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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: Who should Hermione end up with?
Draco totally, I want them engaged again! 5 100.00%
Ron should save the day.. 1 20.00%
Get her and Viktor together! 0 0%
No one, she should be happily alone. 0 0%
No one, she should be killed off. 1 20.00%
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Old 01-05-2010, 05:56 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Ohhhhh, clifffffhanger! Cannot wait for more. These updates are going to spoil us readers hahah. Great writing as always! ....I hope Draco is truly a good guy!

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Old 01-05-2010, 03:41 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Oooh.. Draco is always a nice guy

Chapter Twelve: Hogsmeade invatations

" Hermione, I'm sorry for calling you a mudblood and for being a git to you. I also wanted to let you know I broke up with Lavender." Ron said walking up to Hermione.
" I forgive you Ron, and I'm sorry for being a jerk and snogging Malfoy." Hermione responded looking down at her feet. Ron hugged her happily and left. Shortly after he left Hermione received a note.

Want to go to Hogsmeade with me next Saturday?

Hermione smiled at the note, wrote a yes on the back and attached it to the owl that delivered it.

*** Gryffindor Common Room-Later that day

" Hey Hermione, want to go to Hogsmeade with me Saturday?" Ron asked her as they sat around the fire. Hermione almost panicked Draco or Ron? She thought confused.
" I'm going wi-" She began seeing Ron's face fall she changed her mind." Sure! Meet you at 10am." Hermione finished happily.
" Okay, awesome!" Ron said smiling as Hermione and Ginny headed up to the girl dormitories.
" Hermione! What the heck was that?" Ginny exploded once they got up.
" What do you mean?" Hermione asked confused.
" Your supposed to be going with a Draco to Hogsmeade, remember?" Ginny explained hardly believe what she saw downstairs.
" I.. Well. I don't want my friendship with Ron to be destroyed again." Hermione said trying to explain it to Ginny who obviously didn't seem to understand in the slightest. She groaned before answering Hermione. " So this is supposedly going to destroy your friendship with Ron, what do you think it will do to Draco, he asked first. Duh!" Ginny retorted angrily.
" Why are so against my going with Ron anyways? And I thought you hated Draco." Hermione said confused again.
" Oh never mind you wouldn't understand." Ginny responded dryly storming off. Hermione sighed, and decided to write a note to Draco explaining everything.

Sorry. About Hogsmeade, I am going with Ron instead, maybe I can see you there?
I know you asked first but I don't want my friendship with Ron to be destroyed again,
Sincerely Hermione

***Somewhere in Hogwarts-Same night

Draco sighed after reading the Hermione's note. That was he was looking forward to. Since Richard Lider was killed by Bellatrix in the Hogwarts attack he had no really to talk to, Crabbe and Goyle where annoying and wouldn't understand, Pansy was a cow. And now Hermione didn't want to hang out with him. Not that he could blame her after what she heard in the prisons." Something troubling you Drakikins?" Pansy's annoying voice startled him.
" What?" He asked surprised.
" Something troubling you Drakikins?" Pansy repeated in a annoying way.
" Don't ever call me that." Draco spat angrily at her.
" But-" Pansy began again,
" GO AWAY!" He yelled at her, getting seriously annoyed. Pansy finally walked off pouting and Draco put his head in his hands hoping that she wouldn't return.
" Pans prat bothering you?" Ginny asked walking over and sitting across from in the window sill.
" Was, what do you want?" Draco asked trying not to sound angry, not quiet sure if he manged it.
" Mione told you?" Ginny asked, if he had showed any signs of anger she had ignored it,
" yeah." Draco answered looking up at Ginny wondering what she could want from him.
" So um-" Ginny started but was interrupted by Ron and Cho leaving a nearby classroom.
" What the heck are you doing alone with Malfoy Ginny?" Ron asked confused and angry by the sound of it. Ginny rolled her eyes before answering,
" I was going to ask him to Hogsmeade. So go away!" Ginny snapped at her older brother. Ron's jaw dropped in shock and Draco raised his eyebrow surprised." Shove a sock in it and leave Ron." Ginny said starting to get annoyed, Ron decided it was good for him to leave and to not face his sister walked off with Cho." So want to go to Hogsmeade with Harry, Luna and I?" Ginny asked smiling.
" Why not, You know how you first phrased that was kinda weird." Draco said trying not to smile.
" I only did that to make my brother go away, cya tomorrow then!" Ginny said hopping off the windowsill and walked off to the Gryffindor Common Room...

