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02-14-2010, 12:38 AM
#101 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
:O such a good chapter  PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
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02-14-2010, 03:27 AM
#102 (permalink)
|  SS 100 Triumphant! Ramora
Join Date: Jun 2009 Location: PININ for the FJORDS
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Hadley Taylor Fourth Year | Canon Niffler || Neville's Yorkshire Pudding | | Teddy's Biographer || P + R = ♥
but of course I want more...
I love Aurelia! She's a great foil for Rosa
Last edited by HannahLongbottom; 02-14-2010 at 04:02 AM.
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02-14-2010, 11:11 PM
#103 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 277
| That was brilliant!! I thought Aurelia was going to let something slip there. Rosa really should tell Harry & get it over with
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03-03-2010, 03:14 AM
#104 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 26
The ‘Apology’
The rest of the weekend and following week were even more awkward. I started to do as Draco did six days of the week; doing all that I could to skirt around him, even in classrooms. Sunday was my day off of being so paranoid about his presence because of his detention taking him out of social contact almost all day. This continued for another week, until it was finally the weekend and I had more time to study.
“This is for you.” Aurelia tossed an envelope on top of the passage I was reading from my Transfiguration textbook. I sighed and tossed it aside.
“Ignoring your mother now?”
I continued to stare down at my books; my eyes followed the words, but I wasn’t actually retaining it. Anything to keep him away...
A white hand yanked the book out from my view and it audibly thudded shut.
“Give it back,” I snarled, still looking at the blank spot where it used to be.
“Look at me and say that.”
I spun the chair and looked up, meeting Draco’s stony, grey eyes.
“Give it back,” I repeated, my eyes flickering from the book and back to him.
I shoved the chair backwards as I got up, completely appalled. I knew Draco could be an idiot and expect a ridiculous amount from people, but why should I be the one apologizing? What sick mind thinks it’s my fault he hit me?
“Excuse me?” I demanded, adopting his monotone.
“Apologise,” he repeated, drawling the word in a condescending way.
I scoffed. “Excuse me?” I repeated, mimicking his drawling, patronizing tone. I tried to summon my book back, but he somehow protected it from leaving his hand without making it obvious to me. I kept trying, but he didn’t even flinch.
“You openly mocked me,” he snapped.
“You hit a girl,” I retorted. I saw his open hand clenching into a fist, the tendons beneath his milky white skin rippling before unclenching. I heard a few knuckles crack in the process. “Is that a threat?” I demanded.
“Everyone’s bones crack,” he growled.
“Just like how you tried to crack my face?” The memory was still fresh in my mind; he had to have hit me harder than I hit him, he put so much force behind it.
“I wouldn’t have done what I did if you didn’t insult me.”
“Insult you?” I scoffed. “I just pointed out the obvious. Now give me back my book!” I reached out and grabbed it, yanking it towards me. Draco’s other hand took hold of the book and pulled it right back and he held it behind himself. I lunged forwards and reached around him, but he instead lifted his hand above his head. I tried to reach, but even with an attempted jump it was still too high. Damn his unnatural height!
“Not until you apologise.”
When my jaw clenched, he smirked.
“I’m not apologising for being who I am. I point out flaws that are bothersome.”
“Well, learn to deal with it better,” he replied stiffly.
“He’s right.”
My head snapped towards the portrait hole. Pansy had just entered the common room and was coming up to Draco’s side. I scowled and took a few steps back, refusing to get as close to Parkinson as possible.
“And you think you’re better than I am?”
I heard the scuttling of feet behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aurelia enter the common room again and stop a couple of feet behind us, watching our scene unfold silently.
Pansy smiled sweetly. “I don’t take my anger out on innocent people.”
I started laughing again. “What happened to your ‘stay away or else’? ‘Who are you going to the dance with or else’ attitude? You’re such a two-faced bi...”
“Ok then!” Aurelia jumped up and started to pull me in the direction of the dormitories.
I shook her off, but she grabbed me again. My head snapped towards her. “Let go or I will blast you through the windows and into the lake,” I growled.
She let go immediately, putting her hands up in surrender. She took a wary step back, just out from my reach, but close enough for her to lunge on me if I decided to try and repeat the event that led to Draco’s insane demand of apologising.
“You clearly have some anger issues. There are people you can pay to help that problem,” Pansy said. “You can afford it after moving so much and ending up in that...” She pathetically tried to cover a giggle. “That dingy building you call a house, right?”
“The only problem I have is you!” I snapped.
I pulled out my wand and kept advancing on her. She smirked at me, still staying at Draco’s side. Did she really believe he’d protect her? If anyone thought she’s worth protecting, they’d have to be clinically insane. I looked at Draco for a moment. “And you too, but right now...” I turned my eyes back to Pansy, narrowing them on her and letting a jet of blue-green light explode from my wand. As I predicted, Draco didn’t do a thing besides jump to the side to avoid being caught in crossfire. It hit Pansy square-on and she flew backwards into the wall and slunk down, completely limp.
“What’d you just do?” Aurelia demanded.
I smiled, proud my spell was starting to work. I didn’t respond right away, but as the puss pimples the size of boils began popping up on her face, neck, and anywhere else visible, I responded, “That.”
“You really do have anger issues,” Draco snapped, looking at me. I turned to him, my wand aimed at him menacingly.
“Well I’d rather have anger issues than control issues.” I then smiled to myself. “That actually sounds kind of contradictory...”
Draco scowled. I scowled back, realizing how distracted I got taking Pansy out of the picture temporarily.
“Now why the hell should I be the one apologising, hm?” I demanded. My eyes widened on him. I was almost surprised when he shrunk back ever so slightly; it was so faint I questioned whether it was the trick of the eyes or not. Maybe my attempt at getting a vicious gleam in my eyes worked after all.
“If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have lost it!”
“I can easily hold the same argument, dimwit!”
Draco pulled out his wand and aimed it at me, contesting me with a glare, angry I used his words from months ago against him.
“You watch it,” he growled.
“We should probably get her out of here, eh?” Aurelia piped up. Her attempt to change the subject didn’t work, though.
“No, you watch it. Your mother does love me so; it wouldn’t take much to convince her how her son really acts in school and truly speaks and treats to his fiancée.” I spat the word.
“Bu...” Aurelia started to complain.
“This doesn’t concern you,” Draco growled, his response directed at Aurelia but he never once looked away from me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aurelia’s pale features brighten to a shade of pink I’d never seen on her. “For Merlin’s sake, you two sort this out yourselves! You always do so well at that anyways!” She stormed off, heading for the dorms. I didn’t respond; neither did Draco.
We just tried to stare each other down. It wasn’t until I heard a grunt I jumped and looked at Pansy. She was already coming out of unconsciousness? I really had to work more on that spell – last time I knocked someone out for 2 hours, not 2 minutes.
Draco looked back at her. He then turned and looked back at me with this look in his eyes I’d never seen before, but I knew the meaning of nonetheless. He wouldn’t...
“She should go to the hospital wing,” he sighed, his wand lowering slowly. I eyed him suspiciously.
“Why? She deserves it. You hate her.”
“That’s true, but I don’t want to be blamed for whatever horrible scarring you’ll cause her just because I didn’t do what she thought I would.”
Grumbling and groaning, I lowered my wand. He was right; I’d probably be in more trouble than him because I was the one that actually cast the spell. I shoved my wand into my pocket and Draco did the same.
“You can do it; you’re strong enough,” I said. I turned around, but felt some force stop me and turn me around.
“You’re helping me. You caused this.”
“She started it!” I snapped back.
He scoffed. “Don’t go there now.”
I scowled and stomped up to him. Pansy groaned again and her body shifted slightly. I jumped back, but when she didn’t move or make a noise again, I reached down. Together, Draco and I pulled her up. We tried to walk to the door, the only distance between us being a 5’4 clump of deadweight.
“Don’t drag her,” he snapped, still walking backwards.
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I not doing what you thought I would?”
He growled warningly. “Give her to me.”
I dropped her immediately. As soon as her head thudded loudly onto the floor, she let out a groan.
“I said give, not drop!” He walked around her, lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Door.”
I grumbled incoherently and yanked it open.
“Ladies first.”
I scowled audibly and passed through before him, carefully listening to the tapping of his shoes following in my wake just a bit too close for my liking.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:25 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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03-03-2010, 06:02 PM
#105 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
great chapter ! PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
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04-04-2010, 05:23 AM
#106 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 27
The Lies
He followed me out and shut the door behind us. As we walked down the dimly-lit dungeon corridors, I was fidgeting and walking as loudly as I could, both irritated that he was making me do this and wary of what he could do if I did try to run off.
