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That's Me; Ginny Weasley - Sa13+ http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x...nnyweasley.jpg Thanks to moonchic07 for the terrific banner! Hi, my name’s Sydnie, and this is my first ff. So if you have any ideas or constructive criticism, please tell me. *This is an ff from Ginny Weasley’s Point of view, and the beginning's mostly gonna be a flash back from Ginny’s childhood, then it will start at the beginning of the summer after her 5th year (after Dumbledore’s death and her and Harry’s break up).* Chapter 1 Sometimes, it’s desperately hard not to cry. Sometimes, things just get so complicated and depressing and you just have to let the tears flow. Well, even I, an expert on holding back tears, have to cry sometimes. Having six older brothers has surely toughened me up a bit. Especially Fred and George. I remember, back when I was 6, Fred and George were 9, it was a very hot day and Bill was inside talking to mom and dad; I was sitting on his lap. (He always was my favorite brother). Fred and George had come in yelling at the top of their voices “HA HA CHARLIE, YOU CAN HAVE THIS BACK IF YOU CATCH US!” I had looked up, seeing that they were holding his Prefect Badge, poor kid, he was so happy about getting it. Anyway, next came Charlie, running after the twins and yelling back “GIVE THAT BACK! OR I’LL TELL MOM!” Too late, I had thought, considering that mom was already on her feet with her wand pointed at the badge. “Accio Badge,” she had muttered, and the badge had landed nicely in her hand. She had given it back to Charlie, and turned to face the twins, “You two go outside now, and behave yourselves.” Then she had turned to see me, “And take your sister, too. She’s been cooped up inside all day, she needs fresh air.” She had herded me outside after the twins and shut the door, on my ankle, might I add. “Fred…” George had started. “George…” Fred replied. They had looked at me, then back to each other, then at me again, then nodded. I hated it when they did it then, and I still do. “Kay, little sis, you want to hang with the big boys?” I had nodded eagerly. “Follow us over here then.” They had led me over to the big broom shed, stopped and turned back around. “Alright, we’re gonna play Quidditch. You’re gonna be the Chaser, I’m the Keeper, and Fred’s gonna be the referee.” Well, to make a long story short, he had thrown the quaffle, I had swerved to catch it, and had fallen off my broom, much to their pleasure, that was what they wanted to happen, so I didn’t have to “hang” with them. Thankfully it didn’t hurt too badly, although I did suffer a broken ankle and a couple deep scratches. I had never seen mom so mad, and that was the last time I actually cried. I had cried for at least an hour, using Bill as a tissue, although I know he didn’t mind, he always let me do that. As far as I remember that was the last time I cried, until about a month ago… *so how was it? The next part is gonna be from the actual time Ginny’s in, not a flash back* ~Sydnie :harry3: |
*I’m not from England, so this chapter might sound weird to the people that are, I have some English and some American, lol.* I had held back my tears all through Professor Dumbledore’s funeral, and through the break up with Harry (Which I didn’t get by the way, we both know he still loves me) But now I’m sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about just about everything. I remembered when Harry broke up with me, “After the war, we could be together, but until then, you’re safer with other people.” He had said, stupid him! Voldemort already knows he loved, no, still loves me, why not be together while we can, I mean, what if he doesn’t survive the war? WAIT! Ginny, you can’t think that! You need to trust Harry! Anyway, I started to cry, I just couldn’t hold myself together anymore! Harry had broken up with me to protect me, but I think he just made me more vulnerable, I mean, when I’m upset, I’m rubbish at magic! He might not be, but I’m best when I’m really upset or extremely happy, that’s why I did so well in the battle last year… THUMP! Great, what could that be? I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen where I found Ron spread-eagled on the tile and Fred with his wand out