01-12-2010, 02:48 PM
#101 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Not as long as I would like it to be but here it is.
Chapter Twenty Nine:Ron Weasley
“ Ron!” Harry sputtered dropping the sword.
“ Yes?” Ron bent down and picked up the sword again.
“ Your DEAD!” Harry stared at Ron
“ Well.. I'm walking, living, breathing.. So no. I don't fully understand myself mate, let's just head back to your tent.” Ron said happily.
“ Yea.. The girls will die of shock when they see you.” Harry laughed nervously. Ron joined in as they made there way back to the tent. When they entered they heard crying and the girls talking.
“- like this before.” Hermione was clearly the one crying.
“ Hermione, calm down.. For all you know it's not hopeless.” Ginny said soothingly.
“ Ginny. Your not a mudblood who's in love with Draco Malfoy!” Hermione was now crying hysterically. Harry felt Ron stiffen next to him.
“ Draco may love you to, Hermione stop the crying please. This isn't going to help it, I would know.” Ginny sounded half near tears.
“ What do you mean you would know?” Harry asked before he could help himself.
“ Oh sometimes I drove myself to tears when you were obsessed with Cho and0- RON!” Ginny's mouth dropped. Hermione spun around and was rendered silent in surprise, though her eyes where bulging as if they would pop out of there sockets.
“ Er, hi?” Ron smiled weakly, forgetting for a moment what the girls were talking about. Ginny and Hermione just stared at him in shock.” Yes I am really Ron, and uh. No I'm not a inferi.” Ron continued hoping to get a response from one of the girls. Next thing he knew both of them were on top of him hugging him.” Wow! Seriously, get off me!” Ron gasped.” Your killing me.”
“ Oh sorry, but how are you dead? I mean alive.” Ginny grinned at her own mistake.” I mean we buried you and everything, you were hit by a killing curse, unless your like Harry.”
“ I don't know how I'm not dead.. It's kinda weird, I was trapped in non-being for what seemed endless till I thought of happy memories or something like that and bam! I was back alive, it was really weird and creepy.. But that was about it.” Ron looked confused over his own words.
“ Just one second.” Hermione jumped up and grabbed a book then started flipping through it as she tried to find something.
“ Woah Hermione! I do not have a horcrux.” Ron gaped at the title.” I've never even killed someone.”
“ Yes you did. Remember in the fifth year at the department of mysteries, I was with you then. But is your horcrux? That is the problem.” Hermione said not looking up from her book, when she did Harry, Ginny and Ron were all staring at her.” What?” She asked.
“ You.” Ginny answered.
“ Sorry?” Hermione was totally confused now.
“ Your the horcrux.” Harry said weakly. Hermione just stared at them.
“ WHAT!” She looked like she was about to faint.
“ Your the horcrux.” Harry repeated gaining his voice again...
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01-12-2010, 03:26 PM
#102 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 683
WHAT!!!?!?!?!?!? OH my goodness! So good! PLEASE update soon! I gotta know what happens. And Hermione loves Draco  Amazing update!
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01-12-2010, 04:07 PM
#103 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Thirty: Hogwarts
“ Neville.. We have a slight problem, there are two Slytherins requesting to talk with you.” Michael Corner reported to the last leader of DA.
“ What?! Which.. Let me go talk with them.” Neville stood up hastily putting away his papers. He followed Michael to the exit of the Room of Requierment.“ Draco! Zabini!” Neville was surprised.
“ Hi Neville, we know you probably don't trust us but we want to join you against the dark lord.” Draco said it quickly as if he didn't want to be over heard.” And we could be spies for you.”
“ How do we know you don't want to be a spy for who-know-who?” Michael demanded.
“ I'm friends with Harry, is that enough for you Corner?” Draco snapped coldly.
“ Ha.. Everyone's friends with Harry, and we don't have any proof you are to be trusted because Harry's not here.” Michael retorted.
“ Shut it Michael, I trust him, and he is friends with Harry. Are you sure you want to do this, it's very dangerous and you can get killed working for us.” Neville glared at Michael.
“ We have more of a chance of getting killed if we work for the dark lord.” Blaise finally spoke.
“ Alright, welcome to Dumbledore's Army.” Neville smiled at them warmly.
*** Malfoy Manor
Harry swore under his breath.” I should have listened to you Ron, I'm so stupid.” Harry bit his lip angry at himself.
“ It's not your fault Harry, we didn't know his name was taboo.” Ginny muttered to him.