We made our way up the stairs and across the main hallway. The castle doors to the outside were shut tight.
“So, does your twisted mind have a good lie for as to what happened?” Draco asked tersely.
“I was doing my charms homework when I realized I said the spell wrong. I ducked as it reflected off of...”
“That sounds ridiculous,” he snapped as we turned a corner.
“It’s better than what you could come up with,” I retorted.
“I didn’t come up with anything!” he exclaimed defensively.
“Exactly,” I replied, shrugging. He was so slow sometimes.
I saw him scowl in the dim lighting as we started up another flight of stairs.
“Ok, how about you were practicing some spell for DADA, people were going to bed and Pansy was one of them; she got into the line of fire of your spell gone wrong...”
“No, this all you. Don’t try to pin this me for this.”
“Fine!” I snapped.
We ignored the prefect’s call and kept walking down the corridor.
“Oi, Malfoy, Black! What’re you doin’?”
We stopped and turned around. Surely enough, it was Ron Weasley; oh joy. This is just what we need to slow us down.
“What in Merlin’s beard are you carrying?”
“Something that should be in hell...” I started to grumble. Draco stomped on my foot. I gasped in pain, curling my leg up into my body and stomping it back down onto the ground.
“A little spell gone wrong,” he responded. “Helping out the girl; she’s unconscious.”
Weasley walked around us. “Isn’t that Parkinson?”
“She’s a little slow sometimes; didn’t react fast enough when she saw my attempt at practicing the DADA spell we’re learning,” I responded. I spun around to face him. “What’s it to you?”
“You’re helping someone else. Malfoy is helping someone else.” He sounded more dumbfounded about Draco being helpful than he was by me. My reputation really was being terribly shot down here at Hogwarts. It was sad.
“Well if we...” he started to reply irritably.
“Hold on.” Weasley bent down and lifted Pansy’s hair. “What’d you do to her?” He looked up at me, his eyes and tone suspicious. “I thought you said you were practicing DADA.”
“I didn’t say I did the spell right,” I snapped back. “Everyone makes mistakes.”
“Would you just let us go, Weaslebee? Those gross pimple things will get worse if we don’t get her to the hospital wing soon,” Draco sighed impatiently.
“Fine,” he snapped. “If I see you two walking anywhere besides back to your common room after dropping her off I’m not afraid to start taking away points.”
“Keep in mind I am technically a prefect too,” Draco snapped.
I found this hard to believe; if he did actually patrol at night, I never saw him leave. He never mentioned it before, anyways. Mum told me awhile back that he was a prefect in 5th year, but I sort of figured that he dropped the act for whatever he had to do in 6th year.
“If you start being more obstructive I’m more than willing to take away your precious house points, Weasley.”
Weasley scowled. “If I see you two out here within the next 20 minutes you will be in trouble.”
“Right...” Draco drawled. I turned around and followed him down the corridor and around the final corner. I had to push the door open.
“What in heaven’s...?” Madam Pomfrey came out of her office and towards us.
“I don’t know what happened...” Tears began to well in my eyes. “I was just doing some homework, getting a head start, and...” a tear fell down my cheek. “I was doing this spell for DADA, one that douses fiendfyre...” another tear fell. “I said it wrong. One minute people are heading to bed, the next there’s a scream and this.”
“Come along...” the nurse led us to an open bed while I brushed away my tears just enough to keep my face tear-stained but not totally intolerable. Draco dropped Pansy onto it. Madam Pomfrey winced.
“Something really must’ve gone wrong. Well, it’ll be interesting to fix because you don’t know what you did or said, but I can surely help. Thanks for bringing her to me.”
I wiped my eyes with a hand, drying off the rest of my tearstains and the last tear that snuck out. “No, thank you.”
“Now off to bed, you two, it’s late.”
Draco spun me around and pulled me right out of the hospital wing without another word. The moment he shut the door, he stopped us.
“What was that?” he demanded, his grip on my upper arm tightening.
“No one questions you if you cry. Especially as a girl,” I responded.
“That was just ridiculous; crying? About... Parkinson?” He sounded a little too dumbfounded for the situation he was trying to create. “I thought you were a good liar.”
I scowled. “It’s better than explaining what really happened. We’d be in detention for the rest of the school year every weekend, cleaning and reorganizing and...” I shivered.
“We? I’m already in it thanks to you. You would be the one in trouble for this if it comes up – I’d make sure of it.”
“Don’t make me hit you again,” I snarled warning. “And let go of me.” I tried to yank free, but his grip didn’t budge. “Why do you always insist on doing this? First it was at my birthday, and now this? What’s your problem?”
“You know what? You really do annoy me to no end,” he said with a hard tone. “You’re ignorant, arrogant, stubborn, selfish, totally lacking self-awareness...”
“I wish you had enough self-awareness to realize you’re cutting off circulation...” I kept trying to pull free. He loosened his hold, but only enough to let my blood flow through my arm again.
“And you insist on fighting. Rather destructively at that. Why? Why do you always pick a fight with me? Why do you insist on being as proud as a hippogriff, to the point where you hurt yourself and eventually others because you can’t ask for help?”
“You’re asking me to answer why I am the way I am?” I asked flatly, cocking an eyebrow. To think I thought Harry was the slow one.
“No, I’m asking why you’re so unaware of everything besides yourself.”
I scowled.
“The entire world isn’t against you.”
“That’s right. Only people like you are.”
He pulled on my arm, making me stumble forwards and into him, forcing me to look up at him even more than I already was.
“People like me? What do you imply by that?”
“People that insist on stalking others to learn about them, invade in personal lives, make caddy remarks about everything...” my heart began to race, my adrenaline really starting to pump.
“I’m not the only one who makes caddy remarks,” he cut in. “The letters I sent to your mum were answers to questions she pushed onto me about you like who’re your friends, who do spend time with regularly, what kind of trouble you’re getting into, how the ‘us’ situation is...”
“Us?” I sputtered, momentarily taken off-guard. Regaining my composure moments later, my eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What is there to know about us?”
“Whether we’re still acting like babies or not. Needless to say, there hasn’t been a whole lot to update on for that subject.”
I scowled.
“But you do forget one thing.”
“What would that be?” I asked venomously.
“How is it that, based on your views, I’m such a horrible person that’s out to make your life a living hell while I’ve been nothing but thoughtful?”
I laughed. “Thoughtful? Yes, because hitting me down is thinking for me. It’s definitely something I need.”
I saw his cheeks burning, even though they were slightly obscured by shadows. “You never asked where I got that picture of your friends from.”
My laughter cut off in a second and my lips fell into an angry frown, the rest of my body tensing. He smirked triumphantly, feeling my muscles grow rigid beneath his hand. It was the perfect subject change for him because I felt too awkward and irritated to speak of it.
“I sent a letter to your mum, asking about your French friends. She knew them surprisingly well and told me about each of them. After reading what she told me, I sent a letter to your best French/British friend, someone named Janelle?”
I didn’t respond.
“I told her how ‘homesick’ you’ve been and how Valentine’s Day is coming up. After explaining how I wanted to get a gift you’d appreciate and not just use a few times and throw away, or just plain throw away since it would be coming from me, I asked if she could get a picture. I got it and a week later went to Hogsmeade to find the frame to match. Nothing worked, so I paid double to get the frame worker to make it that day. I got it and, surely enough, instead of just letting me leave it for you out in the open on Valentine’s Day so you could open it alone, you freaked out about how I’m never helpful and whatnot. Next thing I knew it went from my hand to yours.”
“You threw it at me,” I exclaimed, incredulous at his definition of tossing a box at me without warning.
“Exactly, my hand to yours; it might not have been the most ideal form of passing on, but it did.” He shrugged. “You never have been able to get off your high horse enough to say a simple ‘thanks’, have you? First the earrings, now that. You wear that stupid bracelet all the time.”
I looked down at my wrist where the bracelet of the ruby roses rested, and then back up at him.
“I know full well where you got it; say ‘grandma’ all you like, not everyone has wool pulled over their eyes. Why do you wear that constantly if you really don’t care about Potter?”
“You and your assumptions!” I exclaimed. “Just because I’m not entirely truthful it doesn’t mean I don’t care. Hasn’t it ever occurred to you protecting someone is one way of showing you care? Whether they know you’re protecting them or not?”
“What are you protecting him from, eh?”
I just looked back up at him, my jaw tense. He doesn’t even know me; how the heck does he do the read-me-like-a-book act so easily?
“I know you more than you think. Your mum may have left my family out of stories she told you throughout your escapades throughout Europe, but my parents weren’t the same. And to the average person, you’re secretive, protective, selfish, crass... but I’m not your average person. I’ve spent most of my life having to figure people out to survive; you’re just another one of them to me. You pose no more of a challenge than Crabbe.”