and pointed square at Ron’s chest, the table was also in pieces that were all over the kitchen. Here we go. “I’m afraid to ask what happened.” I told them. I heard Ron humph and I looked down at him. He was getting up from the floor and dusting off his clothes. “Well, I was just kidding around, and I hexed Fred, nothing major, just a jelly legs jinx, and he flipped out and tried to disarm me, but missed and hit me backwards.” He was grumbling, and it was hard to understand him. Then my mom came bustling down the stairs. “Please tell me no one’s hurt, and if someone is, please tell me where and how.” She came into the kitchen with her eyes closed. “Might want to open your eyes mom, don’t want a splinter in your foot.” I warned her. She opened her eyes and gasped. “I don’t want to know what you did, just clean it up before your dad gets home.” She said trying to stay calm. She looked at our clock that shows where we are (sometimes, I really hate that thing) and my dad’s pointer moved from mortal peril to traveling. “And you best hurry, he’ll be here soon.” With that she swept outside to the garden uttering what sounded like “Why didn’t I have all girls? It’d be so much easier!" I laughed to myself. Ron said “Repairo” and the broken table fixed itself and Fred said “Scourgify” and the mess on the floor cleaned itself. Oh how I love magic! Thank you for reading! More soon! ~Sydnie :harry3: |
I can't believe I'm your first reader. This is really good! I love the plot! I guess it's because I'm a big fan of Harry/Ginny. LOL! Anyway... I wanted to comment you on your writing. You're excellent! And you keep everyone in character. I love it! Keep writing! PAMS! <3 Cai |
OMG! i have a reader! thank you so much for commenting! more soon! |
This is such a good story. I so can't wait for more. |
*I have 2 readers! sorry, I tend to write short chapters, But this one is pretty long, I hope you like it.* I really wish my brothers would learn how to be quiet in the morning; I was having a wonderful dream (about me and a certain someone if you’re wondering) and my stupid brother Ronald thought it’d be fun to come running through the house screaming “Yes!” over and over again. Sometimes he can be so annoying! I finally got fed up with it, put on my bath robe, grabbed some jeans and a blue tank top and headed up stairs to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done I got dressed and brushed my hair, and when I opened the bathroom door I was face to face with none other than Harry Potter, a.k.a: The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, and yes, My Ex-boyfriend. At least I had makeup on. But I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I blushed, and I could see the same happening in Harry’s face, yes, this is very uncomfortable. Curse being a Weasley! We blush so easily it’s almost scary! I was suddenly really interested in a spot on the carpet. I bolted into my room and locked the door. I hate my brother! He didn’t even tell me he had invited Harry to come! I’m gonna have to give him a piece of my mind today! He invited my ex to come and stay with us without telling me! The nerve of him! Well, at least that means Hermione will be here soon too. I hope. I finally got up the courage to go downstairs for breakfast, if I see Harry; I guess I’ll just act normal around him. If that’s possible, I was never actually normal around him, even before the whole boyfriend-girlfriend-breakup thing. Well, it never hurt to try. As I entered the kitchen I immediately regretted thinking that, as I saw Harry at the table talking to Phlegm, sorry, Fleur. (Her and Bill were here preparing for the wedding) I had to hide behind the banister. He was just chatting merrily to her (with a mesmerized look in his eyes) and she was simply chatting back. But from the look Harry had I knew she was putting on her Veela charm. And Ron wonders why I hate her! I decided to give trying to ignore them a try, and I went into the kitchen not even looking towards his beautifully messy jet black hair and his gorgeous emerald eyes. Stop it Ginny! Don’t even think that, you can’t be with him! I went to the counter where there were pancakes on a plate great; Fleur food. I put two pancakes on a plate and sat down at the end of the table, as far away from the