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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: Who do you think Rosa should end up with?
Draco - he may be pompous and misled, but it has already been arranged 2 40.00%
Harry - Rosa may have lied to him, but true love conquers all 1 20.00%
No one - she's been through enough her entire life and this Hogwarts year, doesn't need a man to further complicate her life 2 40.00%
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Old 09-21-2010, 06:37 AM   #126 (permalink)
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I'm sorry I, once again, put off posting this. I was going to post on the first day back to school, then I was waiting for some graphics I requested to be done so I could post with them... but it's been like three weeks of nothing.
And this weekend I spent the entire time scrambling to finish online work. Which Im FINALLY DONE AFTER A 5 HOUR NONSTOP HOMEWORK SESSION ONE DAY AND... well yesterday was 4 hours of cue cards for a test mainly.
But now I'm FREE...ish.


This final post is so long I'm going to split it in 2 parts... mainly because it's almost midnight right now and I have a headache, so no more editing the chapter for me. Part two will be coming tomorrow (Wednesday at the latest) and it starts right where it leaves off.

ENJOY (the next post with the chapter)

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Old 09-21-2010, 06:48 AM   #127 (permalink)
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1. Carried out secretly or confidentially
2. (adv.) In secret or covertly; privately or confidentially

Chapter 34
The Graduation

I was fidgeting. Since the moment I woke up I either had something in my hands, toying with it, or I played with my graduation robes. Aurelia was pulling down the bottom of the robes and I was pulling at the sleeves, the fabric in between my fingers.

“Stop doing that!” Aurelia snapped.

“Sorry,” I responded absentmindedly, my hands still playing with the sleeves.

“What’re you anxious about? It won’t be that bad.” Aurelia stood up and pulled down the robes a bit, making it more form-fitting. “Stop that,” she repeated sharply, swatting at my hands. I recoiled, effectively dropping them from my sleeves. “I deem you ready.”

I looked into the mirror and started to change my hair. It took awhile; I decided I would please my mum for the first time in awhile and show I do ‘appreciate my hair’, and have something to start with explaining to Harry everything he needed to know, I went totally blonde. When I saw it, I cringed but fought the urge to change it completely, and instead added a chocolate brown beneath. I did put one streak of purple on the right side for much-needed flair. Aurelia chuckled at this. I then used a series of spells that added some volume and enhanced my wave from the ear down, making it almost curly.

“Could you do something for me?” Aurelia asked hopefully.

“No problem.” After all, she did put up with helping me put on the graduation robes over top of my clothes, my fidgeting, occasional babbles...

I moved back and she took my place in front of the mirror.

“Anything in specific?” I asked. “Natural, how I like it, straight, wavy, curly...?”

“Go for any colour, I’m kind of in the mood for change. Just... don’t do a full head of purple and pink and a blue fringe or something.”

I smiled; a blue fringe? I’d never thought of that one before...

Keeping that thought in the back of my mind for later, I started to work on her hair. It took awhile because I had to take off a few inches, but in the end I curled it from the root softly, changing the colour from auburn to a golden brown, adding a few highlights throughout. I summoned a wide-tooth comb and brushed through the curls, making it look more natural.

“What do you think?” I asked, smiling at my work as I set the brush down.

“That you should do this professionally.” Aurelia’s fingers ran through her hair. “Thanks!” She turned around and suffocated me in a hug that would undoubtedly leave a bruise. I awkwardly hugged her back until she pulled away. “So you’re ready to go?” she asked.

I looked back at her, suddenly feeling petrified. I knew what was yet to come, but I didn’t know how long I had...

“It won’t be that bad,” Aurelia said softly. “The stupid ceremony will be over before you know it and you’ll be home.”

Of course she didn’t get it, but I wasn’t about to tell her the truth of how I really felt about today and leaving. It was most likely more than leaving behind an interesting Hogwarts year anyways; it’d be leaving behind the best thing that’d ever happened to me.

“Come on.” Aurelia linked her arm through mine and she dragged me out of the dormitory and into the common room.

It was filled with students of all years, the occasional person wearing a graduation gown while others wore simple house robes. We pushed through the crowds until we were out and heading down the dungeons and through the Great Hall. When we made it through the main doors, we were met by hordes of people. Most were clumped at the doors, making it nearly impossible to get through with such a big plug.