“ Shut up you two.” Fenrir Greyback snarled at them.” Oi. Lucius, we got some prisoners for you, I think this one is Harry Potter.” Lucius Malfoy looked Harry up and down, with the look of a three year old that just got a early birthday.
“ Quickly, get Draco, he'll know.” Lucius said gleefully. One of the men there nodded there head and entered the fireplace with floo powder. After a few minutes Draco came back with him.” Draco! Is this Harry Potter, tell me now.” Lucius demanded. Hermione felt her stomach do a flip as soon as she saw Draco.
“ No. Potter has brown hair and is much shorter.” Draco said.” Probably just a fake.” Ron did his best to not make his jaw drop. Draco Malfoy was lying so they had a chance. Lucius swore loudly.
“ We almost.. Stupid fakers, take them and put them in the dungeons Draco.” Lucius glared at Draco as if it was his fault.
“ I can't believe he fell for that!” Draco said as soon as they got out of hearing.
“ Neither can I. But brown hair and shorter, seriously Draco?!” Harry laughed.
“ Hey I couldn't think of anything else.” Draco joined in the laughter.
“ Thanks Draco.” Hermione smiled at him, Draco felt himself go slightly pink.
“ Come on, my room has a fireplace which we can use to get to Hogwarts.” Draco tried to ignore what Hermione said.
“ Why are we going to Hogwarts?” Ron asked.
“ Because we are, or would you rather me take you to Voldemort?” Draco retorted as he opened a door.” Fireplace is over there, ladies first. Don't forget to say DA headquarters.” Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron all looked at him suspiciously but did as he said, after going through the fireplace they found themselves in a huge room filled with students who had all turned to look at them...
There  It's up
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01-12-2010, 08:06 PM
#104 (permalink)
| Bugbear
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Down Under
Posts: 32,132
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cody Liam Evans Seventh Year | HP, Harry & Ginny ♥ | Music Girl ♫ | | BW, JB, CS, 1D, Glee, AVPM/S Lover | Pray &
WHAT!?!?!?!?!? Ron?????
Love it!
__________________ ♥ HARRY POTTER FOREVER ♥ Thank You For The Three Best Years!  I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
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01-12-2010, 10:30 PM
#105 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 683
AHHH! So good  Yay for Draco saving them!!!!! Cannnnnot wait for more! PAMS
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01-12-2010, 10:44 PM
#106 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Missouri
Posts: 1,534
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lily Adams First Year |
PAMS! I loved all the chappies! Yay Draco helped them!!!!!!!!!!!! Ron is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW And Mione is the Horcrux I hope she still goes with Draco!
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01-12-2010, 11:14 PM
#107 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:| PAMS PAMS PAMS This story in genius !!!!
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01-13-2010, 02:54 AM
#108 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black Quote:
Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 WHAT!?!?!?!?!? Ron?????
Love it!
PAMS! I didn't like killing off Ron so I brought him back Quote:
Originally Posted by cait malfoy AHHH! So good  Yay for Draco saving them!!!!! Cannnnnot wait for more! PAMS
Cait I'm working on the next chappie  Draco is awesome Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterGirl714 PAMS! I loved all the chappies! Yay Draco helped them!!!!!!!!!!!! Ron is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW And Mione is the Horcrux I hope she still goes with Draco! Aww. Thank you, Hermione's a horcrux (I couldn't think of what else to do) She... May still go with Draco Quote:
Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:| PAMS PAMS PAMS This story in genius !!!! Ooooh! Yay! Thanks!!!
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01-13-2010, 03:06 AM
#109 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Battle School. [:
Posts: 721
Hogwarts RPG Name: Rosalie Wayland Second Year | || Random Moments, Random Times - Sa13+ || Slytherin's Curly-Haired Beauty(:
I absolutely fell in love with this<3
*Secretly fangirling..*
There is NEVER a part in this FF where I go
"Wow this is boring."
That's just lamee..
Love it.. Love Draco..(:
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01-13-2010, 03:08 AM
#110 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black Quote:
Originally Posted by xCoUrTnEyxLoVeSxToMx I absolutely fell in love with this<3
*Secretly fangirling..*
There is NEVER a part in this FF where I go
"Wow this is boring."
That's just lamee..
Love it.. Love Draco..(: Your to nice to me!!
I'm gonna quickly finish the next Chapter!