Great Goggle-eyed hero talking to the spoiled veela. I stabbed a pancake and chewed vigorously. Halfway through my first pancake I heard an especially girly giggle escape Fluer’s beautifully ugly lips. I looked up unintentionally and spotted Harry blushing furiously with tea all down his front. “Missed your mouth?” I asked rudely as I got up and left the room in a huff. I stomped into the backyard and sat down underneath a big shade tree trying to calm down. Before long I heard footsteps behind me. I really didn’t want to talk. “Whoever it is, go away.” I said, not bothering to be nice. I heard the muffled thump of grass flattening beside me and looked up to tell the person to buzz off. Great, it was Harry. He was the last person on earth I wanted to talk to. “What was wrong back there?” he asked me, I wish he wouldn’t talk, his voice practically hypnotized me! “Nothing.” I said innocently. “I just walked out, I need fresh air.” I said in a voice that a four year old child would use. He looked at me with a stern gaze. “Gin, really, I’m not stupid. What. Happened?” I couldn’t look into his eyes. I just couldn’t. I knew that if I looked into his beautiful emerald pools I would break down and start crying, and I couldn’t do that in front of Harry. “Gin, Please, tell me.” He pleaded with an air of sadness in his voice. Harry can’t be sad because of me, I wouldn’t stand for it. “Okay.” I admitted, giving up. What else could he do? He already broke up with me. “Well…” I paused looking for the right words. “Hmmm. I guess…” why can’t I talk to him? You just need to spit it out Ginny! “I got jealous when you made Phle-, sorry, Fleur laugh, and of the total mesmerized look in your eyes when you talked to her, you didn’t look at me like that, and she’s getting married in a month! To my brother!” I said really fast. I don’t even know if he quite understood all of it. “Gin…” he started. Great. He did understand it. “Gin, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that to happen. I know Fleur is getting married, I wasn’t ‘Hitting on her’ I promise. And I’m sorry I made you jealous. Gin…I’m sorry I broke up with you in the first place, but you know why I had to do it. It’s for your own good.” He sounded so noble. I hate it when he sounds noble. He was leaning. Leaning towards me! Wow! We’re gonna kiss! Wait, his lips aren’t puckered. That’s odd. Maybe he’ll pucker right before. It won’t hurt to try. I leaned forward, my own lips puckered for a kiss. I was about three inches from his mouth when he grabbed my chin. “Ginny. I can’t. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. I know you’re strong enough to move on; Even if you find someone else. Ginny, for your own safety: stop loving me.” With that he got up and went inside. I couldn’t believe what just happened! He said to stop loving him! How can I do that? I let my head fall to my knees, which I had hugged up to my chest. I can’t love Harry. I can’t love Harry. I can’t love Harry. That was the only thing my mind seemed to register. I didn’t even hear the footsteps behind me until someone sat down beside me. I didn’t look up. “Go away, Harry, I don’t want to talk anymore.” I murmured. “Gin, it’s me.” Hermione Granger, my best friend, said, patting my shoulder. “Sorry.” I whispered, willing the tears not fall. “What’s wrong, Ginny?” she asked politely. I was glad that she didn’t mind me not looking at her. “Nothing.” I said. “Gin, really, I’m not stupid. What. Happened?” she asked sternly. I was reminded momentarily of Harry; I didn’t want to think of him. Not now, not ever. “You don’t need to worry about it, Mione. Your life is perfect.” I said with out thinking. Great. She looked hurt now. Stupid Ginny! “Gin, please tell me, I wont tell anyone, you know that.” She whispered. What choice did I have? “Well, I just admitted to Harry that I still love him, I tried to kiss him, he stopped me, and he told me to stop loving him. HE CALLED ME GINNY! NOT GIN. GINNY!” before I knew it I was sobbing, crying my eyes out on Hermione’s shoulder. I felt bad for her; she had a very new looking shirt on. After what felt like forever I had no tears left. Hermione’s such a good friend, sitting with me for that long. “I’m so sorry.” Hermione whispered. She looked it to, she had tears in her own eyes and she was hugging the breath out of me. “Hermione…” I started. “Yes?” she asked. “Do you fancy Ron?” *sorry, cliff hanger, not a big one, so i dont dont think that you guys will mind though. Thank you for reading!* ~Sydnie :harry3: |
