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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
“ Cara Beshdin. I'm in my eittgh teirm at Mistychioa. Pleaz ezcuse me Englo.” The black head shook my hand.
“ Augustus Beshdin, I am in my eigth term at Mystychioa, Cara and I are cousins.” The man also shook my hand.
“ Tessa Grath, seventh and last year here at Hogwarts. You two will be staying at the head prefects rooms.” I smiled warmly at them. Sidney and Orion then introduced themselves.
“ Oh! Tessa, I have to go. I'm going to be late for my date with James, take care.” Sidney suddenly said half way through our conversation with Cara.
“ Um okay.. Have fun, slap him for me.” I laughed slightly bemused.
“ Eez et truu dat Harry Potters chiledren go ere?” Cara's Italian French accent was a little amusing.
“ Yes. Actually Sidney dates his son James.” I answered, quickly I glanced over at Augustus and Orion, they were deep conversation over quidditch, rolling my eyes I turned back to Cara.
“ Dat eez certentlee a noice thing.” Cara laughed slightly.
“ Hey Tessa, which quidditch team is your favorite?” Orion asked.
“ Um.. Bulgaria because they have a drop dead handsome seeker or Holyhead Harpies.” I answered.
“ What! I'm drop dead handsome not Krum.” Orion sounded offended. I started to cough.
“ Take that back or else you'll regret it.” I said through my coughing.
“ No.” Cara and Augustus were now laughing.
“ Yes!”
“ No.”
“ Yes.”
“ What's going on?” Christopher, Lily and Albus had just showed up.
“ He says he's drop dead handsome.” I glared at Orion.
“ She say's I'm not.” Orion laughed.
“ It's alright Orion, you are.” Lily said soothingly.
“ Uhh. Lily. Please don't say things like that in front of your brother.” Albus through her a look of I'm-Telling-Dad. Lily, Orion and I all started to laugh.
“ Um. Hi?” Harry Potter had just shown up.
“ Daad. I mean Professor Potter. Lily said that Orion Malfoy was drop dead handsome.” Albus complained. Harry took one look at him then burst in to laughter. Sidney attracted by the noise walked over, James in tow.
“ What's up?” She asked.
“ Tessa says that Orion is not drop dead handsome.” Lily explained.
“ Lily says he is drop dead handsome.” I smirked.
“ Oh, then what is he?” Lily demanded.
“ Drop dead cute.” Everyone stared at me in shock.
“ Or maybe he's drop dead handsomely cute.” Sidney said after getting over her shock...
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Ooh! The new students have arrived! Aw! Sidney and James! Haha! I love Tessa's comment after Sidney said she had to go. That was so funny! Haha! Orion always makes me laugh. And so does Tessa. And their fights! Haha! Christopher, Lily and Albus! And Lily saying that in front of her brother. And then Harry showing up. Aw! Tessa said Orion was cute! That's so cute! And the last bit was funny! OMG! I can't believe how much i laughed at that chapter! It was hilarious! Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
“ Uh.. Tessa. You just can't go around saying things like that. It's rather creepy coming from you.” Orion glared at me, I was glad that I had something to reply to hopefully make him forget what I said, that would be really useful.. I don't want anything knowing what I secretly think of Orion.
“ Seriously.. I just said something, not that I mean anything by it.. Do me a favor will you?” A bright idea came in to my head, well the favor idea thing. I wonder if it will work, it would be quite funny if it did. And rather creepy.
“ What?” Orion was totally suspicious. I liked it when he was suspicious, he has no idea what's going to hit him. I almost laughed in his face because of this, boys can be really dumb some of the time.. But then again, who would have ever know what I was going to say. I didn't even really know what I was going to say. Actually I take that back, how could I be able to say it if I didn't know what I was going to say. Gah! My mind is so annoying.
“ Don't enter the Tri-Wizard tournament we don't want a thick headed pureblood like you to be the champion.” I grinned at him,
“ I'll at least win it.. Unlike a certain muggleborn witch in my year.” He glared at me. I continued grinning at him then decided to go to the feast wondering how many different foods they would have. And I also pondered over the fact that he didn't call me a mudblood.. Strange, I wonder what brought a sudden change upon him. Weirdo.. Finally I found Sidney again, exchanged a few quick words with her then proceeded back to the Slytherin table.
“ Hi.” A first year Slytherin walked over to me, she looked really nervous. This was weird, but then I remembered that I was Head Girl.” I uh.. I.. My best friend and I were in the Forbidden Forest, and she got separated from m-me.. And I can't find her!” The little girl started crying. I did my best not to ask why they were even in the forest.
“ Alright, I'll go find her.. And let you both off this time. Just don't go in there again, want me to get her alone? What's your name and hers?” I tried to be nice.. Something I didn't specialize in. The girl looked shocked that I was letting them both off, obviously she had heard some stories about me, I was wondering why she came to me instead of Orion but then again, she probably thought he would treat her like dirt because she was Slytherin.
“ I-I'm Cadence Spinner, my friend is Ariel Weasley, if I could come with you just to make sure she doesn't get scared from you.. Er.. To make sure you don't scare her.” The girl stuttered. I scare someone? Since when was I ever scary? What rumors had this girl been hearing about me, I know there are some really strange ones but.. Me scary? Never!
“ Right Cadence, let's go.” I sat up, forgetting that I hadn't eaten anything. I took the younger girls hand and started for the doors. We got there pretty quickly and then proceeded to the Forbidden Forest, as soon as we were 100 yards away I pulled out my wand.” Precautions. I got lost in the Forest when I was around your age, third year I believe.” I smiled at Cadence.
“ What happened?” Cadence sounded interested, as she tried to return the smile. Not quite managing to do so. I like the girls white curls, they were pretty. Her misty eyes were rather mysterious looking, wow.. This girl is really pretty from my point of view. I'm sure that boys would be swarming around her when she was older, I feel bad for her.
“ Well uh.. I was stuck in there overnight and bumped in to uh.. Orion Malfoy, he kinda like.. Rescued me. But you can't repeat this story, I told him that if he told anyone that I would kill him.. But I won't kill you, your too innocent.” I grinned at her as we took another turn through the winding paths of the forest. Cadence laughed a little.