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 01-05-2010, 06:00 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Ohhhh, intense! I hope Ginny and Draco don't develop anything.... Hermione definitely should have gone with Draco, so much better haha. Good post, keep 'em up.
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Old 01-05-2010, 06:44 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

No, I can promise you one thing.. It's Harry/Ginny
Putting up two chapters again

Chapter Thirteen-Hogsmeade.. And... FIGHTS!

It was Saturday 8:00am, breakfast had started early." Hey Hermione, how are you?" Harry said half waving half yawning a greeting to her.
" Heya Harry, so you and Ginny having a date?" Hermione asked smiling.
" Actually Ginny, Luna, Draco-" Harry stopped as Hermione chocked on her tea." You alright Mione?" He asked worried.
" I'm fine." Hermione said trying her best not to sound surprised.
" Yea, us four are going. Luna and I are going to have a meeting with Rita part way through the day. So I assume that Ginny and Draco will be buying out Zonko's and Honeydukes together, and then probably anything else they can." Harry finished smiling and stifling another yawn.
" It was my idea sweetheart so stop stealing it." Ginny said walking over and sitting next to Harry, Hermione glared at her. Ron eventually joined them somewhere around 9am. Another half hour passed with nothing much going on between them other then a few games of Chess and exploding snap, Ginny and Harry started to get up.
" Where you two going?" Ron asked.
" I'm going to go get Draco so we can head to Hogsmeade silly!" Ginny said winking at Harry and smirking. Ron glared at her,
" And I'm going to get Luna, we are going to spend half the day in The Three Broomsticks together." Harry said catching on immediately as Ginny headed over to the Slytherin table trying her best to not burst in to laughter.
" Yo Draco, done with breakfast yet?" Ginny asked plopping in to the empty seat next to him, which made Pansy glare at her through what seemed. Sobs? Draco rolled his eyes and muttered something about explaining later, he and Ginny then headed to the entrance of the great hall.
" What did you do to Pansy?" Ginny asked.
" Oh, that. I told her she was a worthless cow and to leave me alone. Stupid girl." Draco said rolling his eyes again.
" You know, your kinda cute when you do that." Luna said surprising them both and causing Ginny to jump right in to...
" What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall asked suspiciously.
" Uh.. Nothing Professor!" Ginny asked trying not to laugh at the expression on Draco's face.
" I can assure you, it is not 'nothing'" McGonagall said wondering what the heck a Slytherin, Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw where all hanging out with each other. Before Ginny could answer McGonagall. Harry walked up not noticing her.
" Did I seriously just hear Luna say Draco looked cute rolling his eyes?" He asked. Before anyone could say anything McGonagall burst in to laughter.
" That is something I must tell the other teachers, 15points to Ravenclaw for such a hilarious comment." Professor McGonagall said walking off in laughter. The two Gryffindors and the Ravenclaw and Slytherin headed out to Hogsmeade laughing. After spending a few hours chatting Luna and Harry had to go talk with Rita." So since apparently.. Your taking Ron's place in our group, your going to have to start telling me about you." Ginny said smirking.
" Oh really?" Draco said returning the smirk.
" Yea, just list 18 random things about you and then in turn Harry and I will, maybe even Luna. But here's an idea, you say one and I say one." Ginny said sitting down, they had chosen to go to the Hogshead to talk, they obviously didn't want to run in to Hermione and Ron.
" Alright fine. 1. People using magic badly drives me up the wall." Draco responded rolling his eyes.
" Don't tell Harry but. 1. You do look kinda cute rolling your eyes in my opinion."
" Oh... Maybe I should. 2. Muggle music is better then magic."
" And you would know that how? 2. My favorite lipstick is muggle."
" I don't want to know, 3. I know because I used to listen to it with out my dad's permission."
" Haha. 3. I admire Fred and George and look up to them as my heroes,"
" 4. I respect Harry."
" You what! Wow... er okay four, I... I am jealous that Hermione got to slap you in her third year."
" Ah great, now I have to be careful if you do that. Five, I hate people calling me Malfoy all the time,"
" Well.. All you do is have hate Ron then, five. uh, I hate Lockhart."
" Who doesn't? Other then Mione, er let's leave it at five for now and go buy out Honeydukes as Harry put's it." Draco said smirking again, Ginny nodded, they payed for there drinks and left not meeting anyone they knew on there way there. After entering the cozy and warm shop they began looking for treats." Six, I don't really like any of the Slytherins other then Zabini." Draco suddenly said almost surprising himself.
" Oh er, six I think that Ron eats like a troll." Ginny smiled in spite of the fact that they were talking about Ron.
" Seven. I think that Ron is more powerful then acts."
" Oh why's that?" Ginny asked forgetting that she was supposed to say something about herself.
" When he used Sectemsempra on me it was more bloody then it has ever been before." Draco said with out thinking,
" Ever been before?" Ginny was really curious now.
" Your turn Gin." Draco simply said as he looked over at some new sugar quills.
" What did you just call my sister?" Ron asked threateningly pointing his wand at Draco,
" Uh.. What the heck?" Ginny said glaring at her brothers," I mean! He didn't call me that, he just called me Gin." Ginny quickly finished seeing Draco's face.
" And since when was Malfoy allowed to call you that?" Ron sneered his wand still pointed at Draco.
" Since we became friends." Ginny responded rolling her eyes." Come on Draco, let's go to Zonko's, Ron's such a annoying git." She then said grabbing Draco's arm and they began to leave but before they reached the doorway a flash of light almost hit Draco's head, who pulled out his wand and spun around to face Ron.
" No Weasley becomes a friend of a Malfoy." Ron growled glaring at both Malfoy and Ginny. Before he could go on Harry and Luna showed up." What the heck Ron!" Harry said pulling out his wand also.
" Seriously you three! What in the world is going on?" Hermione asked angrily as she walked over...