Wow that was such a great chapter. I so can't wait for more. |
* I have actually written up to the eighth chapter so far, and I actually think that someone likes my story so far, so i will post the first part of chapter for today too. The next chapter has two parts just so you know* Ch Hermione looked back at me with an affronted look in her eyes. You might have thought I slapped her. “Du-do I fancy Ronald?” she stammered. “Nuh, no, of course not, no, no! What could make you think that? Me…fancy your brother? That would never happen. No. No I don’t.” I laughed. She was blabbering. I knew she did, I didn’t take her words as rude. “Mione, I’m not stupid.” Boy, people were over using those words today. “You can tell that you do, I have a feeling that he fancies you too.” I said. My mind was fully off Harry now, funny how gossip can do that to you. “Really?” she asked, her eyes widening. “Yup, I’m gonna go up to my room, why don’t you go talk to him? If he says no, I’d kiss him, that’ll make him admit his feelings.” I said, hoping she’d listen to my advice. She got up and put out her hand to help me up. We went inside and climbed up to my bedroom; we didn’t see anyone, so we thought the boys must be in Ron’s room. “Okay, Mione, you know the plan, kick Harry out, tell him my mom wants him in the back yard, then ask Ron, you better hurry though, it probably won’t take Harry long before he figures out he’s been tricked.” I reminded her. She got up and went out the door. Once again, Tahnks for reading, more tomorrow...most likely... ~Sydnie :harry3: |
I really love your concept here. It's very in-character for Ginny. And yeah, that part about Hermione going no [like a million times] is in character for her too. The story is really good so far. I'll be keeping an eye on this one!;) |
i love this story,it's really nice to actually see a Ginny point of view for once. Continue to write more!!! |
*YAY! more readers! anyway, heres part two* I laid on my bed for what seemed like forever. I guess it hadn’t been, but that’s what it seemed like. I hoped Hermione and my idiot brother hadn’t started fighting. If they had it would have been entirely my fault. Just as I thought that there was a knock on my door. “Come in!” I yelled not getting off my bed. Hermione came in looking flustered, but completely and hysterically happy. That must be a good sign. “So…” I tempted, wanting to know what happened. “Well,” Hermione started in an airy voice I’ve never heard her use. I was utterly terrified. I was gonna go talk to Ron about me. Me and him to be exact. I just hope Harry will leave. I walked up the stairs and knocked on Ron’s bedroom door. “Come in!” Harry yelled. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Harry was twiddling his wand absentmindedly in his hands and Ron was sprawled out on his bed watching Chudley Cannon Players zoom in and out of there posters. “Umm, Harry, Mrs. Weasley wanted to see you in the backyard.” I lied trying to sound convincing, my voice was shaking so badly from the thing I was about to do I would be amazed if I sounded normal. I must have because Harry got up, said thanks, and left the room. I walked into the room, closed the door, and sat down on Harry’s cot. Ron looked at me quizzically. “Ronald, I need to talk to you like mature adults.” I said sitting up straight. He got up and sat down by me. “What?” he asked. I took a deep breath. “Ronald,” I started trying to sound ‘grown up’. Wait, I’m seventeen, I am grown up! “I need you to tell me honestly: do you like me?” “Well, sure I like you Hermione, you’re one of my best friends!” he said astounded. “No Ronald, do you LIKE me?” I put a lot of emphasis on like. “Well, umm. Do I LIKE you? Hmm, this is an odd question.” He said obviously embarrassed. I loved it when his ears turned red, even though they clash horribly with his hair. “Yes, Ron. Do you fancy me?” Calling him Ron must have calmed him down a bit. “Well, yes, I suppose I do.” He muttered looking at the floor. “I’m not forcing you to say it Ron, but if you do, I’d like