat,
Having fun, while we're still young and beautiful
It's a crazy ride
And baby, you and I,
Keepin our sweet love alive,
Tonight, while we're young and beautiful.
‘Keeping our sweet love alive’ ironic, huh? Beautiful,
Young and beautiful,
Young and beautiful.
I love this song! Thank you Hermione! It’s perfect! It's so crazy, right,
And baby, you and I,
Keeping our sweet love alive,
Tonight, while we're young and beautiful.
Oh, so beautiful.
Harry pulled me into a dip so low my hair touched the floor While we're young and beautiful,
Cover me with sweetness,
While we're young and beautiful,
Kiss me like you mean it,
Like you mean it,
Like you mean it,
Please don’t end! Please don’t end! Oh please, please, please don’t end! Like you mean it,
like you do,
Oh, yeah,
Oh so beautiful
Great, it ended. I said please don’t end!
Everyone started clapping. Hmm, I forgot other people were watching…
“Next song is for anyone! So grab a partner!” my mum bellowed. The music started playing again. *Inside your Heaven: some Hearts by Carrie Underwood*
I’ve been down,
“May I have this dance, milady?” Harry asked, holding out his hand. I took it. Now I’m blessed
I felt a revelation comin’ ‘round.
I guess its right, it’s so amazing
Every time I see you, I’m alive.
You’re all I got, you lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
Again, Harry and I started twirling. I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from,
when the storm blows you away
I wanna be the arm that holds you
Every bit of air you breathin’ a soothin’ wind
and I wanna be inside your heaven
“I wanna be inside your heaven Harry.” I told him. “I love you.” Was his reply. When we touch, when we love
The stars light up the wrong becomes undone
Naturally, my soul surrenders
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
“Harry, Happy Birthday.” I told him. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and kissed my forehead. “Thanks, Gin.” He replied. And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
when the storm blows your way
I wanna be the arms that hold you
every bit of air you’re breathing in a soothin wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
When minutes turn to days and years
If mountains fall I’ll still be here
Holdin’ you until the day I die!
“Holding you until the day I die…” I repeated. Harry looked at me and smiled. And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
When a storm blows you away!
And I wanna be inside your heaven,
Wanna be inside! When a storm blows you away
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from when a storm blows you away
I wanna be the arms that hold you
Every bit of air you’re breathin in a soothing wind
I wanna be inside your heaven!
Another perfect song ended.
“Everyone, we have two more songs!” my mum said, still being held by my dad (whom with she was dancing.) the next song was titled Beautiful Mess, *A.N. by Diamond Rio, (I don’t know the CD name sorry) if you want to look up the lyrics, and it is a love song* and then Harry went to where the music was coming from and grabbed a magical microphone.
“Well, I’d like to thank everyone for coming. I appreciate all the gifts, and I will use them all well. I hope you all had fun. Now, for the last song, I chose this one myself, just now, and I’d like to dedicate it to Ginny Weasley over there.” With that he ran over to me and the music started. *Love You Out Loud (sorry, I don’t know the CD name) by Rascal Flatts* I have always been a little shy
I've always been the quiet type till now
And I never let my feelings show
I never let anybody know
Just how much I was so deep in love
But now that you're in my arms
Harry started twirling me, yet again. I'm gonna stand on a rooftop, climb up a mountaintop
Baby, scream and shout
I wanna sing it on the radio, show it on a video
Baby, leave no doubt
I want the whole world to know just what I'm all about
I love to love you out loud
Harry was beaming at me, I got his intention for this song, and it was his way of telling my parents, and everyone at the party for that matter, that we were together again. How romantic! You keep bringing out the free in me
What you do to my heart just makes me melt
And I don't think I can resist
But I've never been one to kiss and tell
A love this true can't be subdued
So I'm gonna let out a yell
Harry started singing along, he had a great voice! I'm gonna stand on a rooftop, climb up a mountaintop
Baby, scream and shout
I wanna sing it on the radio, show it on a video
Baby, leave no doubt
I want the whole world to know just what I'm all about
I love to love you out loud
He pulled me into another low dip. Baby, I want the whole world to see
just how good your love looks on me
I started singing along. I'm gonna stand on a rooftop, climb up a mountaintop
Baby, scream and shout
I wanna sing it on the radio, show it on a video
Baby, leave no doubt
I want the whole world to know just what I'm all about
I love to love you out loud
“I love you Ginny.” He whispered again. Baby, I love to love you out loud
Yeah, I love to love you out loud
“I love you Ginny!” Harry said, not at all quietly, when the music had ended. Everyone, including my parents, cheered. He engulfed me in a hug and kissed my hair repeatedly.