Chapter Fourteen-Questions again
" Ron's acting like a git because Draco called me Gin." Ginny said glaring daggers at Ron and Hermione,
" Okay, drop it the lot of you. Ron don't please." Hermione said taking Ron's hand leading him away from the others,
" Wow, I swear every time I see him he get's stupider." Harry muttered as they left Honeydukes, Draco glanced at Ginny to confirm they where thinking the same thing.
" It's just the effect you have on people Harry," They said at the same time trying not to burst in to laughter. Harry started to protest until he realized they where joking and laughing hysterically.
" Hey Ginny you still haven't done number seven yet." Draco said after he finished laughing.
" Oh. Okay. Seven, my favorite color is green." She smirked at Harry who rolled his eyes.
" Eight, I almost scared Pansy to death by telling her I was going to Hogsmeade with you today." Draco responded with his un-Malfoyish smile.
" Oh so that's what that was about," Ginny said laughing again,
" What! You mean I missed seven already." Harry asked surprised.
" Yep, okay, eight, I have slapped Harry more times then I have slapped you." Ginny said." Ah, great we are at where we go separate ways. Do one more then we'll do more tomorrow?" Ginny asked groaning.
" Nine. I am a death-eater,"...

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 01-05-2010, 07:35 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Can't believe he told them that he was a Death Eater. Nice two chapters! Ron needs to stop acting like such a baby, if Harry can deal with Draco then he should be able to. And thank goodness it Harry and Ginny are going to be together I got worried haha
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Old 01-05-2010, 07:56 PM   #31 (permalink)
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You stop there?!?! You're cruel!


I'm like... dying to see their reactions to what Draco just told them.
That's priceless!


Xanga | Dray's Anatomy - Sa16+
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:43 PM   #32 (permalink)

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Awesome! Pams!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:25 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Can't believe he told them that he was a Death Eater. Nice two chapters! Ron needs to stop acting like such a baby, if Harry can deal with Draco then he should be able to. And thank goodness it Harry and Ginny are going to be together I got worried haha
Hehe, no need.. Hermione is wide open for Draco except for Ron

Originally Posted by Tommy'sGirl4ever View Post
You stop there?!?! You're cruel!