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01-14-2010, 04:06 AM
#111 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Bad bad me for taking so long! (There's a new character  )
Chapter Thirty One: Courtney
I took a handful of floo powder that Draco handed me, then threw it in to the flames as I shortly followed it saying, DA Headquarters. Unfortunately on the way there I inhaled some smoke, causing me to cough as I stepped out in to a dimly lit room filled with Hogwarts students. Ginny was already there waiting for me, Ron, Harry and Draco followed shortly after me. Immediately cries went up.
“ It's him, it's Harry Potter!” Colin Creevy yelled as soon as Harry came out of the fireplace.
“ Hey! That's Ron, isn't he dead?” Michael Corner cried.
“ HARRY POTTER!” Ernie MacMillian shouted.
“ What is that Slytherin scum doing with them?” Lavender Brown shrieked.
“ HARRY!” Neville looked like Christmas had just come with plenty of extra presents.
“ GINNY!” Luna ran over to hug her friend.
“ It's a Malfoy! Everyone attack him!” Lavender Brown was again ignored.
“ HERMIONE!” Parvarti smiled at me.
“ EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Blaise Zabini walked over, Lavender Brown began shrieking again and was immediately silenced by Blaise.
“ Thanks Blaise, what is going on here?” I asked still coughing.
“ Death Eaters have taken over the school, Draco's our spy.. I was wondering why Dolhov went for him, obviously he had to.. Uh.. Meet you guys.” Blaise finished awkwardly.
“ I need to find something that might belong to Rowena Ravenclaw or Helga Hufflepuff, can any of you help out?” Harry said after a few moments of silence.
“ There's Ravenclaws lost diadem, and there's Hufflepuffs famed missing cup.” Michael Corner piped up.
“ Yea but that's lost Corner.” Zacharias Smith sneered at him.
“ Shut up Smith, that helps a lot, anyone know where Harry can find a replica of either?” Ron glared at Zacharias.
“ Rowena's marble bust in the Ravenclaw common room.” Luna smiled.
“ Hufflepuffs statue in our common room.” Hannah Abbot added.
“ I'll go with you to the Ravenclaw room Harry, Hermione can go with Hannah to the Hufflepuff room.” Cho said brightly. Ginny coughed loudly.
“ Luna is going with Harry, Miss Chang.” Ginny said forcefully, Cho glared at her then slumped back in to her chair.
“ Alright, let's go, not a minute to waist Hannah.” I smiled at the Hufflepuff.
“ I'll go with you two.” Draco immediately said standing up.” For protection.” He finished a little lamely. Hannah looked at him suspiciously but nodded.
“ Thanks again Draco.” I kissed him on the cheek, going bright red as I did so, then the three of us headed out, though on my way out I saw the look on Ron's face but ignored it.
*** Ravenclaw Common Room
“ Thanks Luna, that's what I needed to see.” The young man with black hair hugged the blonde girl.” Now I just have to find it.” He muttered.
“ Find the diadem Harry, but it's been missing for century's.” The girl named Luna frowned slightly, I noticed a commotion on the other side of the room, a ugly old witch stepped out of the corner cackling then pressed some tattoo which looked quite a bit like the dark mark on her left forearm.
“ Prepare to die blondy.” She laughed.” Avada-” I quickly ran in to her and knocked her over, then knocked her out.
“ Careful, there are more like her around here.” I stepped up brushing myself off.
“ Who are you?” Black haired asked gaping at me.
“ Courtney, you?” I held my hand out to Luna first. Who immediately shook it.
“ Harry Potter.” He answered also shaking my hand.
“ Nice to meet you, but you both should-” I was cut off by someone yelling outside of the room.
“ OPEN UP YOU STUPID DOOR.” The person that was yelling was clearly male. There was more commotion, and a elderly female by the sound of it started talking with him then they came in.” It's Harry Potter!” He snarled pulling out his wand. I quickly slashed my hand through the air and he crumpled to the ground.
“ Come on, before they wake up. This place is dangerous.” I nodded at them to follow me, Harry was still gaping at me, this was kinda annoying. As I started walking down the hall, I looked behind me to make sure that they were following and I walked straight in to someone else.
“ Careful were your walking please, Harry we didn't find it.” The young blonde headed guy walked straight passed me, kinda like ignoring me. Much better then being gaped at.
“ Who are you?” A red headed girl only a little bit older then me asked.
“ I'm Courtney, pleasure to meet you.” I smiled at her. A boy that looked a lot like her just turned the corner and started gaping at me also. Seriously what is with people!?!
“ Did Draco turn in to a girl?” He was still staring at me.