I tried to bring up my left arm to awkwardly slap him, but he grabbed my upper arm and pinned it to my body. No matter how much strength I used to fight back and whatever spell I tried, it wasn’t strong enough without my wand... especially because I was trying to cast it silently.
“Fine, you’ve got my pinned. What’ll you do now?” I challenged.
He lowered his head even closer to me, leaving his face inches from mine. My heart began pounding harder.
“Prove to you,” he whispered darkly, his words slow. “I do care.”
And then his lips claimed mine. His hands loosened from my arms and slid around me, pulling me tight into his body. I would’ve been pushing away, disgusted, but something about this kiss was different. It wasn’t angry and forceful, it was... passionate, borderline loving. There was a spark I couldn’t place, something I had never felt before in my life that made me start to kiss him back.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:24 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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04-15-2010, 05:15 AM
#107 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
Ooooh dun dun dunnnn !!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!!
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05-08-2010, 05:52 PM
#108 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 290
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alice Granger First Year |
Hey, sorry i miseed ALOT!!!!! i'm back, anyway great posts, OMG i loved that last post can't wait for the next part *wait patienly for next post and starts fiddling with things*
P.s i guess you proberly don't rember me do ya?
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05-11-2010, 07:17 AM
#109 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| I remember you Ally (Well I remembered your username at least! I went back to find your name lol).
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile - I think I have a few chapters to go til the one I still have yet to complete editing. It's just been crazy.
5wks til classes finish (6-8 including exams) + year-after-an-exchange-abroad-where-high-school-marks-didn't-count + senior year does not = fun.
my online courses plus Bio11 and English12 are killing me. Socials 11 I can live with cause my teacher is an absolute idiot about what he's teaching and he gives out easy stuff to do because of his lack of knowledge and utter laziness and I have a true historian at home and one that's still learning (and because of that I'm good at it genetically? lol).
I have so much online stuff to do and Bio is killing me. English is just demanding and the teacher is a buttmunch.
This isn't any excuse to not post though, I'm just ranting... I'll try and have the next post up by (at latest) this Saturday though I promise.
Once again REALLY SORRY. ESPECIALLY with that cliffhanger. Geez, I'm a terrible person.
Now back to my compare/contrast essay for English I procrastinated even starting until an hour and a half ago that's due tomorrow...
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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05-13-2010, 08:50 PM
#110 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 290
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alice Granger First Year |
don't worry i understand, i have mt JC this year, so i'm buzy buzy buzy. goodluck, with your subjects
can't wait for next post
Ally |
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05-15-2010, 09:04 PM
#111 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 28
The Studying
Slytherin won the match against Ravenclaw that weekend. Because of that, we didn’t have to play in the game scheduled for next weekend against Gryffindor. Unfortunately, that meant Harry would be practicing more throughout the week and be busy for that entire weekend. So, I decided to try reconnecting with Aurelia. I hadn’t spoken with her all week; I actually felt this weird pain over the matter that I’d never felt before. What was it called, again? Something with a G...
“So, how’ve you been?” I asked, smiling slightly as I sat down next to her at the Slytherin table.
She refused to look up at me.
“Fine. You?” She took another bite of her eggs.
“Fine I guess. Anything new?”
“I dunno, anything new with you that you haven’t yet told me?”
Well the positive thing is she looked up at me... even if it was to glare.
“Nothing important; it can wait. What about you? Any luck with... British guys?” I smiled. She scowled.
“No, like I planned before. No British guys. At least while I’m here. It’s already April – exams coming up and school almost over forever for us. No point getting tangled up now.” Her tone was noticeably sharper when she said the last phrase. I sighed, trying not to let it get to me, and turning back to my breakfast.
“Do you plan on watching today’s match?”
“Maybe. Why?”
“Just curious.”
She stopped eating. She looked at her half-filled plate and got up.
“Where’re you going?”
“The loo, wanna join me?”
I scowled, remembering when I told her the same at Christmas. She got up and walked out, leaving the Great Hall.
“What did you do to her?” Daphne slid down, filling Aurelia’s emptied space.
“I dunno,” I responded, shrugging. “Maybe she’s sick of me.”
Daphne chuckled and switched plates so she was now sitting next to me. “So, you sent Pansy to the hospital wing last week?”
“Yup,” I responded and took a bite of the last of my eggs, ignoring the fact she didn’t even try to deny my statement and changed the topic to do so. I started cutting into my sausage.
“What happened?” Daphne accidentally screeched her knife across her plate audibly, making me cringe as I took a bite of sausage.
“She got in the way for the final time.” I took a bite of the meat on my fork.
“You didn’t... kill her... right?” her eyes widened.
“No, I don’t mean like that,” I responded, rolling my eyes. “I mean I hope it’ll be the final time she bugs me; like, she’s finally learned not to get in my way.”
Daphne snorted. “The day Pansy learns to butt out of peoples’ business is the day Draco learns to consider other peoples’ feelings. It just isn’t going to happen.”
I didn’t respond to that. Ever since the night Draco snogged me, I’ve really started to doubt just about everything I thought I knew. First the truth about my father, then my mother’s lies, and now him? What’s next?
“Rosa? You sick or something?” Daphne snapped her fingers twice in front of my eyes.
“What?” I snapped, my head turning to her.
“You didn’t add an insult. About Draco. You always do.”
“Sorry, I guess I’m tired.” I finished my sausage. “I should get ready, my bag is a mess.” I got up. “See you in DADA.”
“Yeah,” she responded, continuing to eat.
The rest of the day was rather boring, just like every other day lately. Practically everyone else in my classes that I had Draco in noticed something had been wrong for the past week; we’d gone from regular fights to avoiding each other at all costs to a total freeze-out. It was more awkward now than before, honestly. If it was awkward for me, I could only imagine how it felt to everyone else.
It was 3:30pm when my last class, DADA, ended. I gathered my things quickly and left. I was hurriedly making my way to the common room, but was stopped before going too far.
A hand grabbed me by the shoulder and spun me around. People really had to stop doing that. I turned with it, ready to yell at whoever it was, but realized it was just Harry.
“Hey. How’re you?” I asked, legitimately smiling.
“Not bad, but I was more curious about you.”
My eyebrow rose. I turned around and began walking; Harry walked alongside me.
“Is something wrong...?”
“What makes you think that?” I cut in.
“Well considering you and Malfoy have been at each others’ throats like two dogs in a fight to the death since September and now you two just suddenly started avoiding each other at all costs and not speaking... something’s wrong.”
Oh, something was wrong indeed. But I wasn’t about to tell him the truth. He freaked out about the bruise that came from him; this would only fuel the fire.
“You know when fights just get so out of hand you start to ignore the other person?”
Harry opened his mouth, but a confused expression joined his expression. “Not exactly.”
“Well... that’s all it is. Grow, grow, grow, plot thickens, climax, falling action...”
“No resolution anytime soon?”
I scoffed while simultaneously fighting back the tears that pooled in my eyes; I knew when the ‘resolution’ would come and it wouldn’t be pleasant.
“The only time a resolution will be happening is when one of us is dead,” I responded. We were heading for the library. I was at least; I bet he was going to go to practice shortly.
Harry chuckled. “Better him than you.” As we entered the library, he squeezed my shoulder. I managed a smile and passed through a maze of shelves until I found an empty table. I dropped my things onto it and sat down. He sat down opposite to me and I started yanking out my books. I still couldn’t believe exams were starting in 5 weeks – I had to start studying more. As I started flipping pages, I felt Harry’s warm fingers graze the skin of my cheek as he brushed some of my carmel-coloured, purple-streaked hair behind my ear.
I was on edge. The next while that passed was spent with my reading and taking notes while Harry just... watched. When he checked his watch after while, he said, “I have to go.”
“Practice?” I looked up from my book to him.
“Yeah. Until dinner, probably. Big game’s tomorrow.” He smiled.
“Good luck.”
I let him kiss me as he got up and left, hurrying just a bit. I stared out into the space where Harry just stood, considering the feel of his mouth on mine. Why was I comparing his many kisses to Draco’s one? It was really beginning to annoy me; I hate what Draco stands for, I hate him.
Turning back to my book, I continued reading and taking notes in silence.
“You haven’t told him yet.”
I looked up and saw Ginny standing behind the chair directly across from me. “What makes you say that?”
“He’s still around you.”
“Maybe he accepted it.”
“Or maybe you just didn’t tell him.”
I scowled and she sat down, leaning back in her chair as if it made her look cool. “There’s one other thing you left out...”