you to know, I like you too.” I said without thinking. He looked much more relieved. “Well, yeah, then, I do.” He admitted. Before I knew it we were kissing. I, Hermione Jean Granger, was kissing Ronald Billius Weasley. Before I knew it, and wanted to, we were pulling apart from each other. Ron had a glazed look in his eyes and I guessed that I did too, because Ron laughed. “Well, I guess we’re together now?” I asked shyly. “Yeh, I guess so.” He replied stunned. I didn’t know what else to do, so I kissed him lightly on the cheek and left the room. “And now I’m back here.” Hermione finished with a smile. “That’s wonderful!” I squealed, sounding way un-Ginny-ish. “I know! It was the best moment in my life! And you don’t even know the half of it, It was way better than it sounded, we…” I held up my hand, I didn’t want to know the details. “Mione, this is my brother we’re talking about, I really don’t want to know how good or bad of a kisser he is.” I said with a disgusted look on my face. “Oh yea, sorry.” She apologized, blushing. “Well, I’m gonna go eat lunch.” Hermione said breaking the silence. I didn’t realize it was still that early. “Okay, you go; I don’t want to see Harry.” I admitted. “You know, you can’t hide from him forever.” She said as she walked out the door. “Watch me.” I snapped back to no one. It was late at night. Well, not that late, but it felt late to someone that had been cooped up in her room all day. Yep, you guessed it, me. I didn’t have the courage to go downstairs and possibly face Harry. I’ve been upstairs by myself, and the quiet was beginning to get annoying. I decided to chance going downstairs. The sitting room was empty, all except for Bill and Phle—Fleur. (I really need to stop calling her that.) I decided it was safe enough and went to sit on the couch. I sat down by Bill and watched as he played with Fleur’s hair. She started giggling like she did that morning and once again it about annoyed the red out of my hair. Bill started laughing with her and I began to feel very left out. Fleur kissed his hand as he went to stoke her chin and I had had enough. “AM I THE ONLY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS STUPID HOUSE?” I screamed. That got their attention. Before either of them had a chance to say anything I was up the stairs and halfway to my room. I passed Harry on the way up to my room, Ron and Hermione must have still been at dinner, those stupid love birds. He tried to stop me, but I just pushed away his arm and kept walking, he was the one that I wanted to feel guilty, he’s the reason I’m single! I could feel Bill’s heavy foot falls behind me, so I started running. I didn’t want to talk. I made it to my room, Thankfully Hermione was still at dinner, and I slammed the door shut and locked it. I could hear whispers on the other side of my door. I got off my bed and put my ear to it. I had to know who it was and why they were there. (I’m a girl, I like gossip!) After listening for a while I figured out It was Harry and Bill, and they were talking about me. I tuned in even more. “I don’t care if you want to talk to her, I’m her brother! It was my fault she yelled that and I think I should go talk to her first!” it was Bill. “NO!” Harry yelled. How dare he yell at my brother! “Harry, you’re the one that caused her to be single, so therefore you were the one that made her yell. I think you’d just get her more worked up.” “I broke up with her for her own good!” Harry yelled defensively. “If I didn’t she would be more vulnerable! Voldemort would surely use her as bait!” “Harry, if you really cared about her, you would be with her while you can!” “Don’t you dare tell me that I don’t care about her! Don’t you even THINK that I don’t care about her! I care more about her than I do about anyone else on the face of the planet! Ron and Hermione both know why I did it, why can’t you get it through your think skull, Bill Weasley, That I...love…her!” he yelled. There was a very loud bang and the sound a large object hitting the wall. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to see who had been hurt. When I opened my door I had to close my eyes. Both Harry and Bill were on the floor, Harry with a picture of me and Bill broken in half lying beside him. I guessed it had fallen on his head when he hit the wall, for he had a trickle of blood coming out of his messy hair. Bill was sprawled-eagled on the stairs and he looked to be unconscious. Great; and I was the cause of it all! I heard Harry moan, and look towards him. His gaze met mine and I turned on my heel and marched back into my room, completely forgetting about Bill. “Ginny, wait!” Harry pleaded. “I need to talk to you.” “We already talked today, Potter!” I reminded him. Yes, I did say Potter. It will be Potter until I’m Gin. He got a stunned look on his face. *Hope you guys all liked it, more to come ~Sydnie :harry3: |