“I love you too!” I told him. This sentence received applause from all the birthday guests. Soon everyone was surrounding us, and Ron and Hermione were hugging both of us.
“Excuse me! Excuse me! Please let me through! This is my daughter he’s talking about!” Great…my dad is coming to talk to Harry. Uh Oh. *Thank you guys for reading this terribly long and boring post. *feels sorry for all the time you just wasted.* but i hope you guys liked at least some of it...*
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |
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01-15-2008, 10:58 PM
#37 (permalink)
| Bundimun
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 24
Hogwarts RPG Name: Claire Pace Fourth |
I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! PAMS PAMS!!!!
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01-15-2008, 11:08 PM
#38 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess Uh oh...Harry's gonna have the one on one talk...LoL poor dude.xD nic chapter. you have captured the sense of the party! Love ths ong choices! |
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01-16-2008, 01:26 AM
#39 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo Here's more, please enjoy* Chapter 8.
“Harry, can I talk to you for a sec?” My dad asked. The party was over and we were cleaning up. They went off towards the house and didn’t come back. Big uh oh.
Finally at about midnight we finished cleaning up after the party. I had to find out what my dad had wanted to talk to Harry about, and if the latter was still conscious. I hope he was…
No one was in the sitting room, so I followed Ron and Hermione up to Ron’s room. as soon as Hermione opened the door, I ran inside the room.
“Harry!” I yelled, engulfing him in a bear hug.
“Yea, me…” he replied, hugging me back suspiciously. “What about me though?” he asked.
“I thought that my dad may have gone ‘Death Eater on you, if you know what I mean…” I told him. He started laughing, and so did Hermione and Ron, who were sitting on Ron’s bed, just listening to us. “I thought he was going to get mad at you for that song…” I admitted.
“Oh, no, of course not, far from that, he actually congratulated me, for being so open. I think he was glad that it was me, not someone else actually…” he trailed off.
“Okay, as long as you are in one piece.” I told him.
“Yup, I’m in one almost perfect piece.” He assured.
“Almost perfect?” Hermione asked.
“Well, no one’s perfect.” He replied, shrugging. We all laughed. Kind of cheesy, I know, but that’s what really happened.
“Would you like to open the present I got you?” I asked Harry.
“Yeah, Sure!” he replied.
“Kay, it’s in my room.” I told him walking out the door. I went into my room, with Harry following, and went to my desk. I opened the door and pulled out a little black box. Harry sat down on my bed, and I followed suit.
“It’s not much, but I hope you like it.” I murmured, handing him the box.
He opened it to reveal a ring.
“My one and only forever” he read off the solid gold band. “I love it…” he said putting it on his ring finger.
“It’s really not much, I couldn’t think of anything else to give you…” I said trailing off.
“Gin.” He whispered, pulling my chin up so I had to look at him, “I love it!” he whispered again, kissing my cheek. I smiled and kissed his cheek back.
“Well, we better get back to the other two love birds.” I told him.
“Who?” he asked.
“Ron and Hermione, didn’t Ron tell you?” I asked. “No, he seemed to let that slip.” He replied smiling.
“Well, he can’t think that you won’t find out sooner or later.” I told him. “Anyway, lets get going.” I said again, pulling on his hand.
We were in Ron’s room again. “Hmm, well, the wedding is the day after tomorrow, are you guys excited?” Hermione asked.
“I am. I’ve never been a bride’s maid before.” I admitted.
“Yeah, I can’t wait, Bill’s the first one to get married, but I’m surprised Charlie hasn’t found someone yet though…” Ron trailed off.
“Yeah, that is odd.” I agreed. We spent the rest of the night talking.
“Wake up! Everybody Wake up!” my mum was bellowing from the kitchen. Great. It was the rehearsal wedding today. Well, at least I don’t have to see the dress, but then again, I might want to before I wear it, oh well not my choice.
“Hermione, wake up.” I cooed, pulling on her blanket.
“Ginny?” she asked.
“Yeah?” I asked back.
“Oh, okay, good morning.” She replied.