“I’ll see you at the pitch!” I had to yell over the volume of voices to speak to Aurelia, who was still next to me just barely.


We then let the crowds take us away. As soon as I was out of the big crowd, I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in months.



Surely enough, mum came running towards me and lifted me off the ground into the world’s tightest hug ever. I started to choke, an indicator my mom took clearly and let me go.

“I still can’t believe I’m back here. It’s been so long...” Mum’s eyes scanned the castle and then fell onto me. “And you here, graduating? I can’t believe that either.”

I mock gapped. “You never thought I’d graduate.”

She laughed. “Not, I didn’t think you’d graduate here of all places.” She then lifted my hair, analyzing it. “Finally come to appreciate the real you?”

I then burst out laughing. “For a day. Partially.”

“I see,” she replied, a slight tone of distain as she lifted the under-sections of my hair, the brown. She then looked me up and down. “You look thinner. Don’t they feed you here anymore?”

“Yes, they do,” I sighed in response.

Of course she’d bring up what Draco had been mentioning in letters to her on some level. I had lost some of my appetite for awhile due to learning the whole truth that is my life, but I’d been gaining it back now. I suppose that came with the antisocial ‘attitude’ I’d developed because of the truth.

I looked past my mum into the more open parts of the fields and saw Harry wandering away with Ginny.

“I’ll be right back.” I then ran off and towards them, not caring if mum was watching.


I skidded to a stop in front of them. I looked at Ginny, a challenge in my eyes matching the competition in hers. “Can we have a moment alone?”
She smirked. “Not a problem.” With a nod, she turned around and walked away. Harry looked back at her, confused. I took this moment to look where my mum was; I watched her push herself into the crowds, disappearing into the throngs of people. Harry turned to me and smiled.


He pulled me into a hug. I held onto him a few moments longer and, when he kissed me, held onto that longer than normal. My heart was pounding, my entire body filling with anxiety and dread over what had yet to come.

“You ok?”

I shrugged. “Been better.” I could make it pass for nerves. I was glad I chose today to tell him; it made lying about nervousness that much easier.

One of his hands lifted to my hair and held up a lock. “Interesting choice. I thought you hated Malfoy or something of the sort... unless you’re not aiming for that? It looks good on you though; rather... natural.” His tone was a mix of confusion and discomfort.

I pulled out of Harry’s arms and held his eyes. “Look... you know when I said my natural hair is black?”


I sighed. “It’s not.”

His eyebrow rose, confused. “Ok... why lie about that?”

“Because it’s this. ‘Malfoy blonde’. It stinks but I can’t easily control it, either.”

He smiled slightly. “Fair enough. Did you think I’d find it weird? I’ve seen your friend, Daphne; she’s the same. Her sister is the same. It’s nothing major, being blonde. It doesn’t make you a Malfoy or something.”

I was silent for a moment at that; I'd never thought of Daphne like that. “Ok, that’s good to know.” I forced a small smile. This was nothing compared to what was to come. This was merely the beginning, my test for him, but based on his ‘Malfoy’ comment, well...


He turned his attention to me again, looking back expectantly. “You remember when you told me... Ginny told you I had to tell you something?”

He thought about that. “Ok?”

“Well she is right, there’s something... well she wants you to know that she found out awhile ago on her own devices.”


He turned around. I looked beyond him and saw Hermione dressed perfectly in her robes, her normally bushy hair much more neatly curled and held half-up. I could actually look at her without wincing; her day-to-day hair that looked like the after-effects of an exploded, leafy tree was now worthy enough for human eyes.

“We have to go.” She then looked at me, a grimacing twitch pulling the corner of her mouth up in an awkward smile. Her eyes didn’t hide the truth; repulsion. “Hello.”

“Hey...” I nodded.

“So what’d you want to say?” Harry turned back to me.

“It can wait,” I responded, smiling as reassuringly as I could possibly muster.

He returned my smile and reached out, took my hand and lifted it up, kissing it before letting it drop and hurrying away with Hermione. I just stood there, frozen to the spot.


“Don’t call me that,” I snarled, looking up at Draco. He stopped in front of me.

“You have to go.”