I'm like... dying to see their reactions to what Draco just told them.
That's priceless!

It must be... Lol.. I am cruel

Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 View Post
Awesome! Pams!
I will in about half an hour need to make dinner.. Sorry not for being able to do it earlier had ballet. :ballet:

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Old 01-06-2010, 01:01 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Update! I know it's not that long but it will hopefully do for now till I get chapter 16 ready to go

Chapter Fifteen-Defense is not normal

"Nine, I am a death-eater,"...

Ginny and Harry said nothing but just looked at each other amazed." That's alright, it would have been really bad if you where an Auror, did you hear about the Rootfang conspiracy?" Luna started walking off with a totally confused Draco. Ginny started laughing first, Harry joined, they just stood there laughing and laughing till they heard a cold voice behind them.
" Potter, Weasley, what are you doing taking up room in the middle of the hall. 5 points from Gryffindor each, now go to your common rooms." Said Snape surprising them, they ran off laughing.
" Harry.... Remember what number nine was. Er, you wouldn't forget would you." Ginny said not smiling anymore.
" Yea, well... He is nice. So maybe he doesn't want to be." Harry said as he pulled out some homework.
" Probably, well I am dead tired and here comes Ron. So night Harry." Ginny said hugging Harry then leaving the common room.
" Where's Ginny?" Ron asked as soon as he came in.
" Not here." Harry simply responded as he began writing.

***DADA class. A few days later.

" Since today is the last day before Christmas break, 5th and 6th years will be working together. You will not be paired in the normal groups today." Snape said, he sounded angry. The groups starting getting together everyone happy. The groups are as said below.
Harry, Ginny, Draco, Luna.
Lavender, Padma, Parvarti,
Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle,
Dean, Seamus, Ernie, Justin.
And so on and so forth.... Class went normally because they were only reading. Or was it normal.. Well. They where not in the normal groups...

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:10 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Yay! New post

Awesome as always. Haha.

Now... uhh, I guess I have to update xD

Xanga | Dray's Anatomy - Sa16+
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:16 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Woohoo, a new post.. and another cliffffie! Great post like always! Keep 'em up!

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Old 01-06-2010, 01:25 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tommy'sGirl4ever View Post
Yay! New post

Awesome as always. Haha.

Now... uhh, I guess I have to update xD
Yes you do

Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Woohoo, a new post.. and another cliffffie! Great post like always! Keep 'em up!

Next chappie is ready

Chapter Sixteen: Christmas Break

Ginny sighed, Hermione was going spending Christmas break with the Weasley's as normal. But Harry was going somewhere else, he wouldn't say.
" See you around Harry, take care!" Ginny said hugging him.
" You take care also love, I don't want to hear that you and Ron blew up the Burrow. It's my home to you know." Harry said smiling.
" Oh, where are you going anyways?" Ginny asked hopeful, but Harry just smiled at her and walked off. Prat. Ginny thought as did so.
" Have a fun Christmas break." Draco said walking over.
" I should, but then again I am spending it with my jerk of a brother. You going. Er. Home?" Ginny answered with a small smile.
" Yea.. It should be pretty boring."
" Well.. If you want you can drop by on Christmas day and hex Ron in to oblivion."
" Haha, I should."
" Yea. Then we both will have a awesome Christmas. And Ron will have.. A dead one." Ginny said for lack of a different word, they both burst in to laughter." Well, either I'll see you someday at Christmas break or back at Hogwarts." Ginny then added hugging Draco before running off to the rest of her waiting family.