My eyes widened, despite me telling myself not to let them do it. She leaned forwards in her chair, over the table. She smiled. “Who would’ve guessed the daughter of Sirius Black is also engaged... by arranged marriage.”
I levitated my text book and sent it flying at her simultaneously. She managed to block it, and the book dropped onto the desk with a thud.
“Only few people know. How in the world did you get that one out of them?” I demanded.
“I have my ways.” She smiled. “Apparently Mrs. Malfoy and an alleged Ms. Black have been putting in orders for some flower bouquets. You know, for the bride and her bridesmaids?”
My fists clenched. I broke my quill in half. The sharp ends of the quill poked into my skin, making me want to itch like mad.
“You haven’t been out of...”
“You know how you insulted me for having such a big family? Well it turns out that also comes to a great advantage.” She smiled wryly.
I bet it was those blasted Weasley twins who own the bloody joke shop in Diagon Alley. I knew I’d end up hating them one of these days.
“Look, Rosa,” she started sweetly. “Wouldn’t this be considered cheating? Or is it already considered having an affair?”
I grabbed my book and slammed it shut. I shoved it into my back. I started to put the top onto my ink container and put that into my bag.
“And now you walk away. Do you do that every time you’re faced with a problem you don’t wish to solve?”
I pushed myself out of my seat and stood up.
“Would it be considered two-timing if you’re having an affair with Harry yet make out with your fiancé? I mean, he is your fiancé, yet you’re with Harry, so you’re having an affair, which is like two-timing Malfoy, but now that you’re with Malfoy would that be two-timing Harry too? Or is there a whole new terminology for that? Maybe three-timing?”
I spun around on my heel. “What?” I snarled. How the hell is she so omniscient?
She smirked back at me.
“You remember the prefect you and Malfoy ran into while bringing Parkinson to the hospital wing? Well, let’s just say he witnessed more than he expected that night.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” I mumbled angrily.
“No need for violence,” Ginny said calmly, getting up as well. “Just keep in mind the longer you put off telling Harry, the worse it’ll be.”
“If you tell him yourself I will personally hunt you down and send you to St. Mungo’s. Maybe you’ll turn out like the Longbottoms.”
Ginny glared at me venomously. “You don’t have long until the end of school. Watch your back.” She then spun on her heel and walked off. I growled and turned around, stalking off in the opposite direction.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:26 PM.
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05-17-2010, 09:20 PM
#112 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
Pams pams pams !!!!
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05-23-2010, 06:19 PM
#113 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 290
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alice Granger First Year |
great post, pams !!!!
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05-25-2010, 08:15 PM
#114 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Canada (GMT -5)
Posts: 808
Hogwarts RPG Name: Orchid Danelli Simmons Fifth Year |
Great post PAMS! PAMS! PAMS!
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05-27-2010, 05:57 AM
#115 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 29
The House Cup
Gryffindor won their Quidditch match. It was now between Slytherin and Gryffindor, soon to be one of the most epic matches of the decade. Bryony and Harry had many arguments about the Quidditch practices, and in the end the deal they managed to strike was still in her favour... which meant it wasn’t in the favour of the rest of the team. Why did we have to end up with a captain that belonged in the loony bin?
I got a break from studying, but I ended up nearly blacking out during our last practice before the big game... along with one of our other chasers, but she was out cold for about a minute. We were just told not to do it during the match. As if that can be promised.
When the match did come, the roaring crowds in the stands were almost too much to bear. When the match started, it seemed to get louder.
The scores began to climb slowly; both Slytherin and Gryffindor were battling it out ruthlessly. We managed to take out one of the beaters by slugging him a bludger right to the elbow of his hitting arm. We were fortunate to have Dalton; while he had the best aim, our other beater, James, had a great arm that, almost every time, hit the general target. When the scores were tied in the 200s, our seeker, Bryony, and Gryffindor’s seeker, Harry, really started to play it out. I didn’t have any spare moments to do so much as even glance at them, but from what my peripheral vision could tell, it was pretty vicious. There were some shoving and close dives.
I had the quaffle again. As I darted through the Gryffindor chasers and dived from some bludgers, my vision began to blur and tunnel. Damn it – not now!
I sped towards the keeper and faked him out by aiming for the highest hoop, but instead throwing it to the lowest, earning 10 points. A roar of cheers erupted from one half of the stadium. My head pounded even more.
“You ok?” another chaser, Blaire, yelled to me.
“I don’t know!” I yelled back. “It’s too loud.”
I saw her wince sympathetically before she darted off and stole the quaffle from the Gryffindor chaser, Demelza, speeding towards the other end of the pitch. I followed alongside her a few yards away. She threw it to me and I caught it, immediately throwing it to our third chaser, Damien. As Demelza darted to him, he threw it to Blaire, who almost got taken out by another chaser. She spun around on her broom, allowing the other chaser to speed right through where she just sat moments ago and towards the stands. They turned in time, but not fast enough to stop Blair from getting upright and throwing it to me again. As we got to the hoops again, my vision blackened. I felt my broom drop beneath me, but when my vision was back, I threw the quaffle to Damien, who looked surprised but managed the sudden change of plans with ease and scored 10 points.
“It looks like Potter sees the snitch! Darting around Montague, he’s set dead-on for the... and here comes Montague, who...”
The crowd groaned as she ran right into him, sending him spiralling for a few feet. He regained his balance and sped after Bryony and the snitch. As I chased after Ginny Weasley, who had gotten a hold of the quaffle, my vision blackened again.
“It looks like Black is unable to control herself as she comes up behind Weasley. Oh wait, she’s gotten back up...”
I heard half cheers and half boos as my vision came back. I laughed and kept going after Ginny. I saw Dalton take a swing and the crack of the bludger against his bat. I dove beneath the bludger as it came flying at me and circled around. It just skimmed by Weasley. I looked at Dalton, who appeared shocked he missed his target. Seeing Blaire coming up on my right, I darted towards Dalton as she kept after Ginny.
“Give me that!” I yanked the bat from Dalton.
“And it looks like Black has taken possession of Dalton’s bat! Come on, Dalton, we know your arm isn’t the best, but come on...”
A roar of laughter came from half of the crowd, while the other half booed. When Dalton responded with a rude hand gesture, the half of the crowd that booed started cheering, while everyone else gasped.
“It’s just been called by officials that Slytherin loses 40 points for that. Good going, Dalton.”
The crowd exploded, the yelling mingling in a bittersweet way as a bludger came flying towards me. With my eyes on where Ginny would be in 3 seconds, I swung the bat and hit the bludger. The hit reverberated, causing my arm to shake but the bludger to go flying. It hit her square on the shoulder. She dropped the quaffle and started to plummet for the pitch, the arm I hit held awkwardly close to her body. She managed to land, and a substitute went flying in for her.
“Don’t do that again!” Dalton yelled, grabbing his bat from me.
“It looks like Slytherin loses 20 points from the game for that move there. Congratulations, Black.”
I was enjoying the mixed reactions of the crowd; it was so even in noise volume it was just garble to my ears. I then sped after Blaire and had to do a tight turn so I could follow. Blaire threw the Quaffle and got it through.
“30 points for Slytherin; only 30 more to make it back, guys!”
I heard more laughter than I did booing this time. Damien managed to steal back the quaffle and he threw it to Blaire before he got knocked down and started plummeting. He came back up just as Blaire threw it to me, but it was too late to pass, so I scored.
“Another 30 points for Slytherin!”
The match kept progressing until we had a lead of 370 points to 330 points. Bryony and Harry were getting even worse; Bryony nearly knocked out the Gryffindor keeper while Harry actually collided with ours. Our keeper managed to get upright, though, before getting seriously harmed and blocked a shot. The quaffle was tossed to me and I turned on a dime and sped off, gaining a few seconds as the others on Gryffindor took a bit longer to turn. Halfway across the pitch, my head began to spin and my vision blurring again.
I threw the quaffle to Blaire and really felt it. I began to drop; I could feel it and hear the gasps from the stands. The next thing I knew I was thrown from my broom as a bludger collided with my side and my broom kept going until it landed against the walls of the stands.
“And that’s karma!”
I was going to seriously harm that commentator when I could move again.
I felt like a ragdoll as I skidded and rolled until my mind totally shut out everything.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:26 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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05-27-2010, 08:03 PM
#116 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Canada (GMT -5)
Posts: 808
Hogwarts RPG Name: Orchid Danelli Simmons Fifth Year |
Great post! I always loved Reading about the quidditch games when Rowling wrote it, but your version is even better. Let me guess ginny took the bat and got revenge on her last hit right?  PAMS!