“ ALLIE?!” She called out after a few moments.” ARIEL? ARIEL IT'S ME CADENCE! WHERE ARE YOU?” Cadence was definitely worried when no response came.” Do you think she'll have to stay over night here?” She asked me weakly.
“ No, we'll find her.” I reassured Cadence, who brightened up slightly. I thought I heard a crack of wood being broken and spun around pointing my wand in that direction. And I was surprised at what I saw.” Caver!” I almost shrieked.” Don't ever surprise me like that again, by the way, have you seen a eleven year old girl around her.. What does she look like Cadence?”
“ Er..” Cadence stared at the big centaur in awe.” Hufflepuff, red hair, brown eyes, exactly my height, same heart shaped face as mine..” Cadence blinked a couple times as Caver walked over to me.. I kinda guessed that since Ariel had red hair.. Weasley..
“ I think I saw her that way.. Would like me to take you over there?” Caver asked in his deep voice. He watched us with surprise. I nodded and took Cadence's hand again. We traveled together for a bit and finally found Ariel Weasley, her foot was caught in some branches quickly I freed it.
“ CADENCE!” She yelled almost deafening me.” Oh my gosh, thank you! I was so s...” She noticed my badge and stopped suddenly, it was rather annoying.” Oh no!” Ariel muttered looking frightened. Cadence immediately start reassuring her friend that they weren't going to have detention.
“ You should all head back, the skies are darkening and the other centaurs would be displeased if you were in the forest for there meeting to watch the stars.” Caver had his head tilted towards the sky as he said this, it was getting dark I noticed, so I quickly led Cadence and Ariel out of the forest and back to the castle.
“ I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough miss Grath.” Cadence turned to face me, happiness beamed from her face almost.. I nodded a your welcome. Then made my mind up on something.
“ Hey you two, as to not get in suspicion from your room mates why you were away for so long you can come stay in the Head Prefects dorm, and can use my room.” I knew this was slightly crazy, but for some reason I didn't want to get them in trouble.” You won't get points taken away or detention, I've seen it be done before. Come on this way.
After a few minutes we arrived there and then entered, I showed them my room and started wandering around as they fell asleep. In my wandering as I was walking by Orion's room (which was empty). I heard some soft whistling, surprised I entered and looked around, the whistling stopped as soon as I entered. I was about to leave but saw the quidditch book on his bed and started reading having nothing better to do and forgetting who's room I was in. My mind began to cloud with images of Orion and I hated myself for letting that happen, eventually I cried myself to sleep.. On his bed...
I woke up rubbing my eyes and almost panicked forgetting were I was..” Hey, Ariel wake up it's morning time, we are going to miss breakfast.” I shook the red head lying next to me, not waiting for a response I slipped out of the comfy bed and headed towards the living room. I was surprised to see Orion Malfoy on the couch reading a book.” Your up early.” I commented airily, Orion was clearly surprised to see me.
“ Cadence! What.. Your eleven but, this is the head prefects quarters, what are you doing here?” He paused slightly.” Actually, I probably don't want to know.. Do you happen to know why Tessa's sleeping on my bed? Couches are uncomfortable to sleep on." Orion patted the place next to him for me to sit, I proceeded to do so.
“ Well, I am eleven.. Tessa helped my friend, I mean.. You know Ariel Weasley? My best friend.. Yea believe it or not I'm friends with Ariel, anyways back to my story. Allie and I were exploring the the Forbidden Forest, NO! Don't say anything about me being dumb, even if it was my idea, Allie got lost and I had to find either the head girl or head boy to help me and you were somewhere.. Tessa helped then invited us to stay the night.”
“ You are the strangest girl I've ever met, discounting Tessa.” Orion rolled his eyes.” So.. Uh, I just don't understand how your a friend with a Weasley.. Wouldn't they like automatically hate you or something? I mean your related to the Malfoy's and your mum was Daphne Greengrass, that gives them every reason to h.. Let's not go there.”
“ You two know each other... Or what?” Tessa entered yawning, she looked rather tired to me.” Oh.. DARN! I.. Uh.” She face palmed.. I almost laughed, but I'm to nice to do such a thing.” I'm not apologizing Orion.. And why is your bed more comfy then mine? It isn't fair.. I'm registering a complaint to the...” Tessa stopped as Professor Snape entered.
“ So.. Cadence, is there a reason you were not in your dormitories last night? I was asked to check by your head of house the reason why you did not show up to your meeting with him.” Lily Snape narrowed her eyes at me, I couldn't believe that I forgot my meeting with Professor Potter, though I have one question to ask him.. Why did a Gryffindor end up being the Slytherin head of house.
“ Professor Snape!” I yelped jumping up in surprise.” I was uh.. Visiting with my cousin and uh. I'm so sorry! I have to go to apologize to him.. And uh.” I ran out of the room close to tears hardly believing my stupidity. Then I ran back in to the room quickly.” Hey Tessa why did you sleep in Orion's bed?” I ran out trying not to laugh now.
***Tessa's PoV
I am about ready to kill Cadence, I was blushing furiously as Professor Snape was laughing hysterically. Finally she left.” Yea Tessa, why did you sleep in my bed?” Orion asked he was.. Fortunately, not laughing. I have no idea how he could keep a straight face after something like this happened.” Or did you just randomly think my room was yours?”
“ I uhhh. Really don't want to get in to this now.” I glared at Orion and proceeded in to the kitchen. Orion followed having to deal with some stuff.” Your turn for dishes today.” I grinned cheekily at him changing the subject. He said nothing and actually started doing the dishes. There was a uneasy silence between us. So I decided to sit on the counter seeing as I could get away with it. Well I most probably could.
“ Five points from Slytherin for sitting on the counter.” Orion surprised me.
“ Five points from Gryffindor for splashing me with water.” I countered.
“ Five points to Slytherin for countering my sudden decision.”
“ Five points to Gryffindor to be fair.”