***Christmas Eve. Diagon Alley.

" Hermione! You have spent like half the day in the bookstore, just get on with it... I am so heading to Knockturn alley if you don't come soon." Ginny said impatiently. She waited another 20minutes before leaving Hermione who was still checking books out. After wandering aimlessly around Diagon Alley, debating on going down Knockturn Alley she walked straight in to Draco Malfoy.
" Oh crap!" Ginny said the first two words that came to mind. Draco started laughing.
" What are you doing wandering around Diagon Alley by yourself?" He asked,
" Mione won't stop looking at books, so I threatened to go to Knockturn alley, I don't think she heard me though." Ginny said laughing also.
" Knockturn alley, you should hide from her in the quidditch shop." Draco responded with a smile,
" You headed there?" Ginny asked.
" Yep.. I want to check out the new broom," Draco answered as they walked over to the quidditch shop, surprisingly it was nearly empty. They walked around looking at the broomsticks and equipment.
" WOW! The new Silverbolt, I thought it was just a joke or a rumor." Ginny gasped looking at the broom.
" Yea, apparently not even the quidditch teams have them yet. Probably not even released yet." Draco said with the same awed tone.
" What. Is. Going. On. Here?" Lucius Malfoy asked walking over towards them.
" Ginny and I are checking out the new broom." Draco said not noticing who the person was at first." Er. Hey dad." He had finally noticed, but it was a bit to late.
" Indeed. That is what is appears to be." Malfoy said his voice dripping with sarcasm and surprise. Ginny had said nothing yet.
" I, erm.. I'm going to see how many of these brooms have been bought yet. Or if they can be." Ginny muttered slipping away, obviously not wanting to be stuck in this situation." How many copies of the Silverbolt have been sold, or is it even on sale yet?" She asked once arriving at the counter.
" They are not on sale yet but one has been sold." The man said not even looking at her, Ginny confused was about to ask but Draco had just showed up.
" Come on Ginny, let's get out of here before my dad realizes what I just told him." He said with a smirk, they left, Ginny still slightly confused walked in to Hermione.
" THERE YOU ARE!" Hermione nearly shrieked.
" Woah! Mione calm down, she was with me." Draco said trying not to burst in to laughter.
" With.. Where were you two?" Hermione asked suspiciously. Ginny and Draco glanced at each other before saying Knockturn alley together." WHAT!" Hermione exploded again.
" It was a joke! Calm down," Draco said through laughter." Well, bye Ginny. My dad looks like he is about to explode just like Hermione did. But for a different reason." Draco waved disappearing into the thick crowds,
" Where were you really?" Hermione asked, this time angrily,
" The quidditch shop silly." Ginny answered laughing...

Ginny's PoV (Christmas)

It was Christmas finally!!!! Oh how great the day seemed already.. I slipped on some jeans with a small rip in them and a green shirt sporting a wand with a shower of red sparks forming the words Happy Christmas! I made mental note to thank Harry for the shirt. Half running half jumping down the stairs in to the kitchen I almost slipped on the newly polished floor. Once in the kitchen I began making breakfast. The muggle way. DARN! Waking up at 5:24 just to make everyone breakfast is not worth it! I thought to myself as I started cleaning out the pots and pans, but then again I didn't want my mum to do all the work. A couple hours later, it was 7:18, Ron trudged downstairs, obviously following his nose,
" It's about time you woke up sleepy head, we are starving for Ginny's breakfast!" Fred said punching Ron in the back,
" Yea, we are S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G! Are you-" George began
" hungry or what? If he's not then I am going to-" Fred continued.
" Be shocked for life." George ended with a smirk,
" Oh shut up you two, you didn't have to smell the whole thing well cooking it." Ginny said throwing Ron and the twins a glare. Hermione laughed and sat down at the table as did everyone else. Half way through the day Angelina and Penelope had gotten there already, they actually had arrived in the middle of breakfast. Ginny was in the middle of a exploding snap game with Fred and George when there was a sudden knock on the door." I'll get it!" She said jumping up and running to the door. It was Draco Malfoy.
" Hey, I'm here to hex Ron in to oblivion," He said with a smile, Ginny started laughing.
" Wow.. I'm not sure where he is at the moment, he'll probably come here soon to find out why I am at the door for so long." Ginny answered smiling also. They chatted for a few minutes in the entryway. Meanwhile back in the living room.
" Fred, George, go see what is taking Ginny so long." Mrs Weasley told them, Fred and George looked at each other suspiciously before leaving.
" Well! Here she is!" Fred said walking over,
" DRACO MALFOY!" George yelped.
" Oh shut up you two, where's Ron?" Ginny asked them trying not to laugh.
" Well, he is in the living room, came down a few seconds ago and-" George started again
" Aren't you going to be a lady and ask Malfoy in?" Fred ended with a identical grin to Georges,
" Oh yea. Wanna come in Draco?" Ginny smiled punching the twin closest to her.
" Um, okay then." He said trying not to laugh.
" What are you doing here anyways Ma-Draco?" Fred asked
" I'm theoretically here to hex Ron in to oblivion." Draco responded with a smile. As soon as they entered the living room Ron reacted.
" WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" Ron yelled reaching for his wand.
" He's here to hex you-" The twins started again,
" in to oblivion Ronniekins." George finished laughing at Ron's face, Ginny, Draco, Hermione, Angelina, Mr Weasley, Bill and Percy joined the laughter. Charlie entered in to the room confused at all the laughter.
" What did I miss?" He asked surprised.
" Er.. Draco is here to hex me into oblivion, and that lot thinks its funny." Ron said glowering at Ginny. Charlie joined the rest in laughter. The rest of Christmas passed by with much laughter and happiness. At least if you excluded the fact that Ron was glaring at Draco half the day.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:41 AM   #38 (permalink)