ooohhh...messy fight. Ouch poor Bill. I was giggling at the Ron/Hermione part! You should really think of putting more lines between the people who are talking coz it get's a bit confusing. For example: Quote:
“I don’t care if you want to talk to her, I’m her brother! It was my fault she yelled that and I think I should go talk to her first!” it was Bill. “NO!” Harry yelled. How dare he yell at my brother! “Harry, you’re the one that caused her to be single, so therefore you were the one that made her yell. I think you’d just get her more worked up.” that way we know whose talking. just a suggestion...:) |
OMG it's soo good, I hope Bill's alright. PAMS!!! |
Oh, thanks griffin girl (sorry i dont know your name) i'll try to do that now. more soon ~Sydnie |
*This is faster than i thought it would be...* “Ginny! Let me in! I need to talk to you! Why did you yell at Bill tonight?” it had been while since the incident. I had magically locked my door so nobody could open it using Alohamora. (I was glad that I lived in a house full of wizards; I was never detected for doing magic, as long as it wasn’t major). Bill had long since given up on trying to talk to me, but Potter? Oh no, not Potter, he was as stubborn as a moody thestral! “For the millionth time, Potter; I’m not opening my door!” I screamed. “Why are you calling me Potter anyway, I used to be Harry!” he asked. “Yes, and I used to be Gin!” I reminded him. That shut him up fast. When he recovered he yelled “Ginerva Weasley, open this door this minute or I will be forced to break it down!” he reminded me oddly of my father. “No, I don’t think I will!” I screamed back. “Bombarda!” he ordered as my door broke into pieces. “Nice, Potter, fix it and leave!” I ordered. He ignored me, and sat down on my bed. “I said fix it and leave!” I repeated. He said “Repairo” but didn’t get up from my bed. “Now leave!” I yelled. He folded his arms determinedly. I just stared back with my death glare. “LEAVE!” I screamed. I was about to forcefully make him leave when he grabbed my hand. “Potter, you made it very clear today that you don’t love me, you made it very clear that I can’t love you, and you told me flat out to find someone else. Why then, in the name of Dumbledore, do you care in the slightest what I meant tonight?” I whispered, to my throat to sore to yell, while looking at my bed sheets. “Because Gin,” He called me Gin! “I do love you, I really, truly do! I just need to pretend I don’t, If Voldemort finds out that I love you he will use you as bait, I know he will, Gin! You’ve got to understand! I need you to trust me!” he added with a pleading look in his eyes. “I do, Harry, but I just can’t bear not being with you.” Your lips on mine, your hand interlocked with mine. I finished inside my head. “Gin, listen, please…” but before he had the chance to finish I had my lips on his. I was kissing him like there was no tomorrow, and there might not have been, you never knew these days. And the best part was; Harry was kissing back! I could tell he was putting all his love into that one kiss. But all too soon, it ended. I looked up into his face. His eyes were swimming, not with tears, but with humiliation. I didn’t know why he had to be humiliated, it was just me. Then I realized what it was, he was ashamed to have given in to the temptation. He was ashamed he had kissed me when he was trying to save me. I didn’t get that; I was absolutely thrilled he did! “Harry,” I whispered, “Don’t worry yourself, you know you can’t resist me.” I tried not to giggle. “That’s what worries me, I have no self control.” He whispered back. I knew he didn’t mean that to be funny, but I giggled anyway. “Gin…” he started, but didn’t have a chance to finish, for I put my index finger to his lips, a polite way to say Shut up. I led him over to my bed and told him to sit down, and I’d be right back. He did so, but reluctantly. *I hope that was easier to read than the last ones, I tried to space it out. ~Sydnie :harry3: |
