As promised Chapter 26
(there's going to more Dramione now)
Chapter Twenty Six:The last express
It was 10:14 September first, Platform 9 ¾ was almost empty. I stood gazing at the bright red train, feeling tears slowly roll down my cheeks, wishing I was going to be on it.
“ Where going to have to leave soon.” A young man with messy black hair and green eyes whispered in my ear.
“ I know Harry, I know,” My voice was barely audible, I quickly buttoned up my trench-coat realizing how cold it was.” Why does everyone one else get a perfect, easy life?!” I blurted out my mistake, trying to control my tears.
“ Your going to be okay,” Harry put is arm around my waist.” Not everyone gets things easy, and I guess fate decided to to be cruel to us.” Harry then kissed my forehead.
“ Thanks, that was kinda stupid of me.” I mumbled, then pulled his head down for a kiss, I couldn't help my smile after we broke apart as he pushed my long red hair out of my face.
“ Let's go find Hermione.” Harry said taking my hand, grinning at me.
After a few minutes of searching we found Hermione at the other end of the station.
“ Hey Mione, why are you way over here?” I asked her.
“ Hi Ginny, Harry, been waiting for you two, and I didn't want to get seen by anyone.” Hermione smiled faintly at Harry and I, I could tell that either she was still upset about Ron or... She couldn't! I quickly tried to toss that thought out of my head.
“ Hermione, can I talk with you privately, please.” I said, it wasn't asking really, Hermione looked at me slightly confused, then nodded her head. I grabbed her arm lightly and led her away from a befuddled Harry.
“ Hermione, do you love Draco?” I demanded.
“ I.. WHAT!!” This was obviously not what she expected.
“ Are you... Do you love Draco?” I repeated.
“ Why?” Hermione asked suspiciously, she finally maintained control of herself.
“ Just answer it.” I sighed.
“ Yes I do love him, but this has nothing to do with hunting Voldemort.” Hermione persisted angrily.
“ If you love him why don't you tell him, instead of going on adventures with Harry and I.” I answered.
Hermione's PoV
Why the heck is Ginny asking me this? I mentally asked myself.
“ Ginny, you don't understand, Draco wouldn't.. Gah.. He doesn't love a mudblood like me.” I doubted my own words even as I spoke them, remembering certain times.
The second time I kissed him, he did kiss me back.
After the Yule Ball, he kissed me,
The way he acted when I kissed Ron,
The look on his face when I held Viktor Krum's hand.
NO! This isn't possible! This can't happen.
Ginny fortunately woke me from my thoughts.
“ Hermione, how would you know? You haven't talked with him since the night Ron died.” Ginny was half smiling, half crying.
“ And you have?” I quickly countered, trying to get off the subject of Ron.
“ Listen to me, if you have feelings for him let him know, for all you know he might love you.” Ginny suddenly became more serious.
“ I... But.. GINNY! Your actually encouraging me to love a Malfoy?” I sputtered trying to understand this.
“ I just want you to be happy, and Draco's not all bad, heck, Slytherins aren't that bad either.”
“ Who are you and what have you done with Ginny? Look, what if he doesn't love me, I'm not even sure I love him.”
“ You said a few minutes ago you did.” Ginny raised a eyebrow at me.
“ Oh my gosh! It's 10:41!” I gasped looking at my watch. Ginny and I headed to leave the platform, when we bumped in to, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson and.. My heart skipped a few beats.
Draco Malfoy.
“ Hermione?” Draco said surprised grabbing my wrist to stop me from leaving.” What-” He was cut off.
“ Eurgh! Your talking to that mudblood filth?” Pansy sneered glaring at me. As soon as she said it Blaise, Draco and Ginny all whipped out there wands. Draco still holding on to my wrist, Pansy backed away warily.
“ This is all some sort of joke right?” She asked frightened, I did my best not to laugh.
“ Don't ever call Hermione that again.” Draco snapped coldly at her, his tone surprised me.” Hermione, where have you been?” Draco turned back to me, his voice much softer, warmer and nicer now.
“ I.. I've been with Harry and Ginny.” I muttered not looking him in the eye.
“ Draco.” Ginny said suddenly,
No, she wouldn't dare!
Yes she would. A smaller voice in my head spoke up. I threw Ginny a glare.
“ Do you love Hermione?” Ginny finished suppressing down a grin.
I was completely horrified, and I probably looked that way. Quickly I wrenched my wrist free of Draco's hand, grabbed Ginny's arm and lead her rather forcefully away, I'm surprised I managed to do that all before Draco could say anything.
“ Don't ever do that again!” I nearly shrieked.
“ I was just trying to sort things out.” Ginny for some reason was smirking.
“ What happened?” Harry asked us walking over,
“ Ginny asked Draco Malfoy if he loved me.” I snarled, Harry chocked on his bread,
“ Why did she do that, it's obvious he does.” Harry stated after clearing his throat.
“ WHAT!” This time I did shriek.” None of us will talk about Draco Malfoy again, at least till I say we can. He is a banned subject.” I finally managed to keep my voice calm. I could tell that Harry and Ginny where both holding back laughter...