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Love it! PAMS! Write more!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

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Old 01-06-2010, 01:44 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Chapter Seventeen-Back to Hogwarts.

Ginny's PoV

The trip back to Hogwarts was pretty uneventful. Unless you count Neville almost blowing up our carriage ( it was my fault that he almost did it darn Neville's nice) Though I can't say the same for the first day back. Ron and Hermione started yelling at each other again. Harry and I had a really really bad fight.. So. What else can I say, Hermione and I are going to be spending more time together I guess.." Here is the first part Gin,
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without." Hermione said playing the first part of her favorite song on her awesome guitar. I whistled in amazement.
" Can I get the whole thing?" I asked in my baby sweet voice, she laughed before playing the whole song.
"Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without

Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see."

" Darn, your good Mione." Draco said surprising us both, and making me fall off the desk I was sitting on with a loud thump.
" git," I muttered under my breath getting back up with a smile.
" Um, thanks?" Hermione said confused.
" What exactly are you doing here?" I asked trying my best not to call him a git, again.
" Not sure exactly.. Maybe heading on my way to my common room." Draco said trying and failing to keep the sarcasm out of his voice, I felt like slapping him but decided against it. I just smirked at him and walked out of the room.. A few minutes later Hermione came running up to me.
" You are so dead Miss Ginny Weasley." She said glaring at me, wondering what I did wrong I asked her." WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG! You left me along in a room with Draco Malfoy!" She tried and failed to slap me,
" And what happened?" I asked interested.
" UGH! Your such a jerk." Hermione succeeded in slapping this time, I let out a gasp.
" Did he-" Before I could get further Hermione slapped me again." Just answer the question." I said grinning.
" Wha! N-Yea. Wait! NO!" Hermione nearly yelled the last part at me and starting chasing me.
" WAIT! MIONE YOU CAN'T CHASE ME!" I shrieked laughing,
" Why not?" She asked angrily,
" Because I'm the Chaser silly!" I said before running off...

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:45 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Haha aw, how cute. Hermione and Draco need to be together .... NOW! And where did Harry go for Christmas, hmmmm. Did Draco and Hermione kiss?! Great post!

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Old 01-06-2010, 02:00 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Haha aw, how cute. Hermione and Draco need to be together .... NOW! And where did Harry go for Christmas, hmmmm. Did Draco and Hermione kiss?! Great post!

Where Harry went is coming up.. I can't remember if I actually stated where but still... No they didn't kiss And Hermione and Draco are going to start to drift apart I am so cruel

Okay remember the part where it said Ginny and Harry had a fight? Well that has to do with this Chappie

Chapter Eighteen: A rash Potter

It was breakfast the next morning.
" Ginny! I need to talk to you!" Harry said impatiently.
" Go away!" Ginny snapped at him,
" Ginny, please this is really important." Harry tried again.
" I don't want to talk to you, and if it's so important why don't you ask it to the whole castle?" Ginny said annoyed. Harry said nothing, he walked up to Dumbledore and had a small conversation with him before heading to where Dumbledore made is announcements.
" Ahem." He said a little to loudly, the whole great hall turned to look at him, Ginny dropped her fork surprised.
" Ginevra Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" Harry asked before he lost all his courage to ask her. Especially in front of everybody. Ginny's jaw dropped in amazement as the whole room turned to face her...