“Good morning, get up.” I ordered (nicely). We got dressed and headed downstairs.
The whole day was completely hectic. There were emotions all over the place and Fleur was not seen without a tissue all day. Finally it was over, and the trio and I headed back up to Ron’s room. *I dont know what else to say, thank you for reading!*
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion
Last edited by Syd; 01-16-2008 at 01:39 AM.
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01-16-2008, 01:29 AM
#40 (permalink)
| Jump Around! Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: guess who's back!!!
Posts: 4,328
Hogwarts RPG Name: thinking of one First Year |
OMG how romantic, I love the story sooo much can't wait for more, PAMS!!!
You posted the next chapter while i posted lol, so i'm just going to edit this one. I love your story it's really good, wonder what would happen at the wedding...
I can't wait for some more, PAMS!
Last edited by moonchic07; 01-16-2008 at 01:35 AM.
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01-16-2008, 07:01 AM
#41 (permalink)
| Chizpurfle
Join Date: May 2006 Location: In a world with Dan
Posts: 10,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lilly Young Second Year | Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity
Oh my gosh. Love the last two chapters. Love the party it was so well done. i can so imagine it. Love the songs you picked.
the last chapter. Azmazing. Loved what Ginny gave Harry for his birthday.
So can't wait for more.
__________________ *Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*  *Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy* |
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01-16-2008, 08:59 PM
#42 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess LoL, I'm just glad Harry's okay...would've been fun too if Mr. Weasley did blow up on him! LoL...I'm excited to actually know what the dress will look like...Ginny is kinda worried about it! haha... How can Ron not tell Harry about him and Hermy? that's just wrong! cool chapter! I can't wait for the wedding. |
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01-16-2008, 10:13 PM
#43 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Thanks for commenting, more is coming up *I put up a poll, please vote, so I can know what you guys like. Chapter 9 is here: Chapter 9.
Once again, my mother was heard though out the house yelling “Get up!” over and over again.
The wedding was to start at 11:30, and the reception at 2. I was a bride’s maid and Ron was a best man. I had to walk behind Brielle, who was the flower girl, and I had to stand beside Fleur at the arch where she was to marry Bill. I had to practice this four times yesterday, and it was beginning to get annoying.
The morning passed and before I knew it I was in an enlarged bathroom with Hermione, getting ready for the wedding. We both already had our dresses on (mine an off the shoulder, gold with silver sparkles, brides maid dress that trailed onto the floor, and Hermione’s a lavender spaghetti strap, knee length dress.) I had to do my hair a certain way, a messy bun with a ringlet on each side with spray on sparkles) and I have never done as much as hair sprayed my hair. This was going to be different…
Hermione had her hair curled and flowing freely down her back, and was helping me do mine. Finally we finished, and she went outside to find her seat as I went into my kitchen where everyone that was to be in the wedding, except Bill of course, was gathered. I spotted my dad, and went up to him.
“You look wonderful.” He told me when I walked up.
“Thanks dad.” I replied smiling.
“Alright, Alright Ev’rybody, we weel start soon, eef you weel all take your places.” Fleur ordered as she walked in, wearing a beautiful plain white trailing wedding dress and I small tiara atop a messy blonde bun.
“Mom and dad First, Zen Meesus and Meester Weasley, Zen Brielle (who is Fleur’s 4 year old cousin, and also the flower girl) Zen Zee Bride Maid’s, please!” she said clapping her hands.
“Geeny, you are to walk weeth Chawlie, and Gabby, you walk weeth Ron.” She said, pointing to my brother, who blushed.
The music started, and we lined up. I grabbed Charlie’s arm, and he smiled.
“Excited?” I asked.
“Yeah. Wow, my brother is getting married.” He replied smiling. It was our turn, and we followed Gabriella out of the back door. The Backyard had been transformed into a wedding chapel, everything was either gold or silver, and everyone was looking at the door. I caught Harry’s eye as I walked by and I smiled. He looked as if he was going to faint. He is so pathetic...
Charlie and I walked up to the alter and went to separate sides. Brielle and Ron followed, and did the same. Then the music turned traditional and Fleur and her amazing beauty walked though the back door. Bill beamed and all the male guests got dreamy eyes. All except for Harry, who was staring straight at me.
Fleur’s dad gave her hands to Bill as the minister asked “Who gives this woman to this man?”