yup, that was easier to read.^_^ *giggles* Yeah Harry, y'know you can't resist her. :lmao: Nice. Gotta give the dude props though. He never gave up on making Ginny talk to him. |
It's just getting better and better, wonder what Ginny's going to do next. PAMS!! |
Those last chapters were so amazing. I agree you really kept them in character. I loved the last chapter. Harrry so can't resist Ginny. Wonder what she is going to show him. So can't wait for morel. *Grabs a tent and pitches it, Goese inside and waits for more.* |
*thank you guys so much for your comments, they make me feel so good. and now, part two... I tip-toed to the sitting room where I knew a blanket would be laying on the couch. As always, there was one, and I grabbed it and hurriedly went upstairs back to my room. Hermione didn’t come back to my room, and Harry looked in no state to feel sorry for Ron and Hermione if he walked inside while they were snogging (if they were) so I decided I would let him sleep on my floor. Surprisingly, Harry was right where I had left him, just staring out my window with a blank look in his eyes. Poor guy! He has so much on his mind! “Hey.” Was all he said as I walked back into my room. “Here.” I said laying down the blanket. “I’ll sleep here tonight, you can have my bed.” I told him, changing my mind. I didn’t know what was wrong with him, he had a very dazed look in his eyes and he listened to my pathetic comforting. He was the complete opposite of his usual self. I think it had something to do with kissing me. I smiled at him gently, and then crawled into my make-shift bed. I was about to fall asleep when I felt fingers grab my hand. It was Harry. I smiled to my self and fell asleep. *sorry its short, i will post more real soon ~Sydnie :harry3: * |
so they slept on the floor together? they could've used the bed instead!xD I do wonder what Ron and Hermione are up to...:shifty: |
awwww, that is sooo sweet, he held her hand as she fell asleep!!PAMS! |
*I said I'd post soon, so here is the first part of the next chapter.There is three parts to this chapter, it’s a long one…* “Harry… Harry… HARRY JAMES POTTER!” I opened my eyes groggily. Great, that was my stupid brother calling Harry. He probably realized he wasn’t in his room. Well, Hermione didn’t come back to my room either… “HARRY JAMES POTTER! GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTINT BEFORE I COME UP AND HEX YOU!” Ron yelled. I will surely give him a piece of my mind, that little hypocrite. “Harry…Harry…Harry…” I cooed, trying to wake him up. I shook his shoulders a little. “Harry. My brat of a brother wants to yell at you.” I warned him, even gentler. “Humghphum?” he asked, opening his eyes. “I said, ‘my brat of a brother wants to yell at you.’” I told him. He sat up. “Great, what for?” he asked sleepily. “I think it has to do with you sleeping in my room last night, my brother has no trust.” I informed him. He got up hurriedly and ran to the bedroom door. “Where are you going?” I asked sweetly. “Well, I really don’t want to die a painful death; maybe if I get down quick I can convince Ron to do it quick.” He replied I laughed as he flashed me a brilliant white smile and ran down the stairs. I grabbed my clothes for the day and headed towards the bathroom. After a warm shower I went back to my room to find Hermione sitting peacefully on my bed, looking out the window. “Hey, how was last night?” I asked sneakily. She jerked, but when she saw me she relaxed and smiled. “I might ask you the same question.” She replied with a smirk. “I,” I started, defending myself, “didn’t do anything, Harry fell asleep on my bed, and I fell asleep on this thing.” I lied, pointing to the make-shift bed. “What did you do?” I asked her. “Honestly…We just stayed up all night talking. About nothing really, just talking.” She replied. I nodded my head as a kind of sarcastic “Uh huh, sure” way and grabbed her hand. “Where are we going?” she asked. “Just down to breakfast.” I told her. “Okay.” She