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Old 01-06-2010, 02:05 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:11 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cait malfoy View Post
Chapter Nineteen: Answering Harry

Ginny was shocked, just plain shocked." I.. Uh.." Her voice faded, she was clearly not expecting Harry to do or say that.
" Say yes silly." Draco whispered to her trying not to laugh.
" Yes I will." Ginny finally answered, punching Draco as she did it. Harry gave a sigh of relief before going back to the Gryffindor table." One, don't ever do something like that again Harry, two Draco what the heck are you doing at the Gryffindor table, unless Dumbledore resorted you." Ginny said slapping each in turn.
" Well, since I asked you I don't ever have to do that again." Harry responded with a smirk,
" ha, I wish I was resorted, then I could hex Ron every morning and hang out with you guys more. I have to go ask Luna if she wants to go with Hogsmeade with me, bye." Draco said laughing before heading off towards the Ravenclaw table. Were he was greeted with glares and mocking.
" Luna, want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Draco asked her ignoring the other Ravenclaws.
" Sure! Now I must go congratulate Ginny and Harry, see you around Draco." Luna said with with a Luna smile. The Ravenclaws near her where incredibly surprised that she would go with Draco Malfoy of all people.
" Draco and Luna, never imagined that one." Ginny muttered to Harry, causing him to choke and gag on his pumpkin juice. He didn't answer at first because of this.
" GINNY! Luna and Neville are dating, anyways Draco likes Mione." Harry said breathing heavily.
" Congratulations Harry, Ginny. Do you know where Neville is?" Luna asked them, Harry and Ginny pointed near the end of the table where Luna headed.
" Where is your proof that Draco likes Her-" Ginny shut her mouth noticing Hermione herself walking over to them. Noticing the look on her face Ginny decided it wasn't a good idea to be caught talking about her and Draco.
" WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT HARRY! Ginny is only fifteen!" Hermione exploded,
" Er, well... I'm going to wait till she graduates, I just want everyone to know she's mine." Harry said with a feeble smile," oh yea, that reminds me I never gave you the ring Ginny." Harry added pulling out a black velvet box. Ginny opening it gasped.
" Harry! It's.. It's perfect!" Again Ginny was stunned, inside the box was a 48 gold karat ring with a flawless heart shaped diamond on it.
" Well, it is for a perfect girl." Harry smirked, Ginny slapped him again. Soon enough the Gryffindor table was surrounded by both students and teachers to congratulate Ginny and Harry and of course to examine the ring. Harry noticed that several boys including Dean Thomas and Michael Corner glaring at him, he should have expected this of course, they where Ginny's old boyfriends.
" Wow, I can't believe I have to wait three-four years to marry you. Wait. Did you ask my dad?" Ginny asked suddenly.
" Well duh! I'm not that stupid." Harry responded laughing at Ginny's face...

BTW Harry was buying the ring for Ginny over the break.. Then visiting Sirius's grave

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Old 01-06-2010, 02:20 AM   #44 (permalink)
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I love it! but can i say no to PAMS? i can't keep up! lol jk!
Ariana Jane Salvatore
...She wins every time...
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:21 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Of course you can! That gives me breathing space for more writing for this and my other ff's...

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Old 01-06-2010, 02:51 AM   #46 (permalink)

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OMG! You are soooooooooooooooooo good!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible.
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:26 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Thank you

I think I am going to write another FF which is going to be in the crossover sections.. But I need sleep and idea's... Brilliant ones..
(the new one which I will start writing soon will be called The Red Dress Organization, it'll be a High School Musical/Harry Potter one )

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Old 01-06-2010, 03:32 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Awwwww, how cute!!!
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:36 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Oookkkaaaayyy... Posting one more chapter then going to bed