“ Excuse me what?” Both me and the blonde guy said at the same time.
“ I'm still a male.” Blonde retorted coldly towards the red headed guy.
“ Who is everyone, I mean seriously your all confusing me.” I half shrieked.
“ That's Ron, this is Draco, she's Ginny and I'm Hermione.” The brunette that was with the man I was for some reason mistaken for said.
“ Why do you think I am him?” I asked the Ron guy.
“ Because you look a ton like him.” He finally answered.
“ Well.. I can assure I'm not him or related to him. I'm a Malfoy, how many people do you know named Malfoy?” I glared at Ron. Immediately everyone started coughing or staring at me.” What did I say?”
“ He's.. Uh. Draco Malfoy.” Ginny said.
“ I think I could have said that for myself.” Draco laughed.
“ So now I've got a cousin.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Actually, if anything brother.” Luna piped up.
“ WHAT!?!” I stared at her.” You are the craziest people I've ever seen in my whole life.”
“ So it would seem.” A man with long black hair and billowing black robes had just walked up...
Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 02-24-2010 at 02:15 AM.
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01-14-2010, 04:13 AM
#112 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Battle School. [:
Posts: 721
Hogwarts RPG Name: Rosalie Wayland Second Year | || Random Moments, Random Times - Sa13+ || Slytherin's Curly-Haired Beauty(:
So this is the 'Courtney'....
How lovely!
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01-14-2010, 09:59 AM
#113 (permalink)
| Bugbear
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Down Under
Posts: 32,132
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cody Liam Evans Seventh Year | HP, Harry & Ginny ♥ | Music Girl ♫ | | BW, JB, CS, 1D, Glee, AVPM/S Lover | Pray &
This is up of the best chappies of your ff!
Post more soon!
__________________ ♥ HARRY POTTER FOREVER ♥ Thank You For The Three Best Years!  I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
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01-14-2010, 07:03 PM
#114 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black Quote:
Originally Posted by xCoUrTnEyxLoVeSxToMx Ahhh!
So this is the 'Courtney'....
How lovely!
Malfoy(: Hehe.. Thanks again! Quote:
Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 This is up of the best chappies of your ff!
Post more soon! Oooh! Thank you!  now I've got to go work on the next chappie lol
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01-14-2010, 08:43 PM
#115 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Okay.. I'm putting up my next chapter.. (Courtney is definitely over powered and my favorite character I have to say) And for all those Snape fans he is BAAAACK!
Chapter Thirty Two: Transfiguration
“ So now I've got a cousin.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Actually, if anything brother.” Luna piped up.
“ WHAT!?!” I stared at her.” You are the craziest people I've ever seen in my whole life.”
“ So it would seem.” A man with long black hair and billowing black robes had just walked up...
“ So what would- Never mind. Who are you?” I demanded.
“ Your godfather.” The man eyed me coldly. I just stared at him dumbfounded. So did everyone else in the group.
“ Uh okaay... But that doesn't really answer my question.” I blinked a couple times.
“ Severus Snape headmaster of Hogwarts.” He answered.
“ Headmaster only because you murdered the headmaster.” Harry snapped angrily, his wand pointing at the Snape dude.
“ I did not murder Dumbledore.” He met Harry's gaze, Harry scoffed.” Dumbledore ordered me to do it, he was already dieing.” Harry and the rest of the group just stared at him.
“ He was NOT dieing, he was just a little sick.” Harry shouted.
“ His hand was infected by dark magic Potter. He was dieing.” Snape glared at Harry.
“ How can we trust you, after what you did.” Ron asked, he was slightly more calm then Harry.
“ TRUST HIM?! Ron are you out of your mind? He killed Dumbledore.” Harry yelled turning to face Ron.
“ I can show you the memories you need to see, I swear on Dumbledore's grave that I never tampered with them and that I tell the truth.” Snape's dark eyes pierced Harry's.
“ Wait.. You don't have to show us, I trust you.” I spoke up for the first time.
“ WHAT!” Harry stared at me.
“ I saved your skin Potter, don't you trust me?” I retorted.
“ Ooh. She even sounds like you Draco.” Hermione laughed. Draco punched her lightly.
“ Plus you where looking for Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? That's easy. It's on her statue in the common room.” I ignored my brother and his girlfriend, at least I think she is.
“ How do you know that?” Snape, Draco, Hermione, Ron and Harry all asked me.