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07-19-2010, 11:19 PM
#117 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 30
The Hospital Wing
There was something cold in my throat. It was some sort of liquid trickling down, too thin to be blood. I tried to cough it up, but I ended up swallowing it instead. When that fit was over, everywhere else started to throb painfully, the spot for most painful being fought out between my left side and my head. When I tried to decide which felt worse, I quickly drew the conclusion my head hurt most so I could just stop thinking and making my mental throbbing worse. I groaned.
“Did we win?” I managed to get out of my mouth. I tried to sit up, but someone held me down.
“Don’t move,” a woman snapped. I looked at her; she looked like a nurse. “You broke three ribs; you shouldn’t be moving.”
I turned to the person that spoke. Something about his windblown white-blonde hair and grey eyes were familiar, but I couldn’t place it just yet. He had to know the answer to my question. “What ‘appened?”
“You plummeted to the pitch’s ground from a few hundred feet in the air, had a bludger hit you in the side and knock you off your broom. Upon landing on the pitch, you were thrown around like a rag doll until your momentum died out.”
I was amazed; did that really happen? All I remember is falling, quickly plunging towards green. After that my memory went black.
“Did we win?” I asked, feeling repetitive.
“All because of you.”
“Really?” I asked hopefully.
The pale stranger smiled warmly; a legitimate, cute smile.
“Yeah, really. You threw the quaffle to Blaire, who scored a 30 pointer. Because of that, Slytherin won first place. It would’ve been second with even 20 points.”
I let a smile grow on my face; something about that sounded right, but I couldn’t place why. “I don’t remember a thing.”
“That’ll wear off soon enough,” the nurse responded automatically. “Might take a few minutes or hours though.”
I sighed and dropped my head against the pillow behind me. As I did, the words he said started to play out in my mind. Throwing the quaffle while half passed out... is that possible? If that doesn’t prove I’m the best Quidditch player in existence, I don’t know what does.
Looking next to me, I realized it was really Malfoy sitting next to me. Why was he here? Doesn’t he have other more important things to do than be in a hospital wing with someone that has said and done so much against him? I push his temper over the edge on a regular basis and... he's the first person to be here?
“Why’re you here?”
“That looked brutal; I wanted to know what resulted from that.”
I saw his eyes flicker up to the left for a split second. It was so quick, but either way I knew it was a sign he was lying. And... did I detect a tone of falseness? I eyed him, mildly suspicious; he wasn’t telling me something.
“Three broken ribs, dislocated shoulder I already popped back into place, broken ankle and a concussion. Honestly I’ve seen better results from duels with a hippogriff.”
I blinked, trying to figure out how hippogriffs were remotely related to Quidditch. “Did I miss another Draco vs. hippogriff moment?” I mumbled, confused. Draco chuckled. That confused me even more; normally he would throw a hissy fit... right?
“No, it was like... never mind,” the nurse walked away.
I realized Draco was the only person here; no one else had come. As much as I hated to admit it, I was thankful he was here. At least someone was. I reached out and took his hand, entwining my fingers through his. He looked down at our hands and back up at me.
He looked baffled. Was there something wrong with giving him my appreciation?
“What for?”
“For being here. Either the match just ended, or no one cares about me enough to visit.” I smiled sarcastically.
He squeezed my hand. “It just ended.”
I realized of all people, Harry should be here... or soon, at least.
“Where’s Harry?”
I could feel the tendons of Draco’s hands ripple beneath my own. “Probably still on the pitch. You played his team.”
“Oh yeah...” I remembered taking one of the beater’s bats and hitting a bludger to Ginny, knocking her off her high broom... literally.
In that moment, the door flew open. My eyes fell upon Harry as he strode up the wide aisle between the beds. For some reason, I really didn’t want to let go of Draco. As much as I was interested in seeing Harry... it kind of faded just moments ago.
When he was mere feet away, I let go. Draco’s fingers grazed mine one last time as his hand fell to his lap.
“What’re you doing here?” Harry growled.
Draco got up from his seat, pointedly towering over Harry. “Don’t you have a team to console?”
“Ugh... shut up, you’re not helping my headache.” I wasn’t in the mood for their bickering today.
“Sorry, love.” Harry pushed past Draco, who walked off. I sighed as he did; I didn’t realize I really wasn’t in the mood to be with Harry until he was standing next to me.
Harry took Draco’s original seat and my hand. “From what I saw, that looked really nasty. You ok?”
I shrugged. “Apparently three broken ribs, an originally dislocated shoulder, a broken ankle, and the world’s worst migraine. Deciding between the pain of broken ribs and my head was short-lived; my head won out.”
He smiled slightly. “Your ankle doesn’t count?”
“It doesn’t sear painfully with each breath.”
He squeezed my hand gently, treating it as if he could break that too. “What do you remember?”
I took a moment to think about that, running through any events that came to mind before replying, “I actually remember most of it now... and whatever I don’t I got a spectator’s viewpoint of.”
Harry kept a neutral face to that; overall he was unresponsive. I knew what he was thinking though; what lies did Draco feed the poor, confused girl about the outcome?
“But apparently if I didn’t pass off the Quaffle we would’ve been second... so you have reason to hate me.”
He chuckled. “I could never hate you. Congratulations, really. That was good quick move before... no, while... going... down...” he blinked thoughtfully. I smiled slightly.
“You’re going to have to drink this for me...” the nurse came up to my side and put a potion in my spare hand. I took it and took a sip, gagging and holding the horrid-tasting drink away. “What is that? Juiced skunk scent?” I demanded.
“Great to see you haven’t changed,” Harry laughed.
“I never said it would taste good,” the nurse snapped. “Finish it.”
I removed my hand from Harry’s so I could plug my nose as I gulped the thing down. When I finished it, I threw my arm out, keeping the cup as far away as possible from me. The nurse took it and left me and Harry in peace. I shivered, trying to decide what was worse; the taste of that potion while drinking, or the aftertaste.
“Do you need water?” he asked.
“Yes please.”
Harry grabbed an empty cup and it filled with water. He passed it to me and I gulped it down in seconds. I then put the cup back on the table.
“So I take Ginny doesn’t like you.”
The blood disappeared from my face; what did he know?
“And vice versa?”
“If you’re talking about the bludger thing... it was something Dalton did...” I couldn’t place what had happened besides Dalton’s angry expression. It took a few seconds more to remember what had actually happened, though.
“He missed?” Harry offered.
I feigned forgetfulness, playing along with what he said to make life simpler. “Yeah, that was it. He never misses.”
“Yet you got the target square on. She’s on the other side of the hospital wing, out cold. Unconscious, that is.”
I tried to turn my head quickly to the opposite side of the room, but my head pounded painfully and spun rather violently. I groaned and put my hand over my eyes, my fingers tightening around my forehead.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, head’s just hatin’ me...” I mumbled in response.
I felt his other hand touch the cheek that was turned to him. The warmth of his hand sympathetically caressed the skin, but there was something missing from how it should feel.
“You probably should rest it out, hey?”
“No, it can wait.” I put my hand on top of his, both of my hands almost totally covering his one hand in mine.
“No, you’ve done a lot. And you won; you deserve it.” He smiled. He managed to get his hand out of mine and got up. He leaned over my bed and kissed my forehead. I grumbled beneath my breath – I was never one for being kissed on the head like a child - and he shook his head, chuckling, and walked away, heading for the door. The moment he was gone, I totally relaxed, quickly started to feel sleepy. Maybe my head got rattled around so much it was making me feel weird in Harry’s presence. That had to be it...
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:27 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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07-19-2010, 11:44 PM
#118 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 31
The Locket
The make-up homework I had for my time in the hospital wing was absolutely brutal. I spent all my time in the library – the one place Draco never found me but Harry always did – catching up and studying. As a result, it was insanely stressful for the rest of the rest of April. Once it hit May, though, things seemed to ease down thanks to the making-up of a full week and a half of coursework being over and being behind in everything else overall finally being finished.
It was like Hogwarts knew when I’d be done, because the first Saturday I was liberated from the shackles of make-up schoolwork was a trip to Hogsmeade. I took that day off from my general studying to take a break. Harry and I celebrated my newfound freedom by going to The Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes.
It was nearing the end of the day and Harry and I, alone, were heading back to the castle. Just as we passed the last of the village’s buildings behind us, a group of three people were walking towards us. Even at the distance, I recognized the white-blonde head of the leader.
“Come on...” I sighed, turning around.
“Rosa, it’s not that bad...” Harry turned around and grabbed my arm, stopping me.
I scoffed. “Wait and see...”
“Oi, Potter!”
I turned back around and crossed my arms, watching Draco make his way towards us, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.
“Still colour-blind?”
“Still a pompous ferret?” Harry retorted.