“ Five points from Slytherin to be unfair.”
“ Five points from Gryffindor because your Orion.”
“ Five points to Slytherin because your Tessa,”
“ Five points to Gryffindor for observing something.” We were now both laughing and rather enjoying ourselves.
***Breakfast table. Sidney's PoV.
What in the world! Slytherin lost 5 points, now Gryffindor. Wait.. There getting there points back, and taken away, and back.. What the. I swear that if.. TESSA AND ORION DID THIS! My train of thought suddenly came to a halt and I dashed from the table.
***Back to Tessa's PoV
Orion and I were still laughing after like three minutes, I was surprisingly literally, hanging off of him to not fall over. Well I mean like, my arm was around his neck. For some reason we both stopped laughing at the same time, I just stood there one arm around his neck staring in to his deep grey eyes doing nothing. Oh great.. Now we are back to this uneasy silence between us staring at each other. I could swear I moved closer to him.. Wait! Why am I moving closer to him if I didn't mean to. I am officially crazy. Then well it happened. We kissed.
***Tessa's Flashback.
I was standing in line waiting to be sorted, everything was just like.. Like a fairy tale. Soon enough I heard Headmistress McGonagall call out my name. I was shocked, I knew exactly what to do but then again. I didn't.” Go on up, I hope your in Slytherin.” The cute blonde boy who I think was named Orion smiled encouragingly at me. I walked up and put the hat on my head. And soon enough it yelled out for me to be Slytherin. I could swear that Orion clapped the loudest.
I was in a slight daze and stared at my gold plate rather bored and was surprised to hear.” Malfoy, Orion.” Shouted out. I looked up watching and hoping that he would also be Slytherin. I mean he was like, the cutest boy in Hogwarts! And I'd only just gotten there. Much to my dismay he was put in Gryffindor. And I payed no attention the sorting or anything else, well other then my plate.
“ Hey.. You look interested in learning every singly detail of that plate.” Orion surprised me, I looked up and noticed he was grinning at me.” I'm Orion by the way, Orion Malfoy. Your Tessa. Tessa Grath, nice to meet you.” He held out his hand still grinning, I took it and shook it smiling back at him.” So uh.. Congratulations on being Slytherin. I wish I was one.”
“ Hm, yea. Probably would have made a good one..” I looked back at my plate and bit my tongue not quite sure what to say. I noticed that the Potter, James person was trying to wage a glaring war with Orion and catch the first to be sorted eye, a red head named Sidney.” Is there a reason that Potter boy dislikes you?” I was hardly believing my eyes, how could anyone dislike Orion? I'm practically obsessing over the boy, but still, what's not to like?
“ Oh his and mine dad hate each other. Just carrying on the family genes I guess.” Orion laughed slightly, then kicked some third year out of the place that was next to me and then sat down in the girls place.” So, what do you think of Hogwarts? Or at least what you have seen of it. I was taken on a tour about three or four years ago, though I wasn't allowed in the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor or Slytherin dormitories or common rooms.”
“ Oh so those are the names of the house's, I honestly wasn't paying the slightest attention.” I wasn't going to say why though.” It's.. Magnificent, really truly magnificent. Though I don't understand in the slightest why someone would make something like this to teach school in. Well, magic isn't normal school. It's so weird, magic is.” Orion was laughing again, his laugh is so cute!
“ Your really funny. I've never known anything other then magic, I'm a pureblood and a only child. You got any siblings? My dad's normally really proud of me but he's gonna be really disappointed when he finds out that I'm in Gryffindor. I wonder if I wouldn't have to tell him.” The look on Orion's face made me laugh or giggle, whichever you which to call it.” What?” He turned to face me confused. It took me a little bit to calm down.
“ The look on your face was highly amusing.” I coughed slightly.. From then on Orion Malfoy and I were best friend, well that is until it happened. That horrible horrible it...
***End of flashback.
“ Tessa and Orion I'm going to-” Sidney broke off seeing us and her eyes went all big and stuff. I immediately pulled away from Orion.” What. Is. Going. On?” She asked taking deep breaths.” I mean! I know what's going.. Actually, I don't, you know some kind of explanation to why my best friend is kissing her arch enemy might be nice.” Sidney paused then continued.“ ORION WHAT WERE YOU DOING KISSING TESSA? I'M SURPRISED SHE HASN'T KILLED YOU YET!”
“ Um.. I'm really not sure why.” I started, Sidney stared at me as if I was out of my mind.” What?! I don't know why, aaaand he started it okay? Orion kissed me first.” Orion turned to look at me, I felt my face going red. As both my best friend and the guy I hate/love/just kissed me were watching me. It was rather uncomfortable. Plus Sidney's sudden out burst didn't help in the slightest.” First I fall asleep in his bed now this.” I muttered, but unfortunately the other two heard me.
“ YOU FELL ASLEEP IN HIS BED?!” Sidney looked like she was about to faint. I nodded my head weakly, falling on to the couch. I honestly feel like fainting myself, this is officially the worst day ever!” Tessa I thought you has some common sense, and what was that thing about Gryffindor and Slytherin gaining and loosing points?”
“ I wasn't in the room when she fell asleep in it.. Seriously Sid, you jump the worst conclusions.” Orion started to laugh, Sidney seemed to calm down a little bit.” Aand that.. That was us well.. Uh, having slight arguments with each other.” I could kiss Orion for dealing with Sidney. WOAH! Not doing that again.” Hey, why don't we go down. We get to find out who the Tri-Wizard Champions are today.” His sudden change of subject made me happy.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
OMG! I missed so much! I'm so sorry!
Chapter 16: Haha! Orion is so funny! Haha! That is hilarious! These two make me laugh so much! He didn’t call her a mudblood? *goes back to check* OMG! He didn’t! Ooh! One sec...there’s something fishy going on. Hm... Orion saved Tessa from the Forbidden Forest?! Wow! He’s heroic! Sort of. Yay! Ariel has been found! Aw! Tessa is so nice! Aw! Tessa thinking about Orion! That’s so cute!