“ It's simple, the magic around it betrays it. Now let's go and get it because it seems so important.” I groaned, some people were so stupid.” Actually I know a easier way.” With a wave of my hand the diadem was in my other hand and another wave of my hand I transfigured it back to it's silver and gold splendor.” Here it is.” I handed it to him with out a second thought.
“ That was wand-less transfiguration!” The elder witch gasped, I almost forgot about her.
“ All my magic is with out wand, I've never learned it another way, wand-less and speechless.” I looked at her confused, didn't everyone else do it that way? I guess not. Oh great, now there back to staring.” Alright.. So uh, that's not normal. I'll just like, shut up.”
“ How do know we can trust Snape?” Harry then challenged.
“ Because I had a vision dream thing and it there was this really long riddle poem and one of the things said to trust my godfather, so shut it.” I glared at him.” Oh no.. That's not normal either is it?” I sighed.
“ No it's not.” Ron finally decided to not stare.
“ Is there anything else that you can do that's abnormal?” Draco asked weakly.
“ No.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Your just freaky looking like Draco, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.” Ron said, I glared at him, then I heard him mutter to my brother.” Hey Draco, you sure have one freaky sister, she can use wandless magic and she's a seer.” Hermione's PoV
Well, wasn't that amusing.. Draco has a little sister who's both a seer and a powerful witch. I'm jealous I wish I could use wandless magic.
As I watched Courtney she seemed to be concentrating hard on something next thing I knew she had long black hair and pointed black eyes, she looked like a miniature female Snape. It was so funny I started to laugh.
“ What?” Draco asked turning to me. I pointed to Courtney and saw the horror on his face.” Who's that?!” He choked.
“ Courtney, dumbhead, Ron said he didn't like me looking like you.” She said in a duh tone of voice. Immediately the rest of the group turned to look at her.
“ So you impersonated a female me?” There was hint of disbelief in Snape's tone. I noticed Ginny was close to dieing of silent laughter.
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01-14-2010, 09:04 PM
#116 (permalink)
| Bugbear
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Down Under
Posts: 32,132
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cody Liam Evans Seventh Year | HP, Harry & Ginny ♥ | Music Girl ♫ | | BW, JB, CS, 1D, Glee, AVPM/S Lover | Pray &
I love Snape in this chappie!
__________________ ♥ HARRY POTTER FOREVER ♥ Thank You For The Three Best Years!  I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
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01-14-2010, 09:06 PM
#117 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black Quote:
Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 I love Snape in this chappie! Hehe, Snape's such a cool character to write about
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01-15-2010, 12:54 AM
#118 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Battle School. [:
Posts: 721
Hogwarts RPG Name: Rosalie Wayland Second Year | || Random Moments, Random Times - Sa13+ || Slytherin's Curly-Haired Beauty(:
Wandless magic?
I would be freaked out also..!
I like this chapter(:
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01-15-2010, 01:06 AM
#119 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 683
Excellent! Can't wait to find out all the background stuff with Courtney! Awesome updates!!!!! PAMS!
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01-15-2010, 03:32 PM
#120 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black Quote:
Originally Posted by xCoUrTnEyxLoVeSxToMx Wandless magic?
I would be freaked out also..!
I like this chapter(: Thank you  Yep you specialize in wandless magic Quote:
Originally Posted by cait malfoy Excellent! Can't wait to find out all the background stuff with Courtney! Awesome updates!!!!! PAMS!
Cait You gave me a idea for a next chapter.. Here it is
Disclaimer: Taylor Swift wrote and created the song Jump then Fall which is in her platinum addition album Fearless produced in 2009
Chapter Thirty Three: My past
I watched as the water trickled around my bare feet it;s soft sparkling coldness felt like heaven on this scorching summer day. The soft breeze blew my pale blond hair through the air I felt like I could jump in the air and fly away. If I could have seen the image I created standing in front of the setting sun as it burned a redish orange I would have been shocked. Today I felt free, today was my thirteenth birthday also, not that I cared at all. My grey eyes flitted here and there watching the minnows dart smoothly through the water.
“ SCORPIA COURTNEY MALFOY! Inside now.” Elaine With yelled, we had grown up as sisters since I was five, and she almost always used my full name, saying it was beautiful as a excuse.
“ Coming Elle, and didn't I ask you to call me Courtney?” I smiled happily at her, nothing could drag me away from my freedom and happiness today.
“ Don't!” Elaine groaned.” That reminds me of court-able Courtney's being courted in court by a quarter.” I half whistled the tune as she said it.