Bill beamed through the vows as Fleur cried tears of joy, and soon Fleur was Mrs. Bill Weasley. The back yard wedding chapel magically became a back yard reception area and a huge golden dance floor appeared out of the grass. Bill grabbed Fleur’s hand and they prepared to dance the first dance as man and wife to their wedding song, Forever and Ever Amen. (By Randy Travis, sorry, I don’t know the CD name) You may think that I’m talking foolish You've heard that I'm wild & I'm free You may wonder how I can promise you now This love that i'm feeling for you always will be You're not this time that i'm killing I'm no longer one of those guys As sure as I live this love that I give Is gonna be yours till the day that I die -- oh baby I'm gonna love you forever, forever & ever amen As long as old men sit & talk about the weather As long as old women sit & talk about old men If you wonder how long I'll be faithful I'll be happy to tell you again I'm gonna love you forever & ever, forever & ever amen They say that time takes it's toll on a body Makes the young girls brown hair turn grey But honey, I don't care, I'm not in love with your hair And if it all fell out well I’d love you anyway They say that time can play tricks on a memory And people forget things that they knew But it's easy to see it's happening to me I've already forgotten every woman but you --- oh baby I'm gonna love you forever, forever & ever amen As long as old men sit & talk about the weather As long as old women sit & talk about old men If you wonder how long I'll be faithful I'll be happy to tell you again I'm gonna love you forever & ever, forever & ever amen Just listen to how this song ends I'm gonna love you forever & ever, forever & ever, Forever & ever, forever & ever amen
They twirled and Fleur cried, and Bill never stopped smiling. The next song started and everyone got up to dance.
After three straight songs of dancing, Harry and I sat down. “Do you want some cake?” Harry asked me.
“I would love some, chocolate please.” I replied, kissing his cheek. He went off to the snack table as Hermione sat down.
“Phew.” She gasped.
“What?” I asked. My eye brows rose.
“Gin, I’ve been dancing the whole time!” she exclaimed.
“Mione, I just sat down, oh never mind, where’s Ron?” I asked, stopping an argument before it started.
“He went to get snacks.” She replied as Harry and Ron appeared by our sides. They sat down and handed us our food.
“What kind of juice is this?” I asked, eying my cup skeptically, it was a neon green color and looked gross.
“It’s called Honey burnt Punch, and Gabriella told me to try it.” He took a sip. “It’s pretty good.” He informed us. We took a drink.
“Mmm. That is good.” I muttered. Just then there was a quiet squeak, and I saw a little finger appear tapping on Harry’s shoulder.
“Umm, Meester Haiwy, weel you dance weeth me?” Brielle asked. She was blushing furiously. Harry blushed too.
“Sure, uh, let’s go.” He said, grabbing her hand and looking at me, as if to get my approval. I winked at him and nodded. He led Brielle off to the dance floor as the music started and lifted her to stand on his feet while he moved them in a circular pattern. Hermione smiled at me as Ron looked as if he was going to die of silent laughter.
“What?” I asked shortly, seeing he was looking at Harry dancing.
“Harry is dancing with a four year old!” he said matter-of-factly.
“Your point is?” Hermione asked.
“A…four…year…old…!” he repeated.
“I heard you the first time!” I screamed. “Just because you’re jealous that Harry has more sensitivity than you, and that a four year old actually wants to dance with him instead of run the other way, doesn’t mean that you have to laugh! Harry is being a gentleman!” I glared at him and marched off to a different table. Sure, maybe I was being a little short tempered, but I thought what Harry did was cute, and Ron had no right to laugh!
I sat down at a table directly across from where Harry and Brielle were dancing, and waited for the song to end.
“Ginny?” Hermione asked as she sat down about three minutes later.
“Look, Mione, I’m sorry I yelled at Ron, but he deserved it.” I told her looking down.
“Yes, I know he did, but-” Hermione told me. I raised my eyebrows at her.
“You aren’t defending him?” I asked.
“No, I agree with you, Harry was being...”
“Yes?” Harry asked as he sat down.
“I was going to say a gentleman, but now I will change it to terribly annoying.” She muttered.
“Anyway, I’m going inside, I’ll be in your room for a little, Ginny.” She said as she got up and went inside.
“What was that about?” Harry asked puzzled.
“Ron thought it was funny that you danced with a four year old, and I told him I thought it was sweet and walked off. I don’t know why Hermione left.” I told him. He blushed.