Chapter 17: Haha! Tessa is sleeping on Orion’s bed? Poor Orion for having to sleep on the couch. Haha! Those points giving and points taking away is so funny! OMG! Yipee! Finally! They kissed! I’m so happy! I knew it was going to happen!
Ooh! A flashback! Wow! Orion and Tessa were remotely friendly to each other? Wow! Haha! How times have changed. The younger Tessa is so different to the older one. Aw! They were best friends! Ooh! Sydney walked in on them kissing! That’s very awkward; especially considering it’s their first one. I’m surprised Tessa hasn’t killed Orion yet as well! Haha! Sydney jumping to the worst conclusions! That’s so funny! Ooh! The Tri-wizard champions are going to be revealed! So exciting! Great post! Loved it! Can’t wait for more!
Disclaimer:Monster was the second single of the 2009 album Awake by the Christian Rock band Skillet.
Chapter Eighteen (Orion's flashback, first year)
I wandered aimlessly around the huge stone castle looking for Tessa. She was probably with her friend AnnabSilt, school wasn't as fun as I had expected, which isn't saying much, I didn't expect much fun. My favorite time of the day was when I could hang out with Tessa in the library, she kept me sane somehow. I leaned against the cold stone walls and sighed, nothing could have prepared me for what came next, well possibly nothing.el
“ Hey handsome.” Some random girl I'd never met before grinned at me, she had two giggling accomplishes.” So, where's that mudblood servant of yours? Decided to get rid of and kill it, I would if I where you.” Her attitude made me furious, how could she call Tessa a mudblood or it!?” I'd be more careful who you spend your time with Orion, because my mom and your mom are bestest of friends, I'm sure that if your parents knew who you spent your time with.. Well, I'd feel really bad for you, I've heard of some punishment they use.”
“ Shut up and go away Edna.” I glared at her, recognizing her as Edna Parkinson, her mom had divorced her dad several years ago, and our moms were good friends. If my dad knew that I was friends with a mudblood, er muggleborn, I would be dead meat. Edna just laughed her sickly annoying laugh.” If you dare tell.. Anyone.. I'll kill you. Don't if you know what's good for you.” Edna looked scared at my sudden anger but continued cackling.
“ Hey Orion, what's going-Who's.. She, er them?” Tessa asked skipping over smiling, her happiness faltered when she noticed Edna and her accomplishes.” Oh wait. Your that second year stuck up prat Parkinson. Orion is she messing with-Hiya Annie, I'll be right over gotta finish with something over here.” Tessa half turned to wave to her Hufflepuff friend.
(a year later)
“ How could you do this to me Orion? I thought that.. That. I thought that you were my friend, that you didn't hate mudbloods, that you understood how I felt. I take it I was wrong.” Tessa glared at me as tears started to fill her eyes, I wished I could have told her this was a lie, that I didn't mean it. But I had to, if Edna hadn't told her mother.” Well I'm outta here. You can go back to spending time with your girlfriend Parkinson, obviously that's what you wanted.”
“ No Tessa, wait.” I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving, Edna raised her eyebrows threateningly, Tessa continued to watch me in distaste.” Just wanted to say bye mudblood.” I couldn't believe that I had to do this! Tessa burst out crying as she wrenched her arm out of my grasp then ran over to her brother who was totally confused as to what was going on.” I'm going to kill you Edna, this is all your fault!” I muttered.
“ Oh, Orie, but it's not my fault. If you hadn't forgotten your the one that started talking with that mudblood, you.. Mingled with her, I guess I could put it. Ooh! Look the train has arrived darling.” Edna giggle was almost enough to make me murder her. I ignored her stupidity to watch Tessa who was already jumping off the train running towards her family with her brother in tow.” Hey Chris what's up?” I hadn't noticed that Christopher had arrived.
“ Er.. Go away Edna. What's wrong Orion? I swear you've been acting off and there's this whole thing with Tessa, one day your best friends next day your calling her a mudblood.. What the hell is going on?” Christopher asked digging his hands deeper in his navy blue sweatshirt. He notices things to easily.” Does Edna have anything to do with this? Because she's almost literally hanging off of you.” Fortunately Edna had left when Chris told her to.
“ I don't want to talk about it. See you when school starts Chris.” I shoved by him grabbing my bag glaring daggers at my father and mother, who were utterly bemused as to why I was so angry, once we got home they started to question me, well more mom then dad.” I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! Leave me alone.” I yelled before heading up to my room pulling out the present Tessa got me last year, a iPod. Cranking the volume up I started to listen to the song relaxing as I did so.
The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up
And break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me
It wants my soul,
It wants my heart
No one can hear me scream
Maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
(Tessa and Orion's 3rd year)
I heard a shriek of pain emitting from the Forbidden Forest and decided to check it out, I was really surprised to see Tessa there. She never broke the rules!” What are you doing here, Malfoy.” Tessa spat turning angry as soon as she caught sight of me.” Never mind don't answer that, just get me out of here.” I forgot she hated to climb tree's and then I started to wonder what in the world she was doing in on. I started walking towards the tree.
“ In case your still confused about why I'm here I heard someone shriek in pain and decided to help.” I answered the first question, even though she told me not to.” Why are you in a tree anyways? You hate them.” Tessa just glared at me not answering the question, I didn't think she would.” If you don't tell me I won't help you out and I'll just leave.” I knew I wouldn't do that not even if a monster was charging me, but Tessa didn't.
“ I was attacked by something.. Er, a. I was just attacked that's all, I. A-a baby thing attacked me.” For some reason she was avoiding the question, I wondered what baby thing she would be scared of, only just then I noticed her leg was bleeding, how could a baby make anyone bleed?!” Well, do I have to answer the-Ugh! A baby Basilisk attacked me.” My jaw dropped, was she dumb or what? By the looks of it she was bitten.
“ Jump.” I said, Tessa looked at me like I was mental.” Jump down from the tree silly.” She still stared at me.” I'll catch you, just jump. If you don't jump then you'll be stuck up there for who knows how long or you'll be attacked by that Basilisk again which I don't even want to know why there was one in the Forbidden Forest. So jump or don't jump it's up to you.” I was pretty sure that she was going to jump, eventually. Even though I hadn't talked with her for ages she hadn't changed much I could tell.