“ I hate Ben and Kyle for that.” As I said that I thought of Kyle, no! I told myself forcefully, Kyle will not destroy my freedom today! “ Elle, I'll be inside in a bit, I've got to go do something.” I said.
“ Alright stay safe.” Elaine responded heading back in to the house. I skipped and ran back to the stream and through it to the lake, quickly I changed my look to a short girl with funky green/black hair and curious shy hazel eyes. Then I broke out in mid song.
“ Every time you smile, I smile,
and every time you shine, I'll shine for you,
woah oh I'm feeling you baby,
don't be afraid to jump then fall,
jump then fall in to me,
baby, I'm never gonna leave you,
say that you wanna be with me too,
cause I'm gonna stay through it all, so jump then fall.” I stopped noticing there where three red headed boys watching me, they applauded when I finished.
“ Wonderfully done.” One of the twins (at least I think they are twins) smiled at me.
“ Bravo, gracia.” The oldest of the three clapped loudly.
“ Thank you.” I did a small bow before I could stop myself.
“ Charlie Weasley by the way, these are my younger brothers Fred and George.” The eldest shook my hand.
“ Scorpia With.” I grinned at him.
“ You knew here?” Fred the one with the scratch on his cheek asked.
“ Nope, been here for ever two years, you all look familiar, have I met you before?” I responded
“ Don't think so, I remember every face I meet.” George answered after a moment of thought. Then I remembered where I had seen them before.
“ The Daily Prophet!” I blurted out, all three glanced at each other then at me.” Uh sorry, just remembered a family going to Egypt two years ago and it was in the Daily Prophet.” I crossed my fingers hoping that they where wizards.
*** Less then a year earlier.
“ Kyle. NO!” I shouted grabbing my friends wrist.” Your only thirteen, your not even fourteen why are doing this?” Fresh tear tracks where already starting on my face.
“ I have to Scorpia, I'm one of his now, I'm a death eater.” He pulled the sleeve up on his left arm to show me the dark mark showing clearly on his skin.
“ Don't.” I sobbed.
“ Scorp, the death eaters are my family now, they should be yours.” Kyle pulled me to face him.
“ You have no idea what my real family is like Kyle, I don't ever want to see you again.” I shrieked at him turning on my heel and running.
*** Two years later.
I was kneeling on the frost covered ground as snow was falling fast around me. I continued to stare at the cold stone grave tears refusing to be shed even though I wanted them to be.
“ Happy birthday Elaine With, my sister I never had.” I whispered laying flowers at the grave, then I stood up and prepared to leave, but before doing so I turned back to the grave and laid my cloak under the flowers, I shivered once then cursed my self silently for being stupid enough to where a sleeveless dress. Then I felt a burning sensation, the dark mark on my left forearm almost glowed in pain. The Dark Lord was calling us, his death eaters.
*** 9 years earlier, a few weeks after my fifth birthday.
I laughed gleefully sitting on the lap of young woman with long blond hair just like mine.
“ Mama, do I have any siblings?” I asked turning to face the woman.
“ Why do you ask such silly questions Scorpia?” Then the woman's face fell.” Tomorrow you will have a sibling, you'll even have a different family, your sibling will be a girl your age named Elaine With, do try and behave your self darling.”
“ Will I ever come back?” I felt my lower lip start to tremble, I loved it here at Malfoy Manor with my real family, and no one would tell me why I was going to another family.
“ Of course, this isn't going for a long time.” Cheerfulness returned to Narcissa Malfoy's face. I started to laugh again as she began to tickle me.
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01-15-2010, 04:54 PM
#121 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 683
Oh my..  That was sad! And she is Draco's sister.... Hmmmm. I can't wait to find out what happens with them all. Awesome writing, glad we got to see into Scorpia/Courtney's past. Keep it up!
Cait |
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01-15-2010, 09:03 PM
#122 (permalink)
| Bugbear
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Down Under
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That's sort of sad 
Great update!
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01-15-2010, 09:05 PM
#123 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Missouri
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lily Adams First Year |
Aww! Poor Courtney!
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01-15-2010, 09:07 PM
#124 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Missouri
Posts: 1,534
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lily Adams First Year |
Thats sad! Poor Courtney! PAMS!
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01-15-2010, 09:21 PM
#125 (permalink)
| Firecrab
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*Asks for tissues..*
That's sad. Courtney/Scorpia the Death Eater.
*Looks around..*
Now I can practice my evil laugh... "Mwahaha!!"
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