“You didn’t need to get mad at him on my account.” He muttered.
“Harry, I know I didn’t, but Ron had no right to tease you about being so nice to a sweet little girl. I’m gonna go see what Hermione is up to.” I told him as I got up from the table.
“Kay, see you later.” He called after me.
I went inside, and climbed the stairs to find my bedroom door shut.
“Hermione?” I called through the wood. I heard a sniff. I tried the door knob, and it was unlocked, so I went inside.
Hermione was curled up on my bed, you could just see the top of her bushy head, and the rest of her was covered in a blanket.
“Hermione?” No movement. “Hermione??” still nothing. “Uh, Hermione, are you alright?” I asked, panic starting to creep through my veins. She made no move to help soothe my fears. I ran to the bed and pulled down the covers. She was asleep, but she had tear streaks on her cheeks. I gently nudged her shoulders.
“Hermione, calm down, what are you talking about?” I asked, trying to hush her up. Her eyes sparkled with tears as she realized it was me, and not Ron.
“Oh Ginny, I r-ruined everything!” she sobbed, practically flinging her head down to rest on my shoulder.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Oh I d-don’t know!” she sobbed. I tried not to smile.
“I m-mean, one m-minute, we w-were laugh-ing, the n-next you w-were w-walking off, and th-then” she took a very deep and shaky breath. “I told h-him th-that Victor w-would n-never-r had m-made f-fun of Harry, and h-he s-said ‘Th-there yo-u go again ta-lking about K-Krum!’ and th-then he s-said ‘If you l-like him s-so much, Th-then maybe w-we should end th-this.’ And h-he walked off! I d-didn’t e-even mean to-to say it out loud!” she ended with a very loud wail. I wrapped her in a hug.
“Oh, Hermione, he was just being a bit over sensitive, he’ll come around!” I assured her.
“W-what if he doesn’t?!” she wailed.
“Hermione.” I said, pulling her up so she looked into my eyes. “Ron loves you, you know how he gets when someone mentions Victor, he’ll come around.” I repeated.
“What if h-he doesn’t, G-Ginny?” she wailed again.
“Hermione, if he doesn’t, which I know he will, I will personally make him regret it, you know, I have a pretty mean Bat-Bogey Hex.” I told her, trying to make her laugh. It worked, and she let out a tiny laugh, then a very big hiccup.
“Hermione, dry yours eyes, and we’ll go have fun at the wedding, let Ron cool off and he’ll come practically begging for you to take him back, I know he will.” She hiccupped again, nodded, and we went downstairs and back to the wedding.
The rest of the wedding passed pretty much with nothing of importance. I dance with Harry, and Hermione sat at a table, mostly talking to either me, Fleur, or Brielle (she’s very sweet, and loves to talk about going to Beaubatons next year). She also danced with Fred and Charlie, because I think they felt bad for her, but of course, she won’t find out.
The wedding ended, and as all the guests went home, and the backyard was reformed into a messy, weed-filled garden, Harry and Ron went upstairs to Ron’s room, and me and Hermione trudged up to mine. *Thanks again for reading, more either later today or tomorrow after noon, when ever i get more time* ~Sydnie
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion
Last edited by griffin_girl; 01-16-2008 at 10:24 PM.
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01-17-2008, 12:19 AM
#44 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess Okay, so I just merged your 2 posts since you double-posted...sorry...it's kinda our jobs to do that as mods... Aww, poor Hermione....she and Ron fought... LoL...Harry just can't keep his eyes off Ginny! |
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01-17-2008, 12:41 AM
#45 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin_girl Okay, so I just merged your 2 posts since you double-posted...sorry...it's kinda our jobs to do that as mods... Aww, poor Hermione....she and Ron fought... LoL...Harry just can't keep his eyes off Ginny!
**thats no problem, im actually glad that you did, i tried to delete it, but couldnt figure out how, so thanks.**
*here's more of the story, im in a posty mood today. But i probably wont be posting as often as usual, cuz im all caught up and im writing part two of chapter 10 right now, so dont expect as much as often. anyway, heres the next chappy!* Chapter 10 part one.
Nothing fun or interesting at all happened for the rest of the holiday. Ron was still sulking, much to Hermione’s heartache and my annoyance. It was about three weeks until the next Hogwarts year, and we were waiting for our letters. Hermione and I woke up and went downstairs to find everyone else already up and eating.