“ If you don't catch me, or if you drop I'll kill you!” Tessa glared at me before preparing to jump out.” I'll do it on the count of three. One... Two..” There was a pause and as sharp intake of breath.” You know what, maybe I could somehow get out of here with out jumping.” I totally saw this coming. I just stared at her.” On my head be it. Three!” And with that she jumped and I barely caught her.” Wow.. I'm never ever EVER doing that again. Now let's get out of here.”
Sowwy for taking so long to update this! But here it is!
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Nineteen
I sat down with a sigh, I was the Hogwarts champion, who would have ever knew?! I ran my hand through my hair tired. Glancing up I saw James, for some reason I just wanted to go over there and talk with him. Which was weird, I resisted the urge and flipped open my Arithmancy book to do homework. I didn't notice James come over and sit down next to me till, well until he did it. This was officially awkward. I continued reading, feeling him bore his eyes in to my skull. Then next thing I knew Orion was sitting on my other side. Great! I'm being ganged up on by guys.
I still said nothing, seeing as they weren't, and started scribbling down notes on a piece of parchment, it was really weird having two guys sitting next to me when I was trying to work. But I wasn't in the mood for being rude, I know shocker! I'm always rude to these two, well, normally. I've been more friendly with Orion. Like when we kissed, cough cough. But that was all him! Not me, I had nothing to do with that. Er, except the fact that I kissed him back. Gah! Why am I arguing with myself over Orion being a idiot?! Well, he's not exactly a-.
“ SHUT UP!” I shouted suddenly, half the people in the library turned to face me as I went bright red. And buried myself deeper in to my book. After a while I felt Orion staring at me also, I must have done something. Or maybe it was the random shouting shut up, to myself. Well, no one knew that right? I sure hope that no one heard my private conversation with myself about.. Let's not go there. Okay, these guys are really annoying me. Time to call on grumpy and grouchy.” Is there a reason you two are staring at me?” I asked sighing in a bored sort of way.
" Hey, Tess.. Did-" Sidney cut across herself." Get out of my seat Potter." This I totally had to ask about, she was never rude to her boyfriend before. I raised an eyebrow as she sat down." We broke up a little while ago, we are teenagers, my hearts totally not broken.. But why did you randomly yell shut up? Just wondering." She laughed slightly, I chuckled nervously, at least Orion wasn't staring at me anymore, neither was James. Gosh I could have screamed in joy, but that would have made everything really, REALLY awkward, I then remembered Sidney's question.
" I.. I was having a argument with myself as I do every now and then." I muttered to her, she nodded and said nothing, understanding perfectly. I continued working on Arithmancy homework in silence, secretly enjoying it. After some time I went to the head's library and read there because some loud and rowdy girls entered. My mind trailed off, I wasn't concentrating on homework anymore. I had taken a new piece of paper out and started scribbling on it bored, I wondered how I would get over my.. Childish crush on Orion.
I sighed, and started to draw a picture. Not really paying attention to what it was of, something I probably should have done, especially because of who was standing behind me and watching me draw it. I paused giving it a second glance, and noticed I had drawn Orion Malfoy. I almost flipped, why, WHY!? Did I draw a picture of him." Hm, you know if you get crazy enough Tessa you'd put it up on your wall." I grinned evilly at myself and laughed at my own semi, well, in my idea, semi-stupidity. Gosh, I have to deal with this crush.
" Hm, I don't look half bad, and the putting it on your wall sounds nice but I have enough fangirls already." Orion smirked, I almost shrieked and dropped the picture, I resorted to slapping him instead, he deserved that." Hey! Is there something wrong with commenting on your drawing?" He asked in his most sweet and charming tone, oh gosh.. Tessa, you have problems, I mentally yelled at myself, this was probably the weirdest thing ever. EVER! I ignored him and eventually returned to work, I then slipped off in to a troubled sleep.
“ TESSA!” If someone shouts my name one more time I will slap them, blinking hard and shaking myself. I sat up straight, I had fallen asleep in the library, how comforting, and there was something that resembled a party.. They are so lucky that Madam Weasley is out having private lessons with my little sis Carla. I looked around to see who was yelling at me, Sidney, how tragic.” Tessa, are you alright?” What the hell type of question is that? Of course I'm alright, er, aren't I? I was just asleep wasn't I? I asked her this, being clearly confused.
“ You were uh.. Shouting Orion's name, in your sleep.” Mikoyan muttered, I was?! I didn't even remember dreaming anything, and no one in their right mind would say I was dreaming about Orion, unless... Unless it was me killing him, yea, that would be fun! Oh great, people were staring at me as I got lost in my fantasies of killing and ki.. KILLING! Orion. Yes, yes. I'm crazy and my crush is so annoying it's not funny.
“ I was not! I wasn't even dreaming about him, heck, I wasn't even dreaming!” I snapped, slightly defensively, perfect, Orion was in the room, he'd never let me live this down if I really did dream about him.” Er, was I?” Tessa Grath, you are so d.u.m.b.” Okay, so uh, maybe I was. But. I was probably killing him or something.” I rolled my eyes and then left the room with still, everyone, staring at me. I was kinda glad I'd never see them again after school, and that Christmas break was coming up. I love Christmas! It's one of the only holiday's I like.
“ Hey. You okay?” Orion had followed me! ARGH! I'm going to die, big git. I half nodded, half shrugged and picked up a book, not quite interested in talking with Orion. I mean, when am I ever? There was a slightly comfortable, slightly awkward silence between Orion and myself. Not that I cared, did I ever? Why am I asking myself all these questions?! Gosh, I'm annoying myself almost as much as Orion and James annoy me.
“ Good night.” I called to him cheerfully and headed out of the room, I was leaving early tomorrow, thank goodness, Sidney said she'd wake up in time to say goodbye, I doubted she would, she slept in normally. I think I'm.. The only one going home, and it's because of the Yule Ball. BLEGH! But McGonagall said I had to come back for that, and I don't even need a date! Ha! Best news ever, smirking triumphantly to myself, I fell asleep. Ignoring the fact that I'd have to do the opening dance with Orion.