Chapter Twenty: Breaking Hearts

" So, you have been dating Chang all along." Hermione stated not asked her arms crossed.
" Yeah, but I thought you-" Ron was cut off,
" I thought you valued your friends Ronald Weasley, and you get mad me for kissing Draco a couple times when you probably have been having kissing sessions with Cho. Harry's old girlfriend!" Hermione wasn't about to cry like Ron thought she would be.
" She was only dating him to get closer to me," Ron tried to explain.
" That makes her worse, Ron we can't be best friends if every time we start acting like friends again you turn around and back-stab me. Draco has been a better friend then you, I will still manage somehow to be your friend but we won't be best friends like before, at least not for a long long time." Hermione turned around, Ron said nothing wondering if she had finally succumbed to tears. He thought so, for when he arrived at the door of the classroom he turned around. But Hermione's face showed no expression.
When Hermione got back to the Gryffindor Common Room she noticed Fred and George there, being yelled at.
" WHAT DID YOU EXPECT YOU IDIOTS!" Ginny was obviously furious.
" Really, it was just a joke, we didn't expect that, we may have overdosed it the first day though." Fred's face was full of laughter,
" You mean that Cho has actually been taking it.. Wow. HEY!" George winced at Ginny's punch,
" What's going on?" Hermione asked confused.
" The twins have been giving Cho love potion." Harry said angrily, unfortunately Ron had just entered the room. His jaw dropped and he stood there to shocked to do anything." So she doesn't really like you Ron." Harry couldn't help but add, Ginny despite her anger laughed, Hermione finding nothing funny in the slightest did not laugh, she walked by the rest and and went to her room, Ginny finished yelling at the boys then followed her.
" Hey Mione." Ginny said putting a arm around her best friend.
" Good Afternoon Miss Potter." Hermione couldn't help but say, the two girls laughed for a bit. Before they could do anything else Parvarti Patil entered the room
" Hello ladies, want to hear the current pairs or groups going to Hogsmeade for the Yule Festival?" Parvarti asked flopping down on her bed which was opposite of Hermione's.
" Depends, am I on it?" Ginny asked laughing." Only the interesting ones, I don't want to hear long dialogues on who they should be going with," she finished.
" Well, the top of the list is Harry Potter and his fiancee Ginny Weasley, then we have Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas and Padma Patil, Seamus and I, Parkinson and Goyle, Linda Corik and Donald Reid, Neville will be going to the Yule part with Luna, I don't think Draco is going though. Cho Chang is probably going with Roger Davies, Ronald Weasley is going with Lavender Brown, Cormac McLaggen is going with Olivia Reid, and, apparently graduates are allowed to come so Fred is going with Alicia Spinnet and George is going with Angelina, Lee Jordan is rumored to be taking Katie Bell, your older brother Bill is coming with his fiancee Fleur, and there is a possibility that Viktor Krum is coming, didn't you date him two years ago Hermione?" Parvarti went on and on till she reached the end of her long chatter.
" Yea I did," Hermione answered blushing slightly." You gossip to much Parvarti, anything else interesting?" Hermione then asked.
" OLIVER WOOD BECAME THE KEEPER FOR PUDDLEMERE UNITED! And it's rumored that Lee isn't taking Katie and Oliver is. Oliver and Katie are so cute together!" Lavender shrieked running in.
" AWESOME!" Ginny screamed at the top of her lungs. The boys downstairs who didn't understand exactly what Ginny yelled came running in." WOAH! Calm down, seriously." Ginny said laughing.
" WHAT HAPPENED?" Harry yelled his wand out.
" Oliver Wood became the keeper for Puddlemere United! We the fan girls of him are going to throw a party." Ginny said indicating the other girls in the room.
" Your fan-girling my quidditch captain?" Fred asked interested.
" Oh then Fred and I-" George started
" have to go congratulate Oliver and-" Fred continued,
" and tell him that he has fan girls, including-" George added laughing now,
" our darling little sister." Fred finished laughing harder. Ginny was laughing to hard to stop them from running out of the room towards Hedwig...

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Old 01-06-2010, 03:46 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Haha good update. Draco and Hermione gottta go to the Yule Ball together And AWWW Misssss Potter adorable. Well, get some sleeeep.

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