“Oh, Ron, could you open the window? I think that might be Hogwarts.” My mum said as she flipped more pancakes and a tawny owl ran into our back window.
“Yeah, stupid bird, as bad as Pig. He ripped open Hermione’s and Harry’s. You’d think that they’d get younger birds at Hogwarts.” He grumbled.
“Ron, stop your mumbling and give us our letters!” I demanded. He glared at me and handed out the letters one by one, of course, I got mine last.
“I’M HEAD GIRL!” Hermione squealed as she dropped her letter and picked up the shiny red and gold badge that had fallen in her lap.
“Wow, I got Head Boy.” Ron said, turning his envelope over and over as if trying to see if he got the wrong one. “I thought for sure Harry would have gotten it.” He mumbled.
“Me? Of course not, I’ve caused way to much trouble.” Harry said, smiling and grabbing his own letter that he had left on the table to go inspect Ron’s badge.
“Well, McGonagall reminded me that I was Quidditch Captain, and that’s about all that’s new with me.” Harry said, reading his.
“I’m a prefect, I didn’t think that I would be one. Considering,” I let the sentence fade away, not wanting to remember my first year at Hogwarts. Everyone got quite.
“So mum, when are we going to get our supplies?” I asked, wanting to break the uncomfortable silence.
“Oh, yes, well, I suppose we could go tomorrow, Arthur is off work, and I suppose we could get ministry cars.”
“But, mum! Harry and I take our Apparation tests tomorrow!” Ron reminded her.
“Oh yes, I forgot, well, that will make it all the easier, you three can apparate to Diagon Alley, and I can side-Along Apparate with Ginny. Then we won’t need Arthur.”
Great, I was the only one that couldn’t Apparate. That makes me feel all happy inside.
“Well, eat your breakfast, and then, I guess you can have the rest of the day to yourselves. To do anything.” My mum considered her words, and most likely decided they would work, because she nodded.
“Wonderful! Ron, Harry, Ginny, why don’t we go swim in your lake?” Hermione asked.
“That sounds great Hermione! I’m in.” I told her, starting to eat fast, but politely, very unlike my brother, who was shoveling food into his mouth and chewing with his mouth open.
“I’m good with that too, and by the way Ron is chewing, I suppose he is too.” Harry said laughing. Ron nodded and as he did, a very large piece of pancake fell from his mouth.
“Classy, Ron.” Hermione choked out, for she was laughing her lungs to pieces. Ron blushed, got up from the table and headed for the stairs.
“You guys better hurry, the water will be all dried up in a little with this heat.” Ron called; I knew he was trying to change the subject. *I'll try to post soon, but like i said, im writing the next chapter as i speak*
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |
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01-17-2008, 01:31 AM
#46 (permalink)
| Jump Around! Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: guess who's back!!!
Posts: 4,328
Hogwarts RPG Name: thinking of one First Year |
Wow, Ginny a prefect, GO GINNY!!! I knew Hermione would get Head Girl, but Ron, that's a little surprising. Great story , can't wait for more!! PAMS!
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01-17-2008, 06:39 AM
#47 (permalink)
| Chizpurfle
Join Date: May 2006 Location: In a world with Dan
Posts: 10,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lilly Young Second Year | Keeper of Harry's Smile Guard of Dan’s Curiosity
Love the last two chapter. Cute that Harr would dance with the little girl nd that Ginny found it sweet. Ron needs to grow up. And Harry has it bad for Ginny he can't take his eyes off of her. I remember when my husband felt that way, but things have changed. Anyways sorry got caught up in the moment wishing I was that lucky again.
Can't wait for more to come.
__________________ *Keeper of Ginny's Heart for Harry**Keeper of Emma's Sisterly Love For Dan**Dreams Can Come True*  *Siggy By Nat**Avvy By Jen*Dan is my Mr. Darcy* |
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01-17-2008, 08:54 AM
#48 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 280
Hogwarts RPG Name: Yvonne Ginevra Potter First |
OMG!! so many posts in a few days!!