My eyebrow rose, confused. We were leaving before this thing even started?

“We have to go... to the pitch,” he rephrased. I found his slowed speech disparaging.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him, making my way to the pitch. I was thankful my last name was Black and mum didn’t make me keep her last name – this way I was up front and not right next to Draco, as it would have been with McMillan. And Rosa McMillan... no. Just... ew, no. It sounded weird to me.

The entire ceremony was slow. It took ages for me to get up on that stage and get my diploma, let alone everyone else in the crowd of graduates. When the ceremony was over, I hurried off-stage. I told mum I would be a bit, so she went off and found some more people to chat with while I found Harry again.

“So you haven’t actually talked with...?”

“Hey!” I cut into Ginny’s sentence. She turned around, looked at me with a warning glare, and walked off.

“Hey.” Harry pulled me into a quick kiss, keeping his hands on my waist. “Liberating, isn’t it?”

“It sure is,” I responded, smiling slightly. “Who’re you here with?”

“I’m leaving with Ron’s family,” he responded, shrugging. “I’m staying with them until I get my own place, really. You’re going back with your mum?”

I nodded. Another pang of dread overcame me, but not for what had yet to come with Harry, but what was to come upon returning home.

“What do you plan on doing this summer?”

“I’m going to the Quidditch World Cup,” I responded, shrugging. I then realized I who I would be going with. “Look, there’s something you should know...”

“Hey, Harry!” Ron Weasley came jogging up to us. I was so frustrated by the constant interruptions I was ready to punch something. Where was Draco’s face when I needed it? Sure he might not take too well with it, but it’s not like I do such things to him anymore.

What a depressing thought; I really had gone soft this year.

Harry let me go and turned to Ron. They started to do this funny handshake and a real man-hug. “It’s finally over! We can sit around at home and eat and sleep all day,” Ron announced

“So much for education.”

I recognized one of the twins that worked at Weasley Wizard Wheezes come up to us.

“You’d think after 18 years he’d learn mum doesn’t take to that sorta thing.”

The other twin came up. Within moments, the rest of the huge Weasley family came up and took Harry away from me. I waited, and was surprised when he pulled me into their group, leaving his hand around my waist.

“This is Rosa.”

I looked at them, feeling somewhat awkward. I looked at the redheads around me, feeling very out of place.

Mrs. Weasley smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” She shook my hand. I smiled back politely, feeling rather self-conscious. “Harry’s told us so much about you.”

“Yes, she has.”

Ginny popped up next to her mum, smiling at me with a fake brightness.
“We never knew Sirius had a girlfriend... or wife... whatever it was. It’s nice to know that he still lives on even more than we try to let him.”

“Yeah,” I responded simply, an odd yet familiar sensation of remorse I couldn’t find the right word for building in me for letting them believe such a lie.

Ginny’s eyebrow rose. “But...”

“Sorry, can I steal away Harry for a few minutes?” I asked, smiling hopefully at Mrs. Weasley. I could see Ginny’s flat expression, trying to hide the anger beneath. It was almost worth putting this off just to see how far I could push her until she broke and looked like a loony.

“Not a problem, dear. Come on, everyone. We’ll be waiting for you by the gates, Harry.” Mrs. Weasley led the family group away.

“So what’s so important?” Harry asked, leaning his forehead against mine. I let him kiss me one last time before pulling away slightly.

“There’s something you really should know.”

His eyebrows furrowed together. “Is something wrong?”

I bit the inside of my lip for a moment, trying to keep it from trembling in slight fear and in thought. “There’s... more I haven’t told you besides... my hair.”

“Like what? Your mum isn’t Slytherin or something?”

I chuckled once and sighed. “No. It’s more important than that. It’s about... Sirius.”

“What about him?”

“He’s not my father.”

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Old 09-21-2010, 08:03 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isla "LaLa" Williams
Second Year
Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

ooooohhhh Dun dun dunnnnn :O Great post
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Old 09-23-2010, 05:20 AM   #129 (permalink)
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Sorry about not posting the rest yesterday.... but I got around to it within a month this time!
Just before I post the chapter (next post btw), I'd like to say thanks to everyone that read this through to the end! I might be making a sequel - I have the idea set out, it's just a matter of getting it into written word. That one project is uncertain.
Two certain projects are a Dramione fan fiction (for the first time in like, 2 years?) called So Close (Sa16+) and a Draco/OC/Harry/Ron (yes, that's right, one girl, three guys ) called What We Want Most (Sa16+). I'm waiting for graphics for the Dramione to be made before posting that.