“Come on...” I tried pulling Harry away again. I didn’t want to be near Draco right now, especially with Harry. He just pulled out of my hold.
“Do all your attempts of solving a problem include dragging some goons along?” he jeered further.
“Watch it,” Goyle growled.
“Don’t bother,” Draco said to Goyle, waving it off.
“You’re so weak you can’t do anything yourself?” Harry continued, pressing the matter further.
Draco pulled out his wand, holding it up at Harry threateningly. “Watch me literally tie your knickers in a knot by myself.”
If got myself in the middle of this I’d end up back in the hospital wing, I have no doubt, but that didn’t stop me from stepping in and trying to interfere. I summoned Draco’s wand the same way he attempted to do to me at Christmas and it landed in my hand.
“The only person who is getting their knickers in a knot is me,” I snapped. Draco tried to summon back his wand but I shielded it.
“Perfect...” The tip of Harry’s wand started to light up, but I summoned his wand too, taking it in the same hand while I held my own in my other hand.
“I give this back and you keep going into Hogsmeade,” I ordered, looking Draco in the eye. I then turned to Harry and said, “No matter what happens, after I give you back this, we keep going towards the castle. Alright?”
The two stood totally still while Crabbe and Goyle shifted awkwardly by Draco’s side. Draco then held out his hand and I let him summon his wand back. Harry came up to me and took his wand back into his hand. Draco and his two goons walked up and past us, but Draco just far enough away to shoulder Harry but not enough to have to slow down. I grabbed Harry’s open hand and dragged him off. I let him go when we were in the castle, but he only took my hand again and we continued on in silence until we were at our table in the library. He pulled out my chair and I sat down. I waited until he sat down across from me.
“We really have to stop meeting in the library,” I said jokingly, smiling slightly.
“I have a question.”
“Ok...” My stomach dropped and my mind beginning to race, thinking of any generic lies I could use to cover up any question he would ask.
“Why... does Malfoy care so much?”
My eyebrow rose, taken aback by his choice of words. “How do you mean?”
“Normally we ignore each other. Every time you’re around or... well heck, in general he’s been acting... pushier. More in-your-face. Why is that?”
I shrugged. “How should I know? He’s been ignoring me.”
He looked mildly suspicious. “He seemed just fine to oblige to what you said.”
I didn’t really notice or think about that. Did he give in easily to my request? Coming from a guy who hit me because I wouldn’t give into his request, I found that hard to believe.
“Last time we had a fight between who gets control of whose wand, it didn’t end well for him,” I responded, smiling at the memory.
Harry’s expression broke and he smiled, remembering what I told him about how Draco got grounded for how he ‘duelled me unfairly’ because he tried to take my wand from me at his family’s Christmas party.
“So there’s nothing going on between...?”
“Please don’t finish that sentence,” I cut in, eyes wide. “I’d have to be clinically insane before I let anything of the sort happen.”
He chuckled and reached across the table to take my hand. “Ok.”
Silence began to grow. I began to think about Kreacher again, and the horcruxes. I looked through mum’s library during Christmas break and found a book with a bit on information in a chapter about them. Now that I knew for sure how the Dark Lord’s power of staying alive worked, I was curious about what Harry would do about it. They sounded nearly impossible to destroy and just imagining what trials he’d have to go through to do it... as much as I didn’t like to think of what could happen to me or mum because of what he might do, I didn’t want him killed either. There was no way to ask, though.
Well, not upfront...
He turned to look at me, holding my eyes. “Yeah?”
“I know this was awhile ago, but I haven’t been able to completely forget it...”
His other took my hand, covering the hand he already held. “What would that be?”
“Something Kreacher brought up but couldn’t say.”
His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and he looked down at the table in thought. A look of realization hit him and he looked back up at me.
“All he could say is it had something to do with my uncle...?”
“I... don’t think that’s information you’d really want to know.” His eyes told me clearly what he was really thinking; ‘don’t you dare press the matter’. That tempted me to do just that.
“No, the thing is I started going through my mum’s books during Christmas and I found some information about something that sounds... rather horrible. I went back to Kreacher about it and he told me the story about how Regulus died.”
There was a glimmer of confusion in Harry’s eyes. “What did he tell you?”
I looked back at him, feigning a look of mystification. “Don’t you already know?”
“He refuses to bring up anything about him to me.”
“He also mentioned something about a Slytherin locket.”
His eyes widened. “What did he say?” his voice lowered into an urgent whisper.
“He mentioned a fake locket. Do you still have it?” My heart was racing; what if he did have it? This was hard enough to bring up as is. What if I reacted badly and couldn’t keep it in?
For that matter, why do I doubt myself so much nowadays? I’m a great liar, there’s no question or doubt about it. I can keep it all in, I’ve had practice.
While I was mentally reinforcing the good truth about myself, Harry let one hand go from mine and dug into his pocket. Surely enough, he pulled out a locket with a green S emblazoned on it. I took it with my spare hand and took my hand from his. I opened it and there was a folded note inside, just like Kreacher said.
“What’re you doing?”
I pulled out and opened the parchment, reading the words scrawled neatly on the parchment. To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you
read this, but I want you to know that it was
I who discovered your secret. I have stolen
the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as
soon as I can. I face death in the hope that
when you meet your match you will be mortal
once more.
R.A.B. The hand trembled slightly while the other softly grazed over the cleanly-written cursive writing. The aged, inky letters made my fingers tingle, as if I was actually touching the writer’s skin. Regulus Arcturus Black... R.A.B. I knew he was killed by the Dark Lord, or someone associated with him, and that he probably didn’t much care for the Dark Lord by the end of his life, but I denied it. Now the truth was before me. He wanted the Dark Lord to ‘meet his match’... to die. My father died for the sake of the Dark Lord being killed. It wasn’t purely for the blasted house elf after all.
“What’s wrong?”
My hands continued to tremble as I memorized ever word and folded the note back to the size it was and put it inside the opened locket. After I shut it, my hand clasped over it and my head dropped before it, my black-and-blue hair shielding my face from Harry, letting my tears fall. A liar’s life has been nothing but a lie.
I dropped the locket back onto the table. It clattered loudly, rolling back towards the middle of the table awkwardly as I got up.
“Rosa, where’re you going?”
All that came out of my mouth was a choked sob. I ran through the maze of shelves, avoiding the books that hovered and flew from shelf to shelf to organize themselves. I kept running after the librarian yelled at me not to run in the library. There were still few people in the castle as most of the students were either in their common rooms or out in Hogsmeade. I ran down the stairs and into the dungeons, only slowing to give the password to open the Slytherin house door. After that I bolted through the common room, avoiding the stares, and up into the dormitories. I threw the bedroom door open and slammed it shut.
I couldn’t even escape to the bedroom?!
“What happened?” Aurelia got up from her bed slowly.
My entire body was trembling as I stood inches before the door, my tears still falling.
“Did Potter...?”
I fell against the door and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I hugged my legs closer to me and dropped my head into my knees. I tried to push Aurelia off, desperately trying to cut myself off from the outside world, but she refused to budge. I had no choice but to fall against her and let her hug me in my fetal position.
It was so ironic; I lied to everyone I could that was around me. I thought it would be a good way to protect them from the truth, to protect myself from them. I even liked thinking that my life was as great as I let them believe; I enjoyed lying to them. That’s so sick...
But now that I’m the one that has been lied to, I hated this feeling. I’ve never felt so thick, not even noticing the obvious truth... yet this is how I have made people feel for my benefit and, sometimes, enjoyment. I’m so perverse for thinking for a second this was fun, watching people fall apart and knowing I inflicted it.
Am I really a horrible, selfish, arrogant person that lacks self-awareness as Draco had said after all?
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:27 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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07-20-2010, 01:49 AM
#119 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
Wow I've missed alot :O Great chapters PAMS !!
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08-21-2010, 09:16 AM
#120 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Apologetic rant before new chapter posting:
Um... well to begin, sorry I took forever to post this. I had technical difficulties with the chapter when I originally rewrote it (something I did since apparently something in the original version was subject to question by the mods and I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of them reading it and deciding if it was acceptable. Easier to change it since it wasn’t that big a deal)...
And then those technical difficulties just irritated me – it cut out half the stuff I wrote. I was mad, so I spent time away from it. And then I got into other work that distracted me.
But I randomly remembered this and figured I need to finish this chapter so I can finish this story and stop leaving you all hanging so often. I’m really sorry about that. A billion times over. It was all unnecessary and... yall don’t deserve it after all. You deserve a story to read.