replied When we got to the sitting room I could hear Breakfast; it was completely chaotic. Ron was yelling at Harry, and it was my fault. I caught up with Ron’s words, “-You were in my little sisters room all night and you just expect me to rub it off?!?” he screamed. “How can I ever trust you again if you did that? How do you EVEN think that I will just forget about it?” he yelled. “Listen mate.” Harry began. “NO YOU LISTEN! YOU BROKE UP WITH HER FOR A REASON, YOU CAUSED THIS! IT WAS YOUR CHOICE!” “IT WAS NOT MY CHOICE; YOU’RE THE ONE THAT TOLD ME TO DO IT!” Harry was yelling now too. So it was my brother that gave Harry the bright idea of breaking up with me…now I’m really gonna give him a piece of my mind! “Ron, seriously, you think I would do anything like that? I just fell asleep on her floor.” He lied. Well, who could blame him, he probably thought my brother was going to hex him; personally, I’d be scared if I were him too. “I DON’T NEED TO LISTEN TO YOUR CONTINUOUS LIES!” Ron screamed. That’s it, Harry didn’t deserve this. “Don’t you DARE yell at Harry for my stupidity!” I screamed, whipping my wand out of my pocket and pointing it at his chest. “Your stupidity?” he asked, bewildered. “You made him sleep on your floor?” “Yes, Ronald, you ignorant jerk!” I whispered, in a very deadly voice. Ron looked scared. Harry looked relieved. He gave me an encouraging smile, and I proceeded in a whisper, “Ronald, Harry was having a very hard time last night and I invited him to sleep on my floor, nothing more than that. And I seem to remember Hermione didn’t come back to my room either, you disgusting hypocrite!” “We just-” “Save it!” I growled, grabbing a bagel and storming outside to the garden. I could here inside as I walked- “Listen mate,” Ron was saying. “No, Ron, I don’t want to listen to you.” Harry murmured. I could here footsteps coming my way. I sat down on a bench in our garden and waited for Harry to sit down by me, I knew it was him. A minute later, I found my prediction was, infact, right. Harry sighed and sat down next to me. “Thanks, back there, for sticking up for me, I didn’t deserve it.” He muttered. “What do you mean ‘You didn’t deserve it?’?” I asked. “I didn’t deserve for you to stick u p for me. I shouldn’t have done that last night, now it’ll be harder for us to move on.” He barely whispered, his head bowed. “What do you mean, ‘Harder for us to move on’?” I questioned again. “Gin,” he pleaded. “You know as well as I do we can’t be together!” he reminded me, for what seemed like the gazillionth time. “Harry, don’t tell me you’re still on about that!” I pleaded. “On about it?” he asked. “I will be ‘on about it’ until I know it’s safe!” he told me, his voice rising. “Harry, don’t you get it?” I asked, my voice also rising. “I can do better when I’m with you!” my voice was pleading, begging him to understand. “What do you mean?” his voice sounded interested. I took advantage of this, “I mean, I’m a better fighter when I feel a very strong emotion, either love or anger, but I can’t fight worth owl droppings when I’m depressed!” I told him, now both my eyes and voice pleading. He considered my words. “Well,” he paused, thinking, “I guess we could try it out.” He talked very slowly. “But!” he added, “If I get even one sniff of trouble, we’re going to be ‘broken up’ and you’re going to hate me.” He warned. I knew what he meant, that if he thinks I’m threatened, I have to pretend to hate him, that thought didn’t phase me, I was to thrilled about him actually agreeing to be my boyfriend again! I was so happy I… *Hope you guys liked it, once again, thanks for reading, more soon* ~Sydnie :harry3: |
Oh my gosh. those were brillant chapters. love the last one. knew that harry could live without her. And wow Ron just exploding at harry like. so in character. i love this story. can't wait for more. |
Love this story!!!!!!!! Well done on the ships and everything you did really well portraying them!! |
*smirks* please, maybe in words they were broken up but they always had feelings for each other...so they were always 'together' now they're just officially together! FINALLY! LoL...I knew Harry would give in...Ginny is one of the best debaters ever!:lol: GREAT CHAPTER! |
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