Anyways, thanks again, and I hope you sort of like the ending. I originally didn't anticipate it to end the way it did, which is one reason why I kind of want to make a sequel, but it was the only way that really worked. You'll see what I mean.

Tell me what you think. And if I do end up posting a sequel, would anyone want me to message them with that info? I'll do it if you want
Hope you don't mind the ending. I kind of wish I hadn't ended it this way, but hey, I guess I have to accept Rosa has actually developed out of her total-loathing, constantly-sarcastic, distant/loner-ish self on some level

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Old 09-23-2010, 05:28 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Harry became totally still, staring back at me with an unfamiliar blankness in his eyes. “What?”

“He’s... not my dad. When you assumed I was Sirius’s illegitimate kid... I just kept to that. It was easier.”

His blank expression started to morph, now appearing as though he was looking at a banshee for the first time.

“Then... who are you? Not a Black at all?” he asked, trying to grasp the meaning of my words.

I shook my head. “I am a Black, just not... Sirius Black’s kid.”

His hands dropped from my waist. “Then who?”

I didn’t quite know which direction to take with this. Never before have I had to admit the truth to such a lie before; this was new to me. “You know he had a brother, right?”

“But that brother died at 18!” Harry’s voice rose, confused.

I raised my hand slightly, gesturing to quiet down.

“My mum is 36. She was pregnant at 18, had me at 19. She knew Regulus for 6 months; after 5 she found out she was pregnant and told him. A month later he disappeared.” Tears welled in my eyes, remembering when I was told the truth about Regulus’s death. I fought them back, refusing to let them fall so early on in the day. “I was told my entire life he was some great... you know, and he just died in the line of fire of an Auror. Considering what my mum fed me about the Dark Lord...”

“Dear Merlin, you’re one of them aren’t you?” Harry exclaimed, stepping back. The small distance between us gripped at my stomach painfully; this was only the beginning of the distance yet to be set between us. “You’ve just been using me, haven’t you?”

“No, listen to me!” I cut in, my tone pleading. “When I came to Hogwarts I was nothing more than a supporter, and that was only because my mum raised me that way. I didn’t know she’d lied to me my whole life about that. I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“So you don’t like being lied to, hey? Don’t like how you felt so stupid by being led on?” Harry’s voice rose further, the shock in his eyes hardening to confused anger.

“There’s no need to yell! Please, Harry...” My voice dropped, shaking as I tried to repress the tears that began to pool heavier in my eyes.

“Why should I listen? You lied about this; how can I know when you’re telling the truth? How the hell should I know if you really cared?”

“I thought I wouldn’t be able to like you Harry, to be honest...” A tear slid from my eye. I wiped it away, maddened I showed this weakness. “But... after you told me how you felt, I realized I felt the same. I really do love you.”

Harry laughed. “Right. Like how you ‘love’ Malfoy?”

“Hey!” I snapped, now mad. “I’ve hated that kid since I was 4!”

“Really? How come I have such a hard time believing that now? I’ve seen how he acts around you, how he treats you. At first he seemed rather legitimately vengeful, but after awhile it seemed pretty obvious he was smitten. Who would’ve thought Malfoy would one day know what it was like to feel something for someone besides himself?”

“What?” I was rather bewildered at this; how did Harry guess this? He couldn’t have just seen it... right?

“Oh, come on! How could you not see it? It was so obvious; he actually listened to you in Hogsmeade when you tried to stop that stupid fight he tried to start. He never listens to anyone, not even the professors!”

I sighed. “Ok, look, he told me once he does care, but I didn’t believe him.”

“So he does? What about you?”

“I still hate him!” I think...

His eyebrows rose. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Of all the times my façade could falter.

“What else are you not telling me?” he asked suspiciously. “It has to do with Malfoy, doesn’t it? Are you hiding the truth you two were together the entire...?”

“Ew, no!” I exclaimed. “Together in a sense, but not what you’re thinking...”