*end apologetic rant* So in the next update, here shall be chapter 32. Revamped and ready to be read. This was all written a good six months (more, I think, but whatever) after I wrote the original story so if it sounds a bit different that’s why.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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08-21-2010, 09:24 AM
#121 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 32
The Confrontation
People claimed they were worrying about me. They claimed they didn’t understand why I seemed to have gone from being semi-social to a total loner; I ignored the general populace of the school at all costs. Even then, when some of them found me, I had barely spoken a word to them in over a month now. Well, they’re right, they don’t understand. Honestly, I don’t entirely understand either. It’s not like Harry’s given up on me or said we’re over. It’s not like he died. It’s not like Draco... like Draco... I don’t know. It’s not he died, leaving me without my punching bag.
All my life I’ve known it’s not normal to have one parent, but it happens. I’ve been told that my father was such a great person, that he led the life of a true Death Eater, right up to his supposed death by being caught in the cross-fire of Aurors that found him. I believed I had a choice in life... that I could become whatever I wanted and do whatever I wanted. I was told we were fortunate to be able to see all the places we’ve lived, to learn the cultures and languages. Mum said that I was unexpected but I was no burden... that I’m the only thing she has left of my father.
My life has been a lie. My father died trying to destroy the Dark Lord and I’m still stuck in an engagement to someone I don’t seem to have a say as to whether or not I liked anymore, let alone want to live with for the rest of my life. Because of mum’s treks around Europe, I believed that there’s no such thing as a true home, no one place to fall back on when you need it most, that friends are just there to pass by time between moving into the area and when you leave it. And, for the life of me, I can’t understand why my mum made me believe I was loved, listened to, and wanted, when she was dragging me throughout Europe in her attempts to escape the reality the one she loved is dead and he wasn’t who she believed he was, all the while arranging a marriage between me and someone I now wonder whether or not I loathe.
Ignorance really is bliss. ---
May passed roughly, between studying, sulking, and receiving more threats from the Weasley girl that I didn’t have long to decide when Harry best find out the truth. I think I threw her off when she did come back to remind me. I was reading alone in an empty corridor when I heard another set of footsteps pass through, but stop before me.
“What a big surprise; you’re alone.”
My eyes flicked up to the redhead in front of me, and then back down into my book. It was pulled from my hands in that moment.
“Give it back,” I snarled, looking up at her.
“I will, you just have to listen to me before I do.” Ginny held my book in her hands, keeping the page marked with her fingers. She held it just high enough for me to not be able to reach it without standing. I tried to summon it, but that didn’t work.
“It’s almost June, I know,” I said. My voice sounded bland to my ears.
Ginny smiled. “Exactly. You don’t have long to tell the truth until I do it for you.”
“You know what?” I got up. Ginny moved the book so I still couldn’t reach it by putting it up higher. “You may think you know the truth, you only know a few tidbits.”
“So you tell it all. Make it easier on all of us.”
“It’s not any easier on all of us if I tell. It’s not like I knew the entire truth to begin with.”
I summoned my book and it came into my hand, keeping the page open from where I had stopped. I then turned and walked away, managing to make it all the way down the hall and around the corner without being yelled at to ‘come back’ or getting my book stolen from me.
Classes were coming to a close, turning more into study sessions for the exams than learning anything new. Some teachers were running around trying to condense things we hadn’t yet learned into the few classes we did have left. As if life wasn’t hard enough; now we had to not only study what we knew but learn some new things we should’ve had more time to be taught.
I was sitting in the common room, reading through information about how to check drinks and food for poison and taking notes after a long day of classes. Tons of Slytherin students had already passed through, coming back from the Great Hall where dinner had been served an hour and a bit ago; I went in and grabbed a plate, a few things, and brought it back to the common room and ate while I studied.
Aurelia came through the portrait hole just as I’d finished my dinner.
I didn’t reply and merely flipped the page of my notebook and continued writing.
“Good to see you too...” she mumbled, passing me, one of the last few Slytherins to come in, and passed through without a word. Surprisingly, who followed had something to say.
I didn’t look up; I knew Draco’s voice.
He ripped my notebook off of my lap and held it away from me. I looked up at him and glared.
“Give it back,” I snarled.
“So you can speak?” he replied.
I reached up for it, trying to get my notebook back without having to stand up. He held it up over his head; even if I stood up, I wouldn’t be able to reach that high up he was so tall in comparison to me. I tried summoning it, but the book only wiggled in his hand before the spell was blocked.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” I growled. “Or get up.”
“Or what? You won’t talk?” he jeered.
Well, I had warned him. I jumped up and grabbed my ink bottle, holding it up warningly. Draco did step back, but he didn’t let go of my book.
“Didn’t we go over this?” he asked, his eyes falling upon the ink bottle momentarily before looking at me again.
“I can ask you the same. Give. It. Back.”
He challenged my gaze. The moment his lips twitched into a sneer, I wound my arm back and threw the ink bottle at him, aiming to literally wipe that smirk off his face. I saw right through his attempt to protect himself and counteracted it with a spell to break his shield, one I’d just been studying. When he realized what I’d done, he merely ducked. He was so close to missing the ink bottle smashing in his face it skimmed over top of his head, ruffling a few hairs in the process. It went right into the wall and exploded in a black, blotchy mess, dripping to the floor.
When he stood upright, he sighed. “Honestly, Rosa, you’re ever overdramatic,” he said with a hint of condescension. “Haven’t you learned?”
“Give me. My. Book,” I repeated, clenching my teeth until it hurt.
Draco had been alone when he arrived, but when the portrait hole opened, Crabbe and Goyle stepped through.
“You have a problem. What is it?”
My eyebrows rose. He just wiggled the book in his hand. “You want this back?”
At this point, I had a feeling I could live without it. Either way, he would have to sleep eventually; I could just get it then. But then again, I didn’t touch my dessert...
“Hey, Goyle...” I started to say, turning my attention to him. Out of the two, he was a bit... less moronic behind the wand. “I haven’t touched dessert yet, and you still look a little hungry. If you...”
“Don’t even think about it,” Draco cut in, his tone low as he turned his head to look at Goyle.
“Wha’?” he was just as confused as Crabbe had started to appear the moment I directed my comment about dessert specifically at Goyle.
“Can you two just go?” Draco asked in as calm a tone as he could clearly muster.
They grumbled to each other and walked away, leaving the common room, once again, devoid of people. Everyone was getting in their last few hours of sun or quiet studying. They’d all learned by now to clear the room when Draco and I are in the same room acknowledging each others’ existence, too.
“If you refuse to tell me what’s wrong, in the least riddle me this; what happened to you?” he turned back to me. “You’re still with Potter.” He added that through gritted teeth.
I shrugged. “Yeah, so?”
“I understand you think you’re better than everyone and as a result of such a dreadful life of dragging your bottom across Europe with no one to understand you but your mother...” I was really considering what I could stuff in his mouth to give him the idea to never sarcastically talk about my past ever again. “But even in the last while you’ve come to open up to people on different levels. Now you’re shutting out everyone. Why?”
I didn’t reply. Why couldn’t he get I just wanted to read and study my books in silence? Studying is much easier alone, after all. Then again, it’s not like he cares for studying, why should I expect him to get that?
“You can get your precious book much quicker if you just...”
I tried summoning my book, muttering a simple ‘accio textbook’. Draco did lose the book from his hand for a moment, taken aback by my sudden spell, but he was stronger than me, more powerful; it was back in his hand a moment later.
“You really thought it’d be that easy?” his eyebrow cocked contemptuously. “It’s a simple question, Rose...”
“Do. Not. Rose. Me,” I snarled viciously.
“Then don’t. Make. Me,” he retorted, mimicking my tone.
Why does he care so much? What does it matter to him whether or not I’m acknowledging people I know in my life? Shouldn’t he be happy I’m ignoring him? It’s been pretty awkward between us since that night we brought Parkinson to the hospital wing; this should be a good thing for him.
“We’re concerned,” he continued in a normal tone. “This attitude of yours, the way you sulk about, all alone. Your mum’s considering taking you out early...”
“She is not,” I scoffed. What would it be punishment for? Studying more? And to think that I thought Draco knew how to lie.
Draco laughed at that. “You’re not the only one she sends letters to.”
My eyes narrowed suspiciously on him. “What have you been telling her?”
He dropped the arm holding the book up only to cross both arms, keeping the book in hand despite his show of indignation. “The truth; you’ve been acting depressed, shutting out any form of life around you, and we’re concerned about your questionable sanity.”
It was the second time he said that, ‘we’re concerned’.
“You’re making this bigger than it is,” I snapped. “And what do you mean, we?”
“Your friends and acquaintances,” he responded as though it was obvious.
The portrait hole opened. Simultaneously, our eyes snapped to it, our head following suit a moment later. The person that had stepped one foot inside stopped, looked between us, and turned around without another word. Once the portrait hole slammed shut, I turned my attention to him, ignoring the fact he was still turned partially away from me.