I was able to get in to the Hogwarts at 11:32pm, Christmas Eve. And then in to the heads dorms, as I was passing Orion's room I noticed the light was on, curious at what he was doing at this late at night I entered, he was sleeping at his desk, silly. I levitated him to his bed and was about to leave when I saw a half finished letter at the desk, the two words that caught my eyes were. Dear Tessa. Weird, last time I checked I was the only Tessa that Orion knew, so I went over to read it, he wouldn't mind would he? Not that I cared, I never care.
Dear Tessa,
I've written this letter hundreds of times, but I've never had the courage to send it before, and I'm probably not going to send this one. But, at least I'm writing it, that's a plus, right? Anyways, when we were still in our twelfth year Parkinson forced me, well threatened, and now your thinking how in the name of Merlin could Parkinson threaten me?! I'm deathly scared of my dad, and my dad kinda hates muggleborns. Anyways.
She said that if I remained friends with you then she would tell my father, and I didn't want any harm to come to you! Cause um.. I like you. Okay, that sounds really lame, but then again, this whole thing is really lame. After that I was so used to forcing myself to hate you, I kinda, did that. Er, hated you. But then at the end of my fifth year I realized I was in love with you. And now your probably thinking I'm mental, but it's true.
I didn't even notice I was crying at first, oh gosh. I never, ever, ever, thought that he cared for me! Like, ever, well after what he did, after what Edna forced him to do! I could hardly believe I was crying. I glanced back at Orion who was still asleep, feeling bad for him for once in my life. I kissed his forehead and was about to leave the room when I decided on doing something else, I lightly brushed my lips against him and when I pulled back I saw him smile.
I went to my room and smirked to myself. I was also in love with Orion, and I couldn't deny it any longer, he loved me, I loved him, now why the heck couldn't things work out between us? I fell asleep and didn't think about it any longer, not really wanting to.
*** The next morning.
Orion was pouring himself orange juice and wondering how he got in to his bed the night before, he was pretty sure that he fell asleep at his desk. And he was even more surprised when he saw Tessa enter the kitchen, last time he checked she was at her home. Not Hogwarts.” Er, when did you get here?”
“ Last night, when did you think I got here?” Tessa grinned, taking the orange juice from him and pouring herself a glass before sitting in the counter and watching him, wondering what to say.
“ I wasn't sure, and didn't really think about it.” Orion responded sitting across from her, also on the counter. Tessa couldn't help but giggle.” Your giggle is funny.” Tessa immediately stopped, then they both started laughing.
“ I um.. Read the letter.” Tessa said in a low tone after a minute or so, Orion blinked confused.” The one, that you fell asleep on last night.” She secretly hoped he wouldn't kill her. Orion suddenly paled.” And uh, I think it's, kinda cute.. You actually having. Feelings for me.” Tessa blushed a little, then deciding on doing something which she told herself to never do again she walked over to him and slipped her arms around his neck, then kissed him.
“ Hey Orion, it's almost.” Christopher stopped, seeing Tessa and Orion kissing.
“ Oh, um hey Chris.” Tessa felt her face go extremely red. This was not what she expected, Orion, she noticed, was not red at all.
“ Hi Chris.” Orion was grinning widely.
“ Oh. Um. Leaving quickly.” Chris did so, causing Orion to laugh harder then he had in some time.
“ You know, saying you liked me in that letter was pretty lame.” Tessa teased.
“ Hey, that's.. That's not funny.” Orion glared at her for a second before laughing.
“ Why thank you, I know.” Tessa said coolly, before laughing.” Let's head down to breakfast, and if you don't sit with me at the Slytherin table I'll sit with you at the Gryffindor one.”
“ Is that a threat?”
“ How is sitting with you a threat?”
“ I dunno, you seem a little mentally deranged at times and have a dog that hates me.”
“ What does Coco have to do with this?”
“ Absolutely nothing, I just wanted to annoy you.”
“ Wow, and when Sydney told me guys were complicating, I never knew exactly what she meant.”
“ You should, didn't you date Christopher.”
“ Are you jealous of your best friend?” Tessa was incredulous.” Is that why you were cr.. Er, let's go eat breakfast.” She cut across herself seeing Orion's stony face and they ended up sitting at the Gryffindor table.
“ Hey Teeessaaaaa!” Sydney almost ran in to her best friend as she came to a skidding stop right next to the Gryffindor table.
“ What Sid?” Tessa turned to the loud girl confused.
“ Sumonsaddatbelstraneibacanwatstokilorin!” Sydney recited at top speed.
“ Speak English girl.” Orion said rolling his eyes.
“ I was idiot.” Sydney glared at him.” Someone said that Bellatrix Lestrange is back from the dead and want's to kill Orion...”
Have you ever feared for your sworn enemy? Have you ever feared that a ghost is haunting them? Have you ever feared that this ghost is an actual being? Have you ever feared that this person will kill your enemy? Have you ever feared that you were in love with your enemy? Let me guess, most of you would answer with a big no-no. Most of you would stare at me as if I was an insane being, who had no idea what they were talking about. But trust me, I know quite well. Bellatrix Lestrange is back from the dead.. That I can see with my own two eyes, and I'm not insane. Let me tell you how I came to be face to face with this monstrosity of a witch.
I was on my way over to Care of Magical Creatures, early, when Christopher Young stopped me. He wanted to say something to me, and next thing I knew, he had his wand drawn and pointed at my chest, before I could even properly react, a stunning spell hit me, immediately knocking me unconscious. I swear the next time I see him I will brake his nose.
" So, Tessa.. Your going to help me." Bellatrix spat circling me like the mad woman that she was.
" I find that hard to believe." I scoffed at her, since when did I have an ad somewhere saying I was looking to be hired by sadistic, dead, mental witches?