“What do you mean, then?” he demanded, his jaw clenching. He was begin to huff, something I figured to be a natural reaction to frustration of not knowing the full story.

I sighed and dug into my left-hand pocket. I pulled out the stupid, bloody diamond ring symbolizing everything I felt so strongly against. I kept in there in case mum said something about putting it on before she could blow up at me about not wearing it; thankfully she never did, she was too focused on me ‘actually graduating’ to care. I held it up to Harry, revealing the rock on the gold band. His face paled; so many emotions were held in his eyes that he became unfathomable to read.

“I never asked for this,” I said, my voice breaking. “For my birthday I got my Firebolt 360 that broke in our House Cup match, a pair of dragon gloves custom-fitted that came directly from Romania... and this.” I shook the hand holding the ring in emphasis. “Apparently my entire life my mum and the Malfoys have been organizing this marriage between us, even though it was obvious that when we were 4 and 5, when we first officially met, we loathed each other. I still loathed him for all of this year. Stalking me and telling me what to do and calling me names and... such...” A traitorous tear trickled down my cheek. “I’m stuck in this engagement I never got a choice over.”

I saw Harry’s expression soften slightly, but not by much. He was wary to feel pity for me, that much was damn clear.

“And Harry?”

His eyes fell onto me, appearing rather harsh.

“That locket? R.A.B? Do you know who he is?”

Harry shook his head no. I was silent for a moment, debating my next step. If I was the same person I was back in September, I would just say that stinks, have a good life, and walk away. But now... I wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. The Dark Lord killed my father, my mother and countless others lied to me...

“It’s my father. Regulus Arcturus Black. Kreacher told me the story; he took the real locket and replaced it with the fake you hold onto now. He wanted to stop the Dark Lord... You-Know-Who,” I corrected myself. My voice was slowly growing fainter the more I spoke. “He had an unfair advantage and was bent of conquest. Regulus wanted equality. Like you. He just got lost along the way.”

Harry sighed and looked away.

“I’m sorry Harry. Really.”

He tensed his jaw, refusing to respond.

“I really do love you Harry. I thought I could protect you from the truth. I guess I was just saving myself... Wanting to believe everything I was telling you was the real me, but in reality... I’m not.” I tried to catch his eyes, but he refused. “I understand if you loathe me to the core. I know how it feels to hate someone that much yet be so confused about it.”

He turned to face me, holding my eyes, but he didn’t reply still. The look of masked pain was enough for me to know no words were even needed.

“You won’t forgive me for this, will you?” I realized. Another tear fell.
He still didn’t reply.

“Please, Harry.” I choked on my words, holding back a sob. I couldn’t take the silence. “Say something. Nod, shake your head, shrug. Anything!”

“I don’t know,” he finally spoke. “I still can’t figure you out.”

I kept his eyes locked with mine. “I could never figure you out either. I thought I did, but... everything I thought that wasn’t likeable about you turned out to be everything I loved.


I looked over my shoulder towards where my name being called from. Draco was in the distance, striding towards us. He was a couple hundred feet away, giving me some time. I turned back to Harry.

“Please,” I begged, having no trouble on the word this time. “I’ve never been sorry for anything. I’ve never really had to beg.”

Harry’s jaw tensed.

“Love doesn’t have reason,” I heard him whisper.

More tears fell, and this time I couldn’t stop them all.


Harry’s eyes momentarily flickered from me to wherever Draco was, but quickly came back to me.

“Harry?” I whispered. Every emotion raging within me escaped in that one word.

His expression became a stony mask, revealing no emotion as he shook his head. “Goodbye.”

He turned around and walked off. I watched him go, my knees started to shake. With every step that took him further away, I felt my heart tear after him, ripping at the already-broken seams. It was as like shattered glass, breaking into small pieces and cutting me until I bled on the inside. This wasn't the first time I'd broken up with a guy, let alone had to admit to a lie to anyone. Why did this one have to be the hardest?

A hand on my shoulder seemed to be the only thing that kept me upright.

“We really have to go,” Draco said, his voice gentle.

I was trembling beneath his grasp. I felt his eyes burning into me, but I refused to acknowledge him. I couldn’t acknowledge him; it was impossible to move.

