Well... You will all have your revenge on Ron in due time
I wanna say though.. I made the song Love Like This, which shows up in this chapter
Chapter Twenty Four-Upon Death's Doorstep
“ Harry did we win?” Ron asked still grinning, he watched Lavender cry unashamed that he made her cry.
“ Yep! Ginny was brilliant! It was great!” Harry was smiling so hard that it wouldn't surprise anyone if his face fell off.
“ Aw, come of it.. You should have seen Cho's face when she saw we won, if looks could kill the whole stadium would have died.” Ginny added in happily. In the middle of there rejoicing Demelza Robins showed up.
“ Hey Harry, I was asked to give you this.” She said smiling handing Harry a small scroll, Harry thanked her then congratulated her on the wonderful scores she made. After opening it he gasped.
“ It's from.. Dumbledore, I think he's found one!” Harry looked, surprised and shocked. Hermione also gasped, and Ron looked awed.
“ Found one what?” Ginny asked confused.
“ Dumbledore said not to tell anyone, sorry Gin.” Harry gave her a look of remorse then quickly ran off to go see Dumbledore.
Ginny decided since that people at the Gryffindor table were being straight confusing she'd drop by at the Slytherin table. Give everyone a pleasant surprise. She quickly headed over there before her brain made her realize that this was a stupid idea. Ginny sat down next to a slightly surprised Draco.
“ What's up?” Draco asked her confused.
“ Ha ha, nothing much.. Harry's being annoying and not telling me something. So I'm dead bored.” Ginny laughed at the look on Pansy Parkinson's face.
“ Well, you still look like your breathing.” Draco couldn't resist, Ginny slapped him lightly.
“ I'm a vampire.” They where both laughing by now.
“ And you said you didn't bite!” was the last coherent thing Draco could say before laughing to hard, partly because of Pansy's face.
“ Um.. That's my seat.” Ginny looked up to see Blaise Zabini looking at her with a bit of admiration that she actually came over and sat down at the Slytherin table, and confusion to why she was there.
“ Oh, sorry.” Ginny immediately stopped laughing and jumped up.
“ You don't have to move, you can have it.” Blaise mumbled.
“ No really, it's okay. I was leaving anyways.” Ginny persisted, a strange thought popped in to her head. She was having a argument with a Slytherin, and both of them where trying to be polite.
“ You sure?” Blaise was still talking rather quietly.
“ Yep, I'm dragging Draco off to the quidditch field.” Ginny resisted the urge to laugh.” Want to come?” Woaaaah! Why did I just ask that? Ginny knew at once that she was going crazy.
“ I.. Sure.” Blaise also looked confused at what he was saying. Ginny, Draco and Blaise headed towards the entrance of the great hall. They could tell that most of the great hall was staring at them unsure of what exactly was going on.
“ Did you say something about quidditch?” Demelza Robins ran up to Ginny.
“ Yep. Draco and.. Blaise are coming to play, if you don't mind.” Ginny smiled at Demelza.
“ Wicked! Let me go see if I can get Ron and Cormac to play keepers.. I hope, Blaise and I can be chasers, Draco and you can be seekers.” Demelza responded cheerily. A few minutes all six of them where playing quidditch happily, the teams were. Cormac, Draco and Demelza, Ron, Ginny and Blaise...
The Slythendors beat the Gryffirins by 10 points.
“ Ginny, if you had just caught the snitch....” Ron's voice trailed off with the glare Ginny gave him,
“ Awesome catch Malfoy.” Cormac congratulated him before walking away.
“ Ginny, remind me to never play quidditch with McLaggen again.” Demelza sighed half leaning on her friend.
“ I'll try.” Ginny laughed.
Parvarti Patil and Demelza Robins where on there way towards the Gryffindor Common Room when they heard a sharp, happy melody playing from what they thought to be a empty class room.
“Being together is the best thing,
The best thing that I have ever felt,
You just make my heart sing,
Together we can stand and melt,
Melt away together forever,
Others try and tear us apart,
But we won't let go of each other ever,
We've been in love ever since the start,
Knowing each other better each day,
Where not simple figures made of clay,
I wanna tell you baby,
That I have never felt love like this before,
I wanna tell you baby,
I am needing you more and more,
You look me in the eyes,
You tell me you love me,
I used to be filled with lies,
But you turned me around made me me,
Wake me up in the morning,
Give me the normal hug,
I get it sunny or pouring,
Hand me my coffee in my favorite mug,
Baby, baby, love me some more,
We've given each other everything,
We know each other the core,
Your voice was just a sweet ring,
A sweet ring that stayed in my ears,
Your the top of all my peers,
I wanna tell you baby,
That I have never felt love like this before,
I wanna tell you baby,
I am needing you more and more,
You look me in the eyes,
You tell me you love me,
I used to be filled with lies,
But you turned me around made me me,
Standing next to me as we enter,
Enter a world so big,
We've made it the stage dead center,
This ain't no play this ain't no gig,
This is the real world of me and you,
We are trying harder as our life go's by,
To keep our love alive and give each other whats due,
We won't ever give up darling till we die,
I just wanna hold you baby,
It's a yes not a no or a maybe,
Because I love you baby,
I don't wanna give you up ever baby,
That's what you tell me day by day,
So let me lay on my knees and pray,
That we won't ever fade away,
That we will say,
I wanna tell you baby,
That I have never felt love like this before,
I wanna tell you baby,
I am needing you more and more,
You look me in the eyes,
You tell me you love me,
I used to be filled with lies,
But you turned me around made me me,
I wanna tell you baby,
That I have never felt love like this before,
I wanna tell you baby,
I am needing you more and more,
You look me in the eyes,
You tell me you love me,
I used to be filled with lies,
But you turned me around made me me... “ Demelza instantly recognized the singer and guitar player as Hermione.
“ Wow Hermione, that was great!” Demelza burst out as soon as they entered the class room. Hermione's response was cut across by a sudden sounding voice across the whole castle.
“ All students return to there Common Rooms immediately. Do not pester the teachers, do not ask questions. Your heads of houses will soon head to the common rooms to inform everyone of what is happening.” McGonagall's shrill voice had a tint of fear in it.
Demelza, Hermione and Parvarti looked at each other scared at what happened they quickly headed towards the Common Room which was already packed. McGonagall arrived there shortly after them. Immediately after her arrival questions began.
“ Has the Chamber of Secrets been opened again?” A second year asked scared.
“ Of course not, is you-know-who attacking?” A fifth year cut across the second year.
“ Did someone get hurt?” Parvarti Patil sounded immensely worried.
“ I KNOW! HARRY POTTER DIED!” A third year girl shrieked fainting. It took McGonagall a few minutes to calm everyone down.
“ The chamber of secrets has not been opened, you-know-who is not attacking, Harry Potter did not die. Two students were found not long ago almost dead, almost tortured to insanity. They where immediately brought to St. Mungo's and should be in good health in a couple months.” Professor McGonagall still sounded worried.
“ WHO?” Ron bellowed. McGonagall glared at him before answering.
“ Miss Weasley and Mr Malfoy.” McGonagall simply said, before turning around and leaving.
“ Ginny...” Ron was shocked as he fell numbly in to the chair behind him...