“You mean you and Aurelia?” I crossed my arms as well, just as indignant as he was.
“No, I mean everyone you have some sort of relationship with, be it close friends with Aurelia, more distant friends like Daphne or acquaintances like Crabbe and Goyle.”
“What about you? What do you consider yourself?” I pressed, both irritated and curious.
“What I am.” He smirked, his pale grey eyes shimmering with a sentiment I could only place as glee. I’d like to think it was some sort of perverse glee based on what he said next. “Your fiancé.”
I scoffed and spun on my heel, storming out. I could get my book later tonight or tomorrow morning, it isn’t that important.
“And,” Draco added, his voice rising. “Believe it or not, I know you better than you think. It’s not me, it’s not Potter, it’s no one in particular in this school having a problem with you; what is it?”
“It’s none of your business!” I kept walking.
“Does it have something to do with Potter, nonetheless?”
I stopped in my tracks. He really had to drop the notion this has to do with Harry before I made him.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked flatly, refusing to turn around just yet.
“Did he do something against you? Show you something, maybe?”
The blood in my face disappeared as I paled. “What makes you say that?”
“A speculation... and I do know people that visit the library.”
I spun around, my fists clenching. “You know the truth don’t you?” My knuckles were becoming stiff, pained from being clenched so tight.
He looked back at me innocently and shrugged. “You were holding something, read it, ran out in tears. You can’t handle crying from anyone, be it a friend or yourself.”
I could feel the tears well in my eyes, but I swallowed hard and fought them back. I wasn’t about to show weakness, let alone to Draco Malfoy.
“Why do you insist on pushing into every part of my life? Can’t you just let me live with some secrecy?” I demanded.
He let his arms fall from their folded position, going so far as tossing my book on the ground. Its fall resulted in a resounding thud. I didn’t summon it just yet; it could be a trick for all I knew.
“You try and create that yourself; with all the secrets you’ve been building up on, I kind of have to ‘push into every part of your life’,” Draco responded, putting air quotes around what I had said. “You might think I’m lying when I say it, but I really do care. You’ve turned your backs on everyone over something that’s probably out of your own control... taking out your confusion and pain on the only people you can; your friends.”
I was breaking at his words... and I couldn’t stop. I bit my trembling lip, but that didn’t stop it, that only made it start to bleed. Bleeding at least made sense; the building tears didn’t.
“Look, I get it; you’ve spent a good chunk of your life alone, you’re used to it. That doesn’t mean there aren’t others here now to help. What is it?” Draco pressed, his voice softening.
“Why can’t you just call me an ignorant, arrogant prick, hit me down, and get on with your life?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper. “Tell me the truth; you’re the only one that ever seemed to be able to do that.”
Draco blinked and cocked his head to the side slightly, confused and taken aback.
“The web of lies blew up, didn’t it?”
I shook my head. “No.” But it will...
I turned around as my thoughts drifted to when it would. A choked sob escaped from my mouth and I began to walk away again. I wasn’t about to show weakness, least of all in front of Draco Malfoy...
But just two steps from the entrance to the girls’ dormitories I felt a hand on my shoulder turn me around. Instinctively, I wanted to fight it, but the feeling of softness that resonated through me at the touch... it was more than enough to break me.
I couldn’t take it; I fell into him, pulling him into a hug as my tears fell. His arms tightened around me, holding me together. And in this moment, I couldn’t care less it was Draco Malfoy seeing my weakness. He wasn’t using it against me. He was... accepting it. In a way I never knew he could.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 08-21-2010 at 09:32 AM.
Reason: grammar =o
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08-26-2010, 08:26 PM
#122 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 33
The Exams
Dread became my companion throughout the exams. Each exam that was finished brought me one step closer to graduation. I was trying to figure out what I could tell Harry before Ginny said anything. On top of that, I still didn’t know what to do, think, and feel about Draco. The more I thought about it all, the worse I felt.
Lately I had been trying to rise over this thing of wallowing in self-pity that was causing me to avoid company, but it was harder than I thought, especially with the thoughts about what was to come with Harry and me. It took reminders of how much limited time I had with him before the end of the year and the inevitable truth I’d have to admit to him. And just remembering everyone else – they stuck by me even when they realized I hadn’t told them whole truths. As much as it felt as though it was wrong to say, I didn’t need to be alone anymore.
It was June 18th. Our last exam was the DADA test. When I finished, I hurried out and grabbed my things and left the room. I hurried down to the Slytherin common room and up to my dormitory.
“Finally finished?”
“Yeah, that last question was the hardest.”
I slammed the door behind me and threw my things onto the chair. I looked at Aurelia, who looked back at me. Our smiles grew until we screamed and jumped happily. When we made it to the centre of the room, we hugged and jumped around in a circle.
“Ok, moment’s over.” I let go of Aurelia and brushed down the wrinkles of my robes.
“It’s hard to believe we don’t have school ever again,” she babbled excitedly.
“Yeah, no more dormitories, courses, studying... it’ll be nice.” I smiled and turned around, emptying out the books from my bag and sorting them out, putting them into my trunks. Aurelia started to do the same. It didn’t take too long.
“Ok, I’ll be back later,” I said, getting up and taking off my Slytherin robes, showing my daily clothes beneath.
“Ok.” Aurelia didn’t turn around from her packing job.
I left the dormitory and went down the hall and into the common room. Draco had just entered, Crabbe and Goyle following close behind. I ignored his piercing eyes as they followed me through the common room and past him. I left the common room and made my way down and through the corridors, all the way up to the library. I found a book and my usual table and sat down, reading and waiting. I finished three chapters until I got what I was waiting for.
I put my book down and turned around. Harry bent down and kissed me. When he pulled away, he sat down opposite to me.
“How do you think you did?” I asked, smiling slightly.
“Hopefully well,” he drawled in response. “That last question was nearly impossible.”
“I agree; that one took the longest. I already repressed the memory of taking that test.”
Harry laughed. “You have an amazing memory, then.”
I smirked. “I sure do.”
He took my hand beneath the table. “I can’t believe it’s the last day. No more school.”
I nodded in agreement. “Weird to think we won’t come back here.”
“Getting jobs... getting out there... scary thought.”
I squeezed his hand reassuringly. “It won’t be that bad.” I wasn’t even sure if I was going to get a job or not. My mum sure liked to point out in her letters I wouldn’t need one; that I wouldn’t need to do anything. It’s not something I’m looking forward too – I’ll need a life after all. If I do nothing for the next 50 some-odd years... I’d be dead before then. Dying of boredom would be all too literal.
“We’ll see.” He looked at the book I’d left marked by being opened cover-up on the table. He turned his head so he could read it. “A History of Magic... oh, Rosa, come on...”
I blushed sheepishly. It was the first book I grabbed from the shelf and I was too lazy to put it back when I realized what I grabbed.
“Just like Hermione,” he joked.
I chuckled, hiding my irritation at being compared to Granger.
“Oh, speaking of my friends, I spoke to Ginny after the exam...”
My stomach began to drop, the butterflies growing in intensity quickly.
“She said you had something to tell me?”
My mind raced, trying to think up a quick response that would buy me time.
“So you two are friends too, or...?”
“No, not really,” I cut in quickly. “She likes to think so, though.”
His eyebrow rose, contemplating my words. “So is she right – do you have something to tell me?”
I shrugged. “It can wait.”
He was about to reply, but I claimed his mouth before he could speak. I didn’t want to deal with this now; I still needed more time. I’d lost so much throughout the year; if he didn’t react well to the truth, I would like a few last memories before that happened.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:28 PM.
Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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08-28-2010, 02:49 AM
#123 (permalink)
|  SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] I am reading. ^__^
I love your style! Your prose is excellent, and you have a nice way with the characters, their emotions. This has been one of the few HP fan fictions that has pulled me in, made me want to read more.
Frankly, I don't want an update, because I don't want this to end. But yes, I do want you to update. See the dilemma?
Good job.
:] |
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08-28-2010, 09:08 AM
#124 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Aww thanks! That's always nice to hear I'm very glad to hear/know that you've enjoyed this story and stuck it through right to the now-near-end.
And I actually had a good idea for a sequel that would include some awesomely messed up Draco/Rosa/Harry (tension and all), one I sort of started, but I don't know if I'll go through with it. So it may or may not be the end technically speaking 
Lol! I see and totally understand your dilemma. Oh the hard decisions of life... always so difficult x_x
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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08-28-2010, 10:27 AM
#125 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,232
Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla "LaLa" Williams Second Year | Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)
Amazing chapters  PAMS!!
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