“Will you be ok?”

I opened my mouth, but all that came out was a faint, trembling wail. Draco squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

“Better from you than someone else,” he pointed out carefully.

“I know,” I said, my voice squeaking slightly. “No one said it’d hurt this much.” I wiped the tears from my cheeks and turned to look up at Draco.

“You really do look good blonde,” he said, smiling slightly. “If I recall correctly, this is natural?”

I didn’t respond, I wasn’t in the mood to snap or argue.

He pulled me into a hug. I fell into him and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder and letting the rest of my tears fall. I felt his head resting on top of mine, but I didn’t complain; I liked the warmth. It was the only warmth I could feel right now – everywhere else was cold.

When I’d calmed enough, I pulled away enough to speak. “Why’d you opt to come fetch me?” I asked. Realizing how rude this sounded and, really, it was better he came to get me than anyone else, I quickly added, “And I don’t... mean that badly. Really.”

“I figured you’d rather not explain to your mum why you were speaking to him.”

I looked up at Draco, mildly surprised at his words. He actually considered someone besides himself? Maybe I wasn’t the only one going soft from spending the year at Hogwarts.

One of his hands came up to my cheek, brushing away the wet tear trails on my cheek with his thumb. He wiped the other cheek and asked, “Are you ready to go?”

I shrugged. I honestly never would be ready. The moment I leave Hogwarts, reality will catch up with me; if Harry ever does forgive me for this, I doubt it would ever work out. I’d have to leave everything behind; my mother, maybe my friends... I don’t think that’s something I’d be able to do. Even if it means being stuck in an engagement I’m still dreading horribly. And if I ever was able to do such a thing... would it be too late? Would he have found someone else by then?

Draco’s hand fell from my waist and down my cheek until they were at his sides again. My body began to tremble, so I reached out and took Draco’s hand. His fingers laced through mine and he led me away.

“Are you ok, Rosa?” mum asked worriedly upon my arrival in Draco’s tow.

“Yeah, I just tripped,” I responded, brushing off my knees, pretending there had been something there. “Guess I didn’t stick the landing.”

Mum smiled. “Well come on then, we have to go.” Her eyes flickered to Draco’s and my hands, her smile growing ever so slightly, and she turned around, walking away.

We stopped a few feet from the gates of Hogwarts Castle. I turned to face Draco, ready to tell him ‘thanks’, something he’d never heard me say in all seriousness, not including the time I was half-delusional.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said softly. He looked at my mum and with a real smile said, “Goodbye.” He let my hand go and left, joining his parents further away.

“Are you two finally getting off?” mum asked the moment he was out of earshot, turning to me.

I shrugged in response.

“Either way, at least you aren’t at his throat anymore. It’s a nice improvement.” She smiled supportively.

“I guess,” I mumbled. I wasn’t feeling myself right now; for all either of us knew, being ‘at his throat’ would return soon enough.

She chuckled and took my hand and, together, we Disapparated, leaving behind Hogwarts... leaving behind the one school I thought I could fit in the most at but could never have been more wrong.

When we reappeared in our home and mum walked away, my eyes followed her. She was so... happy. Sure, she lied to me and she didn’t even consider what I wanted when planning my future, but in the end she was only doing what she thought was best for me. She wanted keep me protected.

I felt my defences breaking again as I thought about how I tried to protect myself all of last year. I ran upstairs, leaving my bags behind, and right into my room. It wasn’t until my face hit the pillow I let out the anguished wail I couldn’t release freely earlier, even more tears beginning to pool into the fabric of the pillowcase. I kept my face in the pillow in case I made any more noise. I couldn't risk mum hearing, I had nothing to tell her that would make sense for my behaviour, especially now that I had begun to tremble and couldn't stop.

I guess we share that trait, mum and I. We’ll do anything to protect ourselves and the ones we love, even if it means hurting them and ultimately destroying their trust in us. It hurt when the truth caught up, but it’s not like we know any other way than to be sub rosa.

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Old 09-23-2010, 03:01 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Amazing ending!!!! I kno i havn't commented much but i've always been here reading away.
Let me kno about the sequel and any other stories your writing
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Old 09-24-2010, 08:02 AM   #132 (permalink)
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Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

Great ending Loved it !
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