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01-17-2008, 10:01 PM
#49 (permalink)
| Veela
Join Date: Jan 2004 Location: In a fairytale
Posts: 37,061
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jillian McGuffin Sixth Year | Gryffindor Goddess LMAO! Nice, Ron, nice. Very charming, Ronald. Would you like some syrup on your mouth too?xD Oooh! Ginny got all prefected! but I thought prefects got picked in 5th year...O_o oh, and BTW, Sydnie, regular members can't delete their posts...only mods can do that. you can edit it saying that it was an accidental double post [or whatever reason you have] and ask a mod to delete it. |
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01-20-2008, 10:41 PM
#50 (permalink)
|  MO Erkling
Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: [GMT-7]
Posts: 20,764
Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo *the poll has about an even number on the options I like it, and I don’t like it. So I will still do it, just not as much. That is until I get a lot of I don’t like its then I will try not to do it too often. Well, enough of my blabbering, a very short and pointless, Part two* [CENTER]Chapter 10 part two.[CENTER]
“Hermione, if we don’t hurry the boys will come up and hex us!” I called into the bathroom where Hermione was changing into her swimming suit.
She came out looking really pretty, I must say. She was wearing a navy blue one-piece, and blue flip flops, and her hair was back in a bun.
“Well you look nice.” Hermione smiled as she passed me. I had to admit, I did look better than usual. I was wearing a black and white polka dotted bikini with black shorts over the swimming suit bottoms, and my hair was flowing freely.
“Lets go!” I ordered, seeing as Hermione was just looking at me. We went downstairs and I grabbed the sun block, a towel for me and Hermione, and my sunglasses.
“Let’s hurry before the boys catch up.” I whispered. We took off running through the orchard until we reached the other side where the blue water of the Weasley-Lovegood Lake was gleaming in the bright sunlight.
“Hermione, want to jump in?” I asked.
“Sure I-” SPLASH!
“HARRY!” I screamed.
“RONALD!” Hermione screamed.
“Harry, what did you do that for, the poor ladies were all dry, and now they have to come into the lake. You are not a very good friend.” Ron scolded while treading water and laughing his lungs out.
“Sorry, when I see a very good friend and my girlfriend standing on dry sand while I am having fun in a lake, I must get them to come in with me.” With that he hopped up onto the ‘diving board’, which was a piece of wood magically stuck to the shore, and started coming towards me as Ron followed suit and walked towards Hermione.
“Now!” Ron screamed as Harry lunged and scooped me up in his arms and Ron did the same with Hermione.
“What are you doing?” Hermione screamed.
“You girls might want to take a deep breath.” Harry warned. I did as I was told as Harry jumped off the diving board and into the water. We made a big splash as we hit the surface, and I sunk down so far I touched the bottom. I opened my eyes to see Harry smiling at me under the water. I smirked, pushed his shoulders and floated to the top.
As I inhaled deeply I heard another splash as his head broke the water.
“That was not funny!” I scolded as I did the backstroke around Harry. He grabbed my feet and pulled me into a vertical position while Hermione and Ron swam up to us.
“So, what do you guys want to do? We have the whole day to stay out here and relax; you guys really do need it.” I told them, going back to the backstroke. Ron eyed my suspiciously. “What, I’m bored and I want to do something. It’s not my fault all you want to do is tread water, I want to swim.” I told him. He just shrugged and went back to talking.
We decided on playing Marco Polo, a game that Hermione had taught us, and we played that for about an hour.
We got out and since it was almost noon we decided to eat the picnic that we brought. I laid out my towel while the others did the same. I grabbed my sunglasses, my sandwich, and my strawberry lemonade and lay down on my black and white polka dotted beach towel.
“Hermione, could you help me with the sun block?” I asked, trying to reach my back, acting like a buffoon, and making both Harry and Ron roll around laughing. She started laughing to.
“Sure, Ginny, hand me the bottle.” She put her hand out. I handed it to her. As soon as the cold, goopy white substance touched my back I jumped, knocking the bottle out of her hands and spraying it all over Ron. He jumped back in surprise and wiped off the goop while we all stated laughing.
“Now what?” Harry asked a short while later, when we were all done eating lunch and relaxing on our towels.
“Hmm. Lets just swim for a while. Then, if someone thinks of something more interesting, we could do that.” Hermione suggested.
The rest of the day we just messed around in the lake. It was very relaxing, and we smiled all day. I think Harry smiled more today than in his fifth and sixth year put together.
All too soon the sun was setting and we trudged back to the Burrow dripping wet with lake water. *I'll try to post the next chapter soon, thanks for reading* ~Sydnie
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |
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