" I'm sure you don't, I know all about Orion and you, and you are my bait." I blinked, like, two people knew about Orion and I! Sydney and.. Chris. Scratch the breaking the nose, I'm going to cruciatus him.
" Some bait I'll be, he won't even know where I am.." Unless Chris somehow told him without getting discovered that he was the one that brought me here.
" I can read your mind you stupid girl." I blinked again, and this time I wanted to slap her!
" I can kick your butt you stupid pureblood." I responded scathingly, I really didn't have time for this, okay, so what if I did?
" Don't speak to me like that mudblood!" She hissed angrily at me, and I just gave her a cheeky smile as my new response.
" What do want so badly with my boyfriend anyways?" I couldn't help but ask.
" Revenge." Was her simple reply.
" Um, he was born after you died.. Well, kinda died."
" I want revenge on all the Malfoy's."
" Really?.. Then why don't you go like, Avada Kedavra Lucius?"
" That will not do, I want them all to suffer, long."
" Right, that's pleasant..." I rolled my eyes at her. And then it finally hit me, I was kidnapped, and she was going to kill Orion.
" Ma'am, I'm ready to go." Christopher Young suddenly appeared, and with out even bothering to stop myself, I walked over to him and swung my fist hard in to his nose." OW! You bloody mudblood!" He spat at me, and I moved to duck his blow, but somebody else stopped it.
" YOUNG! Do not harm the package!" Bellatrix shrieked as she grabbed his wrist." Now go!"
" Orion!!" Christopher ran up to his best mate.
" Chris, what happened?" Orion spun around in shock.
" I was on my way to Care of Magical Creatures in the Forbidden Forest with Tessa, and two men showed up, they grabbed Tessa and I grabbed on to their cloaks as they apparated away, but one of the punched me so I barely caught sight of the place before I found myself back in the Forbidden Forest, they took her to the Black Estate.. But I believe that this is all a plan to get you captured, don't rescue her, just call in the auror's." Christopher explained, breathless.
" WHAT?" Orion bellowed." I'm not going to wait for the auror's, they'll take to long, who knows what Bellatrix could have done to her in that time."
" How are you even going to get there?" Christopher persisted, really worried for his friend now.
" That doesn't matter." Orion responded, and next thing Christopher knew, his mate had disappeared.
" Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn it!" Christopher hissed to himself..
I glanced up shakily and saw him, I saw Orion, he was here to save me, I had been tortured for the past hour by Bellatrix, so much for the "no damage to the package", she loved the cruciatus spell quite a bit, and that's all she ever did use on me, I was worried that I was going to turn into Professor Longbottom's parents, I was going to be insane for the rest of my life, I'd be like Gilderoy Lockhart! But when I looked up again, I realized Orion wasn't there, and he wasn't coming, it was all just a delusion that my mind was playing on me, I'd be stuck here forever..
"Tessa, Tessa, wake up, please." Strange voices shifted in and out of my ears, they sounded alien to me, and I hardly understood the words that were reaching me."Tessa!"
Confused, I brought my hand to my head, which was throbbing like crazy, I didn't understand, why was there red juice all over my hand, who spilled juice on my head?"Whah." I mumbled, getting even more confused by the second.
"Tessa, your alive!" Someone, no idea who, was hugging me tightly, and crying on me as well. I think.
"Why is there juice on my.." I trailed off, realizing that it was not juice."What happened? Who are you?"
"Tess, it's me, Carla, your sister, Carla Grath." The person sounded really worried now.
"Who?" I repeated, trying to push myself up into a sitting position, everything was all hazy and blurry.
"Ohmigosh, get the healer now!" This Carla person cried out, before bursting in to tears all over again.
"What, what's wrong?" Someone in sickly white robes entered, wand drawn.
"Oh no, this isn't good, the last time we came across something like this was, so many years ago." The healer muttered. "I'm sorry love, but this is irreversible, I can't do anything for her.
"You have to! You have to save her!" Carla persisted angrily through her sobs.
"Carla, it's just like my grandparents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, there is nothing we can do." Someone else spoke up.
Then everything began to sift in to place, Bellatrix, Carla, Orion, Alexandra, the Longbottoms. The next thing I knew I was shrieking uncontrollably, shrieking and crying and writhing in pain.
"No, no, no." I began to scream through out all of this, remembering everything all to clearly."ORION!"
"She has Orion!" I couldn't stop my screaming, and everyone was staring at me confused. "She's going to kill Orion! I need to stop her." If it wasn't for the healer and Carla holding me down I would have apparated away in an instant. "Carla! Let me go, I need to stop her from killing Orion!"
"But I thought you wanted him dead?" Carla looked at me still extremely confused. "I thought you hated him."
"I LOVE HIM!" I yelled at her. "Now let me go."
"YOU LOVE HIM?" Carla exploded, her eyes bulging.
"Yes, now let me go!" I demanded of her.
"Slow down, forget Orion for a moment, since when did you love him?!" Carla countered, and the healer was staring at us as if we were insane.
"Since, I don't know! Since we've been going out." I shrugged, still struggling to get up.
"Your going OUT with ORION MALFOY? Are we talking about the same Orion here?" Carla stared at me in disbelief.
"Yes, I am going out with Orion Malfoy." In her shock Carla relaxed her hold on me and I escaped, grabbing my wand I apparated away to where ever I had been before, with a quick reducto I blasted a large whole through the door, no one, I repeat, no one stands in the way of an angry Grath.
"Tessa! Get out of here before Bellatrix finds you again." Chris hissed suddenly, and I turned to face him, shoving my wand up next to his throat.
"You. Sick. Git. Tell me where Orion is!" I snapped at him, trying not to explode.
"Tessa, what do you even see in Orion he's never been there for you." Chris attempted to stall.
"YOU SHUT UP! You don't know anything about what's been going on between Orion and I, you will tell me where he his or else I will will use crucio on you." I yelled at him, flinching he lead me wordlessly down in towards what I presumed to be the basement, he paused at the door, his hand shaking.
"You won't like what you'll see Tessa, I don't think your prepared for this, you haven't seen anything near dangerous before in your life." Chris paused, giving me a strange look.
"You don't even know what I've seen Chris, I've been tortured to near insanity, I saw my own brother die in front of me! You don't even KNOW!" I nearly screamed at him again, and he looked at me in shock, with a quick non-verbal the door was blown away, I entered the dungeon like bottom floor.
I saw Orion curled up in pain in one corner and Bellatrix in another yelling at Michael Turner. Fury boiled through my veins. With a quick and totally unexpected curse, Bellatrix crumpled to the ground, and Michael turned towards his savior shocked, but paused, he recognized me. "Wait! I have an explanation!" He protested backing away from me. My anger only rose miles higher, and I waited for him to continue. "I didn't, we didn't, I just, it was, mistaken, wrong, thing, person, boy." Michael stumbled over his words as I advanced on him, looking murderous.
"That is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard someone say." I spat hatefully at the co murderer of my brother.
"We didn't think that, we didn't understand, if we knew." Michael kept speaking in incomplete sentences.
"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" I shouted at him, my wand was now digging in to his chest and he looked at me in horror. "You killed him in front of my little sister and I, you understood perfectly what you were doing."
"Please, just give me a second chance, the second chance that Timothy deserved." Michael begged, now shaking in fear.
"DON'T say his name!" I did all I could possibly do to not continue yelling, I realized that Orion was still here, and casting another spell, Michael was stuck to the wall and I walked over to the youngest Malfoy. "Orion, please, be okay." I whispered hoarsely, I hesitated and then cast ennervarte.
"Tess?" He croaked, blinking slightly, my heart soared as he recognized me, I was so worried. "Tessa, you got to get out of here, Bellatrix..."
"I dealt with her, it's okay Orion." I mumbled, hugging him tightly and never wanting to let go of him again...
"Tess, let's get out of here." Orion muttered as he pulled himself up.
"Wait," I stopped him as he began to lead me out. "I still have unfinished business with Michael."
"Tessa, you can leave them here, call in the aurors." Orion persisted, giving the other two occupants of the room disgusted looks.
"Orion, the aurors will be to easy on him." I shot back.
"What do you mean by that, all he's done is help Bellatrix." Orion gave me a confused look.
"All he's ever done is help, but he helped Lucius kill my brother in front of Carla and I." I said, my body began to shake again from tears that wanted out.
"Tessa, he'll go to Azkaban, there's not much else you can do." Orion had taken a deep breath before responding.
"He doesn't deserve Azaban, he deserves so much worse! He doesn't deserve to live!" I cried, feeling like a child and wanting to stomp my foot, Orion then put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, he kissed my forehead.
"Tessa, a lot of people don't deserve to live, but there's nothing we can do about that. I know what your thinking, I know you want to go over there and kill Turner, but I don't want you to leave me ever again, I don't want you to go to Azkaban, I don't want you to have the guilt of killing someone on your conscience." Orion whispered in to my ear as he held me, I just cried harder, knowing what he was saying was true. "Now, let's get out of here."
"Okay," I mumbled in to his shoulder, he then let go of me for the briefest second then wrapped one of his arms around my waist and we began to exit, that's when I caught sight of the horrendous traitor.
"Chris, what are you doing here?" Orion exclaimed, confused.
"He's probably waiting around for Bellatrix, he's the one that brought me here." I spat scathingly, glaring at Christopher.
"Your probably just confused Tessa, Chris wouldn't..." Orion began then trailed off.
"I'm not lying or having hallucinations Orion, believe me." I softly looked up at him, I knew it would be hard for him to believe his best friend was evil, I didn't even want to imagine what I'd do to him if he told me that Sydney was trying to kill me.
"No, you don't understand! I'm your mate Orion, I told you not to go! I didn't want any of this to happen." Christopher pleaded.
"Why did you do this?" Orion's tone was extremely choked.
"I, I was jealous, alright? I wanted Tessa." That made me shrink closer to Orion. "I didn't know what to do, Michael came and told me that Bellatrix would like me to work for her, and then, she promised me Tessa."
"You think I would ever want to be with you after what you did to me, to Orion?" My eyes had grown larger in disbelief and disgust. I would have continued, I would have cursed and hexed Christopher, I would have sent him to the moon, but just then, the door was blown open and there were several auror's there.
"What's going on here?" One with vivid read hair walked over, I remembered him to be Ron Weasley. "Wait, kids?"
"Bellatrix Black and Michael Turner are downstairs." Orion turned towards him.
"And take this one too, he helped them." I put in.
"How do we know we can trust you?" An auror snarled at me. "How do we know you didn't help them too?"
"I'm a freaking muggleborn, can you see me and Bellatrix being best buddies? And Michael, he murdered my brother, obviously were the greatest chums! And Christopher," I paused and glowered at him. "Clearly it's my greatest desire for this creep to kill my boyfriend and try and take me for himself, yep." I rolled my eyes at them.
"We are still going to take you into the Ministry of Magic to confirm all of this, names please." Another, nicer, auror stepped forward.
"I'm Orion Malfoy and this is Tessa Grath." I saw all the aurors look at him skeptically, great, now they thought he was evil...
I'm tearing up and my throat is closing, this chapter is going to be nearly impossible to write! It's so sad and happy at the same time! And I'm falling for Orion, haha, Tessa will totally kill me now!
SPOILER!!: Noduhheh
"Because I knew what Bellatrix would be doing to you." I rolled my eyes at him, and he nodded in understanding. Orion then stood up and walked over to me, took me out of seat, sat in it then pulled me into his lap. McGonagall twitched slightly at seeing this but didn't say anything thankfully, I was enjoying myself a great deal, but also trying not to cry.
"Then the auror's showed up as we were leaving, interrogated us, let us go, and we are back." Orion finished, rather lamely I must admit, McGonagall nodded, then dismissed us saying that we must be incredibly tired.
I had like 3-4 pages of the last chapter but my mouse went crazy and clicked discard, I stupidly didn't have it backed up at all and it didn't give an option to get it back at all. So, the chapter will take longer to put up.
My sincerest apologies, Gabbeh